/* $Id: VBoxManageStorageController.cpp 31615 2010-08-12 18:12:39Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBoxManage - The storage controller related commands. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VBoxManage.h" using namespace com; // funcs /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static const RTGETOPTDEF g_aStorageAttachOptions[] = { { "--storagectl", 's', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--port", 'p', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 }, { "--device", 'd', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 }, { "--medium", 'm', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--type", 't', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--passthrough", 'h', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--forceunmount", 'f', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, }; int handleStorageAttach(HandlerArg *a) { int c = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; /* initialized to shut up gcc */ HRESULT rc = S_OK; ULONG port = ~0U; ULONG device = ~0U; bool fForceUnmount = false; const char *pszCtl = NULL; const char *pszType = NULL; const char *pszMedium = NULL; const char *pszPassThrough = NULL; Bstr machineuuid (a->argv[0]); RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion; RTGETOPTSTATE GetState; ComPtr machine; ComPtr storageCtl; ComPtr systemProperties; if (a->argc < 9) return errorSyntax(USAGE_STORAGEATTACH, "Too few parameters"); else if (a->argc > 13) return errorSyntax(USAGE_STORAGEATTACH, "Too many parameters"); RTGetOptInit(&GetState, a->argc, a->argv, g_aStorageAttachOptions, RT_ELEMENTS(g_aStorageAttachOptions), 1, RTGETOPTINIT_FLAGS_NO_STD_OPTS); while ( SUCCEEDED(rc) && (c = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &ValueUnion))) { switch (c) { case 's': // storage controller name { if (ValueUnion.psz) pszCtl = ValueUnion.psz; else rc = E_FAIL; break; } case 'p': // port { port = ValueUnion.u32; break; } case 'd': // device { device = ValueUnion.u32; break; } case 'm': // medium > { if (ValueUnion.psz) pszMedium = ValueUnion.psz; else rc = E_FAIL; break; } case 't': // type { if (ValueUnion.psz) pszType = ValueUnion.psz; else rc = E_FAIL; break; } case 'h': // passthrough { if (ValueUnion.psz) pszPassThrough = ValueUnion.psz; else rc = E_FAIL; break; } case 'f': // force unmount medium during runtime { fForceUnmount = true; break; } default: { errorGetOpt(USAGE_STORAGEATTACH, c, &ValueUnion); rc = E_FAIL; break; } } } if (FAILED(rc)) return 1; if (!pszCtl) return errorSyntax(USAGE_STORAGEATTACH, "Storage controller name not specified"); if (port == ~0U) return errorSyntax(USAGE_STORAGEATTACH, "Port not specified"); if (device == ~0U) return errorSyntax(USAGE_STORAGEATTACH, "Device not specified"); /* get the virtualbox system properties */ CHECK_ERROR_RET(a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(SystemProperties)(systemProperties.asOutParam()), 1); /* try to find the given machine */ if (!Guid(machineuuid).isEmpty()) { CHECK_ERROR_RET(a->virtualBox, GetMachine(machineuuid, machine.asOutParam()), 1); } else { CHECK_ERROR_RET(a->virtualBox, FindMachine(Bstr(a->argv[0]), machine.asOutParam()), 1); machine->COMGETTER(Id)(machineuuid.asOutParam()); } /* open a session for the VM (new or shared) */ CHECK_ERROR_RET(machine, LockMachine(a->session, LockType_Shared), 1); SessionType_T st; CHECK_ERROR_RET(a->session, COMGETTER(Type)(&st), 1); bool fRunTime = (st == SessionType_Shared); if (fRunTime && !RTStrICmp(pszType, "hdd")) { errorArgument("Hard disk drives cannot be changed while the VM is running\n"); goto leave; } if (fRunTime && !RTStrICmp(pszMedium, "none")) { errorArgument("Drives cannot be removed while the VM is running\n"); goto leave; } if (fRunTime && pszPassThrough) { errorArgument("Drive passthrough state can't be changed while the VM is running\n"); goto leave; } /* get the mutable session machine */ a->session->COMGETTER(Machine)(machine.asOutParam()); /* check if the storage controller is present */ rc = machine->GetStorageControllerByName(Bstr(pszCtl), storageCtl.