1 | #!/usr/bin/python
2 | #
3 | # Copyright (C) 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
4 | #
5 | # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
6 | # available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
7 | # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
8 | # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
9 | # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
10 | # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
11 | # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
12 | #
13 | # Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
14 | # Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
15 | # additional information or have any questions.
16 | #
17 | #
18 | #################################################################################
19 | # This program is a simple interactive shell for VirtualBox. You can query #
20 | # information and issue commands from a simple command line. #
21 | # #
22 | # It also provides you with examples on how to use VirtualBox's Python API. #
23 | # This shell is even somewhat documented and supports TAB-completion and #
24 | # history if you have Python readline installed. #
25 | # #
26 | # Enjoy. #
27 | ################################################################################
28 |
29 | import os,sys
30 | import traceback
31 |
32 | # Simple implementation of IConsoleCallback, one can use it as skeleton
33 | # for custom implementations
34 | class GuestMonitor:
35 | def __init__(self, mach):
36 | self.mach = mach
37 |
38 | def onMousePointerShapeChange(self, visible, alpha, xHot, yHot, width, height, shape):
39 | print "%s: onMousePointerShapeChange: visible=%d" %(self.mach.name, visible)
40 | def onMouseCapabilityChange(self, supportsAbsolute, needsHostCursor):
41 | print "%s: onMouseCapabilityChange: needsHostCursor=%d" %(self.mach.name, needsHostCursor)
42 |
43 | def onKeyboardLedsChange(self, numLock, capsLock, scrollLock):
44 | print "%s: onKeyboardLedsChange capsLock=%d" %(self.mach.name, capsLock)
45 |
46 | def onStateChange(self, state):
47 | print "%s: onStateChange state=%d" %(self.mach.name, state)
48 |
49 | def onAdditionsStateChange(self):
50 | print "%s: onAdditionsStateChange" %(self.mach.name)
51 |
52 | def onDVDDriveChange(self):
53 | print "%s: onDVDDriveChange" %(self.mach.name)
54 |
55 | def onFloppyDriveChange(self):
56 | print "%s: onFloppyDriveChange" %(self.mach.name)
57 |
58 | def onNetworkAdapterChange(self, adapter):
59 | print "%s: onNetworkAdapterChange" %(self.mach.name)
60 |
61 | def onSerialPortChange(self, port):
62 | print "%s: onSerialPortChange" %(self.mach.name)
63 |
64 | def onParallelPortChange(self, port):
65 | print "%s: onParallelPortChange" %(self.mach.name)
66 |
67 | def onStorageControllerChange(self):
68 | print "%s: onStorageControllerChange" %(self.mach.name)
69 |
70 | def onVRDPServerChange(self):
71 | print "%s: onVRDPServerChange" %(self.mach.name)
72 |
73 | def onUSBControllerChange(self):
74 | print "%s: onUSBControllerChange" %(self.mach.name)
75 |
76 | def onUSBDeviceStateChange(self, device, attached, error):
77 | print "%s: onUSBDeviceStateChange" %(self.mach.name)
78 |
79 | def onSharedFolderChange(self, scope):
80 | print "%s: onSharedFolderChange" %(self.mach.name)
81 |
82 | def onRuntimeError(self, fatal, id, message):
83 | print "%s: onRuntimeError fatal=%d message=%s" %(self.mach.name, fatal, message)
84 |
85 | def onCanShowWindow(self):
86 | print "%s: onCanShowWindow" %(self.mach.name)
87 | return True
88 |
89 | def onShowWindow(self, winId):
90 | print "%s: onShowWindow: %d" %(self.mach.name, winId)
91 |
92 | class VBoxMonitor:
93 | def __init__(self, vbox):
94 | self.vbox = vbox
95 | pass
96 |
97 | def onMachineStateChange(self, id, state):
98 | print "onMachineStateChange: %s %d" %(id, state)
99 |
