1 | /** @file
2 | *
3 | * VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"):
4 | * VBoxConsoleView class implementation
5 | */
6 |
7 | /*
8 | * Copyright (C) 22006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
9 | *
10 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
11 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
12 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
13 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
14 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
15 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
16 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
17 | *
18 | * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
19 | * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
20 | * additional information or have any questions.
21 | */
22 |
23 | #include "VBoxConsoleView.h"
24 | #include "VBoxConsoleWnd.h"
25 | #include "VBoxUtils.h"
26 |
27 | #include "VBoxFrameBuffer.h"
28 | #include "VBoxGlobal.h"
29 | #include "VBoxProblemReporter.h"
30 |
31 | #ifdef Q_WS_PM
32 | #include "QIHotKeyEdit.h"
33 | #endif
34 |
35 | #include <qapplication.h>
36 | #include <qstatusbar.h>
37 | #include <qlabel.h>
38 | #include <qpainter.h>
39 | #include <qpixmap.h>
40 | #include <qimage.h>
41 | #include <qbitmap.h>
42 | #include <qcursor.h>
43 | #include <qthread.h>
44 |
45 | #include <qmenudata.h>
46 | #include <qmenubar.h>
47 | #include <qwidgetlist.h>
48 | #include <qtimer.h>
49 |
50 | #ifdef Q_WS_WIN
51 | // VBox/cdefs.h defines these:
52 | #undef LOWORD
53 | #undef HIWORD
54 | #undef LOBYTE
55 | #undef HIBYTE
56 | #include <windows.h>
57 | #endif
58 |
59 | #ifdef Q_WS_X11
60 | // We need to capture some X11 events directly which
61 | // requires the XEvent structure to be defined. However,
62 | // including the Xlib header file will cause some nasty
63 | // conflicts with Qt. Therefore we use the following hack
64 | // to redefine those conflicting identifiers.
65 | #define XK_XKB_KEYS
66 | #define XK_MISCELLANY
67 | #include <X11/Xlib.h>
68 | #include <X11/Xutil.h>
69 | #include <X11/XKBlib.h>
70 | #include <X11/keysym.h>
71 | #ifdef KeyPress
72 | const int XFocusOut = FocusOut;
73 | const int XFocusIn = FocusIn;
74 | const int XKeyPress = KeyPress;
75 | const int XKeyRelease = KeyRelease;
76 | #undef KeyRelease
77 | #undef KeyPress
78 | #undef FocusOut
79 | #undef FocusIn
80 | #endif
81 | #include "XKeyboard.h"
83 | # include <X11/Xcursor/Xcursor.h>
84 | #endif
85 | #endif // Q_WS_X11
86 |
87 | #if defined (Q_WS_MAC)
88 | # include "DarwinKeyboard.h"
89 | # include "DarwinCursor.h"
90 | # ifdef VBOX_WITH_HACKED_QT
91 | # include "QIApplication.h"
92 | # endif
93 | # include <VBox/err.h>
94 | #endif /* defined (Q_WS_MAC) */
95 |
96 | #if defined (Q_WS_WIN32)
97 |
98 | static HHOOK gKbdHook = NULL;
99 | static VBoxConsoleView *gView = 0;
100 |
101 | LRESULT CALLBACK VBoxConsoleView::lowLevelKeyboardProc (int nCode,
102 | WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
103 | {
104 | Assert (gView);
105 | if (gView && nCode == HC_ACTION &&
106 | gView->winLowKeyboardEvent (wParam, *(KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT *) lParam))
107 | return 1;
108 |
109 | return CallNextHookEx (NULL, nCode, wParam, lParam);
110 | }
111 |
112 | #endif
113 |
114 | #if defined (Q_WS_MAC)
115 |
116 | # ifndef VBOX_WITH_HACKED_QT
117 | /**
118 | * Event handler callback for Mac OS X.
119 | */
120 | /* static */
121 | pascal OSStatus VBoxConsoleView::darwinEventHandlerProc (EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef,
122 | EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData)
123 | {
124 | VBoxConsoleView *view = (VBoxConsoleView *)inUserData;
125 | UInt32 EventClass = ::GetEventClass (inEvent);
126 | if (EventClass == kEventClassKeyboard)
127 | {
128 | if (view->darwinKeyboardEvent (inEvent))
129 | return 0;
130 | }
131 | /*
132 | * Command-H and Command-Q aren't properly disabled yet, and it's still
133 | * possible to use the left command key to invoke them when the keyboard
134 | * is captured. We discard the events these if the keyboard is captured
135 | * as a half measure to prevent unexpected behaviour. However, we don't
136 | * get any key down/up events, so these combinations are dead to the guest...
137 | */
138 | else if (EventClass == kEventClassCommand)
139 | {
140 | if (view->mKbdCaptured)
141 | return 0;
142 | }
143 | return ::CallNextEventHandler (inHandlerCallRef, inEvent);
144 | }
145 |
146 | # else /* VBOX_WITH_HACKED_QT */
147 |
148 | /**
149 | * Event handler callback for Mac OS X.
150 | */
151 | /* static */
152 | bool VBoxConsoleView::macEventFilter (EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData)
153 | {
154 | VBoxConsoleView *view = (VBoxConsoleView *)inUserData;
155 | UInt32 EventClass = ::GetEventClass (inEvent);
156 | if (EventClass == kEventClassKeyboard)
157 | {
158 | if (view->darwinKeyboardEvent (inEvent))
159 | return true;
160 | }
161 | return false;
162 | }
163 | # endif /* VBOX_WITH_HACKED_QT */
164 |
165 | #endif /* Q_WS_MAC */
166 |
167 | /** Guest mouse pointer shape change event. */
168 | class MousePointerChangeEvent : public QEvent
169 | {
170 | public:
171 | MousePointerChangeEvent (bool visible, bool alpha, uint xhot, uint yhot,
172 | uint width, uint height,
173 | const uchar *shape) :
174 | QEvent ((QEvent::Type) VBoxDefs::MousePointerChangeEventType),
175 | vis (visible), alph (alpha), xh (xhot), yh (yhot), w (width), h (height),
176 | data (NULL)
177 | {
178 | // make a copy of shape
179 | uint dataSize = ((((width + 7) / 8 * height) + 3) & ~3) + width * 4 * height;
180 |
181 | if (shape) {
182 | data = new uchar [dataSize];
183 | memcpy ((void *) data, (void *) shape, dataSize);
184 | }
185 | }
186 | ~MousePointerChangeEvent()
187 | {
188 | if (data) delete[] data;
189 | }
190 | bool isVisible() const { return vis; }
191 | bool hasAlpha() const { return alph; }
192 | uint xHot() const { return xh; }
193 | uint yHot() const { return yh; }
194 | uint width() const { return w; }
195 | uint height() const { return h; }
196 | const uchar *shapeData() const { return data; }
197 | private:
198 | bool vis, alph;
199 | uint xh, yh, w, h;
200 | const uchar *data;
201 | };
202 |
203 | /** Guest mouse absolute positioning capability change event. */
204 | class MouseCapabilityEvent : public QEvent
205 | {
206 | public:
207 | MouseCapabilityEvent (bool supportsAbsolute, bool needsHostCursor) :
208 | QEvent ((QEvent::Type) VBoxDefs::MouseCapabilityEventType),
209 | can_abs (supportsAbsolute),
210 | needs_host_cursor (needsHostCursor) {}
211 | bool supportsAbsolute() const { return can_abs; }
212 | bool needsHostCursor() const { return needs_host_cursor; }
213 | private:
214 | bool can_abs;
215 | bool needs_host_cursor;
216 | };
217 |
218 | /** Machine state change. */
219 | class StateChangeEvent : public QEvent
220 | {
221 | public:
222 | StateChangeEvent (KMachineState state) :
223 | QEvent ((QEvent::Type) VBoxDefs::MachineStateChangeEventType),
224 | s (state) {}
225 | KMachineState machineState() const { return s; }
226 | private:
227 | KMachineState s;
228 | };
229 |
230 | /** Guest Additions property changes. */
231 | class GuestAdditionsEvent : public QEvent
232 | {
233 | public:
234 | GuestAdditionsEvent (const QString &aOsTypeId,
235 | const QString &aAddVersion,
236 | bool aAddActive,
237 | bool aSupportsSeamless) :
238 | QEvent ((QEvent::Type) VBoxDefs::AdditionsStateChangeEventType),
239 | mOsTypeId (aOsTypeId), mAddVersion (aAddVersion),
240 | mAddActive (aAddActive), mSupportsSeamless (aSupportsSeamless) {}
241 | const QString &osTypeId() const { return mOsTypeId; }
242 | const QString &additionVersion() const { return mAddVersion; }
243 | bool additionActive() const { return mAddActive; }
244 | bool supportsSeamless() const { return mSupportsSeamless; }
245 | private:
246 | QString mOsTypeId;
247 | QString mAddVersion;
248 | bool mAddActive;
249 | bool mSupportsSeamless;
250 | };
251 |
252 | /** DVD/FD change event */
253 | class MediaChangeEvent : public QEvent
254 | {
255 | public:
256 | MediaChangeEvent (VBoxDefs::DiskType aType)
257 | : QEvent ((QEvent::Type) VBoxDefs::MediaChangeEventType)
258 | , mType (aType) {}
259 | VBoxDefs::DiskType diskType() const { return mType; }
260 | private:
261 | VBoxDefs::DiskType mType;
262 | };
263 |
264 | /** Menu activation event */
265 | class ActivateMenuEvent : public QEvent
266 | {
267 | public:
268 | ActivateMenuEvent (QMenuData *menuData, uint index) :
269 | QEvent ((QEvent::Type) VBoxDefs::ActivateMenuEventType),
270 | md (menuData), i (index) {}
271 | QMenuData *menuData() const { return md; }
272 | uint index() const { return i; }
273 | private:
274 | QMenuData *md;
275 | uint i;
276 | };
277 |
278 | /** VM Runtime error event */
279 | class RuntimeErrorEvent : public QEvent
280 | {
281 | public:
282 | RuntimeErrorEvent (bool aFatal, const QString &aErrorID,
283 | const QString &aMessage) :
284 | QEvent ((QEvent::Type) VBoxDefs::RuntimeErrorEventType),
285 | mFatal (aFatal), mErrorID (aErrorID), mMessage (aMessage) {}
286 | bool fatal() const { return mFatal; }
287 | QString errorID() const { return mErrorID; }
288 | QString message() const { return mMessage; }
289 | private:
290 | bool mFatal;
291 | QString mErrorID;
292 | QString mMessage;
293 | };
294 |
295 | /** Modifier key change event */
296 | class ModifierKeyChangeEvent : public QEvent
297 | {
298 | public:
299 | ModifierKeyChangeEvent (bool fNumLock, bool fCapsLock, bool fScrollLock) :
300 | QEvent ((QEvent::Type) VBoxDefs::ModifierKeyChangeEventType),
301 | mNumLock (fNumLock), mCapsLock (fCapsLock), mScrollLock (fScrollLock) {}
302 | bool numLock() const { return mNumLock; }
303 | bool capsLock() const { return mCapsLock; }
304 | bool scrollLock() const { return mScrollLock; }
305 | private:
306 | bool mNumLock, mCapsLock, mScrollLock;
307 | };
308 |
309 | /** Network adapter change event */
310 | class NetworkAdapterChangeEvent : public QEvent
311 | {
312 | public:
313 | NetworkAdapterChangeEvent (INetworkAdapter *aAdapter) :
314 | QEvent ((QEvent::Type) VBoxDefs::NetworkAdapterChangeEventType),
315 | mAdapter (aAdapter) {}
316 | INetworkAdapter* networkAdapter() { return mAdapter; }
317 | private:
318 | INetworkAdapter *mAdapter;
319 | };
320 |
321 | /** USB controller state change event */
322 | class USBControllerStateChangeEvent : public QEvent
323 | {
324 | public:
325 | USBControllerStateChangeEvent()
326 | : QEvent ((QEvent::Type) VBoxDefs::USBCtlStateChangeEventType) {}
327 | };
328 |
329 | /** USB device state change event */
330 | class USBDeviceStateChangeEvent : public QEvent
331 | {
332 | public:
333 | USBDeviceStateChangeEvent (const CUSBDevice &aDevice, bool aAttached,
334 | const CVirtualBoxErrorInfo &aError) :
335 | QEvent ((QEvent::Type) VBoxDefs::USBDeviceStateChangeEventType),
336 | mDevice (aDevice), mAttached (aAttached), mError (aError) {}
337 | CUSBDevice device() const { return mDevice; }
338 | bool attached() const { return mAttached; }
339 | CVirtualBoxErrorInfo error() const { return mError; }
340 | private:
341 | CUSBDevice mDevice;
342 | bool mAttached;
343 | CVirtualBoxErrorInfo mError;
344 | };
345 |
346 | //
347 | // VBoxConsoleCallback class
348 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
349 |
350 | class VBoxConsoleCallback : public IConsoleCallback
351 | {
352 | public:
353 |
354 | VBoxConsoleCallback (VBoxConsoleView *v) {
355 | #if defined (Q_WS_WIN)
356 | mRefCnt = 0;
357 | #endif
358 | mView = v;
359 | }
360 |
361 | virtual ~VBoxConsoleCallback() {}
362 |
364 |
365 | #if defined (Q_WS_WIN)
366 | STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() {
367 | return ::InterlockedIncrement (&mRefCnt);
368 | }
369 | STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)()
370 | {
371 | long cnt = ::InterlockedDecrement (&mRefCnt);
372 | if (cnt == 0)
373 | delete this;
374 | return cnt;
375 | }
376 | STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (REFIID riid , void **ppObj)
377 | {
378 | if (riid == IID_IUnknown) {
379 | *ppObj = this;
380 | AddRef();
381 | return S_OK;
382 | }
383 | if (riid == IID_IConsoleCallback) {
384 | *ppObj = this;
385 | AddRef();
386 | return S_OK;
387 | }
388 | *ppObj = NULL;
389 | return E_NOINTERFACE;
390 | }
391 | #endif
392 |
393 | STDMETHOD(OnMousePointerShapeChange) (BOOL visible, BOOL alpha,
394 | ULONG xhot, ULONG yhot,
395 | ULONG width, ULONG height,
396 | BYTE *shape)
397 | {
398 | QApplication::postEvent (mView,
399 | new MousePointerChangeEvent (visible, alpha,
400 | xhot, yhot,
401 | width, height, shape));
402 | return S_OK;
403 | }
404 |
405 | STDMETHOD(OnMouseCapabilityChange)(BOOL supportsAbsolute, BOOL needsHostCursor)
406 | {
407 | QApplication::postEvent (mView,
408 | new MouseCapabilityEvent (supportsAbsolute,
409 | needsHostCursor));
410 | return S_OK;
411 | }
412 |
413 | STDMETHOD(OnKeyboardLedsChange)(BOOL fNumLock, BOOL fCapsLock, BOOL fScrollLock)
414 | {
415 | QApplication::postEvent (mView,
416 | new ModifierKeyChangeEvent (fNumLock, fCapsLock,
417 | fScrollLock));
418 | return S_OK;
419 | }
420 |
421 | STDMETHOD(OnStateChange)(MachineState_T machineState)
422 | {
423 | LogFlowFunc (("machineState=%d\n", machineState));
424 | QApplication::postEvent (mView,
425 | new StateChangeEvent ((KMachineState) machineState));
426 | return S_OK;
427 | }
428 |
429 | STDMETHOD(OnAdditionsStateChange)()
430 | {
431 | CGuest guest = mView->console().GetGuest();
432 | LogFlowFunc (("ver=%s, active=%d\n",
433 | guest.GetAdditionsVersion().latin1(),
434 | guest.GetAdditionsActive()));
435 | QApplication::postEvent (mView,
436 | new GuestAdditionsEvent (
437 | guest.GetOSTypeId(),
438 | guest.GetAdditionsVersion(),
439 | guest.GetAdditionsActive(),
440 | guest.GetSupportsSeamless()));
441 | return S_OK;
442 | }
443 |
444 | STDMETHOD(OnDVDDriveChange)()
445 | {
446 | LogFlowFunc (("DVD Drive changed\n"));
447 | QApplication::postEvent (mView, new MediaChangeEvent (VBoxDefs::CD));
448 | return S_OK;
449 | }
450 |
451 | STDMETHOD(OnFloppyDriveChange)()
452 | {
453 | LogFlowFunc (("Floppy Drive changed\n"));
454 | QApplication::postEvent (mView, new MediaChangeEvent (VBoxDefs::FD));
455 | return S_OK;
456 | }
457 |
458 | STDMETHOD(OnNetworkAdapterChange) (INetworkAdapter *aNetworkAdapter)
459 | {
460 | QApplication::postEvent (mView,
461 | new NetworkAdapterChangeEvent (aNetworkAdapter));
462 | return S_OK;
463 | }
464 |
465 | STDMETHOD(OnSerialPortChange) (ISerialPort *aSerialPort)
466 | {
467 | NOREF(aSerialPort);
468 | return S_OK;
469 | }
470 |
471 | STDMETHOD(OnParallelPortChange) (IParallelPort *aParallelPort)
472 | {
473 | NOREF(aParallelPort);
474 | return S_OK;
475 | }
476 |
477 | STDMETHOD(OnVRDPServerChange)()
478 | {
479 | return S_OK;
480 | }
481 |
482 | STDMETHOD(OnUSBControllerChange)()
483 | {
484 | QApplication::postEvent (mView,
485 | new USBControllerStateChangeEvent());
486 | return S_OK;
487 | }
488 |
489 | STDMETHOD(OnUSBDeviceStateChange)(IUSBDevice *aDevice, BOOL aAttached,
490 | IVirtualBoxErrorInfo *aError)
491 | {
492 | QApplication::postEvent (mView,
493 | new USBDeviceStateChangeEvent (
494 | CUSBDevice (aDevice),
495 | bool (aAttached),
496 | CVirtualBoxErrorInfo (aError)));
497 | return S_OK;
498 | }
499 |
500 | STDMETHOD(OnSharedFolderChange) (Scope_T aScope)
501 | {
502 | NOREF(aScope);
503 | QApplication::postEvent (mView,
504 | new QEvent ((QEvent::Type)
505 | VBoxDefs::SharedFolderChangeEventType));
506 | return S_OK;
507 | }
508 |
509 | STDMETHOD(OnRuntimeError)(BOOL fatal, IN_BSTRPARAM id, IN_BSTRPARAM message)
510 | {
511 | QApplication::postEvent (mView,
512 | new RuntimeErrorEvent (!!fatal,
513 | QString::fromUcs2 (id),
514 | QString::fromUcs2 (message)));
515 | return S_OK;
516 | }
517 |
518 | STDMETHOD(OnCanShowWindow) (BOOL *canShow)
519 | {
520 | if (!canShow)
521 | return E_POINTER;
522 |
523 | /* as long as there is VBoxConsoleView (which creates/destroys us), it
524 | * can be shown */
525 | *canShow = TRUE;
526 | return S_OK;
527 | }
528 |
529 | STDMETHOD(OnShowWindow) (ULONG64 *winId)
530 | {
531 | if (!winId)
532 | return E_POINTER;
533 |
534 | #if defined (Q_WS_MAC)
535 | /*
536 | * Let's try the simple approach first - grab the focus.
