@@@EnglishNative language nameEuskara--Native language country name (empty if this language is for all countries)EnglishLanguage name, in EnglishBasque--Language country name, in English (empty if native country name is empty)Sun Microsystems, Inc.Comma-separated list of translatorsPiarres BeobideBootItemsListMove Up (Ctrl-Up)Gora Mugitu (Ktrl-Gora)Move Down (Ctrl-Down)Behera Mugitu (Ktrl-Behera)Moves the selected boot device up.Hautatutako abio gailua gora mugitzen du.Moves the selected boot device down.Hautatutako abio gailua behera mugitzen du.BootItemsTableDefines the boot device order. Use checkboxes to the left to enable or disable individual boot devices. Move items up and down to change the device order.Abio gailu ordena ezartzen du. Aukerakutxak erabili abio gailuak gaitu edo ezgaitzeko. Elementuak gora eta behera mugitu gailu ordena aldatzeko.HDItemsModelDouble-click to add a new attachmentHard DiskDisko gogorrakSlotQApplicationExecutable <b>%1</b> requires Qt %2.x, found Qt %3.<b>%1</b> abiarazgarriak Qt %2.x behar du, Qt %3 aurkitu da.Incompatible Qt Library ErrorBateraezin Qt Liburutegi ErroreaQIHelpButton&Help&LaguntzaQIHotKeyEditLeft Ezker Right Eskuin Left ShiftEsker ShiftRight ShiftEskuin ShiftLeft CtrlEzker KtrlRight CtrlEskuin KtrlLeft AltEzker AltRight AltEskuin AltLeft WinKeyEzker WinTeklaRight WinKeyEskuin WinTeklaMenu keyMenu teklaAlt GrAlt GrCaps LockCaps LockScroll LockScroll Lock<key_%1><%1_tekla>PausePrint ScreenF1F1F2F2F3F3F4F4F5F5F6F6F7F7F8F8F9F9F10F10F11F11F12F12F13F13F14F14F15F15F16F16F17F17F18F18F19F19F20F20F21F21F22F22F23F23F24F24Num LockForwardBackQILabelPrivate&CopyQIMessageBoxOKAdosYesBaiNoEzCancelUtziIgnoreEzikusiQIRichLabelCopy to clipboardArbelara kopiatuQIWidgetValidatornot completevalue stateez beteainvalidvalue statebaliogabea<qt>Value of the <b>%1</b> field on the <b>%2</b> page is %3.</qt><qt><b>%2</b> orrialdeko <b>%1</b> eremuaren balioa %3 da.</qt><qt>One of the values on the <b>%1</b> page is %2.</qt><qt><b>%1</b> orrialdeko balio bat %2 da.</qt>VBoxAboutDlgVirtualBox - AboutVirtualBox - Honi Buruz<qt>VirtualBox Graphical User Interface Version %1<br>
%2</qt><qt>VirtualBox Erabiltzaile Interfaze Grafikoa %1 Bertsioa<br>
%2</qt><qt>VirtualBox Graphical User Interface Version %1<br>%2</qt>VBoxAboutNonOSEDlgVirtualBox - AboutVirtualBox - Honi BuruzVirtualBox Graphical User Interface
Version %1VBoxAddNIDialogAdd Host InterfaceOstalari interfaze bat gehituInterface NameInterfaze IzenaDescriptive name of the new network interfaceSare interfaze berriaren izen azalkorra&OKAd&osCancelUtziVBoxAddSFDialogAdd ShareGehitu PartekatzeaEdit ShareEditatu PartekatzeaSelect a folder to sharePartekatzeko karpeta bat hautatuFolder PathKarpeta BideaFolder NameKarpeta IzenaDisplays the path to an existing folder on the host PC.Ostalari PC-an dagoeneko dagoen karpeta baten bidea bistaratzen du.Displays the name of the shared folder (as it will be seen by the guest OS).Partekatutako karpetaren izen bistaratzen du (Ostalari PC-an ikusiko den bezala).Opens the dialog to select a folder.Karpeta hauatzeko leihoa irekitzen du.CancelUtzi&OK&AdosVBoxCloseVMDlgClose Virtual MachineMakina Birtuala ItxiYou want to:Hau nahi duzu:&Save the machine stateMakina egoera &grabatuAlt+SAlt+G&Power off the machineMakina &ItzaliAlt+PAlt+I&Revert to the current snapshotUneko Egoe&ra-argazkira ItzuliAlt+RAlt+RRevert the machine state to the state stored in the current snapshotUneko egoera egoera-argazkian gordetako egoerara itzuli makinaHelpLaguntzaF1F1&OKAd&osAlt+OAlt+OCancelUtziS&end the shutdown signal<p>When checked, the machine state will be restored from the state stored in the current snapshot right after it is turned off. This is useful if you are sure that you want to discard the results of your last sessions and go back to the current snapshot.</p><p>Saves the current execution state of the virtual machine to the physical hard disk of the host PC.