1 | /* $Id: alias_dns.c 39101 2011-10-25 02:44:01Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * libalias helper for using the host resolver instead of dnsproxy.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2009 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 | #ifndef RT_OS_WINDOWS
19 | # include <netdb.h>
20 | #endif
21 | #include <iprt/ctype.h>
22 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
23 | #include <slirp.h>
24 | #include "alias.h"
25 | #include "alias_local.h"
26 | #include "alias_mod.h"
27 | #define isdigit(ch) RT_C_IS_DIGIT(ch)
28 | #define isalpha(ch) RT_C_IS_ALPHA(ch)
29 |
31 | /* see RFC 1035(4.1.1) */
32 | union dnsmsg_header
33 | {
34 | struct
35 | {
36 | unsigned id:16;
37 | unsigned rd:1;
38 | unsigned tc:1;
39 | unsigned aa:1;
40 | unsigned opcode:4;
41 | unsigned qr:1;
42 | unsigned rcode:4;
43 | unsigned Z:3;
44 | unsigned ra:1;
45 | uint16_t qdcount;
46 | uint16_t ancount;
47 | uint16_t nscount;
48 | uint16_t arcount;
49 | } X;
50 | uint16_t raw[6];
51 | };
52 | AssertCompileSize(union dnsmsg_header, 12);
53 |
54 | struct dns_meta_data
55 | {
56 | uint16_t type;
57 | uint16_t class;
58 | };
59 |
60 | struct dnsmsg_answer
61 | {
62 | uint16_t name;
63 | struct dns_meta_data meta;
64 | uint16_t ttl[2];
65 | uint16_t rdata_len;
66 | uint8_t rdata[1]; /* depends on value at rdata_len */
67 | };
68 |
69 | /* see RFC 1035(4.1) */
70 | static int dns_alias_handler(PNATState pData, int type);
71 | static void CStr2QStr(const char *pcszStr, char *pszQStr, size_t cQStr);
72 | static void QStr2CStr(const char *pcszQStr, char *pszStr, size_t cStr);
73 |
74 | static int
75 | fingerprint(struct libalias *la, struct ip *pip, struct alias_data *ah)
76 | {
77 |
78 | NOREF(la);
79 | NOREF(pip);
80 | if (!ah->dport || !ah->sport || !ah->lnk)
81 | return -1;
82 |
83 | Log(("NAT:%s: ah(dport: %hd, sport: %hd) oaddr:%RTnaipv4 aaddr:%RTnaipv4\n",
84 | __FUNCTION__, ntohs(*ah->dport), ntohs(*ah->sport),
85 | ah->oaddr, ah->aaddr));
86 |
87 | if ( (ntohs(*ah->dport) == DNS_CONTROL_PORT_NUMBER
88 | || ntohs(*ah->sport) == DNS_CONTROL_PORT_NUMBER)
89 | && (ah->oaddr->s_addr == htonl(ntohl(la->pData->special_addr.s_addr)|CTL_DNS)))
90 | return 0;
91 |
92 | return -1;
93 | }
94 |
95 | static void doanswer(union dnsmsg_header *hdr, struct dns_meta_data *pReqMeta, char *qname, struct ip *pip, struct hostent *h)
96 | {
97 | int i;
98 |
99 | if (!h)
100 | {
101 | hdr->X.qr = 1; /* response */
102 | hdr->X.aa = 1;
103 | hdr->X.rd = 1;
104 | hdr->X.rcode = 3;
105 | }
106 | else
107 | {
108 | char *query;
109 | char *answers;
110 | uint16_t off;
111 | char **cstr;
112 | char *c;
113 | uint16_t packet_len = 0;
114 | uint16_t addr_off = (uint16_t)~0;
115 | struct dns_meta_data *meta;
116 |
117 | #if 0
118 | /* here is no compressed names+answers + new query */
119 | m_inc(m, h->h_length * sizeof(struct dnsmsg_answer) + strlen(qname) + 2 * sizeof(uint16_t));
120 | #endif
121 | packet_len = (pip->ip_hl << 2)
122 | + sizeof(struct udphdr)
123 | + sizeof(union dnsmsg_header)
124 | + strlen(qname)
125 | + sizeof(struct dns_meta_data); /* ip + udp + header + query */
126 | query = (char *)&hdr[1];
127 |
128 | strcpy(query, qname);
129 | query += strlen(qname) + 1;
130 | /* class & type informations lay right after symbolic inforamtion. */
131 | meta = (struct dns_meta_data *)query;
