1 | /*
2 | * Copyright (C) 2008 Maarten Lankhorst
3 | *
4 | * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 | * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 | * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 | *
9 | * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 | * Lesser General Public License for more details.
13 | *
14 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 | * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16 | * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
17 | */
18 |
19 | /*
20 | * Oracle LGPL Disclaimer: For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice
21 | * other than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Oracle elects to use only
22 | * the Lesser General Public License version 2.1 (LGPLv2) at this time for any software where
23 | * a choice of LGPL license versions is made available with the language indicating
24 | * that LGPLv2 or any later version may be used, or where a choice of which version
25 | * of the LGPL is applied is otherwise unspecified.
26 | */
27 |
28 | cpp_quote("#if 0")
29 | typedef DWORD IDirectDrawSurface7;
30 | typedef DWORD IDirectDraw7;
33 | typedef struct { DWORD dw1, dw2; } DDCOLORKEY;
34 | cpp_quote("#endif")
35 | cpp_quote("#include <ddraw.h>")
36 |
37 | interface IVMRSurface;
38 | interface IVMRSurfaceAllocator;
39 | interface IVMRSurfaceAllocatorNotify;
40 | interface IVMRImagePresenter;
41 | interface IVMRImagePresenterNotify;
42 | interface IVMRWindowlessControl;
43 | interface IVMRMixerControl;
44 | interface IVMRMixerBitmap;
45 | interface IVMRFilterConfig;
46 | interface IVMRAspectRatioControl;
47 | interface IVMRDeinterlaceControl;
48 | interface IVMRMonitorConfig;
49 | interface IVMRImageCompositor;
50 | interface IVMRVideoStreamControl;
51 |
52 | typedef enum _VMRPresentationFlags
53 | {
54 | VMRSample_SyncPoint = 0x01,
55 | VMRSample_Preroll = 0x02,
56 | VMRSample_Discontinuity = 0x04,
57 | VMRSample_TimeValid = 0x08,
58 | VMRSample_SrcDstRectsValid = 0x10
59 | } VMRPresentationFlags;
60 |
61 | typedef struct tagVMRPRESENTATIONINFO
62 | {
63 | DWORD dwFlags;
64 | IDirectDrawSurface7 *lpSurf;
65 | REFERENCE_TIME rtStart, rtEnd;
66 | SIZE szAspectRatio;
67 | RECT rcSrc, rcDst;
68 | DWORD dwTypeSpecificFlags;
69 | DWORD dwInterlaceFlags;
71 |
72 | [
73 | local,
74 | object,
75 | uuid(ce704fe7-e71e-41fb-baa2-c4403e1182f5),
76 | helpstring("IVMRImagePresenter interface"),
77 | pointer_default(unique)
78 | ]
79 | interface IVMRImagePresenter : IUnknown
80 | {
81 | HRESULT StartPresenting([in] DWORD_PTR id);
82 | HRESULT StopPresenting([in] DWORD_PTR id);
83 | HRESULT PresentImage([in] DWORD_PTR id, [in] VMRPRESENTATIONINFO *info);
84 | };
85 |
86 | typedef enum _VMRSurfaceAllocationFlags
87 | {
89 | AMAP_3D_TARGET = 0x02,
90 | AMAP_ALLOW_SYSMEM = 0x04,
91 | AMAP_FORCE_SYSMEM = 0x08,
93 | AMAP_DXVA_TARGET = 0x20
94 | } VMRSurfaceAllocationFlags;
95 |
96 | typedef struct tagVMRALLOCATIONINFO
97 | {
98 | DWORD dwFlags;
101 | SIZE szAspectRatio;
102 | DWORD dwMinBuffers;
103 | DWORD dwMaxBuffers;
104 | DWORD dwInterlaceFlags;
105 | SIZE szNativeSize;
107 |
108 | [
109 | local,
110 | object,
