# # Makefile for the VirtualBox Qt GUI. # # # Copyright (C) 2006 InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH # # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as # available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU # General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, # in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE # distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will # be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. # # If you received this file as part of a commercial VirtualBox # distribution, then only the terms of your commercial VirtualBox # license agreement apply instead of the previous paragraph. # # include qmake project file include VBoxUI.pro # QDesigner UI sources VirtualBox_QT_UISRCS := $(FORMS) # reset things to avoid possible conflicts with kBuild TEMPLATE := LANGUAGE := FORMS := DEPTH = ../../../.. include $(PATH_KBUILD)/header.kmk PROGRAMS = VirtualBox VirtualBox_TEMPLATE = VBOXQTGUIEXE VirtualBox_SDKS.win = WINPSDK DXSDK VirtualBox_SDKS.linux = LIBSDL # bird: # this is a sketch which later can be moved into kBuild core stuff perhaps. # I might not have got the logic in what causes what to be generated right # feel free to help. # QDesigner UI sources are imported from VBoxUI.pro as VirtualBox_QT_UISRC # Headers containing definitions of classes that use the Q_OBJECT macro VirtualBox_QT_MOCHDRS = \ include/QIWidgetValidator.h \ include/QIHotKeyEdit.h \ include/QIStatusBar.h \ include/QIStateIndicator.h \ include/QIMessageBox.h \ include/QIRichLabel.h \ include/VMGlobalSettings.h \ include/VBoxGlobal.h \ include/VBoxMediaComboBox.h \ include/VBoxSelectorWnd.h \ include/VBoxConsoleWnd.h \ include/VBoxConsoleView.h \ include/VBoxProblemReporter.h # Sources containing local definitions of classes that use the Q_OBJECT macro ifeq ($(BUILD_TARGET),linux) VirtualBox_QT_MOCSRCS = src/COMDefs.cpp endif # UI headers (ui.h) containing local definitions of classes that use the Q_OBJECT macro VirtualBox_QT_MOCUIHDRS = \ ui/VBoxVMSettingsDlg.ui.h \ ui/VBoxSharedFoldersSettings.ui.h VirtualBox_GENSRCS = \ $(foreach moc,$(notdir $(basename $(VirtualBox_QT_MOCHDRS))), $(PATH_VirtualBox)/moc/moc_$(moc).cpp) \ $(foreach ui,$(notdir $(basename $(VirtualBox_QT_UISRCS))), $(PATH_VirtualBox)/ui/$(ui).cpp $(PATH_VirtualBox)/moc/moc_$(ui).cpp) \ $(PATH_VirtualBox)/ui/vbox_image_collection.cpp VirtualBox_GENHDRS = \ $(foreach mocui,$(basename $(VirtualBox_QT_MOCUIHDRS)), $(PATH_VirtualBox)/moc/$(mocui).moc) \ $(foreach moc,$(basename $(VirtualBox_QT_MOCSRCS)), $(PATH_VirtualBox)/moc/$(moc).moc) \ $(foreach ui,$(basename $(VirtualBox_QT_UISRCS)), $(PATH_VirtualBox)/$(ui).h) VirtualBox_SOURCES = \ $(VirtualBox_GENSRCS) \ src/main.cpp \ src/COMDefs.cpp \ src/QIWidgetValidator.cpp \ src/QIHotKeyEdit.cpp \ src/QIStateIndicator.cpp \ src/QIStatusBar.cpp \ src/QIMessageBox.cpp \ src/QIRichLabel.cpp \ src/VMGlobalSettings.cpp \ src/VBoxGlobal.cpp \ src/VBoxMediaComboBox.cpp \ src/VBoxProblemReporter.cpp \ src/VBoxSelectorWnd.cpp \ src/VBoxConsoleView.cpp \ src/VBoxConsoleWnd.cpp \ src/VBoxVMListBox.cpp \ src/VBoxFrameBuffer.cpp VirtualBox_SOURCES.win += \ src/win32/VirtualBox.rc VirtualBox_SOURCES.win += \ src/VBoxFBDDRAW.cpp ifdef XKEYBOARD_NEW VirtualBox_SOURCES.linux = \ src/linux/XKeyboardNew.cpp else VirtualBox_SOURCES.linux = \ src/linux/XKeyboard.cpp \ src/linux/keyboard.c endif VirtualBox_CXXFLAGS.win = \ -nologo -Zm200 -W3 -MD -EHsc -DUNICODE -DQT_DLL -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -DQT_NO_DEBUG