1 | /** @file
2 | *
3 | * VBox frontends: Qt4 GUI ("VirtualBox"):
4 | * VBoxSharedFoldersSettings class declaration
5 | */
6 |
7 | /*
8 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
9 | *
10 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
11 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
12 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
13 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
14 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
15 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
16 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
17 | *
18 | * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
19 | * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
20 | * additional information or have any questions.
21 | */
22 |
23 | #ifndef __VBoxSharedFoldersSettings_h__
24 | #define __VBoxSharedFoldersSettings_h__
25 |
26 | #include "VBoxSharedFoldersSettings.gen.h"
27 | #include "QIWithRetranslateUI.h"
28 |
29 | /* Qt includes */
30 | #include <QDialog>
31 |
32 | class QLineEdit;
33 | class QPushButton;
34 | class QCheckBox;
35 | class SFTreeViewItem;
36 |
37 | class QIDialogButtonBox;
38 |
39 | enum SFDialogType
40 | {
41 | WrongType = 0x00,
42 | GlobalType = 0x01,
43 | MachineType = 0x02,
44 | ConsoleType = 0x04
45 | };
46 | typedef QPair<QString, SFDialogType> SFolderName;
47 | typedef QList<SFolderName> SFoldersNameList;
48 |
49 | class VBoxSharedFoldersSettings : public QIWithRetranslateUI<QWidget>,
50 | public Ui::VBoxSharedFoldersSettings
51 | {
52 | Q_OBJECT;
53 |
54 | public:
55 |
56 | VBoxSharedFoldersSettings (QWidget *aParent = 0, int aType = WrongType);
57 |
58 | int dialogType() { return mDialogType; }
59 |
60 | void getFromGlobal();
61 | void getFromMachine (const CMachine &aMachine);
62 | void getFromConsole (const CConsole &aConsole);
63 |
64 | void putBackToGlobal();
65 | void putBackToMachine();
66 | void putBackToConsole();
67 |
68 | protected:
69 |
70 | void retranslateUi();
71 |
72 | private slots:
73 |
74 | void tbAddPressed();
75 | void tbEditPressed();
76 | void tbRemovePressed();
77 |
78 | void processCurrentChanged (QTreeWidgetItem *aCurrentItem,
79 | QTreeWidgetItem *aPreviousItem = 0);
80 | void processDoubleClick (QTreeWidgetItem *aItem, int aColumn);
81 |
82 | void adjustList();
83 | void adjustFields();
84 |
85 | private:
86 |
87 | void showEvent (QShowEvent *aEvent);
88 |
89 | void removeSharedFolder (const QString &aName, const QString &aPath,
90 | SFDialogType aType);
91 | void createSharedFolder (const QString &aName, const QString &aPath,
92 | bool aWritable,
93 | SFDialogType aType);
94 |
95 | void getFrom (const CSharedFolderEnumerator &aEn, SFTreeViewItem *aItem);
96 | void putBackTo (CSharedFolderEnumerator &aEn, SFTreeViewItem *aItem);
97 |
98 | SFTreeViewItem* searchRoot (bool aIsPermanent,
99 | SFDialogType aType = WrongType);
100 | bool isEditable (const QString &);
101 | SFoldersNameList usedList (bool aIncludeSelected);
102 |
103 | int mDialogType;
104 | bool mIsListViewChanged;
105 | CMachine mMachine;
106 | CConsole mConsole;
107 | QString mTrFull;
108 | QString mTrReadOnly;
109 | };
110 |
111 | class VBoxAddSFDialog : public QIWithRetranslateUI<QDialog>
112 | {
113 | Q_OBJECT;
114 |
115 | public:
116 |
117 | enum DialogType
118 | {
119 | AddDialogType,
120 | EditDialogType
121 | };
122 |
123 | VBoxAddSFDialog (VBoxSharedFoldersSettings *aParent,
124 | VBoxAddSFDialog::DialogType aType,
125 | bool aEnableSelector /* for "permanent" checkbox */,
126 | const SFoldersNameList &aUsedNames);
127 | ~VBoxAddSFDialog() {}
128 |
129 | QString getPath();
130 | QString getName();
131 | bool getPermanent();
132 | bool getWritable();
133 |
134 | void setPath (const QString &aPath);
135 | void setName (const QString &aName);
136 | void setPermanent (bool aPermanent);
137 | void setWritable (bool aWritable);
138 |
139 | protected:
140 |
141 | void retranslateUi();
142 |
143 | private slots:
144 |
145 | void validate();
146 | void showFileDialog();
147 |
148 | private:
149 |
150 | void showEvent (QShowEvent *aEvent);
151 |
152 | VBoxAddSFDialog::DialogType mType;
153 | QIDialogButtonBox *mButtonBox;
154 | QLabel *mLbPath;
155 | QLineEdit *mLePath;
156 | QToolButton *mTbPath;
157 | QLabel *mLbName;
158 | QLineEdit *mLeName;
159 | QCheckBox *mCbPermanent;
160 | QCheckBox *mCbReadonly;
161 | SFoldersNameList mUsedNames;
162 | };
163 |
164 | #endif // __VBoxSharedFoldersSettings_h__
165 |