537 | * Getting a window out of the dock (minimized or whatever it's called)
538 | * needs to be done on the GUI thread, so post it a note.
539 | */
540 | *winId = 0;
541 | if (!mView)
542 | return S_OK;
543 |
544 | ProcessSerialNumber psn = { 0, kCurrentProcess };
545 | OSErr rc = ::SetFrontProcess (&psn);
546 | if (!rc)
547 | QApplication::postEvent (mView, new QEvent ((QEvent::Type)VBoxDefs::ShowWindowEventType));
548 | else
549 | {
550 | /*
551 | * It failed for some reason, send the other process our PSN so it can try.
552 | * (This is just a precaution should Mac OS X start imposing the same sensible
553 | * focus stealing restrictions that other window managers implement.)
554 | */
555 | AssertMsgFailed(("SetFrontProcess -> %#x\n", rc));
556 | if (::GetCurrentProcess (&psn))
557 | *winId = RT_MAKE_U64 (psn.lowLongOfPSN, psn.highLongOfPSN);
558 | }
559 |
560 | #else
561 | /* Return the ID of the top-level console window. */
562 | *winId = (ULONG64) mView->topLevelWidget()->winId();
563 | #endif
564 |
565 | return S_OK;
566 | }
567 |
568 | protected:
569 |
570 | VBoxConsoleView *mView;
571 |
572 | #if defined (Q_WS_WIN)
573 | private:
574 | long mRefCnt;
575 | #endif
576 | };
577 |
578 | #if !defined (Q_WS_WIN)
579 | NS_DECL_CLASSINFO (VBoxConsoleCallback)
580 | NS_IMPL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS1_CI (VBoxConsoleCallback, IConsoleCallback)
581 | #endif
582 |
583 | //
584 | // VBoxConsoleView class
585 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
586 |
587 | /** @class VBoxConsoleView
588 | *
589 | * The VBoxConsoleView class is a widget that implements a console
590 | * for the running virtual machine.
591 | */
592 |
593 | VBoxConsoleView::VBoxConsoleView (VBoxConsoleWnd *mainWnd,
594 | const CConsole &console,
595 | VBoxDefs::RenderMode rm,
596 | QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f)
597 | : QScrollView (parent, name, f | WStaticContents | WNoAutoErase)
598 | , mMainWnd (mainWnd)
599 | , mConsole (console)
600 | , gs (vboxGlobal().settings())
601 | , mAttached (false)
602 | , mKbdCaptured (false)
603 | , mMouseCaptured (false)
604 | , mMouseAbsolute (false)
605 | , mMouseIntegration (true)
606 | , mDisableAutoCapture (false)
607 | , mIsHostkeyPressed (false)
608 | , mIsHostkeyAlone (false)
609 | , mIgnoreMainwndResize (true)
610 | , mAutoresizeGuest (false)
611 | , mIsAdditionsActive (false)
612 | , mNumLock (false)
613 | , mScrollLock (false)
614 | , mCapsLock (false)
615 | , muNumLockAdaptionCnt (2)
616 | , muCapsLockAdaptionCnt (2)
617 | , mode (rm)
618 | #if defined(Q_WS_WIN)
619 | , mAlphaCursor (NULL)
620 | #endif
621 | #if defined(Q_WS_MAC)
622 | # ifndef VBOX_WITH_HACKED_QT
623 | , mDarwinEventHandlerRef (NULL)
624 | # endif
625 | , mDarwinKeyModifiers (0)
626 | , mVirtualBoxLogo (NULL)
627 | #endif
628 | {
629 | Assert (!mConsole.isNull() &&
630 | !mConsole.GetDisplay().isNull() &&
631 | !mConsole.GetKeyboard().isNull() &&
632 | !mConsole.GetMouse().isNull());
633 |
634 | #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
635 | /* Overlay logo for the dock icon */
636 | mVirtualBoxLogo = ::DarwinQPixmapFromMimeSourceToCGImage ("VirtualBox_48px.png");
637 | #endif
638 |
639 | /* enable MouseMove events */
640 | viewport()->setMouseTracking (true);
641 |
642 | /*
643 | * QScrollView does the below on its own, but let's do it anyway
644 | * for the case it will not do it in the future.
645 | */
646 | viewport()->installEventFilter (this);
647 |
648 | /* to fix some focus issues */
649 | mMainWnd->menuBar()->installEventFilter (this);
650 |
651 | /* we want to be notified on some parent's events */
652 | mMainWnd->installEventFilter (this);
653 |
654 | #ifdef Q_WS_X11
655 | /* initialize the X keyboard subsystem */
656 | initXKeyboard (this->x11Display());
657 | #endif
658 |
659 | ::memset (mPressedKeys, 0, SIZEOF_ARRAY (mPressedKeys));
660 |
661 | resize_hint_timer = new QTimer (this);
662 | connect (resize_hint_timer, SIGNAL (timeout()),
663 | this, SLOT (doResizeHint()));
664 |
665 | mToggleFSModeTimer = new QTimer (this);
666 | connect (mToggleFSModeTimer, SIGNAL (timeout()),
667 | this, SIGNAL (resizeHintDone()));
668 |
669 | /* setup rendering */
670 |
671 | CDisplay display = mConsole.GetDisplay();
672 | Assert (!display.isNull());
673 |
674 | mFrameBuf = 0;
675 |
676 | LogFlowFunc (("Rendering mode: %d\n", mode));
677 |
678 | switch (mode)
679 | {
680 | #if defined (VBOX_GUI_USE_QIMAGE)
681 | case VBoxDefs::QImageMode:
682 | mFrameBuf = new VBoxQImageFrameBuffer (this);
683 | break;
684 | #endif
685 | #if defined (VBOX_GUI_USE_SDL)
686 | case VBoxDefs::SDLMode:
687 | # ifdef Q_WS_X11
688 | /* This is somehow necessary to prevent strange X11 warnings on
689 | * i386 and segfaults on x86_64. */
690 | XFlush(this->x11Display());
691 | # endif
692 | mFrameBuf = new VBoxSDLFrameBuffer (this);
693 | /*
694 | * disable scrollbars because we cannot correctly draw in a
695 | * scrolled window using SDL
696 | */
697 | horizontalScrollBar()->setEnabled (false);
698 | verticalScrollBar()->setEnabled (false);
699 | break;
700 | #endif
701 | #if defined (VBOX_GUI_USE_DDRAW)
702 | case VBoxDefs::DDRAWMode:
703 | mFrameBuf = new VBoxDDRAWFrameBuffer (this);
704 | break;
705 | #endif
706 | #if defined (VBOX_GUI_USE_QUARTZ2D)
707 | case VBoxDefs::Quartz2DMode:
708 | mFrameBuf = new VBoxQuartz2DFrameBuffer (this);
709 | break;
710 | #endif
711 | default:
712 | AssertReleaseMsgFailed (("Render mode must be valid: %d\n", mode));
713 | LogRel (("Invalid render mode: %d\n", mode));
714 | qApp->exit (1);
715 | break;
716 | }
717 |
718 | #if defined (VBOX_GUI_USE_DDRAW)
719 | if (!mFrameBuf || mFrameBuf->address() == NULL)
720 | {
721 | if (mFrameBuf)
722 | delete mFrameBuf;
723 | mode = VBoxDefs::QImageMode;
724 | mFrameBuf = new VBoxQImageFrameBuffer (this);
725 | }
726 | #endif
727 |
728 | if (mFrameBuf)
729 | {
730 | mFrameBuf->AddRef();
731 | display.RegisterExternalFramebuffer (CFramebuffer (mFrameBuf));
732 | }
733 |
734 | /* setup the callback */
735 | mCallback = CConsoleCallback (new VBoxConsoleCallback (this));
736 | mConsole.RegisterCallback (mCallback);
737 | AssertWrapperOk (mConsole);
738 |
739 | viewport()->setEraseColor (black);
740 |
741 | setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum));
742 | setMaximumSize (sizeHint());
743 |
744 | setFocusPolicy (WheelFocus);
745 |
746 | /* Remember the desktop geometry and register for geometry change
747 | events for telling the guest about video modes we like. */
748 |
749 | doResizeDesktop(0);
750 | connect (QApplication::desktop(), SIGNAL(workAreaResized(int)),
751 | this, SLOT(doResizeDesktop(int)));
752 |
753 | #if defined (VBOX_GUI_DEBUG) && defined (VBOX_GUI_FRAMEBUF_STAT)
754 | VMCPUTimer::calibrate (200);
755 | #endif
756 |
757 | #if defined (Q_WS_WIN)
758 | gView = this;
759 | #endif
760 |
761 | #if defined (Q_WS_PM)
762 | bool ok = VBoxHlpInstallKbdHook (0, winId(), UM_PREACCEL_CHAR);
763 | Assert (ok);
764 | NOREF (ok);
765 | #endif
766 |
767 | #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
768 | DarwinCursorClearHandle (&mDarwinCursor);
769 | #endif
770 | }
771 |
772 | VBoxConsoleView::~VBoxConsoleView()
773 | {
774 | #if defined (Q_WS_PM)
775 | bool ok = VBoxHlpUninstallKbdHook (0, winId(), UM_PREACCEL_CHAR);
776 | Assert (ok);
777 | NOREF (ok);
778 | #endif
779 |
780 | #if defined (Q_WS_WIN)
781 | if (gKbdHook)
782 | UnhookWindowsHookEx (gKbdHook);
783 | gView = 0;
784 | if (mAlphaCursor)
785 | DestroyIcon (mAlphaCursor);
786 | #endif
787 |
788 | if (mFrameBuf)
789 | {
790 | /* detach our framebuffer from Display */
791 | CDisplay display = mConsole.GetDisplay();
792 | Assert (!display.isNull());
793 | display.SetupInternalFramebuffer (0);
794 | /* release the reference */
795 | mFrameBuf->Release();
796 | }
797 |
798 | mConsole.UnregisterCallback (mCallback);
799 |
800 | #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
801 | CGImageRelease (mVirtualBoxLogo);
802 | #endif
803 | }
804 |
805 | //
806 | // Public members
807 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
808 |
809 | QSize VBoxConsoleView::sizeHint() const
810 | {
811 | return QSize (mFrameBuf->width() + frameWidth() * 2,
812 | mFrameBuf->height() + frameWidth() * 2);
813 | }
814 |
815 | /**
816 | * Attaches this console view to the managed virtual machine.
817 | *
818 | * @note This method is not really necessary these days -- the only place where
819 | * it gets called is VBoxConsole::openView(), right after powering the
820 | * VM up. We leave it as is just in case attaching/detaching will become
821 | * necessary some day (there are useful attached checks everywhere in the
822 | * code).
823 | */
824 | void VBoxConsoleView::attach()
825 | {
826 | if (!mAttached)
827 | {
828 | mAttached = true;
829 | }
830 | }
831 |
832 | /**
833 | * Detaches this console view from the VM. Must be called to indicate
834 | * that the virtual machine managed by this instance will be no more valid
835 | * after this call.
836 | *
837 | * @note This method is not really necessary these days -- the only place where
838 | * it gets called is VBoxConsole::closeView(), when the VM is powered
839 | * down, before deleting VBoxConsoleView. We leave it as is just in case
840 | * attaching/detaching will become necessary some day (there are useful
841 | * attached checks everywhere in the code).
842 | */
843 | void VBoxConsoleView::detach()
844 | {
845 | if (mAttached)
846 | {
847 | /* reuse the focus event handler to uncapture everything */
848 | focusEvent (false);
849 | mAttached = false;
850 | }
851 | }
852 |
853 | /**
854 | * Resizes the toplevel widget to fit the console view w/o scrollbars.
855 | * If adjustPosition is true and such resize is not possible (because the
856 | * console view size is lagrer then the available screen space) the toplevel
857 | * widget is resized and moved to become as large as possible while staying
858 | * fully visible.
859 | */
860 | void VBoxConsoleView::normalizeGeometry (bool adjustPosition /* = false */)
861 | {
862 | /* Make no normalizeGeometry in case we are in manual resize
863 | * mode or main window is maximized */
864 | if (mMainWnd->isMaximized() || mMainWnd->isFullScreen())
865 | return;
866 |
867 | QWidget *tlw = topLevelWidget();
868 |
869 | /* calculate client window offsets */
870 | QRect fr = tlw->frameGeometry();
871 | QRect r = tlw->geometry();
872 | int dl = r.left() - fr.left();
873 | int dt = r.top() - fr.top();
874 | int dr = fr.right() - r.right();
875 | int db = fr.bottom() - r.bottom();
876 |
877 | /* get the best size w/o scroll bars */
878 | QSize s = tlw->sizeHint();
879 |
880 | /* resize the frame to fit the contents */
881 | s -= tlw->size();
882 | fr.rRight() += s.width();
883 | fr.rBottom() += s.height();
884 |
885 | if (adjustPosition)
886 | {
887 | QRect ar = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry (tlw->pos());
888 | fr = VBoxGlobal::normalizeGeometry (
889 | fr, ar, mode != VBoxDefs::SDLMode /* canResize */);
890 | }
891 |
892 | #if 0
893 | /* center the frame on the desktop */
894 | fr.moveCenter (ar.center());
895 | #endif
896 |
897 | /* finally, set the frame geometry */
898 | tlw->setGeometry (fr.left() + dl, fr.top() + dt,
899 | fr.width() - dl - dr, fr.height() - dt - db);
900 | }
901 |
902 | /**
903 | * Pauses or resumes the VM execution.
904 | */
905 | bool VBoxConsoleView::pause (bool on)
906 | {
907 | /* QAction::setOn() emits the toggled() signal, so avoid recursion when
908 | * QAction::setOn() is called from VBoxConsoleWnd::updateMachineState() */
909 | if (isPaused() == on)
910 | return true;
911 |
912 | if (on)
913 | mConsole.Pause();
914 | else
915 | mConsole.Resume();
916 |
917 | bool ok = mConsole.isOk();
918 | if (!ok)
919 | {
920 | if (on)
921 | vboxProblem().cannotPauseMachine (mConsole);
922 | else
923 | vboxProblem().cannotResumeMachine (mConsole);
924 | }
925 |
926 | return ok;
927 | }
928 |
929 | /**
930 | * Temporarily disables the mouse integration (or enables it back).
931 | */
932 | void VBoxConsoleView::setMouseIntegrationEnabled (bool enabled)
933 | {
934 | if (mMouseIntegration == enabled)
935 | return;
936 |
937 | if (mMouseAbsolute)
938 | captureMouse (!enabled, false);
939 |
940 | /* Hiding host cursor in case we are entering mouse integration
941 | * mode until it's shape is set to the guest cursor shape in
942 | * OnMousePointerShapeChange event handler.
943 | *
944 | * This is necessary to avoid double-cursor issue when both the
945 | * guest and the host cursors are displayed in one place one-above-one.
946 | *
947 | * This is a workaround because the correct decision is to notify
948 | * the Guest Additions about we are entering the mouse integration
949 | * mode. The GuestOS should hide it's cursor to allow using of
950 | * host cursor for the guest's manipulation.
951 | *
952 | * This notification is not possible right now due to there is
953 | * no the required API. */
954 | if (enabled)
955 | viewport()->setCursor (QCursor (BlankCursor));
956 |
957 | mMouseIntegration = enabled;
958 |
959 | emitMouseStateChanged();
960 | }
961 |
962 | void VBoxConsoleView::setAutoresizeGuest (bool on)
963 | {
964 | if (mAutoresizeGuest != on)
965 | {
966 | mAutoresizeGuest = on;
967 |
968 | maybeRestrictMinimumSize();
969 |
970 | if (mIsAdditionsActive && mAutoresizeGuest)
971 | doResizeHint();
972 | }
973 | }
974 |
975 | /**
976 | * This method is called by VBoxConsoleWnd after it does everything necessary
977 | * on its side to go to or from fullscreen, but before it is shown.
