1 | /* $Id: UIWizardNewVMPageBasic4.cpp 87869 2021-02-25 09:34:33Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - UIWizardNewVMPageBasic4 class implementation.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2020 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 | /* Qt includes: */
19 | #include <QGridLayout>
20 | #include <QMetaType>
21 | #include <QRadioButton>
22 | #include <QVBoxLayout>
23 |
24 | /* GUI includes: */
25 | #include "QIRichTextLabel.h"
26 | #include "QIToolButton.h"
27 | #include "UIIconPool.h"
28 | #include "UIMediaComboBox.h"
29 | #include "UIMedium.h"
30 | #include "UIMediumSelector.h"
31 | #include "UIMessageCenter.h"
32 | #include "UIWizardNewVD.h"
33 | #include "UIWizardNewVM.h"
34 | #include "UIWizardNewVMPageBasic4.h"
35 |
36 | UIWizardNewVMPage4::UIWizardNewVMPage4()
37 | : m_fRecommendedNoDisk(false)
38 | , m_pDiskSkip(0)
39 | , m_pDiskCreate(0)
40 | , m_pDiskPresent(0)
41 | , m_pDiskSelector(0)
42 | , m_pVMMButton(0)
43 | {
44 | }
45 |
46 | void UIWizardNewVMPage4::updateVirtualDiskSource()
47 | {
48 | if (!m_pDiskSelector || !m_pVMMButton)
49 | return;
50 |
51 | /* Enable/disable controls: */
52 | m_pDiskSelector->setEnabled(m_pDiskPresent->isChecked());
53 | m_pVMMButton->setEnabled(m_pDiskPresent->isChecked());
54 |
55 | /* Fetch filed values: */
56 | if (m_pDiskSkip->isChecked())
57 | {
58 | m_uVirtualDiskId = QUuid();
59 | m_strVirtualDiskName = QString();
60 | m_strVirtualDiskLocation = QString();
61 | }
62 | else if (m_pDiskPresent->isChecked())
63 | {
64 | m_uVirtualDiskId = m_pDiskSelector->id();
65 | m_strVirtualDiskName = m_pDiskSelector->currentText();
66 | m_strVirtualDiskLocation = m_pDiskSelector->location();
67 | }
68 | }
69 |
70 | void UIWizardNewVMPage4::getWithFileOpenDialog()
71 | {
72 | /* Get opened medium id: */
73 | QUuid uMediumId;
74 |
75 | int returnCode = uiCommon().openMediumSelectorDialog(thisImp(), UIMediumDeviceType_HardDisk,
76 | uMediumId,
77 | fieldImp("machineFolder").toString(),
78 | fieldImp("machineBaseName").toString(),
79 | fieldImp("type").value<CGuestOSType>().GetId(),
80 | false /* don't show/enable the create action: */);
81 |
82 | if (returnCode == static_cast<int>(UIMediumSelector::ReturnCode_Accepted) && !uMediumId.isNull())
83 | {
84 | /* Update medium-combo if necessary: */
85 | m_pDiskSelector->setCurrentItem(uMediumId);
86 | /* Update hard disk source: */
87 | updateVirtualDiskSource();
88 | /* Focus on hard disk combo: */
89 | m_pDiskSelector->setFocus();
90 | }
91 | }
92 |
93 | bool UIWizardNewVMPage4::getWithNewVirtualDiskWizard()
94 | {
95 | /* Create New Virtual Hard Drive wizard: */
96 | UISafePointerWizardNewVD pWizard = new UIWizardNewVD(thisImp(),
97 | fieldImp("machineBaseName").toString(),
98 | fieldImp("machineFolder").toString(),
99 | fieldImp("type").value<CGuestOSType>().GetRecommendedHDD(),
100 | wizardImp()->mode());
101 | pWizard->prepare();
102 | bool fResult = false;
103 | if (pWizard->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
104 | {
105 | fResult = true;
106 | m_virtualDisk = pWizard->virtualDisk();
107 | m_pDiskSelector->setCurrentItem(m_virtualDisk.GetId());
108 | m_pDiskPresent->click();
109 | }
110 | if (pWizard)
111 | delete pWizard;
112 | return fResult;
113 | }
114 |
115 | void UIWizardNewVMPage4::ensureNewVirtualDiskDeleted()
116 | {
117 | /* Make sure virtual-disk valid: */
118 | if (m_virtualDisk.isNull())
119 | return;
120 |
121 | /* Remember virtual-disk attributes: */
122 | QString strLocation = m_virtualDisk.GetLocation();
123 | /* Prepare delete storage progress: */
124 | CProgress progress = m_virtualDisk.DeleteStorage();
125 | if (m_virtualDisk.isOk())
126 | {
127 | /* Show delete storage progress: */
