1 | /* $Id: VBoxManageList.cpp 14612 2008-11-26 00:37:24Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBoxManage - VirtualBox's command-line interface.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | *
17 | * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
18 | * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
19 | * additional information or have any questions.
20 | */
21 |
22 | #ifndef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS
23 |
24 | /*******************************************************************************
25 | * Header Files *
26 | *******************************************************************************/
27 | #include <VBox/com/com.h>
28 | #include <VBox/com/string.h>
29 | #include <VBox/com/Guid.h>
30 | #include <VBox/com/array.h>
31 | #include <VBox/com/ErrorInfo.h>
32 |
33 | #include <VBox/com/VirtualBox.h>
34 |
35 | #include <VBox/log.h>
36 | #include <iprt/stream.h>
37 | #include <iprt/string.h>
38 | #include <iprt/time.h>
39 |
40 | #include "VBoxManage.h"
41 | using namespace com;
42 |
43 |
44 | int handleList(int argc, char *argv[],
45 | ComPtr<IVirtualBox> virtualBox, ComPtr<ISession> session)
46 | {
47 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
48 |
49 | /* exactly one option: the object */
50 | if (argc != 1)
51 | return errorSyntax(USAGE_LIST, "Incorrect number of parameters");
52 |
53 | /* which object? */
54 | if (strcmp(argv[0], "vms") == 0)
55 | {
56 | /*
57 | * Get the list of all registered VMs
58 | */
59 | com::SafeIfaceArray <IMachine> machines;
60 | rc = virtualBox->COMGETTER(Machines2)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (machines));
61 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
62 | {
63 | /*
64 | * Iterate through the collection
65 | */
66 | for (size_t i = 0; i < machines.size(); ++ i)
67 | {
68 | if (machines [i])
69 | rc = showVMInfo(virtualBox, machines [i]);
70 | }
71 | }
72 | }
73 | else
74 | if (strcmp(argv[0], "runningvms") == 0)
75 | {
76 | /*
77 | * Get the list of all _running_ VMs
78 | */
79 | com::SafeIfaceArray <IMachine> machines;
80 | rc = virtualBox->COMGETTER(Machines2)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (machines));
81 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
82 | {
83 | /*
84 | * Iterate through the collection
85 | */
86 | for (size_t i = 0; i < machines.size(); ++ i)
87 | {
88 | if (machines [i])
89 | {
90 | MachineState_T machineState;
91 | rc = machines [i]->COMGETTER(State)(&machineState);
92 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
93 | {
94 | switch (machineState)
95 | {
96 | case MachineState_Running:
97 | case MachineState_Paused:
98 | {
99 | Guid uuid;
100 | rc = machines [i]->COMGETTER(Id) (uuid.asOutParam());
101 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
102 | RTPrintf ("%s\n", uuid.toString().raw());
103 | break;
104 | }
105 | }
106 | }
107 | }
108 | }
109 | }
110 | }
111 | else
112 | if (strcmp(argv[0], "ostypes") == 0)
113 | {
114 | ComPtr<IGuestOSTypeCollection> coll;
115 | ComPtr<IGuestOSTypeEnumerator> enumerator;
116 | CHECK_ERROR(virtualBox, COMGETTER(GuestOSTypes)(coll.asOutParam()));
117 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc) && coll)
118 | {
119 | CHECK_ERROR(coll, Enumerate(enumerator.asOutParam()));
120 | BOOL hasMore;
121 | while (SUCCEEDED(enumerator->HasMore(&hasMore)) && hasMore)