978 | */
979 | void VBoxConsoleView::onFullscreenChange (bool /* on */)
980 | {
981 | /* Nothing to do here so far */
982 | }
983 |
984 | /**
985 | * Notify the console scroll-view about the console-window is opened.
986 | */
987 | void VBoxConsoleView::onViewOpened()
988 | {
989 | /* Variable mIgnoreMainwndResize was initially "true" to ignore QT
990 | * initial resize event in case of auto-resize feature is on.
991 | * Currently, initial resize event is already processed, so we set
992 | * mIgnoreMainwndResize to "false" to process all further resize
993 | * events as user-initiated window resize events. */
994 | mIgnoreMainwndResize = false;
995 | }
996 |
997 | //
998 | // Protected Events
999 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1000 |
1001 | bool VBoxConsoleView::event (QEvent *e)
1002 | {
1003 | if (mAttached)
1004 | {
1005 | switch (e->type())
1006 | {
1007 | case QEvent::FocusIn:
1008 | {
1009 | if (isRunning())
1010 | focusEvent (true);
1011 | break;
1012 | }
1013 | case QEvent::FocusOut:
1014 | {
1015 | if (isRunning())
1016 | focusEvent (false);
1017 | else
1018 | {
1019 | /* release the host key and all other pressed keys too even
1020 | * when paused (otherwise, we will get stuck keys in the
1021 | * guest when doing sendChangedKeyStates() on resume because
1022 | * key presses were already recorded in mPressedKeys but key
1023 | * releases will most likely not reach us but the new focus
1024 | * window instead). */
1025 | releaseAllPressedKeys (true /* aReleaseHostKey */);
1026 | }
1027 | break;
1028 | }
1029 |
1030 | case VBoxDefs::ResizeEventType:
1031 | {
1032 | bool oldIgnoreMainwndResize = mIgnoreMainwndResize;
1033 | mIgnoreMainwndResize = true;
1034 |
1035 | VBoxResizeEvent *re = (VBoxResizeEvent *) e;
1036 | LogFlow (("VBoxDefs::ResizeEventType: %d x %d x %d bpp\n",
1037 | re->width(), re->height(), re->bitsPerPixel()));
1038 |
1039 | if (mToggleFSModeTimer->isActive())
1040 | mToggleFSModeTimer->stop();
1041 |
1042 | /* do frame buffer dependent resize */
1043 | mFrameBuf->resizeEvent (re);
1044 | viewport()->unsetCursor();
1045 |
1046 | /* This event appears in case of guest video was changed
1047 | * for somehow even without video resolution change.
1048 | * In this last case the host VM window will not be resized
1049 | * according this event and the host mouse cursor which was
1050 | * unset to default here will not be hidden in capture state.
1051 | * So it is necessary to perform updateMouseClipping() for
1052 | * the guest resize event if the mouse cursor was captured. */
1053 | if (mMouseCaptured)
1054 | updateMouseClipping();
1055 |
1056 | /* apply maximum size restriction */
1057 | setMaximumSize (sizeHint());
1058 |
1059 | maybeRestrictMinimumSize();
1060 |
1061 | /* resize the guest canvas */
1062 | resizeContents (re->width(), re->height());
1063 | /* let our toplevel widget calculate its sizeHint properly */
1064 | QApplication::sendPostedEvents (0, QEvent::LayoutHint);
1065 |
1066 | normalizeGeometry (true /* adjustPosition */);
1067 |
1068 | /* report to the VM thread that we finished resizing */
1069 | mConsole.GetDisplay().ResizeCompleted (0);
1070 |
1071 | mIgnoreMainwndResize = oldIgnoreMainwndResize;
1072 |
1073 | /* update geometry after entering fullscreen | seamless */
1074 | if (mMainWnd->isTrueFullscreen() || mMainWnd->isTrueSeamless())
1075 | updateGeometry();
1076 |
1077 | /* make sure that all posted signals are processed */
1078 | qApp->processEvents();
1079 |
1080 | /* emit a signal about guest was resized */
1081 | emit resizeHintDone();
1082 |
1083 | return true;
1084 | }
1085 |
1086 | #if !defined (Q_WS_WIN) && !defined (Q_WS_PM)
1087 | /* see VBox[QImage|SDL]FrameBuffer::NotifyUpdate(). */
1088 | case VBoxDefs::RepaintEventType:
1089 | {
1090 | VBoxRepaintEvent *re = (VBoxRepaintEvent *) e;
1091 | viewport()->repaint (re->x() - contentsX(),
1092 | re->y() - contentsY(),
1093 | re->width(), re->height(), false);
1094 | /* mConsole.GetDisplay().UpdateCompleted(); - the event was acked already */
1095 | return true;
1096 | }
1097 | #endif
1098 |
1099 | case VBoxDefs::SetRegionEventType:
1100 | {
1101 | VBoxSetRegionEvent *sre = (VBoxSetRegionEvent*) e;
1102 | if (mMainWnd->isTrueSeamless() &&
1103 | sre->region() != mLastVisibleRegion)
1104 | {
1105 | mLastVisibleRegion = sre->region();
1106 | mMainWnd->setMask (sre->region());
1107 | }
1108 | else if (!mLastVisibleRegion.isNull() &&
1109 | !mMainWnd->isTrueSeamless())
1110 | mLastVisibleRegion = QRegion();
1111 | return true;
1112 | }
1113 |
1114 | case VBoxDefs::MousePointerChangeEventType:
1115 | {
1116 | MousePointerChangeEvent *me = (MousePointerChangeEvent *) e;
1117 | /* change cursor shape only when mouse integration is
1118 | * supported (change mouse shape type event may arrive after
1119 | * mouse capability change that disables integration */
1120 | if (mMouseAbsolute)
1121 | setPointerShape (me);
1122 | return true;
1123 | }
1124 | case VBoxDefs::MouseCapabilityEventType:
1125 | {
1126 | MouseCapabilityEvent *me = (MouseCapabilityEvent *) e;
1127 | if (mMouseAbsolute != me->supportsAbsolute())
1128 | {
1129 | mMouseAbsolute = me->supportsAbsolute();
1130 | /* correct the mouse capture state and reset the cursor
1131 | * to the default shape if necessary */
1132 | if (mMouseAbsolute)
1133 | {
1134 | CMouse mouse = mConsole.GetMouse();
1135 | mouse.PutMouseEventAbsolute (-1, -1, 0, 0);
1136 | captureMouse (false, false);
1137 | }
1138 | else
1139 | viewport()->unsetCursor();
1140 | emitMouseStateChanged();
1141 | vboxProblem().remindAboutMouseIntegration (mMouseAbsolute);
1142 | }
1143 | if (me->needsHostCursor())
1144 | mMainWnd->setMouseIntegrationLocked (false);
1145 | return true;
1146 | }
1147 |
1148 | case VBoxDefs::ModifierKeyChangeEventType:
1149 | {
1150 | ModifierKeyChangeEvent *me = (ModifierKeyChangeEvent* )e;
1151 | if (me->numLock() != mNumLock)
1152 | muNumLockAdaptionCnt = 2;
1153 | if (me->capsLock() != mCapsLock)
1154 | muCapsLockAdaptionCnt = 2;
1155 | mNumLock = me->numLock();
1156 | mCapsLock = me->capsLock();
1157 | mScrollLock = me->scrollLock();
1158 | return true;
1159 | }
1160 |
1161 | case VBoxDefs::MachineStateChangeEventType:
1162 | {
1163 | StateChangeEvent *me = (StateChangeEvent *) e;
1164 | LogFlowFunc (("MachineStateChangeEventType: state=%d\n",
1165 | me->machineState()));
1166 | onStateChange (me->machineState());
1167 | emit machineStateChanged (me->machineState());
1168 | return true;
1169 | }
1170 |
1171 | case VBoxDefs::AdditionsStateChangeEventType:
1172 | {
1173 | GuestAdditionsEvent *ge = (GuestAdditionsEvent *) e;
1174 | LogFlowFunc (("AdditionsStateChangeEventType\n"));
1175 |
1176 | mIsAdditionsActive = ge->additionActive();
1177 |
1178 | maybeRestrictMinimumSize();
1179 |
1180 | emit additionsStateChanged (ge->additionVersion(),
1181 | ge->additionActive(),
1182 | ge->supportsSeamless());
1183 | return true;
1184 | }
1185 |
1186 | case VBoxDefs::MediaChangeEventType:
1187 | {
1188 | MediaChangeEvent *mce = (MediaChangeEvent *) e;
1189 | LogFlowFunc (("MediaChangeEvent\n"));
1190 |
1191 | emit mediaChanged (mce->diskType());
1192 | return true;
1193 | }
1194 |
1195 | case VBoxDefs::ActivateMenuEventType:
1196 | {
1197 | ActivateMenuEvent *ame = (ActivateMenuEvent *) e;
1198 | ame->menuData()->activateItemAt (ame->index());
1199 |
1200 | /*
1201 | * The main window and its children can be destroyed at this
1202 | * point (if, for example, the activated menu item closes the
1203 | * main window). Detect this situation to prevent calls to
1204 | * destroyed widgets.
1205 | */
1206 | QWidgetList *list = QApplication::topLevelWidgets();
1207 | bool destroyed = list->find (mMainWnd) < 0;
1208 | delete list;
1209 | if (!destroyed && mMainWnd->statusBar())
1210 | mMainWnd->statusBar()->clear();
1211 |
1212 | return true;
1213 | }
1214 |
1215 | case VBoxDefs::NetworkAdapterChangeEventType:
1216 | {
1217 | /* no specific adapter information stored in this
1218 | * event is currently used */
1219 | emit networkStateChange();
1220 | return true;
1221 | }
1222 |
1223 | case VBoxDefs::USBCtlStateChangeEventType:
1224 | {
1225 | emit usbStateChange();
1226 | return true;
1227 | }
1228 |
1229 | case VBoxDefs::USBDeviceStateChangeEventType:
1230 | {
1231 | USBDeviceStateChangeEvent *ue = (USBDeviceStateChangeEvent *)e;
1232 |
1233 | bool success = ue->error().isNull();
1234 |
1235 | if (!success)
1236 | {
1237 | if (ue->attached())
1238 | vboxProblem().cannotAttachUSBDevice (
1239 | mConsole,
1240 | vboxGlobal().details (ue->device()), ue->error());
1241 | else
1242 | vboxProblem().cannotDetachUSBDevice (
1243 | mConsole,
1244 | vboxGlobal().details (ue->device()), ue->error());
1245 | }
1246 |
1247 | emit usbStateChange();
1248 |
1249 | return true;
1250 | }
1251 |
1252 | case VBoxDefs::SharedFolderChangeEventType:
1253 | {
1254 | emit sharedFoldersChanged();
1255 | return true;
1256 | }
1257 |
1258 | case VBoxDefs::RuntimeErrorEventType:
1259 | {
1260 | RuntimeErrorEvent *ee = (RuntimeErrorEvent *) e;
1261 | vboxProblem().showRuntimeError (mConsole, ee->fatal(),
1262 | ee->errorID(), ee->message());
1263 | return true;
1264 | }
1265 |
1266 | case QEvent::KeyPress:
1267 | case QEvent::KeyRelease:
1268 | {
1269 | QKeyEvent *ke = (QKeyEvent *) e;
1270 |
1271 | #ifdef Q_WS_PM
1272 | /// @todo temporary solution to send Alt+Tab and friends to
1273 | // the guest. The proper solution is to write a keyboard
1274 | // driver that will steal these combos from the host (it's
1275 | // impossible to do so using hooks on OS/2).
1276 |
1277 | if (mIsHostkeyPressed)
1278 | {
1279 | bool pressed = e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress;
1280 | CKeyboard keyboard = mConsole.GetKeyboard();
1281 |
1282 | /* whether the host key is Shift so that it will modify
1283 | * the hot key values? Note that we don't distinguish
1284 | * between left and right shift here (too much hassle) */
1285 | const bool kShift = (gs.hostKey() == VK_SHIFT ||
1286 | gs.hostKey() == VK_LSHIFT) &&
1287 | (ke->state() & ShiftButton);
1288 | /* define hot keys according to the Shift state */
1289 | const int kAltTab = kShift ? Key_Exclam : Key_1;
1290 | const int kAltShiftTab = kShift ? Key_At : Key_2;
1291 | const int kCtrlEsc = kShift ? Key_AsciiTilde : Key_QuoteLeft;
1292 |
1293 | /* Simulate Alt+Tab on Host+1 and Alt+Shift+Tab on Host+2 */
1294 | if (ke->key() == kAltTab || ke->key() == kAltShiftTab)
1295 | {
1296 | if (pressed)
1297 | {
1298 | /* Send the Alt press to the guest */
1299 | if (!(mPressedKeysCopy [0x38] & IsKeyPressed))
1300 | {
1301 | /* store the press in *Copy to have it automatically
1302 | * released when the Host key is released */
1303 | mPressedKeysCopy [0x38] |= IsKeyPressed;
1304 | keyboard.PutScancode (0x38);
1305 | }
1306 |
1307 | /* Make sure Shift is pressed if it's Key_2 and released
1308 | * if it's Key_1 */
1309 | if (ke->key() == kAltTab &&
1310 | (mPressedKeysCopy [0x2A] & IsKeyPressed))
1311 | {
1312 | mPressedKeysCopy [0x2A] &= ~IsKeyPressed;
1313 | keyboard.PutScancode (0xAA);
1314 | }
1315 | else
1316 | if (ke->key() == kAltShiftTab &&
1317 | !(mPressedKeysCopy [0x2A] & IsKeyPressed))
1318 | {
1319 | mPressedKeysCopy [0x2A] |= IsKeyPressed;
1320 | keyboard.PutScancode (0x2A);
1321 | }
1322 | }
1323 |
1324 | keyboard.PutScancode (pressed ? 0x0F : 0x8F);
1325 |
1326 | ke->accept();
1327 | return true;
1328 | }
1329 |
1330 | /* Simulate Ctrl+Esc on Host+Tilde */
1331 | if (ke->key() == kCtrlEsc)
1332 | {
1333 | /* Send the Ctrl press to the guest */
1334 | if (pressed && !(mPressedKeysCopy [0x1d] & IsKeyPressed))
1335 | {
1336 | /* store the press in *Copy to have it automatically
1337 | * released when the Host key is released */
1338 | mPressedKeysCopy [0x1d] |= IsKeyPressed;
1339 | keyboard.PutScancode (0x1d);
1340 | }
1341 |
1342 | keyboard.PutScancode (pressed ? 0x01 : 0x81);
1343 |
1344 | ke->accept();
1345 | return true;
1346 | }
1347 | }
1348 |
1349 | /* fall through to normal processing */
1350 |
1351 | #endif /* Q_WS_PM */
1352 |
1353 | if (mIsHostkeyPressed && e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress)
1354 | {
1355 | if (ke->key() >= Key_F1 && ke->key() <= Key_F12)
1356 | {
1357 | LONG combo [6];
1358 | combo [0] = 0x1d; /* Ctrl down */
1359 | combo [1] = 0x38; /* Alt down */
1360 | combo [4] = 0xb8; /* Alt up */
1361 | combo [5] = 0x9d; /* Ctrl up */
1362 | if (ke->key() >= Key_F1 && ke->key() <= Key_F10)
1363 | {
1364 | combo [2] = 0x3b + (ke->key() - Key_F1); /* F1-F10 down */
1365 | combo [3] = 0xbb + (ke->key() - Key_F1); /* F1-F10 up */
1366 | }
1367 | /* some scan slice */
1368 | else if (ke->key() >= Key_F11 && ke->key() <= Key_F12)
1369 | {
1370 | combo [2] = 0x57 + (ke->key() - Key_F11); /* F11-F12 down */
1371 | combo [3] = 0xd7 + (ke->key() - Key_F11); /* F11-F12 up */
1372 | }
1373 | else
1374 | Assert (0);
1375 |
1376 | CKeyboard keyboard = mConsole.GetKeyboard();
1377 | keyboard.PutScancodes (combo, 6);
1378 | }
1379 | else if (ke->key() == Key_Home)
1380 | {
1381 | /* activate the main menu */
1382 | if (mMainWnd->isTrueSeamless() || mMainWnd->isTrueFullscreen())
1383 | mMainWnd->popupMainMenu (mMouseCaptured);
1384 | else
1385 | mMainWnd->menuBar()->setFocus();
1386 | }
1387 | else
1388 | {
1389 | /* process hot keys not processed in keyEvent()
1390 | * (as in case of non-alphanumeric keys) */
1391 | processHotKey (QKeySequence (ke->key()),
1392 | mMainWnd->menuBar());
1393 | }
1394 | }
1395 | else if (!mIsHostkeyPressed && e->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease)
1396 | {
1397 | /* Show a possible warning on key release which seems to
1398 | * be more expected by the end user */
1399 |
1400 | if (isPaused())
1401 | {
1402 | /* if the reminder is disabled we pass the event to
1403 | * Qt to enable normal keyboard functionality
1404 | * (for example, menu access with Alt+Letter) */
1405 | if (!vboxProblem().remindAboutPausedVMInput())
1406 | break;
1407 | }
1408 | }
1409 |
1410 | ke->accept();
1411 | return true;
1412 | }
1413 |
1414 | #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
1415 | /* posted OnShowWindow */
1416 | case VBoxDefs::ShowWindowEventType:
1417 | {
1418 | /*
1419 | * Dunno what Qt3 thinks a window that has minimized to the dock
1420 | * should be - it is not hidden, neither is it minimized. OTOH it is
1421 | * marked shown and visible, but not activated. This latter isn't of
1422 | * much help though, since at this point nothing is marked activated.
