/** @file * VBox Qt GUI - VBoxGlobal class declaration. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef ___VBoxGlobal_h___ #define ___VBoxGlobal_h___ /* Qt includes: */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef Q_WS_MAC # include #endif /* Q_WS_MAC */ /* GUI includes: */ #include "UIDefs.h" #include "UIMediumDefs.h" #include "VBoxGlobalSettings.h" /* COM includes: */ #include "VBox/com/Guid.h" #include "CHost.h" #include "CVirtualBox.h" #include "CSession.h" #include "CGuestOSType.h" /* Forward declarations: */ class QAction; class QLabel; class QToolButton; class UIMachine; class CMachine; class CMedium; class CUSBDevice; class CHostVideoInputDevice; class QSpinBox; class UIMediumEnumerator; class UIMedium; class UIIconPoolGeneral; // VBoxGlobal class //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class UISelectorWindow; class VBoxUpdateDlg; class VBoxGlobal : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: /* Static API: Create/destroy stuff: */ static VBoxGlobal* instance(); static void create(); static void destroy(); bool isValid() { return mValid; } bool isCleaningUp() { return m_sfCleanupInProgress; } static QString qtRTVersionString(); static uint qtRTVersion(); static QString qtCTVersionString(); static uint qtCTVersion(); QString vboxVersionString() const; QString vboxVersionStringNormalized() const; QString versionString() const { return mVerString; } bool isBeta() const; #ifdef Q_WS_MAC static MacOSXRelease osRelease(); #endif /* Q_WS_MAC */ CVirtualBox virtualBox() const { return mVBox; } CHost host() const { return mHost; } VBoxGlobalSettings &settings() { return gset; } bool setSettings (VBoxGlobalSettings &gs); UISelectorWindow &selectorWnd(); /* VM stuff: */ bool startMachine(const QString &strMachineId); UIMachine* virtualMachine(); QWidget* activeMachineWindow(); bool is3DAvailableWorker() const; bool is3DAvailable() const { if (m3DAvailable < 0) return is3DAvailableWorker(); return m3DAvailable != 0; } #ifdef VBOX_GUI_WITH_PIDFILE void createPidfile(); void deletePidfile(); #endif /* branding */ bool brandingIsActive (bool aForce = false); QString brandingGetKey (QString aKey); bool processArgs(); bool switchToMachine(CMachine &machine); bool launchMachine(CMachine &machine, bool fHeadless = false); bool isVMConsoleProcess() const { return !vmUuid.isNull(); } bool showStartVMErrors() const { return mShowStartVMErrors; } QString managedVMUuid() const { return vmUuid; } QList &argUrlList() { return m_ArgUrlList; } bool isKWinManaged() const { return mIsKWinManaged; } bool shouldRestoreCurrentSnapshot() const { return mRestoreCurrentSnapshot; } bool isPatmDisabled() const { return mDisablePatm; } bool isCsamDisabled() const { return mDisableCsam; } bool isSupervisorCodeExecedRecompiled() const { return mRecompileSupervisor; } bool isUserCodeExecedRecompiled() const { return mRecompileUser; } bool areWeToExecuteAllInIem() const { return mExecuteAllInIem; } bool isDefaultWarpPct() const { return mWarpPct == 100; } uint32_t getWarpPct() const { return mWarpPct; } #ifdef VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER_GUI bool isDebuggerEnabled() const; bool isDebuggerAutoShowEnabled() const; bool isDebuggerAutoShowCommandLineEnabled() const; bool isDebuggerAutoShowStatisticsEnabled() const; RTLDRMOD getDebuggerModule() const { return m_hVBoxDbg; } bool isStartPausedEnabled() const { return mStartPaused; } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER_GUI */ /* VBox enum to/from string/icon/color convertors */ QList vmGuestOSFamilyList() const; QList vmGuestOSTypeList (const QString &aFamilyId) const; /** Returns pixmap corresponding to passed @a strOSTypeID. * In