122 | {
123 | ComPtr<IGuestOSType> guestOS;
124 | CHECK_RC_BREAK(enumerator->GetNext(guestOS.asOutParam()));
125 | Bstr guestId;
126 | guestOS->COMGETTER(Id)(guestId.asOutParam());
127 | RTPrintf("ID: %lS\n", guestId.raw());
128 | Bstr guestDescription;
129 | guestOS->COMGETTER(Description)(guestDescription.asOutParam());
130 | RTPrintf("Description: %lS\n\n", guestDescription.raw());
131 | }
132 | }
133 | }
134 | else
135 | if (strcmp(argv[0], "hostdvds") == 0)
136 | {
137 | ComPtr<IHost> host;
138 | CHECK_ERROR(virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(host.asOutParam()));
139 | ComPtr<IHostDVDDriveCollection> coll;
140 | ComPtr<IHostDVDDriveEnumerator> enumerator;
141 | CHECK_ERROR(host, COMGETTER(DVDDrives)(coll.asOutParam()));
142 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc) && coll)
143 | {
144 | CHECK_ERROR(coll, Enumerate(enumerator.asOutParam()));
145 | BOOL hasMore;
146 | while (SUCCEEDED(enumerator->HasMore(&hasMore)) && hasMore)
147 | {
148 | ComPtr<IHostDVDDrive> dvdDrive;
149 | CHECK_RC_BREAK(enumerator->GetNext(dvdDrive.asOutParam()));
150 | Bstr name;
151 | dvdDrive->COMGETTER(Name)(name.asOutParam());
152 | RTPrintf("Name: %lS\n\n", name.raw());
153 | }
154 | }
155 | }
156 | else
157 | if (strcmp(argv[0], "hostfloppies") == 0)
158 | {
159 | ComPtr<IHost> host;
160 | CHECK_ERROR(virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(host.asOutParam()));
161 | ComPtr<IHostFloppyDriveCollection> coll;
162 | ComPtr<IHostFloppyDriveEnumerator> enumerator;
163 | CHECK_ERROR(host, COMGETTER(FloppyDrives)(coll.asOutParam()));
164 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc) && coll)
165 | {
166 | CHECK_ERROR(coll, Enumerate(enumerator.asOutParam()));
167 | BOOL hasMore;
168 | while (SUCCEEDED(enumerator->HasMore(&hasMore)) && hasMore)
169 | {
170 | ComPtr<IHostFloppyDrive> floppyDrive;
171 | CHECK_RC_BREAK(enumerator->GetNext(floppyDrive.asOutParam()));
172 | Bstr name;
173 | floppyDrive->COMGETTER(Name)(name.asOutParam());
174 | RTPrintf("Name: %lS\n\n", name.raw());
175 | }
176 | }
177 | }
178 | else
179 | if (strcmp(argv[0], "hostifs") == 0)
180 | {
181 | ComPtr<IHost> host;
182 | CHECK_ERROR(virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(host.asOutParam()));
183 | ComPtr<IHostNetworkInterfaceCollection> coll;
184 | ComPtr<IHostNetworkInterfaceEnumerator> enumerator;
185 | CHECK_ERROR(host, COMGETTER(NetworkInterfaces)(coll.asOutParam()));
186 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc) && coll)
187 | {
188 | CHECK_ERROR(coll, Enumerate(enumerator.asOutParam()));
189 | BOOL hasMore;
190 | while (SUCCEEDED(enumerator->HasMore(&hasMore)) && hasMore)
191 | {
192 | ComPtr<IHostNetworkInterface> networkInterface;
193 | CHECK_RC_BREAK(enumerator->GetNext(networkInterface.asOutParam()));
194 | Bstr interfaceName;
195 | networkInterface->COMGETTER(Name)(interfaceName.asOutParam());
196 | RTPrintf("Name: %lS\n", interfaceName.raw());
197 | Guid interfaceGuid;
198 | networkInterface->COMGETTER(Id)(interfaceGuid.asOutParam());
199 | RTPrintf("GUID: %lS\n\n", Bstr(interfaceGuid.toString()).raw());
200 | }
201 | }
202 | }
203 | else
204 | if (strcmp(argv[0], "hostinfo") == 0)
205 | {
206 | ComPtr<IHost> Host;
207 | CHECK_ERROR (virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(Host.asOutParam()));
208 |
