1 | /* $Id: UIMedium.cpp 48089 2013-08-27 16:00:23Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | *
4 | * VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"):
5 | * UIMedium class implementation
6 | */
7 |
8 | /*
9 | * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Oracle Corporation
10 | *
11 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
12 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
13 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
14 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
15 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
16 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
17 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
18 | */
19 |
21 | # include "precomp.h"
23 |
24 | /* Qt includes: */
25 | #include <QDir>
26 |
27 | /* GUI includes: */
28 | #include "UIMedium.h"
29 | #include "VBoxGlobal.h"
30 | #include "UIMessageCenter.h"
31 | #include "UIConverter.h"
32 |
33 | /* COM includes: */
34 | #include "CMachine.h"
35 | #include "CSnapshot.h"
36 |
38 |
39 | QString UIMedium::m_sstrTable = QString("<table>%1</table>");
40 | QString UIMedium::m_sstrRow = QString("<tr><td>%1</td></tr>");
41 |
42 | UIMedium& UIMedium::operator=(const UIMedium &other)
43 | {
44 | m_medium = other.medium();
45 | m_type = other.type();
46 | m_state = other.state();
47 | m_strLastAccessError = other.lastAccessError();
48 | m_result = other.result();
49 |
50 | m_strId = other.id();
51 | m_strName = other.name();
52 | m_strLocation = other.location();
53 |
54 | m_strSize = other.size();
55 | m_strLogicalSize = other.logicalSize();
56 |
57 | m_strHardDiskFormat = other.hardDiskFormat();
58 | m_strHardDiskType = other.hardDiskType();
59 |
60 | m_strStorageDetails = other.storageDetails();
61 |
62 | m_strUsage = other.usage();
63 | m_strToolTip = other.tip();
64 |
65 | m_fHidden = other.m_fHidden;
66 | m_fAttachedToHiddenMachinesOnly = other.m_fAttachedToHiddenMachinesOnly;
67 | m_fReadOnly = other.isReadOnly();
68 | m_fUsedInSnapshots = other.isUsedInSnapshots();
69 | m_fHostDrive = other.isHostDrive();
70 |
71 | m_curStateMachineIds = other.curStateMachineIds();
72 |
73 | m_pParent = other.parent();
74 |
75 | m_noDiffs = other.cache();
76 |
77 | return *this;
78 | }
79 |
80 | /**
81 | * Queries the medium state. Call this and then read the state field instead
82 | * of calling GetState() on medium directly as it will properly handle the
83 | * situation when GetState() itself fails by setting state to Inaccessible
84 | * and memorizing the error info describing why GetState() failed.
85 | *
86 | * As the last step, this method calls #refresh() to refresh all precomposed
87 | * strings.
88 | *
89 | * @note This method blocks for the duration of the state check. Since this
90 | * check may take quite a while (e.g. for a medium located on a
91 | * network share), the calling thread must not be the UI thread. You
92 | * have been warned.
93 | */
94 | void UIMedium::blockAndQueryState()
95 | {
96 | if (m_medium.isNull())
97 | return;
98 |
99 | m_state = m_medium.RefreshState();
100 |
101 | /* Save the result to distinguish between
102 | * inaccessible and e.g. uninitialized objects: */
103 | m_result = COMResult(m_medium);
104 | if (!m_result.isOk())
105 | {
106 | m_state = KMediumState_Inaccessible;
107 | m_strLastAccessError = QString();
108 | }
109 | else
110 | m_strLastAccessError = m_medium.GetLastAccessError();
111 |
112 | refresh();
113 | }
114 |
115 | /**
116 | * Refreshes the precomposed strings containing such media parameters as
117 | * location, size by querying the respective data from the associated
118 | * media object.
119 | *
120 | * Note that some string such as #size() are meaningless if the media state is
121 | * KMediumState_NotCreated (i.e. the medium has not yet been checked for
122 | * accessibility).
