1 | /* $Id: Virtio_1_0_impl.h 80931 2019-09-22 09:56:37Z vboxsync $ $Revision: 80931 $ $Date: 2019-09-22 09:56:37 +0000 (Sun, 22 Sep 2019) $ $Author: vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * Virtio_1_0_impl.h - Virtio Declarations
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2009-2019 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 | #ifndef VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_VirtIO_Virtio_1_0_impl_h
19 | #define VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_VirtIO_Virtio_1_0_impl_h
21 | # pragma once
22 | #endif
23 |
24 | #include "Virtio_1_0.h"
25 |
26 | /** @name Saved state versions.
27 | * The saved state version is changed if either common or any of specific
28 | * parts are changed. That is, it is perfectly possible that the version
29 | * of saved vnet state will increase as a result of change in vblk structure
30 | * for example.
31 | */
33 | /** @} */
34 |
35 | #define VIRTIO_F_VERSION_1 RT_BIT_64(32) /**< Required feature bit for 1.0 devices */
36 |
37 | #define VIRTIO_F_INDIRECT_DESC RT_BIT_64(28) /**< Allow descs to point to list of descs */
38 | #define VIRTIO_F_EVENT_IDX RT_BIT_64(29) /**< Allow notification disable for n elems */
39 | #define VIRTIO_F_RING_INDIRECT_DESC RT_BIT_64(28) /**< Doc bug: Goes under two names in spec */
40 | #define VIRTIO_F_RING_EVENT_IDX RT_BIT_64(29) /**< Doc bug: Goes under two names in spec */
41 |
43 |
44 | #define VIRTIO_ISR_VIRTQ_INTERRUPT RT_BIT_32(0) /**< Virtq interrupt bit of ISR register */
45 | #define VIRTIO_ISR_DEVICE_CONFIG RT_BIT_32(1) /**< Device configuration changed bit of ISR */
46 | #define DEVICE_PCI_VENDOR_ID_VIRTIO 0x1AF4 /**< Guest driver locates dev via (mandatory) */
47 | #define DEVICE_PCI_REVISION_ID_VIRTIO 1 /**< VirtIO 1.0 non-transitional drivers >= 1 */
48 |
49 | /** Reserved (*negotiated*) Feature Bits (e.g. device independent features, VirtIO 1.0 spec,section 6) */
50 |
51 | #define VIRTIO_MSI_NO_VECTOR 0xffff /**< Vector value to disable MSI for queue */
52 |
53 | /** Device Status field constants (from Virtio 1.0 spec) */
54 | #define VIRTIO_STATUS_ACKNOWLEDGE 0x01 /**< Guest driver: Located this VirtIO device */
55 | #define VIRTIO_STATUS_DRIVER 0x02 /**< Guest driver: Can drive this VirtIO dev. */
56 | #define VIRTIO_STATUS_DRIVER_OK 0x04 /**< Guest driver: Driver set-up and ready */
57 | #define VIRTIO_STATUS_FEATURES_OK 0x08 /**< Guest driver: Feature negotiation done */
58 | #define VIRTIO_STATUS_FAILED 0x80 /**< Guest driver: Fatal error, gave up */
59 | #define VIRTIO_STATUS_DEVICE_NEEDS_RESET 0x40 /**< Device experienced unrecoverable error */
60 |
61 | /** @def Virtio Device PCI Capabilities type codes */
62 | #define VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_COMMON_CFG 1 /**< Common configuration PCI capability ID */
63 | #define VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_NOTIFY_CFG 2 /**< Notification area PCI capability ID */
64 | #define VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_ISR_CFG 3 /**< ISR PCI capability id */