209 | RTPrintf("Host Information:\n\n");
210 |
211 | LONG64 uTCTime = 0;
212 | CHECK_ERROR (Host, COMGETTER(UTCTime)(&uTCTime));
213 | RTTIMESPEC timeSpec;
214 | RTTimeSpecSetMilli(&timeSpec, uTCTime);
215 | char pszTime[30] = {0};
216 | RTTimeSpecToString(&timeSpec, pszTime, sizeof(pszTime));
217 | RTPrintf("Host time: %s\n", pszTime);
218 |
219 | ULONG processorOnlineCount = 0;
220 | CHECK_ERROR (Host, COMGETTER(ProcessorOnlineCount)(&processorOnlineCount));
221 | RTPrintf("Processor online count: %lu\n", processorOnlineCount);
222 | ULONG processorCount = 0;
223 | CHECK_ERROR (Host, COMGETTER(ProcessorCount)(&processorCount));
224 | RTPrintf("Processor count: %lu\n", processorCount);
225 | ULONG processorSpeed = 0;
226 | Bstr processorDescription;
227 | for (ULONG i = 0; i < processorCount; i++)
228 | {
229 | CHECK_ERROR (Host, GetProcessorSpeed(i, &processorSpeed));
230 | if (processorSpeed)
231 | RTPrintf("Processor#%u speed: %lu MHz\n", i, processorSpeed);
232 | else
233 | RTPrintf("Processor#%u speed: unknown\n", i, processorSpeed);
234 | #if 0 /* not yet implemented in Main */
235 | CHECK_ERROR (Host, GetProcessorDescription(i, processorDescription.asOutParam()));
236 | RTPrintf("Processor#%u description: %lS\n", i, processorDescription.raw());
237 | #endif
238 | }
239 |
240 | #if 0 /* not yet implemented in Main */
241 | ULONG memorySize = 0;
242 | CHECK_ERROR (Host, COMGETTER(MemorySize)(&memorySize));
243 | RTPrintf("Memory size: %lu MByte\n", memorySize);
244 |
245 | ULONG memoryAvailable = 0;
246 | CHECK_ERROR (Host, COMGETTER(MemoryAvailable)(&memoryAvailable));
247 | RTPrintf("Memory available: %lu MByte\n", memoryAvailable);
248 |
249 | Bstr operatingSystem;
250 | CHECK_ERROR (Host, COMGETTER(OperatingSystem)(operatingSystem.asOutParam()));
251 | RTPrintf("Operating system: %lS\n", operatingSystem.raw());
252 |
253 | Bstr oSVersion;
254 | CHECK_ERROR (Host, COMGETTER(OSVersion)(oSVersion.asOutParam()));
255 | RTPrintf("Operating system version: %lS\n", oSVersion.raw());
256 | #endif
257 | }
258 | else
259 | if (strcmp(argv[0], "hddbackends") == 0)
260 | {
261 | ComPtr<ISystemProperties> systemProperties;
262 | CHECK_ERROR(virtualBox,
263 | COMGETTER(SystemProperties) (systemProperties.asOutParam()));
264 | com::SafeIfaceArray <IHardDiskFormat> hardDiskFormats;
265 | CHECK_ERROR(systemProperties,
266 | COMGETTER(HardDiskFormats) (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (hardDiskFormats)));
267 |
268 | RTPrintf("Supported hard disk backends:\n\n");
269 | for (size_t i = 0; i < hardDiskFormats.size(); ++ i)
270 | {
271 | /* General information */
272 | Bstr id;
273 | CHECK_ERROR(hardDiskFormats [i],
274 | COMGETTER(Id) (id.asOutParam()));
275 |
276 | Bstr description;
277 | CHECK_ERROR(hardDiskFormats [i],
278 | COMGETTER(Id) (description.asOutParam()));
279 |
280 | ULONG caps;
281 | CHECK_ERROR(hardDiskFormats [i],
282 | COMGETTER(Capabilities) (&caps));
283 |
284 | RTPrintf("Backend %u: id='%ls' description='%ls' capabilities=%#06x extensions='",
285 | i, id.raw(), description.raw(), caps);
286 |
287 | /* File extensions */
288 | com::SafeArray <BSTR> fileExtensions;
289 | CHECK_ERROR(hardDiskFormats [i],
290 | COMGETTER(FileExtensions) (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (fileExtensions)));
291 | for (size_t a = 0; a < fileExtensions.size(); ++ a)