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(rc)) { errorSyntax(USAGE_STORAGEATTACH, "Couldn't find the controller with the name: '%s'\n", pszCtl); goto leave; } /* for sata controller check if the port count is big enough * to accomodate the current port which is being assigned * else just increase the port count */ { ULONG ulPortCount = 0; ULONG ulMaxPortCount = 0; CHECK_ERROR(storageCtl, COMGETTER(MaxPortCount)(&ulMaxPortCount)); CHECK_ERROR(storageCtl, COMGETTER(PortCount)(&ulPortCount)); if ( (ulPortCount != ulMaxPortCount) && (port >= ulPortCount) && (port < ulMaxPortCount)) CHECK_ERROR(storageCtl, COMSETTER(PortCount)(port + 1)); } if (!RTStrICmp(pszMedium, "none")) { CHECK_ERROR(machine, DetachDevice(Bstr(pszCtl), port, device)); } else if (!RTStrICmp(pszMedium, "emptydrive")) { if (fRunTime) { ComPtr mediumAttachment; DeviceType_T deviceType = DeviceType_Null; rc = machine->GetMediumAttachment(Bstr(pszCtl), port, device, mediumAttachment.asOutParam()); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { mediumAttachment->COMGETTER(Type)(&deviceType); if ( (deviceType == DeviceType_DVD) || (deviceType == DeviceType_Floppy)) { /* just unmount the floppy/dvd */ CHECK_ERROR(machine, MountMedium(Bstr(pszCtl), port, device, Bstr(""), fForceUnmount)); } } if ( FAILED(rc) || !( deviceType == DeviceType_DVD || deviceType == DeviceType_Floppy)) { errorArgument("No DVD/Floppy Drive attached to the controller '%s'" "at the port: %u, device: %u", pszCtl, port, device); goto leave; } } else { StorageBus_T storageBus = StorageBus_Null; DeviceType_T deviceType = DeviceType_Null; com::SafeArray saDeviceTypes; ULONG driveCheck = 0; /* check if the device type is supported by the controller */ CHECK_ERROR(storageCtl, COMGETTER(Bus)(&storageBus)); CHECK_ERROR(systemProperties, GetDeviceTypesForStorageBus(storageBus, ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(saDeviceTypes))); for (size_t i = 0; i < saDeviceTypes.size(); ++ i) { if ( (saDeviceTypes[i] == DeviceType_DVD) || (saDeviceTypes[i] == DeviceType_Floppy)) driveCheck++; } if (!driveCheck) { errorArgument("The Attachment is not supported by the Storage Controller: '%s'", pszCtl); goto leave; } if (storageBus == StorageBus_Floppy) deviceType = DeviceType_Floppy; else deviceType = DeviceType_DVD; /* attach a empty floppy/dvd drive after removing previous attachment */ machine->DetachDevice(Bstr(pszCtl), port, device); CHECK_ERROR(machine, AttachDevice(Bstr(pszCtl), port, device, deviceType, NULL)); } } else { { /* * try to determine the type of the drive from the * storage controller chipset, the attachment and * the medium being attached */ StorageControllerType_T ctlType = StorageControllerType_Null; CHECK_ERROR(storageCtl, COMGETTER(ControllerType)(&ctlType)); if (ctlType == StorageControllerType_I82078) { /* * floppy controller found so lets assume the medium * given by the user is also a floppy image or floppy * host drive */ pszType = "fdd"; } else { /* * for SATA/SCSI/IDE it is hard to tell if it is a harddisk or * a dvd being attached so lets check if the medium attachment * and the medium, both are of same type. if yes then we are * sure of its type and don't need the user to enter it manually * else ask the user for the type. */ ComPtr mediumAttachement; rc = machine->GetMediumAttachment(Bstr(pszCtl), port, device, mediumAttachement.asOutParam()); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { DeviceType_T deviceType; mediumAttachement->COMGETTER(Type)(&deviceType); if (deviceType == DeviceType_DVD) { ComPtr dvdMedium; rc = a->virtualBox->FindMedium(Bstr(pszMedium), DeviceType_DVD, dvdMedium.asOutParam()); if (dvdMedium) /* * ok so the medium and attachment both are DVD's so it is * safe to assume that we are dealing with a DVD here */ pszType = "dvddrive"; } else if (deviceType == DeviceType_HardDisk) { ComPtr hardDisk; rc = a->virtualBox->FindMedium(Bstr(pszMedium), DeviceType_HardDisk, hardDisk.asOutParam()); if (hardDisk) /* * ok so the medium and attachment both are hdd's so it is * safe to assume that we are dealing with a hdd here */ pszType = "hdd"; } } } /* for all other cases lets ask the user what type of drive it is */ } if (!pszType) { errorSyntax(USAGE_STORAGEATTACH, "Argument --type not specified\n"); goto leave; } /* check if the device type is supported by the controller */ { StorageBus_T storageBus = StorageBus_Null; com::SafeArray saDeviceTypes; CHECK_ERROR(storageCtl, COMGETTER(Bus)(&storageBus)); CHECK_ERROR(systemProperties, GetDeviceTypesForStorageBus(storageBus, ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(saDeviceTypes))); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { ULONG driveCheck = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < saDeviceTypes.size(); ++ i) { if ( !RTStrICmp(pszType, "dvddrive") && (saDeviceTypes[i] == DeviceType_DVD)) driveCheck++; if ( !RTStrICmp(pszType, "hdd") && (saDeviceTypes[i] == DeviceType_HardDisk)) driveCheck++; if ( !RTStrICmp(pszType, "fdd") && (saDeviceTypes[i] == DeviceType_Floppy)) driveCheck++; } if (!driveCheck) { errorArgument("The Attachment is not supported by the Storage Controller: '%s'", pszCtl); goto leave; } } else goto leave; } if (!RTStrICmp(pszType, "dvddrive")) { Bstr uuid; ComPtr dvdMedium; if (!fRunTime) { ComPtr mediumAttachement; /* check if there is a dvd drive at the given location, if not attach one */ rc = machine->GetMediumAttachment(Bstr(pszCtl), port, device, mediumAttachement.asOutParam()); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { DeviceType_T deviceType; mediumAttachement->COMGETTER(Type)(&deviceType); if (deviceType != DeviceType_DVD) { machine->DetachDevice(Bstr(pszCtl), port, device); rc = machine->AttachDevice(Bstr(pszCtl), port, device, DeviceType_DVD, NULL); } } else { rc = machine->AttachDevice(Bstr(pszCtl), port, device, DeviceType_DVD, NULL); } } /* Attach/Detach the dvd medium now */ do { /* host drive? */ if (!RTStrNICmp(pszMedium, "host:", 5)) { ComPtr host; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(host.asOutParam())); rc = host->FindHostDVDDrive(Bstr(pszMedium + 5), dvdMedium.asOutParam()); if (!dvdMedium) { /* 2nd try: try with the real name, important on Linux+libhal */ char szPathReal[RTPATH_MAX]; if (RT_FAILURE(RTPathReal(pszMedium + 5, szPathReal, sizeof(szPathReal)))) { errorArgument("Invalid host DVD drive name \"%s\"", pszMedium + 5); rc = E_FAIL; break; } rc = host->FindHostDVDDrive(Bstr(szPathReal), dvdMedium.asOutParam()); if (!dvdMedium) { errorArgument("Invalid host DVD drive name \"%s\"", pszMedium + 5); rc = E_FAIL; break; } } } else { rc = a->virtualBox->FindMedium(Bstr(pszMedium), DeviceType_DVD, dvdMedium.