1 | /* $Id: UISession.cpp 98607 2023-02-16 16:02:34Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - UISession class implementation.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | */
27 |
28 | /* Qt includes: */
29 | #include <QApplication>
30 | #include <QWidget>
31 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_WIN
32 | # include <iprt/win/windows.h> /* Workaround for compile errors if included directly by QtWin. */
33 | # include <QtWin>
34 | #endif
35 |
36 | /* GUI includes: */
37 | #include "UIActionPoolRuntime.h"
38 | #include "UICommon.h"
39 | #include "UIConsoleEventHandler.h"
40 | #include "UIDetailsGenerator.h"
41 | #include "UIExtraDataManager.h"
42 | #include "UIFrameBuffer.h"
43 | #include "UIMachine.h"
44 | #include "UIMachineLogic.h"
45 | #include "UIMachineView.h"
46 | #include "UIMachineWindow.h"
47 | #include "UIMedium.h"
48 | #include "UIMessageCenter.h"
49 | #include "UIMousePointerShapeData.h"
50 | #include "UINotificationCenter.h"
51 | #include "UISession.h"
52 | #include "UISettingsDialogSpecific.h"
54 | # include "UIKeyboardHandler.h"
55 | # include <signal.h>
56 | #endif
57 |
58 | /* COM includes: */
59 | #include "CGraphicsAdapter.h"
60 | #include "CHostNetworkInterface.h"
61 | #include "CHostUSBDevice.h"
62 | #include "CMedium.h"
63 | #include "CMediumAttachment.h"
64 | #include "CSnapshot.h"
65 | #include "CStorageController.h"
66 | #include "CSystemProperties.h"
67 | #include "CUSBController.h"
68 | #include "CUSBDeviceFilter.h"
69 | #include "CUSBDeviceFilters.h"
70 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_NETFLT
71 | # include "CNetworkAdapter.h"
72 | #endif
73 |
74 | /* Other VBox includes: */
76 | # include <VBox/dbggui.h>
77 | # include <iprt/ldr.h>
78 | #endif
79 |
80 | /* External includes: */
81 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_X11
82 | # include <X11/Xlib.h>
83 | # include <X11/Xutil.h>
84 | #endif
85 |
86 |
88 | static void signalHandlerSIGUSR1(int sig, siginfo_t *, void *);
89 | #endif
90 |
91 | /* static */
92 | bool UISession::create(UISession *&pSession, UIMachine *pMachine)
93 | {
94 | /* Make sure NULL pointer passed: */
95 | AssertReturn(!pSession, false);
96 |
97 | /* Create session UI: */
98 | pSession = new UISession(pMachine);
99 | AssertPtrReturn(pSession, false);
100 |
101 | /* Make sure it's prepared: */
102 | if (!pSession->prepare())
103 | {
104 | /* Destroy session UI otherwise: */
105 | destroy(pSession);
106 | /* False in that case: */
107 | return false;
108 | }
109 |
110 | /* True by default: */
111 | return true;
112 | }
113 |
114 | /* static */
115 | void UISession::destroy(UISession *&pSession)
116 | {
117 | /* Make sure valid pointer passed: */
118 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pSession);
119 |
120 | /* Delete session: */
121 | delete pSession;
122 | pSession = 0;
123 | }
124 |
125 | bool UISession::initialize()
126 | {
127 | /* Preprocess initialization: */
128 | if (!preprocessInitialization())
129 | return false;
130 |
131 | /* Notify user about mouse&keyboard auto-capturing: */
132 | if (gEDataManager->autoCaptureEnabled())
133 | UINotificationMessage::remindAboutAutoCapture();
134 |
135 | m_enmMachineState = machine().GetState();
136 |
137 | /* Apply debug settings from the command line. */
138 | if (!debugger().isNull() && debugger().isOk())
139 | {
140 | if (uiCommon().areWeToExecuteAllInIem())
141 | debugger().SetExecuteAllInIEM(true);
142 | if (!uiCommon().isDefaultWarpPct())
143 | debugger().SetVirtualTimeRate(uiCommon().getWarpPct());
144 | }
145 |
146 | /* Apply ad-hoc reconfigurations from the command line: */
147 | if (uiCommon().hasFloppyImageToMount())
148 | mountAdHocImage(KDeviceType_Floppy, UIMediumDeviceType_Floppy, uiCommon().getFloppyImage().toString());
149 | if (uiCommon().hasDvdImageToMount())
150 | mountAdHocImage(KDeviceType_DVD, UIMediumDeviceType_DVD, uiCommon().getDvdImage().toString());
151 |
152 | /* Power UP if this is NOT separate process: */
153 | if (!uiCommon().isSeparateProcess())
154 | if (!powerUp())
155 | return false;
156 |
157 | /* Make sure all the pending Console events converted to signals
158 | * during the powerUp() progress above reached their destinations.
159 | * That is necessary to make sure all the pending machine state change events processed.
160 | * We can't just use the machine state directly acquired from IMachine because there
161 | * will be few places which are using stale machine state, not just this one. */
162 | QApplication::sendPostedEvents(0, QEvent::MetaCall);
163 |
164 | /* Check if we missed a really quick termination after successful startup: */
165 | if (isTurnedOff())
166 | {
167 | LogRel(("GUI: Aborting startup due to invalid machine state detected: %d\n", machineState()));
168 | return false;
169 | }
170 |
171 | /* Fetch corresponding states: */
172 | if (uiCommon().isSeparateProcess())
173 | {
174 | sltAdditionsChange();
175 | }
176 | machineLogic()->initializePostPowerUp();
177 |
179 | uiCommon().createPidfile();
180 | #endif /* VBOX_GUI_WITH_PIDFILE */
181 |
182 | /* True by default: */
183 | return true;
184 | }
185 |
186 | bool UISession::powerUp()
187 | {
188 | /* Power UP machine: */
189 | CProgress comProgress = uiCommon().shouldStartPaused() ? console().PowerUpPaused() : console().PowerUp();
190 |
191 | /* Check for immediate failure: */
192 | if (!console().isOk() || comProgress.isNull())
193 | {
194 | if (uiCommon().showStartVMErrors())
195 | msgCenter().cannotStartMachine(console(), machineName());
196 | LogRel(("GUI: Aborting startup due to power up issue detected...\n"));
197 | return false;
198 | }
199 |
200 | /* Some logging right after we powered up: */
201 | LogRel(("GUI: Qt version: %s\n", UICommon::qtRTVersionString().toUtf8().constData()));
202 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_X11
203 | LogRel(("GUI: X11 Window Manager code: %d\n", (int)uiCommon().typeOfWindowManager()));
204 | #endif
205 | #if defined(VBOX_WS_MAC) || defined(VBOX_WS_WIN)
206 | LogRel(("GUI: HID LEDs sync is %s\n", uimachine()->isHidLedsSyncEnabled() ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
