1 |
2 | Notes on BIOS usage
3 | -------------------
4 |
5 | - DOS (including 6.22/7.1) does not need INT 15h or INT 1Ah. Most other
6 | operating systems require INT 15h to detect installed memory.
7 |
8 | - OS/2 (WSeB/MCP/ACP) and Windows 98 SE are some of the very few operating
9 | systems which use the El Torito floppy emulation.
10 |
11 | - NetWare 5.1 is one of the *extremely* few users of El Torito hard disk
12 | emulation.
13 |
14 | - Keystroke check (INT 16h, fn 01h/10h) always enables interrupts on return.
15 | DOS POWER.EXE depends on that in some situations.
16 |
17 | - MS-DOS 6.2/V is a rare user of the INT 15h keyboard intercept routines.
18 |
19 | - Some software uses the model byte at F000:FFFE to determine the system
20 | type (PC-DOS 3.0, Norton Utilities 8). Other software first tries INT 15h,
21 | fn C0h instead (PC-DOS 3.1, MSD).
22 |
23 | - DOS 4.01 (both IBM and Microsoft) calls INT 13h to read from disk with less
24 | than 100 bytes of stack space early in the boot sequence.
25 |
26 | - Very few guests use the 32-bit PCI BIOS interface. One is OS/2 (but falls
27 | back), another is Etherboot.
28 |
29 | - OS/2 is the only known guest which can run the 16-bit PCI BIOS in protected
30 | mode (but only if the 32-bit PCI BIOS is unavailable).
31 |
32 | - NetWare 6.x is the only known guest which uses the PCI BIOS service to read
33 | the IRQ routing table.
34 |
35 | - Any disk reads which use bus-master DMA (AHCI, IDE BM) must use VDS
36 | (Virtual DMA Services) when present. Otherwise any reads/writes when the
37 | real mode addresses don't map directly to physical addresses will fail
38 | horribly. DOS 6.x with EMM386 is a good testcase (esp. loading drivers
39 | into UMBs).
40 |
41 | - Many older OSes (especially UNIX based) require the FDPT to contain
42 | physical ATA disk geometry; for that reason, disks smaller than ~500MB are
43 | easiest to use. Otherwise a "large" BIOS disk option would be required.
44 |
45 | - Some really old OSes (Xenix circa 1986-7) do not understand the EBDA idea
46 | and clear the memory. For those, the FDPT must be in the BIOS ROM area, or
47 | the OS will destroy it (even when it's at 0:300 in the IVT).
48 |
49 | - Windows 98 SE boot CD uses 32-bit registers in real mode and will fail in
50 | mysterious ways if BIOS trashes high bits of EAX (and likely others).
51 |
52 | - PC DOS 6.x/7.x QCONFIG is a rare user of INT 16h fn 0Ah (read keyboard ID).
53 |
54 | - DOS POWER.EXE uses the real mode APM interface, OS/2 APM.SYS uses the 16-bit
55 | protected mode APM interface, and Windows 9x uses the 32-bit protected mode
56 | APM interface.
57 |
58 | - Windows 98 is one of the few APM 1.2 users; Windows 95 uses APM 1.1, while
59 | newer systems prefer ACPI.
60 |
61 |
62 | Notes on BIOS implementation
63 | ----------------------------
64 |
65 | - To return values from functions not declared as __interrupt, the arguments
66 | may need to be declared volatile (not ideal, but does the job).
67 |
68 | - The way the POST code selectively clears or doesn't clear memory
69 | is extremely suspect and will need reworking.
70 |
71 | - Need to review string routines wrt direction flag (should be OK now).
72 |
73 | - Need to review CMOS access wrt interrupts (possible index reg change by
74 | an interrupt handler).
75 |
76 | - The POST code zeroes the entire BDA, and then various bits zero specific
77 | parts of the BDA again. That's a waste of time.
78 |
79 | - After a reset, all interrupts are unmasked. Not sure if that's OK.
80 |
81 | - BCC mishandles the following (where buf is an uint8_t array):
82 | lba=buf[0x2B]*0x1000000+buf[0x2A]*0x10000+buf[0x29]*0x100+buf[0x28];
83 | The buf[x]*100 expression should end up being of type signed int, which
84 | causes the sign to be incorrectly propagated. BCC incorrectly keeps
85 | the type unsigned.
86 |
87 | - The PCI BIOS services are implemented in C, compiled twice as 16-bit and
88 | 32-bit code. This reduces the development effort and significantly lowers
89 | the risk of discrepancies between 16-bit and 32-bit implementation. Care
90 | must be taken because the 16-bit implementation can be executed in both
91 | real and protected mode.
92 |
93 | - APM can be in theory implemented only once for real, 16-bit protected and
94 | 32-bit protected mode. Unfortunately this is very inconvenient in C since
95 | the default stack size changes between 16-bit and 32-bit callers. Therefore
96 | real mode APM (which supports most functions) is implemented in C and
97 | protected-mode APM is written in assembler for both 16-bit and 32-bit calls,
98 | with a small 32->16 thunk.
99 |
100 |
101 | Code size notes (code as of 7/6/2011):
102 |
103 | The following values are the size of the _TEXT segment, i.e. only C code;
104 | data defined in C is not included, neither are assembly modules.
105 |
106 | Options: Size (hex):
107 | -------- -----------
108 | -0 -zu -s -oas -ecc 631A
109 | -3 -zu -s -oas -ecc 5C1E
110 | -0 -zu -s -oas 578A
111 | -3 -zu -s -oas 5452
112 |
113 | Both generating 386 code and using register-based calling convention for
114 | internal functions brings significant size savings (15% when combined).