65 | #define VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_DEVICE_CFG 4 /**< Device-specific PCI cfg capability ID */
66 | #define VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_PCI_CFG 5 /**< PCI CFG capability ID */
67 |
68 | #define VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_ID_VENDOR 0x09 /**< Vendor-specific PCI CFG Device Cap. ID */
69 |
70 | /**
71 | * The following is the PCI capability struct common to all VirtIO capability types
72 | */
73 | typedef struct virtio_pci_cap
74 | {
75 | /* All little-endian */
76 | uint8_t uCapVndr; /**< Generic PCI field: PCI_CAP_ID_VNDR */
77 | uint8_t uCapNext; /**< Generic PCI field: next ptr. */
78 | uint8_t uCapLen; /**< Generic PCI field: capability length */
79 | uint8_t uCfgType; /**< Identifies the structure. */
80 | uint8_t uBar; /**< Where to find it. */
81 | uint8_t uPadding[3]; /**< Pad to full dword. */
82 | uint32_t uOffset; /**< Offset within bar. (L.E.) */
83 | uint32_t uLength; /**< Length of struct, in bytes. (L.E.) */
85 |
86 | /**
87 | * Local implementation's usage context of a queue (e.g. not part of VirtIO specification)
88 | */
89 | typedef struct VIRTQSTATE
90 | {
91 | const char szVirtqName[32]; /**< Dev-specific name of queue */
92 | uint16_t uAvailIdx; /**< Consumer's position in avail ring */
93 | uint16_t uUsedIdx; /**< Consumer's position in used ring */
94 | bool fEventThresholdReached; /**< Don't lose track while queueing ahead */
96 |
97 | /**
98 | * VirtIO 1.0 Capabilities' related MMIO-mapped structs:
99 | *
100 | * Note: virtio_pci_device_cap is dev-specific, implemented by client. Definition unknown here.
101 | */
102 | typedef struct virtio_pci_common_cfg
103 | {
104 | /* Per device fields */
105 | uint32_t uDeviceFeaturesSelect; /**< RW (driver selects device features) */
106 | uint32_t uDeviceFeatures; /**< RO (device reports features to driver) */
107 | uint32_t uDriverFeaturesSelect; /**< RW (driver selects driver features) */
108 | uint32_t uDriverFeatures; /**< RW (driver-accepted device features) */
109 | uint16_t uMsixConfig; /**< RW (driver sets MSI-X config vector) */
110 | uint16_t uNumQueues; /**< RO (device specifies max queues) */
111 | uint8_t uDeviceStatus; /**< RW (driver writes device status, 0=reset) */
112 | uint8_t uConfigGeneration; /**< RO (device changes when changing configs) */
113 |
114 | /* Per virtqueue fields (as determined by uQueueSelect) */
115 | uint16_t uQueueSelect; /**< RW (selects queue focus for these fields) */
116 | uint16_t uQueueSize; /**< RW (queue size, 0 - 2^n) */
117 | uint16_t uQueueMsixVector; /**< RW (driver selects MSI-X queue vector) */
118 | uint16_t uQueueEnable; /**< RW (driver controls usability of queue) */
119 | uint16_t uQueueNotifyOff; /**< RO (offset uto virtqueue; see spec) */
120 | uint64_t pGcPhysQueueDesc; /**< RW (driver writes desc table phys addr) */
121 | uint64_t pGcPhysQueueAvail; /**< RW (driver writes avail ring phys addr) */
122 | uint64_t pGcPhysQueueUsed; /**< RW (driver writes used ring phys addr) */
124 |
