/* * Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This code is based on: * * ROM BIOS for use with Bochs/Plex86/QEMU emulation environment * * Copyright (C) 2002 MandrakeSoft S.A. * * MandrakeSoft S.A. * 43, rue d'Aboukir * 75002 Paris - France * http://www.linux-mandrake.com/ * http://www.mandrakesoft.com/ * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #include #include "biosint.h" #include "inlines.h" #if DEBUG_INT15 # define BX_DEBUG_INT15(...) BX_DEBUG(__VA_ARGS__) #else # define BX_DEBUG_INT15(...) #endif #define UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION 0x86 /* Specific to INT 15h. */ #define BIOS_CONFIG_TABLE 0xe6f5 /* TODO: configurable? put elsewhere? */ #define ACPI_DATA_SIZE 0x00010000L /* TODO: configurable? put elsewhere? */ #define BX_CPU 3 extern int pmode_IDT; extern int rmode_IDT; uint16_t read_ss(void); #pragma aux read_ss = "mov ax, ss" modify exact [ax] nomemory; #if VBOX_BIOS_CPU >= 80386 /* The 386+ code uses CR0 to switch to/from protected mode. * Quite straightforward. */ void pm_stack_save(uint16_t cx, uint16_t es, uint16_t si, uint16_t frame); #pragma aux pm_stack_save = \ ".386" \ "push ds" \ "push eax" \ "xor eax, eax" \ "mov ds, ax" \ "mov ds:[467h], sp" \ "mov ds:[469h], ss" \ parm [cx] [es] [si] [ax] modify nomemory; /* Uses position independent code... because it was too hard to figure * out how to code the far call in inline assembler. */ void pm_enter(void); #pragma aux pm_enter = \ ".386p" \ "call pentry" \ "pentry:" \ "pop di" \ "add di, 1Bh" \ "push 20h" \ "push di" \ "lgdt fword ptr es:[si+8]" \ "lidt fword ptr cs:pmode_IDT" \ "mov eax, cr0" \ "or al, 1" \ "mov cr0, eax" \ "retf" \ "pm_pm:" \ "mov ax, 28h" \ "mov ss, ax" \ "mov ax, 10h" \ "mov ds, ax" \ "mov ax, 18h" \ "mov es, ax" \ modify nomemory; /* Restore segment limits to real mode compatible values and * return to real mode. */ void pm_exit(void); #pragma aux pm_exit = \ ".386p" \ "call pexit" \ "pexit:" \ "pop ax" \ "push 0F000h" \ "add ax, 18h" \ "push ax" \ "mov ax, 28h" \ "mov ds, ax" \ "mov es, ax" \ "mov eax, cr0" \ "and al, 0FEh" \ "mov cr0, eax" \ "retf" \ "real_mode:" \ "lidt fword ptr cs:rmode_IDT" \ modify nomemory; /* Restore stack and reload segment registers in real mode to ensure * real mode compatible selector+base. */ void pm_stack_restore(void); #pragma aux pm_stack_restore = \ ".386" \ "xor ax, ax" \ "mov ds, ax" \ "mov es, ax" \ "lss sp, ds:[467h]" \ "pop eax" \ "pop ds" \ modify nomemory; #elif VBOX_BIOS_CPU >= 80286 /* The 286 code uses LMSW to switch to protected mode but it has to reset * the CPU to get back to real mode. Ugly! See return_blkmove in orgs.asm * for the other matching half. */ void pm_stack_save(uint16_t cx, uint16_t es, uint16_t si, uint16_t frame); #pragma aux pm_stack_save = \ "xor ax, ax" \ "mov ds, ax" \ "mov ds:[467h], bx" \ "mov ds:[469h], ss" \ parm [cx] [es] [si] [bx] modify nomemory; /* Uses position independent code... because it was too hard to figure * out how to code the far call in inline assembler. * NB: Trashes MSW bits but the CPU will be reset anyway. */ void pm_enter(void); #pragma aux pm_enter = \ ".286p" \ "call pentry" \ "pentry:" \ "pop di" \ "add di, 18h" \ "push 20h" \ "push di" \ "lgdt fword ptr es:[si+8]" \ "lidt fword ptr cs:pmode_IDT" \ "or al, 1" \ "lmsw ax" \ "retf" \ "pm_pm:" \ "mov ax, 28h" \ "mov ss, ax" \ "mov ax, 10h" \ "mov ds, ax" \ "mov ax, 18h" \ "mov es, ax" \ modify nomemory; /* Set up shutdown