case if non-null @a pLogicalSize pointer provided, it will be updated properly. */ QPixmap vmGuestOSTypeIcon(const QString &strOSTypeID, QSize *pLogicalSize = 0) const; CGuestOSType vmGuestOSType (const QString &aTypeId, const QString &aFamilyId = QString::null) const; QString vmGuestOSTypeDescription (const QString &aTypeId) const; static inline QString yearsToString (uint32_t cVal) { return tr("%n year(s)", "", cVal); } static inline QString monthsToString (uint32_t cVal) { return tr("%n month(s)", "", cVal); } static inline QString daysToString (uint32_t cVal) { return tr("%n day(s)", "", cVal); } static inline QString hoursToString (uint32_t cVal) { return tr("%n hour(s)", "", cVal); } static inline QString minutesToString (uint32_t cVal) { return tr("%n minute(s)", "", cVal); } static inline QString secondsToString (uint32_t cVal) { return tr("%n second(s)", "", cVal); } QString differencingMediumTypeName() const { return mDiskTypes_Differencing; } /** * Similar to toString (KMediumType), but returns 'Differencing' for * normal hard disks that have a parent. */ QString mediumTypeString(const CMedium &medium) const; QStringList COMPortNames() const; QString toCOMPortName (ulong aIRQ, ulong aIOBase) const; bool toCOMPortNumbers (const QString &aName, ulong &aIRQ, ulong &aIOBase) const; QStringList LPTPortNames() const; QString toLPTPortName (ulong aIRQ, ulong aIOBase) const; bool toLPTPortNumbers (const QString &aName, ulong &aIRQ, ulong &aIOBase) const; static bool hasAllowedExtension(const QString &strExt, const QStringList &extList) { for (int i = 0; i < extList.size(); ++i) if (strExt.endsWith(extList.at(i), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) return true; return false; } QIcon icon(QFileIconProvider::IconType type) { return m_globalIconProvider.icon(type); } QIcon icon(const QFileInfo &info) { return m_globalIconProvider.icon(info); } QPixmap warningIcon() const { return mWarningIcon; } QPixmap errorIcon() const { return mErrorIcon; } /* details generators */ QString details(const CMedium &medium, bool fPredictDiff, bool fUseHtml = true); QString details (const CUSBDevice &aDevice) const; QString toolTip (const CUSBDevice &aDevice) const; QString toolTip (const CUSBDeviceFilter &aFilter) const; QString toolTip(const CHostVideoInputDevice &webcam) const; QString detailsReport (const CMachine &aMachine, bool aWithLinks); /* VirtualBox helpers */ CSession openSession(const QString &aId, KLockType aLockType = KLockType_Write); /** Shortcut to openSession (aId, true). */ CSession openExistingSession(const QString &aId) { return openSession(aId, KLockType_Shared); } #ifdef VBOX_GUI_WITH_NETWORK_MANAGER void reloadProxySettings(); #endif /* VBOX_GUI_WITH_NETWORK_MANAGER */ /* API: Medium-processing stuff: */ void createMedium(const UIMedium &medium); void deleteMedium(const QString &strMediumID); QString openMediumWithFileOpenDialog(UIMediumType mediumType, QWidget *pParent = 0, const QString &strDefaultFolder = QString(), bool fUseLastFolder = true); QString openMedium(UIMediumType mediumType, QString strMediumLocation, QWidget *pParent = 0); /* API: Medium-enumeration stuff: */ void startMediumEnumeration(bool fForceStart = true); bool agressiveCaching() const { return mAgressiveCaching; } bool isMediumEnumerationInProgress() const; UIMedium medium(const QString &strMediumID) const; QList mediumIDs() const; /** Prepares storage menu according passed parameters. * @param menu QMenu being prepared. * @param pListener Listener QObject, this menu being prepared for. * @param pszSlotName SLOT in the @a pListener above, this menu will be handled with. * @param machine CMachine object, this menu being prepared