100 | def onMachineDataChange(self,id):
101 | print "onMachineDataChange: %s" %(id)
102 |
103 | def onExtraDataCanChange(self, id, key, value):
104 | print "onExtraDataCanChange: %s %s=>%s" %(id, key, value)
105 | return True, ""
106 |
107 | def onExtraDataChange(self, id, key, value):
108 | print "onExtraDataChange: %s %s=>%s" %(id, key, value)
109 |
110 | def onMediaRegistred(self, id, type, registred):
111 | print "onMediaRegistred: %s" %(id)
112 |
113 | def onMachineRegistred(self, id, registred):
114 | print "onMachineRegistred: %s" %(id)
115 |
116 | def onSessionStateChange(self, id, state):
117 | print "onSessionStateChange: %s %d" %(id, state)
118 |
119 | def onSnapshotTaken(self, mach, id):
120 | print "onSnapshotTaken: %s %s" %(mach, id)
121 |
122 | def onSnapshotDiscarded(self, mach, id):
123 | print "onSnapshotDiscarded: %s %s" %(mach, id)
124 |
125 | def onSnapshotChange(self, mach, id):
126 | print "onSnapshotChange: %s %s" %(mach, id)
127 |
128 | def onGuestPropertyChange(self, id, name, newValue, flags):
129 | print "onGuestPropertyChange: %s: %s=%s" %(id, name, newValue)
130 |
131 | g_hasreadline = 1
132 | try:
133 | import readline
134 | import rlcompleter
135 | except:
136 | g_hasreadline = 0
137 |
138 |
139 | if g_hasreadline:
140 | class CompleterNG(rlcompleter.Completer):
141 | def __init__(self, dic, ctx):
142 | self.ctx = ctx
143 | return rlcompleter.Completer.__init__(self,dic)
144 |
145 | def complete(self, text, state):
146 | """
147 | taken from:
148 | http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/496812
149 | """
150 | if text == "":
151 | return ['\t',None][state]
152 | else:
153 | return rlcompleter.Completer.complete(self,text,state)
154 |
155 | def global_matches(self, text):
156 | """
157 | Compute matches when text is a simple name.
158 | Return a list of all names currently defined
159 | in self.namespace that match.
160 | """
161 |
162 | matches = []
163 | n = len(text)
164 |
165 | for list in [ self.namespace ]:
166 | for word in list:
167 | if word[:n] == text:
168 | matches.append(word)
169 |
170 |
171 | try:
172 | for m in getMachines(self.ctx):
173 | # although it has autoconversion, we need to cast
174 | # explicitly for subscripts to work
175 | word = str(m.name)
176 | if word[:n] == text:
177 | matches.append(word)
178 | word = str(m.id)
179 | if word[0] == '{':
180 | word = word[1:-1]
181 | if word[:n] == text:
182 | matches.append(word)
183 | except Exception,e:
184 | traceback.print_exc()
185 | print e
186 |
187 | return matches
188 |
189 |
190 | def autoCompletion(commands, ctx):
191 | if not g_hasreadline:
192 | return
193 |
194 | comps = {}
195 | for (k,v) in commands.items():
196 | comps[k] = None
197 | completer = CompleterNG(comps, ctx)
198 | readline.set_completer(completer.complete)
199 | readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
200 |
201 | g_verbose = True
202 |
203 | def split_no_quotes(s):
204 | return s.split()
205 |
206 | def createVm(ctx,name,kind,base):
207 | mgr = ctx['mgr']
208 | vb = ctx['vb']
209 | mach = vb.createMachine(name, kind, base,
210 | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
211 | mach.saveSettings()
212 | print "created machine with UUID",mach.id
213 | vb.registerMachine(mach)
214 |
215 | def removeVm(ctx,mach):
216 | mgr = ctx['mgr']
217 | vb = ctx['vb']
218 | id = mach.id
219 | print "removing machine ",mach.name,"with UUID",id
220 | session = ctx['global'].openMachineSession(id)
221 | mach=session.machine
222 | for d in mach.getHardDiskAttachments():
223 | mach.detachHardDisk(d.controller, d.port, d.device)
224 | ctx['global'].closeMachineSession(session)
225 | mach = vb.unregisterMachine(id)
226 | if mach:
227 | mach.deleteSettings()
228 |
229 | def startVm(ctx,mach,type):
230 | mgr = ctx['mgr']
231 | vb = ctx['vb']
232 | perf = ctx['perf']
233 | session = mgr.getSessionObject(vb)
