1 | /* $Id: UIChooserItemGroup.h 77224 2019-02-08 15:38:03Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - UIChooserItemGroup class declaration.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 | #ifndef FEQT_INCLUDED_SRC_manager_chooser_UIChooserItemGroup_h
19 | #define FEQT_INCLUDED_SRC_manager_chooser_UIChooserItemGroup_h
21 | # pragma once
22 | #endif
23 |
24 | /* Qt includes: */
25 | #include <QPixmap>
26 | #include <QString>
27 | #include <QWidget>
28 |
29 | /* GUI includes: */
30 | #include "UIChooserItem.h"
31 |
32 | /* Forward declarations: */
33 | class QGraphicsLinearLayout;
34 | class QGraphicsScene;
35 | class QLineEdit;
36 | class QMenu;
37 | class QMimeData;
38 | class QPainter;
39 | class QStyleOptionGraphicsItem;
40 | class UIEditorGroupRename;
41 | class UIGraphicsButton;
42 | class UIGraphicsRotatorButton;
43 | class UIGraphicsScrollArea;
44 |
45 |
46 | /** UIChooserItem extension implementing group item. */
47 | class UIChooserItemGroup : public UIChooserItem
48 | {
49 | Q_OBJECT;
50 | Q_PROPERTY(int additionalHeight READ additionalHeight WRITE setAdditionalHeight);
51 |
52 | signals:
53 |
54 | /** @name Item stuff.
55 | * @{ */
56 | /** Notifies listeners about toggle start. */
57 | void sigToggleStarted();
58 | /** Notifies listeners about toggle finish. */
59 | void sigToggleFinished();
60 | /** @} */
61 |
62 | public:
63 |
64 | /** RTTI item type. */
65 | enum { Type = UIChooserItemType_Group };
66 |
67 | /** Constructs main-root item, passing pScene to the base-class. */
68 | UIChooserItemGroup(QGraphicsScene *pScene);
69 | /** Constructs temporary @a fMainRoot item as a @a pCopyFrom, passing pScene to the base-class. */
70 | UIChooserItemGroup(QGraphicsScene *pScene, UIChooserItemGroup *pCopyFrom, bool fMainRoot);
71 | /** Constructs non-root item with specified @a strName and @a iPosition, @a fOpened if requested, passing pParent to the base-class. */
72 | UIChooserItemGroup(UIChooserItem *pParent, const QString &strName, bool fOpened = false, int iPosition = -1);
73 | /** Constructs temporary non-root item with specified @a iPosition as a @a pCopyFrom, passing pParent to the base-class. */
74 | UIChooserItemGroup(UIChooserItem *pParent, UIChooserItemGroup *pCopyFrom, int iPosition = -1);
75 | /** Destructs group item. */
76 | virtual ~UIChooserItemGroup() /* override */;
77 |
78 | /** @name Item stuff.
79 | * @{ */
80 | /** Defines group @a strName. */
81 | void setName(const QString &strName);
82 |
83 | /** Closes group in @a fAnimated way if requested. */
84 | void close(bool fAnimated = true);
85 | /** Returns whether group is closed. */
86 | bool isClosed() const;
87 |
88 | /** Opens group in @a fAnimated way if requested. */
89 | void open(bool fAnimated = true);
90 | /** Returns whether group is opened. */
91 | bool isOpened() const;
92 |
93 | /** Installs event-filter for @a pSource object. */
94 | virtual void installEventFilterHelper(QObject *pSource) /* override */;
95 | /** @} */
96 |
97 | /** @name Navigation stuff.
98 | * @{ */
99 | /** Class-name used for drag&drop mime-data format. */
100 | static QString className();
101 | /** @} */
102 |
103 | protected:
104 |
105 | /** @name Event-handling stuff.
106 | * @{ */
107 | /** Handles translation event. */
108 | virtual void retranslateUi() /* override */;
109 |
110 | /** Handles show @a pEvent. */
111 | virtual void showEvent(QShowEvent *pEvent) /* override */;
112 |
113 | /** Handles resize @a pEvent. */
114 | virtual void resizeEvent(QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent *pEvent) /* override */;
115 |
116 | /** Handles hover enter @a event. */
117 | virtual void hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *pEvent) /* override */;
118 | /** Handles hover leave @a event. */
119 | virtual void hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *pEvent) /* override */;
120 |
121 | /** Performs painting using passed @a pPainter, @a pOptions and optionally specified @a pWidget. */
122 | virtual void paint(QPainter *pPainter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *pOptions, QWidget *pWidget = 0) /* override */;
123 | /** @} */
124 |
125 | /** @name Item stuff.