1423 | * I might have overlooked something, but I'm buggered what if I know
1424 | * what. So, I'll just always show & activate the stupid window to
1425 | * make it get out of the dock when the user wishes to show a VM.
1426 | */
1427 | topLevelWidget()->show();
1428 | topLevelWidget()->setActiveWindow();
1429 | return true;
1430 | }
1431 | #endif
1432 | default:
1433 | break;
1434 | }
1435 | }
1436 |
1437 | return QScrollView::event (e);
1438 | }
1439 |
1440 | bool VBoxConsoleView::eventFilter (QObject *watched, QEvent *e)
1441 | {
1442 | if (mAttached && watched == viewport())
1443 | {
1444 | switch (e->type())
1445 | {
1446 | case QEvent::MouseMove:
1447 | case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
1448 | case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick:
1449 | case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
1450 | {
1451 | QMouseEvent *me = (QMouseEvent *) e;
1452 | if (mouseEvent (me->type(), me->pos(), me->globalPos(),
1453 | me->button(), me->state(), me->stateAfter(),
1454 | 0, Horizontal))
1455 | return true; /* stop further event handling */
1456 | break;
1457 | }
1458 | case QEvent::Wheel:
1459 | {
1460 | QWheelEvent *we = (QWheelEvent *) e;
1461 | if (mouseEvent (we->type(), we->pos(), we->globalPos(),
1462 | NoButton, we->state(), we->state(),
1463 | we->delta(), we->orientation()))
1464 | return true; /* stop further event handling */
1465 | break;
1466 | }
1467 | case QEvent::Resize:
1468 | {
1469 | if (mMouseCaptured)
1470 | updateMouseClipping();
1471 | }
1472 | default:
1473 | break;
1474 | }
1475 | }
1476 | else if (watched == mMainWnd)
1477 | {
1478 | switch (e->type())
1479 | {
1480 | #if defined (Q_WS_WIN32)
1481 | #if defined (VBOX_GUI_USE_DDRAW)
1482 | case QEvent::Move:
1483 | {
1484 | /*
1485 | * notification from our parent that it has moved. We need this
1486 | * in order to possibly adjust the direct screen blitting.
1487 | */
1488 | if (mFrameBuf)
1489 | mFrameBuf->moveEvent ((QMoveEvent *) e);
1490 | break;
1491 | }
1492 | #endif
1493 | /*
1494 | * install/uninstall low-level kbd hook on every
1495 | * activation/deactivation to:
1496 | * a) avoid excess hook calls when we're not active and
1497 | * b) be always in front of any other possible hooks
1498 | */
1499 | case QEvent::WindowActivate:
1500 | {
1501 | gKbdHook = SetWindowsHookEx (WH_KEYBOARD_LL, lowLevelKeyboardProc,
1502 | GetModuleHandle (NULL), 0);
1503 | AssertMsg (gKbdHook, ("SetWindowsHookEx(): err=%d", GetLastError()));
1504 | break;
1505 | }
1506 | case QEvent::WindowDeactivate:
1507 | {
1508 | if (gKbdHook)
1509 | {
1510 | UnhookWindowsHookEx (gKbdHook);
1511 | gKbdHook = NULL;
1512 | }
1513 | break;
1514 | }
1515 | #endif /* defined (Q_WS_WIN32) */
1516 | #if defined (Q_WS_MAC)
1517 | /*
1518 | * Install/remove the keyboard event handler.
1519 | */
1520 | case QEvent::WindowActivate:
1521 | darwinGrabKeyboardEvents (true);
1522 | break;
1523 | case QEvent::WindowDeactivate:
1524 | darwinGrabKeyboardEvents (false);
1525 | break;
1526 | #endif /* defined (Q_WS_MAC) */
1527 | case QEvent::Resize:
1528 | {
1529 | if (!mIgnoreMainwndResize &&
1530 | mIsAdditionsActive && mAutoresizeGuest)
1531 | resize_hint_timer->start (300, TRUE);
1532 | break;
1533 | }
1534 |
1535 | default:
1536 | break;
1537 | }
1538 | }
1539 | else if (watched == mMainWnd->menuBar())
1540 | {
1541 | /*
1542 | * sometimes when we press ESC in the menu it brings the
1543 | * focus away (Qt bug?) causing no widget to have a focus,
1544 | * or holds the focus itself, instead of returning the focus
1545 | * to the console window. here we fix this.
1546 | */
1547 | switch (e->type())
1548 | {
1549 | case QEvent::FocusOut:
1550 | {
1551 | if (qApp->focusWidget() == 0)
1552 | setFocus();
1553 | break;
1554 | }
1555 | case QEvent::KeyPress:
1556 | {
1557 | QKeyEvent *ke = (QKeyEvent *) e;
1558 | if (ke->key() == Key_Escape && !(ke->state() & KeyButtonMask))
1559 | if (mMainWnd->menuBar()->hasFocus())
1560 | setFocus();
1561 | break;
1562 | }
1563 | default:
1564 | break;
1565 | }
1566 | }
1567 |
1568 | return QScrollView::eventFilter (watched, e);
1569 | }
1570 |
1571 | #if defined(Q_WS_WIN32)
1572 |
1573 | /**
1574 | * Low-level keyboard event handler,
1575 | * @return
1576 | * true to indicate that the message is processed and false otherwise
1577 | */
1578 | bool VBoxConsoleView::winLowKeyboardEvent (UINT msg, const KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT &event)
1579 | {
1580 | #if 0
1581 | LogFlow (("### vkCode=%08X, scanCode=%08X, flags=%08X, dwExtraInfo=%08X (mKbdCaptured=%d)\n",
1582 | event.vkCode, event.scanCode, event.flags, event.dwExtraInfo, mKbdCaptured));
1583 | char buf [256];
1584 | sprintf (buf, "### vkCode=%08X, scanCode=%08X, flags=%08X, dwExtraInfo=%08X",
1585 | event.vkCode, event.scanCode, event.flags, event.dwExtraInfo);
1586 | mMainWnd->statusBar()->message (buf);
1587 | #endif
1588 |
1589 | /* Sometimes it happens that Win inserts additional events on some key
1590 | * press/release. For example, it prepends ALT_GR in German layout with
1591 | * the VK_LCONTROL vkey with curious 0x21D scan code (seems to be necessary
1592 | * to specially treat ALT_GR to enter additional chars to regular apps).
1593 | * These events are definitely unwanted in VM, so filter them out. */
1594 | if (hasFocus() && (event.scanCode & ~0xFF))
1595 | return true;
1596 |
1597 | if (!mKbdCaptured)
1598 | return false;
1599 |
1600 | /* it's possible that a key has been pressed while the keyboard was not
1601 | * captured, but is being released under the capture. Detect this situation
1602 | * and return false to let Windows process the message normally and update
1603 | * its key state table (to avoid the stuck key effect). */
1604 | uint8_t what_pressed = (event.flags & 0x01) && (event.vkCode != VK_RSHIFT)
1605 | ? IsExtKeyPressed
1606 | : IsKeyPressed;
1607 | if ((event.flags & 0x80) /* released */ &&
1608 | ((event.vkCode == gs.hostKey() && !hostkey_in_capture) ||
1609 | (mPressedKeys [event.scanCode] & (IsKbdCaptured | what_pressed)) == what_pressed))
1610 | return false;
1611 |
1612 | MSG message;
1613 | message.hwnd = winId();
1614 | message.message = msg;
1615 | message.wParam = event.vkCode;
1616 | message.lParam =
1617 | 1 |
1618 | (event.scanCode & 0xFF) << 16 |
1619 | (event.flags & 0xFF) << 24;
1620 |
1621 | /* Windows sets here the extended bit when the Right Shift key is pressed,
1622 | * which is totally wrong. Undo it. */
1623 | if (event.vkCode == VK_RSHIFT)
1624 | message.lParam &= ~0x1000000;
1625 |
1626 | /* we suppose here that this hook is always called on the main GUI thread */
1627 | return winEvent (&message);
1628 | }
1629 |
1630 | /**
1631 | * Get Win32 messages before they are passed to Qt. This allows us to get
1632 | * the keyboard events directly and bypass the harmful Qt translation. A
1633 | * return value of @c true indicates to Qt that the event has been handled.
1634 | */
1635 | bool VBoxConsoleView::winEvent (MSG *msg)
1636 | {
1637 | if (!mAttached || ! (
1638 | msg->message == WM_KEYDOWN || msg->message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN ||
1639 | msg->message == WM_KEYUP || msg->message == WM_SYSKEYUP
1640 | ))
1641 | return false;
1642 |
1643 | /* check for the special flag possibly set at the end of this function */
1644 | if (msg->lParam & (0x1 << 25))
1645 | {
1646 | msg->lParam &= ~(0x1 << 25);
1647 | return false;
1648 | }
1649 |
1650 | #if 0
1651 | char buf [256];
1652 | sprintf (buf, "WM_%04X: vk=%04X rep=%05d scan=%02X ext=%01d rzv=%01X ctx=%01d prev=%01d tran=%01d",
1653 | msg->message, msg->wParam,
1654 | (msg->lParam & 0xFFFF),
1655 | ((msg->lParam >> 16) & 0xFF),
1656 | ((msg->lParam >> 24) & 0x1),
1657 | ((msg->lParam >> 25) & 0xF),
1658 | ((msg->lParam >> 29) & 0x1),
1659 | ((msg->lParam >> 30) & 0x1),
1660 | ((msg->lParam >> 31) & 0x1));
1661 | mMainWnd->statusBar()->message (buf);
1662 | LogFlow (("%s\n", buf));
1663 | #endif
1664 |
1665 | int scan = (msg->lParam >> 16) & 0x7F;
1666 | /* scancodes 0x80 and 0x00 are ignored */
1667 | if (!scan)
1668 | return true;
1669 |
1670 | int vkey = msg->wParam;
1671 |
1672 | /* When one of the SHIFT keys is held and one of the cursor movement
1673 | * keys is pressed, Windows duplicates SHIFT press/release messages,
1674 | * but with the virtual key code set to 0xFF. These virtual keys are also
1675 | * sent in some other situations (Pause, PrtScn, etc.). Ignore such
1676 | * messages. */
1677 | if (vkey == 0xFF)
1678 | return true;
1679 |
1680 | int flags = 0;
1681 | if (msg->lParam & 0x1000000)
1682 | flags |= KeyExtended;
1683 | if (!(msg->lParam & 0x80000000))
1684 | flags |= KeyPressed;
1685 |
1686 | switch (vkey)
1687 | {
1688 | case VK_SHIFT:
1689 | case VK_CONTROL:
1690 | case VK_MENU:
1691 | {
1692 | /* overcome stupid Win32 modifier key generalization */
1693 | int keyscan = scan;
1694 | if (flags & KeyExtended)
1695 | keyscan |= 0xE000;
1696 | switch (keyscan)
1697 | {
1698 | case 0x002A: vkey = VK_LSHIFT; break;
1699 | case 0x0036: vkey = VK_RSHIFT; break;
1700 | case 0x001D: vkey = VK_LCONTROL; break;
1701 | case 0xE01D: vkey = VK_RCONTROL; break;
1702 | case 0x0038: vkey = VK_LMENU; break;
1703 | case 0xE038: vkey = VK_RMENU; break;
1704 | }
1705 | break;
1706 | }
1707 | case VK_NUMLOCK:
1708 | /* Win32 sets the extended bit for the NumLock key. Reset it. */
1709 | flags &= ~KeyExtended;
1710 | break;
1711 | case VK_SNAPSHOT:
1712 | flags |= KeyPrint;
1713 | break;
1714 | case VK_PAUSE:
1715 | flags |= KeyPause;
1716 | break;
1717 | }
1718 |
1719 | bool result = keyEvent (vkey, scan, flags);
1720 | if (!result && mKbdCaptured)
1721 | {
1722 | /* keyEvent() returned that it didn't process the message, but since the
1723 | * keyboard is captured, we don't want to pass it to Windows. We just want
1724 | * to let Qt process the message (to handle non-alphanumeric <HOST>+key
1725 | * shortcuts for example). So send it direcltly to the window with the
1726 | * special flag in the reserved area of lParam (to avoid recursion). */
1727 | ::SendMessage (msg->hwnd, msg->message,
1728 | msg->wParam, msg->lParam | (0x1 << 25));
1729 | return true;
1730 | }
1731 |
1732 | /* These special keys have to be handled by Windows as well to update the
1733 | * internal modifier state and to enable/disable the keyboard LED */
1734 | if (vkey == VK_NUMLOCK || vkey == VK_CAPITAL)
1735 | return false;
1736 |
1737 | return result;
1738 | }
1739 |
1740 | #elif defined (Q_WS_PM)
1741 |
1742 | /**
1743 | * Get PM messages before they are passed to Qt. This allows us to get
1744 | * the keyboard events directly and bypass the harmful Qt translation. A
1745 | * return value of @c true indicates to Qt that the event has been handled.
1746 | */
1747 | bool VBoxConsoleView::pmEvent (QMSG *aMsg)
1748 | {
1749 | if (!mAttached)
1750 | return false;
1751 |
1752 | if (aMsg->msg == UM_PREACCEL_CHAR)
1753 | {
1754 | /* we are inside the input hook */
1755 |
1756 | /* let the message go through the normal system pipeline */
1757 | if (!mKbdCaptured)
1758 | return false;
1759 | }
1760 |
1761 | if (aMsg->msg != WM_CHAR &&
1762 | aMsg->msg != UM_PREACCEL_CHAR)
1763 | return false;
1764 |
1765 | /* check for the special flag possibly set at the end of this function */
1766 | if (SHORT2FROMMP (aMsg->mp2) & 0x8000)
1767 | {
1768 | aMsg->mp2 = MPFROM2SHORT (SHORT1FROMMP (aMsg->mp2),
1769 | SHORT2FROMMP (aMsg->mp2) & ~0x8000);
1770 | return false;
1771 | }
1772 |
1773 | #if 0
1774 | {
1775 | char buf [256];
1776 | sprintf (buf, "*** %s: f=%04X rep=%03d scan=%02X ch=%04X vk=%04X",
1777 | (aMsg->msg == WM_CHAR ? "WM_CHAR" : "UM_PREACCEL_CHAR"),
1778 | SHORT1FROMMP (aMsg->mp1), CHAR3FROMMP (aMsg->mp1),
1779 | CHAR4FROMMP (aMsg->mp1), SHORT1FROMMP (aMsg->mp2),
1780 | SHORT2FROMMP (aMsg->mp2));
1781 | mMainWnd->statusBar()->message (buf);
1782 | LogFlow (("%s\n", buf));
1783 | }
1784 | #endif
1785 |
1786 | USHORT ch = SHORT1FROMMP (aMsg->mp2);
1787 | USHORT f = SHORT1FROMMP (aMsg->mp1);
1788 |
1789 | int scan = (unsigned int) CHAR4FROMMP (aMsg->mp1);
1790 | if (!scan || scan > 0x7F)
1791 | return true;
1792 |
1793 | int vkey = QIHotKeyEdit::virtualKey (aMsg);
1794 |
1795 | int flags = 0;
1796 |
1797 | if ((ch & 0xFF) == 0xE0)
1798 | {
1799 | flags |= KeyExtended;
1800 | scan = ch >> 8;
1801 | }
1802 | else if (scan == 0x5C && (ch & 0xFF) == '/')
1803 | {
1804 | /* this is the '/' key on the keypad */
1805 | scan = 0x35;
1806 | flags |= KeyExtended;
1807 | }
1808 | else
1809 | {
1810 | /* For some keys, the scan code passed in QMSG is a pseudo scan
1811 | * code. We replace it with a real hardware scan code, according to
1812 | * http://www.computer-engineering.org/ps2keyboard/scancodes1.html.