207 | #else
208 | LogRel(("GUI: HID LEDs sync is not supported on this platform\n"));
209 | #endif
210 |
211 | /* Enable 'manual-override',
212 | * preventing automatic Runtime UI closing
213 | * and visual representation mode changes: */
214 | uimachine()->setManualOverrideMode(true);
215 |
216 | /* Show "Starting/Restoring" progress dialog: */
217 | if (isSaved())
218 | {
219 | msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(comProgress, machineName(), ":/progress_state_restore_90px.png", 0, 0);
220 | /* After restoring from 'saved' state, machine-window(s) geometry should be adjusted: */
221 | machineLogic()->adjustMachineWindowsGeometry();
222 | }
223 | else
224 | {
225 | #ifdef VBOX_IS_QT6_OR_LATER /** @todo why is this any problem on qt6? */
226 | msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(comProgress, machineName(), ":/progress_start_90px.png", 0, 0);
227 | #else
228 | msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(comProgress, machineName(), ":/progress_start_90px.png");
229 | #endif
230 | /* After VM start, machine-window(s) size-hint(s) should be sent: */
231 | machineLogic()->sendMachineWindowsSizeHints();
232 | }
233 |
234 | /* Check for progress failure: */
235 | if (!comProgress.isOk() || comProgress.GetResultCode() != 0)
236 | {
237 | if (uiCommon().showStartVMErrors())
238 | msgCenter().cannotStartMachine(comProgress, machineName());
239 | LogRel(("GUI: Aborting startup due to power up progress issue detected...\n"));
240 | return false;
241 | }
242 |
243 | /* Disable 'manual-override' finally: */
244 | uimachine()->setManualOverrideMode(false);
245 |
246 | /* True by default: */
247 | return true;
248 | }
249 |
250 | WId UISession::mainMachineWindowId() const
251 | {
252 | return mainMachineWindow() ? mainMachineWindow()->winId() : 0;
253 | }
254 |
255 | bool UISession::setPause(bool fPause)
256 | {
257 | CConsole comConsole = console();
258 | if (fPause)
259 | comConsole.Pause();
260 | else
261 | comConsole.Resume();
262 | const bool fSuccess = comConsole.isOk();
263 | if (!fSuccess)
264 | {
265 | if (fPause)
266 | UINotificationMessage::cannotPauseMachine(comConsole);
267 | else
268 | UINotificationMessage::cannotResumeMachine(comConsole);
269 | }
270 | return fSuccess;
271 | }
272 |
273 | bool UISession::putScancode(LONG iCode)
274 | {
275 | CKeyboard comKeyboard = keyboard();
276 | comKeyboard.PutScancode(iCode);
277 | const bool fSuccess = comKeyboard.isOk();
278 | if (!fSuccess)
279 | UINotificationMessage::cannotChangeKeyboardParameter(comKeyboard);
280 | return fSuccess;
281 | }
282 |
283 | bool UISession::putScancodes(const QVector<LONG> &codes)
284 | {
285 | CKeyboard comKeyboard = keyboard();
286 | comKeyboard.PutScancodes(codes);
287 | const bool fSuccess = comKeyboard.isOk();
288 | if (!fSuccess)
289 | UINotificationMessage::cannotChangeKeyboardParameter(comKeyboard);
290 | return fSuccess;
291 | }
292 |
293 | bool UISession::putCAD()
294 | {
295 | CKeyboard comKeyboard = keyboard();
296 | comKeyboard.PutCAD();
297 | const bool fSuccess = comKeyboard.isOk();
298 | if (!fSuccess)
299 | UINotificationMessage::cannotChangeKeyboardParameter(comKeyboard);
300 | return fSuccess;
301 | }
302 |
303 | bool UISession::releaseKeys()
304 | {
305 | CKeyboard comKeyboard = keyboard();
306 | comKeyboard.ReleaseKeys();
307 | const bool fSuccess = comKeyboard.isOk();
308 | if (!fSuccess)
309 | UINotificationMessage::cannotChangeKeyboardParameter(comKeyboard);
310 | return fSuccess;
311 | }
312 |
313 | bool UISession::putUsageCode(LONG iUsageCode, LONG iUsagePage, bool fKeyRelease)
314 | {
315 | CKeyboard comKeyboard = keyboard();
316 | comKeyboard.PutUsageCode(iUsageCode, iUsagePage, fKeyRelease);
317 | const bool fSuccess = comKeyboard.isOk();
318 | if (!fSuccess)
319 | UINotificationMessage::cannotChangeKeyboardParameter(comKeyboard);
320 | return fSuccess;
321 | }
322 |
323 | bool UISession::getAbsoluteSupported()
324 | {
325 | return mouse().GetAbsoluteSupported();
326 | }
327 |
328 | bool UISession::getRelativeSupported()
329 | {
330 | return mouse().GetRelativeSupported();
331 | }
332 |
333 | bool UISession::getTouchScreenSupported()
334 | {
335 | return mouse().GetTouchScreenSupported();
336 | }
337 |
338 | bool UISession::getTouchPadSupported()
339 | {
340 | return mouse().GetTouchPadSupported();
341 | }
342 |
343 | bool UISession::getNeedsHostCursor()
344 | {
345 | return mouse().GetNeedsHostCursor();
346 | }
347 |
348 | bool UISession::putMouseEvent(long iDx, long iDy, long iDz, long iDw, long iButtonState)
349 | {
350 | CMouse comMouse = mouse();
351 | comMouse.PutMouseEvent(iDx, iDy, iDz, iDw, iButtonState);
352 | const bool fSuccess = comMouse.isOk();
353 | if (!fSuccess)
354 | UINotificationMessage::cannotChangeMouseParameter(comMouse);
355 | return fSuccess;
356 | }
357 |
358 | bool UISession::putMouseEventAbsolute(long iX, long iY, long iDz, long iDw, long iButtonState)
359 | {
360 | CMouse comMouse = mouse();
361 | comMouse.PutMouseEventAbsolute(iX, iY, iDz, iDw, iButtonState);
362 | const bool fSuccess = comMouse.isOk();
363 | if (!fSuccess)
364 | UINotificationMessage::cannotChangeMouseParameter(comMouse);
365 | return fSuccess;
366 | }
367 |
368 | bool UISession::putEventMultiTouch(long iCount, const QVector<LONG64> &contacts, bool fIsTouchScreen, ulong uScanTime)
369 | {
370 | CMouse comMouse = mouse();
371 | comMouse.PutEventMultiTouch(iCount, contacts, fIsTouchScreen, uScanTime);
372 | const bool fSuccess = comMouse.isOk();
373 | if (!fSuccess)
374 | UINotificationMessage::cannotChangeMouseParameter(comMouse);
375 | return fSuccess;
376 | }
377 |
378 | bool UISession::guestAdditionsUpgradable()
379 | {
380 | if (!machine().isOk())
381 | return false;
382 |
383 | /* Auto GA update is currently for Windows and Linux guests only */
384 | const CGuestOSType osType = uiCommon().vmGuestOSType(machine().GetOSTypeId());
385 | if (!osType.isOk())
386 | return false;
387 |
388 | const QString strGuestFamily = osType.GetFamilyId();