126 | * @{ */
127 | /** Returns RTTI item type. */
128 | virtual int type() const /* override */ { return Type; }
129 |
130 | /** Starts item editing. */
131 | virtual void startEditing() /* override */;
132 |
133 | /** Updates item tool-tip. */
134 | virtual void updateToolTip() /* override */;
135 |
136 | /** Returns item name. */
137 | virtual QString name() const /* override */;
138 | /** Returns item description. */
139 | virtual QString description() const /* override */;
140 | /** Returns item full-name. */
141 | virtual QString fullName() const /* override */;
142 | /** Returns item definition. */
143 | virtual QString definition() const /* override */;
144 |
145 | /** Handles root status change. */
146 | virtual void handleRootStatusChange() /* override */;
147 | /** @} */
148 |
149 | /** @name Children stuff.
150 | * @{ */
151 | /** Adds child @a pItem to certain @a iPosition. */
152 | virtual void addItem(UIChooserItem *pItem, int iPosition) /* override */;
153 | /** Removes child @a pItem. */
154 | virtual void removeItem(UIChooserItem *pItem) /* override */;
155 |
156 | /** Replaces children @a items of certain @a enmType. */
157 | virtual void setItems(const QList<UIChooserItem*> &items, UIChooserItemType enmType) /* override */;
158 | /** Returns children items of certain @a enmType. */
159 | virtual QList<UIChooserItem*> items(UIChooserItemType enmType = UIChooserItemType_Any) const /* override */;
160 | /** Returns whether there are children items of certain @a enmType. */
161 | virtual bool hasItems(UIChooserItemType enmType = UIChooserItemType_Any) const /* override */;
162 | /** Clears children items of certain @a enmType. */
163 | virtual void clearItems(UIChooserItemType enmType = UIChooserItemType_Any) /* override */;
164 |
165 | /** Updates all children items with specified @a uId. */
166 | virtual void updateAllItems(const QUuid &uId) /* override */;
167 | /** Removes all children items with specified @a uId. */
168 | virtual void removeAllItems(const QUuid &uId) /* override */;
169 |
170 | /** Searches for a first child item answering to specified @a strSearchTag and @a iItemSearchFlags. */
171 | virtual UIChooserItem *searchForItem(const QString &strSearchTag, int iItemSearchFlags) /* override */;
172 |
173 | /** Searches for a first machine child item. */
174 | virtual UIChooserItem *firstMachineItem() /* override */;
175 |
176 | /** Sorts children items. */
177 | virtual void sortItems() /* override */;
178 | /** @} */
179 |
180 | /** @name Layout stuff.
181 | * @{ */
182 | /** Updates geometry. */
183 | virtual void updateGeometry() /* override */;
184 |
185 | /** Updates layout. */
186 | virtual void updateLayout() /* override */;
187 |
188 | /** Returns minimum width-hint. */
189 | virtual int minimumWidthHint() const /* override */;
190 | /** Returns minimum height-hint. */
191 | virtual int minimumHeightHint() const /* override */;
192 |
193 | /** Returns size-hint.
194 | * @param enmWhich Brings size-hint type.
195 | * @param constraint Brings size constraint. */
196 | virtual QSizeF sizeHint(Qt::SizeHint enmWhich, const QSizeF &constraint = QSizeF()) const /* override */;
197 | /** @} */
198 |
199 | /** @name Navigation stuff.
200 | * @{ */
201 | /** Returns pixmap item representation. */
202 | virtual QPixmap toPixmap() /* override */;
203 |
204 | /** Returns whether item drop is allowed.
205 | * @param pEvent Brings information about drop event.
206 | * @param enmPlace Brings the place of drag token to the drop moment. */
207 | virtual bool isDropAllowed(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *pEvent, DragToken where) const /* override */;
208 | /** Processes item drop.
209 | * @param pEvent Brings information about drop event.
210 | * @param pFromWho Brings the item according to which we choose drop position.
211 | * @param enmPlace Brings the place of drag token to the drop moment (according to item mentioned above). */
212 | virtual void processDrop(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *pEvent, UIChooserItem *pFromWho, DragToken where) /* override */;
213 | /** Reset drag token. */
214 | virtual void resetDragToken() /* override */;
215 |
216 | /** Returns D&D mime data. */
217 | virtual QMimeData *createMimeData() /* override */;
218 | /** @} */
219 |
220 | private slots:
221 |
222 | /** @name Item stuff.