status and reset the CPU. The POST code * will regain control. Port 80h is written with status. * Code 9 is written to CMOS shutdown status byte (0Fh). * CPU is triple faulted. . */ void pm_exit(void); #pragma aux pm_exit = \ "xor ax, ax" \ "out 80h, al" \ "mov al, 0Fh" \ "out 70h, al" \ "mov al, 09h" \ "out 71h, al" \ ".286p" \ "lidt fword ptr cs:pmode_IDT" \ "int 3" \ modify nomemory; /* Dummy. Actually done in return_blkmove. */ void pm_stack_restore(void); #pragma aux pm_stack_restore = \ "rm_return:" \ modify nomemory; #endif void pm_copy(void); #pragma aux pm_copy = \ "xor si, si" \ "xor di, di" \ "cld" \ "rep movsw" \ modify nomemory; /* The pm_switch has a few crucial differences from pm_enter, hence * it is replicated here. Uses LMSW to avoid trashing high word of eax. */ void pm_switch(uint16_t reg_si); #pragma aux pm_switch = \ ".286p" \ "call pentry" \ "pentry:" \ "pop di" \ "add di, 18h" \ "push 38h" \ "push di" \ "lgdt fword ptr es:[si+08h]" \ "lidt fword ptr es:[si+10h]" \ "mov ax, 1" \ "lmsw ax" \ "retf" \ "pm_pm:" \ "mov ax, 28h" \ "mov ss, ax" \ "mov ax, 18h" \ "mov ds, ax" \ "mov ax, 20h" \ "mov es, ax" \ parm [si] modify nomemory; /* Return to caller - we do not use IRET because we should not enable * interrupts. Note that AH must be zero on exit. * WARNING: Needs to be adapted if calling sequence is modified! */ void pm_unwind(uint16_t args); #pragma aux pm_unwind = \ ".286" \ "mov sp, ax" \ "popa" \ "add sp, 6" \ "pop cx" \ "pop ax" \ "pop ax" \ "mov ax, 30h" \ "push ax" \ "push cx" \ "retf" \ parm [ax] modify nomemory aborts; // @todo: This method is silly. The RTC should be programmed to fire an interrupt // instead of hogging the CPU with inaccurate code. void timer_wait(uint16_t lo, uint16_t hi); #pragma aux timer_wait = \ ".386" \ "shl eax, 16" \ "mov ax, dx" \ "mov ebx, 15" \ "xor edx, edx" \ "div ebx" \ "mov ecx, eax" \ "in al, 61h" \ "and al, 10h" \ "mov ah, al" \ "or ecx, ecx" \ "je int1586_tick_end" \ "int1586_tick:" \ "in al, 61h" \ "and al, 10h" \ "cmp al, ah" \ "je int1586_tick" \ "mov ah, al" \ "dec ecx" \ "jnz int1586_tick" \ "int1586_tick_end:" \ parm [dx] [ax] modify [bx cx] nomemory; bx_bool set_enable_a20(bx_bool val) { uint8_t oldval; // Use PS/2 System Control port A to set A20 enable // get current setting first oldval = inb(0x92); // change A20 status if (val) outb(0x92, oldval | 0x02); else outb(0x92, oldval & 0xfd); return((oldval & 0x02) != 0); } typedef struct { uint32_t start; uint32_t xstart; uint32_t len; uint32_t xlen; uint32_t type; } mem_range_t; void set_e820_range(uint16_t ES, uint16_t DI, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, uint8_t extra_start, uint8_t extra_end, uint16_t type) { mem_range_t __far *range; range = ES :> (mem_range_t *)DI; range->start = start; range->xstart = extra_start; end -= start; extra_end -= extra_start; range->len = end; range->xlen = extra_end; range->type = type; } // @todo: move elsewhere? #define AX r.gr.u.r16.ax #define BX r.gr.u.r16.bx #define CX r.gr.u.r16.cx #define DX r.gr.u.r16.dx #define SI r.gr.u.r16.si #define DI r.gr.u.r16.di #define BP r.gr.u.r16.bp #define SP r.gr.u.r16.sp #define FLAGS r.fl.u.r16.flags #define EAX r.gr.u.r32.eax #define EBX r.gr.u.r32.ebx #define ECX r.gr.u.r32.ecx #define EDX r.gr.u.r32.edx #define ESI r.gr.u.r32.esi #define EDI r.gr.u.r32.edi #define ES r.es void BIOSCALL int15_function(sys_regs_t r) { uint16_t bRegister; uint8_t irqDisable; BX_DEBUG_INT15("int15 