</p><p>Next time this machine is started, it will be restored from the saved state and continue execution from the same place you saved it at, which will let you continue your work immediately.</p><p>Note that saving the machine state may take a long time, depending on the guest operating system type and the amount of memory you assigned to the virtual machine.</p><p>Sends the ACPI Power Button press event to the virtual machine.</p><p>Normally, the guest operating system running inside the virtual machine will detect this event and perform a clean shutdown procedure. This is a recommended way to turn off the virtual machine because all applications running inside it will get a chance to save their data and state.</p><p>If the machine doesn't respond to this action then the guest operating system may be misconfigured or doesn't understand ACPI Power Button events at all. In this case you should select the <b>Power off the machine</b> action to stop virtual machine execution.</p><p>Turns off the virtual machine.</p><p>Note that this action will stop machine execution immediately so that the guest operating system running inside it will not be able to perform a clean shutdown procedure which may result in <i>data loss</i> inside the virtual machine. Selecting this action is recommended only if the virtual machine does not respond to the <b>Send the shutdown signal</b> action.</p>VBoxConsoleWndVirtualBox OSEVirtualBox OSEinnotek VirtualBoxinnotek VirtualBox&Fullscreen Mode&Panataila Osoko ModuaSwitch to fullscreen modePanataila oso modura aldatuMouse Integrationenable/disable...Sagu integrazioaAuto-resize Guest Displayenable/disable...Automatikoki Tamaina Aldatu Bezero PantailaAuto-resize &Guest DisplayAutomatikoki Tamaina Aldatu &Bezero PantailaAutomatically resize the guest display when the window is resized (requires Guest Additions)Automatikoki tamainaz aldatu bezero pantaila leihoa tamaina aldatzean (Bezero Gehigarriak behar du)&Adjust Window SizeLeiho Tamaina &DoituAdjust window size and position to best fit the guest displayLeiho tamaina eta kokalekua doitu bezero pantaila hobe sartzeko&Insert Ctrl-Alt-DelB&idali Ktrl-Alt-EzabSend the Ctrl-Alt-Del sequence to the virtual machineKtrl+Alt+Ezab sekuentzia bidali makina birtualera&Insert Ctrl-Alt-BackspaceB&idali Ktrl-Alt-Atzera-teklaSend the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace sequence to the virtual machineKtrl-Alt-Atzera-tekla sekuentzia bidali makina birtualera&ResetBe&rrezarriReset the virtual machineMakina Birtuala berrezarriACPI S&hutdownACPI It&zaliaSend the ACPI Power Button press event to the virtual machineACPI Indar Botoia Gertaera bidali makina birtualera&Close...It&xi...Close the virtual machineMakina Birtuala itxiTake &Snapshot...&Egoera-argazkia egin...Take a snapshot of the virtual machineMakina Birtualaren egoera-argazki bat egin&Floppy Image...&Diskete irudia...Mount a floppy image fileDiskete irudi bat muntatuUnmount F&loppyDis&kete DesmuntatuUnmount the currently mounted floppy mediaMuntaturik dagoen diskete medioa desmuntatu&CD/DVD-ROM Image...&CD/DVD-ROM Irudia...Mount a CD/DVD-ROM image fileCD/DVD-ROM irudi fitxategi bat muntatuUnmount C&D/DVD-ROMC&D/DVD-ROM DesmuntatuUnmount the currently mounted CD/DVD-ROM mediaMuntaturik dagoen CD/DVD-ROM medioa desmuntatuRemote Desktop (RDP) Serverenable/disable...Urruneko Idazmahai Zerbitzaria (RDP)Remote Dis&playUrruneko Pan&tailaEnable or disable remote desktop (RDP) connections to this machineUrruneko idazmahai (RDP) konexioak gaitu edo ezgaitu maina honetarako&Shared Folders...&Partekatutako Karpetak...Open the dialog to operate on shared foldersPartekatutako karpetekin aritzeko leihoa ireki&Install Guest Additions...Bezero Gehigarriak &Instalatu...Mount the Guest Additions installation imageBezero Gehigarri instalazio irudia muntatu&Statistics...E&statistikak...&Command line...&Komando lerroa...&VirtualBox Web Site...