123 | */
124 | void UIMedium::refresh()
125 | {
126 | /* Flags are 'false' by default: */
127 | m_fHidden = false;
128 | m_fAttachedToHiddenMachinesOnly = false;
129 | m_fReadOnly = false;
130 | m_fUsedInSnapshots = false;
131 | m_fHostDrive = false;
132 |
133 | /* Detect basic parameters */
134 | m_strId = m_medium.isNull() ? QUuid().toString().remove ('{').remove ('}') : m_medium.GetId();
135 |
136 | m_fHostDrive = m_medium.isNull() ? false : m_medium.GetHostDrive();
137 |
138 | if (m_medium.isNull())
139 | m_strName = VBoxGlobal::tr("Empty", "medium");
140 | else if (!m_fHostDrive)
141 | m_strName = m_medium.GetName();
142 | else if (m_medium.GetDescription().isEmpty())
143 | m_strName = VBoxGlobal::tr("Host Drive '%1'", "medium").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_medium.GetLocation()));
144 | else
145 | m_strName = VBoxGlobal::tr("Host Drive %1 (%2)", "medium").arg(m_medium.GetDescription(), m_medium.GetName());
146 |
147 | m_strLocation = m_medium.isNull() || m_fHostDrive ? QString("--") :
148 | QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_medium.GetLocation());
149 |
150 | QString tmp;
151 | if (!m_medium.isNull())
152 | tmp = m_medium.GetProperty("Special/GUI/Hints");
153 | if (!tmp.isEmpty())
154 | {
155 | QStringList tmpList(tmp.split(','));
156 | if (tmpList.contains("Hide", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
157 | m_fHidden = true;
158 | }
159 |
160 | if (m_type == UIMediumType_HardDisk)
161 | {
162 | m_strHardDiskFormat = m_medium.GetFormat();
163 | m_strHardDiskType = vboxGlobal().mediumTypeString(m_medium);
164 |
165 | QVector<KMediumVariant> mediumVariants = m_medium.GetVariant();
166 | qlonglong mediumVariant = 0;
167 | for (int i = 0; i < mediumVariants.size(); ++i)
168 | mediumVariant |= mediumVariants[i];
169 |
170 | m_strStorageDetails = gpConverter->toString((KMediumVariant)mediumVariant);
171 | m_fReadOnly = m_medium.GetReadOnly();
172 |
173 | /* Adjust the parent if its possible: */
174 | CMedium parentMedium = m_medium.GetParent();
175 | Assert(!parentMedium.isNull() || m_pParent == NULL);
176 |
177 | if (!parentMedium.isNull() && (m_pParent == NULL || m_pParent->m_medium != parentMedium))
178 | {
179 | /* Search for the parent (might be there): */
180 | const VBoxMediaList &list = vboxGlobal().currentMediaList();
181 | for (VBoxMediaList::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
182 | {
183 | if ((*it).m_type != UIMediumType_HardDisk)
184 | break;
185 |
186 | if ((*it).m_medium == parentMedium)
187 | {
188 | m_pParent = unconst(&*it);
189 | break;
190 | }
191 | }
192 | }
193 | }
194 | else
195 | {
196 | m_strHardDiskFormat = QString();
197 | m_strHardDiskType = QString();
198 | m_fReadOnly = false;
199 | }
200 |
201 | /* Detect sizes */
202 | if (m_state != KMediumState_Inaccessible && m_state != KMediumState_NotCreated && !m_fHostDrive)
203 | {
204 | m_strSize = vboxGlobal().formatSize(m_medium.GetSize());
205 | if (m_type == UIMediumType_HardDisk)
206 | m_strLogicalSize = vboxGlobal().formatSize(m_medium.GetLogicalSize());
207 | else
208 | m_strLogicalSize = m_strSize;
209 | }
210 | else
211 | {
212 | m_strSize = m_strLogicalSize = QString("--");
213 | }
214 |
215 | /* Detect usage */
216 | m_strUsage = QString();
217 | if (!m_medium.isNull())
218 | {
219 | m_curStateMachineIds.clear();
220 | QVector <QString> machineIds = m_medium.GetMachineIds();
221 | if (machineIds.size() > 0)
222 | {
223 | /* We assume this flag is 'true' if at least one machine present: */
224 | m_fAttachedToHiddenMachinesOnly = true;
225 |
226 | QString strUsage;
227 |
228 | CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
229 |
230 | for (QVector <QString>::ConstIterator it = machineIds.begin(); it != machineIds.end(); ++it)
231 | {
232 | CMachine machine = vbox.FindMachine(*it);
233 |
234 | /* UIMedium object can wrap newly created CMedium object which belongs to
235 | * not yet registered machine, like while creating VM clone.
236 | * We can skip such a machines in usage string.