1813 | * Also detect Pause and PrtScn and set flags. */
1814 | switch (vkey)
1815 | {
1816 | case VK_ENTER: scan = 0x1C; flags |= KeyExtended; break;
1817 | case VK_CTRL: scan = 0x1D; flags |= KeyExtended; break;
1818 | case VK_ALTGRAF: scan = 0x38; flags |= KeyExtended; break;
1819 | case VK_LWIN: scan = 0x5B; flags |= KeyExtended; break;
1820 | case VK_RWIN: scan = 0x5C; flags |= KeyExtended; break;
1821 | case VK_WINMENU: scan = 0x5D; flags |= KeyExtended; break;
1822 | case VK_FORWARD: scan = 0x69; flags |= KeyExtended; break;
1823 | case VK_BACKWARD: scan = 0x6A; flags |= KeyExtended; break;
1824 | #if 0
1825 | /// @todo this would send 0xE0 0x46 0xE0 0xC6. It's not fully
1826 | // clear what is more correct
1827 | case VK_BREAK: scan = 0x46; flags |= KeyExtended; break;
1828 | #else
1829 | case VK_BREAK: scan = 0; flags |= KeyPause; break;
1830 | #endif
1831 | case VK_PAUSE: scan = 0; flags |= KeyPause; break;
1832 | case VK_PRINTSCRN: scan = 0; flags |= KeyPrint; break;
1833 | default:;
1834 | }
1835 | }
1836 |
1837 | if (!(f & KC_KEYUP))
1838 | flags |= KeyPressed;
1839 |
1840 | bool result = keyEvent (vkey, scan, flags);
1841 | if (!result && mKbdCaptured)
1842 | {
1843 | /* keyEvent() returned that it didn't process the message, but since the
1844 | * keyboard is captured, we don't want to pass it to PM. We just want
1845 | * to let Qt process the message (to handle non-alphanumeric <HOST>+key
1846 | * shortcuts for example). So send it direcltly to the window with the
1847 | * special flag in the reserved area of lParam (to avoid recursion). */
1848 | ::WinSendMsg (aMsg->hwnd, WM_CHAR,
1849 | aMsg->mp1,
1850 | MPFROM2SHORT (SHORT1FROMMP (aMsg->mp2),
1851 | SHORT2FROMMP (aMsg->mp2) | 0x8000));
1852 | return true;
1853 | }
1854 | return result;
1855 | }
1856 |
1857 | #elif defined(Q_WS_X11)
1858 |
1859 | /**
1860 | * This routine gets X11 events before they are processed by Qt. This is
1861 | * used for our platform specific keyboard implementation. A return value
1862 | * of TRUE indicates that the event has been processed by us.
1863 | */
1864 | bool VBoxConsoleView::x11Event (XEvent *event)
1865 | {
1866 | static WINEKEYBOARDINFO wineKeyboardInfo;
1867 |
1868 | switch (event->type)
1869 | {
1870 | /* We have to handle XFocusOut right here as this event is not passed
1871 | * to VBoxConsoleView::event(). Handling this event is important for
1872 | * releasing the keyboard before the screen saver gets active. */
1873 | case XFocusOut:
1874 | case XFocusIn:
1875 | if (isRunning())
1876 | focusEvent (event->type == XFocusIn);
1877 | return false;
1878 | case XKeyPress:
1879 | case XKeyRelease:
1880 | if (mAttached)
1881 | break;
1882 | /* else fall through */
1883 | /// @todo (AH) later, we might want to handle these as well
1884 | case KeymapNotify:
1885 | case MappingNotify:
1886 | default:
1887 | return false; /* pass the event to Qt */
1888 | }
1889 |
1890 | /* perform the mega-complex translation using the wine algorithms */
1891 | handleXKeyEvent (this->x11Display(), event, &wineKeyboardInfo);
1892 |
1893 | #if 0
1894 | char buf [256];
1895 | sprintf (buf, "pr=%d kc=%08X st=%08X fl=%08lX scan=%04X",
1896 | event->type == XKeyPress ? 1 : 0, event->xkey.keycode,
1897 | event->xkey.state, wineKeyboardInfo.dwFlags, wineKeyboardInfo.wScan);
1898 | mMainWnd->statusBar()->message (buf);
1899 | LogFlow (("### %s\n", buf));
1900 | #endif
1901 |
1902 | int scan = wineKeyboardInfo.wScan & 0x7F;
1903 | // scancodes 0x00 (no valid translation) and 0x80 are ignored
1904 | if (!scan)
1905 | return true;
1906 |
1907 | KeySym ks = ::XKeycodeToKeysym (event->xkey.display, event->xkey.keycode, 0);
1908 |
1909 | int flags = 0;
1910 | if (wineKeyboardInfo.dwFlags & 0x0001)
1911 | flags |= KeyExtended;
1912 | if (event->type == XKeyPress)
1913 | flags |= KeyPressed;
1914 |
1915 | switch (ks)
1916 | {
1917 | case XK_Num_Lock:
1918 | // Wine sets the extended bit for the NumLock key. Reset it.
1919 | flags &= ~KeyExtended;
1920 | break;
1921 | case XK_Print:
1922 | flags |= KeyPrint;
1923 | break;
1924 | case XK_Pause:
1925 | flags |= KeyPause;
1926 | break;
1927 | }
1928 |
1929 | return keyEvent (ks, scan, flags);
1930 | }
1931 |
1932 | #elif defined (Q_WS_MAC)
1933 |
1934 | /**
1935 | * Invoked by VBoxConsoleView::darwinEventHandlerProc / VBoxConsoleView::macEventFilter when
1936 | * it receives a raw keyboard event.
1937 | *
1938 | * @param inEvent The keyboard event.
1939 | *
1940 | * @return true if the key was processed, false if it wasn't processed and should be passed on.
1941 | */
1942 | bool VBoxConsoleView::darwinKeyboardEvent (EventRef inEvent)
1943 | {
1944 | bool ret = false;
1945 | UInt32 EventKind = ::GetEventKind (inEvent);
1946 | if (EventKind != kEventRawKeyModifiersChanged)
1947 | {
1948 | /* convert keycode to set 1 scan code. */
1949 | UInt32 keyCode = ~0U;
1950 | ::GetEventParameter (inEvent, kEventParamKeyCode, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof (keyCode), NULL, &keyCode);
1951 | unsigned scanCode = ::DarwinKeycodeToSet1Scancode (keyCode);
1952 | if (scanCode)
1953 | {
1954 | /* calc flags. */
1955 | int flags = 0;
1956 | if (EventKind != kEventRawKeyUp)
1957 | flags |= KeyPressed;
1958 | if (scanCode & VBOXKEY_EXTENDED)
1959 | flags |= KeyExtended;
1960 | /** @todo KeyPause, KeyPrint. */
1961 | scanCode &= VBOXKEY_SCANCODE_MASK;
1962 |
1963 | /* get the unicode string (if present). */
1964 | AssertCompileSize (wchar_t, 2);
1965 | AssertCompileSize (UniChar, 2);
1966 | UInt32 cbWritten = 0;
1967 | wchar_t ucs[8];
1968 | if (::GetEventParameter (inEvent, kEventParamKeyUnicodes, typeUnicodeText, NULL,
1969 | sizeof (ucs), &cbWritten, &ucs[0]) != 0)
1970 | cbWritten = 0;
1971 | ucs[cbWritten / sizeof(wchar_t)] = 0; /* The api doesn't terminate it. */
1972 |
1973 | ret = keyEvent (keyCode, scanCode, flags, ucs[0] ? ucs : NULL);
1974 | }
1975 | }
1976 | else
1977 | {
1978 | /* May contain multiple modifier changes, kind of annoying. */
1979 | UInt32 newMask = 0;
1980 | ::GetEventParameter (inEvent, kEventParamKeyModifiers, typeUInt32, NULL,
1981 | sizeof (newMask), NULL, &newMask);
1982 | newMask = ::DarwinAdjustModifierMask (newMask);
1983 | UInt32 changed = newMask ^ mDarwinKeyModifiers;
1984 | if (changed)
1985 | {
1986 | for (UInt32 bit = 0; bit < 32; bit++)
1987 | {
1988 | if (!(changed & (1 << bit)))
1989 | continue;
1990 | unsigned scanCode = ::DarwinModifierMaskToSet1Scancode (1 << bit);
1991 | if (!scanCode)
1992 | continue;
1993 | unsigned keyCode = ::DarwinModifierMaskToDarwinKeycode (1 << bit);
1994 | Assert (keyCode);
1995 |
1996 | if (!(scanCode & VBOXKEY_LOCK))
1997 | {
1998 | unsigned flags = (newMask & (1 << bit)) ? KeyPressed : 0;
1999 | if (scanCode & VBOXKEY_EXTENDED)
2000 | flags |= KeyExtended;
2001 | scanCode &= VBOXKEY_SCANCODE_MASK;
2002 | ret |= keyEvent (keyCode, scanCode & 0xff, flags);
2003 | }
2004 | else
2005 | {
2006 | unsigned flags = 0;
2007 | if (scanCode & VBOXKEY_EXTENDED)
2008 | flags |= KeyExtended;
2009 | scanCode &= VBOXKEY_SCANCODE_MASK;
2010 | keyEvent (keyCode, scanCode, flags | KeyPressed);
2011 | keyEvent (keyCode, scanCode, flags);
2012 | }
2013 | }
2014 | }
2015 |
2016 | mDarwinKeyModifiers = newMask;
2017 |
2018 | /* Always return true here because we'll otherwise getting a Qt event
2019 | we don't want and that will only cause the Pause warning to pop up. */
2020 | ret = true;
2021 | }
2022 |
2023 | return ret;
2024 | }
2025 |
2026 |
2027 | /**
2028 | * Installs or removes the keyboard event handler.
2029 | *
2030 | * @param fGrab True if we're to grab the events, false if we're not to.
2031 | */
2032 | void VBoxConsoleView::darwinGrabKeyboardEvents (bool fGrab)
2033 | {
2034 | if (fGrab)
2035 | {
2036 | ::SetMouseCoalescingEnabled (false, NULL); //??
2037 | ::CGSetLocalEventsSuppressionInterval (0.0); //??
2038 |
2039 | #ifndef VBOX_WITH_HACKED_QT
2040 |
2041 | EventTypeSpec eventTypes[6];
2042 | eventTypes[0].eventClass = kEventClassKeyboard;
2043 | eventTypes[0].eventKind = kEventRawKeyDown;
2044 | eventTypes[1].eventClass = kEventClassKeyboard;
2045 | eventTypes[1].eventKind = kEventRawKeyUp;
2046 | eventTypes[2].eventClass = kEventClassKeyboard;
2047 | eventTypes[2].eventKind = kEventRawKeyRepeat;
2048 | eventTypes[3].eventClass = kEventClassKeyboard;
2049 | eventTypes[3].eventKind = kEventRawKeyModifiersChanged;
2050 | /* For ignorning Command-H and Command-Q which aren't affected by the
2051 | * global hotkey stuff (doesn't work well): */
2052 | eventTypes[4].eventClass = kEventClassCommand;
2053 | eventTypes[4].eventKind = kEventCommandProcess;
2054 | eventTypes[5].eventClass = kEventClassCommand;
2055 | eventTypes[5].eventKind = kEventCommandUpdateStatus;
2056 |
2057 | EventHandlerUPP eventHandler = ::NewEventHandlerUPP (VBoxConsoleView::darwinEventHandlerProc);
2058 |
2059 | mDarwinEventHandlerRef = NULL;
2060 | ::InstallApplicationEventHandler (eventHandler, RT_ELEMENTS (eventTypes), &eventTypes[0],
2061 | this, &mDarwinEventHandlerRef);
2062 | ::DisposeEventHandlerUPP (eventHandler);
2063 |
2064 | #else /* VBOX_WITH_HACKED_QT */
2065 | ((QIApplication *)qApp)->setEventFilter (VBoxConsoleView::macEventFilter, this);
2066 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_HACKED_QT */
2067 |
2068 | ::DarwinGrabKeyboard (false);
2069 | }
2070 | else
2071 | {
2072 | ::DarwinReleaseKeyboard();
2073 | #ifndef VBOX_WITH_HACKED_QT
2074 | if (mDarwinEventHandlerRef)
2075 | {
2076 | ::RemoveEventHandler (mDarwinEventHandlerRef);
2077 | mDarwinEventHandlerRef = NULL;
2078 | }
2079 | #else
2080 | ((QIApplication *)qApp)->setEventFilter (NULL, NULL);
2081 | #endif
2082 | }
2083 | }
2084 |
2085 | #endif // defined (Q_WS_WIN)
2086 |
2087 | //
2088 | // Private members
2089 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2090 |
2091 | /**
2092 | * Called on every focus change and also to forcibly capture/uncapture the
2093 | * input in situations similar to gaining or losing focus.
2094 | *
2095 | * @param aHasFocus true if the window got focus and false otherwise.
2096 | * @param aReleaseHostKey true to release the host key (used only when
2097 | * @a aHasFocus is false.
2098 | */
2099 | void VBoxConsoleView::focusEvent (bool aHasFocus,
2100 | bool aReleaseHostKey /* = true */)
2101 | {
2102 | if (aHasFocus)
2103 | {
2104 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
2105 | if ( !mDisableAutoCapture && gs.autoCapture()
2106 | && GetAncestor (winId(), GA_ROOT) == GetForegroundWindow())
2107 | #else
2108 | if (!mDisableAutoCapture && gs.autoCapture())
2109 | #endif /* RT_OS_WINDOWS */
2110 | {
2111 | captureKbd (true);
2112 | /// @todo (dmik)
2113 | // the below is for the mouse auto-capture. disabled for now. in order to
2114 | // properly support it, we need to know when *all* mouse buttons are
2115 | // released after we got focus, and grab the mouse only after then.
2116 | // btw, the similar would be good the for keyboard auto-capture, too.
2117 | // if (!(mMouseAbsolute && mMouseIntegration))
2118 | // captureMouse (true);
2119 | }
2120 |
2121 | /* reset the single-time disable capture flag */
2122 | if (mDisableAutoCapture)
2123 | mDisableAutoCapture = false;
2124 | }
2125 | else
2126 | {
2127 | captureMouse (false);
2128 | captureKbd (false, false);
2129 | releaseAllPressedKeys (aReleaseHostKey);
2130 | }
2131 | }
2132 |
2133 | /**
2134 | * Synchronize the views of the host and the guest to the modifier keys.
2135 | * This function will add up to 6 additional keycodes to codes.
2136 | *
2137 | * @param codes pointer to keycodes which are sent to the keyboard
2138 | * @param count pointer to the keycodes counter
2139 | */
2140 | void VBoxConsoleView::fixModifierState (LONG *codes, uint *count)
2141 | {
2142 | #if defined(Q_WS_X11)
2143 |
2144 | Window wDummy1, wDummy2;
2145 | int iDummy3, iDummy4, iDummy5, iDummy6;
2146 | unsigned uMask;
2147 | unsigned uKeyMaskNum = 0, uKeyMaskCaps = 0, uKeyMaskScroll = 0;
2148 |
2149 | uKeyMaskCaps = LockMask;
2150 | XModifierKeymap* map = XGetModifierMapping(qt_xdisplay());
2151 | KeyCode keyCodeNum = XKeysymToKeycode(qt_xdisplay(), XK_Num_Lock);
2152 | KeyCode keyCodeScroll = XKeysymToKeycode(qt_xdisplay(), XK_Scroll_Lock);
2153 |
2154 | for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
2155 | {
2156 | if ( keyCodeNum != NoSymbol
2157 | && map->modifiermap[map->max_keypermod * i] == keyCodeNum)
2158 | uKeyMaskNum = 1 << i;
2159 | else if ( keyCodeScroll != NoSymbol
2160 | && map->modifiermap[map->max_keypermod * i] == keyCodeScroll)
2161 | uKeyMaskScroll = 1 << i;
2162 | }
2163 | XQueryPointer(qt_xdisplay(), DefaultRootWindow(qt_xdisplay()), &wDummy1, &wDummy2,
2164 | &iDummy3, &iDummy4, &iDummy5, &iDummy6, &uMask);
2165 | XFreeModifiermap(map);
2166 |
2167 | if (muNumLockAdaptionCnt && (mNumLock ^ !!(uMask & uKeyMaskNum)))
2168 | {
2169 | muNumLockAdaptionCnt--;
2170 | codes[(*count)++] = 0x45;
2171 | codes[(*count)++] = 0x45 | 0x80;
2172 | }
2173 | if (muCapsLockAdaptionCnt && (mCapsLock ^ !!(uMask & uKeyMaskCaps)))
2174 | {
2175 | muCapsLockAdaptionCnt--;
2176 | codes[(*count)++] = 0x3a;
2177 | codes[(*count)++] = 0x3a | 0x80;
2178 | }
2179 |
2180 | #elif defined(Q_WS_WIN32)
2181 |
2182 | if (muNumLockAdaptionCnt && (mNumLock ^ !!(GetKeyState(VK_NUMLOCK))))
2183 | {
2184 | muNumLockAdaptionCnt--;
2185 | codes[(*count)++] = 0x45;
2186 | codes[(*count)++] = 0x45 | 0x80;
2187 | }
2188 | if (muCapsLockAdaptionCnt && (mCapsLock ^ !!(GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL))))
2189 | {
2190 | muCapsLockAdaptionCnt--;
2191 | codes[(*count)++] = 0x3a;
2192 | codes[(*count)++] = 0x3a | 0x80;
2193 | }
2194 |
2195 | #elif defined(Q_WS_MAC)
2196 |
2197 | /* if (muNumLockAdaptionCnt) ... - NumLock isn't implemented by Mac OS X so ignore it. */
2198 | if (muCapsLockAdaptionCnt && (mCapsLock ^ !!(::GetCurrentEventKeyModifiers() & alphaLock)))
2199 | {
2200 | muCapsLockAdaptionCnt--;
2201 | codes[(*count)++] = 0x3a;
2202 | codes[(*count)++] = 0x3a | 0x80;
2203 | }
2204 |
2205 | #else
2206 |
2207 | #warning Adapt VBoxConsoleView::fixModifierState
2208 |
2209 | #endif
2210 |
2211 |
2212 | }
2213 |
2214 | /**
2215 | * Called on enter/exit seamless/fullscreen mode.