111 | uuid(31ce832e-4484-458b-8cca-f4d7e3db0b52),
112 | helpstring("IVMRSurfaceAllocator interface"),
113 | pointer_default(unique)
114 | ]
115 | interface IVMRSurfaceAllocator : IUnknown
116 | {
117 | HRESULT AllocateSurface([in] DWORD_PTR id, [in] VMRALLOCATIONINFO *allocinfo, [in, out] DWORD *buffers, IDirectDrawSurface7 **surface);
118 | HRESULT FreeSurface([in] DWORD_PTR id);
119 | HRESULT PrepareSurface([in] DWORD_PTR id, [in] IDirectDrawSurface7 *surface, [in] DWORD dwSurfaceFlags);
120 | HRESULT AdviseNotify([in] IVMRSurfaceAllocatorNotify *notify);
121 | };
122 |
123 | [
124 | local,
125 | object,
126 | uuid(aada05a8-5a4e-4729-af0b-cea27aed51e2),
127 | helpstring("IVMRSurfaceAllocatorNotify interface"),
128 | pointer_default(unique)
129 | ]
130 | interface IVMRSurfaceAllocatorNotify : IUnknown
131 | {
132 | HRESULT AdviseSurfaceAllocator([in] DWORD_PTR id, [in] IVMRSurfaceAllocator *allocator);
133 | HRESULT SetDDrawDevice([in] IDirectDraw7 *device, [in] HMONITOR monitor);
134 | HRESULT ChangeDDrawDevice([in] IDirectDraw7 *device, [in] HMONITOR monitor);
135 | HRESULT RestoreDDrawSurfaces();
136 | HRESULT NotifyEvent([in] LONG EventCode, [in] LONG_PTR p1, [in] LONG_PTR p2);
137 | HRESULT SetBorderColor([in] COLORREF border);
138 | };
139 |
140 | typedef enum _VMR_ASPECT_RATIO_MODE
141 | {
145 |
146 | [
147 | local,
148 | object,
149 | uuid(0eb1088c-4dcd-46f0-878f-39dae86a51b7),
150 | helpstring("IVMRWindowlessControl interface"),
151 | pointer_default(unique)
152 | ]
153 | interface IVMRWindowlessControl : IUnknown
154 | {
155 | HRESULT GetNativeVideoSize([out] LONG *width, [out] LONG *height, [out] LONG *ar_width, [out] LONG *ar_height);
156 | HRESULT GetMinIdealVideoSize([out] LONG *width, [out] LONG *height);
157 | HRESULT GetMaxIdealVideoSize([out] LONG *width, [out] LONG *height);
158 | HRESULT SetVideoPosition([in] const RECT *src_rect, [in] const RECT *dst_rect);
159 | HRESULT GetVideoPosition([out] RECT *src_rect, [out] RECT *dst_rect);
160 | HRESULT GetAspectRatioMode([out] DWORD *mode);
161 | HRESULT SetAspectRatioMode([in] DWORD mode);
162 | HRESULT SetVideoClippingWindow([in] HWND hwnd);
163 | HRESULT RepaintVideo([in] HWND hwnd, [in] HDC hdc);
164 | HRESULT DisplayModeChanged();
165 | HRESULT GetCurrentImage([out] BYTE **data);
166 | HRESULT SetBorderColor([in] COLORREF border);
167 | HRESULT GetBorderColor([out] COLORREF *border);
168 | HRESULT SetColorKey([in] COLORREF key);
169 | HRESULT GetColorKey([out] COLORREF *key);
170 | };
171 |
172 | typedef enum _VMRMixerPrefs
173 | {
174 | MixerPref_NoDecimation = 0x0001,
175 | MixerPref_DecimateOutput = 0x0002,
176 | MixerPref_ARAdjustXorY = 0x0004,
177 | MixerPref_DecimationReserved = 0x0008,
178 | MixerPref_DecimateMask = 0x000f,
179 |
180 | MixerPref_BiLinearFiltering = 0x0010,
181 | MixerPref_PointFiltering = 0x0020,
182 | MixerPref_FinteringMask = 0x00f0,
183 |
184 | MixerPref_RenderTargetRGB = 0x0100,
185 | MixerPref_RenderTargetYUV = 0x1000,
186 | MixerPref_RenderTargetYUV420 = 0x0200,
187 | MixerPref_RenderTargetYUV422 = 0x0400,
188 | MixerPref_RenderTargetYUV444 = 0x0800,
189 | MixerPref_RenderTargetReserved = 0xe000,
190 | MixerPref_RenderTargetMask = 0xff00,
