1 | /****************************************************************\
2 |
3 | hdprefix.S Copyright (C) 2005 Per Dalgas Jakobsen
4 |
5 | This code has been inspired/derived by the OSLoader by Vladislav Aleksandrov.
6 | http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone5/cat469/40546.htm.
7 |
8 | This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
9 | of the GNU Public License (GPL), incorporated herein by reference.
10 |
11 | hdprefix.S is loaded at 0x0000:0x7c00 by the bios-startup routines.
12 |
13 | Actions performed by hdprefix:
14 | 1) Load the MBR to LOADSEG:0
15 | 2) Check which partition is active (or try first partition if none active)
16 | 3) Check wether LBA is supported.
17 | 3a) LBA
18 | 3a1) Load PAYLOAD_SECTS sectors from chosen partition to LOADSEG:0
19 | 3b) CHS (standard)
20 | 3b1) Load PAYLOAD_SECTS sectors from chosen partition to LOADSEG:0
21 | 4) Check loaded bootsector for BOOTMAGIC code.
22 | 5) Jump to payload LOADSEG:ENTRYPOINT.
23 |
24 | Output with failure points (!#):
25 | ---
26 | Loading (!1)partition #
27 | Std. BIOS(!2) | Ext. BIOS(!3)
28 | Booting...(!4)
29 | (!5)
30 | ---
31 |
32 | !1: Failed to load MBR with Int13,ah=2.
33 | !2: Failed to load bootrecord+payload with Int13,ah=2.
34 | !3: Failed to load bootrecord+payload with Int13,ah=42.
35 | !4: Invalid BOOTMAGIC in loaded bootrecord.
36 | !5: Jumping to payload.
37 |
38 | \*****************************************************************/
39 |
40 | .equ BOOTSEG, 0x07c0
41 | .equ LOADSEG, 0x1000
42 | .equ ENTRYPOINT, _start
43 |
44 | .equ BOOTMAGIC, 0x0aa55
45 |
46 | .equ partition_table, 0x1be
47 | .equ partition_rec_size, 0x10
48 |
49 | .equ boot_ind, 0 /* 80h=active */
50 | .equ start_head, 1
51 | .equ start_sector, 2 /* bits 0-5 */
52 | .equ start_cyl, 3 /* bits 8,9 in bits 6,7 of sector */
53 | .equ os_ind, 4 /* os indicator */
54 | .equ end_head, 5
55 | .equ end_sector, 6 /* bits 0-5 */
56 | .equ end_track, 7 /* bits 8,9 in bits 6,7 of sector */
57 | .equ nsect, 8 /* sectors preceding partition */
58 | .equ lenght, 0x0c /* length of partition in sectors */
59 |
60 | /-------------------------------------------------------------
61 |
62 | .arch i386
63 | .text
64 | .section ".prefix", "ax", @progbits
65 | .code16
66 |
67 | bootstart:
68 | jmp $BOOTSEG,$_go /* reload cs:ip */
69 |
70 |
71 | /****************************************************************/
72 | /* support routines. */
73 | /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
74 | _failed:
75 | movw $BOOTSEG,%ax
76 | movw %ax,%ds
77 | movw $_failed_msg_end-_failed_msg,%cx
78 | movw $_failed_msg,%si
79 | call _print_str
80 |
81 | /* stop execution - should probably have option to auto-reboot after delay. */
82 | _failed_loop:
83 | jmp _failed_loop
84 |
85 | /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
86 | _print_str:
87 | /* cx = count, ds:si = string. */
88 | movw $0x0007,%bx
89 | movb $0x0e,%ah
90 | _print_loop:
91 | lodsb
92 | int $0x10
93 | loop _print_loop
94 | ret
95 |
96 | /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
97 | _print_char:
98 | /* al = char. */
99 | movw $0x0007,%bx
100 | movb $0x0e,%ah
101 | int $0x10
102 | ret
103 |
104 | /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
105 | _print_nl:
106 | /* - */
107 | movb $0x0d,%al
108 | call _print_char
109 | movb $0x0a,%al
110 | call _print_char
111 | ret
112 |
113 | /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
114 | _print_hex:
115 | /* dx = value */
116 | movb $0x0e,%ah /* write char, tty mode */
117 | movw $0x0007,%bx /* page 0, attribute 7 (normal) */
118 | call _print_digit
119 | call _print_digit
120 | call _print_digit
121 | /* fall through */
122 | _print_digit:
123 | rolw $4,%dx /* rotate so that lowest 4 bits are used */
124 | movb $0x0f,%al /* mask for nibble */
125 | andb %dl,%al
126 | addb $0x90,%al /* convert al to ascii hex (four instructions) */
127 | daa
128 | adcb $0x40,%al
129 | daa
130 | int $0x10
131 | ret
132 |
133 | /****************************************************************/
134 |
135 |