VirtualBox_CXXFLAGS.linux = \ -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -D_REENTRANT VirtualBox_DEFS.debug = VBOX_GUI_DEBUG VBOX_CHECK_STATE # QT_FATAL_ASSERT VirtualBox_DEFS += VBOX_GUI_SEPARATE_VM_PROCESS ifeq ($(BUILD_TYPE),release) VirtualBox_DEFS.win += VBOX_GUI_USE_QIMAGE VirtualBox_DEFS.linux += VBOX_GUI_USE_SDL else VirtualBox_DEFS += VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER_GUI_MENU VirtualBox_DEFS.win += \ VBOX_GUI_USE_REFRESH_TIMER \ VBOX_GUI_USE_QIMAGE \ VBOX_GUI_USE_DDRAW VirtualBox_DEFS.linux += \ VBOX_GUI_USE_REFRESH_TIMER \ VBOX_GUI_USE_QIMAGE \ VBOX_GUI_USE_SDL endif ifdef VBOX_OSE VirtualBox_DEFS += VBOX_OSE endif ifdef VBOX_WITH_ALSA VirtualBox_DEFS += VBOX_WITH_ALSA endif VirtualBox_INCS = \ ./include \ $(PATH_VirtualBox)/ui \ $(PATH_VirtualBox)/moc \ $(PATH_VirtualBox)/include \ ifeq ($(BUILD_TYPE),release) VirtualBox_LDFLAGS.win += /SUBSYSTEM:windows else VirtualBox_LDFLAGS.linux += -rdynamic # for backtrace_symbols() ifeq ($(USERNAME),dmik) VirtualBox_LDFLAGS.win += /SUBSYSTEM:windows else VirtualBox_LDFLAGS.win += /SUBSYSTEM:console endif endif VirtualBox_LIBS.win = \ $(PATH_SDK_WINPSDK_LIB)/Htmlhelp.Lib \ $(PATH_SDK_DXSDK_LIB)/ddraw.lib \ $(PATH_SDK_DXSDK_LIB)/dxguid.lib VirtualBox_LIBS.linux = \ $(LIB_QT) Xext X11 m $(LIB_PTHREAD) \ $(PATH_LIB)/VBoxXPCOM$(VBOX_SUFF_LIB) \ $(LIB_RUNTIME) \ $(PATH_BIN)/VBoxXML.so \ $(LIB_REM) \ $(LIB_VMM) \ $(PATH_BIN)/VBoxXPCOM.so \ $(PATH_LIB)/VBoxXPCOMGlue$(VBOX_SUFF_LIB) ifdef VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER_GUI VirtualBox_LIBS.win += $(PATH_LIB)/VBoxDbg.lib VirtualBox_LIBS.linux += $(PATH_DLL)/VBoxDbg.so endif WRAPPERSFILE = $(PATH_VirtualBox)/include/COMWrappers.h WRAPPERSINCFILE = include/COMDefs.h WRAPPERSTEMPLATE = include/COMWrappers.xsl XIDLFILE = ../../Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl # generated files we need to clean manually OTHER_CLEAN = \ $(VirtualBox_GENSRCS) \ $(VirtualBox_GENHDRS) \ $(PATH_VirtualBox)/ui/vbox_image_collection.txt \ $(WRAPPERSFILE) include $(PATH_KBUILD)/footer.kmk # # Source file generation rules # ## Generate a rule to create a MOC source file from a header containing # classes that use the Q_OBJECT macro. # @param $mochdr the header file with Q_OBJECT define def_qt_gen_src_moc $(eval mocsrc := $(PATH_$(target))/moc/moc_$(notdir $(basename $(mochdr))).cpp) $$(mocsrc): $(mochdr) $$(call MSG_L1,moc $(mochdr),=> $$@) $$(QUIET)$(MKDIR) -p $$(@D) $$(QUIET)$(VBOX_MOC) $(mochdr) -o $(mocsrc) endef ## Generate a rule to create a MOC include file from a source containing # local classes that use the Q_OBJECT macro. This include is then included # by that source, so it must be generated before the source gets compiled. # @param $mocsrc the source file with Q_OBJECT define def_qt_gen_inc_moc $(eval mocobj := $(PATH_$(target)_$(mocsrc))/$(notdir $(basename $(mocsrc)))$(SUFF_OBJ)) $(eval mocinc := $(PATH_$(target))/moc/$(notdir $(basename $(mocsrc))).moc) $$(mocobj): $(mocinc) .NOTPARALLEL: $$(mocinc) $$(mocinc): $(mocsrc) $$(call MSG_L1,moc $(mocsrc),=> $$@) $$(QUIET)$(MKDIR) -p $$(@D) $$(QUIET)$(VBOX_MOC) -i $(mocsrc) -o $(mocinc) endef ## Generate a rule to create a MOC include file from a UI header (ui.h) containing # local classes that use the Q_OBJECT macro. This include is then included # by that header, so it must be generated before the UI source gets compiled. # @param $mocuihdr the UI header file with Q_OBJECT define def_qt_gen_inc_mocuihdr $(eval uisrc := $(PATH_$(target))/ui/$(notdir $(basename $(basename $(mocuihdr)))).cpp) $(eval uiobj := $(PATH_$(target)_$(uisrc))/$(notdir $(basename $(uisrc)))$(SUFF_OBJ)) $(eval mocuiinc := $(PATH_$(target))/moc/$(notdir $(basename $(mocuihdr))).moc) .NOTPARALLEL: $$(mocuiinc) $$(uisrc): $(mocuiinc) $$(mocuiinc): $(mocuihdr) $$(call MSG_L1,moc $(mocuihdr),=> $$@) $$(QUIET)$(MKDIR) -p $$(@D) $$(QUIET)$(VBOX_MOC) -i $(mocuihdr) -o $(mocuiinc) endef define def_qt_gen_src_ui $(eval uisrc := $(PATH_$(target))/ui/$(notdir $(basename $(uifile))).cpp) $(eval uihdr := $(PATH_$(target))/ui/$(notdir $(basename $(uifile))).h) $(eval mocsrc := $(PATH_$(target))/moc/moc_$(notdir $(basename $(uifile))).cpp) .NOTPARALLEL: $$(uihdr) $$(uihdr): $(uifile) | $(call DIRDEP,$(dir $(uihdr))) $$(call MSG_L1,uic $(uifile),=> $$@) $$(QUIET)$(VBOX_UIC) $(uifile) -o $(uihdr) $$(uisrc): $(uihdr) $(uifile) $(wildcard $(uifile).h) | $(call DIRDEP,$(dir $(uisrc))) $$(call MSG_L1,uic $(uifile),=> $$@) $$(QUIET)$(VBOX_UIC) $(uifile) -i $(uihdr) -o $(uisrc) $$(mocsrc): $(uihdr) | $(call DIRDEP,$(dir $(mocsrc))) $$(call MSG_L1,moc $(uihdr),=> $$@) $$(QUIET)$(VBOX_MOC) $(uihdr) -o $(mocsrc) endef ## Generate rules for generating the Qt source for a target. # @param $target Target name. define def_qt_gen_src # moc srcs from hdrs with Q_OBJECT $(foreach mochdr,$($(target)_QT_MOCHDRS),$(eval $(def_qt_gen_src_moc))) # moc includes from srcs with Q_OBJECT $(foreach mocsrc,$($(target)_QT_MOCSRCS),$(eval $(def_qt_gen_inc_moc))) # moc includes from UI headers with Q_OBJECT $(foreach mocuihdr,$($(target)_QT_MOCUIHDRS),$(eval $(def_qt_gen_inc_mocuihdr))) # ui $(foreach uifile,$($(target)_QT_UISRCS) ,$(eval $(def_qt_gen_src_ui))) # dirs $(call DIRDEP,$(PATH_$(target))/ui/) $(call DIRDEP,$(PATH_$(target))/moc/): $$(call MSG_L2,Creating directory $$@) $$(QUIET)$(MKDIR) -p $$@ endef # Generate Qt sources. $(foreach target,VirtualBox,$(eval $(def_qt_gen_src))) # Generate COM Wrappers .NOTPARALLEL: $(WRAPPERSFILE) $(WRAPPERSINCFILE) $(WRAPPERSINCFILE): $(WRAPPERSFILE) $(WRAPPERSFILE): $(XIDLFILE) $(WRAPPERSTEMPLATE) | $(call DIRDEP,$(PATH_VirtualBox)/include/) $(call MSG_L1,xsltproc $<,=> $@) $(QUIET)$(VBOX_XSLTPROC) -o $@ $(WRAPPERSTEMPLATE) $< $(call DIRDEP,$(PATH_VirtualBox)/include/): $(call MSG_L2,Creating directory $@) $(QUIET)$(MKDIR) -p $@ # this is actually necessary only for Win32 target with disabled dependencies define def_wrapper_deps $(src): $(WRAPPERSFILE) $(WRAPPERSINCFILE) endef $(foreach src,$(VirtualBox_SOURCES),$(eval $(def_wrapper_deps))) # static images are imported from VBoxUI.pro as IMAGES $(PATH_VirtualBox)/ui/vbox_image_collection.txt: Makefile VBoxUI.pro $(IMAGES) @echo " \ $(IMAGES) \ " > $@ $(PATH_VirtualBox)/ui/vbox_image_collection.cpp: $(PATH_VirtualBox)/ui/vbox_image_collection.txt $(call MSG_L1,uic $<,=> $@) $(QUIET)$(VBOX_UIC) -o $@ -embed VBoxGUI -f $< # # Translation stuff # VirtualBox_TRANSLATIONS = \ nls/VirtualBox_de.ts updatenls: $(VBOX_LUPDATE) $(VirtualBox_SOURCES) $(VirtualBox_QT_MOCHDRS) $(VirtualBox_GENHDRS) -ts $(VirtualBox_TRANSLATIONS) # # Hand made dependencies go here # $(PATH_VirtualBox)/gen/ui/VBoxNewVMWzd$(SUFF_OBJ): $(PATH_VirtualBox)/ui/VBoxNewVMWzd.h $(PATH_VirtualBox)/ui/VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg.h $(PATH_VirtualBox)/gen/ui/VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg$(SUFF_OBJ): ui/VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg.ui $(PATH_VirtualBox)/ui/VBoxNewHDWzd.h $(PATH_VirtualBox)/gen/ui/VBoxCloseVMDlg$(SUFF_OBJ): $(PATH_VirtualBox)/ui/VBoxCloseVMDlg.h test: echo $(VirtualBox_GENSRCS) | sed -e "s/ /\n/g" testwrappers: $(WRAPPERSFILE)