191 |
192 | MixerPref_DynamicSwitchToBOB = 0x10000,
193 | MixerPref_DynamicDecimateBy2 = 0x20000,
194 | MixerPref_DynamicReserved = 0xc0000,
195 | MixerPref_DynamicMask = 0xf0000
196 | } VMRMixerPrefs;
197 |
198 | typedef struct _NORMALIZEDRECT
199 | {
200 | FLOAT left, top, right, bottom;
202 |
203 | [
204 | local,
205 | object,
206 | uuid(1c1a17b0-bed0-415d-974b-dc6696131599),
207 | helpstring("IVMRMixerControl interface"),
208 | pointer_default(unique)
209 | ]
210 | interface IVMRMixerControl : IUnknown
211 | {
212 | HRESULT SetAlpha([in] DWORD id, [in] FLOAT alpha);
213 | HRESULT GetAlpha([in] DWORD id, [out] FLOAT *alpha);
214 | HRESULT SetZOrder([in] DWORD id, [in] DWORD z);
215 | HRESULT GetZOrder([in] DWORD id, [out] DWORD *z);
216 | HRESULT SetOutputRect([in] DWORD id, [in] const NORMALIZEDRECT *rect);
217 | HRESULT SetBackgroundClr([in] COLORREF background);
218 | HRESULT GetBackgroundClr([out] COLORREF *background);
219 | HRESULT SetMixingPrefs([in] DWORD prefs);
220 | HRESULT GetMixingPrefs([out] DWORD *prefs);
221 | };
222 |
223 | typedef struct tagVMRGUID
224 | {
225 | struct _GUID *pGUID, GUID;
226 | } VMRGUID;
227 |
228 | #define VMRDEVICENAMELEN 32
230 |
231 | typedef struct tagVMRMONITORINFO
232 | {
233 | VMRGUID guid;
234 | RECT rcMonitor;
235 | HMONITOR hMon;
236 | DWORD dwFlags;
239 | LARGE_INTEGER liDriverVersion;
240 | DWORD dwVendorId;
241 | DWORD dwDeviceId;
242 | DWORD dwSubSysId;
243 | DWORD dwRevision;
245 |
246 | [
247 | local,
248 | object,
249 | uuid(9cf0b1b6-fbaa-4b7f-88cf-cf1f130a0dce),
250 | helpstring("IVMRMonitorConfig interface"),
251 | pointer_default(unique)
252 | ]
253 | interface IVMRMonitorConfig : IUnknown
254 | {
255 | HRESULT SetMonitor([in] const VMRGUID *vmrguid);
256 | HRESULT GetMonitor([out] VMRGUID *vmrguid);
257 | HRESULT SetDefaultMonitor([in] const VMRGUID *vmrguid);
258 | HRESULT GetDefaultMonitor([out] VMRGUID *vmrguid);
259 | HRESULT GetAvailableMonitors([out, size_is(array_size)] VMRMONITORINFO *info, [in] DWORD array_size, [out] DWORD *retrieved);
260 | }
261 |
262 | typedef enum _VMRRenderPrefs
263 | {
264 | RenderPrefs_RestrictToInitialMonitor = 0x00,
265 | RenderPrefs_ForceOffScreen = 0x01,
266 | RenderPrefs_ForceOverlays = 0x02,
267 | RenderPrefs_AllowOverlays = 0x00,
268 | RenderPrefs_AllowOffscreen = 0x00,
269 | RenderPrefs_DoNotRenderColorKeyAndBorder = 0x08,
270 | RenderPrefs_Reserved = 0x10,
271 | RenderPrefs_PreferAGPMemWhenMixing = 0x20,
272 | RenderPrefs_Mask = 0x3f
273 | } VMRRenderPrefs;
274 |
275 | typedef enum _VMRMode
276 | {
277 | VMRMode_Windowed = 0x1,
278 | VMRMode_Windowless = 0x2,
279 | VMRMode_Renderless = 0x4,
280 | VMRMode_Mask = 0x7
281 | } VMRMode;
282 |
283 | enum { MAX_NUMBER_OF_STREAMS = 16 };
284 |
285 | [
286 | local,
287 | object,
288 | uuid(9e5530c5-7034-48b4-bb46-0b8a6efc8e36),
289 | helpstring("IVMRFilterConfig interface"),
290 | pointer_default(unique)
291 | ]
292 | interface IVMRFilterConfig : IUnknown
293 | {
294 | HRESULT SetImageCompositor([in] IVMRImageCompositor *compositor);
295 | HRESULT SetNumberOfStreams([in] DWORD streams);
296 | HRESULT GetNumberOfStreams([out] DWORD *streams);