389 | bool fIsWindowOrLinux = strGuestFamily.contains("windows", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || strGuestFamily.contains("linux", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
390 |
391 | if (!fIsWindowOrLinux)
392 | return false;
393 |
394 | /* Also check whether we have something to update automatically: */
395 | if (m_ulGuestAdditionsRunLevel < (ulong)KAdditionsRunLevelType_Userland)
396 | return false;
397 |
398 | return true;
399 | }
400 |
401 | UIFrameBuffer *UISession::frameBuffer(ulong uScreenId) const
402 | {
403 | Assert(uScreenId < (ulong)m_frameBufferVector.size());
404 | return m_frameBufferVector.value((int)uScreenId, 0);
405 | }
406 |
407 | void UISession::setFrameBuffer(ulong uScreenId, UIFrameBuffer *pFrameBuffer)
408 | {
409 | Assert(uScreenId < (ulong)m_frameBufferVector.size());
410 | if (uScreenId < (ulong)m_frameBufferVector.size())
411 | m_frameBufferVector[(int)uScreenId] = pFrameBuffer;
412 | }
413 |
414 | QSize UISession::frameBufferSize(ulong uScreenId) const
415 | {
416 | UIFrameBuffer *pFramebuffer = frameBuffer(uScreenId);
417 | return pFramebuffer ? QSize(pFramebuffer->width(), pFramebuffer->height()) : QSize();
418 | }
419 |
420 | bool UISession::acquireGuestScreenParameters(ulong uScreenId,
421 | ulong &uWidth, ulong &uHeight, ulong &uBitsPerPixel,
422 | long &xOrigin, long &yOrigin, KGuestMonitorStatus &enmMonitorStatus)
423 | {
424 | CDisplay comDisplay = display();
425 | ULONG uGuestWidth = 0, uGuestHeight = 0, uGuestBitsPerPixel = 0;
426 | LONG iGuestXOrigin = 0, iGuestYOrigin = 0;
427 | KGuestMonitorStatus enmGuestMonitorStatus = KGuestMonitorStatus_Disabled;
428 | comDisplay.GetScreenResolution(uScreenId, uGuestWidth, uGuestHeight, uGuestBitsPerPixel,
429 | iGuestXOrigin, iGuestYOrigin, enmGuestMonitorStatus);
430 | const bool fSuccess = comDisplay.isOk();
431 | if (!fSuccess)
432 | UINotificationMessage::cannotAcquireDisplayParameter(comDisplay);
433 | uWidth = uGuestWidth;
434 | uHeight = uGuestHeight;
435 | uBitsPerPixel = uGuestBitsPerPixel;
436 | xOrigin = iGuestXOrigin;
437 | yOrigin = iGuestYOrigin;
438 | enmMonitorStatus = enmGuestMonitorStatus;
439 | return fSuccess;
440 | }
441 |
442 | bool UISession::setVideoModeHint(ulong uScreenId, bool fEnabled, bool fChangeOrigin, long xOrigin, long yOrigin,
443 | ulong uWidth, ulong uHeight, ulong uBitsPerPixel, bool fNotify)
444 | {
445 | CDisplay comDisplay = display();
446 | comDisplay.SetVideoModeHint(uScreenId, fEnabled, fChangeOrigin, xOrigin, yOrigin,
447 | uWidth, uHeight, uBitsPerPixel, fNotify);
448 | const bool fSuccess = comDisplay.isOk();
449 | if (!fSuccess)
450 | UINotificationMessage::cannotChangeDisplayParameter(comDisplay);
451 | return fSuccess;
452 | }
453 |
454 | bool UISession::acquireVideoModeHint(ulong uScreenId, bool &fEnabled, bool &fChangeOrigin,
455 | long &xOrigin, long &yOrigin, ulong &uWidth, ulong &uHeight,
456 | ulong &uBitsPerPixel)
457 | {
458 | CDisplay comDisplay = display();
459 | BOOL fGuestEnabled = false, fGuestChangeOrigin = false;
460 | LONG iGuestXOrigin = 0, iGuestYOrigin = 0;
461 | ULONG uGuestWidth = 0, uGuestHeight = 0, uGuestBitsPerPixel = 0;
462 | comDisplay.GetVideoModeHint(uScreenId, fGuestEnabled, fGuestChangeOrigin,
463 | iGuestXOrigin, iGuestYOrigin, uGuestWidth, uGuestHeight,
464 | uGuestBitsPerPixel);
465 | const bool fSuccess = comDisplay.isOk();
466 | if (!fSuccess)
467 | UINotificationMessage::cannotAcquireDisplayParameter(comDisplay);
468 | fEnabled = fGuestEnabled;
469 | fChangeOrigin = fGuestChangeOrigin;
470 | xOrigin = iGuestXOrigin;
471 | yOrigin = iGuestYOrigin;
472 | uWidth = uGuestWidth;
473 | uHeight = uGuestHeight;
474 | uBitsPerPixel = uGuestBitsPerPixel;
475 | return fSuccess;
476 | }
477 |
478 | bool UISession::acquireScreenShot(ulong uScreenId, ulong uWidth, ulong uHeight, KBitmapFormat enmFormat, uchar *pBits)
479 | {
480 | CDisplay comDisplay = display();
481 | bool fSuccess = false;
482 | /* For separate process: */
483 | if (uiCommon().isSeparateProcess())
484 | {
485 | /* Take screen-data to array first: */
486 | const QVector<BYTE> screenData = comDisplay.TakeScreenShotToArray(uScreenId, uWidth, uHeight, enmFormat);
487 | fSuccess = comDisplay.isOk();
488 | if (!fSuccess)
489 | UINotificationMessage::cannotAcquireDisplayParameter(comDisplay);
490 | else
491 | {
492 | /* And copy that data to screen-shot if it is Ok: */
493 | if (!screenData.isEmpty())
494 | memcpy(pBits, screenData.data(), uWidth * uHeight * 4);
495 | }
496 | }
497 | /* For the same process: */
498 | else
499 | {
500 | /* Take the screen-shot directly: */
501 | comDisplay.TakeScreenShot(uScreenId, pBits, uWidth, uHeight, enmFormat);
502 | fSuccess = comDisplay.isOk();
503 | if (!fSuccess)
504 | UINotificationMessage::cannotAcquireDisplayParameter(comDisplay);
505 | }
506 | return fSuccess;
507 | }
508 |
509 | bool UISession::notifyScaleFactorChange(ulong uScreenId, ulong uScaleFactorWMultiplied, ulong uScaleFactorHMultiplied)
510 | {
511 | CDisplay comDisplay = display();
512 | comDisplay.NotifyScaleFactorChange(uScreenId, uScaleFactorWMultiplied, uScaleFactorHMultiplied);
513 | const bool fSuccess = comDisplay.isOk();
514 | if (!fSuccess)
515 | UINotificationMessage::cannotChangeDisplayParameter(comDisplay);
516 | return fSuccess;
517 | }
518 |
519 | bool UISession::notifyHiDPIOutputPolicyChange(bool fUnscaledHiDPI)
520 | {
521 | CDisplay comDisplay = display();
522 | comDisplay.NotifyHiDPIOutputPolicyChange(fUnscaledHiDPI);
523 | const bool fSuccess = comDisplay.isOk();
524 | if (!fSuccess)
525 | UINotificationMessage::cannotChangeDisplayParameter(comDisplay);
526 | return fSuccess;
527 | }
528 |
529 | bool UISession::setSeamlessMode(bool fEnabled)
530 | {
531 | CDisplay comDisplay = display();
532 | comDisplay.SetSeamlessMode(fEnabled);
533 | const bool fSuccess = comDisplay.isOk();
534 | if (!fSuccess)
535 | UINotificationMessage::cannotChangeDisplayParameter(comDisplay);
536 | return fSuccess;
537 | }
538 |
539 | bool UISession::viewportChanged(ulong uScreenId, ulong xOrigin, ulong yOrigin, ulong uWidth, ulong uHeight)
540 | {