237 | * CVirtualBox::FindMachine() will return null machine for such case. */
238 | if (machine.isNull())
239 | {
240 | /* We can't decide for that medium yet,
241 | * assume this flag is 'false' for now: */
242 | m_fAttachedToHiddenMachinesOnly = false;
243 | continue;
244 | }
245 |
246 | /* Finally, we are checking if current machine overrides this flag: */
247 | if (m_fAttachedToHiddenMachinesOnly && vboxGlobal().shouldWeShowMachine(machine))
248 | m_fAttachedToHiddenMachinesOnly = false;
249 |
250 | QString strName = machine.GetName();
251 | QString strSnapshots;
252 |
253 | QVector <QString> snapIds = m_medium.GetSnapshotIds(*it);
254 | for (QVector <QString>::ConstIterator jt = snapIds.begin(); jt != snapIds.end(); ++jt)
255 | {
256 | if (*jt == *it)
257 | {
258 | /* The medium is attached to the machine in the current
259 | * state, we don't distinguish this for now by always
260 | * giving the VM name in front of snapshot names. */
261 | m_curStateMachineIds.push_back(*jt);
262 | continue;
263 | }
264 |
265 | CSnapshot snapshot = machine.FindSnapshot(*jt);
266 | if (!snapshot.isNull()) // can be NULL while takeSnaphot is in progress
267 | {
268 | if (!strSnapshots.isNull())
269 | strSnapshots += ", ";
270 | strSnapshots += snapshot.GetName();
271 | }
272 | }
273 |
274 | if (!strUsage.isNull())
275 | strUsage += ", ";
276 |
277 | strUsage += strName;
278 |
279 | if (!strSnapshots.isNull())
280 | {
281 | strUsage += QString(" (%2)").arg(strSnapshots);
282 | m_fUsedInSnapshots = true;
283 | }
284 | else
285 | m_fUsedInSnapshots = false;
286 | }
287 |
288 | if (!strUsage.isEmpty())
289 | m_strUsage = strUsage;
290 | }
291 | }
292 |
293 | /* Compose the tooltip */
294 | if (!m_medium.isNull())
295 | {
296 | m_strToolTip = m_sstrRow.arg(QString("<p style=white-space:pre><b>%1</b></p>").arg(m_fHostDrive ? m_strName : m_strLocation));
297 |
298 | if (m_type == UIMediumType_HardDisk)
299 | {
300 | m_strToolTip += m_sstrRow.arg(VBoxGlobal::tr("<p style=white-space:pre>Type (Format): %1 (%2)</p>", "medium")
301 | .arg(m_strHardDiskType).arg(m_strHardDiskFormat));
302 | }
303 |
304 | m_strToolTip += m_sstrRow.arg(VBoxGlobal::tr("<p>Attached to: %1</p>", "image")
305 | .arg(m_strUsage.isNull() ? VBoxGlobal::tr("<i>Not Attached</i>", "image") : m_strUsage));
306 |
307 | switch (m_state)
308 | {
309 | case KMediumState_NotCreated:
310 | {
311 | m_strToolTip += m_sstrRow.arg(VBoxGlobal::tr("<i>Checking accessibility...</i>", "medium"));
312 | break;
313 | }
314 | case KMediumState_Inaccessible:
315 | {
316 | if (m_result.isOk())
317 | {
318 | /* Not Accessible */
319 | m_strToolTip += m_sstrRow.arg("<hr>") + m_sstrRow.arg(VBoxGlobal::highlight(m_strLastAccessError, true /* aToolTip */));
320 | }
321 | else
322 | {
323 | /* Accessibility check (eg GetState()) itself failed: */
324 | m_strToolTip += m_sstrRow.arg("<hr>") + m_sstrRow.arg(VBoxGlobal::tr("Failed to check media accessibility.", "medium")) +
325 | m_sstrRow.arg(UIMessageCenter::formatErrorInfo(m_result) + ".");
326 | }
327 | break;
328 | }
329 | default:
330 | break;
331 | }
332 | }
333 |
334 | /* Reset m_noDiffs */
335 | m_noDiffs.isSet = false;
336 | }
337 |
338 | /**
339 | * Returns a root medium of this medium. For non-hard disk media, this is always
340 | * this medium itself.
341 | */
342 | UIMedium &UIMedium::root() const
343 | {
344 | UIMedium *pRoot = unconst(this);
345 | while (pRoot->m_pParent != NULL)
346 | pRoot = pRoot->m_pParent;
347 |
348 | return *pRoot;
349 | }
350 |
351 | /**
352 | * Returns generated tooltip for this medium.
353 | *
354 | * In "don't show diffs" mode (where the attributes of the base hard disk are
355 | * shown instead of the attributes of the differencing hard disk), extra
356 | * information will be added to the tooltip to give the user a hint that the
357 | * medium is actually a differencing hard disk.
358 | *
359 | * @param fNoDiffs @c true to enable user-friendly "don't show diffs" mode.
360 | * @param fCheckRO @c true to perform the #readOnly() check and add a notice
361 | * accordingly.