234 | uuid = mach.id
235 | progress = vb.openRemoteSession(session, uuid, type, "")
236 | progress.waitForCompletion(-1)
237 | completed = progress.completed
238 | rc = int(progress.resultCode)
239 | print "Completed:", completed, "rc:",hex(rc&0xffffffff)
240 | if rc == 0:
241 | # we ignore exceptions to allow starting VM even if
242 | # perf collector cannot be started
243 | if perf:
244 | try:
245 | perf.setup(['*'], [mach], 10, 15)
246 | except Exception,e:
247 | print e
248 | if g_verbose:
249 | traceback.print_exc()
250 | pass
251 | # if session not opened, close doesn't make sense
252 | session.close()
253 | else:
254 | # Not yet implemented error string query API for remote API
255 | if not ctx['remote']:
256 | print session.QueryErrorObject(rc)
257 |
258 | def getMachines(ctx):
259 | return ctx['global'].getArray(ctx['vb'], 'machines')
260 |
261 | def asState(var):
262 | if var:
263 | return 'on'
264 | else:
265 | return 'off'
266 |
267 | def guestStats(ctx,mach):
268 | if not ctx['perf']:
269 | return
270 | for metric in ctx['perf'].query(["*"], [mach]):
271 | print metric['name'], metric['values_as_string']
272 |
273 | def guestExec(ctx, machine, console, cmds):
274 | exec cmds
275 |
276 | def monitorGuest(ctx, machine, console, dur):
277 | import time
278 | cb = ctx['global'].createCallback('IConsoleCallback', GuestMonitor, machine)
279 | console.registerCallback(cb)
280 | if dur == -1:
281 | # not infinity, but close enough
282 | dur = 100000
283 | try:
284 | end = time.time() + dur
285 | while time.time() < end:
286 | ctx['global'].waitForEvents(500)
287 | # We need to catch all exceptions here, otherwise callback will never be unregistered
288 | except:
289 | pass
290 | console.unregisterCallback(cb)
291 |
292 |
293 | def monitorVbox(ctx, dur):
294 | import time
295 | vbox = ctx['vb']
296 | cb = ctx['global'].createCallback('IVirtualBoxCallback', VBoxMonitor, vbox)
297 | vbox.registerCallback(cb)
298 | if dur == -1:
299 | # not infinity, but close enough
300 | dur = 100000
301 | try:
302 | end = time.time() + dur
303 | while time.time() < end:
304 | ctx['global'].waitForEvents(500)
305 | # We need to catch all exceptions here, otherwise callback will never be unregistered
306 | except:
307 | if g_verbose:
308 | traceback.print_exc()
309 | vbox.unregisterCallback(cb)
310 |
311 | def cmdExistingVm(ctx,mach,cmd,args):
312 | mgr=ctx['mgr']
313 | vb=ctx['vb']
314 | session = mgr.getSessionObject(vb)
315 | uuid = mach.id
316 | try:
317 | progress = vb.openExistingSession(session, uuid)
318 | except Exception,e:
319 | print "Session to '%s' not open: %s" %(mach.name,e)
320 | if g_verbose:
321 | traceback.print_exc()
322 | return
323 | if session.state != ctx['ifaces'].SessionState_Open:
324 | print "Session to '%s' in wrong state: %s" %(mach.name, session.state)
325 | return
326 | # unfortunately IGuest is suppressed, thus WebServices knows not about it
327 | # this is an example how to handle local only functionality
328 | if ctx['remote'] and cmd == 'stats2':
329 | print 'Trying to use local only functionality, ignored'
330 | return
331 | console=session.console
332 | ops={'pause' : lambda: console.pause(),
333 | 'resume': lambda: console.resume(),
334 | 'powerdown': lambda: console.powerDown(),
335 | 'stats': lambda: guestStats(ctx, mach),
336 | 'guest': lambda: guestExec(ctx, mach, console, args),
337 | 'monitorGuest': lambda: monitorGuest(ctx, mach, console, args)
338 | }
339 | try:
340 | ops[cmd]()
341 | except Exception, e:
342 | print 'failed: ',e
343 | if g_verbose:
344 | traceback.print_exc()
345 |
346 | session.close()
347 |
348 | # can cache known machines, if needed
349 | def machById(ctx,id):
350 | mach = None
351 | for m in getMachines(ctx):
352 | if m.name == id:
353 | mach = m
354 | break
355 | mid = str(m.id)
356 | if mid[0] == '{':
