1 | ; $Id: EfiThunk.asm 24839 2009-11-21 09:50:32Z vboxsync $
2 | ;; @file
3 | ; 16-bit EFI Thunk - 16-bit code executed immediately after CPU startup/reset,
4 | ; performs minimal setup, switches CPU to 32-bit mode
5 | ; and passes control to the 32-bit firmware entry point
6 | ;
7 | ;; @todo yasm 0.8.0 got binary sections which could simplify things in this file,
8 | ; see: http://www.tortall.net/projects/yasm/manual/html/manual.html#objfmt-bin-section
9 |
10 | ;
11 | ; Copyright (C) 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
12 | ;
13 | ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
14 | ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
15 | ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
16 | ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
17 | ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
18 | ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
19 | ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
20 | ;
21 | ; Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
22 | ; Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
23 | ; additional information or have any questions.
24 | ;
25 |
26 | ;*******************************************************************************
27 | ;* Defined Constants And Macros *
28 | ;*******************************************************************************
29 | ;; we'll use no more than 128 vectors atm
30 | %define IDT_VECTORS 128
31 | ;; keep in sync with actual GDT size
32 | %define GDT_SELECTORS 10
33 |
34 |
35 | ;*******************************************************************************
36 | ;* Header Files *
37 | ;*******************************************************************************
38 | %include "VBox/asmdefs.mac"
39 | %include "VBox/x86.mac"
40 | %include "DevEFI.mac"
41 |
42 | ;
43 | ; 0xfffff000/0xf000 - Where we start.
44 | ;
45 | ORG 0xf000
46 |
47 | ;
48 | ; 0xfffff000/0xf000 - Parameters passed by DevEFI, DEVEFIINFO.
49 | ;
50 | DevEfiParameters:
51 | times DEVEFIINFO_size db 0
52 |
53 | ;
54 | ; The IDT.
55 | ; The first 16 vectors have dedicated handlers to ease debugging.
56 | ; The remaining uses a common handler.
57 | ;
58 | align 16
59 | efi_thunk_IDT:
60 | %assign i 0
61 | %rep 16
62 | dw Trap_ %+ i, 0x10, 0x8e00, 0xffff
63 | %assign i i+1
64 | %endrep
65 | times IDT_VECTORS-16 dw DefaultTrap, 0x10, 0x8e00, 0xffff
66 |
67 |
68 | ;
69 | ; The GDT.
70 | ; Note! Keep this in sync with GDT_SELECTORS.
71 | ;
72 | align 16
73 | efi_thunk_GDT:
74 | dw 0, 0, 0, 0 ; null selector
75 | dw 0, 0, 0, 0 ; ditto
76 | dw 0xffff, 0, 0x9b00, 0x00cf ; 32 bit flat code segment (0x10)
77 | dw 0xffff, 0, 0x9300, 0x00cf ; 32 bit flat data segment (0x18)
78 | dw 0xffff, 0, 0x9b00, 0x0000 ; 16 bit code segment base=0xf0000 limit=0xffff - FIXME: the base is 0, not f0000 here.
79 | dw 0xffff, 0, 0x9300, 0x0000 ; 16 bit data segment base=0x0 limit=0xffff - FIXME: ditto.
80 | dw 0xffff, 0, 0x9300, 0x00cf ; 32 bit flat stack segment (0x30)
81 | dw 0xffff, 0, 0x9a00, 0x00af ; 64 bit flat code segment (0x38)
82 | dw 0, 0, 0, 0 ; ditto
83 | dw 0, 0, 0, 0 ; ditto
84 |
85 | ;; For lidt
86 | efi_thunk_idtr:
87 | dw 8*IDT_VECTORS-1 ; limit 15:00
88 | dw efi_thunk_IDT ; base 15:00
89 | db 0x0f ; base 23:16
90 | db 0x00 ; unused
91 |
92 | ;; For lgdt
93 | efi_thunk_gdtr:
94 | dw 8*GDT_SELECTORS-1 ; limit 15:00
95 | dw efi_thunk_GDT ; base 15:00
96 | db 0x0f ; base 23:16
97 | db 0x00 ; unused
98 |
99 | BITS 32
100 |
101 | ;;
102 | ; The default trap/interrupt handler.
103 | ;
104 | DefaultTrap:
105 | push ebp
106 | mov ebp, esp
108 | mov edx, EFI_PANIC_PORT
109 | out dx, al
110 | jmp HaltForEver
111 |
112 | ;;
113 | ; Generate 16 Trap_N handlers that pushes trap number on the stack.