292 | {
293 | RTPrintf ("%ls", Bstr (fileExtensions [a]).raw());
294 | if (a != fileExtensions.size()-1)
295 | RTPrintf (",");
296 | }
297 | RTPrintf ("'");
298 |
299 | /* Configuration keys */
300 | com::SafeArray <BSTR> propertyNames;
301 | com::SafeArray <BSTR> propertyDescriptions;
302 | com::SafeArray <DataType_T> propertyTypes;
303 | com::SafeArray <ULONG> propertyFlags;
304 | com::SafeArray <BSTR> propertyDefaults;
305 | CHECK_ERROR(hardDiskFormats [i],
306 | DescribeProperties (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (propertyNames),
307 | ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (propertyDescriptions),
308 | ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (propertyTypes),
309 | ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (propertyFlags),
310 | ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (propertyDefaults)));
311 |
312 | RTPrintf (" properties=(");
313 | if (propertyNames.size() > 0)
314 | {
315 | for (size_t a = 0; a < propertyNames.size(); ++ a)
316 | {
317 | RTPrintf ("\n name='%ls' desc='%ls' type=",
318 | Bstr (propertyNames [a]).raw(), Bstr (propertyDescriptions [a]).raw());
319 | switch (propertyTypes [a])
320 | {
321 | case DataType_Int32: RTPrintf ("int"); break;
322 | case DataType_Int8: RTPrintf ("byte"); break;
323 | case DataType_String: RTPrintf ("string"); break;
324 | }
325 | RTPrintf (" flags=%#04x", propertyFlags [a]);
326 | RTPrintf (" default='%ls'", Bstr (propertyDefaults [a]).raw());
327 | if (a != propertyNames.size()-1)
328 | RTPrintf (", ");
329 | }
330 | }
331 | RTPrintf (")\n");
332 | }
333 | }
334 | else
335 | if (strcmp(argv[0], "hdds") == 0)
336 | {
337 | com::SafeIfaceArray <IHardDisk2> hdds;
338 | CHECK_ERROR(virtualBox, COMGETTER(HardDisks2)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam (hdds)));
339 | for (size_t i = 0; i < hdds.size(); ++ i)
340 | {
341 | ComPtr<IHardDisk2> hdd = hdds[i];
342 | Guid uuid;
343 | hdd->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam());
344 | RTPrintf("UUID: %s\n", uuid.toString().raw());
345 | Bstr format;
346 | hdd->COMGETTER(Format)(format.asOutParam());
347 | RTPrintf("Format: %lS\n", format.raw());
348 | Bstr filepath;
349 | hdd->COMGETTER(Location)(filepath.asOutParam());
350 | RTPrintf("Location: %lS\n", filepath.raw());
351 | MediaState_T enmState;
352 | /// @todo NEWMEDIA check accessibility of all parents
353 | /// @todo NEWMEDIA print the full state value
354 | hdd->COMGETTER(State)(&enmState);
355 | RTPrintf("Accessible: %s\n", enmState != MediaState_Inaccessible ? "yes" : "no");
356 | com::SafeGUIDArray machineIds;
357 | hdd->COMGETTER(MachineIds)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(machineIds));
358 | for (size_t j = 0; j < machineIds.size(); ++ j)
359 | {
360 | ComPtr<IMachine> machine;
361 | CHECK_ERROR(virtualBox, GetMachine(machineIds[j], machine.asOutParam()));
362 | ASSERT(machine);
363 | Bstr name;
364 | machine->COMGETTER(Name)(name.asOutParam());
365 | machine->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam());
366 | RTPrintf("%s%lS (UUID: %RTuuid)\n",
367 | j == 0 ? "Usage: " : " ",
368 | name.raw(), &machineIds[j]);
369 | }
370 | /// @todo NEWMEDIA check usage in snapshots too
371 | /// @todo NEWMEDIA also list children and say 'differencing' for
372 | /// hard disks with the parent or 'base' otherwise.