125 | typedef struct virtio_pci_notify_cap
126 | {
127 | struct virtio_pci_cap pciCap; /**< Notification MMIO mapping capability */
128 | uint32_t uNotifyOffMultiplier; /**< notify_off_multiplier */
130 |
131 | typedef struct virtio_pci_cfg_cap
132 | {
133 | struct virtio_pci_cap pciCap; /**< Cap. defines the BAR/off/len to access */
134 | uint8_t uPciCfgData[4]; /**< I/O buf for above cap. */
136 |
137 | /**
138 | * The core (/common) state of the VirtIO PCI device
139 | *
140 | * @implements PDMILEDPORTS
141 | */
142 | typedef struct VIRTIOSTATE
143 | {
144 | PDMPCIDEV dev; /**< PCI device */
145 | char szInstance[16]; /**< Instance name, e.g. "VIRTIOSCSI0" */
146 | void * pClientContext; /**< Client callback returned on callbacks */
147 |
148 | PPDMDEVINSR3 pDevInsR3; /**< Device instance - R3 */
149 | PPDMDEVINSR0 pDevInsR0; /**< Device instance - R0 */
150 | PPDMDEVINSRC pDevInsRC; /**< Device instance - RC */
151 |
152 | RTGCPHYS pGcPhysPciCapBase; /**< Pointer to MMIO mapped capability data */
153 | RTGCPHYS pGcPhysCommonCfg; /**< Pointer to MMIO mapped capability data */
154 | RTGCPHYS pGcPhysNotifyCap; /**< Pointer to MMIO mapped capability data */
155 | RTGCPHYS pGcPhysIsrCap; /**< Pointer to MMIO mapped capability data */
156 | RTGCPHYS pGcPhysDeviceCap; /**< Pointer to MMIO mapped capability data */
157 |
158 | RTGCPHYS pGcPhysQueueDesc[VIRTQ_MAX_CNT]; /**< (MMIO) PhysAdr per-Q desc structs GUEST */
159 | RTGCPHYS pGcPhysQueueAvail[VIRTQ_MAX_CNT]; /**< (MMIO) PhysAdr per-Q avail structs GUEST */
160 | RTGCPHYS pGcPhysQueueUsed[VIRTQ_MAX_CNT]; /**< (MMIO) PhysAdr per-Q used structs GUEST */
161 | uint16_t uQueueNotifyOff[VIRTQ_MAX_CNT]; /**< (MMIO) per-Q notify offset HOST */
162 | uint16_t uQueueMsixVector[VIRTQ_MAX_CNT]; /**< (MMIO) Per-queue vector for MSI-X GUEST */
163 | uint16_t uQueueEnable[VIRTQ_MAX_CNT]; /**< (MMIO) Per-queue enable GUEST */
164 | uint16_t uQueueSize[VIRTQ_MAX_CNT]; /**< (MMIO) Per-queue size HOST/GUEST */
165 | uint16_t uQueueSelect; /**< (MMIO) queue selector GUEST */
166 | uint16_t padding;
167 | uint64_t uDeviceFeatures; /**< (MMIO) Host features offered HOST */
168 | uint64_t uDriverFeatures; /**< (MMIO) Host features accepted GUEST */
169 | uint32_t uDeviceFeaturesSelect; /**< (MMIO) hi/lo select uDeviceFeatures GUEST */
170 | uint32_t uDriverFeaturesSelect; /**< (MMIO) hi/lo select uDriverFeatures GUEST */
171 | uint32_t uMsixConfig; /**< (MMIO) MSI-X vector GUEST */
172 | uint32_t uNumQueues; /**< (MMIO) Actual number of queues GUEST */
173 | uint8_t uDeviceStatus; /**< (MMIO) Device Status GUEST */
174 | uint8_t uPrevDeviceStatus; /**< (MMIO) Prev Device Status GUEST */
175 | uint8_t uConfigGeneration; /**< (MMIO) Device config sequencer HOST */
176 |
177 | VIRTQSTATE virtqState[VIRTQ_MAX_CNT]; /**< Local impl-specific queue context */
178 | VIRTIOCALLBACKS virtioCallbacks; /**< Callback vectors to client */
179 |
180 | PFNPCICONFIGREAD pfnPciConfigReadOld; /**< Prev rd. cb. intercepting PCI Cfg I/O */
181 | PFNPCICONFIGWRITE pfnPciConfigWriteOld; /**< Prev wr. cb. intercepting PCI Cfg I/O */