362 | */
363 | QString UIMedium::toolTip (bool fNoDiffs /* = false */, bool fCheckRO /* = false */, bool fNullAllowed /* = false */) const
364 | {
365 | QString strTip;
366 |
367 | if (m_medium.isNull())
368 | {
369 | strTip = fNullAllowed ? m_sstrRow.arg(VBoxGlobal::tr("<b>No medium selected</b>", "medium")) +
370 | m_sstrRow.arg(VBoxGlobal::tr("You can also change this while the machine is running.")) :
371 | m_sstrRow.arg(VBoxGlobal::tr("<b>No media available</b>", "medium")) +
372 | m_sstrRow.arg(VBoxGlobal::tr("You can create media images using the virtual media manager."));
373 | }
374 | else
375 | {
376 | unconst(this)->checkNoDiffs(fNoDiffs);
377 |
378 | strTip = fNoDiffs ? m_noDiffs.toolTip : m_strToolTip;
379 |
380 | if (fCheckRO && m_fReadOnly)
381 | strTip += m_sstrRow.arg("<hr>") +
382 | m_sstrRow.arg(VBoxGlobal::tr("Attaching this hard disk will be performed indirectly using "
383 | "a newly created differencing hard disk.", "medium"));
384 | }
385 |
386 | return m_sstrTable.arg(strTip);
387 | }
388 |
389 | /**
390 | * Returns an icon corresponding to the media state. Distinguishes between
391 | * the Inaccessible state and the situation when querying the state itself
392 | * failed.
393 | *
394 | * In "don't show diffs" mode (where the attributes of the base hard disk are
395 | * shown instead of the attributes of the differencing hard disk), the most
396 | * worst media state on the given hard disk chain will be used to select the
397 | * media icon.
398 | *
399 | * @param fNoDiffs @c true to enable user-friendly "don't show diffs" mode.
400 | * @param fCheckRO @c true to perform the #readOnly() check and change the icon
401 | * accordingly.
402 | */
403 | QPixmap UIMedium::icon(bool fNoDiffs /* = false */, bool fCheckRO /* = false */) const
404 | {
405 | QPixmap pixmap;
406 |
407 | if (state(fNoDiffs) == KMediumState_Inaccessible)
408 | pixmap = result(fNoDiffs).isOk() ? vboxGlobal().warningIcon() : vboxGlobal().errorIcon();
409 |
410 | if (fCheckRO && m_fReadOnly)
411 | pixmap = VBoxGlobal::joinPixmaps(pixmap, QPixmap(":/hd_new_16px.png"));
412 |
413 | return pixmap;
414 | }
415 |
416 | /**
417 | * Returns the details of this medium as a single-line string
418 | *
419 | * For hard disks, the details include the location, type and the logical size
420 | * of the hard disk. Note that if @a fNoDiffs is @c true, these properties are
421 | * queried on the root hard disk of the given hard disk because the primary
422 | * purpose of the returned string is to be human readable (so that seeing a
423 | * complex diff hard disk name is usually not desirable).
424 | *
425 | * For other media types, the location and the actual size are returned.
426 | * Arguments @a fPredictDiff and @a aNoRoot are ignored in this case.
427 | *
428 | * @param fNoDiffs @c true to enable user-friendly "don't show diffs" mode.
429 | * @param fPredictDiff @c true to mark the hard disk as differencing if
430 | * attaching it would create a differencing hard disk (not
431 | * used when @a aNoRoot is true).
432 | * @param fUseHTML @c true to allow for emphasizing using bold and italics.
433 | *
434 | * @note Use #detailsHTML() instead of passing @c true for @a fUseHTML.
435 | *
436 | * @note The media object may become uninitialized by a third party while this
437 | * method is reading its properties. In this case, the method will return
438 | * an empty string.
439 | */
440 | QString UIMedium::details(bool fNoDiffs /* = false */,
441 | bool fPredictDiff /* = false */,
442 | bool fUseHTML /* = false */) const
443 | {
444 | // @todo the below check is rough; if m_medium becomes uninitialized, any
445 | // of getters called afterwards will also fail. The same relates to the
446 | // root hard disk object (that will be the hard disk itself in case of
447 | // non-differencing disks). However, this check was added to fix a
448 | // particular use case: when the hard disk is a differencing hard disk and
449 | // it happens to be discarded (and uninitialized) after this method is
450 | // called but before we read all its properties (yes, it's possible!), the
451 | // root object will be null and calling methods on it will assert in the
452 | // debug builds. This check seems to be enough as a quick solution (fresh
453 | // hard disk attachments will be re-read by a machine state change signal
454 | // after the discard operation is finished, so the user will eventually see
455 | // correct data), but in order to solve the problem properly we need to use
456 | // exceptions everywhere (or check the result after every method call). See
457 | // @bugref{2149}.