132 | meta->type = pReqMeta->type;
133 | meta->class = pReqMeta->class;
134 |
135 | /* answers zone lays after query in response packet */
136 | answers = (char *)&meta[1];
137 |
138 | off = (char *)&hdr[1] - (char *)hdr;
139 | off |= (0x3 << 14);
140 |
141 | /* add aliases */
142 | for (cstr = h->h_aliases; *cstr; cstr++)
143 | {
144 | uint16_t len;
145 | struct dnsmsg_answer *ans = (struct dnsmsg_answer *)answers;
146 | ans->name = htons(off);
147 | ans->meta.type = htons(5); /* CNAME */
148 | ans->meta.class = htons(1);
149 | *(uint32_t *)ans->ttl = htonl(3600); /* 1h */
150 | c = (addr_off == (uint16_t)~0 ? h->h_name : *cstr);
151 | len = strlen(c) + 2;
152 | ans->rdata_len = htons(len);
153 | ans->rdata[len - 1] = 0;
154 | CStr2QStr(c, (char *)ans->rdata, len);
155 | off = (char *)&ans->rdata - (char *)hdr;
156 | off |= (0x3 << 14);
157 | if (addr_off == (uint16_t)~0)
158 | addr_off = off;
159 | answers = (char *)&ans[1] + len - 2; /* note: 1 symbol already counted */
160 | packet_len += sizeof(struct dnsmsg_answer) + len - 2;
161 | hdr->X.ancount++;
162 | }
163 | /* add addresses */
164 |
165 | for(i = 0; i < h->h_length && h->h_addr_list[i] != NULL; ++i)
166 | {
167 | struct dnsmsg_answer *ans = (struct dnsmsg_answer *)answers;
168 |
169 | ans->name = htons(off);
170 | ans->meta.type = htons(1);
171 | ans->meta.class = htons(1);
172 | *(uint32_t *)ans->ttl = htonl(3600); /* 1h */
173 | ans->rdata_len = htons(4); /* IPv4 */
174 | *(uint32_t *)ans->rdata = *(uint32_t *)h->h_addr_list[i];
175 | answers = (char *)&ans[1] + 2;
176 | packet_len += sizeof(struct dnsmsg_answer) + 3;
177 | hdr->X.ancount++;
178 | }
179 | hdr->X.qr = 1; /* response */
180 | hdr->X.aa = 1;
181 | hdr->X.rd = 1;
182 | hdr->X.ra = 1;
183 | hdr->X.rcode = 0;
184 | HTONS(hdr->X.ancount);
185 | /* don't forget update m_len */
186 | pip->ip_len = htons(packet_len);
187 | }
188 | }
189 |
190 | static int
191 | protohandler(struct libalias *la, struct ip *pip, struct alias_data *ah)
192 | {
193 | int i;
194 | /* Parse dns request */
195 | char *qw_qname = NULL;
196 | struct hostent *h = NULL;
197 | char cname[255];
198 | int cname_len = 0;
199 | struct dns_meta_data *meta;
200 |
201 | struct udphdr *udp = NULL;
202 | union dnsmsg_header *hdr = NULL;
203 | NOREF(la);
204 | NOREF(ah);
205 | udp = (struct udphdr *)ip_next(pip);
206 | hdr = (union dnsmsg_header *)udp_next(udp);
207 |
208 | if (hdr->X.qr == 1)
209 | return 0; /* this is respose */
210 |
211 | memset(cname, 0, sizeof(cname));
212 | qw_qname = (char *)&hdr[1];
213 | Assert((ntohs(hdr->X.qdcount) == 1));
214 | if ((ntohs(hdr->X.qdcount) != 1))
215 | {
216 | static bool fMultiWarn;
217 | if (!fMultiWarn)
218 | {
219 | LogRel(("NAT:alias_dns: multiple quieries isn't supported\n"));
220 | fMultiWarn = true;
221 | }
222 | return 1;
223 | }
224 |
225 | for (i = 0; i < ntohs(hdr->X.qdcount); ++i)
226 | {
227 | meta = (struct dns_meta_data *)(qw_qname + strlen(qw_qname) + 1);
228 | Log(("qname:%s qtype:%hd qclass:%hd\n",
229 | qw_qname, ntohs(meta->type), ntohs(meta->class)));
230 |
231 | QStr2CStr(qw_qname, cname, sizeof(cname));
232 | cname_len = RTStrNLen(cname, sizeof(cname));
233 | /* Some guests like win-xp adds _dot_ after host name
234 | * and after domain name (not passed with host resolver)
235 | * that confuses host resolver.