AX=%04x\n",AX); switch (GET_AH()) { case 0x00: /* assorted functions */ if (GET_AL() != 0xc0) goto undecoded; /* GRUB calls int15 with ax=0x00c0 to get the ROM configuration table, * which we don't support, but logging that event is annoying. In fact * it is likely that they just misread some specs, because there is a * int15 BIOS function AH=0xc0 which sounds quite similar to what GRUB * wants to achieve. */ SET_CF(); SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); break; case 0x24: /* A20 Control */ switch (GET_AL()) { case 0x00: set_enable_a20(0); CLEAR_CF(); SET_AH(0); break; case 0x01: set_enable_a20(1); CLEAR_CF(); SET_AH(0); break; case 0x02: SET_AL( (inb(0x92) >> 1) & 0x01 ); CLEAR_CF(); SET_AH(0); break; case 0x03: CLEAR_CF(); SET_AH(0); BX = 3; break; default: BX_INFO("int15: Func 24h, subfunc %02xh, A20 gate control not supported\n", (unsigned) GET_AL()); SET_CF(); SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); } break; case 0x41: SET_CF(); SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); break; //@todo: Why does this need special handling? All we need is to set CF // but not handle this as an unknown function (regardless of CPU type). case 0x4f: /* keyboard intercept */ #if BX_CPU < 2 SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); #else // nop #endif SET_CF(); break; case 0x52: // removable media eject CLEAR_CF(); SET_AH(0); // "ok ejection may proceed" break; case 0x83: { if( GET_AL() == 0 ) { // Set Interval requested. if( ( read_byte( 0x40, 0xA0 ) & 1 ) == 0 ) { // Interval not already set. write_byte( 0x40, 0xA0, 1 ); // Set status byte. write_word( 0x40, 0x98, ES ); // Byte location, segment write_word( 0x40, 0x9A, BX ); // Byte location, offset write_word( 0x40, 0x9C, DX ); // Low word, delay write_word( 0x40, 0x9E, CX ); // High word, delay. CLEAR_CF( ); irqDisable = inb( 0xA1 ); outb( 0xA1, irqDisable & 0xFE ); bRegister = inb_cmos( 0xB ); // Unmask IRQ8 so INT70 will get through. outb_cmos( 0xB, bRegister | 0x40 ); // Turn on the Periodic Interrupt timer } else { // Interval already set. BX_DEBUG_INT15("int15: Func 83h, failed, already waiting.\n" ); SET_CF(); SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); } } else if( GET_AL() == 1 ) { // Clear Interval requested write_byte( 0x40, 0xA0, 0 ); // Clear status byte CLEAR_CF( ); bRegister = inb_cmos( 0xB ); outb_cmos( 0xB, bRegister & ~0x40 ); // Turn off the Periodic Interrupt timer } else { BX_DEBUG_INT15("int15: Func 83h, failed.\n" ); SET_CF(); SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); SET_AL(GET_AL() - 1); } break; } case 0x88: // Get the amount of extended memory (above 1M) #if BX_CPU < 2 SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); SET_CF(); #else AX = (inb_cmos(0x31) << 8) | inb_cmos(0x30); // According to Ralf Brown's interrupt the limit should be 15M, // but real machines mostly return max. 63M. if(AX > 0xffc0) AX = 0xffc0; CLEAR_CF(); #endif break; case 0x89: // Switch to Protected Mode. // ES:DI points to user-supplied GDT // BH/BL contains starting interrupt numbers for PIC0/PIC1 // This subfunction does not return! // turn off interrupts int_disable(); //@todo: aren't they off already? set_enable_a20(1); // enable A20 line; we're supposed to fail if that fails // Initialize CS descriptor for BIOS write_word(ES, SI+0x38+0, 0xffff);// limit 15:00 = normal 64K limit write_word(ES, SI+0x38+2, 0x0000);// base 15:00 write_byte(ES, SI+0x38+4, 0x000f);// base 23:16 (hardcoded to f000:0000) write_byte(ES, SI+0x38+5, 0x9b); // access write_word(ES, SI+0x38+6, 0x0000);// base 31:24/reserved/limit 19:16 /* Reprogram the PICs. */ outb(PIC_MASTER, PIC_CMD_INIT); outb(PIC_SLAVE, PIC_CMD_INIT); outb(PIC_MASTER + 1, GET_BH()); outb(PIC_SLAVE + 1, GET_BL()); outb(PIC_MASTER + 1, 4); outb(PIC_SLAVE + 1, 2); outb(PIC_MASTER + 1, 1); outb(PIC_SLAVE + 1, 1); /* Mask all IRQs, user must re-enable. */ outb(PIC_MASTER_MASK, 0xff); outb(PIC_SLAVE_MASK, 0xff); pm_switch(SI); pm_unwind((uint16_t)&r); break; case 0x90: /* Device busy interrupt. Called by Int 16h when no key available */ break; case 0x91: /* Interrupt complete. Called by Int 16h when key becomes available */ break; case 0xbf: BX_INFO("*** int 15h function AH=bf not yet supported!\n"); SET_CF(); SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); break; case 0xC0: CLEAR_CF(); SET_AH(0); BX = BIOS_CONFIG_TABLE; ES = 0xF000; break; case 0xc1: ES = read_word(0x0040, 0x000E); CLEAR_CF(); break; case 0xd8: bios_printf(BIOS_PRINTF_DEBUG, "EISA BIOS not present\n"); SET_CF(); SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); break; /* Make the BIOS warning for pretty much every Linux kernel start * disappear - it calls with ax=0xe980 to figure out SMI info. */ case 0xe9: /* SMI functions (SpeedStep and similar things) */ SET_CF(); SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); break; case 0xec: /* AMD64 target operating mode callback */ if (GET_AL() != 0) goto undecoded; SET_AH(0); if (GET_BL() >= 1 && GET_BL() <= 3) CLEAR_CF(); /* Accepted value. */ else SET_CF(); /* Reserved, error. */ break; undecoded: default: BX_INFO("*** int 15h function AX=%04x, BX=%04x not yet supported!\n", (unsigned) AX, (unsigned) BX); SET_CF(); SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); break; } } void BIOSCALL int15_function32(sys32_regs_t r) { uint32_t extended_memory_size=0; // 64bits long uint32_t extra_lowbits_memory_size=0; uint8_t extra_highbits_memory_size=0; uint32_t mcfgStart, mcfgSize; BX_DEBUG_INT15("int15 AX=%04x\n",AX); switch (GET_AH()) { case 0x86: // Wait for CX:DX microseconds. currently using the // refresh request port 0x61 bit4, toggling every 15usec int_enable(); timer_wait(DX, CX); break; case 0xd0: if (GET_AL() != 0x4f) goto int15_unimplemented; if (EBX == 0x50524f43 && ECX == 0x4d4f4445 && ESI == 0 && EDI == 0) { CLEAR_CF(); ESI = EBX; EDI = ECX; EAX = 0x49413332; } else goto int15_unimplemented; break; case 0xe8: switch(GET_AL()) { case 0x20: // coded by osmaker aka K.J. if(EDX == 0x534D4150) { extended_memory_size = inb_cmos(0x35); extended_memory_size <<= 8; extended_memory_size |= inb_cmos(0x34); extended_memory_size *= 64; #ifndef VBOX /* The following excludes 0xf0000000 thru 0xffffffff. Trust DevPcBios.cpp to get this right. */ // greater than EFF00000??? if(extended_memory_size > 0x3bc000) { extended_memory_size = 0x3bc000; // everything after this is reserved memory until we get to 0x100000000 } #endif /* !VBOX */ extended_memory_size *= 1024; extended_memory_size += (16L * 1024 * 1024); if(extended_memory_size <= (16L * 1024 * 1024)) { extended_memory_size = inb_cmos(0x31); extended_memory_size <<= 8; extended_memory_size |= inb_cmos(0x30); extended_memory_size *= 1024; extended_memory_size += (1L * 1024 * 1024); } #ifdef VBOX /* We've already used the CMOS entries for SATA. BTW. This is the amount of memory above 4GB measured in 64KB units. */ extra_lowbits_memory_size = inb_cmos(0x62); extra_lowbits_memory_size <<= 8; extra_lowbits_memory_size |= inb_cmos(0x61); extra_lowbits_memory_size <<= 16; extra_highbits_memory_size = inb_cmos(0x63); /* 0x64 and 0x65 can be used if we need to dig 1 TB or more at a later point. */ #else extra_lowbits_memory_size = inb_cmos(0x5c); extra_lowbits_memory_size <<= 8; extra_lowbits_memory_size |= inb_cmos(0x5b); extra_lowbits_memory_size *= 64; extra_lowbits_memory_size *= 1024; extra_highbits_memory_size = inb_cmos(0x5d); #endif /* !VBOX */ mcfgStart = 0; mcfgSize = 0; switch(BX) { case 0: set_e820_range(ES, DI, #ifndef VBOX /** @todo Upstream suggests the following, needs checking. (see next as well) */ 0x0000000L, 0x0009f000L, 0, 0, 1); #else 0x0000000L, 0x0009fc00L, 0, 0, 1); #endif EBX = 1; break; case 1: set_e820_range(ES, DI, #ifndef VBOX /** @todo Upstream suggests the following, needs checking. (see next as well) */ 0x0009f000L, 0x000a0000L, 0, 0, 2); #else 0x0009fc00L, 0x000a0000L, 0, 0, 2); #endif EBX = 2; break; case 2: #ifdef VBOX /* Mark the BIOS as reserved. VBox doesn't currently * use the 0xe0000-0xeffff area. It does use the * 0xd0000-0xdffff area for the BIOS logo, but it's * not worth marking it as reserved. (this is not * true anymore because the VGA adapter handles the logo stuff) * The whole 0xe0000-0xfffff can be used for the BIOS. * Note that various * Windows versions don't accept (read: in debug builds * they trigger the "Too many similar traps" assertion) * a single reserved range from 0xd0000 to 0xffffff. * A 128K area starting from 0xd0000 works. */ set_e820_range(ES, DI, 0x000f0000L, 0x00100000L, 0, 0, 2); #else /* !VBOX */ set_e820_range(ES, DI, 0x000e8000L, 0x00100000L, 0, 0, 2); #endif /* !VBOX */ EBX = 3; break; case 3: #if BX_ROMBIOS32 || defined(VBOX) set_e820_range(ES, DI, 0x00100000L, extended_memory_size - ACPI_DATA_SIZE, 0, 0, 1); EBX = 4; #else set_e820_range(ES, DI, 0x00100000L, extended_memory_size, 1); EBX = 5; #endif break; case 4: set_e820_range(ES, DI, extended_memory_size - ACPI_DATA_SIZE, extended_memory_size, 0, 0, 3); // ACPI RAM EBX = 5; break; case 5: set_e820_range(ES, DI, 0xfec00000, 0xfec00000 + 0x1000, 0, 0, 2); // I/O APIC EBX = 6; break; case 6: set_e820_range(ES, DI, 0xfee00000, 0xfee00000 + 0x1000, 0, 0, 2); // Local APIC EBX = 7; break; case 7: /* 256KB BIOS area at the end of 4 GB */ #ifdef VBOX /* We don't set the end to 1GB here and rely on the 32-bit unsigned wrap around effect (0-0xfffc0000L). */ #endif set_e820_range(ES, DI, 0xfffc0000L, 0x00000000L, 0, 0, 2); if (mcfgStart != 0) EBX = 8; else { if (extra_highbits_memory_size || extra_lowbits_memory_size) EBX = 9; else EBX = 0; } break; case 8: /* PCI MMIO config space (MCFG) */ set_e820_range(ES, DI, mcfgStart, mcfgStart + mcfgSize, 0, 0, 2); if (extra_highbits_memory_size || extra_lowbits_memory_size) EBX = 9; else EBX = 0; break; case 9: #ifdef VBOX /* Don't succeeded if no memory above 4 GB. */ /* Mapping of memory above 4 GB if present. Note1: set_e820_range needs do no borrowing in the subtraction because of the nice numbers. Note2* works only up to 1TB because of uint8_t for the upper bits!