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(rc) || !dvdMedium) { /* not registered, do that on the fly */ Bstr emptyUUID; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, OpenMedium(Bstr(pszMedium), DeviceType_DVD, AccessMode_ReadWrite, dvdMedium.asOutParam())); } if (!dvdMedium) { errorArgument("Invalid UUID or filename \"%s\"", pszMedium); rc = E_FAIL; break; } } } while (0); if (dvdMedium) { dvdMedium->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam()); CHECK_ERROR(machine, MountMedium(Bstr(pszCtl), port, device, uuid, fForceUnmount)); } } else if ( !RTStrICmp(pszType, "hdd") && !fRunTime) { ComPtr mediumAttachement; /* if there is anything attached at the given location, remove it */ machine->DetachDevice(Bstr(pszCtl), port, device); /* first guess is that it's a UUID */ ComPtr hardDisk; rc = a->virtualBox->FindMedium(Bstr(pszMedium), DeviceType_HardDisk, hardDisk.asOutParam()); /* not successful? Then it must be a filename */ if (!hardDisk) { /* open the new hard disk object */ CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, OpenMedium(Bstr(pszMedium), DeviceType_HardDisk, AccessMode_ReadWrite, hardDisk.asOutParam())); } if (hardDisk) { CHECK_ERROR(machine, AttachDevice(Bstr(pszCtl), port, device, DeviceType_HardDisk, hardDisk)); } else { errorArgument("Invalid UUID or filename \"%s\"", pszMedium); rc = E_FAIL; } } else if (!RTStrICmp(pszType, "fdd")) { Bstr uuid; ComPtr floppyMedium; ComPtr floppyAttachment; machine->GetMediumAttachment(Bstr(pszCtl), port, device, floppyAttachment.asOutParam()); if ( !fRunTime && !floppyAttachment) CHECK_ERROR(machine, AttachDevice(Bstr(pszCtl), port, device, DeviceType_Floppy, NULL)); /* host drive? */ if (!RTStrNICmp(pszMedium, "host:", 5)) { ComPtr host; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(host.asOutParam())); rc = host->FindHostFloppyDrive(Bstr(pszMedium + 5), floppyMedium.asOutParam()); if (!floppyMedium) { errorArgument("Invalid host floppy drive name \"%s\"", pszMedium + 5); rc = E_FAIL; } } else { /* first assume it's a UUID */ rc = a->virtualBox->FindMedium(Bstr(pszMedium), DeviceType_Floppy, floppyMedium.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(rc) || !floppyMedium) { /* not registered, do that on the fly */ Bstr emptyUUID; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, OpenMedium(Bstr(pszMedium), DeviceType_Floppy, AccessMode_ReadWrite, floppyMedium.asOutParam())); } if (!floppyMedium) { errorArgument("Invalid UUID or filename \"%s\"", pszMedium); rc = E_FAIL; } } if (floppyMedium) { floppyMedium->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam()); CHECK_ERROR(machine, MountMedium(Bstr(pszCtl), port, device, uuid, fForceUnmount)); } } else { errorArgument("Invalid --type argument '%s'", pszType); rc = E_FAIL; } } if ( pszPassThrough && (SUCCEEDED(rc))) { ComPtr mattach; CHECK_ERROR(machine, GetMediumAttachment(Bstr(pszCtl), port, device, mattach.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { if (!RTStrICmp(pszPassThrough, "on")) { CHECK_ERROR(machine, PassthroughDevice(Bstr(pszCtl), port, device, TRUE)); } else if (!RTStrICmp(pszPassThrough, "off")) { CHECK_ERROR(machine, PassthroughDevice(Bstr(pszCtl), port, device, FALSE)); } else { errorArgument("Invalid --passthrough argument '%s'", pszPassThrough); rc = E_FAIL; } } else { errorArgument("Couldn't find the controller attachment for the controller '%s'\n", pszCtl); rc = E_FAIL; } } /* commit changes */ if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) CHECK_ERROR(machine, SaveSettings()); leave: /* it's important to always close sessions */ a->session->UnlockMachine(); return SUCCEEDED(rc) ? 