541 | CDisplay comDisplay = display();
542 | comDisplay.ViewportChanged(uScreenId, xOrigin, yOrigin, uWidth, uHeight);
543 | const bool fSuccess = comDisplay.isOk();
544 | if (!fSuccess)
545 | UINotificationMessage::cannotChangeDisplayParameter(comDisplay);
546 | return fSuccess;
547 | }
548 |
549 | bool UISession::invalidateAndUpdate()
550 | {
551 | CDisplay comDisplay = display();
552 | comDisplay.InvalidateAndUpdate();
553 | const bool fSuccess = comDisplay.isOk();
554 | if (!fSuccess)
555 | UINotificationMessage::cannotChangeDisplayParameter(comDisplay);
556 | return fSuccess;
557 | }
558 |
559 | bool UISession::invalidateAndUpdateScreen(ulong uScreenId)
560 | {
561 | CDisplay comDisplay = display();
562 | comDisplay.InvalidateAndUpdateScreen(uScreenId);
563 | const bool fSuccess = comDisplay.isOk();
564 | if (!fSuccess)
565 | UINotificationMessage::cannotChangeDisplayParameter(comDisplay);
566 | return fSuccess;
567 | }
568 |
569 | bool UISession::acquireDeviceActivity(const QVector<KDeviceType> &deviceTypes, QVector<KDeviceActivity> &states)
570 | {
571 | CConsole comConsole = console();
572 | states = comConsole.GetDeviceActivity(deviceTypes);
573 | const bool fSuccess = comConsole.isOk();
574 | if (!fSuccess)
575 | UINotificationMessage::cannotAcquireConsoleParameter(comConsole);
576 | return fSuccess;
577 | }
578 |
579 | void UISession::acquireHardDiskStatusInfo(QString &strInfo, bool &fAttachmentsPresent)
580 | {
581 | CMachine comMachine = machine();
582 | UIDetailsGenerator::acquireHardDiskStatusInfo(comMachine, strInfo, fAttachmentsPresent);
583 | }
584 |
585 | void UISession::acquireOpticalDiskStatusInfo(QString &strInfo, bool &fAttachmentsPresent, bool &fAttachmentsMounted)
586 | {
587 | CMachine comMachine = machine();
588 | UIDetailsGenerator::acquireOpticalDiskStatusInfo(comMachine, strInfo, fAttachmentsPresent, fAttachmentsMounted);
589 | }
590 |
591 | void UISession::acquireFloppyDiskStatusInfo(QString &strInfo, bool &fAttachmentsPresent, bool &fAttachmentsMounted)
592 | {
593 | CMachine comMachine = machine();
594 | UIDetailsGenerator::acquireFloppyDiskStatusInfo(comMachine, strInfo, fAttachmentsPresent, fAttachmentsMounted);
595 | }
596 |
597 | void UISession::acquireAudioStatusInfo(QString &strInfo, bool &fAudioEnabled, bool &fEnabledOutput, bool &fEnabledInput)
598 | {
599 | CMachine comMachine = machine();
600 | UIDetailsGenerator::acquireAudioStatusInfo(comMachine, strInfo, fAudioEnabled, fEnabledOutput, fEnabledInput);
601 | }
602 |
603 | void UISession::acquireNetworkStatusInfo(QString &strInfo, bool &fAdaptersPresent, bool &fCablesDisconnected)
604 | {
605 | CMachine comMachine = machine();
606 | UIDetailsGenerator::acquireNetworkStatusInfo(comMachine, strInfo, fAdaptersPresent, fCablesDisconnected);
607 | }
608 |
609 | void UISession::acquireUsbStatusInfo(QString &strInfo, bool &fUsbEnableds)
610 | {
611 | CMachine comMachine = machine();
612 | CConsole comConsole = console();
613 | UIDetailsGenerator::acquireUsbStatusInfo(comMachine, comConsole, strInfo, fUsbEnableds);
614 | }
615 |
616 | void UISession::acquireSharedFoldersStatusInfo(QString &strInfo, bool &fFoldersPresent)
617 | {
618 | CMachine comMachine = machine();
619 | CConsole comConsole = console();
620 | CGuest comGuest = guest();
621 | UIDetailsGenerator::acquireSharedFoldersStatusInfo(comMachine, comConsole, comGuest, strInfo, fFoldersPresent);
622 | }
623 |
624 | void UISession::acquireDisplayStatusInfo(QString &strInfo, bool &fAcceleration3D)
625 | {
626 | CMachine comMachine = machine();
627 | UIDetailsGenerator::acquireDisplayStatusInfo(comMachine, strInfo, fAcceleration3D);
628 | }
629 |
630 | void UISession::acquireRecordingStatusInfo(QString &strInfo, bool &fRecordingEnabled, bool &fMachinePaused)
631 | {
632 | CMachine comMachine = machine();
633 | fMachinePaused = isPaused();
634 | UIDetailsGenerator::acquireRecordingStatusInfo(comMachine, strInfo, fRecordingEnabled);
635 | }
636 |
637 | void UISession::acquireFeaturesStatusInfo(QString &strInfo, KVMExecutionEngine &enmEngine,
638 | bool fNestedPagingEnabled, bool fUxEnabled,
639 | KParavirtProvider enmProvider)
640 | {
641 | CMachine comMachine = machine();
642 | UIDetailsGenerator::acquireFeaturesStatusInfo(comMachine, strInfo,
643 | enmEngine,
644 | fNestedPagingEnabled, fUxEnabled,
645 | enmProvider);
646 | }
647 |
648 | bool UISession::setLogEnabled(bool fEnabled)
649 | {
650 | CMachineDebugger comDebugger = debugger();
651 | comDebugger.SetLogEnabled(fEnabled ? TRUE : FALSE);
652 | const bool fSuccess = comDebugger.isOk();
653 | if (!fSuccess)
654 | UINotificationMessage::cannotChangeMachineDebuggerParameter(comDebugger);
655 | return fSuccess;
656 | }
657 |
658 | bool UISession::acquireWhetherLogEnabled(bool &fEnabled)
659 | {
660 | CMachineDebugger comDebugger = debugger();
661 | const BOOL fLogEnabled = comDebugger.GetLogEnabled();
662 | const bool fSuccess = comDebugger.isOk();
663 | if (!fSuccess)
664 | UINotificationMessage::cannotAcquireMachineDebuggerParameter(comDebugger);
665 | else
666 | fEnabled = fLogEnabled == TRUE;
667 | return fSuccess;
668 | }
669 |
670 | bool UISession::acquireExecutionEngineType(KVMExecutionEngine &enmType)
671 | {
672 | CMachineDebugger comDebugger = debugger();
673 | const KVMExecutionEngine enmEngineType = comDebugger.GetExecutionEngine();
674 | const bool fSuccess = comDebugger.isOk();
675 | if (!fSuccess)
676 | UINotificationMessage::cannotAcquireMachineDebuggerParameter(comDebugger);
677 | else
678 | enmType = enmEngineType;
679 | return fSuccess;
680 | }
681 |
682 | bool UISession::acquireWhetherHwVirtExNestedPagingEnabled(bool &fEnabled)
683 | {
684 | CMachineDebugger comDebugger = debugger();
685 | const BOOL fFeatureEnabled = comDebugger.GetHWVirtExNestedPagingEnabled();
686 | const bool fSuccess = comDebugger.isOk();
687 | if (!fSuccess)
688 | UINotificationMessage::cannotAcquireMachineDebuggerParameter(comDebugger);
689 | else
690 | fEnabled = fFeatureEnabled == TRUE;
691 | return fSuccess;
692 | }
693 |
694 | bool UISession::acquireWhetherHwVirtExUXEnabled(bool &fEnabled)