373 | RTPrintf("\n");
374 | }
375 | }
376 | else
377 | if (strcmp(argv[0], "dvds") == 0)
378 | {
379 | com::SafeIfaceArray<IDVDImage2> dvds;
380 | CHECK_ERROR(virtualBox, COMGETTER(DVDImages)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(dvds)));
381 | for (size_t i = 0; i < dvds.size(); ++ i)
382 | {
383 | ComPtr<IDVDImage2> dvdImage = dvds[i];
384 | Guid uuid;
385 | dvdImage->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam());
386 | RTPrintf("UUID: %s\n", uuid.toString().raw());
387 | Bstr filePath;
388 | dvdImage->COMGETTER(Location)(filePath.asOutParam());
389 | RTPrintf("Path: %lS\n", filePath.raw());
390 | MediaState_T enmState;
391 | dvdImage->COMGETTER(State)(&enmState);
392 | RTPrintf("Accessible: %s\n", enmState != MediaState_Inaccessible ? "yes" : "no");
393 | /** @todo usage */
394 | RTPrintf("\n");
395 | }
396 | }
397 | else
398 | if (strcmp(argv[0], "floppies") == 0)
399 | {
400 | com::SafeIfaceArray<IFloppyImage2> floppies;
401 | CHECK_ERROR(virtualBox, COMGETTER(FloppyImages)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(floppies)));
402 | for (size_t i = 0; i < floppies.size(); ++ i)
403 | {
404 | ComPtr<IFloppyImage2> floppyImage = floppies[i];
405 | Guid uuid;
406 | floppyImage->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam());
407 | RTPrintf("UUID: %s\n", uuid.toString().raw());
408 | Bstr filePath;
409 | floppyImage->COMGETTER(Location)(filePath.asOutParam());
410 | RTPrintf("Path: %lS\n", filePath.raw());
411 | MediaState_T enmState;
412 | floppyImage->COMGETTER(State)(&enmState);
413 | RTPrintf("Accessible: %s\n", enmState != MediaState_Inaccessible ? "yes" : "no");
414 | /** @todo usage */
415 | RTPrintf("\n");
416 | }
417 | }
418 | else
419 | if (strcmp(argv[0], "usbhost") == 0)
420 | {
421 | ComPtr<IHost> Host;
422 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(Host.asOutParam()), 1);
423 |
424 | ComPtr<IHostUSBDeviceCollection> CollPtr;
425 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (Host, COMGETTER(USBDevices)(CollPtr.asOutParam()), 1);
426 |
427 | ComPtr<IHostUSBDeviceEnumerator> EnumPtr;
428 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (CollPtr, Enumerate(EnumPtr.asOutParam()), 1);
429 |
430 | RTPrintf("Host USB Devices:\n\n");
431 |
432 | BOOL fMore = FALSE;
433 | rc = EnumPtr->HasMore (&fMore);
434 | ASSERT_RET (SUCCEEDED (rc), 1);
435 |
436 | if (!fMore)
437 | {
438 | RTPrintf("<none>\n\n");
439 | }
440 | else
441 | while (fMore)
442 | {
443 | ComPtr <IHostUSBDevice> dev;
444 | rc = EnumPtr->GetNext (dev.asOutParam());
445 | ASSERT_RET (SUCCEEDED (rc), 1);
446 |
447 | /* Query info. */
448 | Guid id;
449 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (dev, COMGETTER(Id)(id.asOutParam()), 1);
450 | USHORT usVendorId;
451 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (dev, COMGETTER(VendorId)(&usVendorId), 1);
452 | USHORT usProductId;
453 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (dev, COMGETTER(ProductId)(&usProductId), 1);
454 | USHORT bcdRevision;
455 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (dev, COMGETTER(Revision)(&bcdRevision), 1);
456 |
457 | RTPrintf("UUID: %S\n"
458 | "VendorId: 0x%04x (%04X)\n"
459 | "ProductId: 0x%04x (%04X)\n"
460 | "Revision: %u.%u (%02u%02u)\n",
461 | id.toString().raw(),
