1 | /** @file
2 | *
3 | * VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"):
4 | * VBoxProblemReporter class declaration
5 | */
6 |
7 | /*
8 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH
9 | *
10 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
11 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
12 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
13 | * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
14 | * in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE
15 | * distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will
16 | * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
17 | */
18 |
19 | #ifndef __VBoxProblemReporter_h__
20 | #define __VBoxProblemReporter_h__
21 |
22 | #include "COMDefs.h"
23 | #include "QIMessageBox.h"
24 |
25 | #include <qobject.h>
26 |
27 | class QProcess;
28 |
29 | class VBoxProblemReporter : public QObject
30 | {
32 |
33 | public:
34 |
35 | enum Type {
36 | Info = 1,
37 | Question,
38 | Warning,
39 | Error,
40 | Critical
41 | };
42 | enum {
43 | AutoConfirmed = 0x8000
44 | };
45 |
46 | static VBoxProblemReporter &instance();
47 |
48 | bool isValid();
49 |
50 | // helpers
51 |
52 | int message (QWidget *parent, Type type, const QString &msg,
53 | const QString &details = QString::null,
54 | const char *autoConfirmId = NULL,
55 | int b1 = 0, int b2 = 0, int b3 = 0,
56 | const char *name = 0);
57 |
58 | int message (QWidget *parent, Type type, const QString &msg,
59 | const char *autoConfirmId,
60 | int b1 = 0, int b2 = 0, int b3 = 0,
61 | const char *name = 0)
62 | {
63 | return message (parent, type, msg, QString::null, autoConfirmId,
64 | b1, b2, b3, name);
65 | }
66 |
67 | bool messageYesNo (QWidget *parent, Type type, const QString &msg,
68 | const QString &details = QString::null,
69 | const char *autoConfirmId = 0,
70 | const char *name = 0);
71 |
72 | bool messageYesNo (QWidget *parent, Type type, const QString &msg,
73 | const char *autoConfirmId,
74 | const char *name = 0)
75 | {
76 | return messageYesNo (parent, type, msg, QString::null, autoConfirmId, name);
77 | }
78 |
79 | bool showModalProgressDialog (CProgress &aProgress, const QString &aTitle,
80 | QWidget *aParent, int aMinDuration = 2000);
81 |
82 | QWidget *mainWindowShown();
83 |
84 | // problem handlers
85 |
86 | void cannotOpenURL (const QString &aURL);
87 |
88 | void cannotFindLanguage (const QString &aLangID, const QString &aNlsPath);
89 | void cannotLoadLanguage (const QString &aLangFile);
90 |
91 | void cannotInitCOM (HRESULT rc);
92 | void cannotCreateVirtualBox (const CVirtualBox &vbox);
93 |
94 | void cannotLoadGlobalConfig (const CVirtualBox &vbox, const QString &error);
95 | void cannotSaveGlobalConfig (const CVirtualBox &vbox);
96 | void cannotSetSystemProperties (const CSystemProperties &props);
97 | void cannotAccessUSB (const COMBase &obj);
98 |
99 | void cannotCreateMachine (const CVirtualBox &vbox,
100 | QWidget *parent = 0);
101 | void cannotCreateMachine (const CVirtualBox &vbox, const CMachine &machine,
102 | QWidget *parent = 0);
103 | void cannotApplyMachineSettings (const CMachine &machine, const COMResult &res);
104 | void cannotSaveMachineSettings (const CMachine &machine,
105 | QWidget *parent = 0);
106 | void cannotLoadMachineSettings (const CMachine &machine,
107 | bool strict = true,
108 | QWidget *parent = 0);
109 |
110 | void cannotStartMachine (const CConsole &console);
111 | void cannotStartMachine (const CProgress &progress);
112 | void cannotPauseMachine (const CConsole &console);
113 | void cannotResumeMachine (const CConsole &console);
114 | void cannotSaveMachineState (const CConsole &console);
115 | void cannotSaveMachineState (const CProgress &progress);
116 | void cannotTakeSnapshot (const CConsole &console);
117 | void cannotTakeSnapshot (const CProgress &progress);
118 | void cannotStopMachine (const CConsole &console);
119 | void cannotDeleteMachine (const CVirtualBox &vbox, const CMachine &machine);
120 | void cannotDiscardSavedState (const CConsole &console);
121 |
122 | void cannotSetSnapshotFolder (const CMachine &aMachine, const QString &aPath);
123 | void cannotDiscardSnapshot (const CConsole &console, const CSnapshot &snapshot);
124 | void cannotDiscardSnapshot (const CProgress &progress, const CSnapshot &snapshot);
125 | void cannotDiscardCurrentState (const CConsole &console);
126 | void cannotDiscardCurrentState (const CProgress &progress);
127 | void cannotDiscardCurrentSnapshotAndState (const CConsole &console);
128 | void cannotDiscardCurrentSnapshotAndState (const CProgress &progress);
129 |
130 | void cannotFindMachineByName (const CVirtualBox &vbox, const QString &name);
131 |
132 | void cannotEnterSeamlessMode (ULONG aWidth, ULONG aHeight, ULONG aBpp);
133 |
134 | bool confirmMachineDeletion (const CMachine &machine);
135 | bool confirmDiscardSavedState (const CMachine &machine);
136 |
137 | bool confirmReleaseImage (QWidget *parent, const QString &usage);
138 |
139 | void sayCannotOverwriteHardDiskImage (QWidget *parent, const QString &src);
140 | int confirmHardDiskImageDeletion (QWidget *parent, const QString &src);
