/* $Id: VBoxBFE.cpp 11158 2008-08-05 23:14:59Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * Basic Frontend (BFE): VBoxBFE main routines. * * VBoxBFE is a limited frontend that sits directly on the Virtual Machine * Manager (VMM) and does _not_ use COM to communicate. * On Linux and Windows, VBoxBFE is based on SDL; on L4 it's based on the * L4 console. Much of the code has been copied over from the other frontends * in VBox/Main/ and src/Frontends/VBoxSDL/. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_GUI #ifndef VBOXBFE_WITHOUT_COM # include # include using namespace com; #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef VBOXBFE_WITH_USB # include #endif #ifdef VBOX_HGCM # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VBoxBFE.h" #include #include /* putenv */ #include #if defined(RT_OS_LINUX) || defined(RT_OS_L4) #include #include #include #include #endif #include "ConsoleImpl.h" #include "DisplayImpl.h" #include "MouseImpl.h" #include "KeyboardImpl.h" #include "VMMDevInterface.h" #include "StatusImpl.h" #include "Framebuffer.h" #include "MachineDebuggerImpl.h" #ifdef VBOXBFE_WITH_USB # include "HostUSBImpl.h" #endif #if defined(USE_SDL) && ! defined(RT_OS_L4) #include "SDLConsole.h" #include "SDLFramebuffer.h" #endif #ifdef RT_OS_L4 #include "L4Console.h" #include "L4Framebuffer.h" #include "L4IDLInterface.h" #endif #ifdef RT_OS_L4 # include # include #endif /******************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *******************************************************************************/ #define VBOXSDL_ADVANCED_OPTIONS #define MAC_STRING_LEN 12 /******************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *******************************************************************************/ static DECLCALLBACK(int) vboxbfeConfigConstructor(PVM pVM, void *pvUser); static DECLCALLBACK(void) vmstateChangeCallback(PVM pVM, VMSTATE enmState, VMSTATE enmOldState, void *pvUser); static DECLCALLBACK(void) setVMErrorCallback(PVM pVM, void *pvUser, int rc, RT_SRC_POS_DECL, const char *pszFormat, va_list args); static DECLCALLBACK(int) VMPowerUpThread(RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser); /******************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *******************************************************************************/ PVM pVM = NULL; Mouse *gMouse = NULL; VMDisplay *gDisplay = NULL; Keyboard *gKeyboard = NULL; VMMDev *gVMMDev = NULL; Framebuffer *gFramebuffer = NULL; MachineDebugger *gMachineDebugger = NULL; VMStatus *gStatus = NULL; Console *gConsole = NULL; #ifdef VBOXBFE_WITH_USB HostUSB *gHostUSB = NULL; #endif VMSTATE machineState = VMSTATE_CREATING; static PPDMLED mapFDLeds[2] = {0}; /** flag whether keyboard/mouse events are grabbed */ #ifdef RT_OS_L4 /** see for key definitions */ int gHostKey; /* not used */ int gHostKeySym = KEY_RIGHTCTRL; #elif defined (DEBUG_dmik) // my mini kbd doesn't have RCTRL... int gHostKey = KMOD_RSHIFT; int gHostKeySym = SDLK_RSHIFT; #else int gHostKey = KMOD_RCTRL; int gHostKeySym = SDLK_RCTRL; #endif bool gfAllowFullscreenToggle = true; static bool g_fIOAPIC = false; static bool g_fACPI = true; static bool g_fAudio = false; #ifdef VBOXBFE_WITH_USB static bool g_fUSB = false; #endif static char *g_pszHdaFile = NULL; static bool g_fHdaSpf = false; static char *g_pszHdbFile = NULL; static bool g_fHdbSpf = false; static char *g_pszCdromFile = NULL; static char *g_pszFdaFile = NULL; const char *g_pszStateFile = NULL; static const char *g_pszBootDevice = "IDE"; static uint32_t g_u32MemorySizeMB = 128; static uint32_t g_u32VRamSize = 4 * _1M; #ifdef VBOXSDL_ADVANCED_OPTIONS static bool g_fRawR0 = true; static bool g_fRawR3 = true; static bool g_fPATM = true; static bool g_fCSAM = true; #endif static bool g_fRestoreState = false; static const char *g_pszShareDir[MaxSharedFolders]; static const char *g_pszShareName[MaxSharedFolders]; static bool g_fShareReadOnly[MaxSharedFolders]; static unsigned g_uNumShares; static bool g_fPreAllocRam = false; static int g_iBootMenu = 2; static bool g_fReleaseLog = true; /**< Set if we should open the release. */ const char *g_pszProgressString; unsigned g_uProgressPercent = ~0U; /** * Network device config info. */ typedef struct BFENetworkDevice { enum { NOT_CONFIGURED = 0, NONE, NAT, HIF, INTNET } enmType; /**< The type of network driver. */ bool fSniff; /**< Set if the network sniffer should be installed. */ const char *pszSniff; /**< Output file for the network sniffer. */ RTMAC Mac; /**< The mac address for the device. */ const char *pszName; /**< The device name of a HIF device. The name of the internal network. */ #ifdef RT_OS_OS2 bool fHaveConnectTo; /**< Whether fConnectTo is set. */ int32_t iConnectTo; /**< The lanX to connect to (bridge with). */ #elif 1//defined(RT_OS_LINUX) bool fHaveFd; /**< Set if fd is valid. */ int32_t fd; /**< The file descriptor of a HIF device.*/ #endif } BFENETDEV, *PBFENETDEV; /** Array of network device configurations. */ static BFENETDEV g_aNetDevs[NetworkAdapterCount]; /** @todo currently this is only set but never read. */ static char szError[512]; /** */ bool fActivateHGCM() { return !!(g_uNumShares > 0); } /** * Converts the passed in network option * * @returns Index into g_aNetDevs on success. (positive) * @returns VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER on failure. (negative) * @param pszArg The argument. * @param cchRoot The length of the argument root. */ static int networkArg2Index(const char *pszArg, int cchRoot) { uint32_t n; int rc = RTStrToUInt32Ex(&pszArg[cchRoot], NULL, 10, &n); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("Error: invalid network device option (rc=%Vrc): %s\n", rc, pszArg); return -1; } if (n < 1 || n > NetworkAdapterCount) { RTPrintf("Error: The network device number is out of range: %RU32 (1 <= 0 <= %u) (%s)\n", n, NetworkAdapterCount, pszArg); return -1; } return n; } /** * Generates a new unique MAC address based on our vendor ID and * parts of a GUID. * * @returns iprt status code * @param pAddress An array into which to store the newly generated address */ int GenerateMACAddress(char pszAddress[MAC_STRING_LEN + 1]) { /* * Our strategy is as follows: the first three bytes are our fixed * vendor ID (080027). The remaining 3 bytes will be taken from the * start of a GUID. This is a fairly safe algorithm. */ LogFlowFunc(("called\n")); RTUUID uuid; int rc = RTUuidCreate(&uuid); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogFlowFunc(("RTUuidCreate failed, returning %Vrc\n", rc)); return rc; } RTStrPrintf(pszAddress, MAC_STRING_LEN + 1, "080027%02X%02X%02X", uuid.au8[0], uuid.au8[1], uuid.au8[2]); LogFlowFunc(("generated MAC: '%s'\n", pszAddress)); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Print a syntax error. * * @returns return value for main(). * @param pszMsg The message format string. * @param ... Format arguments. */ static int SyntaxError(const char *pszMsg, ...) { va_list va; RTPrintf("error: "); va_start(va, pszMsg); RTPrintfV(pszMsg, va); va_end(va); return 1; } /** * Print a fatal error. * * @returns return value for main(). * @param pszMsg The message format string. * @param ... Format arguments. */ static int FatalError(const char *pszMsg, ...) { va_list va; RTPrintf("fatal error: "); va_start(va, pszMsg); RTPrintfV(pszMsg, va); va_end(va); return 1; } /** * Start progress display. */ void startProgressInfo(const char *pszStr) { g_pszProgressString = pszStr; g_uProgressPercent = 0; } /** * Update progress display. */ void callProgressInfo(PVM pVM, unsigned uPercent, void *pvUser) { if (gConsole) gConsole->progressInfo(pVM, uPercent, pvUser); } /** * End progress display. */ void endProgressInfo(void) { g_uProgressPercent = ~0U; } /** * Print program usage. */ static void show_usage() { RTPrintf("Usage:\n" " -hda Set first hard disk to file\n" " -hdb Set second hard disk to file\n" " -fda Set first floppy disk to file\n" " -cdrom Set CDROM to file/device ('none' to unmount)\n" " -boot Set boot device (a = floppy, c = first hard disk, d = DVD)\n" " -boot menu <0|1|2> Boot menu (0 = disable, 1 = menu only, 2 = message + menu)\n" " -m Set memory size in megabytes (default 128MB)\n" " -vram Set size of video memory in megabytes\n" " -prealloc Force RAM pre-allocation\n" " -fullscreen Start VM in fullscreen mode\n" " -statefile Define the file name for VM save/restore\n" " -restore Restore the VM if the statefile exists, normal start otherwise\n" " -nofstoggle Forbid switching to/from fullscreen mode\n" " -share [readonly]\n" " Share directory as name . Optionally read-only.\n" " -nohostkey Disable hostkey\n" " -[no]acpi Enable or disable ACPI (default: enabled)\n" " -[no]ioapic Enable or disable the IO-APIC (default: disabled)\n" " -audio Enable audio\n" #ifndef RT_OS_L4 " -natdev<1-N> [mac] Use NAT networking on network adapter . Use hardware\n" " address if specified.\n" #endif " -hifdev<1-N> Use Host Interface Networking with host interface \n" " [mac] on network adapter . Use hardware address if\n" " specified.\n" #ifndef RT_OS_L4 " -intnet<1-N> Attach network adapter to internal network . Use\n" " [mac] hardware address if specified.\n" #endif #if 0 " -netsniff<1-N> Enable packet sniffer\n" #endif #ifdef RT_OS_OS2 " -brdev<1-N> lan Bridge network adaptor with the 'lanX' device.\n" #endif #ifdef RT_OS_LINUX " -tapfd<1-N> Use existing TAP device, don't allocate\n" #endif #ifdef VBOX_VRDP " -vrdp [port] Listen for VRDP connections on port (default if not specified)\n" #endif #ifdef VBOX_SECURELABEL " -securelabel Display a secure VM label at the top of the screen\n" " -seclabelfnt TrueType (.ttf) font file for secure session label\n" " -seclabelsiz Font point size for secure session label (default 12)\n" #endif " -[no]rellog Enable or disable the release log './VBoxBFE.log' (default: enabled)\n" #ifdef VBOXSDL_ADVANCED_OPTIONS " -[no]rawr0 Enable or disable raw ring 3\n" " -[no]rawr3 Enable or disable raw ring 0\n" " -[no]patm Enable or disable PATM\n" " -[no]csam Enable or disable CSAM\n" #endif #ifdef RT_OS_L4 " -env Set the given environment variable to \"value\"\n" #endif "\n"); } /** entry point */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { #ifdef RT_OS_L4 #ifndef L4API_l4v2onv4 /* clear Fiasco kernel trace buffer */ fiasco_tbuf_clear(); #endif /* set the environment. Must be done before the runtime is initialised. Yes, it really must. */ for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) if (strcmp(argv[i], "-env") == 0) { if (++i >= argc) return SyntaxError("missing argument to -env (format: var=value)!\n"); /* add it to the environment */ if (putenv(argv[i]) != 0) return SyntaxError("Error setting environment string %s.\n", argv[i]); } #endif /* RT_OS_L4 */ /* * Before we do *anything*, we initialize the runtime. */ int rc = RTR3Init(); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return FatalError("RTR3Init failed rc=%Vrc\n", rc); bool fFullscreen = false; #ifdef VBOX_VRDP int32_t portVRDP = -1; #endif #ifdef VBOX_SECURELABEL bool fSecureLabel = false; uint32_t secureLabelPointSize = 12; char *secureLabelFontFile = NULL; #endif #ifdef RT_OS_L4 uint32_t u32MaxVRAM; #endif RTPrintf("VirtualBox Simple SDL GUI built %s %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__); // less than one parameter is not possible if (argc < 2) { show_usage(); return 1; } /* * Parse the command line arguments. */ for (int curArg = 1; curArg < argc; curArg++) { const char * const pszArg = argv[curArg]; if (strcmp(pszArg, "-boot") == 0) { if (++curArg >= argc) return SyntaxError("missing argument for boot drive!\n"); if (strlen(argv[curArg]) != 1) return SyntaxError("invalid argument for boot drive! (%s)\n", argv[curArg]); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; switch (argv[curArg][0]) { case 'a': { g_pszBootDevice = "FLOPPY"; break; } case 'c': { g_pszBootDevice = "IDE"; break; } case 'd': { g_pszBootDevice = "DVD"; break; } default: return SyntaxError("wrong argument for boot drive! (%s)\n", argv[curArg]); } } else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-bootmenu") == 0) { if (++curArg >= argc) return SyntaxError("missing argument for boot menu!\n"); if (strlen(argv[curArg]) != 1 || *argv[curArg] < '0' || *argv[curArg] > '2') return SyntaxError("invalid argument for boot menu! (%s)\n", argv[curArg]); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; g_iBootMenu = *argv[curArg] - 0; } else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-m") == 0) { if (++curArg >= argc) return SyntaxError("missing argument for memory size!\n"); rc = RTStrToUInt32Ex(argv[curArg], NULL, 0, &g_u32MemorySizeMB); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return SyntaxError("bad memory size: %s (error %Vrc)\n", argv[curArg], rc); } else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-vram") == 0) { if (++curArg >= argc) return SyntaxError("missing argument for vram size!\n"); uint32_t uVRAMMB; rc = RTStrToUInt32Ex(argv[curArg], NULL, 0, &uVRAMMB); g_u32VRamSize = uVRAMMB * _1M; if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return SyntaxError("bad video ram size: %s (error %Vrc)\n", argv[curArg], rc); } else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-statefile") == 0) { if (++curArg >= argc) return SyntaxError("missing argument for restore!\n"); g_pszStateFile = argv[curArg]; } else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-restore") == 0) g_fRestoreState = true; else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-share") == 0) { if (g_uNumShares >= MaxSharedFolders) return SyntaxError("too many shared folders specified!\n"); if (++curArg >= argc) return SyntaxError("missing 1s argument for share!\n"); g_pszShareDir[g_uNumShares] = argv[curArg]; if (++curArg >= argc) return SyntaxError("missing 2nd argument for share!\n"); g_pszShareName[g_uNumShares] = argv[curArg]; if (curArg < argc-1 && strcmp(argv[curArg+1], "readonly") == 0) { g_fShareReadOnly[g_uNumShares] = true; curArg++; } g_uNumShares++; } else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-fullscreen") == 0) fFullscreen = true; else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-nofstoggle") == 0) gfAllowFullscreenToggle = false; else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-nohostkey") == 0) { gHostKey = 0; gHostKeySym = 0; } else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-acpi") == 0) g_fACPI = true; else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-noacpi") == 0) g_fACPI = false; else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-ioapic") == 0) g_fIOAPIC = true; else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-noioapic") == 0) g_fIOAPIC = false; else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-audio") == 0) g_fAudio = true; #ifdef VBOXBFE_WITH_USB else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-usb") == 0) g_fUSB = true; #endif else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-hda") == 0) { if (++curArg >= argc) return SyntaxError("missing file name for first hard disk!\n"); /* resolve it. */ if (RTPathExists(argv[curArg])) g_pszHdaFile = RTPathRealDup(argv[curArg]); if (!g_pszHdaFile) return SyntaxError("The path to the specified harddisk, '%s', could not be resolved.\n", argv[curArg]); } else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-hdaspf") == 0) { g_fHdaSpf = true; } else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-hdb") == 0) { if (++curArg >= argc) return SyntaxError("missing file name for second hard disk!\n"); /* resolve it. */ if (RTPathExists(argv[curArg])) g_pszHdbFile = RTPathRealDup(argv[curArg]); if (!g_pszHdbFile) return SyntaxError("The path to the specified harddisk, '%s', could not be resolved.\n", argv[curArg]); } else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-hdbspf") == 0) { g_fHdbSpf = true; } else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-fda") == 0) { if (++curArg >= argc) return SyntaxError("missing file/device name for first floppy disk!\n"); /* resolve it. */ if (RTPathExists(argv[curArg])) g_pszFdaFile = RTPathRealDup(argv[curArg]); if (!g_pszFdaFile) return SyntaxError("The path to the specified floppy disk, '%s', could not be resolved.\n", argv[curArg]); } else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-cdrom") == 0) { if (++curArg >= argc) return SyntaxError("missing file/device name for first hard disk!\n"); /* resolve it. */ if (RTPathExists(argv[curArg])) g_pszCdromFile = RTPathRealDup(argv[curArg]); if (!g_pszCdromFile) return SyntaxError("The path to the specified cdrom, '%s', could not be resolved.\n", argv[curArg]); } #ifdef RT_OS_L4 /* This is leaving a lot of dead code in the L4 version of course, but I don't think that that is a major problem. We may even activate it sometime... */ else if ( strncmp(pszArg, "-hifdev", 7) == 0 || strncmp(pszArg, "-nonetd", 7) == 0) #else else if ( strncmp(pszArg, "-natdev", 7) == 0 || strncmp(pszArg, "-hifdev", 7) == 0 || strncmp(pszArg, "-nonetd", 7) == 0 || strncmp(pszArg, "-intnet", 7) == 0) #endif { int i = networkArg2Index(pszArg, 7); if (i < 0) return 1; g_aNetDevs[i].enmType = !strncmp(pszArg, "-natdev", 7) ? BFENETDEV::NAT : !strncmp(pszArg, "-hifdev", 7) ? BFENETDEV::HIF : !strncmp(pszArg, "-intnet", 7) ? BFENETDEV::INTNET : BFENETDEV::NONE; /* The HIF device name / The Internal Network name. */ g_aNetDevs[i].pszName = NULL; if ( g_aNetDevs[i].enmType == BFENETDEV::HIF || g_aNetDevs[i].enmType == BFENETDEV::INTNET) { if (curArg + 1 >= argc) return SyntaxError(g_aNetDevs[i].enmType == BFENETDEV::HIF ? "The TAP network device name is missing! (%s)\n" : "The internal network name is missing! (%s)\n" , pszArg); g_aNetDevs[i].pszName = argv[++curArg]; } /* The MAC address. */ const char *pszMac; char szMacGen[MAC_STRING_LEN + 1]; if ((curArg + 1 < argc) && (argv[curArg + 1][0] != '-')) pszMac = argv[++curArg]; else { rc = GenerateMACAddress(szMacGen); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return SyntaxError("failed to generate a hardware address for network device %d (error %Vrc)\n", i, rc); pszMac = szMacGen; } if (strlen(pszMac) != MAC_STRING_LEN) return SyntaxError("The network MAC address has an invalid length: %s (%s)\n", pszMac, pszArg); for (unsigned j = 0; j < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aNetDevs[i].Mac.au8); j++) { char c1 = toupper(*pszMac++) - '0'; if (c1 > 9) c1 -= 7; char c2 = toupper(*pszMac++) - '0'; if (c2 > 9) c2 -= 7; if (c2 > 16 || c1 > 16) return SyntaxError("Invalid MAC address: %s\n", argv[curArg]); g_aNetDevs[i].Mac.au8[j] = ((c1 & 0x0f) << 4) | (c2 & 0x0f); } } else if (strncmp(pszArg, "-netsniff", 9) == 0) { int i = networkArg2Index(pszArg, 9); if (i < 0) return 1; g_aNetDevs[i].fSniff = true; /** @todo filename */ } #ifdef RT_OS_OS2 else if (strncmp(pszArg, "-brdev", 6) == 0) { int i = networkArg2Index(pszArg, 6); if (i < 0) return 1; if (g_aNetDevs[i].enmType != BFENETDEV::HIF) return SyntaxError("%d is not a hif device! Make sure you put the -hifdev argument first.\n", i); if (++curArg >= argc) return SyntaxError("missing argument for %s!\n", pszArg); if ( strncmp(argv[curArg], "lan", 3) || argv[curArg][3] < '0' || argv[curArg][3] >= '8' || argv[curArg][4]) return SyntaxError("bad interface name '%s' specified with '%s'. Expected 'lan0', 'lan1' and similar.\n", argv[curArg], pszArg); g_aNetDevs[i].iConnectTo = argv[curArg][3] - '0'; g_aNetDevs[i].fHaveConnectTo = true; } #endif #ifdef RT_OS_LINUX else if (strncmp(pszArg, "-tapfd", 6) == 0) { int i = networkArg2Index(pszArg, 6); if (i < 0) return 1; if (++curArg >= argc) return SyntaxError("missing argument for %s!\n", pszArg); rc = RTStrToInt32Ex(argv[curArg], NULL, 0, &g_aNetDevs[i].fd); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return SyntaxError("bad tap file descriptor: %s (error %VRc)\n", argv[curArg], rc); g_aNetDevs[i].fHaveFd = true; } #endif /* RT_OS_LINUX */ #ifdef VBOX_VRDP else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-vrdp") == 0) { // -vrdp might take a port number (positive). portVRDP = 0; // indicate that it was encountered. if (curArg + 1 < argc && argv[curArg + 1][0] != '-') { rc = RTStrToInt32Ex(argv[curArg], NULL, 0, &portVRDP); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return SyntaxError("cannot vrpd port: %s (%VRc)\n", argv[curArg], rc); if (portVRDP < 0 || portVRDP >= 0x10000) return SyntaxError("vrdp port number is out of range: %RI32\n", portVRDP); } } #endif /* VBOX_VRDP */ #ifdef VBOX_SECURELABEL else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-securelabel") == 0) { fSecureLabel = true; LogFlow(("Secure labelling turned on\n")); } else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-seclabelfnt") == 0) { if (++curArg >= argc) return SyntaxError("missing font file name for secure label!\n"); secureLabelFontFile = argv[curArg]; } else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-seclabelsiz") == 0) { if (++curArg >= argc) return SyntaxError("missing font point size for secure label!\n"); secureLabelPointSize = atoi(argv[curArg]); } #endif else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-rellog") == 0) g_fReleaseLog = true; else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-norellog") == 0) g_fReleaseLog = false; else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-prealloc") == 0) g_fPreAllocRam = true; #ifdef VBOXSDL_ADVANCED_OPTIONS else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-rawr0") == 0) g_fRawR0 = true; else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-norawr0") == 0) g_fRawR0 = false; else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-rawr3") == 0) g_fRawR3 = true; else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-norawr3") == 0) g_fRawR3 = false; else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-patm") == 0) g_fPATM = true; else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-nopatm") == 0) g_fPATM = false; else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-csam") == 0) g_fCSAM = true; else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-nocsam") == 0) g_fCSAM = false; #endif /* VBOXSDL_ADVANCED_OPTIONS */ #ifdef RT_OS_L4 else if (strcmp(pszArg, "-env") == 0) ++curArg; #endif /* RT_OS_L4 */ /* just show the help screen */ else { SyntaxError("unrecognized argument '%s'\n", pszArg); show_usage(); return 1; } } gMachineDebugger = new MachineDebugger(); gStatus = new VMStatus(); gKeyboard = new Keyboard(); gMouse = new Mouse(); gVMMDev = new VMMDev(); gDisplay = new VMDisplay(); #if defined(USE_SDL) /* First console, then framebuffer!! */ gConsole = new SDLConsole(); gFramebuffer = new SDLFramebuffer(); #elif defined(RT_OS_L4) gConsole = new L4Console(); gFramebuffer = new L4Framebuffer(); #else #error "todo" #endif if (!gConsole->initialized()) goto leave; gDisplay->RegisterExternalFramebuffer(gFramebuffer); /* start with something in the titlebar */ gConsole->updateTitlebar(); /* * Start the VM execution thread. This has to be done * asynchronously as powering up can take some time * (accessing devices such as the host DVD drive). In * the meantime, we have to service the SDL event loop. */ RTTHREAD thread; rc = RTThreadCreate(&thread, VMPowerUpThread, 0, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_MAIN_WORKER, 0, "PowerUp"); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("Error: Thread creation failed with %d\n", rc); return -1; } #ifdef RT_OS_L4 /* Start the external IDL interface */ L4CtrlInit(); #endif /* loop until the powerup processing is done */ do { #if defined(VBOXBFE_WITH_X11) && defined(USE_SDL) if ( machineState == VMSTATE_CREATING || machineState == VMSTATE_LOADING) { int event = gConsole->eventWait(); switch (event) { case CONEVENT_USR_SCREENRESIZE: LogFlow(("CONEVENT_USR_SCREENRESIZE\n")); gFramebuffer->resize(); /* notify the display that the resize has been completed */ gDisplay->ResizeCompleted(); break; case CONEVENT_USR_TITLEBARUPDATE: gConsole->updateTitlebar(); break; case CONEVENT_USR_QUIT: RTPrintf("Error: failed to power up VM! No error text available.\n"); goto leave; } } else #endif RTThreadSleep(1000); } while ( machineState == VMSTATE_CREATING || machineState == VMSTATE_LOADING); if (machineState == VMSTATE_TERMINATED) goto leave; /* did the power up succeed? */ if (machineState != VMSTATE_RUNNING) { RTPrintf("Error: failed to power up VM! No error text available (rc = 0x%x state = %d)\n", rc, machineState); goto leave; } gConsole->updateTitlebar(); #ifdef RT_OS_L4 /* The L4 console provides (currently) a fixed resolution. */ if (g_u32VRamSize >= gFramebuffer->getHostXres() * gFramebuffer->getHostYres() * (gDisplay->getBitsPerPixel() / 8)) gDisplay->SetVideoModeHint(gFramebuffer->getHostXres(), gFramebuffer->getHostYres(), 0, 0); /* Limit the VRAM of the guest to the amount of memory we got actually * mapped from the L4 console. */ u32MaxVRAM = (gFramebuffer->getHostYres() + 18) /* don't omit the status bar */ * gFramebuffer->getHostXres() * (gFramebuffer->getHostBitsPerPixel() / 8); if (g_u32VRamSize > u32MaxVRAM) { RTPrintf("Limiting the video memory to %u bytes\n", u32MaxVRAM); g_u32VRamSize = u32MaxVRAM; } #endif /* * Main event loop */ LogFlow(("VBoxSDL: Entering big event loop\n")); while (1) { int event = gConsole->eventWait(); switch (event) { case CONEVENT_NONE: /* Handled internally */ break; case CONEVENT_QUIT: case CONEVENT_USR_QUIT: goto leave; case CONEVENT_SCREENUPDATE: /// @todo that somehow doesn't seem to work! gFramebuffer->repaint(); break; case CONEVENT_USR_TITLEBARUPDATE: gConsole->updateTitlebar(); break; case CONEVENT_USR_SCREENRESIZE: { LogFlow(("CONEVENT_USR_SCREENRESIZE\n")); gFramebuffer->resize(); /* notify the display that the resize has been completed */ gDisplay->ResizeCompleted(); break; } #ifdef VBOX_SECURELABEL case CONEVENT_USR_SECURELABELUPDATE: { /* * Query the new label text */ Bstr key = VBOXSDL_SECURELABEL_EXTRADATA; Bstr label; gMachine->COMGETTER(ExtraData)(key, label.asOutParam()); Utf8Str labelUtf8 = label; /* * Now update the label */ gFramebuffer->setSecureLabelText(labelUtf8.raw()); break; } #endif /* VBOX_SECURELABEL */ } } leave: LogFlow(("Returning from main()!\n")); if (pVM) { /* * If get here because the guest terminated using ACPI off we don't have to * switch off the VM because we were notified via vmstateChangeCallback() * that this already happened. In any other case stop the VM before killing her. */ if (machineState != VMSTATE_OFF) { /* Power off VM */ PVMREQ pReq; rc = VMR3ReqCall(pVM, &pReq, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT, (PFNRT)VMR3PowerOff, 1, pVM); } /* And destroy it */ rc = VMR3Destroy(pVM); AssertRC(rc); } delete gFramebuffer; delete gConsole; delete gDisplay; delete gKeyboard; delete gMouse; delete gStatus; delete gMachineDebugger; RTLogFlush(NULL); return VBOX_FAILURE (rc) ? 1 : 0; } /** * VM state callback function. Called by the VMM * using its state machine states. * * Primarily used to handle VM initiated power off, suspend and state saving, * but also for doing termination completed work (VMSTATE_TERMINATE). * * In general this function is called in the context of the EMT. * * @todo machineState is set to VMSTATE_RUNNING before all devices have received power on events * this can prematurely allow the main thread to enter the event loop * * @param pVM The VM handle. * @param enmState The new state. * @param enmOldState The old state. * @param pvUser The user argument. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) vmstateChangeCallback(PVM pVM, VMSTATE enmState, VMSTATE enmOldState, void *pvUser) { LogFlow(("vmstateChangeCallback: changing state from %d to %d\n", enmOldState, enmState)); machineState = enmState; switch (enmState) { /* * The VM has terminated */ case VMSTATE_OFF: { gConsole->eventQuit(); break; } /* * The VM has been completely destroyed. * * Note: This state change can happen at two points: * 1) At the end of VMR3Destroy() if it was not called from EMT. * 2) At the end of vmR3EmulationThread if VMR3Destroy() was called by EMT. */ case VMSTATE_TERMINATED: { break; } default: /* shut up gcc */ break; } } /** * VM error callback function. Called by the various VM components. * * @param pVM The VM handle. * @param pvUser The user argument. * @param rc VBox status code. * @param pszError Error message format string. * @param args Error message arguments. * @thread EMT. */ DECLCALLBACK(void) setVMErrorCallback(PVM pVM, void *pvUser, int rc, RT_SRC_POS_DECL, const char *pszFormat, va_list args) { /** @todo accessing shared resource without any kind of synchronization */ if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) szError[0] = '\0'; else { va_list va2; va_copy(va2, args); /* Have to make a copy here or GCC will break. */ RTStrPrintf(szError, sizeof(szError), "%N!\nVBox status code: %d (%Vrc)", pszFormat, &va2, rc, rc); RTPrintf("%s\n", szError); va_end(va2); } } /** * VM Runtime error callback function. Called by the various VM components. * * @param pVM The VM handle. * @param pvUser The user argument. * @param fFata Wheather it is a fatal error or not. * @param pszErrorId Error ID string. * @param pszError Error message format string. * @param args Error message arguments. * @thread EMT. */ DECLCALLBACK(void) setVMRuntimeErrorCallback(PVM pVM, void *pvUser, bool fFatal, const char *pszErrorId, const char *pszFormat, va_list args) { va_list va2; va_copy(va2, args); /* Have to make a copy here or GCC will break. */ RTPrintf("%s: %s!\n%N!\n", fFatal ? "Error" : "Warning", pszErrorId, pszFormat, &va2); va_end(va2); } /** VM asynchronous operations thread */ DECLCALLBACK(int) VMPowerUpThread(RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; int rc2; /* * Setup the release log instance in current directory. */ if (g_fReleaseLog) { static const char * const s_apszGroups[] = VBOX_LOGGROUP_NAMES; static char szError[RTPATH_MAX + 128] = ""; PRTLOGGER pLogger; rc2 = RTLogCreateEx(&pLogger, RTLOGFLAGS_PREFIX_TIME_PROG, "all", "VBOX_RELEASE_LOG", ELEMENTS(s_apszGroups), s_apszGroups, RTLOGDEST_FILE, szError, sizeof(szError), "./VBoxBFE.log"); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc2)) { /* some introductory information */ RTTIMESPEC TimeSpec; char szNowUct[64]; RTTimeSpecToString(RTTimeNow(&TimeSpec), szNowUct, sizeof(szNowUct)); RTLogRelLogger(pLogger, 0, ~0U, "VBoxBFE %s (%s %s) release log\n" "Log opened %s\n", VBOX_VERSION_STRING, __DATE__, __TIME__, szNowUct); /* register this logger as the release logger */ RTLogRelSetDefaultInstance(pLogger); } else RTPrintf("Could not open release log (%s)\n", szError); } /* * Start VM (also from saved state) and track progress */ LogFlow(("VMPowerUp\n")); /* * Create empty VM. */ rc = VMR3Create(setVMErrorCallback, NULL, vboxbfeConfigConstructor, NULL, &pVM); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("Error: VM creation failed with %Vrc.\n", rc); goto failure; } /* * Register VM state change handler */ rc = VMR3AtStateRegister(pVM, vmstateChangeCallback, NULL); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("Error: VMR3AtStateRegister failed with %Vrc.\n", rc); goto failure; } #ifdef VBOX_HGCM /* * Add shared folders to the VM */ if (fActivateHGCM() && gVMMDev->isShFlActive()) { for (unsigned i=0; iString.ucs2, aHostPath, cbString); pFolderName->u16Size = cbString; pFolderName->u16Length = cbString - sizeof(RTUTF16); parms[0].type = VBOX_HGCM_SVC_PARM_PTR; parms[0].u.pointer.addr = pFolderName; parms[0].u.pointer.size = sizeof (SHFLSTRING) + cbString; cbString = (RTUtf16Len (aMapName) + 1) * sizeof (RTUTF16); pMapName = (SHFLSTRING *) RTMemAllocZ (sizeof(SHFLSTRING) + cbString); Assert (pMapName); memcpy (pMapName->String.ucs2, aMapName, cbString); pMapName->u16Size = cbString; pMapName->u16Length = cbString - sizeof (RTUTF16); parms[1].type = VBOX_HGCM_SVC_PARM_PTR; parms[1].u.pointer.addr = pMapName; parms[1].u.pointer.size = sizeof (SHFLSTRING) + cbString; parms[2].type = VBOX_HGCM_SVC_PARM_32BIT; parms[2].u.uint32 = !g_fShareReadOnly[i]; rc = gVMMDev->hgcmHostCall ("VBoxSharedFolders", SHFL_FN_ADD_MAPPING, SHFL_CPARMS_ADD_MAPPING, &parms[0]); AssertRC(rc); LogRel(("Added share %s: (%s)\n", g_pszShareName[i], g_pszShareDir[i])); RTMemFree (pFolderName); RTMemFree (pMapName); RTUtf16Free (aHostPath); RTUtf16Free (aMapName); } } #endif #ifdef VBOXBFE_WITH_USB /* * Capture USB devices. */ if (g_fUSB) { gHostUSB = new HostUSB(); gHostUSB->init(pVM); } #endif /* VBOXBFE_WITH_USB */ #ifdef RT_OS_L4 /* L4 console cannot draw a host cursor */ gMouse->setHostCursor(false); #else gMouse->setHostCursor(true); #endif /* * Power on the VM (i.e. start executing). */ if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { PVMREQ pReq; if ( g_fRestoreState && g_pszStateFile && *g_pszStateFile && RTPathExists(g_pszStateFile)) { startProgressInfo("Restoring"); rc = VMR3ReqCall(pVM, &pReq, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT, (PFNRT)VMR3Load, 4, pVM, g_pszStateFile, &callProgressInfo, NULL); endProgressInfo(); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { VMR3ReqFree(pReq); rc = VMR3ReqCall(pVM, &pReq, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT, (PFNRT)VMR3Resume, 1, pVM); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = pReq->iStatus; VMR3ReqFree(pReq); } gDisplay->setRunning(); } else AssertMsgFailed(("VMR3Load failed, rc=%Vrc\n", rc)); } else { rc = VMR3ReqCall(pVM, &pReq, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT, (PFNRT)VMR3PowerOn, 1, pVM); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = pReq->iStatus; AssertRC(rc); VMR3ReqFree(pReq); } else AssertMsgFailed(("VMR3PowerOn failed, rc=%Vrc\n", rc)); } } /* * On failure destroy the VM. */ if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) goto failure; return 0; failure: if (pVM) { rc2 = VMR3Destroy(pVM); AssertRC(rc2); pVM = NULL; } machineState = VMSTATE_TERMINATED; return 0; } /** * Register the main drivers. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pCallbacks Pointer to the callback table. * @param u32Version VBox version number. */ DECLCALLBACK(int) VBoxDriversRegister(PCPDMDRVREGCB pCallbacks, uint32_t u32Version) { int rc; LogFlow(("VBoxDriversRegister: u32Version=%#x\n", u32Version)); AssertReleaseMsg(u32Version == VBOX_VERSION, ("u32Version=%#x VBOX_VERSION=%#x\n", u32Version, VBOX_VERSION)); rc = pCallbacks->pfnRegister(pCallbacks, &Mouse::DrvReg); AssertRC(rc); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; rc = pCallbacks->pfnRegister(pCallbacks, &Keyboard::DrvReg); AssertRC(rc); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; rc = pCallbacks->pfnRegister(pCallbacks, &VMDisplay::DrvReg); AssertRC(rc); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; rc = pCallbacks->pfnRegister(pCallbacks, &VMMDev::DrvReg); AssertRC(rc); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; rc = pCallbacks->pfnRegister(pCallbacks, &VMStatus::DrvReg); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Constructs the VMM configuration tree. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) vboxbfeConfigConstructor(PVM pVM, void *pvUser) { int rcAll = VINF_SUCCESS; int rc; #define UPDATE_RC() do { if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc) && VBOX_SUCCESS(rcAll)) rcAll = rc; } while (0) /* * Root values. */ PCFGMNODE pRoot = CFGMR3GetRoot(pVM); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pRoot, "Name", "Default VM"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pRoot, "RamSize", g_u32MemorySizeMB * _1M); UPDATE_RC(); if (g_fPreAllocRam) { rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pRoot, "RamPreAlloc", 1); UPDATE_RC(); } rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pRoot, "TimerMillies", 10); UPDATE_RC(); #ifdef VBOXSDL_ADVANCED_OPTIONS rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pRoot, "RawR3Enabled", g_fRawR3); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pRoot, "RawR0Enabled", g_fRawR0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pRoot, "PATMEnabled", g_fPATM); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pRoot, "CSAMEnabled", g_fCSAM); UPDATE_RC(); #else rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pRoot, "RawR3Enabled", 1); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pRoot, "RawR0Enabled", 1); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pRoot, "PATMEnabled", 1); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pRoot, "CSAMEnabled", 1); UPDATE_RC(); #endif /* * PDM. */ rc = PDMR3RegisterDrivers(pVM, VBoxDriversRegister); UPDATE_RC(); /* * Devices */ PCFGMNODE pDevices = NULL; rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pRoot, "Devices", &pDevices); UPDATE_RC(); /* device */ PCFGMNODE pDev = NULL; PCFGMNODE pInst = NULL; PCFGMNODE pCfg = NULL; PCFGMNODE pLunL0 = NULL; PCFGMNODE pLunL1 = NULL; PCFGMNODE pDrv = NULL; /* * PC Arch. */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDevices, "pcarch", &pDev); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, "0", &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "Trusted", 1); /* boolean */ UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); /* * PC Bios. */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDevices, "pcbios", &pDev); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, "0", &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "Trusted", 1); /* boolean */ UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "RamSize", g_u32MemorySizeMB * _1M); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "BootDevice0", g_pszBootDevice); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "BootDevice1", "NONE"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "BootDevice2", "NONE"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "BootDevice3", "NONE"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "HardDiskDevice", "piix3ide"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "FloppyDevice", "i82078"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "IOAPIC", g_fIOAPIC); UPDATE_RC(); RTUUID Uuid; RTUuidClear(&Uuid); rc = CFGMR3InsertBytes(pCfg, "UUID", &Uuid, sizeof(Uuid)); UPDATE_RC(); /* * ACPI */ if (g_fACPI) { rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDevices, "acpi", &pDev); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, "0", &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "Trusted", 1); /* boolean */ UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "RamSize", g_u32MemorySizeMB * _1M); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "IOAPIC", g_fIOAPIC); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "PCIDeviceNo", 7); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "PCIFunctionNo", 0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "LUN#0", &pLunL0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pLunL0, "Driver", "ACPIHost"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); } /* * PCI bus. */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDevices, "pci", &pDev); /* piix3 */ UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, "0", &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "Trusted", 1); /* boolean */ UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "IOAPIC", g_fIOAPIC); UPDATE_RC(); /* * DMA */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDevices, "8237A", &pDev); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, "0", &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "Trusted", 1); /* boolean */ UPDATE_RC(); /* * PCI bus. */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDevices, "pci", &pDev); /* piix3 */ UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, "0", &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "Trusted", 1); /* boolean */ UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); /* * PS/2 keyboard & mouse. */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDevices, "pckbd", &pDev); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, "0", &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "Trusted", 1); /* boolean */ UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "LUN#0", &pLunL0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pLunL0, "Driver", "KeyboardQueue"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "QueueSize", 64); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "AttachedDriver", &pDrv); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pDrv, "Driver", "MainKeyboard"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDrv, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "Object", (uintptr_t)gKeyboard); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "LUN#1", &pLunL0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pLunL0, "Driver", "MouseQueue"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "QueueSize", 128); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "AttachedDriver", &pDrv); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pDrv, "Driver", "MainMouse"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDrv, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "Object", (uintptr_t)gMouse); UPDATE_RC(); /* * i82078 Floppy drive controller */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDevices, "i82078", &pDev); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, "0", &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "Trusted", 1); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "IRQ", 6); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "DMA", 2); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "MemMapped", 0 ); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "IOBase", 0x3f0); UPDATE_RC(); /* Attach the status driver */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "LUN#999", &pLunL0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pLunL0, "Driver", "MainStatus"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "papLeds", (uintptr_t)&mapFDLeds[0]); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "First", 0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "Last", 0); UPDATE_RC(); if (g_pszFdaFile) { rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "LUN#0", &pLunL0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pLunL0, "Driver", "Block"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "Type", "Floppy 1.44"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "Mountable", 1); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "AttachedDriver", &pDrv); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pDrv, "Driver", "RawImage"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDrv, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "Path", g_pszFdaFile); UPDATE_RC(); } /* * i8254 Programmable Interval Timer And Dummy Speaker */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDevices, "i8254", &pDev); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, "0", &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); #ifdef DEBUG rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "Trusted", 1); /* boolean */ UPDATE_RC(); #endif /* * i8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller. */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDevices, "i8259", &pDev); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, "0", &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "Trusted", 1); /* boolean */ UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); /* * Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller. */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDevices, "apic", &pDev); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, "0", &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "Trusted", 1); /* boolean */ UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "IOAPIC", g_fIOAPIC); UPDATE_RC(); /* * I/O Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller. */ if (g_fIOAPIC) { rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDevices, "ioapic", &pDev); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, "0", &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "Trusted", 1); /* boolean */ UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); } /* * RTC MC146818. */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDevices, "mc146818", &pDev); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, "0", &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); /* * Serial ports */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDevices, "serial", &pDev); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, "0", &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "IRQ", 4); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "IOBase", 0x3f8); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, "1", &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "IRQ", 3); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "IOBase", 0x2f8); UPDATE_RC(); /* * VGA. */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDevices, "vga", &pDev); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, "0", &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "Trusted", 1); /* boolean */ UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "PCIDeviceNo", 2); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "PCIFunctionNo", 0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "VRamSize", g_u32VRamSize); UPDATE_RC(); /* Default: no bios logo. */ rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "FadeIn", 1); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "FadeOut", 0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "LogoTime", 0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "LogoFile", ""); UPDATE_RC(); /* Boot menu */ rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "ShowBootMenu", g_iBootMenu); UPDATE_RC(); #ifdef RT_OS_L4 /* XXX hard-coded */ rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "HeightReduction", 18); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "CustomVideoModes", 1); UPDATE_RC(); char szBuf[64]; /* Tell the guest which is the ideal video mode to use */ RTStrPrintf(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), "%dx%dx%d", gFramebuffer->getHostXres(), gFramebuffer->getHostYres(), gFramebuffer->getHostBitsPerPixel()); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "CustomVideoMode1", szBuf); UPDATE_RC(); #endif rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "LUN#0", &pLunL0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pLunL0, "Driver", "MainDisplay"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "Object", (uintptr_t)gDisplay); UPDATE_RC(); /* * IDE (update this when the main interface changes) */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDevices, "piix3ide", &pDev); /* piix3 */ UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, "0", &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "Trusted", 1); /* boolean */ UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "PCIDeviceNo", 1); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "PCIFunctionNo", 1); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); if (g_pszHdaFile) { const char *szDriver; if (0 == strcmp(RTPathExt(g_pszHdaFile), ".vdi")) szDriver = "VBoxHDD"; /* .vdi */ else szDriver = "VD"; /* .vmdk */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "LUN#0", &pLunL0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pLunL0, "Driver", "Block"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "Type", "HardDisk"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "Mountable", 0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "AttachedDriver", &pDrv); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pDrv, "Driver", szDriver); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDrv, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "Path", g_pszHdaFile); UPDATE_RC(); if (g_fHdaSpf) { rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "Format", "SPF"); UPDATE_RC(); } } if (g_pszHdbFile) { const char *szDriver; if (0 == strcmp(RTPathExt(g_pszHdbFile), ".vdi")) szDriver = "VBoxHDD"; /* .vdi */ else szDriver = "VD"; /* .vmdk */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "LUN#1", &pLunL1); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pLunL1, "Driver", "Block"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL1, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "Type", "HardDisk"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "Mountable", 0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL1, "AttachedDriver", &pDrv); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pDrv, "Driver", szDriver); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDrv, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "Path", g_pszHdbFile); UPDATE_RC(); if (g_fHdbSpf) { rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "Format", "SPF"); UPDATE_RC(); } } if (g_pszCdromFile) { // ASSUME: DVD drive is always attached to LUN#2 (i.e. secondary IDE master) rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "LUN#2", &pLunL0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pLunL0, "Driver", "Block"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "Type", "DVD"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "Mountable", 1); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "AttachedDriver", &pDrv); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pDrv, "Driver", "MediaISO"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDrv, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "Path", g_pszCdromFile); UPDATE_RC(); } /* * Network adapters */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDevices, "pcnet", &pDev); UPDATE_RC(); for (ULONG ulInstance = 0; ulInstance < NetworkAdapterCount; ulInstance++) { if (g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].enmType != BFENETDEV::NOT_CONFIGURED) { char szInstance[4]; RTStrPrintf(szInstance, sizeof(szInstance), "%lu", ulInstance); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, szInstance, &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "Trusted", 1); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "PCIDeviceNo", !ulInstance ? 3 : ulInstance - 1 + 8); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "PCIFunctionNo", 0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertBytes(pCfg, "MAC", &g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].Mac, sizeof(RTMAC)); UPDATE_RC(); /* * Enable the packet sniffer if requested. */ if (g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].fSniff) { /* insert the sniffer filter driver. */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "LUN#0", &pLunL0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pLunL0, "Driver", "NetSniffer"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); if (g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].pszSniff) { rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "File", g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].pszSniff); UPDATE_RC(); } } /* * Create the driver config (if any). */ if (g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].enmType != BFENETDEV::NONE) { if (g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].fSniff) { rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "AttachedDriver", &pLunL0); UPDATE_RC(); } else { rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "LUN#0", &pLunL0); UPDATE_RC(); } rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); } /* * Configure the driver. */ if (g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].enmType == BFENETDEV::NAT) { rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pLunL0, "Driver", "NAT"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); /* (Port forwarding goes here.) */ } else if (g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].enmType == BFENETDEV::HIF) { rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pLunL0, "Driver", "HostInterface"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); #if defined(RT_OS_LINUX) if (g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].fHaveFd) { rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "Device", g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].pszName); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "FileHandle", g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].fd); UPDATE_RC(); } else #endif { #if defined(RT_OS_LINUX) || defined(RT_OS_L4) /* * Create/Open the TAP the device. */ RTFILE tapFD; rc = RTFileOpen(&tapFD, "/dev/net/tun", RTFILE_O_READWRITE | RTFILE_O_OPEN | RTFILE_O_DENY_NONE | RTFILE_O_INHERIT); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) { FatalError("Failed to open /dev/net/tun: %Vrc\n", rc); return rc; } struct ifreq IfReq; memset(&IfReq, 0, sizeof(IfReq)); if (g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].pszName && g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].pszName[0]) { size_t cch = strlen(g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].pszName); if (cch >= sizeof(IfReq.ifr_name)) { FatalError("HIF name too long for device #%d: %s\n", ulInstance + 1, g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].pszName); return VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } memcpy(IfReq.ifr_name, g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].pszName, cch + 1); } else strcpy(IfReq.ifr_name, "tun%d"); IfReq.ifr_flags = IFF_TAP | IFF_NO_PI; rc = ioctl(tapFD, TUNSETIFF, &IfReq); if (rc) { int rc2 = RTErrConvertFromErrno(errno); FatalError("ioctl TUNSETIFF '%s' failed: errno=%d rc=%d (%Vrc)\n", IfReq.ifr_name, errno, rc, rc2); return rc2; } rc = fcntl(tapFD, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); if (rc) { int rc2 = RTErrConvertFromErrno(errno); FatalError("fcntl F_SETFL/O_NONBLOCK '%s' failed: errno=%d rc=%d (%Vrc)\n", IfReq.ifr_name, errno, rc, rc2); return rc2; } rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "Device", g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].pszName); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "FileHandle", (RTFILE)tapFD); UPDATE_RC(); #elif defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS) rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "Device", g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].pszName); UPDATE_RC(); # ifdef VBOX_WITH_CROSSBOW rc = CFGMR3InsertBytes(pCfg, "MAC", &g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].Mac, sizeof(g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].Mac)); UPDATE_RC(); # endif #elif defined(RT_OS_OS2) /* * The TAP driver does all the opening and setting up, * as it was originally was ment to be (stupid fork() problems). */ rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "Device", g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].pszName); UPDATE_RC(); if (g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].fHaveConnectTo) { rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "ConnectTo", g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].iConnectTo); UPDATE_RC(); } #elif defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) /* * We need the GUID too here... */ rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "Device", g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].pszName); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "HostInterfaceName", g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].pszName); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "GUID", g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].pszName /*pszGUID*/); UPDATE_RC(); #else FatalError("Name based HIF devices not implemented yet for this host platform\n"); return VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; #endif } } else if (g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].enmType == BFENETDEV::INTNET) { /* * Internal networking. */ rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "Network", g_aNetDevs[ulInstance].pszName); UPDATE_RC(); } } } /* * VMM Device */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDevices, "VMMDev", &pDev); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, "0", &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "Trusted", 1); /* boolean */ UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "PCIDeviceNo", 4); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "PCIFunctionNo", 0); UPDATE_RC(); /* the VMM device's Main driver */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "LUN#0", &pLunL0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pLunL0, "Driver", "MainVMMDev"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "Object", (uintptr_t)gVMMDev); UPDATE_RC(); /* * AC'97 ICH audio */ if (g_fAudio) { rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDevices, "ichac97", &pDev); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, "0", &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "Trusted", 1); /* boolean */ UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "PCIDeviceNo", 5); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "PCIFunctionNo", 0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "Config", &pCfg); /* the Audio driver */ rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "LUN#0", &pLunL0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pLunL0, "Driver", "AUDIO"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "AudioDriver", "winmm"); UPDATE_RC(); #elif defined(RT_OS_DARWIN) rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "AudioDriver", "coreaudio"); UPDATE_RC(); #elif defined(RT_OS_LINUX) rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "AudioDriver", "oss"); UPDATE_RC(); #elif defined(RT_OS_L4) rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "AudioDriver", "oss"); UPDATE_RC(); #else /* portme */ rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pCfg, "AudioDriver", "none"); UPDATE_RC(); #endif /* !RT_OS_WINDOWS */ } #ifdef VBOXBFE_WITH_USB /* * The USB Controller. */ if (g_fUSB) { rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDevices, "usb-ohci", &pDev); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pDev, "0", &pInst); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "Trusted", 1); /* boolean */ UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "PCIDeviceNo", 6); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pInst, "PCIFunctionNo", 0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pInst, "LUN#0", &pLunL0); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertString(pLunL0, "Driver", "VUSBRootHub"); UPDATE_RC(); rc = CFGMR3InsertNode(pLunL0, "Config", &pCfg); UPDATE_RC(); } #endif /* VBOXBFE_WITH_USB */ #undef UPDATE_RC #undef UPDATE_RC VMR3AtRuntimeErrorRegister (pVM, setVMRuntimeErrorCallback, NULL); return rc; }