182 |
183 | PVIRTIO_PCI_CFG_CAP_T pPciCfgCap; /**< Pointer to struct in configuration area */
184 | PVIRTIO_PCI_NOTIFY_CAP_T pNotifyCap; /**< Pointer to struct in configuration area */
185 | PVIRTIO_PCI_CAP_T pCommonCfgCap; /**< Pointer to struct in configuration area */
186 | PVIRTIO_PCI_CAP_T pIsrCap; /**< Pointer to struct in configuration area */
187 | PVIRTIO_PCI_CAP_T pDeviceCap; /**< Pointer to struct in configuration area */
188 |
189 | uint32_t cbDevSpecificCfg; /**< Size of client's dev-specific config data */
190 | void *pDevSpecificCfg; /**< Pointer to client's struct */
191 | void *pPrevDevSpecificCfg; /**< Previous read dev-specific cfg of client */
192 | bool fGenUpdatePending; /**< If set, update cfg gen after driver reads */
193 | uint8_t uPciCfgDataOff;
194 | uint8_t uISR; /**< Interrupt Status Register. */
195 |
197 |
198 | /** virtq related flags */
199 | #define VIRTQ_DESC_F_NEXT 1 /**< Indicates this descriptor chains to next */
200 | #define VIRTQ_DESC_F_WRITE 2 /**< Marks buffer as write-only (default ro) */
201 | #define VIRTQ_DESC_F_INDIRECT 4 /**< Buffer is list of buffer descriptors */
202 |
203 | #define VIRTQ_USED_F_NO_NOTIFY 1 /**< Dev to Drv: Don't notify when buf added */
204 | #define VIRTQ_AVAIL_F_NO_INTERRUPT 1 /**< Drv to Dev: Don't notify when buf eaten */
205 |
206 | /**
207 | * virtq related structs
208 | * (struct names follow VirtIO 1.0 spec, typedef use VBox style)
209 | */
210 | typedef struct virtq_desc
211 | {
212 | uint64_t pGcPhysBuf; /**< addr GC Phys. address of buffer */
213 | uint32_t cb; /**< len Buffer length */
214 | uint16_t fFlags; /**< flags Buffer specific flags */
215 | uint16_t uDescIdxNext; /**< next Idx set if VIRTIO_DESC_F_NEXT */
217 |
218 | typedef struct virtq_avail
219 | {
220 | uint16_t fFlags; /**< flags avail ring drv to dev flags */
221 | uint16_t uIdx; /**< idx Index of next free ring slot */
222 | uint16_t auRing[1]; /**< ring Ring: avail drv to dev bufs */
223 | uint16_t uUsedEventIdx; /**< used_event (if VIRTQ_USED_F_EVENT_IDX) */
225 |
226 | typedef struct virtq_used_elem
227 | {
228 | uint32_t uDescIdx; /**< idx Start of used desc chain */
229 | uint32_t cbElem; /**< len Total len of used desc chain */
231 |
232 | typedef struct virt_used
233 | {
234 | uint16_t fFlags; /**< flags used ring host-to-guest flags */
235 | uint16_t uIdx; /**< idx Index of next ring slot */
236 | VIRTQ_USED_ELEM_T auRing[1]; /**< ring Ring: used dev to drv bufs */
237 | uint16_t uAvailEventIdx; /**< avail_event if (VIRTQ_USED_F_EVENT_IDX) */
239 |
240 | /**
241 | * This macro returns true if the implied parameter GCPhysAddr address and access length are
242 | * within the range of the mapped capability struct specified with the explicit parameters.
243 | *
244 | * Actual Parameters:
245 | * @oaram pPhysCapStruct - [input] Pointer to MMIO mapped capability struct
246 | * @param pCfgCap - [input] Pointer to capability in PCI configuration area
247 | * @param fMatched - [output] True if GCPhysAddr is within the physically mapped capability.