458 |
459 | if (m_medium.isNull() || m_fHostDrive)
460 | return m_strName;
461 |
462 | if (!m_medium.isOk())
463 | return QString();
464 |
465 | QString strDetails, strText;
466 |
467 | UIMedium *pRoot = unconst(this);
468 | KMediumState eState = m_state;
469 |
470 | if (m_type == UIMediumType_HardDisk)
471 | {
472 | if (fNoDiffs)
473 | {
474 | pRoot = &this->root();
475 |
476 | bool isDiff = (!fPredictDiff && m_pParent != NULL) || (fPredictDiff && m_fReadOnly);
477 |
478 | strDetails = isDiff && fUseHTML ?
479 | QString("<i>%1</i>, ").arg(pRoot->m_strHardDiskType) :
480 | QString("%1, ").arg(pRoot->m_strHardDiskType);
481 |
482 | eState = this->state(true /* fNoDiffs */);
483 |
484 | if (pRoot->m_state == KMediumState_NotCreated)
485 | eState = KMediumState_NotCreated;
486 | }
487 | else
488 | {
489 | strDetails = QString("%1, ").arg(pRoot->m_strHardDiskType);
490 | }
491 | }
492 |
493 | // @todo prepend the details with the warning/error icon when not accessible
494 |
495 | switch (eState)
496 | {
497 | case KMediumState_NotCreated:
498 | strText = VBoxGlobal::tr("Checking...", "medium");
499 | strDetails += fUseHTML ? QString("<i>%1</i>").arg(strText) : strText;
500 | break;
501 | case KMediumState_Inaccessible:
502 | strText = VBoxGlobal::tr("Inaccessible", "medium");
503 | strDetails += fUseHTML ? QString("<b>%1</b>").arg(strText) : strText;
504 | break;
505 | default:
506 | strDetails += m_type == UIMediumType_HardDisk ? pRoot->m_strLogicalSize : pRoot->m_strSize;
507 | break;
508 | }
509 |
510 | strDetails = fUseHTML ?
511 | QString("%1 (<nobr>%2</nobr>)").arg(VBoxGlobal::locationForHTML(pRoot->m_strName), strDetails) :
512 | QString("%1 (%2)").arg(VBoxGlobal::locationForHTML(pRoot->m_strName), strDetails);
513 |
514 | return strDetails;
515 | }
516 |
517 | /**
518 | * Checks if m_noDiffs is filled in and does it if not.
519 | *
520 | * @param fNoDiffs @if false, this method immediately returns.
521 | */
522 | void UIMedium::checkNoDiffs(bool fNoDiffs)
523 | {
524 | if (!fNoDiffs || m_noDiffs.isSet)
525 | return;
526 |
527 | m_noDiffs.toolTip = QString();
528 |
529 | m_noDiffs.state = m_state;
530 | for (UIMedium *cur = m_pParent; cur != NULL; cur = cur->m_pParent)
531 | {
532 | if (cur->m_state == KMediumState_Inaccessible)
533 | {
534 | m_noDiffs.state = cur->m_state;
535 |
536 | if (m_noDiffs.toolTip.isNull())
537 | m_noDiffs.toolTip = m_sstrRow.arg(VBoxGlobal::tr("Some of the media in this hard disk chain "
538 | "are inaccessible. Please use the Virtual Media "
539 | "Manager in <b>Show Differencing Hard Disks</b> "
540 | "mode to inspect these media.", "medium"));
541 |
542 | if (!cur->m_result.isOk())
543 | {
544 | m_noDiffs.result = cur->m_result;
545 | break;
546 | }
547 | }
548 | }
549 |
550 | if (m_pParent != NULL && !m_fReadOnly)
551 | {
552 | m_noDiffs.toolTip = root().tip() +
553 | m_sstrRow.arg("<hr>") +
554 | m_sstrRow.arg(VBoxGlobal::tr("This base hard disk is indirectly attached using "
555 | "the following differencing hard disk:", "medium")) +
556 | m_strToolTip + m_noDiffs.toolTip;
557 | }
558 |
559 | if (m_noDiffs.toolTip.isNull())
560 | m_noDiffs.toolTip = m_strToolTip;
561 |
562 | m_noDiffs.isSet = true;
563 | }
564 |