for. * @param strControllerName The name of the CStorageController in the @a machine above. * @param storageSlot The StorageSlot of the CStorageController called @a strControllerName above. */ void prepareStorageMenu(QMenu &menu, QObject *pListener, const char *pszSlotName, const CMachine &machine, const QString &strControllerName, const StorageSlot &storageSlot); /** Updates @a constMachine storage with data described by @a target. */ void updateMachineStorage(const CMachine &constMachine, const UIMediumTarget &target); /* various helpers */ QString languageName() const; QString languageCountry() const; QString languageNameEnglish() const; QString languageCountryEnglish() const; QString languageTranslators() const; void retranslateUi(); /* public static stuff */ static bool isDOSType (const QString &aOSTypeId); static QString languageId(); static void loadLanguage (const QString &aLangId = QString::null); QString helpFile() const; static void setTextLabel (QToolButton *aToolButton, const QString &aTextLabel); static QRect normalizeGeometry (const QRect &aRectangle, const QRegion &aBoundRegion, bool aCanResize = true); static QRect getNormalized (const QRect &aRectangle, const QRegion &aBoundRegion, bool aCanResize = true); static QRegion flip (const QRegion &aRegion); static void centerWidget (QWidget *aWidget, QWidget *aRelative, bool aCanResize = true); static QChar decimalSep(); static QString sizeRegexp(); static quint64 parseSize (const QString &); static QString formatSize (quint64 aSize, uint aDecimal = 2, FormatSize aMode = FormatSize_Round); static quint64 requiredVideoMemory(const QString &strGuestOSTypeId, int cMonitors = 1); static QString locationForHTML (const QString &aFileName); static QString highlight (const QString &aStr, bool aToolTip = false); static QString replaceHtmlEntities(QString strText); static QString emphasize (const QString &aStr); static QString systemLanguageId(); static bool activateWindow (WId aWId, bool aSwitchDesktop = true); #ifdef Q_WS_X11 /** X11: Test whether the current window manager supports full screen mode. */ static bool supportsFullScreenMonitorsProtocolX11(); /** X11: Performs mapping of the passed @a pWidget to host-screen with passed @a uScreenId. */ static bool setFullScreenMonitorX11(QWidget *pWidget, ulong uScreenId); #endif /* Q_WS_X11 */ static QString removeAccelMark (const QString &aText); static QString insertKeyToActionText (const QString &aText, const QString &aKey); static QPixmap joinPixmaps (const QPixmap &aPM1, const QPixmap &aPM2); static QWidget *findWidget (QWidget *aParent, const char *aName, const char *aClassName = NULL, bool aRecursive = false); static QList > MediumBackends(KDeviceType enmDeviceType); static QList > HDDBackends(); static QList > DVDBackends(); static QList > FloppyBackends(); static QString documentsPath(); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VIDEOHWACCEL static bool isAcceleration2DVideoAvailable(); /** additional video memory required for the best 2D support performance * total amount of VRAM required is thus calculated as requiredVideoMemory + required2DOffscreenVideoMemory */ static quint64 required2DOffscreenVideoMemory(); #endif #ifdef VBOX_WITH_CRHGSMI static bool isWddmCompatibleOsType(const QString &strGuestOSTypeId); static quint64 required3DWddmOffscreenVideoMemory(const QString &strGuestOSTypeId, int cMonitors = 1); #endif /* VBOX_WITH_CRHGSMI */ /* Returns full medium-format name for the given base medium-format name: */ static QString fullMediumFormatName(const QString &strBaseMediumFormatName); #ifdef RT_OS_LINUX static void checkForWrongUSBMounted(); #endif /* RT_OS_LINUX */ /* Shame on Qt it hasn't stuff for