114 | %assign i 0
115 | %rep 16
116 | Trap_ %+ i:
117 | push ebp ; Create a valid stackframe for the debugger. (not
118 | push byte i ; quite true if there is an error value pushed)
119 | jmp CommonTrap
120 | %assign i i+1
121 | %endrep
122 |
123 | ;;
124 | ; Common trap handler for the 16 dedicated ones.
125 | ;
126 | CommonTrap:
127 | lea ebp, [esp + 4] ; stack frame part 2.
128 | push edx
129 | push eax
130 | mov edx, EFI_PANIC_PORT
132 | out dx, al
133 |
134 | HaltForEver:
135 | cli
136 | hlt
137 | jmp short HaltForEver ; In case of NMI.
138 |
139 | BITS 16
140 | ;;
141 | ; This i the place where we jump immediately after boot and
142 | ; switch the CPU into protected mode.
143 | ;
144 | genesis:
145 | %ifdef DISABLED_CODE
146 | ; Say 'Hi' to the granny!
147 | mov al, 0x41
148 | mov dx, EFI_DEBUG_PORT
149 | out dx, al
150 | %endif
151 | cli ; paranoia
152 |
153 |
154 | ; enable a20
155 | in al, 0x92
156 | or al, 0x02
157 | out 0x92, al
158 |
159 | ; check that we loaded in the right place
160 | cmp word [cs:efi_thunk_gdtr], 8*GDT_SELECTORS-1
161 | je load_ok
162 | ; panic if our offset is wrong, which most likely means invalid ORG
163 | mov ax, EFI_PANIC_CMD_BAD_ORG
164 | mov dx, EFI_PANIC_PORT
165 | out dx, al
166 | load_ok:
167 |
168 | ; load IDTR and GDTR.
169 | cs lidt [efi_thunk_idtr]
170 | cs lgdt [efi_thunk_gdtr]
171 |
172 | ; set PE bit in CR0, not paged
173 | mov eax, cr0
174 | or al, X86_CR0_PE
175 | mov cr0, eax
176 |
177 | ; start protected mode code: ljmpl 0x10:code_32
178 | db 0x66, 0xea
179 | dw code_32 ; low offset word
180 | dw 0xffff ; high offset word
181 | dw 0x0010 ; protected mode CS selector
182 |
183 | ;
184 | ; At this point we're in 32-bit protected mode
185 | ;
186 | BITS 32
187 | code_32:
188 | ; load some segments
189 | mov ax, 0x18 ; Flat 32-bit data segment
190 | mov ds, ax
191 | mov es, ax
192 | mov ax, 0x30 ; Flat 32-bit stack segment
193 | mov ss, ax
194 | ; load the null selector into FS/GS (catches unwanted accesses)
195 | xor ax, ax
196 | mov gs, ax
197 | mov fs, ax
198 |
199 | ;
200 | ; Switch stack, have it start at the last page before 2M
201 | ;
202 | mov esp, 0xfffff000;
203 |
204 | ;
205 | ; Jump to 32-bit entry point of the firmware, interrupts still disabled.
206 | ;
207 | ; It's up to the firmware init code to setup a working IDT (and optionally
208 | ; GDT and TSS) before enabling interrupts. It may also switch the stack
209 | ; around all it wants for all we care.