462 | usVendorId, usVendorId, usProductId, usProductId,
463 | bcdRevision >> 8, bcdRevision & 0xff,
464 | bcdRevision >> 8, bcdRevision & 0xff);
465 |
466 | /* optional stuff. */
467 | Bstr bstr;
468 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (dev, COMGETTER(Manufacturer)(bstr.asOutParam()), 1);
469 | if (!bstr.isEmpty())
470 | RTPrintf("Manufacturer: %lS\n", bstr.raw());
471 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (dev, COMGETTER(Product)(bstr.asOutParam()), 1);
472 | if (!bstr.isEmpty())
473 | RTPrintf("Product: %lS\n", bstr.raw());
474 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (dev, COMGETTER(SerialNumber)(bstr.asOutParam()), 1);
475 | if (!bstr.isEmpty())
476 | RTPrintf("SerialNumber: %lS\n", bstr.raw());
477 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (dev, COMGETTER(Address)(bstr.asOutParam()), 1);
478 | if (!bstr.isEmpty())
479 | RTPrintf("Address: %lS\n", bstr.raw());
480 |
481 | /* current state */
482 | USBDeviceState_T state;
483 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (dev, COMGETTER(State)(&state), 1);
484 | const char *pszState = "?";
485 | switch (state)
486 | {
487 | case USBDeviceState_NotSupported:
488 | pszState = "Not supported"; break;
489 | case USBDeviceState_Unavailable:
490 | pszState = "Unavailable"; break;
491 | case USBDeviceState_Busy:
492 | pszState = "Busy"; break;
493 | case USBDeviceState_Available:
494 | pszState = "Available"; break;
495 | case USBDeviceState_Held:
496 | pszState = "Held"; break;
497 | case USBDeviceState_Captured:
498 | pszState = "Captured"; break;
499 | default:
500 | ASSERT (false);
501 | break;
502 | }
503 | RTPrintf("Current State: %s\n\n", pszState);
504 |
505 | rc = EnumPtr->HasMore (&fMore);
506 | ASSERT_RET (SUCCEEDED (rc), rc);
507 | }
508 | }
509 | else
510 | if (strcmp(argv[0], "usbfilters") == 0)
511 | {
512 | RTPrintf("Global USB Device Filters:\n\n");
513 |
514 | ComPtr <IHost> host;
515 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host) (host.asOutParam()), 1);
516 |
517 | ComPtr<IHostUSBDeviceFilterCollection> coll;
518 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (host, COMGETTER (USBDeviceFilters)(coll.asOutParam()), 1);
519 |
520 | ComPtr<IHostUSBDeviceFilterEnumerator> en;
521 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (coll, Enumerate(en.asOutParam()), 1);
522 |
523 | ULONG index = 0;
524 | BOOL more = FALSE;
525 | rc = en->HasMore (&more);
526 | ASSERT_RET (SUCCEEDED (rc), 1);
527 |
528 | if (!more)
529 | {
530 | RTPrintf("<none>\n\n");
531 | }
532 | else
533 | while (more)
534 | {
535 | ComPtr<IHostUSBDeviceFilter> flt;
536 | rc = en->GetNext (flt.asOutParam());
537 | ASSERT_RET (SUCCEEDED (rc), 1);
538 |
539 | /* Query info. */
540 |
541 | RTPrintf("Index: %lu\n", index);
542 |
543 | BOOL active = FALSE;
544 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (flt, COMGETTER (Active) (&active), 1);
545 | RTPrintf("Active: %s\n", active ? "yes" : "no");
546 |
547 | USBDeviceFilterAction_T action;
548 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (flt, COMGETTER (Action) (&action), 1);
549 | const char *pszAction = "<invalid>";
550 | switch (action)
551 | {
552 | case USBDeviceFilterAction_Ignore:
553 | pszAction = "Ignore";
554 | break;
555 | case USBDeviceFilterAction_Hold:
556 | pszAction = "Hold";