357 | mid = mid[1:-1]
358 | if mid == id:
359 | mach = m
360 | break
361 | return mach
362 |
363 | def argsToMach(ctx,args):
364 | if len(args) < 2:
365 | print "usage: %s [vmname|uuid]" %(args[0])
366 | return None
367 | id = args[1]
368 | m = machById(ctx, id)
369 | if m == None:
370 | print "Machine '%s' is unknown, use list command to find available machines" %(id)
371 | return m
372 |
373 | def helpCmd(ctx, args):
374 | if len(args) == 1:
375 | print "Help page:"
376 | for i in commands:
377 | print " ",i,":", commands[i][0]
378 | else:
379 | c = commands.get(args[1], None)
380 | if c == None:
381 | print "Command '%s' not known" %(args[1])
382 | else:
383 | print " ",args[1],":", c[0]
384 | return 0
385 |
386 | def listCmd(ctx, args):
387 | for m in getMachines(ctx):
388 | print "Machine '%s' [%s], state=%s" %(m.name,m.id,m.sessionState)
389 | return 0
390 |
391 | def infoCmd(ctx,args):
392 | import time
393 | if (len(args) < 2):
394 | print "usage: info [vmname|uuid]"
395 | return 0
396 | mach = argsToMach(ctx,args)
397 | if mach == None:
398 | return 0
399 | os = ctx['vb'].getGuestOSType(mach.OSTypeId)
400 | print " Name: ",mach.name
401 | print " ID: ",mach.id
402 | print " OS Type: ",os.description
403 | print " CPUs: %d" %(mach.CPUCount)
404 | print " RAM: %dM" %(mach.memorySize)
405 | print " VRAM: %dM" %(mach.VRAMSize)
406 | print " Monitors: %d" %(mach.monitorCount)
407 | print " Clipboard mode: %d" %(mach.clipboardMode)
408 | print " Machine status: " ,mach.sessionState
409 | bios = mach.BIOSSettings
410 | print " ACPI: %s" %(asState(bios.ACPIEnabled))
411 | print " APIC: %s" %(asState(bios.IOAPICEnabled))
412 | print " PAE: %s" %(asState(mach.PAEEnabled))
413 | print " Hardware virtualization: ",asState(mach.HWVirtExEnabled)
414 | print " VPID support: ",asState(mach.HWVirtExVPIDEnabled)
415 | print " Hardware 3d acceleration: ",asState(mach.accelerate3DEnabled)
416 | print " Nested paging: ",asState(mach.HWVirtExNestedPagingEnabled)
417 | print " Last changed: ",time.asctime(time.localtime(mach.lastStateChange/1000))
418 |
419 | return 0
420 |
421 | def startCmd(ctx, args):
422 | mach = argsToMach(ctx,args)
423 | if mach == None:
424 | return 0
425 | if len(args) > 2:
426 | type = args[2]
427 | else:
428 | type = "gui"
429 | startVm(ctx, mach, type)
430 | return 0
431 |
432 | def createCmd(ctx, args):
433 | if (len(args) < 3 or len(args) > 4):
434 | print "usage: create name ostype <basefolder>"
435 | return 0
436 | name = args[1]
437 | oskind = args[2]
438 | if len(args) == 4:
439 | base = args[3]
440 | else:
441 | base = ''
442 | try:
443 | ctx['vb'].getGuestOSType(oskind)
444 | except Exception, e:
445 | print 'Unknown OS type:',oskind
446 | return 0
447 | createVm(ctx, name, oskind, base)
448 | return 0
449 |
450 | def removeCmd(ctx, args):
451 | mach = argsToMach(ctx,args)
452 | if mach == None:
453 | return 0
454 | removeVm(ctx, mach)
455 | return 0
456 |
457 | def pauseCmd(ctx, args):
458 | mach = argsToMach(ctx,args)
459 | if mach == None:
460 | return 0
461 | cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'pause', '')
462 | return 0
463 |
464 | def powerdownCmd(ctx, args):
465 | mach = argsToMach(ctx,args)
466 | if mach == None:
467 | return 0
468 | cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'powerdown', '')
469 | return 0
470 |
471 | def resumeCmd(ctx, args):
472 | mach = argsToMach(ctx,args)
473 | if mach == None:
474 | return 0
475 | cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'resume', '')
476 | return 0
477 |
478 | def statsCmd(ctx, args):
479 | mach = argsToMach(ctx,args)
480 | if mach == None:
481 | return 0
482 | cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'stats', '')
483 | return 0
484 |
485 | def guestCmd(ctx, args):
486 | if (len(args) < 3):
487 | print "usage: guest name commands"
488 | return 0
489 | mach = argsToMach(ctx,args)