*/ if (extra_highbits_memory_size || extra_lowbits_memory_size) { set_e820_range(ES, DI, 0x00000000L, extra_lowbits_memory_size, 1 /*x4GB*/, extra_highbits_memory_size + 1 /*x4GB*/, 1); EBX = 0; } break; /* fall thru */ #else /* !VBOX */ /* Mapping of memory above 4 GB */ set_e820_range(ES, DI, 0x00000000L, extra_lowbits_memory_size, 1, extra_highbits_memory_size + 1, 1); EBX = 0; break; #endif /* !VBOX */ default: /* AX=E820, DX=534D4150, BX unrecognized */ goto int15_unimplemented; break; } EAX = 0x534D4150; ECX = 0x14; CLEAR_CF(); } else { // if DX != 0x534D4150) goto int15_unimplemented; } break; case 0x01: // do we have any reason to fail here ? CLEAR_CF(); // my real system sets ax and bx to 0 // this is confirmed by Ralph Brown list // but syslinux v1.48 is known to behave // strangely if ax is set to 0 // regs.u.r16.ax = 0; // regs.u.r16.bx = 0; // Get the amount of extended memory (above 1M) CX = (inb_cmos(0x31) << 8) | inb_cmos(0x30); // limit to 15M if(CX > 0x3c00) CX = 0x3c00; // Get the amount of extended memory above 16M in 64k blocks DX = (inb_cmos(0x35) << 8) | inb_cmos(0x34); // Set configured memory equal to extended memory AX = CX; BX = DX; break; default: /* AH=0xE8?? but not implemented */ goto int15_unimplemented; } break; int15_unimplemented: // fall into the default case default: BX_INFO("*** int 15h function AX=%04x, BX=%04x not yet supported!\n", (unsigned) AX, (unsigned) BX); SET_CF(); SET_AL(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); break; } } #if VBOX_BIOS_CPU >= 80286 #undef FLAGS #define FLAGS r.ra.flags.u.r16.flags /* Function 0x87 handled separately due to specific stack layout requirements. */ void BIOSCALL int15_blkmove(disk_regs_t r) { bx_bool prev_a20_enable; uint16_t base15_00; uint8_t base23_16; uint16_t ss; // +++ should probably have descriptor checks // +++ should have exception handlers // turn off interrupts int_disable(); //@todo: aren't they disabled already? prev_a20_enable = set_enable_a20(1); // enable A20 line // 128K max of transfer on 386+ ??? // source == destination ??? // ES:SI points to descriptor table // offset use initially comments // ============================================== // 00..07 Unused zeros Null descriptor // 08..0f GDT zeros filled in by BIOS // 10..17 source ssssssss source of data // 18..1f dest dddddddd destination of data // 20..27 CS zeros filled in by BIOS // 28..2f SS zeros filled in by BIOS //es:si //eeee0 //0ssss //----- // check for access rights of source & dest here // Initialize GDT descriptor base15_00 = (ES << 4) + SI; base23_16 = ES >> 12; if (base15_00 < (ES<<4)) base23_16++; write_word(ES, SI+0x08+0, 47); // limit 15:00 = 6 * 8bytes/descriptor write_word(ES, SI+0x08+2, base15_00);// base 15:00 write_byte(ES, SI+0x08+4, base23_16);// base 23:16 write_byte(ES, SI+0x08+5, 0x93); // access write_word(ES, SI+0x08+6, 0x0000); // base 31:24/reserved/limit 19:16 // Initialize CS descriptor write_word(ES, SI+0x20+0, 0xffff);// limit 15:00 = normal 64K limit write_word(ES, SI+0x20+2, 0x0000);// base 15:00 write_byte(ES, SI+0x20+4, 0x000f);// base 23:16 write_byte(ES, SI+0x20+5, 0x9b); // access write_word(ES, SI+0x20+6, 0x0000);// base 31:24/reserved/limit 19:16 // Initialize SS descriptor ss = read_ss(); base15_00 = ss << 4; base23_16 = ss >> 12; write_word(ES, SI+0x28+0, 0xffff); // limit 15:00 = normal 64K limit write_word(ES, SI+0x28+2, base15_00);// base 15:00 write_byte(ES, SI+0x28+4, base23_16);// base 23:16 write_byte(ES, SI+0x28+5, 0x93); // access write_word(ES, SI+0x28+6, 0x0000); // base 31:24/reserved/limit 19:16 pm_stack_save(CX, ES, SI, (uint16_t)(void __near *)&r); pm_enter(); pm_copy(); pm_exit(); pm_stack_restore(); set_enable_a20(prev_a20_enable); // turn interrupts back on int_enable(); SET_AH(0); CLEAR_CF(); } #endif