141 | void cannotDeleteHardDiskImage (QWidget *parent, const CVirtualDiskImage &vdi);
142 |
143 | int confirmHardDiskUnregister (QWidget *parent, const QString &src);
144 |
145 | void cannotCreateHardDiskImage (
146 | QWidget *parent, const CVirtualBox &vbox, const QString &src,
147 | const CVirtualDiskImage &vdi, const CProgress &progress);
148 | void cannotAttachHardDisk (QWidget *parent, const CMachine &m, const QUuid &id,
149 | CEnums::DiskControllerType ctl, LONG dev);
150 | void cannotDetachHardDisk (QWidget *parent, const CMachine &m,
151 | CEnums::DiskControllerType ctl, LONG dev);
152 | void cannotRegisterMedia (QWidget *parent, const CVirtualBox &vbox,
153 | VBoxDefs::DiskType type, const QString &src);
154 | void cannotUnregisterMedia (QWidget *parent, const CVirtualBox &vbox,
155 | VBoxDefs::DiskType type, const QString &src);
156 |
157 | void cannotOpenSession (const CSession &session);
158 | void cannotOpenSession (const CVirtualBox &vbox, const CMachine &machine,
159 | const CProgress &progress = CProgress());
160 |
161 | void cannotGetMediaAccessibility (const CUnknown &unk);
162 |
163 | /// @todo (r=dmik) later
164 | // void cannotMountMedia (const CUnknown &unk);
165 | // void cannotUnmountMedia (const CUnknown &unk);
166 |
167 | #if defined Q_WS_WIN
168 | void cannotCreateHostInterface (const CHost &host, const QString &name,
169 | QWidget *parent = 0);
170 | void cannotCreateHostInterface (const CProgress &progress, const QString &name,
171 | QWidget *parent = 0);
172 | void cannotRemoveHostInterface (const CHost &host,
173 | const CHostNetworkInterface &iface,
174 | QWidget *parent = 0);
175 | void cannotRemoveHostInterface (const CProgress &progress,
176 | const CHostNetworkInterface &iface,
177 | QWidget *parent = 0);
178 | #endif
179 |
180 | void cannotAttachUSBDevice (const CConsole &console, const QString &device);
181 | void cannotAttachUSBDevice (const CConsole &console, const QString &device,
182 | const CVirtualBoxErrorInfo &error);
183 | void cannotDetachUSBDevice (const CConsole &console, const QString &device);
184 | void cannotDetachUSBDevice (const CConsole &console, const QString &device,
185 | const CVirtualBoxErrorInfo &error);
186 |
187 | void cannotCreateSharedFolder (QWidget *, const CMachine &,
188 | const QString &, const QString &);
189 | void cannotRemoveSharedFolder (QWidget *, const CMachine &,
190 | const QString &, const QString &);
191 | void cannotCreateSharedFolder (QWidget *, const CConsole &,
192 | const QString &, const QString &);
193 | void cannotRemoveSharedFolder (QWidget *, const CConsole &,
194 | const QString &, const QString &);
195 |
196 | int cannotFindGuestAdditions (const QString &aSrc1, const QString &aSrc2);
197 | void cannotDownloadGuestAdditions (const QString &aURL,
198 | const QString &aReason);
199 | int confirmDownloadAdditions (const QString &aURL, ulong aSize);
200 | int confirmMountAdditions (const QString &aURL, const QString &aSrc);
201 | void warnAboutTooOldAdditions (QWidget *, const QString &, const QString &);
202 | void warnAboutOldAdditions (QWidget *, const QString &, const QString &);
203 | void warnAboutNewAdditions (QWidget *, const QString &, const QString &);
204 |
205 | bool remindAboutInputCapture();
206 | bool remindAboutAutoCapture();
207 | bool remindAboutMouseIntegration (bool supportsAbsolute);
208 | bool remindAboutPausedVMInput();
209 |
210 | bool remindAboutInaccessibleMedia();
211 |
212 | void remindAboutGoingFullscreen (const QString &hotKey,
213 | const QString &hostKey);
214 | void remindAboutGoingSeamless (const QString &hotKey,
215 | const QString &hostKey);
216 |
217 | void remindAboutWrongColorDepth (ulong aRealBPP, ulong aWantedBPP);
218 |
219 | int remindAboutUnsetHD (QWidget *aParent);
220 |
221 | void cannotRunInSelectorMode();
222 |
223 | void showRuntimeError (const CConsole &console, bool fatal,
224 | const QString &errorID,
225 | const QString &errorMsg);
226 |
227 | static QString formatErrorInfo (const COMErrorInfo &aInfo,
228 | HRESULT aWrapperRC = S_OK);
229 |
230 | static QString formatErrorInfo (const CVirtualBoxErrorInfo &aInfo)
231 | {
232 | return formatErrorInfo (COMErrorInfo (aInfo));
233 | }
234 |
235 | static QString formatErrorInfo (const COMBase &aWrapper)
236 | {
237 | Assert (FAILED (aWrapper.lastRC()));
238 | return formatErrorInfo (aWrapper.errorInfo(), aWrapper.lastRC());
239 | }
240 |
241 | static QString formatErrorInfo (const COMResult &aRC)
242 | {
243 | Assert (FAILED (aRC.rc()));
244 | return formatErrorInfo (aRC.errorInfo(), aRC.rc());
245 | }
246 |
247 | public slots:
248 |
249 | void showHelpWebDialog();
250 | void showHelpAboutDialog();
251 | void showHelpHelpDialog();
252 | void resetSuppressedMessages();
253 |
254 | private:
255 |
256 | friend VBoxProblemReporter &vboxProblem();
257 |
258 | static QString doFormatErrorInfo (const COMErrorInfo &aInfo,
259 | HRESULT aWrapperRC = S_OK);
260 | };
261 |
262 | inline VBoxProblemReporter &vboxProblem() { return VBoxProblemReporter::instance(); }
263 |
264 | #endif // __VBoxProblemReporter_h__