297 | HRESULT SetRenderingPrefs([in] DWORD prefs);
298 | HRESULT GetRenderingPrefs([out] DWORD *prefs);
299 | HRESULT SetRenderingMode([in] DWORD mode);
300 | HRESULT GetRenderingMode([out] DWORD *mode);
301 | };
302 |
303 | [
304 | local,
305 | object,
306 | uuid(ede80b5c-bad6-4623-b537-65586c9f8dfd),
307 | helpstring("IVMRAspectRatioControl interface"),
308 | pointer_default(unique)
309 | ]
310 | interface IVMRAspectRatioControl : IUnknown
311 | {
312 | HRESULT GetAspectRatioMode([out] DWORD *armode);
313 | HRESULT SetAspectRatioMode([in] DWORD armode);
314 | };
315 |
316 | typedef enum _VMRDeinterlacePrefs
317 | {
318 | DeinterlacePref_NextBest = 0x1,
319 | DeinterlacePref_BOB = 0x2,
320 | DeinterlacePref_Weave = 0x4,
321 | DeinterlacePref_Mask = 0x7
322 | } VMRDeinterlacePrefs;
323 |
324 | typedef enum _VMRDeinterlaceTech
325 | {
326 | DeinterlaceTech_Unknown = 0x00,
327 | DeinterlaceTech_BOBLineReplicate = 0x01,
328 | DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch = 0x02,
329 | DeinterlaceTech_MedianFiltering = 0x04,
330 | DeinterlaceTech_EdgeFiltering = 0x08,
331 | DeinterlaceTech_FieldAdaptive = 0x10,
332 | DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive = 0x20,
333 | DeinterlaceTech_MotionVectorSteered = 0x80
334 | } VMRDeinterlaceTech;
335 |
336 | typedef struct _VMRFrequency
337 | {
338 | DWORD dwNumerator, dwDenominator;
339 | } VMRFrequency;
340 |
341 | typedef struct _VMRVideoDesc
342 | {
343 | DWORD dwSize;
344 | DWORD dwSampleWidth;
345 | DWORD dwSampleHeight;
346 | BOOL SingleFieldPerSample;
347 | DWORD dwFourCC;
348 | VMRFrequency InputSampleFreq;
349 | VMRFrequency OutputFrameFreq;
350 | } VMRVideoDesc;
351 |
352 | typedef struct _VMRDeinterlaceCaps
353 | {
354 | DWORD dwSize;
355 | DWORD dwNumPreviousOutputFrames;
356 | DWORD dwNumForwardRefSamples;
357 | DWORD dwNumBackwardRefSamples;
358 | VMRDeinterlaceTech DeinterlaceTechnology;
359 | } VMRDeinterlaceCaps;
360 |
361 | [
362 | local,
363 | object,
364 | uuid(bb057577-0db8-4e6a-87a7-1a8c9a505a0f),
365 | helpstring("IVMRDeinterlaceControl interface"),
366 | pointer_default(unique)
367 | ]
368 | interface IVMRDeinterlaceControl : IUnknown
369 | {
370 | HRESULT GetNumberOfDeinterlaceModes([in] VMRVideoDesc *desc, [in, out] DWORD *num_modes, [out] GUID *modes);
371 | HRESULT GetDeinterlaceModeCaps([in] GUID *mode, [in] VMRVideoDesc *desc, [in, out] VMRDeinterlaceCaps *caps);
372 | HRESULT GetDeinterlaceMode([in] DWORD id, [out] GUID *mode);
373 | HRESULT SetDeinterlaceMode([in] DWORD id, [in] GUID *mode);
374 | HRESULT GetDeinterlacePrefs([out] DWORD *prefs);
375 | HRESULT SetDeinterlacePrefs([in] DWORD prefs);
376 | HRESULT GetActualDeinterlaceMode([in] DWORD id, [out] GUID *mode);
377 | };
378 |
379 | typedef struct _VMRALPHABITMAP
380 | {
381 | DWORD dwFlags;
382 | HDC hdc;
383 | IDirectDrawSurface7 *pDDS;
384 | RECT rSrc;
385 | RECT rDest;
386 | FLOAT fAlpha;
387 | COLORREF clrSrcKey;
389 |
390 | cpp_quote("#define VMRBITMAP_DISABLE (0x01)")
391 | cpp_quote("#define VMRBITMAP_HDC (0x02)")
392 | cpp_quote("#define VMRBITMAP_ENTIREDDS (0x04)")
393 | cpp_quote("#define VMRBITMAP_SRCCOLORKEY (0x08)")
394 | cpp_quote("#define VMRBITMAP_SRCRECT (0x10)")