695 | {
696 | CMachineDebugger comDebugger = debugger();
697 | const BOOL fFeatureEnabled = comDebugger.GetHWVirtExUXEnabled();
698 | const bool fSuccess = comDebugger.isOk();
699 | if (!fSuccess)
700 | UINotificationMessage::cannotAcquireMachineDebuggerParameter(comDebugger);
701 | else
702 | fEnabled = fFeatureEnabled == TRUE;
703 | return fSuccess;
704 | }
705 |
706 | bool UISession::acquireEffectiveCPULoad(ulong &uLoad)
707 | {
708 | CMachineDebugger comDebugger = debugger();
709 | ULONG uPctExecuting;
710 | ULONG uPctHalted;
711 | ULONG uPctOther;
712 | comDebugger.GetCPULoad(0x7fffffff, uPctExecuting, uPctHalted, uPctOther);
713 | const bool fSuccess = comDebugger.isOk();
714 | if (!fSuccess)
715 | UINotificationMessage::cannotAcquireMachineDebuggerParameter(comDebugger);
716 | else
717 | uLoad = uPctExecuting + uPctOther;
718 | return fSuccess;
719 | }
720 |
722 | bool UISession::dbgCreated(void *pActionDebug)
723 | {
724 | if (m_pDbgGui)
725 | return true;
726 |
727 | RTLDRMOD hLdrMod = uiCommon().getDebuggerModule();
728 | if (hLdrMod == NIL_RTLDRMOD)
729 | return false;
730 |
731 | PFNDBGGUICREATE pfnGuiCreate;
732 | int rc = RTLdrGetSymbol(hLdrMod, "DBGGuiCreate", (void**)&pfnGuiCreate);
733 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
734 | {
735 | ISession *pISession = session().raw();
736 | rc = pfnGuiCreate(pISession, &m_pDbgGui, &m_pDbgGuiVT);
737 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
738 | {
740 | || m_pDbgGuiVT->u32EndVersion == m_pDbgGuiVT->u32Version)
741 | {
742 | m_pDbgGuiVT->pfnSetParent(m_pDbgGui, activeMachineWindow());
743 | m_pDbgGuiVT->pfnSetMenu(m_pDbgGui, pActionDebug);
744 | dbgAdjustRelativePos();
745 | return true;
746 | }
747 |
748 | LogRel(("GUI: DBGGuiCreate failed, incompatible versions (loaded %#x/%#x, expected %#x)\n",
749 | m_pDbgGuiVT->u32Version, m_pDbgGuiVT->u32EndVersion, DBGGUIVT_VERSION));
750 | }
751 | else
752 | LogRel(("GUI: DBGGuiCreate failed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc));
753 | }
754 | else
755 | LogRel(("GUI: RTLdrGetSymbol(,\"DBGGuiCreate\",) -> %Rrc\n", rc));
756 |
757 | m_pDbgGui = 0;
758 | m_pDbgGuiVT = 0;
759 | return false;
760 | }
761 |
762 | void UISession::dbgDestroy()
763 | {
764 | if (m_pDbgGui)
765 | {
766 | m_pDbgGuiVT->pfnDestroy(m_pDbgGui);
767 | m_pDbgGui = 0;
768 | m_pDbgGuiVT = 0;
769 | }
770 | }
771 |
772 | void UISession::dbgShowStatistics()
773 | {
774 | const QByteArray &expandBytes = uiCommon().getDebuggerStatisticsExpand().toUtf8();
775 | const QByteArray &filterBytes = uiCommon().getDebuggerStatisticsFilter().toUtf8();
776 | m_pDbgGuiVT->pfnShowStatistics(m_pDbgGui, filterBytes.constData(), expandBytes.constData());
777 | }
778 |
779 | void UISession::dbgShowCommandLine()
780 | {
781 | m_pDbgGuiVT->pfnShowCommandLine(m_pDbgGui);
782 | }
783 |
784 | void UISession::dbgAdjustRelativePos()
785 | {
786 | if (m_pDbgGui)
787 | {
788 | const QRect rct = activeMachineWindow()->frameGeometry();
789 | m_pDbgGuiVT->pfnAdjustRelativePos(m_pDbgGui, rct.x(), rct.y(), rct.width(), rct.height());
790 | }
791 | }
792 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER_GUI */
793 |
794 | bool UISession::acquireWhetherGuestEnteredACPIMode(bool &fEntered)
795 | {
796 | CConsole comConsole = console();
797 | const BOOL fGuestEntered = comConsole.GetGuestEnteredACPIMode();
798 | const bool fSuccess = comConsole.isOk();
799 | if (!fSuccess)
800 | UINotificationMessage::cannotAcquireConsoleParameter(comConsole);
801 | else
802 | fEntered = fGuestEntered == TRUE;
803 | return fSuccess;
804 | }
805 |
806 | bool UISession::prepareToBeSaved()
807 | {
808 | return isPaused()
809 | || (isRunning() && pause());
810 | }
811 |
812 | bool UISession::prepareToBeShutdowned()
813 | {
814 | bool fValidMode = false;
815 | acquireWhetherGuestEnteredACPIMode(fValidMode);
816 | if (!fValidMode)
817 | UINotificationMessage::cannotSendACPIToMachine();
818 | return fValidMode;
819 | }
820 |
821 | void UISession::sltInstallGuestAdditionsFrom(const QString &strSource)
822 | {
823 | if (!guestAdditionsUpgradable())
824 | return sltMountDVDAdHoc(strSource);
825 |
826 | /* Update guest additions automatically: */
827 | UINotificationProgressGuestAdditionsInstall *pNotification =
828 | new UINotificationProgressGuestAdditionsInstall(guest(), strSource);
829 | connect(pNotification, &UINotificationProgressGuestAdditionsInstall::sigGuestAdditionsInstallationFailed,
830 | this, &UISession::sltMountDVDAdHoc);
831 | gpNotificationCenter->append(pNotification);
832 | }
833 |
834 | void UISession::sltMountDVDAdHoc(const QString &strSource)
835 | {
836 | mountAdHocImage(KDeviceType_DVD, UIMediumDeviceType_DVD, strSource);
837 | }
838 |
839 | void UISession::sltDetachCOM()
840 | {
841 | /* Cleanup everything COM related: */
842 | cleanupFramebuffers();
843 | cleanupConsoleEventHandlers();
844 | cleanupNotificationCenter();
845 | cleanupSession();
846 | }
847 |
848 | void UISession::sltStateChange(KMachineState enmState)
849 | {
850 | /* Check if something had changed: */
851 | if (m_enmMachineState != enmState)
852 | {
853 | /* Store new data: */
854 | m_enmMachineStatePrevious = m_enmMachineState;
855 | m_enmMachineState = enmState;
856 |
857 | /* Notify listeners about machine state changed: */
858 | emit sigMachineStateChange();
859 | }
860 | }
861 |
862 | void UISession::sltAdditionsChange()
863 | {
864 | /* Acquire actual states: */
865 | const ulong ulGuestAdditionsRunLevel = guest().GetAdditionsRunLevel();
866 | LONG64 iLastUpdatedIgnored;
867 | const bool fIsGuestSupportsGraphics = guest().GetFacilityStatus(KAdditionsFacilityType_Graphics, iLastUpdatedIgnored)
868 | == KAdditionsFacilityStatus_Active;
869 | const bool fIsGuestSupportsSeamless = guest().GetFacilityStatus(KAdditionsFacilityType_Seamless, iLastUpdatedIgnored)
870 | == KAdditionsFacilityStatus_Active;
871 |
872 | /* Check if something had changed: */
873 | if ( m_ulGuestAdditionsRunLevel != ulGuestAdditionsRunLevel
874 | || m_fIsGuestSupportsGraphics != fIsGuestSupportsGraphics
875 | || m_fIsGuestSupportsSeamless != fIsGuestSupportsSeamless)