128 | msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, thisImp()->windowTitle(), ":/progress_media_delete_90px.png", thisImp());
129 | if (!progress.isOk() || progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
130 | msgCenter().cannotDeleteHardDiskStorage(progress, strLocation, thisImp());
131 | }
132 | else
133 | msgCenter().cannotDeleteHardDiskStorage(m_virtualDisk, strLocation, thisImp());
134 |
135 | /* Detach virtual-disk anyway: */
136 | m_virtualDisk.detach();
137 | }
138 |
139 | void UIWizardNewVMPage4::retranslateWidgets()
140 | {
141 | if (m_pDiskSkip)
142 | m_pDiskSkip->setText(UIWizardNewVM::tr("&Do not add a virtual hard disk"));
143 | if (m_pDiskCreate)
144 | m_pDiskCreate->setText(UIWizardNewVM::tr("&Create a virtual hard disk now"));
145 | if (m_pDiskPresent)
146 | m_pDiskPresent->setText(UIWizardNewVM::tr("&Use an existing virtual hard disk file"));
147 | if (m_pVMMButton)
148 | m_pVMMButton->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Choose a virtual hard disk file..."));
149 | }
150 |
151 | QWidget *UIWizardNewVMPage4::createDiskWidgets()
152 | {
153 | QWidget *pDiskContainer = new QWidget;
154 | QGridLayout *pDiskLayout = new QGridLayout(pDiskContainer);
155 |
156 | m_pDiskSkip = new QRadioButton;
157 | m_pDiskCreate = new QRadioButton;
158 | m_pDiskPresent = new QRadioButton;
159 | QStyleOptionButton options;
160 | options.initFrom(m_pDiskPresent);
161 | int iWidth = m_pDiskPresent->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ExclusiveIndicatorWidth, &options, m_pDiskPresent);
162 | pDiskLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(0, iWidth);
163 | m_pDiskSelector = new UIMediaComboBox;
164 | {
165 | m_pDiskSelector->setType(UIMediumDeviceType_HardDisk);
166 | m_pDiskSelector->repopulate();
167 | }
168 | m_pVMMButton = new QIToolButton;
169 | {
170 | m_pVMMButton->setAutoRaise(true);
171 | m_pVMMButton->setIcon(UIIconPool::iconSet(":/select_file_16px.png", ":/select_file_disabled_16px.png"));
172 | }
173 | pDiskLayout->addWidget(m_pDiskSkip, 0, 0, 1, 3);
174 | pDiskLayout->addWidget(m_pDiskCreate, 1, 0, 1, 3);
175 | pDiskLayout->addWidget(m_pDiskPresent, 2, 0, 1, 3);
176 | pDiskLayout->addWidget(m_pDiskSelector, 3, 1);
177 | pDiskLayout->addWidget(m_pVMMButton, 3, 2);
178 | return pDiskContainer;
179 | }
180 |
181 | UIWizardNewVMPageBasic4::UIWizardNewVMPageBasic4()
182 | : m_pLabel(0)
183 | {
184 | prepare();
185 | qRegisterMetaType<CMedium>();
186 | registerField("virtualDisk", this, "virtualDisk");
187 | registerField("virtualDiskId", this, "virtualDiskId");
188 | registerField("virtualDiskName", this, "virtualDiskName");
189 | registerField("virtualDiskLocation", this, "virtualDiskLocation");
190 | }
191 |
192 | int UIWizardNewVMPageBasic4::nextId() const
193 | {
194 | if (m_pDiskCreate->isChecked())
195 | return UIWizardNewVM::Page5;
196 | return UIWizardNewVM::Page8;
197 | }
198 |
199 | void UIWizardNewVMPageBasic4::prepare()
200 | {
201 | QVBoxLayout *pMainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
202 |
203 | m_pLabel = new QIRichTextLabel(this);
204 | pMainLayout->addWidget(m_pLabel);
205 | pMainLayout->addWidget(createDiskWidgets());
206 |
207 | pMainLayout->addStretch();
208 | updateVirtualDiskSource();
209 | createConnections();
210 | }
211 |
212 | void UIWizardNewVMPageBasic4::createConnections()
213 | {
214 | connect(m_pDiskSkip, &QRadioButton::toggled,
215 | this, &UIWizardNewVMPageBasic4::sltVirtualDiskSourceChanged);
216 | connect(m_pDiskCreate, &QRadioButton::toggled,
217 | this, &UIWizardNewVMPageBasic4::sltVirtualDiskSourceChanged);
218 | connect(m_pDiskPresent, &QRadioButton::toggled,
219 | this, &UIWizardNewVMPageBasic4::sltVirtualDiskSourceChanged);
220 | connect(m_pDiskSelector, static_cast<void(UIMediaComboBox::*)(int)>(&UIMediaComboBox::currentIndexChanged),