236 | */
237 | if ( cname_len > 2
238 | && cname[cname_len - 1] == '.'
239 | && cname[cname_len - 2] == '.')
240 | {
241 | cname[cname_len - 1] = 0;
242 | cname[cname_len - 2] = 0;
243 | }
244 | h = gethostbyname(cname);
245 | fprintf(stderr, "cname:%s\n", cname);
246 | doanswer(hdr, meta, qw_qname, pip, h);
247 | }
248 |
249 | /*
250 | * We have changed the size and the content of udp, to avoid double csum calculation
251 | * will assign to zero
252 | */
253 | udp->uh_sum = 0;
254 | udp->uh_ulen = ntohs(htons(pip->ip_len) - (pip->ip_hl << 2));
255 | pip->ip_sum = 0;
256 | pip->ip_sum = LibAliasInternetChecksum(la, (uint16_t *)pip, pip->ip_hl << 2);
257 | return 0;
258 | }
259 |
260 | /*
261 | * qstr is z-string with -dot- replaced with \count to next -dot-
262 | * e.g. ya.ru is \02ya\02ru
263 | * Note: it's assumed that caller allocates buffer for cstr
264 | */
265 | static void QStr2CStr(const char *pcszQStr, char *pszStr, size_t cStr)
266 | {
267 | const char *q;
268 | char *c;
269 | size_t cLen = 0;
270 |
271 | Assert(cStr > 0);
272 | for (q = pcszQStr, c = pszStr; *q != '\0' && cLen < cStr-1; q++, cLen++)
273 | {
274 | if ( isalpha(*q)
275 | || isdigit(*q)
276 | || *q == '-'
277 | || *q == '_')
278 | {
279 | *c = *q;
280 | c++;
281 | }
282 | else if (c != &pszStr[0])
283 | {
284 | *c = '.';
285 | c++;
286 | }
287 | }
288 | *c = '\0';
289 | }
290 |
291 | /*
292 | *
293 | */
294 | static void CStr2QStr(const char *pcszStr, char *pszQStr, size_t cQStr)
295 | {
296 | const char *c;
297 | const char *pc;
298 | char *q;
299 | size_t cLen = 0;
300 |
301 | Assert(cQStr > 0);
302 | for (c = pcszStr, q = pszQStr; *c != '\0' && cLen < cQStr-1; q++, cLen++)
303 | {
304 | /* at the begining or at -dot- position */
305 | if (*c == '.' || (c == pcszStr && q == pszQStr))
306 | {
307 | if (c != pcszStr)
308 | c++;
309 | pc = strchr(c, '.');
310 | *q = pc ? (pc - c) : strlen(c);
311 | }
312 | else
313 | {
314 | *q = *c;
315 | c++;
316 | }
317 | }
318 | *q = '\0';
319 | }
320 |
321 |
322 | int
323 | dns_alias_load(PNATState pData)
324 | {
325 | return dns_alias_handler(pData, MOD_LOAD);
326 | }
327 |
328 | int
329 | dns_alias_unload(PNATState pData)
330 | {
331 | return dns_alias_handler(pData, MOD_UNLOAD);
332 | }
333 |
334 | #define handlers pData->dns_module
335 | static int
336 | dns_alias_handler(PNATState pData, int type)
337 | {
338 | int error;
339 |
340 | if (!handlers)
341 | handlers = RTMemAllocZ(2 * sizeof(struct proto_handler));
342 |
343 | handlers[0].pri = 20;
344 | handlers[0].dir = IN;
345 | handlers[0].proto = UDP;
346 | handlers[0].fingerprint = &fingerprint;
347 | handlers[0].protohandler = &protohandler;
348 | handlers[1].pri = EOH;
349 |
350 | switch (type)
351 | {
352 | case MOD_LOAD:
353 | error = 0;
354 | LibAliasAttachHandlers(pData, handlers);
355 | break;
356 |
357 | case MOD_UNLOAD:
358 | error = 0;
359 | LibAliasDetachHandlers(pData, handlers);
360 | RTMemFree(handlers);
361 | handlers = NULL;
362 | break;
363 |
364 | default:
365 | error = EINVAL;
366 | }
367 | return error;
368 | }