395 |
396 | [
397 | local,
398 | object,
399 | uuid(1e673275-0257-40aa-af20-7c608d4a0428),
400 | helpstring("IVMRMixerBitmap interface"),
401 | pointer_default(unique)
402 | ]
403 | interface IVMRMixerBitmap : IUnknown
404 | {
405 | HRESULT SetAlphaBitmap([in] const VMRALPHABITMAP *params);
406 | HRESULT UpdateAlphaBitmapParameters([in] VMRALPHABITMAP *params);
407 | HRESULT GetAlphaBitmapParameters([out] VMRALPHABITMAP *params);
408 | };
409 |
410 | typedef struct _VMRVIDEOSTREAMINFO
411 | {
412 | IDirectDrawSurface7 *pddsVideoSurface;
413 | DWORD dwWidth;
414 | DWORD dwHeight;
415 | DWORD dwStrmID;
416 | FLOAT fAlpha;
417 | DDCOLORKEY ddClrKey;
420 |
421 | [
422 | local,
423 | object,
424 | uuid(7a4fb5af-479f-4074-bb40-ce6722e43c82),
425 | helpstring("IVMRImageCompositor interface"),
426 | pointer_default(unique)
427 | ]
428 | interface IVMRImageCompositor : IUnknown
429 | {
430 | HRESULT InitCompositionTarget([in] IUnknown *d3ddev, [in] IDirectDrawSurface7 *rendertarget);
431 | HRESULT TermCompositionTarget([in] IUnknown *d3ddev, [in] IDirectDrawSurface7 *rendertarget);
432 | HRESULT SetStreamMediaType([in] DWORD id, [in] AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt, [in] BOOL texture);
433 | HRESULT CompositeImage([in] IUnknown *d3ddev, [in] IDirectDrawSurface7 *rendertarget,
434 | [in] AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt, [in] REFERENCE_TIME start, [in] REFERENCE_TIME stop,
435 | [in] DWORD backgrnd, [in] VMRVIDEOSTREAMINFO *info, [in] UINT streams);
436 | };
437 |
438 | [
439 | local,
440 | object,
441 | uuid(058d1f11-2a54-4bef-bd54-df706626b727),
442 | helpstring("IVMRVideoStreamControl interface"),
443 | pointer_default(unique)
444 | ]
445 | interface IVMRVideoStreamControl : IUnknown
446 | {
447 | HRESULT SetColorKey([in] DDCOLORKEY *key);
448 | HRESULT GetColorKey([out] DDCOLORKEY *key);
449 | HRESULT SetStreamActiveState([in] BOOL active);
450 | HRESULT GetStreamActiveState([out] BOOL *active);
451 | };
452 |
453 | [
454 | local,
455 | object,
456 | uuid(9f3a1c85-8555-49ba-935f-be5b5b29d178),
457 | helpstring("IVMRImagePresenterConfig interface"),
458 | pointer_default(unique)
459 | ]
460 | interface IVMRImagePresenterConfig : IUnknown
461 | {
462 | HRESULT SetRenderingPrefs([in] DWORD prefs);
463 | HRESULT GetRenderingPrefs([out] DWORD *prefs);
464 | };
465 |
466 | [
467 | local,
468 | object,
469 | uuid(e6f7ce40-4673-44f1-8f77-5499d68cb4ea),
470 | helpstring("IVMRImagePresenterExclModeConfig interface"),
471 | pointer_default(unique)
472 | ]
473 | interface IVMRImagePresenterExclModeConfig : IVMRImagePresenterConfig
474 | {
475 | HRESULT SetXlcModeDDObjAndPrimarySurface([in] IDirectDraw7 *dddev, [in] IDirectDrawSurface7 *ddsurface);
476 | HRESULT GetXlcModeDDObjAndPrimarySurface([out] IDirectDraw7 **dddev, [out] IDirectDrawSurface7 **ddsurface);
477 | };
478 |
479 | [
480 | local,
481 | object,
482 | uuid(aac18c18-e186-46d2-825d-a1f8dc8e395a),
483 | helpstring("IVPManager interface"),
484 | pointer_default(unique)
485 | ]
486 | interface IVPManager : IUnknown
487 | {
488 | HRESULT SetVideoPortIndex([in] DWORD index);
489 | HRESULT GetVideoPortIndex([out] DWORD *index);
490 | };