2216 | */
2217 | void VBoxConsoleView::toggleFSMode()
2218 | {
2219 | if (mIsAdditionsActive && mAutoresizeGuest)
2220 | {
2221 | QSize newSize = QSize();
2222 | if (mMainWnd->isTrueFullscreen() || mMainWnd->isTrueSeamless())
2223 | {
2224 | mNormalSize = frameSize();
2225 | newSize = maximumSize();
2226 | }
2227 | else
2228 | newSize = mNormalSize;
2229 | doResizeHint (newSize);
2230 | }
2231 | mToggleFSModeTimer->start (2000, true);
2232 | }
2233 |
2234 | /**
2235 | * Get the current desktop geometry for the console view widget
2236 | *
2237 | * @returns the geometry
2238 | */
2239 | QRect VBoxConsoleView::getDesktopGeometry()
2240 | {
2241 | return mDesktopGeometry;
2242 | }
2243 |
2244 | /**
2245 | * Called on every key press and release (while in focus).
2246 | *
2247 | * @param aKey virtual scan code (virtual key on Win32 and KeySym on X11)
2248 | * @param aScan hardware scan code
2249 | * @param aFlags flags, a combination of Key* constants
2250 | * @param aUniKey Unicode translation of the key. Optional.
2251 | *
2252 | * @return true to consume the event and false to pass it to Qt
2253 | */
2254 | bool VBoxConsoleView::keyEvent (int aKey, uint8_t aScan, int aFlags,
2255 | wchar_t *aUniKey/* = NULL*/)
2256 | {
2257 | #if 0
2258 | {
2259 | char buf [256];
2260 | sprintf (buf, "aKey=%08X aScan=%02X aFlags=%08X",
2261 | aKey, aScan, aFlags);
2262 | mMainWnd->statusBar()->message (buf);
2263 | }
2264 | #endif
2265 |
2266 | const bool isHostKey = aKey == gs.hostKey();
2267 |
2268 | LONG buf [16];
2269 | LONG *codes = buf;
2270 | uint count = 0;
2271 | uint8_t whatPressed = 0;
2272 |
2273 | if (!isHostKey && !mIsHostkeyPressed)
2274 | {
2275 | if (aFlags & KeyPrint)
2276 | {
2277 | static LONG PrintMake[] = { 0xE0, 0x2A, 0xE0, 0x37 };
2278 | static LONG PrintBreak[] = { 0xE0, 0xB7, 0xE0, 0xAA };
2279 | if (aFlags & KeyPressed)
2280 | {
2281 | codes = PrintMake;
2282 | count = SIZEOF_ARRAY (PrintMake);
2283 | }
2284 | else
2285 | {
2286 | codes = PrintBreak;
2287 | count = SIZEOF_ARRAY (PrintBreak);
2288 | }
2289 | }
2290 | else if (aFlags & KeyPause)
2291 | {
2292 | if (aFlags & KeyPressed)
2293 | {
2294 | static LONG Pause[] = { 0xE1, 0x1D, 0x45, 0xE1, 0x9D, 0xC5 };
2295 | codes = Pause;
2296 | count = SIZEOF_ARRAY (Pause);
2297 | }
2298 | else
2299 | {
2300 | /* Pause shall not produce a break code */
2301 | return true;
2302 | }
2303 | }
2304 | else
2305 | {
2306 | if (aFlags & KeyPressed)
2307 | {
2308 | /* Check if the guest has the same view on the modifier keys (NumLock,
2309 | * CapsLock, ScrollLock) as the X server. If not, send KeyPress events
2310 | * to synchronize the state. */
2311 | fixModifierState (codes, &count);
2312 | }
2313 |
2314 | /* Check if it's C-A-D */
2315 | if (aScan == 0x53 /* Del */ &&
2316 | ((mPressedKeys [0x38] & IsKeyPressed) /* Alt */ ||
2317 | (mPressedKeys [0x38] & IsExtKeyPressed)) &&
2318 | ((mPressedKeys [0x1d] & IsKeyPressed) /* Ctrl */ ||
2319 | (mPressedKeys [0x1d] & IsExtKeyPressed)))
2320 | {
2321 | /* Use the C-A-D combination as a last resort to get the
2322 | * keyboard and mouse back to the host when the user forgets
2323 | * the Host Key. Note that it's always possible to send C-A-D
2324 | * to the guest using the Host+Del combination. BTW, it would
2325 | * be preferrable to completely ignore C-A-D in guests, but
2326 | * that's not possible because we cannot predict what other
2327 | * keys will be pressed next when one of C, A, D is held. */
2328 |
2329 | if (isRunning() && mKbdCaptured)
2330 | {
2331 | captureKbd (false);
2332 | if (!(mMouseAbsolute && mMouseIntegration))
2333 | captureMouse (false);
2334 | }
2335 |
2336 | return true;
2337 | }
2338 |
2339 | /* process the scancode and update the table of pressed keys */
2340 | whatPressed = IsKeyPressed;
2341 |
2342 | if (aFlags & KeyExtended)
2343 | {
2344 | codes [count++] = 0xE0;
2345 | whatPressed = IsExtKeyPressed;
2346 | }
2347 |
2348 | if (aFlags & KeyPressed)
2349 | {
2350 | codes [count++] = aScan;
2351 | mPressedKeys [aScan] |= whatPressed;
2352 | }
2353 | else
2354 | {
2355 | /* if we haven't got this key's press message, we ignore its
2356 | * release */
2357 | if (!(mPressedKeys [aScan] & whatPressed))
2358 | return true;
2359 | codes [count++] = aScan | 0x80;
2360 | mPressedKeys [aScan] &= ~whatPressed;
2361 | }
2362 |
2363 | if (mKbdCaptured)
2364 | mPressedKeys [aScan] |= IsKbdCaptured;
2365 | else
2366 | mPressedKeys [aScan] &= ~IsKbdCaptured;
2367 | }
2368 | }
2369 | else
2370 | {
2371 | /* currently this is used in winLowKeyboardEvent() only */
2372 | hostkey_in_capture = mKbdCaptured;
2373 | }
2374 |
2375 | bool emitSignal = false;
2376 | int hotkey = 0;
2377 |
2378 | /* process the host key */
2379 | if (aFlags & KeyPressed)
2380 | {
2381 | if (isHostKey)
2382 | {
2383 | if (!mIsHostkeyPressed)
2384 | {
2385 | mIsHostkeyPressed = mIsHostkeyAlone = true;
2386 | if (isRunning())
2387 | saveKeyStates();
2388 | emitSignal = true;
2389 | }
2390 | }
2391 | else
2392 | {
2393 | if (mIsHostkeyPressed)
2394 | {
2395 | if (mIsHostkeyAlone)
2396 | {
2397 | hotkey = aKey;
2398 | mIsHostkeyAlone = false;
2399 | }
2400 | }
2401 | }
2402 | }
2403 | else
2404 | {
2405 | if (isHostKey)
2406 | {
2407 | if (mIsHostkeyPressed)
2408 | {
2409 | mIsHostkeyPressed = false;
2410 |
2411 | if (mIsHostkeyAlone)
2412 | {
2413 | if (isPaused())
2414 | {
2415 | vboxProblem().remindAboutPausedVMInput();
2416 | }
2417 | else
2418 | if (isRunning())
2419 | {
2420 | bool captured = mKbdCaptured;
2421 | bool ok = true;
2422 | if (!captured)
2423 | {
2424 | /* temporarily disable auto capture that will take
2425 | * place after this dialog is dismissed because
2426 | * the capture state is to be defined by the
2427 | * dialog result itself */
2428 | mDisableAutoCapture = true;
2429 | bool autoConfirmed = false;
2430 | ok = vboxProblem().confirmInputCapture (&autoConfirmed);
2431 | if (autoConfirmed)
2432 | mDisableAutoCapture = false;
2433 | /* otherwise, the disable flag will be reset in
2434 | * the next console view's foucs in event (since
2435 | * may happen asynchronously on some platforms,
2436 | * after we return from this code) */
2437 | }
2438 |
2439 | if (ok)
2440 | {
2441 | captureKbd (!captured, false);
2442 | if (!(mMouseAbsolute && mMouseIntegration))
2443 | captureMouse (mKbdCaptured);
2444 | }
2445 | }
2446 | }
2447 |
2448 | if (isRunning())
2449 | sendChangedKeyStates();
2450 |
2451 | emitSignal = true;
2452 | }
2453 | }
2454 | else
2455 | {
2456 | if (mIsHostkeyPressed)
2457 | mIsHostkeyAlone = false;
2458 | }
2459 | }
2460 |
2461 | /* emit the keyboard state change signal */
2462 | if (emitSignal)
2463 | emitKeyboardStateChanged();
2464 |
2465 | /* Process Host+<key> shortcuts. currently, <key> is limited to
2466 | * alphanumeric chars. Other Host+<key> combinations are handled in
2467 | * event(). */
2468 | if (hotkey)
2469 | {
2470 | bool processed = false;
2471 | #if defined (Q_WS_WIN32)
2472 | NOREF(aUniKey);
2473 | int n = GetKeyboardLayoutList (0, NULL);
2474 | Assert (n);
2475 | HKL *list = new HKL [n];
2476 | GetKeyboardLayoutList (n, list);
2477 | for (int i = 0; i < n && !processed; i++)
2478 | {
2479 | wchar_t ch;
2480 | static BYTE keys [256] = {0};
2481 | if (!ToUnicodeEx (hotkey, 0, keys, &ch, 1, 0, list [i]) == 1)
2482 | ch = 0;
2483 | if (ch)
2484 | processed = processHotKey (QKeySequence (UNICODE_ACCEL +
2485 | QChar (ch).upper().unicode()),
2486 | mMainWnd->menuBar());
2487 | }
2488 | delete[] list;
2489 | #elif defined (Q_WS_X11)
2490 | NOREF(aUniKey);
2491 | Display *display = x11Display();
2492 | int keysyms_per_keycode = getKeysymsPerKeycode();
2493 | KeyCode kc = XKeysymToKeycode (display, aKey);
2494 | // iterate over the first level (not shifted) keysyms in every group
2495 | for (int i = 0; i < keysyms_per_keycode && !processed; i += 2)
2496 | {
2497 | KeySym ks = XKeycodeToKeysym (display, kc, i);
2498 | char ch = 0;
2499 | if (!XkbTranslateKeySym (display, &ks, 0, &ch, 1, NULL) == 1)
2500 | ch = 0;
2501 | if (ch)
2502 | {
2503 | QChar c = QString::fromLocal8Bit (&ch, 1) [0];
2504 | processed = processHotKey (QKeySequence (UNICODE_ACCEL +
2505 | c.upper().unicode()),
2506 | mMainWnd->menuBar());
2507 | }
2508 | }
2509 | #elif defined (Q_WS_MAC)
2510 | if (aUniKey && aUniKey [0] && !aUniKey [1])
2511 | processed = processHotKey (QKeySequence (UNICODE_ACCEL +
2512 | QChar (aUniKey [0]).upper().unicode()),
2513 | mMainWnd->menuBar());
2514 |
2515 | /* Don't consider the hot key as pressed since the guest never saw
2516 | * it. (probably a generic thing) */
2517 | mPressedKeys [aScan] &= ~whatPressed;
2518 | #endif
2519 |
2520 | /* grab the key from Qt if processed, or pass it to Qt otherwise
2521 | * in order to process non-alphanumeric keys in event(), after they are
2522 | * converted to Qt virtual keys. */
2523 | return processed;
2524 | }
2525 |
2526 | /* no more to do, if the host key is in action or the VM is paused */
2527 | if (mIsHostkeyPressed || isHostKey || isPaused())
2528 | {
2529 | /* grab the key from Qt and from VM if it's a host key,
2530 | * otherwise just pass it to Qt */
2531 | return isHostKey;
2532 | }
2533 |
2534 | CKeyboard keyboard = mConsole.GetKeyboard();
2535 | Assert (!keyboard.isNull());
2536 |
2537 | #if defined (Q_WS_WIN32)
2538 | /* send pending WM_PAINT events */
2539 | ::UpdateWindow (viewport()->winId());
2540 | #endif
2541 |
2542 | #if 0
2543 | {
2544 | char buf [256];
2545 | sprintf (buf, "*** SCANS: ");
2546 | for (uint i = 0; i < count; ++ i)
2547 | sprintf (buf + strlen (buf), "%02X ", codes [i]);
2548 | mMainWnd->statusBar()->message (buf);
2549 | LogFlow (("%s\n", buf));
2550 | }
2551 | #endif
2552 |
2553 | keyboard.PutScancodes (codes, count);
2554 |
2555 | /* grab the key from Qt */
2556 | return true;
2557 | }
2558 |
2559 | /**
2560 | * Called on every mouse/wheel move and button press/release.
2561 | *
2562 | * @return true to consume the event and false to pass it to Qt
2563 | */
2564 | bool VBoxConsoleView::mouseEvent (int aType, const QPoint &aPos,
2565 | const QPoint &aGlobalPos, ButtonState aButton,
2566 | ButtonState aState, ButtonState aStateAfter,
2567 | int aWheelDelta, Orientation aWheelDir)
2568 | {
2569 | #if 0
2570 | char buf [256];
2571 | sprintf (buf,
2572 | "MOUSE: type=%03d x=%03d y=%03d btn=%03d st=%08X stAfter=%08X "
2573 | "wdelta=%03d wdir=%03d",
2574 | aType, aPos.x(), aPos.y(), aButton, aState, aStateAfter,
2575 | aWheelDelta, aWheelDir);
2576 | mMainWnd->statusBar()->message (buf);
2577 | #else
2578 | Q_UNUSED (aButton);
2579 | Q_UNUSED (aState);
2580 | #endif
2581 |
2582 | int state = 0;
2583 | if (aStateAfter & LeftButton)
2584 | state |= KMouseButtonState_LeftButton;
2585 | if (aStateAfter & RightButton)
2586 | state |= KMouseButtonState_RightButton;
2587 | if (aStateAfter & MidButton)
2588 | state |= KMouseButtonState_MiddleButton;
2589 |
2590 | int wheel = 0;
2591 | if (aWheelDir == Vertical)
2592 | {
2593 | /* the absolute value of wheel delta is 120 units per every wheel
2594 | * move; positive deltas correspond to counterclockwize rotations
2595 | * (usually up), negative -- to clockwize (usually down). */
2596 | wheel = - (aWheelDelta / 120);
2597 | }
2598 |
2599 | if (mMouseCaptured)
2600 | {
2601 | #ifdef Q_WS_WIN32
2602 | /* send pending WM_PAINT events */
2603 | ::UpdateWindow (viewport()->winId());
2604 | #endif
2605 |
2606 | CMouse mouse = mConsole.GetMouse();
2607 | mouse.PutMouseEvent (aGlobalPos.x() - mLastPos.x(),
2608 | aGlobalPos.y() - mLastPos.y(),
2609 | wheel, state);
2610 |
2611 | #if defined (Q_WS_MAC)
2612 | /*
2613 | * Keep the mouse from leaving the widget.
2614 | *
2615 | * This is a bit tricky to get right because if it escapes we won't necessarily
2616 | * get mouse events any longer and can warp it back. So, we keep safety zone
2617 | * of up to 300 pixels around the borders of the widget to prevent this from
2618 | * happening. Also, the mouse is warped back to the center of the widget.
2619 | *
2620 | * (Note, aPos seems to be unreliable, it caused endless recursion here at one points...)
2621 | * (Note, synergy and other remote clients might not like this cursor warping.)