0 : 1; } static const RTGETOPTDEF g_aStorageControllerOptions[] = { { "--name", 'n', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--add", 'a', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--controller", 'c', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--sataideemulation", 'e', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 | RTGETOPT_FLAG_INDEX }, { "--sataportcount", 'p', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 }, { "--remove", 'r', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--hostiocache", 'i', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, }; int handleStorageController(HandlerArg *a) { int c; HRESULT rc = S_OK; const char *pszCtl = NULL; const char *pszBusType = NULL; const char *pszCtlType = NULL; const char *pszHostIOCache = NULL; ULONG satabootdev = ~0U; ULONG sataidedev = ~0U; ULONG sataportcount = ~0U; bool fRemoveCtl = false; Bstr machineuuid (a->argv[0]); ComPtr machine; RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion; RTGETOPTSTATE GetState; if (a->argc < 4) return errorSyntax(USAGE_STORAGECONTROLLER, "Too few parameters"); RTGetOptInit (&GetState, a->argc, a->argv, g_aStorageControllerOptions, RT_ELEMENTS(g_aStorageControllerOptions), 1, RTGETOPTINIT_FLAGS_NO_STD_OPTS); while ( SUCCEEDED(rc) && (c = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &ValueUnion))) { switch (c) { case 'n': // controller name { if (ValueUnion.psz) pszCtl = ValueUnion.psz; else rc = E_FAIL; break; } case 'a': // controller bus type { if (ValueUnion.psz) pszBusType = ValueUnion.psz; else rc = E_FAIL; break; } case 'c': // controller { if (ValueUnion.psz) pszCtlType = ValueUnion.psz; else rc = E_FAIL; break; } case 'e': // sataideemulation { satabootdev = GetState.uIndex; sataidedev = ValueUnion.u32; break; } case 'p': // sataportcount { sataportcount = ValueUnion.u32; break; } case 'r': // remove controller { fRemoveCtl = true; break; } case 'i': { pszHostIOCache = ValueUnion.psz; break; } default: { errorGetOpt(USAGE_STORAGECONTROLLER, c, &ValueUnion); rc = E_FAIL; break; } } } if (FAILED(rc)) return 1; /* try to find the given machine */ if (!Guid(machineuuid).isEmpty()) { CHECK_ERROR_RET(a->virtualBox, GetMachine (machineuuid, machine.asOutParam()), 1); } else { CHECK_ERROR_RET(a->virtualBox, FindMachine(Bstr(a->argv[0]), machine.asOutParam()), 1); machine->COMGETTER(Id)(machineuuid.asOutParam()); } /* open a session for the VM */ CHECK_ERROR_RET(machine, LockMachine(a->session, LockType_Write), 1); /* get the mutable session machine */ a->session->COMGETTER(Machine)(machine.asOutParam()); if (!pszCtl) { /* it's important to always close sessions */ a->session->UnlockMachine(); errorSyntax(USAGE_STORAGECONTROLLER, "Storage controller name not specified\n"); return 1; } if (fRemoveCtl) { com::SafeIfaceArray mediumAttachments; CHECK_ERROR(machine, GetMediumAttachmentsOfController(Bstr(pszCtl), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(mediumAttachments))); for (size_t i = 0; i < mediumAttachments.size(); ++ i) { ComPtr mediumAttach = mediumAttachments[i]; LONG port = 0; LONG device = 0; CHECK_ERROR(mediumAttach, COMGETTER(Port)(&port)); CHECK_ERROR(mediumAttach, COMGETTER(Device)(&device)); CHECK_ERROR(machine, DetachDevice(Bstr(pszCtl), port, device)); } if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) CHECK_ERROR(machine, RemoveStorageController(Bstr(pszCtl))); else errorArgument("Can't detach the devices connected to '%s' Controller\n" "and thus its removal failed.", pszCtl); } else { if (pszBusType) { ComPtr ctl; if (!RTStrICmp(pszBusType, "ide")) { CHECK_ERROR(machine, AddStorageController(Bstr(pszCtl), StorageBus_IDE, ctl.asOutParam())); } else if (!RTStrICmp(pszBusType, "sata")) { CHECK_ERROR(machine, AddStorageController(Bstr(pszCtl), StorageBus_SATA, ctl.asOutParam())); } else if (!RTStrICmp(pszBusType, "scsi")) { CHECK_ERROR(machine, AddStorageController(Bstr(pszCtl), StorageBus_SCSI, ctl.asOutParam())); } else if (!RTStrICmp(pszBusType, "floppy")) { CHECK_ERROR(machine, AddStorageController(Bstr(pszCtl), StorageBus_Floppy, ctl.asOutParam())); } else if (!RTStrICmp(pszBusType, "sas")) { CHECK_ERROR(machine, AddStorageController(Bstr(pszCtl), StorageBus_SAS, ctl.asOutParam())); } else { errorArgument("Invalid --add argument '%s'", pszBusType); rc = E_FAIL; } } if ( pszCtlType && SUCCEEDED(rc)) { ComPtr ctl; CHECK_ERROR(machine, GetStorageControllerByName(Bstr(pszCtl), ctl.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { if (!RTStrICmp(pszCtlType, "lsilogic")) { CHECK_ERROR(ctl, COMSETTER(ControllerType)(StorageControllerType_LsiLogic)); } else if (!RTStrICmp(pszCtlType, "buslogic")) { CHECK_ERROR(ctl, COMSETTER(ControllerType)(StorageControllerType_BusLogic)); } else if (!RTStrICmp(pszCtlType, "intelahci")) { CHECK_ERROR(ctl, COMSETTER(ControllerType)(StorageControllerType_IntelAhci)); } else if (!RTStrICmp(pszCtlType, "piix3")) { CHECK_ERROR(ctl, COMSETTER(ControllerType)(StorageControllerType_PIIX3)); } else if (!RTStrICmp(pszCtlType, "piix4")) { CHECK_ERROR(ctl, COMSETTER(ControllerType)(StorageControllerType_PIIX4)); } else if (!RTStrICmp(pszCtlType, "ich6")) { CHECK_ERROR(ctl, COMSETTER(ControllerType)(StorageControllerType_ICH6)); } else if (!RTStrICmp(pszCtlType, "i82078")) { CHECK_ERROR(ctl, COMSETTER(ControllerType)(StorageControllerType_I82078)); } else if (!RTStrICmp(pszCtlType, "lsilogicsas")) { CHECK_ERROR(ctl, COMSETTER(ControllerType)(StorageControllerType_LsiLogicSas)); } else { errorArgument("Invalid --type argument '%s'", pszCtlType); rc = E_FAIL; } } else { errorArgument("Couldn't find the controller with the name: '%s'\n", pszCtl); rc = E_FAIL; } } if ( (sataportcount != ~0U) && SUCCEEDED(rc)) { ComPtr ctl; CHECK_ERROR(machine, GetStorageControllerByName(Bstr(pszCtl), ctl.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { CHECK_ERROR(ctl, COMSETTER(PortCount)(sataportcount)); } else { errorArgument("Couldn't find the controller with the name: '%s'\n", pszCtl); rc = E_FAIL; } } if ( (sataidedev != ~0U) && (satabootdev != ~0U) && SUCCEEDED(rc)) { ComPtr ctl; CHECK_ERROR(machine, GetStorageControllerByName(Bstr(pszCtl), ctl.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { CHECK_ERROR(ctl, SetIDEEmulationPort(satabootdev, sataidedev)); } else { errorArgument("Couldn't find the controller with the name: '%s'\n", pszCtl); rc = E_FAIL; } } if ( pszHostIOCache && SUCCEEDED(rc)) { ComPtr ctl; CHECK_ERROR(machine, GetStorageControllerByName(Bstr(pszCtl), ctl.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { if (!RTStrICmp(pszHostIOCache, "on")) { CHECK_ERROR(ctl, COMSETTER(UseHostIOCache)(TRUE)); } else if (!RTStrICmp(pszHostIOCache, "off")) { CHECK_ERROR(ctl, COMSETTER(UseHostIOCache)(FALSE)); } else { errorArgument("Invalid --hostiocache argument '%s'", pszHostIOCache); rc = E_FAIL; } } else { errorArgument("Couldn't find the controller with the name: '%s'\n", pszCtl); rc = E_FAIL; } } } /* commit changes */ if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) CHECK_ERROR(machine, SaveSettings()); /* it's important to always close sessions */ a->session->UnlockMachine(); return SUCCEEDED(rc) ? 0 : 1; } #endif /* !VBOX_ONLY_DOCS */