876 | {
877 | /* Store new data: */
878 | m_ulGuestAdditionsRunLevel = ulGuestAdditionsRunLevel;
879 | m_fIsGuestSupportsGraphics = fIsGuestSupportsGraphics;
880 | m_fIsGuestSupportsSeamless = fIsGuestSupportsSeamless;
881 |
882 | /* Notify listeners about GA state really changed: */
883 | LogRel(("GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state really changed, notifying listeners.\n"));
884 | emit sigAdditionsStateActualChange();
885 | }
886 | else
887 | LogRel(("GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state doesn't really changed, still notifying listeners.\n"));
888 |
889 | /* Notify listeners about GA state change event came: */
890 | emit sigAdditionsStateChange();
891 | }
892 |
893 | UISession::UISession(UIMachine *pMachine)
894 | : QObject(pMachine)
895 | /* Base variables: */
896 | , m_pMachine(pMachine)
897 | , m_pConsoleEventhandler(0)
898 | /* Common variables: */
899 | , m_enmMachineStatePrevious(KMachineState_Null)
900 | , m_enmMachineState(KMachineState_Null)
901 | /* Guest additions flags: */
902 | , m_ulGuestAdditionsRunLevel(0)
903 | , m_fIsGuestSupportsGraphics(false)
904 | , m_fIsGuestSupportsSeamless(false)
906 | /* Debug UI stuff: */
907 | , m_pDbgGui(0)
908 | , m_pDbgGuiVT(0)
909 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER_GUI */
910 | {
911 | }
912 |
913 | UISession::~UISession()
914 | {
915 | }
916 |
917 | bool UISession::prepare()
918 | {
919 | /* Prepare COM stuff: */
920 | if (!prepareSession())
921 | return false;
922 |
923 | /* Cache media early if requested: */
924 | if (uiCommon().agressiveCaching())
925 | recacheMachineMedia();
926 |
927 | /* Prepare GUI stuff: */
928 | prepareNotificationCenter();
929 | prepareConsoleEventHandlers();
930 | prepareFramebuffers();
931 | prepareConnections();
932 | prepareSignalHandling();
933 |
934 | /* True by default: */
935 | return true;
936 | }
937 |
938 | bool UISession::prepareSession()
939 | {
940 | /* Open session: */
941 | m_comSession = uiCommon().openSession(uiCommon().managedVMUuid(),
942 | uiCommon().isSeparateProcess()
943 | ? KLockType_Shared
944 | : KLockType_VM);
945 | if (m_comSession.isNull())
946 | return false;
947 |
948 | /* Get machine: */
949 | m_comMachine = m_comSession.GetMachine();
950 | if (m_comMachine.isNull())
951 | return false;
952 |
953 | /* Get console: */
954 | m_comConsole = m_comSession.GetConsole();
955 | if (m_comConsole.isNull())
956 | return false;
957 |
958 | /* Get display: */
959 | m_comDisplay = m_comConsole.GetDisplay();
960 | if (m_comDisplay.isNull())
961 | return false;
962 |
963 | /* Get guest: */
964 | m_comGuest = m_comConsole.GetGuest();
965 | if (m_comGuest.isNull())
966 | return false;
967 |
968 | /* Get mouse: */
969 | m_comMouse = m_comConsole.GetMouse();
970 | if (m_comMouse.isNull())
971 | return false;
972 |
973 | /* Get keyboard: */
974 | m_comKeyboard = m_comConsole.GetKeyboard();
975 | if (m_comKeyboard.isNull())
976 | return false;
977 |
978 | /* Get debugger: */
979 | m_comDebugger = m_comConsole.GetDebugger();
980 | if (m_comDebugger.isNull())
981 | return false;
982 |
983 | /* Update machine-name: */
984 | m_strMachineName = machine().GetName();
985 |
986 | /* Update machine-state: */
987 | m_enmMachineState = machine().GetState();
988 |
989 | /* True by default: */
990 | return true;
991 | }
992 |
993 | void UISession::prepareNotificationCenter()
994 | {
995 | UINotificationCenter::create();
996 | }
997 |
998 | void UISession::prepareConsoleEventHandlers()
999 | {
1000 | /* Create console event-handler: */
1001 | m_pConsoleEventhandler = new UIConsoleEventHandler(this);
1002 |
1003 | /* Console event connections: */
1004 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigAdditionsChange,
1005 | this, &UISession::sltAdditionsChange);
1006 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigAudioAdapterChange,
1007 | this, &UISession::sigAudioAdapterChange);
1008 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigClipboardModeChange,
1009 | this, &UISession::sigClipboardModeChange);
1010 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigCPUExecutionCapChange,
1011 | this, &UISession::sigCPUExecutionCapChange);
1012 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigDnDModeChange,
1013 | this, &UISession::sigDnDModeChange);
1014 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigGuestMonitorChange,
1015 | this, &UISession::sigGuestMonitorChange);
1016 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigMediumChange,
1017 | this, &UISession::sigMediumChange);
1018 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigNetworkAdapterChange,
1019 | this, &UISession::sigNetworkAdapterChange);
1020 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigRecordingChange,
1021 | this, &UISession::sigRecordingChange);
1022 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigSharedFolderChange,
1023 | this, &UISession::sigSharedFolderChange);
1024 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigStateChange,
1025 | this, &UISession::sltStateChange);
1026 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigStorageDeviceChange,
1027 | this, &UISession::sigStorageDeviceChange);
1028 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigUSBControllerChange,
1029 | this, &UISession::sigUSBControllerChange);
1030 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigUSBDeviceStateChange,
1031 | this, &UISession::sigUSBDeviceStateChange);
1032 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigVRDEChange,
1033 | this, &UISession::sigVRDEChange);
1034 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigRuntimeError,
1035 | this, &UISession::sigRuntimeError);
1036 |
1037 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
1038 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigShowWindow,
1039 | this, &UISession::sigShowWindows, Qt::QueuedConnection);
1040 | #endif
1041 |
1042 | /* Console keyboard connections: */
1043 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigKeyboardLedsChange,
1044 | this, &UISession::sigKeyboardLedsChange);