210 | ;
211 | mov eax,[0xfffff000 + DEVEFIINFO.fFlags]
212 | and eax, DEVEFI_INFO_FLAGS_AMD64
213 | jnz trampoline_64
214 | mov ebp, [0xfffff000 + DEVEFIINFO.PhysFwVol]
215 | mov esi, [0xfffff000 + DEVEFIINFO.pfnFirmwareEP]
216 | mov edi, [0xfffff000 + DEVEFIINFO.pfnPeiEP]
217 | jmp [0xfffff000 + DEVEFIINFO.pfnFirmwareEP]
218 | jmp HaltForEver
219 | trampoline_64:
220 | %macro fill_pkt 1
221 | %%loop:
222 | mov [ebx],eax
223 | xor edx,edx
224 | mov [ebx + 4], edx
225 | add ebx, 8
226 | add eax, %1
227 | loop %%loop
228 | %endmacro
229 |
230 | %define base 0x800000;0xfffff000
231 | mov ecx, 0x800 ; pde size
232 | mov ebx, base - (6 << X86_PAGE_4K_SHIFT)
233 | xor eax, eax
234 | ;; or flags to eax
235 | or eax, (X86_PDE_P|X86_PDE_A|X86_PDE_PS|X86_PDE_PCD|X86_PDE_RW|RT_BIT(6))
236 | fill_pkt (1 << X86_PAGE_2M_SHIFT)
237 |
238 | ;; pdpt (1st 4 entries describe 4Gb)
239 | mov ebx, base - (2 << X86_PAGE_4K_SHIFT)
240 | mov eax, base - (6 << X86_PAGE_4K_SHIFT) ;;
241 | or eax, (X86_PDPE_P|X86_PDPE_RW|X86_PDPE_A|X86_PDPE_PCD)
242 | mov [ebx],eax
243 | xor edx,edx
244 | mov [ebx + 4], edx
245 | add ebx, 8
246 |
247 | mov eax, base - 5 * (1 << X86_PAGE_4K_SHIFT) ;;
248 | or eax, (X86_PDPE_P|X86_PDPE_RW|X86_PDPE_A|X86_PDPE_PCD)
249 | mov [ebx],eax
250 | xor edx,edx
251 | mov [ebx + 4], edx
252 | add ebx, 8
253 |
254 | mov eax, base - 4 * (1 << X86_PAGE_4K_SHIFT) ;;
255 | or eax, (X86_PDPE_P|X86_PDPE_RW|X86_PDPE_A|X86_PDPE_PCD)
256 | mov [ebx],eax
257 | xor edx,edx
258 | mov [ebx + 4], edx
259 | add ebx, 8
260 |
261 | mov eax, base - 3 * (1 << X86_PAGE_4K_SHIFT) ;;
262 | or eax, (X86_PDPE_P|X86_PDPE_RW|X86_PDPE_A|X86_PDPE_PCD)
263 | mov [ebx],eax
264 | xor edx,edx
265 | mov [ebx + 4], edx
266 | add ebx, 8
267 |
268 | mov ecx, 0x1f7 ; pdte size
269 | mov ebx, base - 2 * (1 << X86_PAGE_4K_SHIFT) + 4 * 8
270 | mov eax, base - 6 * (1 << X86_PAGE_4K_SHIFT);;
271 | or eax, (X86_PDPE_P|X86_PDPE_RW|X86_PDPE_A|X86_PDPE_PCD)
272 | ;; or flags to eax
273 | fill_pkt 3 * (1 << X86_PAGE_4K_SHIFT)
274 |
275 | mov ecx, 0x200 ; pml4 size
276 | mov ebx, base - (1 << X86_PAGE_4K_SHIFT)
277 | mov eax, base - 2 * (1 << X86_PAGE_4K_SHIFT) ;;
278 | or eax, (X86_PML4E_P|X86_PML4E_PCD|X86_PML4E_A|X86_PML4E_RW)
279 | ;; or flags to eax
280 | fill_pkt 0
281 |
282 | mov eax, base - (1 << X86_PAGE_4K_SHIFT)
283 | mov cr3, eax
284 |
285 |
286 | mov eax,cr4
287 | or eax, X86_CR4_PAE|X86_CR4_OSFSXR|X86_CR4_OSXMMEEXCPT
288 | mov cr4,eax
289 |
290 | mov ecx, MSR_K6_EFER
291 | rdmsr
292 | or eax, MSR_K6_EFER_LME
293 | wrmsr
294 |
295 | mov eax, cr0
296 | or eax, X86_CR0_PG
297 | mov cr0, eax
298 | jmp compat
299 | compat:
300 | jmp 0x38:0xffff0000 + efi_64
301 | BITS 64
302 | efi_64:
303 | mov ebp, [0xff009] ; DEVEFIINFO.PhysFwVol
304 | mov esi, [0xff000]; + DEVEFIINFO.pfnFirmwareEP]
305 | mov edi, [0xff000 + 0x28]; + DEVEFIINFO.pfnPeiEP]
306 | jmp [0xff000]; + DEVEFIINFO.pfnFirmwareEP]
307 | jmp HaltForEver
308 |
309 | ;
310 | ; 0xfffffff0/0xfff0 - This is where the CPU starts executing.
311 | ;
312 | ;; @todo yasm 0.8.0: SECTION .text start=0fff0h vstart=0fff0h ?
313 | times 0xff0-$+DevEfiParameters db 0cch ; Note! $ isn't moved by ORG (yasm v0.6.2).
314 | cpu_start:
315 | BITS 16
316 | jmp genesis
317 | dw 0xdead
318 | dw 0xbeaf
319 | times (16 - 7) db 0cch
320 | end: