/* $Id: VBoxManageList.cpp 23223 2009-09-22 15:50:03Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBoxManage - The 'list' command. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ #ifndef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VBoxManage.h" using namespace com; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_HOSTNETIF_API static const char *getHostIfMediumTypeText(HostNetworkInterfaceMediumType_T enmType) { switch (enmType) { case HostNetworkInterfaceMediumType_Ethernet: return "Ethernet"; case HostNetworkInterfaceMediumType_PPP: return "PPP"; case HostNetworkInterfaceMediumType_SLIP: return "SLIP"; } return "Unknown"; } static const char *getHostIfStatusText(HostNetworkInterfaceStatus_T enmStatus) { switch (enmStatus) { case HostNetworkInterfaceStatus_Up: return "Up"; case HostNetworkInterfaceStatus_Down: return "Down"; } return "Unknown"; } #endif enum enOptionCodes { LISTVMS = 1000, LISTRUNNINGVMS, LISTOSTYPES, LISTHOSTDVDS, LISTHOSTFLOPPIES, LISTBRIDGEDIFS, #if defined(VBOX_WITH_NETFLT) LISTHOSTONLYIFS, #endif LISTHOSTINFO, LISTHDDBACKENDS, LISTHDDS, LISTDVDS, LISTFLOPPIES, LISTUSBHOST, LISTUSBFILTERS, LISTSYSTEMPROPERTIES, LISTDHCPSERVERS }; static const RTGETOPTDEF g_aListOptions[] = { { "--long", 'l', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "vms", LISTVMS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "runningvms", LISTRUNNINGVMS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "ostypes", LISTOSTYPES, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "hostdvds", LISTHOSTDVDS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "hostfloppies", LISTHOSTFLOPPIES, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "hostifs", LISTBRIDGEDIFS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, /* backward compatibility */ { "bridgedifs", LISTBRIDGEDIFS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, #if defined(VBOX_WITH_NETFLT) { "hostonlyifs", LISTHOSTONLYIFS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, #endif { "hostinfo", LISTHOSTINFO, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "hddbackends", LISTHDDBACKENDS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "hdds", LISTHDDS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "dvds", LISTDVDS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "floppies", LISTFLOPPIES, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "usbhost", LISTUSBHOST, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "usbfilters", LISTUSBFILTERS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "systemproperties", LISTSYSTEMPROPERTIES, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "dhcpservers", LISTDHCPSERVERS, RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING } }; int handleList(HandlerArg *a) { HRESULT rc = S_OK; bool fOptLong = false; int command = 0; int c; RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion; RTGETOPTSTATE GetState; RTGetOptInit(&GetState, a->argc, a->argv, g_aListOptions, RT_ELEMENTS(g_aListOptions), 0, 0 /* fFlags */); while ((c = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &ValueUnion))) { switch (c) { case 'l': // --long fOptLong = true; break; case LISTVMS: case LISTRUNNINGVMS: case LISTOSTYPES: case LISTHOSTDVDS: case LISTHOSTFLOPPIES: case LISTBRIDGEDIFS: #if defined(VBOX_WITH_NETFLT) case LISTHOSTONLYIFS: #endif case LISTHOSTINFO: case LISTHDDBACKENDS: case LISTHDDS: case LISTDVDS: case LISTFLOPPIES: case LISTUSBHOST: case LISTUSBFILTERS: case LISTSYSTEMPROPERTIES: case LISTDHCPSERVERS: if (command) return errorSyntax(USAGE_LIST, "Too many subcommands for \"list\" command.\n"); command = c; break; case VINF_GETOPT_NOT_OPTION: return errorSyntax(USAGE_LIST, "Unknown subcommand \"%s\".", ValueUnion.psz); break; default: if (c > 0) { if (RT_C_IS_GRAPH(c)) return errorSyntax(USAGE_LIST, "unhandled option: -%c", c); else return errorSyntax(USAGE_LIST, "unhandled option: %i", c); } else if (c == VERR_GETOPT_UNKNOWN_OPTION) return errorSyntax(USAGE_LIST, "unknown option: %s", ValueUnion.psz); else if (ValueUnion.pDef) return errorSyntax(USAGE_LIST, "%s: %Rrs", ValueUnion.pDef->pszLong, c); else return errorSyntax(USAGE_LIST, "%Rrs", c); } } if (!command) return errorSyntax(USAGE_LIST, "Missing subcommand for \"list\" command.\n"); /* which object? */ switch (command) { case LISTVMS: { /* * Get the list of all registered VMs */ com::SafeIfaceArray machines; rc = a->virtualBox->COMGETTER(Machines)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (machines)); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { /* * Iterate through the collection */ for (size_t i = 0; i < machines.size(); ++ i) { if (machines[i]) rc = showVMInfo(a->virtualBox, machines[i], (fOptLong) ? VMINFO_STANDARD : VMINFO_COMPACT); } } } break; case LISTRUNNINGVMS: { /* * Get the list of all _running_ VMs */ com::SafeIfaceArray machines; rc = a->virtualBox->COMGETTER(Machines)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (machines)); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { /* * Iterate through the collection */ for (size_t i = 0; i < machines.size(); ++ i) { if (machines[i]) { MachineState_T machineState; rc = machines [i]->COMGETTER(State)(&machineState); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { switch (machineState) { case MachineState_Running: case MachineState_Paused: rc = showVMInfo(a->virtualBox, machines[i], (fOptLong) ? VMINFO_STANDARD : VMINFO_COMPACT); } } } } } } break; case LISTOSTYPES: { com::SafeIfaceArray coll; rc = a->virtualBox->COMGETTER(GuestOSTypes)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(coll)); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { /* * Iterate through the collection. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < coll.size(); ++ i) { ComPtr guestOS; guestOS = coll[i]; Bstr guestId; guestOS->COMGETTER(Id)(guestId.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("ID: %lS\n", guestId.raw()); Bstr guestDescription; guestOS->COMGETTER(Description)(guestDescription.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("Description: %lS\n\n", guestDescription.raw()); } } } break; case LISTHOSTDVDS: { ComPtr host; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(host.asOutParam())); com::SafeIfaceArray coll; CHECK_ERROR(host, COMGETTER(DVDDrives)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(coll))); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < coll.size(); ++ i) { ComPtr dvdDrive = coll[i]; Bstr uuid; dvdDrive->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("UUID: %s\n", Utf8Str(uuid).raw()); Bstr name; dvdDrive->COMGETTER(Name)(name.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("Name: %lS\n\n", name.raw()); } } } break; case LISTHOSTFLOPPIES: { ComPtr host; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(host.asOutParam())); com::SafeIfaceArray coll; CHECK_ERROR(host, COMGETTER(FloppyDrives)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(coll))); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < coll.size(); ++i) { ComPtr floppyDrive = coll[i]; Bstr uuid; floppyDrive->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("UUID: %s\n", Utf8Str(uuid).raw()); Bstr name; floppyDrive->COMGETTER(Name)(name.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("Name: %lS\n\n", name.raw()); } } } break; case LISTBRIDGEDIFS: #if defined(VBOX_WITH_NETFLT) case LISTHOSTONLYIFS: #endif { ComPtr host; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(host.asOutParam())); com::SafeIfaceArray hostNetworkInterfaces; #if defined(VBOX_WITH_NETFLT) if (command == LISTBRIDGEDIFS) CHECK_ERROR(host, FindHostNetworkInterfacesOfType(HostNetworkInterfaceType_Bridged, ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(hostNetworkInterfaces))); else CHECK_ERROR(host, FindHostNetworkInterfacesOfType(HostNetworkInterfaceType_HostOnly, ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(hostNetworkInterfaces))); #else CHECK_ERROR(host, COMGETTER(NetworkInterfaces)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(hostNetworkInterfaces))); #endif for (size_t i = 0; i < hostNetworkInterfaces.size(); ++i) { ComPtr networkInterface = hostNetworkInterfaces[i]; #ifndef VBOX_WITH_HOSTNETIF_API Bstr interfaceName; networkInterface->COMGETTER(Name)(interfaceName.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("Name: %lS\n", interfaceName.raw()); Guid interfaceGuid; networkInterface->COMGETTER(Id)(interfaceGuid.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("GUID: %lS\n\n", Bstr(interfaceGuid.toString()).raw()); #else /* VBOX_WITH_HOSTNETIF_API */ Bstr interfaceName; networkInterface->COMGETTER(Name)(interfaceName.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("Name: %lS\n", interfaceName.raw()); Bstr interfaceGuid; networkInterface->COMGETTER(Id)(interfaceGuid.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("GUID: %lS\n", interfaceGuid.raw()); BOOL bDhcpEnabled; networkInterface->COMGETTER(DhcpEnabled)(&bDhcpEnabled); RTPrintf("Dhcp: %s\n", bDhcpEnabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); Bstr IPAddress; networkInterface->COMGETTER(IPAddress)(IPAddress.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("IPAddress: %lS\n", IPAddress.raw()); Bstr NetworkMask; networkInterface->COMGETTER(NetworkMask)(NetworkMask.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("NetworkMask: %lS\n", NetworkMask.raw()); Bstr IPV6Address; networkInterface->COMGETTER(IPV6Address)(IPV6Address.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("IPV6Address: %lS\n", IPV6Address.raw()); ULONG IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength; networkInterface->COMGETTER(IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength)(&IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength); RTPrintf("IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: %d\n", IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength); Bstr HardwareAddress; networkInterface->COMGETTER(HardwareAddress)(HardwareAddress.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("HardwareAddress: %lS\n", HardwareAddress.raw()); HostNetworkInterfaceMediumType_T Type; networkInterface->COMGETTER(MediumType)(&Type); RTPrintf("MediumType: %s\n", getHostIfMediumTypeText(Type)); HostNetworkInterfaceStatus_T Status; networkInterface->COMGETTER(Status)(&Status); RTPrintf("Status: %s\n", getHostIfStatusText(Status)); Bstr netName; networkInterface->COMGETTER(NetworkName)(netName.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("VBoxNetworkName: %lS\n\n", netName.raw()); #endif } } break; case LISTHOSTINFO: { ComPtr Host; CHECK_ERROR (a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(Host.asOutParam())); RTPrintf("Host Information:\n\n"); LONG64 uTCTime = 0; CHECK_ERROR (Host, COMGETTER(UTCTime)(&uTCTime)); RTTIMESPEC timeSpec; RTTimeSpecSetMilli(&timeSpec, uTCTime); char szTime[32] = {0}; RTTimeSpecToString(&timeSpec, szTime, sizeof(szTime)); RTPrintf("Host time: %s\n", szTime); ULONG processorOnlineCount = 0; CHECK_ERROR (Host, COMGETTER(ProcessorOnlineCount)(&processorOnlineCount)); RTPrintf("Processor online count: %lu\n", processorOnlineCount); ULONG processorCount = 0; CHECK_ERROR (Host, COMGETTER(ProcessorCount)(&processorCount)); RTPrintf("Processor count: %lu\n", processorCount); ULONG processorSpeed = 0; Bstr processorDescription; for (ULONG i = 0; i < processorCount; i++) { CHECK_ERROR (Host, GetProcessorSpeed(i, &processorSpeed)); if (processorSpeed) RTPrintf("Processor#%u speed: %lu MHz\n", i, processorSpeed); else RTPrintf("Processor#%u speed: unknown\n", i, processorSpeed); CHECK_ERROR (Host, GetProcessorDescription(i, processorDescription.asOutParam())); RTPrintf("Processor#%u description: %lS\n", i, processorDescription.raw()); } ULONG memorySize = 0; CHECK_ERROR (Host, COMGETTER(MemorySize)(&memorySize)); RTPrintf("Memory size: %lu MByte\n", memorySize); ULONG memoryAvailable = 0; CHECK_ERROR (Host, COMGETTER(MemoryAvailable)(&memoryAvailable)); RTPrintf("Memory available: %lu MByte\n", memoryAvailable); Bstr operatingSystem; CHECK_ERROR (Host, COMGETTER(OperatingSystem)(operatingSystem.asOutParam())); RTPrintf("Operating system: %lS\n", operatingSystem.raw()); Bstr oSVersion; CHECK_ERROR (Host, COMGETTER(OSVersion)(oSVersion.asOutParam())); RTPrintf("Operating system version: %lS\n", oSVersion.raw()); } break; case LISTHDDBACKENDS: { ComPtr systemProperties; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(SystemProperties) (systemProperties.asOutParam())); com::SafeIfaceArray mediumFormats; CHECK_ERROR(systemProperties, COMGETTER(MediumFormats) (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (mediumFormats))); RTPrintf("Supported hard disk backends:\n\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < mediumFormats.size(); ++ i) { /* General information */ Bstr id; CHECK_ERROR(mediumFormats [i], COMGETTER(Id) (id.asOutParam())); Bstr description; CHECK_ERROR(mediumFormats [i], COMGETTER(Id) (description.asOutParam())); ULONG caps; CHECK_ERROR(mediumFormats [i], COMGETTER(Capabilities) (&caps)); RTPrintf("Backend %u: id='%ls' description='%ls' capabilities=%#06x extensions='", i, id.raw(), description.raw(), caps); /* File extensions */ com::SafeArray fileExtensions; CHECK_ERROR(mediumFormats [i], COMGETTER(FileExtensions) (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (fileExtensions))); for (size_t a = 0; a < fileExtensions.size(); ++ a) { RTPrintf ("%ls", Bstr (fileExtensions [a]).raw()); if (a != fileExtensions.size()-1) RTPrintf (","); } RTPrintf ("'"); /* Configuration keys */ com::SafeArray propertyNames; com::SafeArray propertyDescriptions; com::SafeArray propertyTypes; com::SafeArray propertyFlags; com::SafeArray propertyDefaults; CHECK_ERROR(mediumFormats [i], DescribeProperties (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (propertyNames), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (propertyDescriptions), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (propertyTypes), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (propertyFlags), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (propertyDefaults))); RTPrintf (" properties=("); if (propertyNames.size() > 0) { for (size_t a = 0; a < propertyNames.size(); ++ a) { RTPrintf ("\n name='%ls' desc='%ls' type=", Bstr (propertyNames [a]).raw(), Bstr (propertyDescriptions [a]).raw()); switch (propertyTypes [a]) { case DataType_Int32: RTPrintf ("int"); break; case DataType_Int8: RTPrintf ("byte"); break; case DataType_String: RTPrintf ("string"); break; } RTPrintf (" flags=%#04x", propertyFlags [a]); RTPrintf (" default='%ls'", Bstr (propertyDefaults [a]).raw()); if (a != propertyNames.size()-1) RTPrintf (", "); } } RTPrintf (")\n"); } } break; case LISTHDDS: { com::SafeIfaceArray hdds; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(HardDisks)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (hdds))); for (size_t i = 0; i < hdds.size(); ++ i) { ComPtr hdd = hdds[i]; Bstr uuid; hdd->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("UUID: %s\n", Utf8Str(uuid).raw()); Bstr format; hdd->COMGETTER(Format)(format.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("Format: %lS\n", format.raw()); Bstr filepath; hdd->COMGETTER(Location)(filepath.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("Location: %lS\n", filepath.raw()); MediumState_T enmState; /// @todo NEWMEDIA check accessibility of all parents /// @todo NEWMEDIA print the full state value hdd->COMGETTER(State)(&enmState); RTPrintf("Accessible: %s\n", enmState != MediumState_Inaccessible ? "yes" : "no"); MediumType_T type; hdd->COMGETTER(Type)(&type); const char *typeStr = "unknown"; switch (type) { case MediumType_Normal: typeStr = "normal"; break; case MediumType_Immutable: typeStr = "immutable"; break; case MediumType_Writethrough: typeStr = "writethrough"; break; } RTPrintf("Type: %s\n", typeStr); com::SafeArray machineIds; hdd->COMGETTER(MachineIds)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(machineIds)); for (size_t j = 0; j < machineIds.size(); ++ j) { ComPtr machine; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, GetMachine(machineIds[j], machine.asOutParam())); ASSERT(machine); Bstr name; machine->COMGETTER(Name)(name.asOutParam()); machine->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("%s%lS (UUID: %lS)\n", j == 0 ? "Usage: " : " ", name.raw(), machineIds[j]); } /// @todo NEWMEDIA check usage in snapshots too /// @todo NEWMEDIA also list children and say 'differencing' for /// hard disks with the parent or 'base' otherwise. RTPrintf("\n"); } } break; case LISTDVDS: { com::SafeIfaceArray dvds; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(DVDImages)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(dvds))); for (size_t i = 0; i < dvds.size(); ++ i) { ComPtr dvdImage = dvds[i]; Bstr uuid; dvdImage->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("UUID: %s\n", Utf8Str(uuid).raw()); Bstr filePath; dvdImage->COMGETTER(Location)(filePath.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("Path: %lS\n", filePath.raw()); MediumState_T enmState; dvdImage->COMGETTER(State)(&enmState); RTPrintf("Accessible: %s\n", enmState != MediumState_Inaccessible ? "yes" : "no"); /** @todo usage */ RTPrintf("\n"); } } break; case LISTFLOPPIES: { com::SafeIfaceArray floppies; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(FloppyImages)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(floppies))); for (size_t i = 0; i < floppies.size(); ++ i) { ComPtr floppyImage = floppies[i]; Bstr uuid; floppyImage->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("UUID: %s\n", Utf8Str(uuid).raw()); Bstr filePath; floppyImage->COMGETTER(Location)(filePath.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("Path: %lS\n", filePath.raw()); MediumState_T enmState; floppyImage->COMGETTER(State)(&enmState); RTPrintf("Accessible: %s\n", enmState != MediumState_Inaccessible ? "yes" : "no"); /** @todo usage */ RTPrintf("\n"); } } break; case LISTUSBHOST: { ComPtr Host; CHECK_ERROR_RET (a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(Host.asOutParam()), 1); SafeIfaceArray CollPtr; CHECK_ERROR_RET (Host, COMGETTER(USBDevices)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(CollPtr)), 1); RTPrintf("Host USB Devices:\n\n"); if (CollPtr.size() == 0) { RTPrintf("\n\n"); } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < CollPtr.size(); ++i) { ComPtr dev = CollPtr[i]; /* Query info. */ Bstr id; CHECK_ERROR_RET (dev, COMGETTER(Id)(id.asOutParam()), 1); USHORT usVendorId; CHECK_ERROR_RET (dev, COMGETTER(VendorId)(&usVendorId), 1); USHORT usProductId; CHECK_ERROR_RET (dev, COMGETTER(ProductId)(&usProductId), 1); USHORT bcdRevision; CHECK_ERROR_RET (dev, COMGETTER(Revision)(&bcdRevision), 1); RTPrintf("UUID: %S\n" "VendorId: 0x%04x (%04X)\n" "ProductId: 0x%04x (%04X)\n" "Revision: %u.%u (%02u%02u)\n", Utf8Str(id).raw(), usVendorId, usVendorId, usProductId, usProductId, bcdRevision >> 8, bcdRevision & 0xff, bcdRevision >> 8, bcdRevision & 0xff); /* optional stuff. */ Bstr bstr; CHECK_ERROR_RET (dev, COMGETTER(Manufacturer)(bstr.asOutParam()), 1); if (!bstr.isEmpty()) RTPrintf("Manufacturer: %lS\n", bstr.raw()); CHECK_ERROR_RET (dev, COMGETTER(Product)(bstr.asOutParam()), 1); if (!bstr.isEmpty()) RTPrintf("Product: %lS\n", bstr.raw()); CHECK_ERROR_RET (dev, COMGETTER(SerialNumber)(bstr.asOutParam()), 1); if (!bstr.isEmpty()) RTPrintf("SerialNumber: %lS\n", bstr.raw()); CHECK_ERROR_RET (dev, COMGETTER(Address)(bstr.asOutParam()), 1); if (!bstr.isEmpty()) RTPrintf("Address: %lS\n", bstr.raw()); /* current state */ USBDeviceState_T state; CHECK_ERROR_RET (dev, COMGETTER(State)(&state), 1); const char *pszState = "?"; switch (state) { case USBDeviceState_NotSupported: pszState = "Not supported"; break; case USBDeviceState_Unavailable: pszState = "Unavailable"; break; case USBDeviceState_Busy: pszState = "Busy"; break; case USBDeviceState_Available: pszState = "Available"; break; case USBDeviceState_Held: pszState = "Held"; break; case USBDeviceState_Captured: pszState = "Captured"; break; default: ASSERT (false); break; } RTPrintf("Current State: %s\n\n", pszState); } } } break; case LISTUSBFILTERS: { RTPrintf("Global USB Device Filters:\n\n"); ComPtr host; CHECK_ERROR_RET (a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host) (host.asOutParam()), 1); SafeIfaceArray coll; CHECK_ERROR_RET (host, COMGETTER (USBDeviceFilters)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(coll)), 1); if (coll.size() == 0) { RTPrintf("\n\n"); } else { for (size_t index = 0; index < coll.size(); ++index) { ComPtr flt = coll[index]; /* Query info. */ RTPrintf("Index: %zu\n", index); BOOL active = FALSE; CHECK_ERROR_RET (flt, COMGETTER (Active) (&active), 1); RTPrintf("Active: %s\n", active ? "yes" : "no"); USBDeviceFilterAction_T action; CHECK_ERROR_RET (flt, COMGETTER (Action) (&action), 1); const char *pszAction = ""; switch (action) { case USBDeviceFilterAction_Ignore: pszAction = "Ignore"; break; case USBDeviceFilterAction_Hold: pszAction = "Hold"; break; default: break; } RTPrintf("Action: %s\n", pszAction); Bstr bstr; CHECK_ERROR_RET (flt, COMGETTER (Name) (bstr.asOutParam()), 1); RTPrintf("Name: %lS\n", bstr.raw()); CHECK_ERROR_RET (flt, COMGETTER (VendorId) (bstr.asOutParam()), 1); RTPrintf("VendorId: %lS\n", bstr.raw()); CHECK_ERROR_RET (flt, COMGETTER (ProductId) (bstr.asOutParam()), 1); RTPrintf("ProductId: %lS\n", bstr.raw()); CHECK_ERROR_RET (flt, COMGETTER (Revision) (bstr.asOutParam()), 1); RTPrintf("Revision: %lS\n", bstr.raw()); CHECK_ERROR_RET (flt, COMGETTER (Manufacturer) (bstr.asOutParam()), 1); RTPrintf("Manufacturer: %lS\n", bstr.raw()); CHECK_ERROR_RET (flt, COMGETTER (Product) (bstr.asOutParam()), 1); RTPrintf("Product: %lS\n", bstr.raw()); CHECK_ERROR_RET (flt, COMGETTER (SerialNumber) (bstr.asOutParam()), 1); RTPrintf("Serial Number: %lS\n\n", bstr.raw()); } } } break; case LISTSYSTEMPROPERTIES: { ComPtr systemProperties; a->virtualBox->COMGETTER(SystemProperties)(systemProperties.asOutParam()); Bstr str; ULONG ulValue; ULONG64 ul64Value; BOOL flag; systemProperties->COMGETTER(MinGuestRAM)(&ulValue); RTPrintf("Minimum guest RAM size: %u Megabytes\n", ulValue); systemProperties->COMGETTER(MaxGuestRAM)(&ulValue); RTPrintf("Maximum guest RAM size: %u Megabytes\n", ulValue); systemProperties->COMGETTER(MaxGuestVRAM)(&ulValue); RTPrintf("Maximum video RAM size: %u Megabytes\n", ulValue); systemProperties->COMGETTER(MaxVDISize)(&ul64Value); RTPrintf("Maximum VDI size: %lu Megabytes\n", ul64Value); systemProperties->COMGETTER(DefaultHardDiskFolder)(str.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("Default hard disk folder: %lS\n", str.raw()); systemProperties->COMGETTER(DefaultMachineFolder)(str.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("Default machine folder: %lS\n", str.raw()); systemProperties->COMGETTER(RemoteDisplayAuthLibrary)(str.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("VRDP authentication library: %lS\n", str.raw()); systemProperties->COMGETTER(WebServiceAuthLibrary)(str.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("Webservice auth. library: %lS\n", str.raw()); systemProperties->COMGETTER(LogHistoryCount)(&ulValue); RTPrintf("Log history count: %u\n", ulValue); } break; case LISTDHCPSERVERS: { com::SafeIfaceArray svrs; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(DHCPServers)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (svrs))); for (size_t i = 0; i < svrs.size(); ++ i) { ComPtr svr = svrs[i]; Bstr netName; svr->COMGETTER(NetworkName)(netName.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("NetworkName: %lS\n", netName.raw()); Bstr ip; svr->COMGETTER(IPAddress)(ip.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("IP: %lS\n", ip.raw()); Bstr netmask; svr->COMGETTER(NetworkMask)(netmask.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("NetworkMask: %lS\n", netmask.raw()); Bstr lowerIp; svr->COMGETTER(LowerIP)(lowerIp.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("lowerIPAddress: %lS\n", lowerIp.raw()); Bstr upperIp; svr->COMGETTER(UpperIP)(upperIp.asOutParam()); RTPrintf("upperIPAddress: %lS\n", upperIp.raw()); BOOL bEnabled; svr->COMGETTER(Enabled)(&bEnabled); RTPrintf("Enabled: %s\n", bEnabled ? "Yes" : "No"); RTPrintf("\n"); } } break; } // end switch return SUCCEEDED(rc) ? 0 : 1; } #endif /* !VBOX_ONLY_DOCS */ /* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: */