/** @file * * VBox network devices: * NAT network transport driver */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006 InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE * distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * If you received this file as part of a commercial VirtualBox * distribution, then only the terms of your commercial VirtualBox * license agreement apply instead of the previous paragraph. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_DRV_NAT #include "Network/slirp/libslirp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Builtins.h" /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ /** * Block driver instance data. */ typedef struct DRVNAT { /** The network interface. */ PDMINETWORKCONNECTOR INetworkConnector; /** The port we're attached to. */ PPDMINETWORKPORT pPort; /** Pointer to the driver instance. */ PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns; /** Slirp critical section. */ RTCRITSECT CritSect; /** Link state */ PDMNETWORKLINKSTATE enmLinkState; /** NAT state for this instance. */ PNATState pNATState; } DRVNAT, *PDRVNAT; /** Converts a pointer to NAT::INetworkConnector to a PRDVNAT. */ #define PDMINETWORKCONNECTOR_2_DRVNAT(pInterface) ( (PDRVNAT)((uintptr_t)pInterface - RT_OFFSETOF(DRVNAT, INetworkConnector)) ) /******************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *******************************************************************************/ #if 0 /** If set the thread should terminate. */ static bool g_fThreadTerm = false; /** The thread id of the select thread (drvNATSelectThread()). */ static RTTHREAD g_ThreadSelect; #endif /** * Send data to the network. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pInterface Pointer to the interface structure containing the called function pointer. * @param pvBuf Data to send. * @param cb Number of bytes to send. * @thread EMT */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvNATSend(PPDMINETWORKCONNECTOR pInterface, const void *pvBuf, size_t cb) { PDRVNAT pData = PDMINETWORKCONNECTOR_2_DRVNAT(pInterface); LogFlow(("drvNATSend: pvBuf=%p cb=%#x\n", pvBuf, cb)); Log2(("drvNATSend: pvBuf=%p cb=%#x\n" "%.*Vhxd\n", pvBuf, cb, cb, pvBuf)); int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pData->CritSect); AssertReleaseRC(rc); Assert(pData->enmLinkState == PDMNETWORKLINKSTATE_UP); if (pData->enmLinkState == PDMNETWORKLINKSTATE_UP) slirp_input(pData->pNATState, (uint8_t *)pvBuf, cb); RTCritSectLeave(&pData->CritSect); LogFlow(("drvNATSend: end\n")); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Set promiscuous mode. * * This is called when the promiscuous mode is set. This means that there doesn't have * to be a mode change when it's called. * * @param pInterface Pointer to the interface structure containing the called function pointer. * @param fPromiscuous Set if the adaptor is now in promiscuous mode. Clear if it is not. * @thread EMT */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvNATSetPromiscuousMode(PPDMINETWORKCONNECTOR pInterface, bool fPromiscuous) { LogFlow(("drvNATSetPromiscuousMode: fPromiscuous=%d\n", fPromiscuous)); /* nothing to do */ } /** * Notification on link status changes. * * @param pInterface Pointer to the interface structure containing the called function pointer. * @param enmLinkState The new link state. * @thread EMT */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvNATNotifyLinkChanged(PPDMINETWORKCONNECTOR pInterface, PDMNETWORKLINKSTATE enmLinkState) { PDRVNAT pData = PDMINETWORKCONNECTOR_2_DRVNAT(pInterface); LogFlow(("drvNATNotifyLinkChanged: enmLinkState=%d\n", enmLinkState)); int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pData->CritSect); AssertReleaseRC(rc); pData->enmLinkState = enmLinkState; switch (enmLinkState) { case PDMNETWORKLINKSTATE_UP: LogRel(("NAT: link up\n")); slirp_link_up(pData->pNATState); break; case PDMNETWORKLINKSTATE_DOWN: case PDMNETWORKLINKSTATE_DOWN_RESUME: LogRel(("NAT: link down\n")); slirp_link_down(pData->pNATState); break; default: AssertMsgFailed(("drvNATNotifyLinkChanged: unexpected link state %d\n", enmLinkState)); } RTCritSectLeave(&pData->CritSect); } /** * More receive buffer has become available. * * This is called when the NIC frees up receive buffers. * * @param pInterface Pointer to the interface structure containing the called function pointer. * @thread EMT */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvNATNotifyCanReceive(PPDMINETWORKCONNECTOR pInterface) { LogFlow(("drvNATNotifyCanReceive:\n")); /** @todo do something useful here. */ } /** * Poller callback. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvNATPoller(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns) { PDRVNAT pData = PDMINS2DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVNAT); fd_set ReadFDs; fd_set WriteFDs; fd_set XcptFDs; int cFDs = -1; FD_ZERO(&ReadFDs); FD_ZERO(&WriteFDs); FD_ZERO(&XcptFDs); int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pData->CritSect); AssertReleaseRC(rc); slirp_select_fill(pData->pNATState, &cFDs, &ReadFDs, &WriteFDs, &XcptFDs); struct timeval tv = {0, 0}; /* no wait */ int cReadFDs = select(cFDs + 1, &ReadFDs, &WriteFDs, &XcptFDs, &tv); if (cReadFDs >= 0) slirp_select_poll(pData->pNATState, &ReadFDs, &WriteFDs, &XcptFDs); RTCritSectLeave(&pData->CritSect); } /** * Function called by slirp to check if it's possible to feed incoming data to the network port. * @returns 1 if possible. * @returns 0 if not possible. */ int slirp_can_output(void *pvUser) { PDRVNAT pData = (PDRVNAT)pvUser; Assert(pData); /** Happens during termination */ if (!RTCritSectIsOwner(&pData->CritSect)) return 0; return pData->pPort->pfnCanReceive(pData->pPort); } /** * Function called by slirp to feed incoming data to the network port. */ void slirp_output(void *pvUser, const uint8_t *pu8Buf, int cb) { PDRVNAT pData = (PDRVNAT)pvUser; LogFlow(("slirp_output BEGING %x %d\n", pu8Buf, cb)); Log2(("slirp_output: pu8Buf=%p cb=%#x (pData=%p)\n" "%.*Vhxd\n", pu8Buf, cb, pData, cb, pu8Buf)); Assert(pData); /** Happens during termination */ if (!RTCritSectIsOwner(&pData->CritSect)) return; int rc = pData->pPort->pfnReceive(pData->pPort, pu8Buf, cb); AssertRC(rc); LogFlow(("slirp_output END %x %d\n", pu8Buf, cb)); } /** * Queries an interface to the driver. * * @returns Pointer to interface. * @returns NULL if the interface was not supported by the driver. * @param pInterface Pointer to this interface structure. * @param enmInterface The requested interface identification. * @thread Any thread. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void *) drvNATQueryInterface(PPDMIBASE pInterface, PDMINTERFACE enmInterface) { PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns = PDMIBASE_2_PDMDRV(pInterface); PDRVNAT pData = PDMINS2DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVNAT); switch (enmInterface) { case PDMINTERFACE_BASE: return &pDrvIns->IBase; case PDMINTERFACE_NETWORK_CONNECTOR: return &pData->INetworkConnector; default: return NULL; } } /** * Destruct a driver instance. * * Most VM resources are freed by the VM. This callback is provided so that any non-VM * resources can be freed correctly. * * @param pDrvIns The driver instance data. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvNATDestruct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns) { PDRVNAT pData = PDMINS2DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVNAT); LogFlow(("drvNATDestruct:\n")); int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pData->CritSect); AssertReleaseRC(rc); slirp_term(pData->pNATState); pData->pNATState = NULL; RTCritSectLeave(&pData->CritSect); RTCritSectDelete(&pData->CritSect); } /** * Sets up the redirectors. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pCfgHandle The drivers configuration handle. */ static int drvNATConstructRedir(PDRVNAT pData, PCFGMNODE pCfgHandle) { /* * Enumerate redirections. */ for (PCFGMNODE pNode = CFGMR3GetFirstChild(pCfgHandle); pNode; pNode = CFGMR3GetNextChild(pNode)) { /* * Validate the port forwarding config. */ if (!CFGMR3AreValuesValid(pNode, "Protocol\0UDP\0HostPort\0GuestPort\0GuestIP\0")) return PDMDRV_SET_ERROR(pData->pDrvIns, VERR_PDM_DRVINS_UNKNOWN_CFG_VALUES, N_("Unknown configuration in port forwarding")); /* protocol type */ bool fUDP; char szProtocol[32]; int rc = CFGMR3QueryString(pNode, "Protocol", &szProtocol[0], sizeof(szProtocol)); if (rc == VERR_CFGM_VALUE_NOT_FOUND) { rc = CFGMR3QueryBool(pNode, "UDP", &fUDP); if (rc == VERR_CFGM_VALUE_NOT_FOUND) fUDP = false; else if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pData->pDrvIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("NAT#%d: configuration query for \"UDP\" boolean returned %Vrc"), rc); } else if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (!RTStrICmp(szProtocol, "TCP")) fUDP = false; else if (!RTStrICmp(szProtocol, "UDP")) fUDP = true; else return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pData->pDrvIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("NAT#%d: configuration query for \"Protocol\" string returned %Vrc"), rc); } /* host port */ int32_t iHostPort; rc = CFGMR3QueryS32(pNode, "HostPort", &iHostPort); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pData->pDrvIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("NAT#%d: configuration query for \"HostPort\" integer returned %Vrc"), rc); /* guest port */ int32_t iGuestPort; rc = CFGMR3QueryS32(pNode, "GuestPort", &iGuestPort); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pData->pDrvIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("NAT#%d: configuration query for \"GuestPort\" integer returned %Vrc"), rc); /* guest address */ char szGuestIP[32]; rc = CFGMR3QueryString(pNode, "GuestIP", &szGuestIP[0], sizeof(szGuestIP)); if (rc == VERR_CFGM_VALUE_NOT_FOUND) strcpy(szGuestIP, ""); else