1045 |
1046 | /* Console mouse connections: */
1047 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigMousePointerShapeChange,
1048 | this, &UISession::sigMousePointerShapeChange);
1049 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigMouseCapabilityChange,
1050 | this, &UISession::sigMouseCapabilityChange);
1051 | connect(m_pConsoleEventhandler, &UIConsoleEventHandler::sigCursorPositionChange,
1052 | this, &UISession::sigCursorPositionChange);
1053 | }
1054 |
1055 | void UISession::prepareFramebuffers()
1056 | {
1057 | /* Each framebuffer will be really prepared on first UIMachineView creation: */
1058 | m_frameBufferVector.resize(machine().GetGraphicsAdapter().GetMonitorCount());
1059 | }
1060 |
1061 | void UISession::prepareConnections()
1062 | {
1063 | /* UICommon connections: */
1064 | connect(&uiCommon(), &UICommon::sigAskToDetachCOM, this, &UISession::sltDetachCOM);
1065 | }
1066 |
1067 | void UISession::prepareSignalHandling()
1068 | {
1070 | struct sigaction sa;
1071 | sa.sa_sigaction = &signalHandlerSIGUSR1;
1072 | sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask);
1073 | sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_SIGINFO;
1074 | sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL);
1076 | }
1077 |
1078 | void UISession::cleanupFramebuffers()
1079 | {
1080 | /* Cleanup framebuffers finally: */
1081 | for (int i = m_frameBufferVector.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
1082 | {
1083 | UIFrameBuffer *pFrameBuffer = m_frameBufferVector[i];
1084 | if (pFrameBuffer)
1085 | {
1086 | /* Mark framebuffer as unused: */
1087 | pFrameBuffer->setMarkAsUnused(true);
1088 | /* Detach framebuffer from Display: */
1089 | pFrameBuffer->detach();
1090 | /* Delete framebuffer reference: */
1091 | delete pFrameBuffer;
1092 | }
1093 | }
1094 | m_frameBufferVector.clear();
1095 | }
1096 |
1097 | void UISession::cleanupConsoleEventHandlers()
1098 | {
1099 | /* Destroy console event-handler: */
1100 | delete m_pConsoleEventhandler;
1101 | m_pConsoleEventhandler = 0;
1102 | }
1103 |
1104 | void UISession::cleanupNotificationCenter()
1105 | {
1106 | UINotificationCenter::destroy();
1107 | }
1108 |
1109 | void UISession::cleanupSession()
1110 | {
1111 | /* Detach debugger: */
1112 | if (!m_comDebugger.isNull())
1113 | m_comDebugger.detach();
1114 |
1115 | /* Detach keyboard: */
1116 | if (!m_comKeyboard.isNull())
1117 | m_comKeyboard.detach();
1118 |
1119 | /* Detach mouse: */
1120 | if (!m_comMouse.isNull())
1121 | m_comMouse.detach();
1122 |
1123 | /* Detach guest: */
1124 | if (!m_comGuest.isNull())
1125 | m_comGuest.detach();
1126 |
1127 | /* Detach display: */
1128 | if (!m_comDisplay.isNull())
1129 | m_comDisplay.detach();
1130 |
1131 | /* Detach console: */
1132 | if (!m_comConsole.isNull())
1133 | m_comConsole.detach();
1134 |
1135 | /* Detach machine: */
1136 | if (!m_comMachine.isNull())
1137 | m_comMachine.detach();
1138 |
1139 | /* Close session: */
1140 | if (!m_comSession.isNull() && uiCommon().isVBoxSVCAvailable())
1141 | {
1142 | m_comSession.UnlockMachine();
1143 | m_comSession.detach();
1144 | }
1145 | }
1146 |
1147 | UIMachineLogic *UISession::machineLogic() const
1148 | {
1149 | return uimachine() ? uimachine()->machineLogic() : 0;
1150 | }
1151 |
1152 | UIMachineWindow *UISession::activeMachineWindow() const
1153 | {
1154 | return machineLogic() ? machineLogic()->activeMachineWindow() : 0;
1155 | }
1156 |
1157 | QWidget *UISession::mainMachineWindow() const
1158 | {
1159 | return machineLogic() ? machineLogic()->mainMachineWindow() : 0;
1160 | }
1161 |
1162 | bool UISession::preprocessInitialization()
1163 | {
1164 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_NETFLT
1165 | /* Skip network interface name checks if VM in saved state: */
1166 | if (!isSaved())
1167 | {
1168 | /* Make sure all the attached and enabled network
1169 | * adapters are present on the host. This check makes sense
1170 | * in two cases only - when attachement type is Bridged Network
1171 | * or Host-only Interface. NOTE: Only currently enabled
1172 | * attachement type is checked (incorrect parameters check for
1173 | * currently disabled attachement types is skipped). */
1174 | QStringList failedInterfaceNames;
1175 | QStringList availableInterfaceNames;
1176 |
1177 | /* Create host network interface names list: */
1178 | foreach (const CHostNetworkInterface &comNetIface, uiCommon().host().GetNetworkInterfaces())
1179 | {
1180 | availableInterfaceNames << comNetIface.GetName();
1181 | availableInterfaceNames << comNetIface.GetShortName();
1182 | }
1183 |
1184 | /* Enumerate all the virtual network adapters: */
1185 | const ulong cCount = uiCommon().virtualBox().GetSystemProperties().GetMaxNetworkAdapters(machine().GetChipsetType());
1186 | for (ulong uAdapterIndex = 0; uAdapterIndex < cCount; ++uAdapterIndex)
1187 | {
1188 | CNetworkAdapter comNetworkAdapter = machine().GetNetworkAdapter(uAdapterIndex);
1189 | if (comNetworkAdapter.GetEnabled())
1190 | {
1191 | /* Get physical network interface name for
1192 | * currently enabled network attachement type: */
1193 | QString strInterfaceName;
1194 | switch (comNetworkAdapter.GetAttachmentType())
1195 | {
1196 | case KNetworkAttachmentType_Bridged:
1197 | strInterfaceName = comNetworkAdapter.GetBridgedInterface();
1198 | break;
1199 | #ifndef VBOX_WITH_VMNET
1200 | case KNetworkAttachmentType_HostOnly:
1201 | strInterfaceName = comNetworkAdapter.GetHostOnlyInterface();
1202 | break;
1203 | #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_VMNET */
1204 | default:
1205 | break;
1206 | }
1207 |
1208 | if ( !strInterfaceName.isEmpty()
1209 | && !availableInterfaceNames.contains(strInterfaceName))
1210 | {
1211 | LogRel(("GUI: Invalid network interface found: %s\n", strInterfaceName.toUtf8().constData()));
1212 | failedInterfaceNames << QString("%1 (adapter %2)").arg(strInterfaceName).arg(uAdapterIndex + 1);
1213 | }
1214 | }
1215 | }
1216 |
1217 | /* Check if non-existent interfaces found: */
1218 | if (!failedInterfaceNames.isEmpty())
1219 | {