221 | this, &UIWizardNewVMPageBasic4::sltVirtualDiskSourceChanged);
222 | connect(m_pVMMButton, &QIToolButton::clicked,
223 | this, &UIWizardNewVMPageBasic4::sltGetWithFileOpenDialog);
224 | }
225 |
226 | void UIWizardNewVMPageBasic4::sltVirtualDiskSourceChanged()
227 | {
228 | /* Call to base-class: */
229 | updateVirtualDiskSource();
230 |
231 | /* Broadcast complete-change: */
232 | emit completeChanged();
233 | }
234 |
235 | void UIWizardNewVMPageBasic4::sltGetWithFileOpenDialog()
236 | {
237 | /* Call to base-class: */
238 | getWithFileOpenDialog();
239 | }
240 |
241 | void UIWizardNewVMPageBasic4::retranslateUi()
242 | {
243 | setTitle(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Virtual Hard disk"));
244 |
245 | QString strRecommendedHDD = field("type").value<CGuestOSType>().isNull() ? QString() :
246 | UICommon::formatSize(field("type").value<CGuestOSType>().GetRecommendedHDD());
247 | if (m_pLabel)
248 | m_pLabel->setText(UIWizardNewVM::tr("<p>If you wish you can add a virtual hard disk to the new machine. "
249 | "You can either create a new hard disk file or select one from the list "
250 | "or from another location using the folder icon. "
251 | "If you need a more complex storage set-up you can skip this step "
252 | "and make the changes to the machine settings once the machine is created. "
253 | "The recommended size of the hard disk is <b>%1</b>.</p>")
254 | .arg(strRecommendedHDD));
255 |
256 | retranslateWidgets();
257 | }
258 |
259 | void UIWizardNewVMPageBasic4::initializePage()
260 | {
261 | retranslateUi();
262 |
263 | if (!field("type").canConvert<CGuestOSType>())
264 | return;
265 |
266 | CGuestOSType type = field("type").value<CGuestOSType>();
267 |
268 | if (type.GetRecommendedHDD() != 0)
269 | {
270 | if (m_pDiskCreate)
271 | {
272 | m_pDiskCreate->setFocus();
273 | m_pDiskCreate->setChecked(true);
274 | }
275 | m_fRecommendedNoDisk = false;
276 | }
277 | else
278 | {
279 | if (m_pDiskSkip)
280 | {
281 | m_pDiskSkip->setFocus();
282 | m_pDiskSkip->setChecked(true);
283 | }
284 | m_fRecommendedNoDisk = true;
285 | }
286 | if (m_pDiskSelector)
287 | m_pDiskSelector->setCurrentIndex(0);
288 | }
289 |
290 | void UIWizardNewVMPageBasic4::cleanupPage()
291 | {
292 | /* Call to base-class: */
293 | ensureNewVirtualDiskDeleted();
294 | UIWizardPage::cleanupPage();
295 | }
296 |
297 | bool UIWizardNewVMPageBasic4::isComplete() const
298 | {
299 | if (!m_pDiskSkip)
300 | return false;
301 | return m_pDiskSkip->isChecked() ||
302 | !m_pDiskPresent->isChecked() ||
303 | !uiCommon().medium(m_pDiskSelector->id()).isNull();
304 | }
305 |
306 | // bool UIWizardNewVMPageBasic4::validatePage()
307 | // {
308 | // /* Initial result: */
309 | // bool fResult = true;
310 |
311 | // /* Ensure unused virtual-disk is deleted: */
312 | // if (m_pDiskSkip->isChecked() || m_pDiskCreate->isChecked() || (!m_virtualDisk.isNull() && m_uVirtualDiskId != m_virtualDisk.GetId()))
313 | // ensureNewVirtualDiskDeleted();
314 |
315 | // if (m_pDiskSkip->isChecked())
316 | // {
317 | // /* Ask user about disk-less machine unless that's the recommendation: */
318 | // if (!m_fRecommendedNoDisk)
319 | // fResult = msgCenter().confirmHardDisklessMachine(thisImp());
320 | // }
321 | // else if (m_pDiskCreate->isChecked())
322 | // {
323 | // /* Show the New Virtual Hard Drive wizard: */
324 | // fResult = getWithNewVirtualDiskWizard();
325 | // }
326 |
327 | // if (fResult)
328 | // {
329 | // /* Lock finish button: */
330 | // startProcessing();
331 |
332 | // /* Try to create VM: */
333 | // fResult = qobject_cast<UIWizardNewVM*>(wizard())->createVM();
334 |
335 | // /* Unlock finish button: */
336 | // endProcessing();
337 | // }
338 |
339 | // /* Return result: */
340 | // return fResult;
341 | // }