557 | break;
558 | default:
559 | break;
560 | }
561 | RTPrintf("Action: %s\n", pszAction);
562 |
563 | Bstr bstr;
564 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (flt, COMGETTER (Name) (bstr.asOutParam()), 1);
565 | RTPrintf("Name: %lS\n", bstr.raw());
566 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (flt, COMGETTER (VendorId) (bstr.asOutParam()), 1);
567 | RTPrintf("VendorId: %lS\n", bstr.raw());
568 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (flt, COMGETTER (ProductId) (bstr.asOutParam()), 1);
569 | RTPrintf("ProductId: %lS\n", bstr.raw());
570 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (flt, COMGETTER (Revision) (bstr.asOutParam()), 1);
571 | RTPrintf("Revision: %lS\n", bstr.raw());
572 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (flt, COMGETTER (Manufacturer) (bstr.asOutParam()), 1);
573 | RTPrintf("Manufacturer: %lS\n", bstr.raw());
574 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (flt, COMGETTER (Product) (bstr.asOutParam()), 1);
575 | RTPrintf("Product: %lS\n", bstr.raw());
576 | CHECK_ERROR_RET (flt, COMGETTER (SerialNumber) (bstr.asOutParam()), 1);
577 | RTPrintf("Serial Number: %lS\n\n", bstr.raw());
578 |
579 | rc = en->HasMore (&more);
580 | ASSERT_RET (SUCCEEDED (rc), 1);
581 |
582 | index ++;
583 | }
584 | }
585 | else if (strcmp(argv[0], "systemproperties") == 0)
586 | {
587 | ComPtr<ISystemProperties> systemProperties;
588 | virtualBox->COMGETTER(SystemProperties)(systemProperties.asOutParam());
589 |
590 | Bstr str;
591 | ULONG ulValue;
592 | ULONG64 ul64Value;
593 | BOOL flag;
594 |
595 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(MinGuestRAM)(&ulValue);
596 | RTPrintf("Minimum guest RAM size: %u Megabytes\n", ulValue);
597 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(MaxGuestRAM)(&ulValue);
598 | RTPrintf("Maximum guest RAM size: %u Megabytes\n", ulValue);
599 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(MaxGuestVRAM)(&ulValue);
600 | RTPrintf("Maximum video RAM size: %u Megabytes\n", ulValue);
601 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(MaxVDISize)(&ul64Value);
602 | RTPrintf("Maximum VDI size: %lu Megabytes\n", ul64Value);
603 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(DefaultHardDiskFolder)(str.asOutParam());
604 | RTPrintf("Default hard disk filder: %lS\n", str.raw());
605 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(DefaultMachineFolder)(str.asOutParam());
606 | RTPrintf("Default machine folder: %lS\n", str.raw());
607 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(RemoteDisplayAuthLibrary)(str.asOutParam());
608 | RTPrintf("VRDP authentication library: %lS\n", str.raw());
609 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(WebServiceAuthLibrary)(str.asOutParam());
610 | RTPrintf("Webservice auth. library: %lS\n", str.raw());
611 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(HWVirtExEnabled)(&flag);
612 | RTPrintf("Hardware virt. extensions: %s\n", flag ? "yes" : "no");
613 | systemProperties->COMGETTER(LogHistoryCount)(&ulValue);
614 | RTPrintf("Log history count: %u\n", ulValue);
615 |
616 | }
617 | else
618 | return errorSyntax(USAGE_LIST, "Invalid parameter '%s'", Utf8Str(argv[0]).raw());
619 |
620 | return SUCCEEDED(rc) ? 0 : 1;
621 | }
622 |
623 | #endif /* !VBOX_ONLY_DOCS */
624 |