1220 | if (msgCenter().warnAboutNetworkInterfaceNotFound(machineName(), failedInterfaceNames.join(", ")))
1221 | machineLogic()->openNetworkSettingsDialog();
1222 | else
1223 | {
1224 | LogRel(("GUI: Aborting startup due to preprocess initialization issue detected...\n"));
1225 | return false;
1226 | }
1227 | }
1228 | }
1229 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_NETFLT */
1230 |
1231 | /* Check for USB enumeration warning. Don't return false even if we have a warning: */
1232 | CHost comHost = uiCommon().host();
1233 | if (comHost.GetUSBDevices().isEmpty() && comHost.isWarning())
1234 | {
1235 | /* Do not bitch if USB disabled: */
1236 | if (!machine().GetUSBControllers().isEmpty())
1237 | {
1238 | /* Do not bitch if there are no filters (check if enabled too?): */
1239 | if (!machine().GetUSBDeviceFilters().GetDeviceFilters().isEmpty())
1240 | UINotificationMessage::cannotEnumerateHostUSBDevices(comHost);
1241 | }
1242 | }
1243 |
1244 | /* True by default: */
1245 | return true;
1246 | }
1247 |
1248 | bool UISession::mountAdHocImage(KDeviceType enmDeviceType, UIMediumDeviceType enmMediumType, const QString &strMediumName)
1249 | {
1250 | /* Get VBox: */
1251 | CVirtualBox comVBox = uiCommon().virtualBox();
1252 |
1253 | /* Prepare medium to mount: */
1254 | UIMedium guiMedium;
1255 |
1256 | /* The 'none' medium name means ejecting what ever is in the drive,
1257 | * in that case => leave the guiMedium variable null. */
1258 | if (strMediumName != "none")
1259 | {
1260 | /* Open the medium: */
1261 | const CMedium comMedium = comVBox.OpenMedium(strMediumName, enmDeviceType, KAccessMode_ReadWrite, false /* fForceNewUuid */);
1262 | if (!comVBox.isOk() || comMedium.isNull())
1263 | {
1264 | UINotificationMessage::cannotOpenMedium(comVBox, strMediumName);
1265 | return false;
1266 | }
1267 |
1268 | /* Make sure medium ID is valid: */
1269 | const QUuid uMediumId = comMedium.GetId();
1270 | AssertReturn(!uMediumId.isNull(), false);
1271 |
1272 | /* Try to find UIMedium among cached: */
1273 | guiMedium = uiCommon().medium(uMediumId);
1274 | if (guiMedium.isNull())
1275 | {
1276 | /* Cache new one if necessary: */
1277 | guiMedium = UIMedium(comMedium, enmMediumType, KMediumState_Created);
1278 | uiCommon().createMedium(guiMedium);
1279 | }
1280 | }
1281 |
1282 | /* Search for a suitable storage slots: */
1283 | QList<ExactStorageSlot> aFreeStorageSlots;
1284 | QList<ExactStorageSlot> aBusyStorageSlots;
1285 | foreach (const CStorageController &comController, machine().GetStorageControllers())
1286 | {
1287 | foreach (const CMediumAttachment &comAttachment, machine().GetMediumAttachmentsOfController(comController.GetName()))
1288 | {
1289 | /* Look for an optical devices only: */
1290 | if (comAttachment.GetType() == enmDeviceType)
1291 | {
1292 | /* Append storage slot to corresponding list: */
1293 | if (comAttachment.GetMedium().isNull())
1294 | aFreeStorageSlots << ExactStorageSlot(comController.GetName(), comController.GetBus(),
1295 | comAttachment.GetPort(), comAttachment.GetDevice());
1296 | else
1297 | aBusyStorageSlots << ExactStorageSlot(comController.GetName(), comController.GetBus(),
1298 | comAttachment.GetPort(), comAttachment.GetDevice());
1299 | }
1300 | }
1301 | }
1302 |
1303 | /* Make sure at least one storage slot found: */
1304 | QList<ExactStorageSlot> sStorageSlots = aFreeStorageSlots + aBusyStorageSlots;
1305 | if (sStorageSlots.isEmpty())
1306 | {
1307 | UINotificationMessage::cannotMountImage(machineName(), strMediumName);
1308 | return false;
1309 | }
1310 |
1311 | /* Try to mount medium into first available storage slot: */
1312 | while (!sStorageSlots.isEmpty())
1313 | {
1314 | const ExactStorageSlot storageSlot = sStorageSlots.takeFirst();
1315 | machine().MountMedium(storageSlot.controller, storageSlot.port, storageSlot.device, guiMedium.medium(), false /* force */);
1316 | if (machine().isOk())
1317 | break;
1318 | }
1319 |
1320 | /* Show error message if necessary: */
1321 | if (!machine().isOk())
1322 | {
1323 | msgCenter().cannotRemountMedium(machine(), guiMedium, true /* mount? */, false /* retry? */, activeMachineWindow());
1324 | return false;
1325 | }
1326 |
1327 | /* Save machine settings: */
1328 | machine().SaveSettings();
1329 |
1330 | /* Show error message if necessary: */
1331 | if (!machine().isOk())
1332 | {
1333 | UINotificationMessage::cannotSaveMachineSettings(machine());
1334 | return false;
1335 | }
1336 |
1337 | /* True by default: */
1338 | return true;
1339 | }
1340 |
1341 | void UISession::recacheMachineMedia()
1342 | {
1343 | /* Compose a list of machine media: */
1344 | CMediumVector comMedia;
1345 |
1346 | /* Enumerate all the controllers: */
1347 | foreach (const CStorageController &comController, machine().GetStorageControllers())
1348 | {
1349 | /* Enumerate all the attachments: */
1350 | foreach (const CMediumAttachment &comAttachment, machine().GetMediumAttachmentsOfController(comController.GetName()))
1351 | {
1352 | /* Skip unrelated device types: */
1353 | const KDeviceType enmDeviceType = comAttachment.GetType();
1354 | if ( enmDeviceType != KDeviceType_HardDisk
1355 | && enmDeviceType != KDeviceType_Floppy
1356 | && enmDeviceType != KDeviceType_DVD)
1357 | continue;
1358 | if ( comAttachment.GetIsEjected()
1359 | || comAttachment.GetMedium().isNull())
1360 | continue;
1361 | comMedia.append(comAttachment.GetMedium());
1362 | }
1363 | }
1364 |
1365 | /* Start media enumeration: */
1366 | uiCommon().enumerateMedia(comMedia);
1367 | }
1368 |
1370 | /**
1371 | * Custom signal handler. When switching VTs, we might not get release events
1372 | * for Ctrl-Alt and in case a savestate is performed on the new VT, the VM will
1373 | * be saved with modifier keys stuck. This is annoying enough for introducing
1374 | * this hack.
1375 | */
1376 | /* static */
1377 | static void signalHandlerSIGUSR1(int sig, siginfo_t * /* pInfo */, void * /*pSecret */)
1378 | {
1379 | /* Only SIGUSR1 is interesting: */
1380 | if (sig == SIGUSR1)
1381 | if (gpMachine)
1382 | gpMachine->machineLogic()->keyboardHandler()->releaseAllPressedKeys();
1383 | }