248 | *
249 | * Implied parameters:
250 | * @param GCPhysAddr - [input, implied] Physical address accessed (via MMIO callback)
251 | * @param cb - [input, implied] Number of bytes to access
252 | */
253 | #define MATCH_VIRTIO_CAP_STRUCT(pGcPhysCapData, pCfgCap, fMatched) \
254 | bool fMatched = false; \
255 | if (pGcPhysCapData && pCfgCap && GCPhysAddr >= (RTGCPHYS)pGcPhysCapData \
256 | && GCPhysAddr < ((RTGCPHYS)pGcPhysCapData + ((PVIRTIO_PCI_CAP_T)pCfgCap)->uLength) \
257 | && cb <= ((PVIRTIO_PCI_CAP_T)pCfgCap)->uLength) \
258 | fMatched = true;
259 |
260 | /**
261 | * This macro resolves to boolean true if the implied parameters, uOffset and cb, match the field
262 | * offset and size of a field in the Common Cfg struct, (or if it is a 64-bit field, if it accesses
263 | * either 32-bit part as a 32-bit access)
264 | * This is mandated by section of the VirtIO 1.0 specification)
265 | *
266 | * @param member - Member of VIRTIO_PCI_COMMON_CFG_T
267 | * @param uOffset - Implied parameter: Offset into VIRTIO_PCI_COMMON_CFG_T
268 | * @param cb - Implied parameter: Number of bytes to access
269 | * @result - true or false
270 | */
271 | #define MATCH_COMMON_CFG(member) \
273 | && ( uOffset == RT_OFFSETOF(VIRTIO_PCI_COMMON_CFG_T, member) \
274 | || uOffset == RT_OFFSETOF(VIRTIO_PCI_COMMON_CFG_T, member) + sizeof(uint32_t)) \
275 | && cb == sizeof(uint32_t)) \
276 | || (uOffset == RT_OFFSETOF(VIRTIO_PCI_COMMON_CFG_T, member) \
277 | && cb == RT_SIZEOFMEMB(VIRTIO_PCI_COMMON_CFG_T, member))
278 |
279 | #define LOG_COMMON_CFG_ACCESS(member) \
280 | virtioLogMappedIoValue(__FUNCTION__, #member, RT_SIZEOFMEMB(VIRTIO_PCI_COMMON_CFG_T, member), \
281 | pv, cb, uIntraOff, fWrite, false, 0);
282 |
283 | #define LOG_COMMON_CFG_ACCESS_INDEXED(member, idx) \
284 | virtioLogMappedIoValue(__FUNCTION__, #member, RT_SIZEOFMEMB(VIRTIO_PCI_COMMON_CFG_T, member), \
285 | pv, cb, uIntraOff, fWrite, true, idx);
286 |
287 | #define COMMON_CFG_ACCESSOR(member) \
288 | do \
289 | { \
290 | uint32_t uIntraOff = uOffset - RT_OFFSETOF(VIRTIO_PCI_COMMON_CFG_T, member); \
291 | if (fWrite) \
292 | memcpy(((char *)&pVirtio->member) + uIntraOff, (const char *)pv, cb); \
293 | else \
294 | memcpy((char *)pv, (const char *)(((char *)&pVirtio->member) + uIntraOff), cb); \
295 | LOG_COMMON_CFG_ACCESS(member); \
296 | } while(0)
297 |
298 | #define COMMON_CFG_ACCESSOR_INDEXED(member, idx) \
299 | do \
300 | { \
301 | uint32_t uIntraOff = uOffset - RT_OFFSETOF(VIRTIO_PCI_COMMON_CFG_T, member); \
302 | if (fWrite) \
303 | memcpy(((char *)(pVirtio->member + idx)) + uIntraOff, (const char *)pv, cb); \
304 | else \
305 | memcpy((char *)pv, (const char *)(((char *)(pVirtio->member + idx)) + uIntraOff), cb); \
306 | LOG_COMMON_CFG_ACCESS_INDEXED(member, idx); \
307 | } while(0)
308 |
309 | #define COMMON_CFG_ACCESSOR_READONLY(member) \
310 | do \
311 | { \
312 | uint32_t uIntraOff = uOffset - RT_OFFSETOF(VIRTIO_PCI_COMMON_CFG_T, member); \
313 | if (fWrite) \
314 | LogFunc(("Guest attempted to write readonly virtio_pci_common_cfg.%s\n", #member)); \
315 | else \
316 | { \
317 | memcpy((char *)pv, (const char *)(((char *)&pVirtio->member) + uIntraOff), cb); \
318 | LOG_COMMON_CFG_ACCESS(member); \
319 | } \
320 | } while(0)
321 |
322 | #define COMMON_CFG_ACCESSOR_INDEXED_READONLY(member, idx) \
323 | do \
324 | { \
325 | uint32_t uIntraOff = uOffset - RT_OFFSETOF(VIRTIO_PCI_COMMON_CFG_T, member); \
326 | if (fWrite) \
327 | LogFunc(("Guest attempted to write readonly virtio_pci_common_cfg.%s[%d]\n", #member, idx)); \
328 | else \
329 | { \
330 | memcpy((char *)pv, ((char *)(pVirtio->member + idx)) + uIntraOff, cb); \
331 | LOG_COMMON_CFG_ACCESS_INDEXED(member, idx); \
332 | } \
333 | } while(0)
334 |