2622 | */
2623 | QRect rect = viewport()->visibleRect();
2624 | QPoint pw = viewport()->mapToGlobal (viewport()->pos());
2625 | rect.moveBy (pw.x(), pw.y());
2626 |
2627 | QRect dpRect = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry (viewport());
2628 | if (rect.intersects (dpRect))
2629 | rect = rect.intersect (dpRect);
2630 |
2631 | int wsafe = rect.width() / 6;
2632 | rect.setWidth (rect.width() - wsafe * 2);
2633 | rect.setLeft (rect.left() + wsafe);
2634 |
2635 | int hsafe = rect.height() / 6;
2636 | rect.setWidth (rect.height() - hsafe * 2);
2637 | rect.setTop (rect.top() + hsafe);
2638 |
2639 | if (rect.contains (aGlobalPos, true))
2640 | mLastPos = aGlobalPos;
2641 | else
2642 | {
2643 | mLastPos = rect.center();
2644 | QCursor::setPos (mLastPos);
2645 | }
2646 |
2647 | #else /* !Q_WS_MAC */
2648 |
2649 | /* "jerk" the mouse by bringing it to the opposite side
2650 | * to simulate the endless moving */
2651 |
2652 | #ifdef Q_WS_WIN32
2653 | int we = viewport()->width() - 1;
2654 | int he = viewport()->height() - 1;
2655 | QPoint p = aPos;
2656 | if (aPos.x() == 0)
2657 | p.setX (we - 1);
2658 | else if (aPos.x() == we)
2659 | p.setX (1);
2660 | if (aPos.y() == 0 )
2661 | p.setY (he - 1);
2662 | else if (aPos.y() == he)
2663 | p.setY (1);
2664 |
2665 | if (p != aPos)
2666 | {
2667 | mLastPos = viewport()->mapToGlobal (p);
2668 | QCursor::setPos (mLastPos);
2669 | }
2670 | else
2671 | {
2672 | mLastPos = aGlobalPos;
2673 | }
2674 | #else
2675 | int we = QApplication::desktop()->width() - 1;
2676 | int he = QApplication::desktop()->height() - 1;
2677 | QPoint p = aGlobalPos;
2678 | if (aGlobalPos.x() == 0)
2679 | p.setX (we - 1);
2680 | else if (aGlobalPos.x() == we)
2681 | p.setX( 1 );
2682 | if (aGlobalPos.y() == 0)
2683 | p.setY (he - 1);
2684 | else if (aGlobalPos.y() == he)
2685 | p.setY (1);
2686 |
2687 | if (p != aGlobalPos)
2688 | {
2689 | mLastPos = p;
2690 | QCursor::setPos (mLastPos);
2691 | }
2692 | else
2693 | {
2694 | mLastPos = aGlobalPos;
2695 | }
2696 | #endif
2697 | #endif /* !Q_WS_MAC */
2698 | return true; /* stop further event handling */
2699 | }
2700 | else /* !mMouseCaptured */
2701 | {
2702 | #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
2703 | /* Update the mouse cursor; this is a bit excessive really... */
2704 | if (!DarwinCursorIsNull (&mDarwinCursor))
2705 | DarwinCursorSet (&mDarwinCursor);
2706 | #endif
2707 | if (mMainWnd->isTrueFullscreen())
2708 | {
2709 | if (mode != VBoxDefs::SDLMode)
2710 | {
2711 | /* try to automatically scroll the guest canvas if the
2712 | * mouse is on the screen border */
2713 | /// @todo (r=dmik) better use a timer for autoscroll
2714 | QRect scrGeo = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry (this);
2715 | int dx = 0, dy = 0;
2716 | if (scrGeo.width() < contentsWidth())
2717 | {
2718 | if (scrGeo.rLeft() == aGlobalPos.x()) dx = -1;
2719 | if (scrGeo.rRight() == aGlobalPos.x()) dx = +1;
2720 | }
2721 | if (scrGeo.height() < contentsHeight())
2722 | {
2723 | if (scrGeo.rTop() == aGlobalPos.y()) dy = -1;
2724 | if (scrGeo.rBottom() == aGlobalPos.y()) dy = +1;
2725 | }
2726 | if (dx || dy)
2727 | scrollBy (dx, dy);
2728 | }
2729 | }
2730 |
2731 | if (mMouseAbsolute && mMouseIntegration)
2732 | {
2733 | int cw = contentsWidth(), ch = contentsHeight();
2734 | int vw = visibleWidth(), vh = visibleHeight();
2735 |
2736 | if (mode != VBoxDefs::SDLMode)
2737 | {
2738 | /* try to automatically scroll the guest canvas if the
2739 | * mouse goes outside its visible part */
2740 |
2741 | int dx = 0;
2742 | if (aPos.x() > vw) dx = aPos.x() - vw;
2743 | else if (aPos.x() < 0) dx = aPos.x();
2744 | int dy = 0;
2745 | if (aPos.y() > vh) dy = aPos.y() - vh;
2746 | else if (aPos.y() < 0) dy = aPos.y();
2747 | if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) scrollBy (dx, dy);
2748 | }
2749 |
2750 | QPoint cpnt = viewportToContents (aPos);
2751 | if (cpnt.x() < 0) cpnt.setX (0);
2752 | else if (cpnt.x() >= cw) cpnt.setX (cw - 1);
2753 | if (cpnt.y() < 0) cpnt.setY (0);
2754 | else if (cpnt.y() >= ch) cpnt.setY (ch - 1);
2755 |
2756 | CMouse mouse = mConsole.GetMouse();
2757 | mouse.PutMouseEventAbsolute (cpnt.x() + 1, cpnt.y() + 1,
2758 | wheel, state);
2759 | return true; /* stop further event handling */
2760 | }
2761 | else
2762 | {
2763 | if (hasFocus() &&
2764 | (aType == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease &&
2765 | !aStateAfter))
2766 | {
2767 | if (isPaused())
2768 | {
2769 | vboxProblem().remindAboutPausedVMInput();
2770 | }
2771 | else if (isRunning())
2772 | {
2773 | /* temporarily disable auto capture that will take
2774 | * place after this dialog is dismissed because
2775 | * the capture state is to be defined by the
2776 | * dialog result itself */
2777 | mDisableAutoCapture = true;
2778 | bool autoConfirmed = false;
2779 | bool ok = vboxProblem().confirmInputCapture (&autoConfirmed);
2780 | if (autoConfirmed)
2781 | mDisableAutoCapture = false;
2782 | /* otherwise, the disable flag will be reset in
2783 | * the next console view's foucs in event (since
2784 | * may happen asynchronously on some platforms,
2785 | * after we return from this code) */
2786 |
2787 | if (ok)
2788 | {
2789 | captureKbd (true);
2790 | captureMouse (true);
2791 | }
2792 | }
2793 | }
2794 | }
2795 | }
2796 |
2797 | return false;
2798 | }
2799 |
2800 | void VBoxConsoleView::onStateChange (KMachineState state)
2801 | {
2802 | switch (state)
2803 | {
2804 | case KMachineState_Paused:
2805 | {
2806 | if (mode != VBoxDefs::TimerMode && mFrameBuf)
2807 | {
2808 | /*
2809 | * Take a screen snapshot. Note that TakeScreenShot() always
2810 | * needs a 32bpp image
2811 | */
2812 | QImage shot = QImage (mFrameBuf->width(), mFrameBuf->height(), 32, 0);
2813 | CDisplay dsp = mConsole.GetDisplay();
2814 | dsp.TakeScreenShot (shot.bits(), shot.width(), shot.height());
2815 | /*
2816 | * TakeScreenShot() may fail if, e.g. the Paused notification
2817 | * was delivered after the machine execution was resumed. It's
2818 | * not fatal.
2819 | */
2820 | if (dsp.isOk())
2821 | {
2822 | dimImage (shot);
2823 | mPausedShot = shot;
2824 | /* fully repaint to pick up mPausedShot */
2825 | viewport()->repaint();
2826 | }
2827 | }
2828 | /* fall through */
2829 | }
2830 | case KMachineState_Stuck:
2831 | {
2832 | /* reuse the focus event handler to uncapture everything */
2833 | if (hasFocus())
2834 | focusEvent (false /* aHasFocus*/, false /* aReleaseHostKey */);
2835 | break;
2836 | }
2837 | case KMachineState_Running:
2838 | {
2839 | if (mLastState == KMachineState_Paused)
2840 | {
2841 | if (mode != VBoxDefs::TimerMode && mFrameBuf)
2842 | {
2843 | /* reset the pixmap to free memory */
2844 | mPausedShot.resize (0, 0);
2845 | /*
2846 | * ask for full guest display update (it will also update
2847 | * the viewport through IFramebuffer::NotifyUpdate)
2848 | */
2849 | CDisplay dsp = mConsole.GetDisplay();
2850 | dsp.InvalidateAndUpdate();
2851 | }
2852 | }
2853 | /* reuse the focus event handler to capture input */
2854 | if (hasFocus())
2855 | focusEvent (true /* aHasFocus */);
2856 | break;
2857 | }
2858 | default:
2859 | break;
2860 | }
2861 |
2862 | mLastState = state;
2863 | }
2864 |
2865 | void VBoxConsoleView::doRefresh()
2866 | {
2867 | repaintContents (false);
2868 | }
2869 |
2870 | void VBoxConsoleView::viewportPaintEvent (QPaintEvent *pe)
2871 | {
2872 | if (mPausedShot.isNull())
2873 | {
2874 | /* delegate the paint function to the VBoxFrameBuffer interface */
2875 | mFrameBuf->paintEvent (pe);
2876 | #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
2877 | /* Update the dock icon if we are in the running state */
2878 | if (isRunning())
2879 | {
2880 | # if defined (VBOX_GUI_USE_QUARTZ2D)
2881 | if (mode == VBoxDefs::Quartz2DMode)
2882 | {
2883 | /* If the render mode is Quartz2D we could use the
2884 | * CGImageRef of the framebuffer for the dock icon creation.
2885 | * This saves some conversion time. */
2886 | CGImageRef ir =
2887 | static_cast <VBoxQuartz2DFrameBuffer *> (mFrameBuf)->imageRef();
2888 | ::DarwinUpdateDockPreview (ir, mVirtualBoxLogo);
2889 | }
2890 | else
2891 | # endif
2892 | ::DarwinUpdateDockPreview (mFrameBuf, mVirtualBoxLogo);
2893 | }
2894 | #endif
2895 | return;
2896 | }
2897 |
2898 | /* we have a snapshot for the paused state */
2899 | QRect r = pe->rect().intersect (viewport()->rect());
2900 | QPainter pnt (viewport());
2901 | pnt.drawPixmap (r.x(), r.y(), mPausedShot,
2902 | r.x() + contentsX(), r.y() + contentsY(),
2903 | r.width(), r.height());
2904 |
2905 | #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
2906 | ::DarwinUpdateDockPreview (DarwinQPixmapToCGImage (&mPausedShot),
2907 | mVirtualBoxLogo,
2908 | mMainWnd->dockImageState());
2909 | #endif
2910 | }
2911 |
2912 | /**
2913 | * Captures the keyboard. When captured, no keyboard input reaches the host
2914 | * system (including most system combinations like Alt-Tab).
2915 | *
2916 | * @param aCapture true to capture, false to uncapture.
2917 | * @param aEmitSignal Whether to emit keyboardStateChanged() or not.
2918 | */
2919 | void VBoxConsoleView::captureKbd (bool aCapture, bool aEmitSignal /* = true */)
2920 | {
2921 | AssertMsg (mAttached, ("Console must be attached"));
2922 |
2923 | if (mKbdCaptured == aCapture)
2924 | return;
2925 |
2926 | /* On Win32, keyboard grabbing is ineffective, a low-level keyboard hook is
2927 | * used instead. On X11, we use XGrabKey instead of XGrabKeyboard (called
2928 | * by QWidget::grabKeyboard()) because the latter causes problems under
2929 | * metacity 2.16 (in particular, due to a bug, a window cannot be moved
2930 | * using the mouse if it is currently grabing the keyboard). On Mac OS X,
2931 | * we use the Qt methods + disabling global hot keys + watching modifiers
2932 | * (for right/left separation). */
2933 | #if defined (Q_WS_WIN32)
2934 | /**/
2935 | #elif defined (Q_WS_X11)
2936 | if (aCapture)
2937 | XGrabKey (x11Display(), AnyKey, AnyModifier,
2938 | topLevelWidget()->winId(), False,
2939 | GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync);
2940 | else
2941 | XUngrabKey (x11Display(), AnyKey, AnyModifier,
2942 | topLevelWidget()->winId());
2943 | #elif defined (Q_WS_MAC)
2944 | if (aCapture)
2945 | {
2946 | ::DarwinDisableGlobalHotKeys (true);
2947 | grabKeyboard();
2948 | }
2949 | else
2950 | {
2951 | ::DarwinDisableGlobalHotKeys (false);
2952 | releaseKeyboard();
2953 | }
2954 | #else
2955 | if (aCapture)
2956 | grabKeyboard();
2957 | else
2958 | releaseKeyboard();
2959 | #endif
2960 |
2961 | mKbdCaptured = aCapture;
2962 |
2963 | if (aEmitSignal)
2964 | emitKeyboardStateChanged();
2965 | }
2966 |
2967 | /**
2968 | * Captures the host mouse pointer. When captured, the mouse pointer is
2969 | * unavailable to the host applications.
2970 | *
2971 | * @param aCapture true to capture, false to uncapture.
2972 | * @param aEmitSignal Whether to emit mouseStateChanged() or not.
2973 | */
2974 | void VBoxConsoleView::captureMouse (bool aCapture, bool aEmitSignal /* = true */)
2975 | {
2976 | AssertMsg (mAttached, ("Console must be attached"));
2977 |
2978 | if (mMouseCaptured == aCapture)
2979 | return;
2980 |
2981 | if (aCapture)
2982 | {
2983 | /* memorize the host position where the cursor was captured */
2984 | mCapturedPos = QCursor::pos();
2985 | #ifdef Q_WS_WIN32
2986 | viewport()->setCursor (QCursor (BlankCursor));
2987 | /* move the mouse to the center of the visible area */
2988 | QCursor::setPos (mapToGlobal (visibleRect().center()));
2989 | mLastPos = QCursor::pos();
2990 | #elif defined (Q_WS_MAC)
2991 | /* move the mouse to the center of the visible area */
2992 | mLastPos = mapToGlobal (visibleRect().center());
2993 | QCursor::setPos (mLastPos);
2994 | /* grab all mouse events. */
2995 | viewport()->grabMouse();
2996 | #else
2997 | viewport()->grabMouse();
2998 | mLastPos = QCursor::pos();
2999 | #endif
3000 | }
3001 | else
3002 | {
3003 | #ifndef Q_WS_WIN32
3004 | viewport()->releaseMouse();
3005 | #endif
3006 | /* release mouse buttons */
3007 | CMouse mouse = mConsole.GetMouse();
3008 | mouse.PutMouseEvent (0, 0, 0, 0);
3009 | }
3010 |
3011 | mMouseCaptured = aCapture;
3012 |
3013 | updateMouseClipping();
3014 |
3015 | if (aEmitSignal)
3016 | emitMouseStateChanged();
3017 | }
3018 |
3019 | /**
3020 | * Searches for a menu item with a given hot key (shortcut). If the item
3021 | * is found, activates it and returns true. Otherwise returns false.
3022 | */
3023 | bool VBoxConsoleView::processHotKey (const QKeySequence &key, QMenuData *data)
3024 | {
3025 | if (!data) return false;
3026 |
3027 | /*
3028 | * Note: below, we use the internal class QMenuItem, that is subject
3029 | * to change w/o notice... (the alternative would be to explicitly assign
3030 | * specific IDs to all popup submenus in VBoxConsoleWnd and then
3031 | * look through its children in order to find a popup with a given ID,
3032 | * which is unconvenient).
3033 | */
3034 |
3035 | for (uint i = 0; i < data->count(); i++)
3036 | {
3037 | int id = data->idAt (i);
3038 | QMenuItem *item = data->findItem (id);
3039 | if (item->popup())
3040 | {
3041 | if (processHotKey (key, item->popup()))
3042 | return true;
3043 | }
3044 | else
3045 | {
3046 | QStringList list = QStringList::split ("\tHost+", data->text (id));
3047 | if (list.count() == 2)
3048 | {
3049 | if (key.matches (QKeySequence (list[1])) == Identical)
3050 | {
3051 | /*
3052 | * we asynchronously post a special event instead of calling
3053 | * data->activateItemAt (i) directly, to let key presses
3054 | * and releases be processed correctly by Qt first.
3055 | * Note: we assume that nobody will delete the menu item
3056 | * corresponding to the key sequence, so that the pointer to
3057 | * menu data posted along with the event will remain valid in
3058 | * the event handler, at least until the main window is closed.
3059 | */
3060 |
3061 | QApplication::postEvent (this,
3062 | new ActivateMenuEvent (data, i));
3063 | return true;
3064 | }
3065 | }
3066 | }
3067 | }
3068 |
3069 | return false;
3070 | }
3071 |
3072 | /**
3073 | * Send the KEY BREAK code to the VM for all currently pressed keys.
3074 | *
3075 | * @param aReleaseHostKey @c true to set the host key state to unpressed.
3076 | */
3077 | void VBoxConsoleView::releaseAllPressedKeys (bool aReleaseHostKey /* = true*/)
3078 | {
3079 | AssertMsg (mAttached, ("Console must be attached"));
3080 |
3081 | CKeyboard keyboard = mConsole.GetKeyboard();
3082 | bool fSentRESEND = false;
3083 |
3084 | /* send a dummy scan code (RESEND) to prevent the guest OS from recognizing
3085 | * a single key click (for ex., Alt) and performing an unwanted action
3086 | * (for ex., activating the menu) when we release all pressed keys below.
3087 | * Note, that it's just a guess that sending RESEND will give the desired
3088 | * effect :), but at least it works with NT and W2k guests. */
3089 |
3090 | /// @todo Sending 0xFE is responsible for the warning
3091 | //
3092 | // ``atkbd.c: Spurious NAK on isa0060/serio0. Some program might
3093 | // be trying access hardware directly''
3094 | //
3095 | // on Linux guests (#1944). It might also be responsible for #1949. Don't
3096 | // send this command unless we really have to release any key modifier.
