/** * * VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"): * "Shared Folders" settings dialog UI include (Qt Designer) */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE * distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * If you received this file as part of a commercial VirtualBox * distribution, then only the terms of your commercial VirtualBox * license agreement apply instead of the previous paragraph. */ /**************************************************************************** ** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation. ** ** If you want to add, delete, or rename functions or slots, use ** Qt Designer to update this file, preserving your code. ** ** You should not define a constructor or destructor in this file. ** Instead, write your code in functions called init() and destroy(). ** These will automatically be called by the form's constructor and ** destructor. *****************************************************************************/ class VBoxRichListItem : public QListViewItem { public: enum { QIRichListItemId = 1010 }; enum FormatType { IncorrectFormat = 0, EllipsisStart = 1, EllipsisMiddle = 2, EllipsisEnd = 3, EllipsisFile = 4 }; VBoxRichListItem (FormatType aFormat, QListView *aParent, const QString& aName, const QString& aNull, const QString& aKey) : QListViewItem (aParent, aName, aNull, aKey), mFormat (aFormat) { } VBoxRichListItem (FormatType aFormat, QListViewItem *aParent, const QString& aName, const QString& aPath) : QListViewItem (aParent, aName, aPath), mFormat (aFormat) { mTextList << aName << aPath; } int rtti() const { return QIRichListItemId; } QString getText (int aIndex) { return aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < (int)mTextList.size() ? mTextList [aIndex] : QString::null; } void updateText (int aColumn, const QString &aText) { if (aColumn >= 0 && aColumn < (int)mTextList.size()) mTextList [aColumn] = aText; } protected: void paintCell (QPainter *aPainter, const QColorGroup &aColorGroup, int aColumn, int aWidth, int aAlign) { processColumn (aColumn, aWidth); QListViewItem::paintCell (aPainter, aColorGroup, aColumn, aWidth, aAlign); } void processColumn (int aColumn, int aWidth) { QString oneString = aColumn >= 0 && aColumn < (int)mTextList.size() ? mTextList [aColumn] : QString::null; if (oneString.isNull()) return; int oldSize = listView()->fontMetrics().width (oneString); int indentSize = listView()->fontMetrics().width ("...x"); /* compress text */ int start = 0; int finish = 0; int position = 0; int textWidth = 0; do { textWidth = listView()->fontMetrics().width (oneString); if (textWidth + indentSize > aWidth) { start = 0; finish = oneString.length(); /* selecting remove position */ switch (mFormat) { case EllipsisStart: position = start; break; case EllipsisMiddle: position = (finish - start) / 2; break; case EllipsisEnd: position = finish - 1; break; case EllipsisFile: { QRegExp regExp ("([\\\\/][^\\\\^/]+[\\\\/]?$)"); int newFinish = regExp.search (oneString); if (newFinish != -1) finish = newFinish; position = (finish - start) / 2; break; } default: AssertMsgFailed (("Invalid format type\n")); } if (position == finish) break; oneString.remove (position, 1); } } while (textWidth + indentSize > aWidth); if (position || mFormat == EllipsisFile) oneString.insert (position, "..."); int newSize = listView()->fontMetrics().width (oneString); setText (aColumn, newSize < oldSize ? oneString : mTextList [aColumn]); } FormatType mFormat; QStringList mTextList; }; class VBoxAddSFDialog : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: enum DialogType { AddDialogType, EditDialogType }; VBoxAddSFDialog (QWidget *aParent, VBoxAddSFDialog::DialogType aType, bool aEnableSelector /* for "permanent" checkbox */) : QDialog (aParent, "VBoxAddSFDialog", true /* modal */), mLePath (0), mLeName (0), mCbPermanent (0) { switch (aType) { case AddDialogType: setCaption (tr ("Add Share")); break; case EditDialogType: setCaption (tr ("Edit Share")); break; default: AssertMsgFailed (("Incorrect SF Dialog type\n")); } QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout (this, 10, 10, "mainLayout"); /* Setup Input layout */ QGridLayout *inputLayout = new QGridLayout (mainLayout, 3, 3, 10, "inputLayout"); QLabel *lbPath = new QLabel (tr ("Folder Path"), this); mLePath = new QLineEdit (this); QToolButton *tbPath = new QToolButton (this); QLabel *lbName = new QLabel (tr ("Folder Name"), this); mLeName = new QLineEdit (this); tbPath->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("select_file_16px.png", "select_file_dis_16px.png")); tbPath->setFocusPolicy (QWidget::TabFocus); connect (mLePath, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString &)), this, SLOT (validate())); connect (mLeName, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString &)), this, SLOT (validate())); connect (tbPath, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (showFileDialog())); QWhatsThis::add (mLePath, tr ("Displays the path to an existing folder on the host PC.")); QWhatsThis::add (mLeName, tr ("Displays the name of the shared folder " "(as it will be seen by the guest OS).")); QWhatsThis::add (tbPath, tr ("Opens the dialog to select a folder.")); inputLayout->addWidget (lbPath, 0, 0); inputLayout->addWidget (mLePath, 0, 1); inputLayout->addWidget (tbPath, 0, 2); inputLayout->addWidget (lbName, 1, 0); inputLayout->addMultiCellWidget (mLeName, 1, 1, 1, 2); if (aEnableSelector) { mCbPermanent = new QCheckBox ("&Make Permanent", this); mCbPermanent->setChecked (true); inputLayout->addMultiCellWidget (mCbPermanent, 2, 2, 0, 2); } /* Setup Button layout */ QHBoxLayout *buttonLayout = new QHBoxLayout (mainLayout, 10, "buttonLayout"); mBtOk = new QPushButton (tr ("OK"), this, "btOk"); QSpacerItem *spacer = new QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum); QPushButton *btCancel = new QPushButton (tr ("Cancel"), this, "btCancel"); connect (mBtOk, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (accept())); connect (btCancel, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (reject())); buttonLayout->addWidget (mBtOk); buttonLayout->addItem (spacer); buttonLayout->addWidget (btCancel); /* Validate fields */ validate(); } ~VBoxAddSFDialog() {} QString getPath() { return mLePath->text(); } QString getName() { return mLeName->text(); } bool getPermanent() { return mCbPermanent ? mCbPermanent->isChecked() : true; } void setPath (const QString &aPath) { mLePath->setText (aPath); } void setName (const QString &aName) { mLeName->setText (aName); } void setPermanent (bool aPermanent) { if (mCbPermanent) { mCbPermanent->setChecked (aPermanent); mCbPermanent->setEnabled (!aPermanent); } } private slots: void validate() { mBtOk->setEnabled (!mLePath->text().isEmpty() && !mLeName->text().isEmpty()); } void showFileDialog() { QString folder = vboxGlobal().getExistingDirectory (QDir::rootDirPath(), this, "addSharedFolderDialog", tr ("Select a folder to share")); if (folder.isNull()) return; QString folderName = QDir::convertSeparators (folder); QRegExp commonRule ("[\\\\/]([^\\\\^/]+)[\\\\/]?$"); QRegExp rootRule ("(([a-zA-Z])[^\\\\^/])?[\\\\/]$"); if (commonRule.search (folderName) != -1) { /* processing non-root folder */ mLePath->setText (folderName.remove (QRegExp ("[\\\\/]$"))); mLeName->setText (commonRule.cap (1)); } else if (rootRule.search (folderName) != -1) { /* processing root folder */ mLePath->setText (folderName); #if defined(Q_WS_WIN32) mLeName->setText (rootRule.cap (2) + "_DRIVE"); #elif defined(Q_WS_X11) mLeName->setText ("ROOT"); #endif } else return; /* hm, what type of folder it was? */ } private: void showEvent (QShowEvent *aEvent) { setFixedHeight (height()); QDialog::showEvent (aEvent); } QPushButton *mBtOk; QLineEdit *mLePath; QLineEdit *mLeName; QCheckBox *mCbPermanent; }; void VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::init() { mDialogType = WrongType; new QIListViewSelectionPreserver (this, listView); listView->setShowToolTips (false); listView->setRootIsDecorated (true); tbAdd->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("add_shared_folder_16px.png", "add_shared_folder_disabled_16px.png")); tbEdit->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("edit_shared_folder_16px.png", "edit_shared_folder_disabled_16px.png")); tbRemove->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("revome_shared_folder_16px.png", "revome_shared_folder_disabled_16px.png")); QToolTip::add (tbAdd, tr ("Add a new shared folder")); QToolTip::add (tbEdit, tr ("Edit the selected shared folder")); QToolTip::add (tbRemove, tr ("Remove the selected shared folder")); connect (tbAdd, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (tbAddPressed())); connect (tbEdit, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (tbEditPressed())); connect (tbRemove, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (tbRemovePressed())); connect (listView, SIGNAL (currentChanged (QListViewItem *)), this, SLOT (processCurrentChanged (QListViewItem *))); connect (listView, SIGNAL (onItem (QListViewItem *)), this, SLOT (processOnItem (QListViewItem *))); mIsListViewChanged = false; } void VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::setDialogType (int aType) { mDialogType = aType; } void VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::removeSharedFolder (const QString & aName, const QString & aPath, SFDialogType aType) { switch (aType) { case GlobalType: { /* This feature is not implemented yet */ AssertMsgFailed (("Global shared folders are not implemented yet\n")); break; } case MachineType: { Assert (!mMachine.isNull()); mMachine.RemoveSharedFolder (aName); if (!mMachine.isOk()) vboxProblem().cannotRemoveSharedFolder (this, mMachine, aName, aPath); break; } case ConsoleType: { Assert (!mConsole.isNull()); mConsole.RemoveSharedFolder (aName); if (!mConsole.isOk()) vboxProblem().cannotRemoveSharedFolder (this, mConsole, aName, aPath); break; } default: { AssertMsgFailed (("Incorrect shared folder type\n")); } } } void VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::createSharedFolder (const QString & aName, const QString & aPath, SFDialogType aType) { switch (aType) { case GlobalType: { /* This feature is not implemented yet */ AssertMsgFailed (("Global shared folders are not implemented yet\n")); break; } case MachineType: { Assert (!mMachine.isNull()); mMachine.CreateSharedFolder (aName, aPath); if (!mMachine.isOk()) vboxProblem().cannotCreateSharedFolder (this, mMachine, aName, aPath); break; } case ConsoleType: { Assert (!mConsole.isNull()); mConsole.CreateSharedFolder (aName, aPath); if (!mConsole.isOk()) vboxProblem().cannotCreateSharedFolder (this, mConsole, aName, aPath); break; } default: { AssertMsgFailed (("Incorrect shared folder type\n")); } } } void VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::getFromGlobal() { /* This feature is not implemented yet */ AssertMsgFailed (("Global shared folders are not implemented yet\n")); /* QString name = tr (" Global Folders"); QString key (QString::number (GlobalType)); VBoxRichListItem *root = new VBoxRichListItem (VBoxRichListItem::EllipsisEnd, listView, name, QString::null, key); getFrom (vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetSharedFolders().Enumerate(), root); */ } void VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::getFromMachine (const CMachine &aMachine) { mMachine = aMachine; QString name = tr (" Machine Folders"); QString key (QString::number (MachineType)); VBoxRichListItem *root = new VBoxRichListItem (VBoxRichListItem::EllipsisEnd, listView, name, QString::null, key); getFrom (mMachine.GetSharedFolders().Enumerate(), root); } void VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::getFromConsole (const CConsole &aConsole) { mConsole = aConsole; QString name = tr (" Transient Folders"); QString key (QString::number (ConsoleType)); VBoxRichListItem *root = new VBoxRichListItem (VBoxRichListItem::EllipsisEnd, listView, name, QString::null, key); getFrom (mConsole.GetSharedFolders().Enumerate(), root); } void VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::getFrom (const CSharedFolderEnumerator &aEn, QListViewItem *aRoot) { aRoot->setSelectable (false); while (aEn.HasMore()) { CSharedFolder sf = aEn.GetNext(); new VBoxRichListItem (VBoxRichListItem::EllipsisFile, aRoot, sf.GetName(), sf.GetHostPath()); } listView->setOpen (aRoot, true); listView->setCurrentItem (aRoot->firstChild() ? aRoot->firstChild() : aRoot); processCurrentChanged (aRoot->firstChild() ? aRoot->firstChild() : aRoot); } void VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::putBackToGlobal() { /* This feature is not implemented yet */ AssertMsgFailed (("Global shared folders are not implemented yet\n")); /* if (!mIsListViewChanged) return; // This function is only available for GlobalType dialog Assert (mDialogType == GlobalType); // Searching for GlobalType item's root QListViewItem *root = listView->findItem (QString::number (GlobalType), 2); Assert (root); CSharedFolderEnumerator en = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetSharedFolders().Enumerate(); putBackTo (en, root); */ } void VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::putBackToMachine() { if (!mIsListViewChanged) return; /* This function is only available for MachineType dialog */ Assert (mDialogType & MachineType); /* Searching for MachineType item's root */ QListViewItem *root = listView->findItem (QString::number (MachineType), 2); Assert (root); CSharedFolderEnumerator en = mMachine.GetSharedFolders().Enumerate(); putBackTo (en, root); } void VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::putBackToConsole() { if (!mIsListViewChanged) return; /* This function is only available for ConsoleType dialog */ Assert (mDialogType & ConsoleType); /* Searching for ConsoleType item's root */ QListViewItem *root = listView->findItem (QString::number (ConsoleType), 2); Assert (root); CSharedFolderEnumerator en = mConsole.GetSharedFolders().Enumerate(); putBackTo (en, root); } void VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::putBackTo (CSharedFolderEnumerator &aEn, QListViewItem *aRoot) { Assert (!aRoot->text (2).isNull()); SFDialogType type = (SFDialogType)aRoot->text (2).toInt(); /* deleting all existing folders if the list */ while (aEn.HasMore()) { CSharedFolder sf = aEn.GetNext(); removeSharedFolder (sf.GetName(), sf.GetHostPath(), type); } /* saving all machine related list view items */ QListViewItem *iterator = aRoot->firstChild(); while (iterator) { VBoxRichListItem *item = 0; if (iterator->rtti() == VBoxRichListItem::QIRichListItemId) item = static_cast (iterator); if (item && !item->getText (0).isNull() && !item->getText (1).isNull()) createSharedFolder (item->getText (0), item->getText (1), type); else AssertMsgFailed (("Incorrect listview item type\n")); iterator = iterator->nextSibling(); } } QListViewItem* VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::searchRoot (bool aIsPermanent) { if (!aIsPermanent) return listView->findItem (QString::number (ConsoleType), 2); else if (mDialogType & MachineType) return listView->findItem (QString::number (MachineType), 2); else return listView->findItem (QString::number (GlobalType), 2); } void VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::tbAddPressed() { /* Invoke Add-Box Dialog */ VBoxAddSFDialog dlg (this, VBoxAddSFDialog::AddDialogType, mDialogType & ConsoleType); if (dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; QString name = dlg.getName(); QString path = dlg.getPath(); bool isPermanent = dlg.getPermanent(); /* Shared folder's name & path could not be empty */ Assert (!name.isEmpty() && !path.isEmpty()); /* Searching root for the new listview item */ QListViewItem *root = searchRoot (isPermanent); Assert (root); /* Appending a new listview item to the root */ VBoxRichListItem *item = new VBoxRichListItem ( VBoxRichListItem::EllipsisFile, root, name, path); /* Make the created item selected */ listView->ensureItemVisible (item); listView->setCurrentItem (item); processCurrentChanged (item); listView->setFocus(); mIsListViewChanged = true; } void VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::tbEditPressed() { /* Check selected item */ QListViewItem *selectedItem = listView->selectedItem(); VBoxRichListItem *item = selectedItem->rtti() == VBoxRichListItem::QIRichListItemId ? static_cast (selectedItem) : 0; Assert (item); Assert (item->parent()); /* Invoke Edit-Box Dialog */ VBoxAddSFDialog dlg (this, VBoxAddSFDialog::EditDialogType, mDialogType & ConsoleType); dlg.setPath (item->getText (1)); dlg.setName (item->getText (0)); dlg.setPermanent ((SFDialogType)item->parent()->text (2).toInt() != ConsoleType); if (dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; QString name = dlg.getName(); QString path = dlg.getPath(); bool isPermanent = dlg.getPermanent(); /* Shared folder's name & path could not be empty */ Assert (!name.isEmpty() && !path.isEmpty()); /* Searching new root for the selected listview item */ QListViewItem *root = searchRoot (isPermanent); Assert (root); /* Updating an edited listview item */ item->updateText (1, path); item->updateText (0, name); if (item->parent() != root) { /* Move the selected item into new location */ item->parent()->takeItem (item); root->insertItem (item); /* Make the created item selected */ listView->ensureItemVisible (item); listView->setCurrentItem (item); processCurrentChanged (item); listView->setFocus(); } mIsListViewChanged = true; } void VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::tbRemovePressed() { Assert (listView->selectedItem()); delete listView->selectedItem(); mIsListViewChanged = true; } void VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::processOnItem (QListViewItem *aItem) { VBoxRichListItem *item = 0; if (aItem->rtti() == VBoxRichListItem::QIRichListItemId) item = static_cast (aItem); Assert (item); QString tip = tr ("Name:  %1
" "Path:  %2") .arg (item->getText (0)).arg (item->getText (1)); if (!item->getText (0).isNull() && !item->getText (1).isNull()) QToolTip::add (listView->viewport(), listView->itemRect (aItem), tip); else QToolTip::remove (listView->viewport()); } void VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::processCurrentChanged (QListViewItem *aItem) { if (aItem && aItem->isSelectable() && listView->selectedItem() != aItem) listView->setSelected (aItem, true); bool addEnabled = aItem && (isEditable (aItem->text (2)) || aItem->parent() && isEditable (aItem->parent()->text (2))); bool removeEnabled = aItem && aItem->parent() && isEditable (aItem->parent()->text (2)); tbAdd->setEnabled (addEnabled); tbEdit->setEnabled (removeEnabled); tbRemove->setEnabled (removeEnabled); } void VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::processDoubleClick (QListViewItem *aItem) { bool editEnabled = aItem && aItem->parent() && isEditable (aItem->parent()->text (2)); if (editEnabled) tbEditPressed(); } bool VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::isEditable (const QString &aKey) { /* mDialogType should be sutup already */ Assert (mDialogType); /* simple item has no key information */ if (aKey.isEmpty()) return false; SFDialogType type = (SFDialogType)aKey.toInt(); if (!type) AssertMsgFailed (("Incorrect listview item key value\n")); return mDialogType & type; } #include "VBoxSharedFoldersSettings.ui.moc"