335 | #define DRIVER_OK(pVirtio) (pVirtio->uDeviceStatus & VIRTIO_STATUS_DRIVER_OK)
336 |
337 | /**
338 | * Internal queue operations
339 | */
340 |
341 | static int virtqIsEventNeeded (uint16_t uEventIdx, uint16_t uDescIdxNew, uint16_t uDescIdxOld);
342 | static bool virtqIsEmpty (PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx);
343 | static void virtioReadDesc (PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx, uint32_t uDescIdx, PVIRTQ_DESC_T pDesc);
344 | static uint16_t virtioReadAvailDescIdx (PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx, uint32_t availIdx);
345 | static uint16_t virtioReadAvailRingIdx (PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx);
346 | static uint16_t virtioReadAvailFlags (PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx);
347 | static uint16_t virtioReadAvailUsedEvent (PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx);
348 | static void virtioWriteUsedElem (PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx, uint32_t usedIdx, uint32_t uDescIdx, uint32_t uLen);
349 | static void virtioWriteUsedRingIdx (PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx, uint16_t uDescIdx);
350 | static uint16_t virtioReadUsedRingIdx (PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx);
351 | static uint16_t virtioReadUsedFlags (PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx);
352 | static void virtioWriteUsedFlags (PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx, uint32_t fFlags);
353 | static uint16_t virtioReadUsedAvailEvent (PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx);
354 | static void virtioWriteUsedAvailEvent (PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx, uint32_t uAvailEventIdx);
355 |
356 |
357 | DECLINLINE(int) virtqIsEventNeeded(uint16_t uEventIdx, uint16_t uDescIdxNew, uint16_t uDescIdxOld)
358 | {
359 | return (uint16_t)(uDescIdxNew - uEventIdx - 1) < (uint16_t)(uDescIdxNew - uDescIdxOld);
360 | }
361 |
362 | DECLINLINE(bool) virtqIsEmpty(PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx)
363 | {
364 | return virtioReadAvailRingIdx(pVirtio, qIdx) == pVirtio->virtqState[qIdx].uAvailIdx;
365 | }
366 |
367 | /**
368 | * Accessor for virtq descriptor
369 | */
370 | DECLINLINE(void) virtioReadDesc(PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx, uint32_t uDescIdx, PVIRTQ_DESC_T pDesc)
371 | {
372 | //Log(("%s virtioQueueReadDesc: ring=%p idx=%u\n", INSTANCE(pState), pVirtQ, idx));
373 | AssertMsg(pVirtio->uDeviceStatus & VIRTIO_STATUS_DRIVER_OK, ("Called with guest driver not ready\n"));
374 | PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pVirtio->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
375 | pVirtio->pGcPhysQueueDesc[qIdx]
376 | + sizeof(VIRTQ_DESC_T) * (uDescIdx % pVirtio->uQueueSize[qIdx]),
377 | pDesc, sizeof(VIRTQ_DESC_T));
378 | }
379 |
380 | /**
381 | * Accessors for virtq avail ring
382 | */
383 | DECLINLINE(uint16_t) virtioReadAvailDescIdx(PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx, uint32_t availIdx)
384 | {
385 | uint16_t uDescIdx;
386 | AssertMsg(pVirtio->uDeviceStatus & VIRTIO_STATUS_DRIVER_OK, ("Called with guest driver not ready\n"));
387 | PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pVirtio->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
388 | pVirtio->pGcPhysQueueAvail[qIdx]
389 | + RT_UOFFSETOF_DYN(VIRTQ_AVAIL_T, auRing[availIdx % pVirtio->uQueueSize[qIdx]]),
390 | &uDescIdx, sizeof(uDescIdx));
391 | return uDescIdx;
392 | }
393 |
394 | DECLINLINE(uint16_t) virtioReadAvailRingIdx(PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx)
395 | {
396 | uint16_t uIdx = 0;
397 | AssertMsg(pVirtio->uDeviceStatus & VIRTIO_STATUS_DRIVER_OK, ("Called with guest driver not ready\n"));
