1 | ; $Id: tstDisasm-1A.asm 53032 2014-10-10 16:18:37Z vboxsync $
2 | ;; @file
3 | ; VBox disassembler: Assembler test routines
4 | ;
5 |
6 | ;
7 | ; Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Oracle Corporation
8 | ;
9 | ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | ;
17 |
18 | ;*******************************************************************************
19 | ;* Header Files *
20 | ;*******************************************************************************
21 | %include "iprt/asmdefs.mac"
22 | ;%include "VBox/vmm/vm.mac"
23 | ;%include "VBox/err.mac"
24 | ;%include "VBox/vmm/stam.mac"
25 | ;%include "iprt/x86.mac"
26 |
27 | BITS 32
28 |
29 | %if __YASM_VERSION_ID__ >= 001020001h ; v1.2.0.1 and greater, make sure to exclude v1.2.0.0.
30 | %define pmulhrwa pmulhrw
31 | %endif
32 |
33 |
35 |
36 | align 16
37 | BEGINPROC TestProc32
38 | xor eax, eax
39 | mov al, 4
40 | lea edx, [4]
41 | mov edx, 4
42 | mov eax, 4
43 | shl eax, 4
44 | shl edx, 4
45 | shr edx, 4
46 | mov eax, edx
47 | mov eax, ecx
48 | mov edx, eax
49 | mov ecx, eax
50 | DB 0xF0, 0x0F, 0x22, 0xC0
51 | DB 0xF0, 0x0F, 0x20, 0xC0
52 | smsw word [edx+16]
53 | ; invept eax, dqword [ecx]
54 | DB 0x66, 0x0F, 0x38, 0x80, 0x1
55 | ; invept eax, dqword [ecx]
56 | DB 0x66, 0x0F, 0x38, 0x81, 0x1
57 | mov eax, dword [ecx]
58 | mov word [edi], 0123ah
59 | movzx eax,byte [edx]
60 | movzx eax,word [edx]
61 | mov dword [es:ebx + 1234h], 0789h
62 | mov word [fs:ebx + ecx], 0654h
63 | mov byte [esi + eax*4], 054h
64 | mov bl, byte [ds:ebp + 1234h]
65 | mov al, [cs:1234h + ecx*8]
66 | mov al, [cs:1234h]
67 | mov ax, [cs:1234h]
68 | mov eax, [cs:1234h]
69 | lock cmpxchg [ecx], eax
70 | lock cmpxchg [ecx], ax
71 | lock cmpxchg [ecx], dl
72 | movzx ESI,word [EAX]
73 | in al, dx
74 | in ax, dx
75 | in eax, dx
76 | mov ebx, [ecx + eax*4 + 17]
77 | mov ebx, [ebp + eax*4 + 4]
78 | mov ebx, [ebp + eax*4]
79 | int 80h
80 | in al, 60h
81 | in ax, dx
82 | out 64h, eax
83 |
84 | movss xmm0, xmm1
85 | movss xmm3, [eax]
86 | movss [eax], xmm4
87 | movsd xmm6, xmm1
88 |
89 | pause
90 | nop
91 |
92 | ; 3Dnow!
93 | pavgusb mm1, mm0
94 | pf2id mm5, mm4
95 | pf2iw mm6, mm3
96 | pfacc mm7, mm2
97 | pfadd mm5, mm4
98 | pfcmpeq mm6, mm3
99 | pfcmpge mm2, mm7
100 | pfcmpgt mm4, mm5
101 | pfmax mm3, mm6
102 | pfmin mm1, mm0
103 | pfmul mm5, mm4
104 | pmulhrwa mm3, mm6
105 | pfnacc mm4, mm5
106 | pfpnacc mm3, mm6
107 | pfrcp mm0, mm1
108 | pfrcpit1 mm2, mm7
109 | pfrcpit2 mm4, mm5
110 | pfrsqrt mm7, mm2
111 | pfrsqit1 mm1, mm0
112 | pfsub mm6, mm3
113 | pfsubr mm0, mm1
114 | pi2fd mm7, mm2
115 | pi2fw mm0, mm1
116 | pswapd mm2, mm7
117 |
118 | pavgusb mm1, qword [es:eax+000000010h]
119 | pf2id mm5, qword [ds:esi+000101010h]
120 | pf2iw mm6, qword [fs:esi+000101010h]
121 | pfacc mm7, qword [gs:esi+000101010h]
122 | pfadd mm5, qword [ esi+000101010h]
123 | pfcmpeq mm6, qword [ edi*8+000101010h]
124 | pfcmpge mm2, qword [es:esi+000100010h]
125 | pfcmpgt mm4, qword [es:esi+000101010h]
126 | pfmax mm3, qword [es:esi+000101010h]
127 | pfmin mm1, qword [es:esi+000101010h]
128 | pfmul mm5, qword [es:esi+000101000h]
129 | pmulhrwa mm3, qword [es:eax+0ffffffffh]
130 | pfnacc mm4, qword [es:ebx+000101010h]
131 | pfpnacc mm3, qword [es:edx+000102900h]
132 | pfrcp mm0, qword [es:ecx+000101020h]
133 | pfrcpit1 mm2, qword [es:ebp+000101510h]
134 | pfrcpit2 mm4, qword [es:esp+000101310h]
135 | pfrsqrt mm7, qword [es:esi+0f0106010h]
136 | pfrsqit1 mm1, qword [es:edi+0001f1010h]
137 | pfsub mm6, qword [es:esi*2]
138 | pfsubr mm0, qword [es:esi*3]
139 | pi2fd mm7, qword [es:esi*4]
140 | pi2fw mm0, qword [es:esi*5]
141 | pswapd mm2, qword [es:esi*8]
142 |
143 | pmulhrwa mm0, qword [ds:ebp+edi*8+00f000001h]
144 |
145 | ; MMX
146 | psubusb mm1, mm3
147 | cvtpi2pd xmm0, mm3
148 | paddd mm1, mm3
149 | paddd xmm1, xmm3
150 |
151 | %if __YASM_VERSION_ID__ >= 001030000h ; Old yasm doesn't support the instructions below
152 | adcx eax, ebx
153 | adcx eax, [edi]
154 |
155 | adox eax, ebx
156 | adox eax, [edi]
157 | adox eax, [edi + 1000h]
158 |
159 | tzcnt ax, bx
160 | tzcnt eax, ebx
161 | tzcnt ax, [edi]
162 | tzcnt eax, [edi]
163 | tzcnt eax, [edi + 1000h]
164 | %endif
165 |
166 | movbe eax, [edi]
167 | movbe ebx, [edi + 1000h]
168 | movbe ax, [edi]
169 | movbe [edi], eax
170 |
171 | crc32 eax, bl
172 | crc32 eax, bx
173 | crc32 eax, ebx
174 | crc32 eax, byte [edi]
175 | crc32 eax, word [edi]
176 | crc32 eax, dword [edi]
177 |
178 | popcnt ax, bx
179 | popcnt eax, ebx
180 | popcnt ax, [edi]
181 | popcnt eax, [edi]
182 | popcnt eax, [edi + 1000h]
183 |
184 | lzcnt ax, bx
185 | lzcnt eax, ebx
186 | lzcnt ax, [edi]
187 | lzcnt eax, [edi]
188 | lzcnt eax, [edi + 1000h]
189 |
190 | vmread eax, ebx
191 | vmwrite eax, ebx
192 |
193 | ENDPROC TestProc32
194 |
195 |
196 | %ifndef RT_OS_OS2
197 | BITS 64
198 | align 16
199 | BEGINPROC TestProc64
200 | mov cr8, rax
201 | mov cr8, rbx
202 | mov [0xfffe0080], rax
203 | mov [0xfffe0080], rbx
204 | mov rax, cr8
205 | mov rbx, cr8
206 | mov rax, [0xfffe0080]
207 | mov rbx, [0xfffe0080]
208 | divsd xmm1, xmm0
209 | ; invept rdi, dqword [rsi]
210 | DB 0x66, 0x0F, 0x38, 0x80, 0x3E
211 | ; invept rcx, dqword [rdx]
212 | DB 0x66, 0x0F, 0x38, 0x80, 0xA
213 | ;invvpid rdi, dqword [rsi]
214 | DB 0x66, 0x0F, 0x38, 0x81, 0x3E
215 | ; invvpid rcx, dqword [rdx]
216 | DB 0x66, 0x0F, 0x38, 0x81, 0xA
217 | mov rdi, [rsi]
218 | mov rcx, [rdx]
219 | db 48h
220 | db 0c7h
221 | db 42h
222 | db 18h
223 | db 20h
224 | db 3eh
225 | db 23h
226 | db 80h
227 | call qword [r8+10h]
228 | ; test
229 | db 48h
230 | db 8bh
231 | db 44h
232 | db 0ah
233 | db 0f8h
234 | ;incorrectly assembled by yasm; REX.W should not be added!