223 | * @{ */
224 | /** Handles top-level window remaps. */
225 | void sltHandleWindowRemapped();
226 |
227 | /** Handles name editing trigger. */
228 | void sltNameEditingFinished();
229 |
230 | /** Handles group toggle start. */
231 | void sltGroupToggleStart();
232 | /** Handles group toggle finish for group finally @a fToggled. */
233 | void sltGroupToggleFinish(bool fToggled);
234 |
235 | /** Handles root indentation. */
236 | void sltIndentRoot();
237 | /** Handles root unindentation. */
238 | void sltUnindentRoot();
239 | /** @} */
240 |
241 | private:
242 |
243 | /** Data field types. */
244 | enum GroupItemData
245 | {
246 | /* Layout hints: */
247 | GroupItemData_HorizonalMargin,
248 | GroupItemData_VerticalMargin,
249 | GroupItemData_HeaderSpacing,
250 | GroupItemData_ChildrenSpacing,
251 | GroupItemData_ParentIndent,
252 | };
253 |
254 | /** @name Prepare/cleanup cascade.
255 | * @{ */
256 | /** Prepares all. */
257 | void prepare();
258 |
259 | /** Copies group contents @a pFrom one item @a pTo another. */
260 | static void copyContent(UIChooserItemGroup *pFrom, UIChooserItemGroup *pTo);
261 | /** @} */
262 |
263 | /** @name Item stuff.
264 | * @{ */
265 | /** Returns abstractly stored data value for certain @a iKey. */
266 | QVariant data(int iKey) const;
267 |
268 | /** Returns whether group is main-root. */
269 | bool isMainRoot() const { return m_fMainRoot; }
270 |
271 | /** Returns item's header darkness. */
272 | int headerDarkness() const { return m_iHeaderDarkness; }
273 |
274 | /** Defines @a iAdditionalHeight. */
275 | void setAdditionalHeight(int iAdditionalHeight);
276 | /** Returns additional height. */
277 | int additionalHeight() const;
278 |
279 | /** Updates animation parameters. */
280 | void updateAnimationParameters();
281 | /** Updates toggle-button tool-tip. */
282 | void updateToggleButtonToolTip();
283 | /** @} */
284 |
285 | /** @name Children stuff.
286 | * @{ */
287 | /** Returns whether group contains machine with @a uId. */
288 | bool isContainsMachine(const QUuid &uId) const;
289 | /** Returns whether group contains locked machine. */
290 | bool isContainsLockedMachine();
291 |
292 | /** Updates user count info. */
293 | void updateItemCountInfo();
294 | /** @} */
295 |
296 | /** @name Layout stuff.
297 | * @{ */
298 | /** Returns minimum width-hint depending on whether @a fGroupOpened. */
299 | int minimumWidthHintForGroup(bool fGroupOpened) const;
300 | /** Returns minimum height-hint depending on whether @a fGroupOpened. */
301 | int minimumHeightHintForGroup(bool fGroupOpened) const;
302 | /** Returns minimum size-hint depending on whether @a fGroupOpened. */
303 | QSizeF minimumSizeHintForGroup(bool fGroupOpened) const;
304 |
305 | /** Updates visible name. */
306 | void updateVisibleName();
307 | /** Updates pixmaps. */
308 | void updatePixmaps();
309 | /** Updates minimum header size. */
310 | void updateMinimumHeaderSize();
311 | /** Updates layout spacings. */
312 | void updateLayoutSpacings();
313 | /** @} */
314 |
315 | /** @name Painting stuff.
316 | * @{ */
317 | /** Paints background using specified @a pPainter and certain @a rect. */
318 | void paintBackground(QPainter *pPainter, const QRect &rect);
319 | /** Paints frame rectangle using specified @a pPainter and certain @a rect. */
320 | void paintFrame(QPainter *pPainter, const QRect &rect);
321 | /** Paints header using specified @a pPainter and certain @a rect. */
322 | void paintHeader(QPainter *pPainter, const QRect &rect);
323 | /** @} */
324 |
325 | /** @name Item stuff.