398 | PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pVirtio->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
399 | pVirtio->pGcPhysQueueAvail[qIdx] + RT_UOFFSETOF(VIRTQ_AVAIL_T, uIdx),
400 | &uIdx, sizeof(uIdx));
401 | return uIdx;
402 | }
403 |
404 | DECLINLINE(uint16_t) virtioReadAvailFlags(PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx)
405 | {
406 | uint16_t fFlags;
407 | AssertMsg(pVirtio->uDeviceStatus & VIRTIO_STATUS_DRIVER_OK, ("Called with guest driver not ready\n"));
408 | PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pVirtio->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
409 | pVirtio->pGcPhysQueueAvail[qIdx] + RT_UOFFSETOF(VIRTQ_AVAIL_T, fFlags),
410 | &fFlags, sizeof(fFlags));
411 | return fFlags;
412 | }
413 |
414 | DECLINLINE(uint16_t) virtioReadAvailUsedEvent(PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx)
415 | {
416 | uint16_t uUsedEventIdx;
417 | /** VirtIO 1.0 uUsedEventIdx (used_event) immediately follows ring */
418 | AssertMsg(pVirtio->uDeviceStatus & VIRTIO_STATUS_DRIVER_OK, ("Called with guest driver not ready\n"));
419 | PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pVirtio->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
420 | pVirtio->pGcPhysQueueAvail[qIdx]
421 | + RT_UOFFSETOF_DYN(VIRTQ_AVAIL_T, auRing[pVirtio->uQueueSize[qIdx]]),
422 | &uUsedEventIdx, sizeof(uUsedEventIdx));
423 | return uUsedEventIdx;
424 | }
425 |
426 | /**
427 | * Accessors for virtq used ring
428 | */
429 | DECLINLINE(void) virtioWriteUsedElem(PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx, uint32_t usedIdx, uint32_t uDescIdx, uint32_t uLen)
430 | {
431 | VIRTQ_USED_ELEM_T elem = { uDescIdx, uLen };
432 | AssertMsg(pVirtio->uDeviceStatus & VIRTIO_STATUS_DRIVER_OK, ("Called with guest driver not ready\n"));
433 | PDMDevHlpPCIPhysWrite(pVirtio->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
434 | pVirtio->pGcPhysQueueUsed[qIdx]
435 | + RT_UOFFSETOF_DYN(VIRTQ_USED_T, auRing[usedIdx % pVirtio->uQueueSize[qIdx]]),
436 | &elem, sizeof(elem));
437 | }
438 |
439 | DECLINLINE(void) virtioWriteUsedRingIdx(PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx, uint16_t uIdx)
440 | {
441 | AssertMsg(pVirtio->uDeviceStatus & VIRTIO_STATUS_DRIVER_OK, ("Called with guest driver not ready\n"));
442 | PDMDevHlpPCIPhysWrite(pVirtio->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
443 | pVirtio->pGcPhysQueueUsed[qIdx] + RT_UOFFSETOF(VIRTQ_USED_T, uIdx),
444 | &uIdx, sizeof(uIdx));
445 | }
446 |
447 | DECLINLINE(uint16_t)virtioReadUsedRingIdx(PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx)
448 | {
449 | uint16_t uIdx;
450 | AssertMsg(pVirtio->uDeviceStatus & VIRTIO_STATUS_DRIVER_OK, ("Called with guest driver not ready\n"));
451 | PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pVirtio->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
452 | pVirtio->pGcPhysQueueUsed[qIdx] + RT_UOFFSETOF(VIRTQ_USED_T, uIdx),
453 | &uIdx, sizeof(uIdx));
454 | return uIdx;
455 | }
456 |
457 | DECLINLINE(uint16_t) virtioReadUsedFlags(PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx)
458 | {
459 | uint16_t fFlags;
460 | AssertMsg(pVirtio->uDeviceStatus & VIRTIO_STATUS_DRIVER_OK, ("Called with guest driver not ready\n"));
461 | PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pVirtio->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
462 | pVirtio->pGcPhysQueueUsed[qIdx] + RT_UOFFSETOF(VIRTQ_USED_T, fFlags),
463 | &fFlags, sizeof(fFlags));
464 | return fFlags;
465 | }
466 |
467 | DECLINLINE(void) virtioWriteUsedFlags(PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx, uint32_t fFlags)
468 | {
469 | AssertMsg(pVirtio->uDeviceStatus & VIRTIO_STATUS_DRIVER_OK, ("Called with guest driver not ready\n"));