if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pData->pDrvIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("NAT#%d: configuration query for \"GuestIP\" string returned %Vrc"), rc); struct in_addr GuestIP; if (!inet_aton(szGuestIP, &GuestIP)) return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pData->pDrvIns, VERR_NAT_REDIR_GUEST_IP, RT_SRC_POS, N_("NAT#%d: configuration error: invalid \"GuestIP\"=\"%s\", inet_aton failed"), szGuestIP); /* * Call slirp about it. */ Log(("drvNATConstruct: Redir %d -> %s:%d\n", iHostPort, szGuestIP, iGuestPort)); if (slirp_redir(pData->pNATState, fUDP, iHostPort, GuestIP, iGuestPort) < 0) return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pData->pDrvIns, VERR_NAT_REDIR_SETUP, RT_SRC_POS, N_("NAT#%d: configuration error: failed to set up redirection of %d to %s:%d. Probably a conflict with existing services or other rules"), iHostPort, szGuestIP, iGuestPort); } /* for each redir rule */ return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Construct a NAT network transport driver instance. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pDrvIns The driver instance data. * If the registration structure is needed, pDrvIns->pDrvReg points to it. * @param pCfgHandle Configuration node handle for the driver. Use this to obtain the configuration * of the driver instance. It's also found in pDrvIns->pCfgHandle, but like * iInstance it's expected to be used a bit in this function. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvNATConstruct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns, PCFGMNODE pCfgHandle) { PDRVNAT pData = PDMINS2DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVNAT); char szNetAddr[16]; LogFlow(("drvNATConstruct:\n")); /* * Validate the config. */ if (!CFGMR3AreValuesValid(pCfgHandle, "\0")) return PDMDRV_SET_ERROR(pDrvIns, VERR_PDM_DRVINS_UNKNOWN_CFG_VALUES, ""); /* * Init the static parts. */ pData->pDrvIns = pDrvIns; pData->pNATState = NULL; /* IBase */ pDrvIns->IBase.pfnQueryInterface = drvNATQueryInterface; /* INetwork */ pData->INetworkConnector.pfnSend = drvNATSend; pData->INetworkConnector.pfnSetPromiscuousMode = drvNATSetPromiscuousMode; pData->INetworkConnector.pfnNotifyLinkChanged = drvNATNotifyLinkChanged; pData->INetworkConnector.pfnNotifyCanReceive = drvNATNotifyCanReceive; /* * Query the network port interface. */ pData->pPort = (PPDMINETWORKPORT)pDrvIns->pUpBase->pfnQueryInterface(pDrvIns->pUpBase, PDMINTERFACE_NETWORK_PORT); if (!pData->pPort) return PDMDRV_SET_ERROR(pDrvIns, VERR_PDM_MISSING_INTERFACE_ABOVE, N_("Configuration error: the above device/driver didn't export the network port interface!\n")); /* Generate a network address for this network card. */ RTStrPrintf(szNetAddr, sizeof(szNetAddr), "10.0.%d.0", pDrvIns->iInstance + 2); /* * The slirp lock.. */ int rc = RTCritSectInit(&pData->CritSect); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; #if 0 rc = RTSemEventCreate(&g_EventSem); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Start the select thread. (it'll block on the sem) */ g_fThreadTerm = false; rc = RTThreadCreate(&g_ThreadSelect, drvNATSelectThread, 0, NULL, "NATSEL"); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { #endif /* * Initialize slirp. */ rc = slirp_init(&pData->pNATState, &szNetAddr[0], pData); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = drvNATConstructRedir(pData, pCfgHandle); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { pDrvIns->pDrvHlp->pfnPDMPollerRegister(pDrvIns, drvNATPoller); pData->enmLinkState = PDMNETWORKLINKSTATE_UP; #if 0 RTSemEventSignal(g_EventSem); RTThreadSleep(0); #endif return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* failure path */ slirp_term(pData->pNATState); pData->pNATState = NULL; } else { switch (rc) { case VERR_NAT_DNS: PDMDRV_SET_ERROR(pDrvIns, rc, N_("Domain Name Server (DNS) for NAT networking could not be determined")); break; default: PDMDRV_SET_ERROR(pDrvIns, rc, N_("Unknown error during NAT networking setup: ")); AssertMsgFailed(("Add error message for rc=%d (%Vrc)\n", rc, rc)); break; } } #if 0 g_fThreadTerm = true; RTSemEventSignal(g_EventSem); RTThreadSleep(0); } RTSemEventDestroy(g_EventSem); g_EventSem = NULL; } #endif RTCritSectDelete(&pData->CritSect); return rc; } /** * NAT network transport driver registration record. */ const PDMDRVREG g_DrvNAT = { /* u32Version */ PDM_DRVREG_VERSION, /* szDriverName */ "NAT", /* pszDescription */ "NAT Network Transport Driver", /* fFlags */ PDM_DRVREG_FLAGS_HOST_BITS_DEFAULT, /* fClass. */ PDM_DRVREG_CLASS_NETWORK, /* cMaxInstances */ 16, /* cbInstance */ sizeof(DRVNAT), /* pfnConstruct */ drvNATConstruct, /* pfnDestruct */ drvNATDestruct, /* pfnIOCtl */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOn */ NULL, /* pfnReset */ NULL, /* pfnSuspend */ NULL, /* pfnResume */ NULL, /* pfnDetach */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOff */ NULL };