136 | _go:
137 | cli
138 | movw $BOOTSEG,%ax
139 | movw %ax,%ds
140 | movw %ax,%ss
141 | movw $0x2000,%sp /* good large stack. */
142 | sti
143 | cld
144 | movw $LOADSEG,%ax
145 | movw %ax,%es
146 |
147 | movw $_load_msg_end-_load_msg,%cx
148 | movw $_load_msg,%si
149 | call _print_str
150 |
151 | /*--- load MBR so we can use its partition table. ---*/
152 | xorw %bx,%bx
153 | movw $0x0001,%cx /* chs: 0,0,1 */
154 | movb %bh,%dh /* - */
155 | movb $0x80,%dl
156 | movw $0x0201,%ax /* read one sector (MBR) */
157 | int $0x13
158 | jc _failed
159 |
160 | /*--- find the active partition ---*/
161 | movw $_part_msg_end-_part_msg,%cx
162 | movw $_part_msg,%si
163 | call _print_str
164 |
165 | movw $partition_table,%di
166 | movw $4,%cx
167 | _partition_loop:
168 | cmpb $0x80,%es:(%di) /* active? */
169 | je _partition_found
170 | addw $partition_rec_size,%di
171 | loop _partition_loop
172 |
173 | /*- no partitions marked active - use 1. partition. */
174 | movw $partition_table,%di
175 | movw $4,%cx
176 |
177 | _partition_found:
178 | movb $'5',%al /* convert to ascii */
179 | subb %cl,%al
180 | call _print_char
181 | call _print_nl
182 |
183 | /*--- check for lba support ---*/
184 | movw $0x55aa,%bx
185 | movb $0x80,%dl
186 | movb $0x41,%ah
187 | int $0x13
188 | jc __bios
189 | cmpw $0x0aa55,%bx
190 | jnz __bios
191 | testb $1,%cl
192 | jz __bios
193 |
194 | /*--- use lba bios calls to read sectors ---*/
195 | _lba:
196 | movw $_extbios_msg_end-_extbios_msg,%cx
197 | movw $_extbios_msg,%si
198 | call _print_str
199 |
200 | movw %es:nsect(%di),%ax
201 | movw %ax,_bios_lba_low
202 | movw %es:nsect+2(%di),%ax
203 | movw %ax,_bios_lba_high
204 | movb $0x80,%dl
205 | movw $_disk_address_packet,%si
206 | movw $0x4200,%ax /* read */
207 | int $0x13
208 | jc _failed
209 | jmp __loaded
210 |
211 | /*--- use standard bios calls to read sectors ---*/
212 | __bios:
213 | movw $_stdbios_msg_end-_stdbios_msg,%cx
214 | movw $_stdbios_msg,%si
215 | call _print_str
216 |
217 | movw _disk_address_packet+2(,1),%ax /* only low byte is used. */
218 | xorw %bx,%bx
219 | movw %es:start_sector(%di),%cx
220 | movb %es:start_head(%di),%dh
221 | movb $0x80,%dl
222 | movb $0x02,%ah
223 | int $0x13
224 | jc _failed
225 |
226 | __loaded:
227 | movw $_boot_msg_end-_boot_msg,%cx
228 | movw $_boot_msg,%si
229 | call _print_str
230 |
231 | /* check if it has a valid bootrecord. */
232 | cmpw $BOOTMAGIC,%es:510(,1)
233 | jne _failed
234 | call _print_nl
235 |
236 | /* call the payload. */
237 | pushl $0 /* No parameters to preserve for exit path */
238 | pushw $0 /* Use prefix exit path mechanism */
240 |
241 | .section ".text16", "ax", @progbits
242 | .globl prefix_exit
243 | prefix_exit:
244 | int $0x19 /* should try to boot machine */
245 | .globl prefix_exit_end
246 | prefix_exit_end:
247 | .previous
248 |
249 |
250 | /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
251 |
252 | _load_msg: .ascii "Loading "
253 | _load_msg_end:
254 | _part_msg: .ascii "partition "
255 | _part_msg_end:
256 | _boot_msg: .ascii "Booting..."
257 | _boot_msg_end:
258 | _stdbios_msg: .ascii "Std. BIOS\r\n"
259 | _stdbios_msg_end:
260 | _extbios_msg: .ascii "Ext. BIOS\r\n"
261 | _extbios_msg_end:
262 | _failed_msg: .ascii "FAILED!!!\r\n"
263 | _failed_msg_end:
264 |
265 |
266 | /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
267 |
268 | _disk_address_packet:
269 | .byte 0x10 /* size of the packet */
270 | .byte 0 /* reserved */
271 | .word _verbatim_size_sct /* number of sectors to read */
272 | .word 0x0000 /* offset */
273 | .word LOADSEG /* segment of buffer */
274 | _bios_lba_low: .word 0
275 | _bios_lba_high: .word 0
276 | .word 0
277 | .word 0
278 |
279 | .rept 32
280 | .byte 0
281 | .endr
282 |
283 |
284 | /*--- Partition table ------------------------------------------*/
285 |
286 | .org 446, 0
287 | .rept 64
288 | .byte 0
289 | .endr
290 |
291 |
292 | /*--- Magic code -----------------------------------------------*/
293 | .org 510, 0
294 | .word BOOTMAGIC
295 |
296 | /*** END ********************************************************/