470 | PDMDevHlpPCIPhysWrite(pVirtio->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
471 | pVirtio->pGcPhysQueueUsed[qIdx] + RT_UOFFSETOF(VIRTQ_USED_T, fFlags),
472 | &fFlags, sizeof(fFlags));
473 | }
474 |
475 | DECLINLINE(uint16_t) virtioReadUsedAvailEvent(PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx)
476 | {
477 | uint16_t uAvailEventIdx;
478 | /** VirtIO 1.0 uAvailEventIdx (avail_event) immediately follows ring */
479 | AssertMsg(pVirtio->uDeviceStatus & VIRTIO_STATUS_DRIVER_OK, ("Called with guest driver not ready\n"));
480 | PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pVirtio->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
481 | pVirtio->pGcPhysQueueUsed[qIdx]
482 | + RT_UOFFSETOF_DYN(VIRTQ_USED_T, auRing[pVirtio->uQueueSize[qIdx]]),
483 | &uAvailEventIdx, sizeof(uAvailEventIdx));
484 | return uAvailEventIdx;
485 | }
486 |
487 | DECLINLINE(void) virtioWriteUsedAvailEvent(PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx, uint32_t uAvailEventIdx)
488 | {
489 | /** VirtIO 1.0 uAvailEventIdx (avail_event) immediately follows ring */
490 | AssertMsg(pVirtio->uDeviceStatus & VIRTIO_STATUS_DRIVER_OK, ("Called with guest driver not ready\n"));
491 | PDMDevHlpPCIPhysWrite(pVirtio->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns),
492 | pVirtio->pGcPhysQueueUsed[qIdx]
493 | + RT_UOFFSETOF_DYN(VIRTQ_USED_T, auRing[pVirtio->uQueueSize[qIdx]]),
494 | &uAvailEventIdx, sizeof(uAvailEventIdx));
495 | }
496 |
497 |
498 | /**
499 | * Makes the MMIO-mapped Virtio uDeviceStatus registers non-cryptic */
500 | DECLINLINE(void) virtioLogDeviceStatus( uint8_t status)
501 | {
502 | if (status == 0)
503 | Log6(("RESET"));
504 | else
505 | {
506 | int primed = 0;
508 | Log6(("ACKNOWLEDGE", primed++));
509 | if (status & VIRTIO_STATUS_DRIVER)
510 | Log6(("%sDRIVER", primed++ ? " | " : ""));
511 | if (status & VIRTIO_STATUS_FEATURES_OK)
512 | Log6(("%sFEATURES_OK", primed++ ? " | " : ""));
513 | if (status & VIRTIO_STATUS_DRIVER_OK)
514 | Log6(("%sDRIVER_OK", primed++ ? " | " : ""));
515 | if (status & VIRTIO_STATUS_FAILED)
516 | Log6(("%sFAILED", primed++ ? " | " : ""));
518 | Log6(("%sNEEDS_RESET", primed++ ? " | " : ""));
519 | (void)primed;
520 | }
521 | }
522 |
523 | static int virtioCommonCfgAccessed (PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, int fWrite, off_t uOffset, unsigned cb, void const *pv);
524 | static void virtioResetQueue (PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx);
525 | static void virtioNotifyGuestDriver (PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qIdx, bool fForce);
526 | static int virtioRaiseInterrupt (PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint8_t uCause, bool fForce);
527 | static void virtioLowerInterrupt (PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio);
528 | static void virtioQueueNotified (PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio, uint16_t qidx, uint16_t uDescIdx);
529 | static void virtioGuestResetted (PVIRTIOSTATE pVirtio);
530 |
531 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) virtioR3SaveExec(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, PSSMHANDLE pSSM);
532 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) virtioR3LoadExec(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, PSSMHANDLE pSSM, uint32_t uVersion, uint32_t uPass);
533 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) virtioR3LoadDone(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, PSSMHANDLE pSSM);
534 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) virtioR3LiveExec(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, PSSMHANDLE pSSM, uint32_t uPass);
535 |
536 | #endif /* !VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_VirtIO_Virtio_1_0_impl_h */