tuning * widget size suitable for reflecting content of desired size. * For example QLineEdit, QSpinBox and similar widgets should have a methods * to strict the minimum width to reflect at least [n] symbols. */ static void setMinimumWidthAccordingSymbolCount(QSpinBox *pSpinBox, int cCount); signals: /* Notifiers: Medium-processing stuff: */ void sigMediumCreated(const QString &strMediumID); void sigMediumDeleted(const QString &strMediumID); /* Notifiers: Medium-enumeration stuff: */ void sigMediumEnumerationStarted(); void sigMediumEnumerated(const QString &strMediumID); void sigMediumEnumerationFinished(); public slots: bool openURL (const QString &aURL); void sltGUILanguageChange(QString strLang); void sltProcessGlobalSettingChange(); protected slots: /* Handlers: Prepare/cleanup stuff: */ void prepare(); void cleanup(); protected: bool eventFilter (QObject *, QEvent *); private: /* Constructor/destructor: */ VBoxGlobal(); ~VBoxGlobal(); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER_GUI void initDebuggerVar(int *piDbgCfgVar, const char *pszEnvVar, const char *pszExtraDataName, bool fDefault = false); void setDebuggerVar(int *piDbgCfgVar, bool fState); bool isDebuggerWorker(int *piDbgCfgVar, const char *pszExtraDataName) const; #endif bool mValid; CVirtualBox mVBox; CHost mHost; VBoxGlobalSettings gset; UISelectorWindow *mSelectorWnd; UIMachine *m_pVirtualMachine; QString vmUuid; QList m_ArgUrlList; /** Whether to show error message boxes for VM start errors. */ bool mShowStartVMErrors; /* Variable: Medium-enumeration stuff: */ UIMediumEnumerator *m_pMediumEnumerator; mutable QReadWriteLock m_mediumEnumeratorDtorRwLock; bool mIsKWinManaged; /** The --aggressive-caching / --no-aggressive-caching option. */ bool mAgressiveCaching; /** The --restore-current option. */ bool mRestoreCurrentSnapshot; /** The --disable-patm option. */ bool mDisablePatm; /** The --disable-csam option. */ bool mDisableCsam; /** The --recompile-supervisor option. */ bool mRecompileSupervisor; /** The --recompile-user option. */ bool mRecompileUser; /** The --execute-all-in-iem option. */ bool mExecuteAllInIem; /** The --warp-factor option value. */ uint32_t mWarpPct; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER_GUI /** Whether the debugger should be accessible or not. * Use --dbg, the env.var. VBOX_GUI_DBG_ENABLED, * --debug or the env.var. VBOX_GUI_DBG_AUTO_SHOW to enable. */ mutable int m_fDbgEnabled; /** Whether to show the debugger automatically with the console. * Use --debug or the env.var. VBOX_GUI_DBG_AUTO_SHOW to enable. */ mutable int m_fDbgAutoShow; /** Whether to show the command line window when m_fDbgAutoShow is set. */ mutable int m_fDbgAutoShowCommandLine; /** Whether to show the statistics window when m_fDbgAutoShow is set. */ mutable int m_fDbgAutoShowStatistics; /** VBoxDbg module handle. */ RTLDRMOD m_hVBoxDbg; /** Whether to start the VM in paused state or not. */ bool mStartPaused; #endif #if defined (Q_WS_WIN32) DWORD dwHTMLHelpCookie; #endif QString mVerString; QString mBrandingConfig; int m3DAvailable; QList mFamilyIDs; QList > mTypes; QString mDiskTypes_Differencing; QString mUserDefinedPortName; QPixmap mWarningIcon, mErrorIcon; QFileIconProvider m_globalIconProvider; #ifdef VBOX_GUI_WITH_PIDFILE QString m_strPidfile; #endif char mSettingsPw[256]; bool mSettingsPwSet; /** General icon-pool. */ UIIconPoolGeneral *m_pIconPool; /* API: Instance stuff: */ static bool m_sfCleanupInProgress; static VBoxGlobal* m_spInstance; friend VBoxGlobal& vboxGlobal(); }; /* Shortcut to the static VBoxGlobal::instance() method: */ inline VBoxGlobal& vboxGlobal() { return *VBoxGlobal::instance(); } #endif /* !___VBoxGlobal_h___ */