490 | if mach == None:
491 | return 0
492 | cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'guest', ' '.join(args[2:]))
493 | return 0
494 |
495 | def setvarCmd(ctx, args):
496 | if (len(args) < 4):
497 | print "usage: setvar [vmname|uuid] expr value"
498 | return 0
499 | mach = argsToMach(ctx,args)
500 | if mach == None:
501 | return 0
502 | session = ctx['mgr'].getSessionObject(vbox)
503 | vbox.openSession(session, mach.id)
504 | mach = session.machine
505 | expr = 'mach.'+args[2]+' = '+args[3]
506 | print "Executing",expr
507 | try:
508 | exec expr
509 | except Exception, e:
510 | print 'failed: ',e
511 | if g_verbose:
512 | traceback.print_exc()
513 | mach.saveSettings()
514 | session.close()
515 | return 0
516 |
517 | def quitCmd(ctx, args):
518 | return 1
519 |
520 | def aliasesCmd(ctx, args):
521 | for (k,v) in aliases.items():
522 | print "'%s' is an alias for '%s'" %(k,v)
523 | return 0
524 |
525 | def verboseCmd(ctx, args):
526 | global g_verbose
527 | g_verbose = not g_verbose
528 | return 0
529 |
530 | def hostCmd(ctx, args):
531 | host = ctx['vb'].host
532 | cnt = host.processorCount
533 | print "Processor count:",cnt
534 | for i in range(0,cnt):
535 | print "Processor #%d speed: %dMHz" %(i,host.getProcessorSpeed(i))
536 |
537 | if ctx['perf']:
538 | for metric in ctx['perf'].query(["*"], [host]):
539 | print metric['name'], metric['values_as_string']
540 |
541 | return 0
542 |
543 |
544 | def monitorGuestCmd(ctx, args):
545 | if (len(args) < 2):
546 | print "usage: monitorGuest name (duration)"
547 | return 0
548 | mach = argsToMach(ctx,args)
549 | if mach == None:
550 | return 0
551 | dur = 5
552 | if len(args) > 2:
553 | dur = float(args[2])
554 | cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'monitorGuest', dur)
555 | return 0
556 |
557 | def monitorVboxCmd(ctx, args):
558 | if (len(args) > 2):
559 | print "usage: monitorVbox (duration)"
560 | return 0
561 | dur = 5
562 | if len(args) > 1:
563 | dur = float(args[1])
564 | monitorVbox(ctx, dur)
565 | return 0
566 |
567 | def getAdapterType(ctx, type):
568 | if (type == ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAdapterType_Am79C970A or
569 | type == ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAdapterType_Am79C973):
570 | return "pcnet"
571 | elif (type == ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAdapterType_I82540EM or
572 | type == ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAdapterType_I82545EM or
573 | type == ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAdapterType_I82543GC):
574 | return "e1000"
575 | elif (type == ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAdapterType_Null):
576 | return None
577 | else:
578 | raise Exception("Unknown adapter type: "+type)
579 |
580 |
581 | def portForwardCmd(ctx, args):
582 | if (len(args) != 5):
583 | print "usage: portForward <vm> <adapter> <hostPort> <guestPort>"
584 | return 0
585 | mach = argsToMach(ctx,args)
586 | if mach == None:
587 | return 0
588 | adapterNum = int(args[2])
589 | hostPort = int(args[3])
590 | guestPort = int(args[4])
591 | proto = "TCP"
592 | session = ctx['global'].openMachineSession(mach.id)
593 | mach = session.machine
594 |
595 | adapter = mach.getNetworkAdapter(adapterNum)
596 | adapterType = getAdapterType(ctx, adapter.adapterType)
597 |
598 | profile_name = proto+"_"+str(hostPort)+"_"+str(guestPort)
599 | config = "VBoxInternal/Devices/" + adapterType + "/"
600 | config = config + str(adapter.slot) +"/LUN#0/Config/" + profile_name
601 |
602 | mach.setExtraData(config + "/Protocol", proto)
603 | mach.setExtraData(config + "/HostPort", str(hostPort))
604 | mach.setExtraData(config + "/GuestPort", str(guestPort))
605 |
606 | mach.saveSettings()
607 | session.close()
608 |
609 | return 0
610 |
611 | def evalCmd(ctx, args):
612 | expr = ' '.join(args[1:])