326 | * @{ */
327 | /** Holds whether group is main-root. */
328 | const bool m_fMainRoot;
329 |
330 | /** Holds whether group is closed. */
331 | bool m_fClosed;
332 |
333 | /** Holds aditional height. */
334 | int m_iAdditionalHeight;
335 | /** Holds the header darkness. */
336 | int m_iHeaderDarkness;
337 |
338 | /** Holds the cached name. */
339 | QString m_strName;
340 | /** Holds the cached description. */
341 | QString m_strDescription;
342 | /** Holds the cached visible name. */
343 | QString m_strVisibleName;
344 |
345 | /** Holds the name font. */
346 | QFont m_nameFont;
347 |
348 | /** Holds the group toggle button instance. */
349 | UIGraphicsRotatorButton *m_pToggleButton;
350 | /** Holds the group enter button instance. */
351 | UIGraphicsButton *m_pEnterButton;
352 | /** Holds the group exit button instance. */
353 | UIGraphicsButton *m_pExitButton;
354 |
355 | /** Holds the group name editor instance. */
356 | UIEditorGroupRename *m_pNameEditorWidget;
357 | /** @} */
358 |
359 | /** @name Children stuff.
360 | * @{ */
361 | /** Holds the children scroll-area instance. */
362 | UIGraphicsScrollArea *m_pScrollArea;
363 | /** Holds the children container instance. */
364 | QIGraphicsWidget *m_pContainer;
365 |
366 | /** Holds the main layout instance. */
367 | QGraphicsLinearLayout *m_pLayout;
368 | /** Holds the global layout instance. */
369 | QGraphicsLinearLayout *m_pLayoutGlobal;
370 | /** Holds the group layout instance. */
371 | QGraphicsLinearLayout *m_pLayoutGroup;
372 | /** Holds the machine layout instance. */
373 | QGraphicsLinearLayout *m_pLayoutMachine;
374 |
375 | /** Holds the group children list. */
376 | QList<UIChooserItem*> m_groupItems;
377 | /** Holds the global children list. */
378 | QList<UIChooserItem*> m_globalItems;
379 | /** Holds the machine children list. */
380 | QList<UIChooserItem*> m_machineItems;
381 |
382 | /** Holds group children pixmap. */
383 | QPixmap m_groupsPixmap;
384 | /** Holds machine children pixmap. */
385 | QPixmap m_machinesPixmap;
386 |
387 | /** Holds the cached group children info. */
388 | QString m_strInfoGroups;
389 | /** Holds the cached machine children info. */
390 | QString m_strInfoMachines;
391 |
392 | /** Holds the children info font. */
393 | QFont m_infoFont;
394 | /** @} */
395 |
396 | /** @name Layout stuff.
397 | * @{ */
398 | /** Holds cached visible name size. */
399 | QSize m_visibleNameSize;
400 | /** Holds cached group children pixmap size. */
401 | QSize m_pixmapSizeGroups;
402 | /** Holds cached machine children pixmap size. */
403 | QSize m_pixmapSizeMachines;
404 | /** Holds cached group children info size. */
405 | QSize m_infoSizeGroups;
406 | /** Holds cached machine children info size. */
407 | QSize m_infoSizeMachines;
408 | /** Holds cached minimum header size. */
409 | QSize m_minimumHeaderSize;
410 | /** Holds cached toggle button size. */
411 | QSize m_toggleButtonSize;
412 | /** Holds cached enter button size. */
413 | QSize m_enterButtonSize;
414 | /** Holds cached exit button size. */
415 | QSize m_exitButtonSize;
416 | /** @} */
417 | };
418 |
419 |
420 | /** QWidget extension to use as group name editor. */
421 | class UIEditorGroupRename : public QWidget
422 | {
423 | Q_OBJECT;
424 |
425 | signals:
426 |
427 | /** Notifies about group editing finished. */
428 | void sigEditingFinished();
429 |
430 | public:
431 |
432 | /** Constructs group editor with initial @a strName. */
433 | UIEditorGroupRename(const QString &strName);
434 |
435 | /** Returns editor text. */
436 | QString text() const;
437 | /** Defines editor @a strText. */
438 | void setText(const QString &strText);
439 |
440 | /** Defines editor @a font. */
441 | void setFont(const QFont &font);
442 |
443 | private:
444 |
445 | /** Holds the line-edit instance. */
446 | QLineEdit *m_pLineEdit;
447 | };
448 |
449 |
450 | #endif /* !FEQT_INCLUDED_SRC_manager_chooser_UIChooserItemGroup_h */