1 | /* $Id: UIVMLogViewer.h 58267 2015-10-15 17:27:34Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - UIVMLogViewer class declaration.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 | #ifndef ___UIVMLogViewer_h___
19 | #define ___UIVMLogViewer_h___
20 |
21 | /* Qt includes: */
22 | #include <QMainWindow>
23 | #include <QMap>
24 | #include <QPair>
25 |
26 | /* GUI includes: */
27 | #include "QIWithRetranslateUI.h"
28 | #include "UIVMLogViewer.gen.h"
29 |
30 | /* COM includes: */
31 | #include "COMEnums.h"
32 | #include "CMachine.h"
33 |
34 | /* Forward declarations: */
35 | class QComboBox;
36 | class QITabWidget;
37 | class QPushButton;
38 | class QTextEdit;
39 | class UIVMLogViewer;
40 | class UIVMLogViewerFilterPanel;
41 | class UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel;
42 |
43 | /* Type definitions: */
44 | typedef QMap<QString, UIVMLogViewer*> VMLogViewerMap;
45 | typedef QPair<QString, QTextEdit*> LogPage;
46 | typedef QList<LogPage> LogBook;
47 | typedef QMap<QTextEdit*, QString*> VMLogMap;
48 |
49 | /** QMainWindow extension
50 | * providing GUI with VirtualBox LogViewer. */
51 | class UIVMLogViewer : public QIWithRetranslateUI2<QMainWindow>,
52 | public Ui::UIVMLogViewer
53 | {
54 | Q_OBJECT;
55 |
56 | public:
57 |
58 | /** Static method to create/show VM Log Viewer by passing @a pParent to QWidget base-class constructor.
59 | * @a machine specifies the machine for which VM Log-Viewer is requested. */
60 | static void showLogViewerFor(QWidget *pParent, const CMachine &machine);
61 |
62 | protected:
63 |
64 | /** Constructs the VM Log-Viewer by passing @a pParent to QWidget base-class constructor.
65 | * @a flags specifies Qt window flags.
66 | * @a machine specifies the machine for which VM Log-Viewer is requested. */
67 | UIVMLogViewer(QWidget *pParent, Qt::WindowFlags flags, const CMachine &machine);
68 | /** Destructs the VM Log-Viewer. */
69 | ~UIVMLogViewer();
70 |
71 | private slots:
72 |
73 | /** Handles search action triggering. */
74 | void search();
75 | /** Handles search action triggering. */
76 | void refresh();
77 | /** Handles close action triggering. */
78 | bool close();
79 | /** Handles save action triggering. */
80 | void save();
81 | /** Handles filter action triggering. */
82 | void filter();
83 |
84 | private:
85 |
86 | /** Prepares VM Log-Viewer. */
87 | void prepare();
88 |
89 | /** Prepares widgets. */
90 | void prepareWidgets();
91 |
92 | /** Prepares connections. */
93 | void prepareConnections();
94 |
95 | /** Cleanups VM Log-Viewer. */
96 | void cleanup();
97 |
98 | /** Handles translation event. */
99 | void retranslateUi();
100 |
101 | /** Handles Qt show @a pEvent. */
102 | void showEvent(QShowEvent *pEvent);
103 |
104 | /** Handles Qt key-press @a pEvent. */
105 | void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *pEvent);
106 |
107 | /** Returns the current log-page. */
108 | QTextEdit* currentLogPage();
109 | /** Returns the newly created log-page using @a strPage filename. */
110 | QTextEdit* createLogPage(const QString &strPage);
111 | /** Returns the content of current log-page. */
112 | const QString* currentLog();
113 |
114 | /** Load settings helper. */
115 | void loadSettings();
116 |
117 | /** Save settings helper. */
118 | void saveSettings();
119 |
120 | /** Holds the list of all VM Log Viewers. */
121 | static VMLogViewerMap m_viewers;
122 |
123 | /** Holds whether the dialog is polished. */
124 | bool m_fIsPolished;
125 |
126 | /** Holds the machine instance. */
127 | CMachine m_machine;
128 |
129 | /** Holds container for log-pages. */
130 | QITabWidget *m_pViewerContainer;
131 |
132 | /** Holds the instance of search panel. */
133 | UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel *m_pSearchPanel;
134 |
135 | /** Holds the list of log-pages. */
136 | LogBook m_book;
137 |
138 | /** Holds the instance of filter panel. */
139 | UIVMLogViewerFilterPanel *m_pFilterPanel;
140 |
141 | /** Holds the list of log-content. */
142 | VMLogMap m_logMap;
143 |
144 | /** Current dialog geometry. */
145 | QRect m_geometry;
146 |
147 | /** Holds the help button instance. */
148 | QPushButton *m_pButtonHelp;
149 | /** Holds the find button instance. */
150 | QPushButton *m_pButtonFind;
151 | /** Holds the refresh button instance. */
152 | QPushButton *m_pButtonRefresh;
153 | /** Holds the close button instance. */
154 | QPushButton *m_pButtonClose;
155 | /** Holds the save button instance. */
156 | QPushButton *m_pButtonSave;
157 | /** Holds the filter button instance. */
158 | QPushButton *m_pButtonFilter;
159 |
160 | friend class UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel;
161 | friend class UIVMLogViewerFilterPanel;
162 | };
163 |
164 | #endif /* !___UIVMLogViewer_h___ */
165 |