613 | try:
614 | exec expr
615 | except Exception, e:
616 | print 'failed: ',e
617 | if g_verbose:
618 | traceback.print_exc()
619 | return 0
620 |
621 | aliases = {'s':'start',
622 | 'i':'info',
623 | 'l':'list',
624 | 'h':'help',
625 | 'a':'aliases',
626 | 'q':'quit', 'exit':'quit',
627 | 'v':'verbose'}
628 |
629 | commands = {'help':['Prints help information', helpCmd],
630 | 'start':['Start virtual machine by name or uuid', startCmd],
631 | 'create':['Create virtual machine', createCmd],
632 | 'remove':['Remove virtual machine', removeCmd],
633 | 'pause':['Pause virtual machine', pauseCmd],
634 | 'resume':['Resume virtual machine', resumeCmd],
635 | 'stats':['Stats for virtual machine', statsCmd],
636 | 'powerdown':['Power down virtual machine', powerdownCmd],
637 | 'list':['Shows known virtual machines', listCmd],
638 | 'info':['Shows info on machine', infoCmd],
639 | 'aliases':['Shows aliases', aliasesCmd],
640 | 'verbose':['Toggle verbosity', verboseCmd],
641 | 'setvar':['Set VMs variable: setvar Fedora BIOSSettings.ACPIEnabled True', setvarCmd],
642 | 'eval':['Evaluate arbitrary Python construction: eval for m in getMachines(ctx): print m.name,"has",m.memorySize,"M"', evalCmd],
643 | 'quit':['Exits', quitCmd],
644 | 'host':['Show host information', hostCmd],
645 | 'guest':['Execute command for guest: guest Win32 console.mouse.putMouseEvent(20, 20, 0, 0)', guestCmd],
646 | 'monitorGuest':['Monitor what happens with the guest for some time: monitorGuest Win32 10', monitorGuestCmd],
647 | 'monitorVbox':['Monitor what happens with Virtual Box for some time: monitorVbox 10', monitorVboxCmd],
648 | 'portForward':['Setup permanent port forwarding for a VM, takes adapter number host port and guest port: portForward Win32 0 8080 80', portForwardCmd],
649 | }
650 |
651 | def runCommand(ctx, cmd):
652 | if len(cmd) == 0: return 0
653 | args = split_no_quotes(cmd)
654 | if len(args) == 0: return 0
655 | c = args[0]
656 | if aliases.get(c, None) != None:
657 | c = aliases[c]
658 | ci = commands.get(c,None)
659 | if ci == None:
660 | print "Unknown command: '%s', type 'help' for list of known commands" %(c)
661 | return 0
662 | return ci[1](ctx, args)
663 |
664 |
665 | def interpret(ctx):
666 | vbox = ctx['vb']
667 | print "Running VirtualBox version %s" %(vbox.version)
668 | ctx['perf'] = ctx['global'].getPerfCollector(ctx['vb'])
669 |
670 | autoCompletion(commands, ctx)
671 |
672 | # to allow to print actual host information, we collect info for
673 | # last 150 secs maximum, (sample every 10 secs and keep up to 15 samples)
674 | if ctx['perf']:
675 | try:
676 | ctx['perf'].setup(['*'], [vbox.host], 10, 15)
677 | except:
678 | pass
679 |
680 | while True:
681 | try:
682 | cmd = raw_input("vbox> ")
683 | done = runCommand(ctx, cmd)
684 | if done != 0: break
685 | except KeyboardInterrupt:
686 | print '====== You can type quit or q to leave'
687 | break
688 | except EOFError:
689 | break;
690 | except Exception,e:
691 | print e
692 | if g_verbose:
693 | traceback.print_exc()
694 |
695 | try:
696 | # There is no need to disable metric collection. This is just an example.
697 | if ct['perf']:
698 | ctx['perf'].disable(['*'], [vbox.host])
699 | except:
700 | pass
701 |
702 |
703 | from vboxapi import VirtualBoxManager
704 |
705 | def main(argv):
706 | style = None
707 | if len(argv) > 1:
708 | if argv[1] == "-w":
709 | style = "WEBSERVICE"
710 |
711 | g_virtualBoxManager = VirtualBoxManager(style, None)
712 | ctx = {'global':g_virtualBoxManager,
713 | 'mgr':g_virtualBoxManager.mgr,
714 | 'vb':g_virtualBoxManager.vbox,
715 | 'ifaces':g_virtualBoxManager.constants,
716 | 'remote':g_virtualBoxManager.remote,
717 | 'type':g_virtualBoxManager.type
718 | }
719 | interpret(ctx)
720 | g_virtualBoxManager.deinit()
721 | del g_virtualBoxManager
722 |
723 | if __name__ == '__main__':
724 | main(sys.argv)