235 | ;test rax, dword 0cc90cc90h
236 | db 8bh
237 | db 04h
238 | db 8dh
239 | db 00h
240 | db 00h
241 | db 0feh
242 | db 0ffh
243 | mov qword [rcx+rdx], 0
244 | mov dword [rcx+rdx], 0
245 | and [r15], rax
246 | movzx rcx, sil
247 | and sil, 3
248 | movzx ecx, ah
249 | and ah, 3
250 |
251 | sub rcx, 1234h
252 | mov rax, qword [0cc90cc90h]
253 | mov rax, qword [00c90cc90h]
254 | mov rax, dword 0cc90cc90h
255 | mov rax, qword 0ffffcc90cc90h
256 |
257 | movzx rax,byte [edx]
258 | movzx rax,word [edx]
259 | movzx rax,byte [rdx]
260 | lock cmpxchg [rcx], rax
261 | lock cmpxchg [rcx], ax
262 | lock cmpxchg [r15], dl
263 | movzx RSI, word [R8]
264 | in al, dx
265 | in ax, dx
266 | in eax, dx
267 | mov rbx, [rcx + rax*4 + 17]
268 | mov rbx, [rbp + rax*4 + 4]
269 | mov rbx, [rbp + rax*4]
270 | mov rbx, [ebp + eax*4]
271 | int 80h
272 | in al, 60h
273 | in ax, dx
274 | out 64h, eax
275 |
276 | movss xmm0, xmm14
277 | movsd xmm6, xmm1
278 |
279 | movbe eax, [rdi]
280 | movbe ax, [rdi]
281 | movbe rax, [rdi]
282 |
283 | crc32 eax, bl
284 | crc32 eax, bx
285 | crc32 eax, ebx
286 | crc32 eax, byte [edi]
287 | crc32 eax, word [edi]
288 | crc32 eax, dword [edi]
289 |
290 | crc32 rax, bl
291 | crc32 rax, byte [rdi]
292 | crc32 rax, qword [rdi]
293 |
294 | %if __YASM_VERSION_ID__ >= 001030000h ; Old yasm doesn't support the instructions below
295 |
296 | adcx eax, ebx
297 | adcx rax, rbx
298 | adcx r8, r11
299 | adcx r8d, edx
300 |
301 | adox eax, ebx
302 | adox eax, [edi]
303 | adox eax, [edi + 1000h]
304 |
305 | adox rax, rbx
306 | adox rax, [rdi]
307 | adox rax, [rdi + 1000h]
308 | adox rax, [edi + 1000h]
309 |
310 | tzcnt ax, bx
311 | tzcnt eax, ebx
312 | tzcnt rax, rbx
313 | tzcnt ax, [edi]
314 | tzcnt eax, [edi]
315 | tzcnt eax, [edi + 1000h]
316 | %endif
317 |
318 | popcnt ax, bx
319 | popcnt eax, ebx
320 | popcnt rax, rbx
321 | popcnt ax, [edi]
322 | popcnt eax, [edi]
323 | popcnt eax, [edi + 1000h]
324 | popcnt rax, [rdi + 1000h]
325 |
326 | lzcnt ax, bx
327 | lzcnt eax, ebx
328 | lzcnt rax, rbx
329 | lzcnt ax, [edi]
330 | lzcnt eax, [edi]
331 | lzcnt eax, [edi + 1000h]
332 | lzcnt eax, [rdi]
333 | lzcnt ax, [rdi]
334 | lzcnt rax, [rdi]
335 | lzcnt r8d, [rdi]
336 |
337 | vmread rax, rbx
338 | vmwrite rax, rbx
339 |
340 | ret
341 | ENDPROC TestProc64
342 | %endif ; !OS2
343 |