3097 | // --frank
3098 |
3099 | for (uint i = 0; i < SIZEOF_ARRAY (mPressedKeys); i++)
3100 | {
3101 | if (mPressedKeys [i] & IsKeyPressed)
3102 | {
3103 | if (!fSentRESEND)
3104 | {
3105 | keyboard.PutScancode (0xFE);
3106 | fSentRESEND = true;
3107 | }
3108 | keyboard.PutScancode (i | 0x80);
3109 | }
3110 | else if (mPressedKeys [i] & IsExtKeyPressed)
3111 | {
3112 | if (!fSentRESEND)
3113 | {
3114 | keyboard.PutScancode (0xFE);
3115 | fSentRESEND = true;
3116 | }
3117 | LONG codes [2];
3118 | codes[0] = 0xE0;
3119 | codes[1] = i | 0x80;
3120 | keyboard.PutScancodes (codes, 2);
3121 | }
3122 | mPressedKeys [i] = 0;
3123 | }
3124 |
3125 | if (aReleaseHostKey)
3126 | mIsHostkeyPressed = false;
3127 |
3128 | #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
3129 | /* clear most of the modifiers. */
3130 | mDarwinKeyModifiers &=
3131 | alphaLock | kEventKeyModifierNumLockMask |
3132 | (aReleaseHostKey ? 0 : ::DarwinKeyCodeToDarwinModifierMask (gs.hostKey()));
3133 | #endif
3134 |
3135 | emitKeyboardStateChanged();
3136 | }
3137 |
3138 | void VBoxConsoleView::saveKeyStates()
3139 | {
3140 | ::memcpy (mPressedKeysCopy, mPressedKeys,
3141 | SIZEOF_ARRAY (mPressedKeys));
3142 | }
3143 |
3144 | void VBoxConsoleView::sendChangedKeyStates()
3145 | {
3146 | AssertMsg (mAttached, ("Console must be attached"));
3147 |
3148 | LONG codes [2];
3149 | CKeyboard keyboard = mConsole.GetKeyboard();
3150 | for (uint i = 0; i < SIZEOF_ARRAY (mPressedKeys); ++ i)
3151 | {
3152 | uint8_t os = mPressedKeysCopy [i];
3153 | uint8_t ns = mPressedKeys [i];
3154 | if ((os & IsKeyPressed) != (ns & IsKeyPressed))
3155 | {
3156 | codes [0] = i;
3157 | if (!(ns & IsKeyPressed))
3158 | codes[0] |= 0x80;
3159 | keyboard.PutScancode (codes[0]);
3160 | }
3161 | else if ((os & IsExtKeyPressed) != (ns & IsExtKeyPressed))
3162 | {
3163 | codes [0] = 0xE0;
3164 | codes [1] = i;
3165 | if (!(ns & IsExtKeyPressed))
3166 | codes [1] |= 0x80;
3167 | keyboard.PutScancodes (codes, 2);
3168 | }
3169 | }
3170 | }
3171 |
3172 | void VBoxConsoleView::updateMouseClipping()
3173 | {
3174 | AssertMsg (mAttached, ("Console must be attached"));
3175 |
3176 | if (mMouseCaptured)
3177 | {
3178 | viewport()->setCursor (QCursor (BlankCursor));
3179 | #ifdef Q_WS_WIN32
3180 | QRect r = viewport()->rect();
3181 | r.moveTopLeft (viewport()->mapToGlobal (QPoint (0, 0)));
3182 | RECT rect = { r.left(), r.top(), r.right() + 1, r.bottom() + 1 };
3183 | ::ClipCursor (&rect);
3184 | #endif
3185 | }
3186 | else
3187 | {
3188 | #ifdef Q_WS_WIN32
3189 | ::ClipCursor (NULL);
3190 | #endif
3191 | /* return the cursor to where it was when we captured it and show it */
3192 | QCursor::setPos (mCapturedPos);
3193 | viewport()->unsetCursor();
3194 | }
3195 | }
3196 |
3197 | void VBoxConsoleView::setPointerShape (MousePointerChangeEvent *me)
3198 | {
3199 | if (me->shapeData() != NULL)
3200 | {
3201 | bool ok = false;
3202 |
3203 | const uchar *srcAndMaskPtr = me->shapeData();
3204 | uint andMaskSize = (me->width() + 7) / 8 * me->height();
3205 | const uchar *srcShapePtr = me->shapeData() + ((andMaskSize + 3) & ~3);
3206 | uint srcShapePtrScan = me->width() * 4;
3207 |
3208 | #if defined (Q_WS_WIN)
3209 |
3211 | HBITMAP hBitmap;
3212 | void *lpBits;
3213 |
3214 | ::ZeroMemory (&bi, sizeof (BITMAPV5HEADER));
3215 | bi.bV5Size = sizeof (BITMAPV5HEADER);
3216 | bi.bV5Width = me->width();
3217 | bi.bV5Height = - (LONG) me->height();
3218 | bi.bV5Planes = 1;
3219 | bi.bV5BitCount = 32;
3220 | bi.bV5Compression = BI_BITFIELDS;
3221 | // specifiy a supported 32 BPP alpha format for Windows XP
3222 | bi.bV5RedMask = 0x00FF0000;
3223 | bi.bV5GreenMask = 0x0000FF00;
3224 | bi.bV5BlueMask = 0x000000FF;
3225 | if (me->hasAlpha())
3226 | bi.bV5AlphaMask = 0xFF000000;
3227 | else
3228 | bi.bV5AlphaMask = 0;
3229 |
3230 | HDC hdc = GetDC (NULL);
3231 |
3232 | // create the DIB section with an alpha channel
3233 | hBitmap = CreateDIBSection (hdc, (BITMAPINFO *) &bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
3234 | (void **) &lpBits, NULL, (DWORD) 0);
3235 |
3236 | ReleaseDC (NULL, hdc);
3237 |
3238 | HBITMAP hMonoBitmap = NULL;
3239 | if (me->hasAlpha())
3240 | {
3241 | // create an empty mask bitmap
3242 | hMonoBitmap = CreateBitmap (me->width(), me->height(), 1, 1, NULL);
3243 | }
3244 | else
3245 | {
3246 | /* Word aligned AND mask. Will be allocated and created if necessary. */
3247 | uint8_t *pu8AndMaskWordAligned = NULL;
3248 |
3249 | /* Width in bytes of the original AND mask scan line. */
3250 | uint32_t cbAndMaskScan = (me->width() + 7) / 8;
3251 |
3252 | if (cbAndMaskScan & 1)
3253 | {
3254 | /* Original AND mask is not word aligned. */
3255 |
3256 | /* Allocate memory for aligned AND mask. */
3257 | pu8AndMaskWordAligned = (uint8_t *)RTMemTmpAllocZ ((cbAndMaskScan + 1) * me->height());
3258 |
3259 | Assert(pu8AndMaskWordAligned);
3260 |
3261 | if (pu8AndMaskWordAligned)
3262 | {
3263 | /* According to MSDN the padding bits must be 0.
3264 | * Compute the bit mask to set padding bits to 0 in the last byte of original AND mask.
3265 | */
3266 | uint32_t u32PaddingBits = cbAndMaskScan * 8 - me->width();
3267 | Assert(u32PaddingBits < 8);
3268 | uint8_t u8LastBytesPaddingMask = (uint8_t)(0xFF << u32PaddingBits);
3269 |
3270 | Log(("u8LastBytesPaddingMask = %02X, aligned w = %d, width = %d, cbAndMaskScan = %d\n",
3271 | u8LastBytesPaddingMask, (cbAndMaskScan + 1) * 8, me->width(), cbAndMaskScan));
3272 |
3273 | uint8_t *src = (uint8_t *)srcAndMaskPtr;
3274 | uint8_t *dst = pu8AndMaskWordAligned;
3275 |
3276 | unsigned i;
3277 | for (i = 0; i < me->height(); i++)
3278 | {
3279 | memcpy (dst, src, cbAndMaskScan);
3280 |
3281 | dst[cbAndMaskScan - 1] &= u8LastBytesPaddingMask;
3282 |
3283 | src += cbAndMaskScan;
3284 | dst += cbAndMaskScan + 1;
3285 | }
3286 | }
3287 | }
3288 |
3289 | /* create the AND mask bitmap */
3290 | hMonoBitmap = ::CreateBitmap (me->width(), me->height(), 1, 1,
3291 | pu8AndMaskWordAligned? pu8AndMaskWordAligned: srcAndMaskPtr);
3292 |
3293 | if (pu8AndMaskWordAligned)
3294 | {
3295 | RTMemTmpFree (pu8AndMaskWordAligned);
3296 | }
3297 | }
3298 |
3299 | Assert (hBitmap);
3300 | Assert (hMonoBitmap);
3301 | if (hBitmap && hMonoBitmap)
3302 | {
3303 | DWORD *dstShapePtr = (DWORD *) lpBits;
3304 |
3305 | for (uint y = 0; y < me->height(); y ++)
3306 | {
3307 | memcpy (dstShapePtr, srcShapePtr, srcShapePtrScan);
3308 | srcShapePtr += srcShapePtrScan;
3309 | dstShapePtr += me->width();
3310 | }
3311 |
3312 | ICONINFO ii;
3313 | ii.fIcon = FALSE;
3314 | ii.xHotspot = me->xHot();
3315 | ii.yHotspot = me->yHot();
3316 | ii.hbmMask = hMonoBitmap;
3317 | ii.hbmColor = hBitmap;
3318 |
3319 | HCURSOR hAlphaCursor = CreateIconIndirect (&ii);
3320 | Assert (hAlphaCursor);
3321 | if (hAlphaCursor)
3322 | {
3323 | viewport()->setCursor (QCursor (hAlphaCursor));
3324 | ok = true;
3325 | if (mAlphaCursor)
3326 | DestroyIcon (mAlphaCursor);
3327 | mAlphaCursor = hAlphaCursor;
3328 | }
3329 | }
3330 |
3331 | if (hMonoBitmap)
3332 | DeleteObject (hMonoBitmap);
3333 | if (hBitmap)
3334 | DeleteObject (hBitmap);
3335 |
3336 | #elif defined (Q_WS_X11) && !defined (VBOX_WITHOUT_XCURSOR)
3337 |
3338 | XcursorImage *img = XcursorImageCreate (me->width(), me->height());
3339 | Assert (img);
3340 | if (img)
3341 | {
3342 | img->xhot = me->xHot();
3343 | img->yhot = me->yHot();
3344 |
3345 | XcursorPixel *dstShapePtr = img->pixels;
3346 |
3347 | for (uint y = 0; y < me->height(); y ++)
3348 | {
3349 | memcpy (dstShapePtr, srcShapePtr, srcShapePtrScan);
3350 |
3351 | if (!me->hasAlpha())
3352 | {
3353 | /* convert AND mask to the alpha channel */
3354 | uchar byte = 0;
3355 | for (uint x = 0; x < me->width(); x ++)
3356 | {
3357 | if (!(x % 8))
3358 | byte = *(srcAndMaskPtr ++);
3359 | else
3360 | byte <<= 1;
3361 |
3362 | if (byte & 0x80)
3363 | {
3364 | /* Linux doesn't support inverted pixels (XOR ops,
3365 | * to be exact) in cursor shapes, so we detect such
3366 | * pixels and always replace them with black ones to
3367 | * make them visible at least over light colors */
3368 | if (dstShapePtr [x] & 0x00FFFFFF)
3369 | dstShapePtr [x] = 0xFF000000;
3370 | else
3371 | dstShapePtr [x] = 0x00000000;
3372 | }
3373 | else
3374 | dstShapePtr [x] |= 0xFF000000;
3375 | }
3376 | }
3377 |
3378 | srcShapePtr += srcShapePtrScan;
3379 | dstShapePtr += me->width();
3380 | }
3381 |
3382 | Cursor cur = XcursorImageLoadCursor (x11Display(), img);
3383 | Assert (cur);
3384 | if (cur)
3385 | {
3386 | viewport()->setCursor (QCursor (cur));
3387 | ok = true;
3388 | }
3389 |
3390 | XcursorImageDestroy (img);
3391 | }
3392 |
3393 | #elif defined(Q_WS_MAC)
3394 |
3395 | /*
3396 | * Qt3/Mac only supports black/white cursors and it offers no way
3397 | * to create your own cursors here unlike on X11 and Windows.
3398 | * Which means we're pretty much forced to do it our own way.
3399 | */
3400 | int rc;
3401 |
3402 | /* dispose of the old cursor. */
3403 | if (!DarwinCursorIsNull (&mDarwinCursor))
3404 | {
3405 | rc = DarwinCursorDestroy (&mDarwinCursor);
3406 | AssertRC (rc);
3407 | }
3408 |
3409 | /* create the new cursor */
3410 | rc = DarwinCursorCreate (me->width(), me->height(), me->xHot(), me->yHot(), me->hasAlpha(),
3411 | srcAndMaskPtr, srcShapePtr, &mDarwinCursor);
3412 | AssertRC (rc);
3413 | if (VBOX_SUCCESS (rc))
3414 | {
3415 | /** @todo check current mouse coordinates. */
3416 | rc = DarwinCursorSet (&mDarwinCursor);
3417 | AssertRC (rc);
3418 | }
3419 | ok = VBOX_SUCCESS (rc);
3420 | NOREF (srcShapePtrScan);
3421 |
3422 | #else
3423 |
3424 | # warning "port me"
3425 |
3426 | #endif
3427 | if (!ok)
3428 | viewport()->unsetCursor();
3429 | }
3430 | else
3431 | {
3432 | /*
3433 | * We did not get any shape data
3434 | */
3435 | if (me->isVisible())
3436 | {
3437 | /*
3438 | * We're supposed to make the last shape we got visible.
3439 | * We don't support that for now...
3440 | */
3441 | /// @todo viewport()->setCursor (QCursor());
3442 | }
3443 | else
3444 | {
3445 | viewport()->setCursor (QCursor::BlankCursor);
3446 | }
3447 | }
3448 | }
3449 |
3450 | inline QRgb qRgbIntensity (QRgb rgb, int mul, int div)
3451 | {
3452 | int r = qRed (rgb);
3453 | int g = qGreen (rgb);
3454 | int b = qBlue (rgb);
3455 | return qRgb (mul * r / div, mul * g / div, mul * b / div);
3456 | }
3457 |
3458 | /* static */
3459 | void VBoxConsoleView::dimImage (QImage &img)
3460 | {
3461 | for (int y = 0; y < img.height(); y ++) {
3462 | if (y % 2) {
3463 | if (img.depth() == 32) {
3464 | for (int x = 0; x < img.width(); x ++) {
3465 | int gray = qGray (img.pixel (x, y)) / 2;
3466 | img.setPixel (x, y, qRgb (gray, gray, gray));
3467 | // img.setPixel (x, y, qRgbIntensity (img.pixel (x, y), 1, 2));
3468 | }
3469 | } else {
3470 | ::memset (img.scanLine (y), 0, img.bytesPerLine());
3471 | }
3472 | } else {
3473 | if (img.depth() == 32) {
3474 | for (int x = 0; x < img.width(); x ++) {
3475 | int gray = (2 * qGray (img.pixel (x, y))) / 3;
3476 | img.setPixel (x, y, qRgb (gray, gray, gray));
3477 | // img.setPixel (x, y, qRgbIntensity (img.pixel(x, y), 2, 3));
3478 | }
3479 | }
3480 | }
3481 | }
3482 | }
3483 |
3484 | void VBoxConsoleView::doResizeHint (const QSize &aToSize)
3485 | {
3486 | if (mIsAdditionsActive && mAutoresizeGuest)
3487 | {
3488 | /* If this slot is invoked directly then use the passed size
3489 | * otherwise get the available size for the guest display.
3490 | * We assume here that the centralWidget() contains this view only
3491 | * and gives it all available space. */
3492 | QSize sz (aToSize.isValid() ? aToSize : mMainWnd->centralWidget()->size());
3493 | if (!aToSize.isValid())
3494 | sz -= QSize (frameWidth() * 2, frameWidth() * 2);
3495 | LogFlowFunc (("Will suggest %d x %d\n", sz.width(), sz.height()));
3496 |
3497 | /* Increase the desktop geometry if needed */
3498 | setDesktopGeometry(sz.width(), sz.height());
3499 |
3500 | mConsole.GetDisplay().SetVideoModeHint (sz.width(), sz.height(), 0, 0);
3501 | }
3502 | }
3503 |
3504 | void VBoxConsoleView::doResizeDesktop (int)
3505 | {
3506 | setDesktopGeometry(0, 0);
3507 | }
3508 |
3509 | /**
3510 | * Set the maximum size allowed for the guest desktop to the available area
3511 | * minus 100 pixels each way, or to the specified minimum width and height,
3512 | * whichever is greater.
3513 | *
3514 | * @param minWidth The width that the guest screen should at least be
3515 | * allowed to increase to
3516 | * @param minHeight The height that the guest screen should at least be
3517 | * allowed to increase to
3518 | */
3519 | void VBoxConsoleView::setDesktopGeometry(int minWidth, int minHeight)
3520 | {
3521 | LogFlowThisFunc(("minWidth=%d, minHeight=%d\n", minWidth, minHeight));
3522 | QRect desktopGeometry = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry (this);
3523 | int width = desktopGeometry.width();
3524 | if (width - 100 < minWidth)
3525 | width = minWidth;
3526 | else
3527 | width = width - 100;
3528 | int height = desktopGeometry.height();
3529 | if (height - 100 < minHeight)
3530 | height = minHeight;
3531 | else
3532 | height = height - 100;
3533 | LogFlowThisFunc(("Setting %d, %d\n", width, height));
3534 | mDesktopGeometry = QRect(0, 0, width, height);
3535 | }
3536 |
3537 |
3538 | /**
3539 | * Sets the the minimum size restriction depending on the auto-resize feature
3540 | * state and the current rendering mode.
3541 | *
3542 | * Currently, the restriction is set only in SDL mode and only when the
3543 | * auto-resize feature is inactive. We need to do that because we cannot
3544 | * correctly draw in a scrolled window in SDL mode.
3545 | *
3546 | * In all other modes, or when auto-resize is in force, this function does
3547 | * nothing.
3548 | */
3549 | void VBoxConsoleView::maybeRestrictMinimumSize()
3550 | {
3551 | if (mode == VBoxDefs::SDLMode)
3552 | {
3553 | if (!mIsAdditionsActive || !mAutoresizeGuest)
3554 | setMinimumSize (sizeHint());
3555 | else
3556 | setMinimumSize (0, 0);
3557 | }
3558 | }