&VirtualBox Web Gunea...Open the browser and go to the VirtualBox product web siteNabigatzailea ireki eta VirtualBox produktuaren gunera joan&About VirtualBox...VirtualBox - &Honi Buruz...Show a dialog with product informationKarpeta hauatzeko leiho bat irekitzen du&Reset All WarningsAbisu Guztiak Be&rrezarriCause all suppressed warnings and messages to be shown againEzabatutako abisu eta mezu guztiak berriz agertzea eragien duMount &FloppyDis&ketea MuntatuMount &CD/DVD-ROMC&D/DVD-ROM muntatu&USB Devices&USB Gailuak&Devices&GailuakDe&bugAra&zpena&Help&LaguntzaIndicates whether the guest display auto-resize function is On (<img src=auto_resize_on_16px.png/>) or Off (<img src=auto_resize_off_16px.png/>). Note that this function requires Guest Additions to be installed in the guest OS.Bezero pantaila automatikoki tamainaz aldatzeko funtzioa gaiturik (<img src=auto_resize_on_16px.png/>) edo ezgaiturik (<img src=auto_resize_off_16px.png/>) dagoen erakusten du. Kontutan izan funtzio honek Bezero Gehigarriak sistema eragile bezeroan instalaturik egotea behar duela.Indicates whether the host mouse pointer is captured by the guest OS:<br><nobr><img src=mouse_disabled_16px.png/> pointer is not captured</nobr><br><nobr><img src=mouse_16px.png/> pointer is captured</nobr><br><nobr><img src=mouse_seamless_16px.png/> mouse integration (MI) is On</nobr><br><nobr><img src=mouse_can_seamless_16px.png/> MI is Off, pointer is captured</nobr><br><nobr><img src=mouse_can_seamless_uncaptured_16px.png/> MI is Off, pointer is not captured</nobr><br>Note that the mouse integration feature requires Guest Additions to be installed in the guest OS.Bezeroaren sistema eragileak sagu markatzailea kapturatzen duen erakusten du:<br><nobr><img src=mouse_disabled_16px.png/> markatzailea ez da kapturatzen</nobr><br><nobr><img src=mouse_16px.png/> markatzailea kapturatzen da</nobr><br><nobr><img src=mouse_seamless_16px.png/> sagu integrazioa (MI) gaiturik dago</nobr><br><nobr><img src=mouse_can_seamless_16px.png/> MI ezgaiturik dago, markatzailea kapturatu egingo da</nobr><br><nobr><img src=mouse_can_seamless_uncaptured_16px.png/> MI ezgaiturik dago, markatzailea ez da kapturatuko</nobr><br>Kontutan izan sagu integrazio funtzioak Bezero Gehigarriak sistema eragile bezeroan instalaturik egotea behar duela.Shows the currently assigned Host key.<br>This key, when pressed alone, toggles the the keyboard and mouse capture state. It can also be used in combination with other keys to quickly perform actions from the main menu.Ezarririk dagoen Ostalari tekla erakusten du.<br>Tekla honek, bakarrik sakatzean, sagu eta teklatu kapturatze egoera aldatzen . du. Menu nagusitik ekintzak azkar abiarazteko erabili daiteke beste tekla batzuekin batera sakatuaz.<hr>VRDP Server is listening on port %1<hr>VRDP Zerbitzaria %1 atakan entzuten ari da&Pause&GeldituSuspend the execution of the virtual machineMakina Birtualaren exekuzioa geldituR&esumeJa&rraituResume the execution of the virtual machineMakina birtualaren exekuzioa jarraituDisable &Mouse Integration&Sagu Integrazioa ezgaituTemporarily disable host mouse pointer integrationAldirako ezgaitu sagu markatzaile integrazioaEnable &Mouse Integration&Sagu integrazioa gaituEnable temporarily disabled host mouse pointer integrationAldirako ezgaituriko sagu markatzaile integrazioa gaituSnapshot %1%1 egoera-argazkiaHost Drive Ostalari Gailua &Machine&Makina&Network Adapters&Sare MoldagailuakAdapter %1network%1 MoldagailuaMount the selected physical drive of the host PCFloppy tipOstalari PC-ko hautaturiko gailu fisikoa muntatuDisconnect the cable from the selected virtual network adapterHautaturiko sare moldagailuaren kablea deskonektatuConnect the cable to the selected virtual network adapterHautaturiko sare moldagailuaren kablea konektatuSeam&less ModeGardenta&sun ModuaSwitch to seamless desktop integration modeGarden?? Ez dut argi esannahaiIdazmahai integrazio garden modura aldatuIndicates whether the keyboard is captured by the guest OS (<img src=hostkey_captured_16px.png/>) or not (<img src=hostkey_16px.png/>).Bezeroaren sistema eragileak teklatua kapturatzen duen <img (src=hostkey_captured_16px.png/>) edo ez (<img src=hostkey_16px.png/>) duen erakusten du.<qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of the floppy media:</nobr>%1</qt>Floppy tooltip<qt><nobr>Diskete medioaren aktibitatea erakusten du:</nobr>%1</qt><br><nobr><b>Host Drive</b>: %1</nobr>Floppy tooltip<br><nobr><b>Ostalari Gailua</b>: %1</nobr><br><nobr><b>Image</b>: %1</nobr>Floppy tooltip<br><nobr><b>Irudia</b>: %1</nobr><br><nobr><b>No media mounted</b></nobr>Floppy tooltip<br><nobr><b>Ez dago medio muntaturik</b></nobr><qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of the CD/DVD-ROM media:</nobr>%1</qt>DVD-ROM tooltip<qt><nobr>CD/DVD-ROM medioaren aktibitatea erakusten du:</nobr>%1</qt><qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of virtual hard disks:</nobr>%1</qt>HDD tooltip<qt><nobr>Disko gogor birtualen aktibitatea erakusten du:</nobr>%1</qt><br><nobr><b>No hard disks attached</b></nobr>HDD tooltip<br><nobr><b>Ez dago disko gogorrik erantsirik</b></nobr><qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of the network interfaces:</nobr>%1</qt>Network adapters tooltip<qt><nobr>Sare interfazeen aktibitatea erakusten du:</nobr>%1</qt><br><nobr><b>Adapter %1 (%2)</b>: cable %3</nobr>Network adapters tooltip<br><nobr><b>Moldagailua: %1 (%2)</b>: kablea %3</nobr>connectedNetwork adapters tooltipkonektatutadisconnectedNetwork adapters tooltipdeskonektatuta<br><nobr><b>All network adapters are disabled</b></nobr>Network adapters tooltip<br><nobr><b>Sare moldagailu guztiak ezgaiturik daude</b></nobr><qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of the attached USB devices:</nobr>%1</qt>USB device tooltip<qt><nobr>Erantsiriko USB gailuen aktibitatea erakusten du:</nobr>%1</qt><br><nobr><b>No USB devices attached</b></nobr>USB device tooltip<br><nobr><b>Ez dago USB gailurik erantsirik</b></nobr><br><nobr><b>USB Controller is disabled</b></nobr>USB device tooltip<br><nobr><b>USB Kontrolatzailea ezgaiturik dago</b></nobr>Indicates whether the Remote Display (VRDP Server) is enabled (<img src=vrdp_16px.png/>) or not (<img src=vrdp_disabled_16px.png/>).Urruneko Pantaila (VRDP Zerbitzaria) gaiturik dagoen (<img src=vrdp_16px.png/>) ala ez (<img src=vrdp_disabled_16px.png/>) erakusten du.<qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of shared folders:</nobr>%1</qt>Shared folders tooltip<qt><nobr>Partekatutako karpeten aktibitatea ezartzen du:</nobr>%1</qt><br><nobr><b>No shared folders</b></nobr>Shared folders tooltip<br><nobr><b>Ez dago partekatutako karpetarik</b></nobr>Switch to seamless desktop integration modeIdazmahai integrazio garden modura aldatu&Contents...&Edukiak...F1F1Show the online help contentsSare bidezko laguntza edukia bistarazi<br><nobr><b>Host Drive</b>: %1</nobr>DVD-ROM tooltip<br><nobr><b>Ostalari Gailua</b>: %1</nobr><br><nobr><b>Image</b>: %1</nobr>DVD-ROM tooltip<br><nobr><b>Irudia</b>: %1</nobr><br><nobr><b>No media mounted</b></nobr>DVD-ROM tooltip<br><nobr><b>Ez dago medio muntaturik</b></nobr>Mount the selected physical drive of the host PCCD/DVD tipOstalari PC-ko hautaturiko gailu fisikoa muntatuSun xVM VirtualBoxSession I&nformation DialogShow Session Information Dialog&Statistics...debug actionE&statistikak...&Command Line...debug actionIndicates whether the guest display auto-resize function is On (<img src=:/auto_resize_on_16px.png/>) or Off (<img src=:/auto_resize_off_16px.png/>). Note that this function requires Guest Additions to be installed in the guest OS.Indicates whether the host mouse pointer is captured by the guest OS:<br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_disabled_16px.png/> pointer is not captured</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_16px.png/> pointer is captured</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_seamless_16px.png/> mouse integration (MI) is On</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_can_seamless_16px.png/> MI is Off, pointer is captured</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_can_seamless_uncaptured_16px.png/> MI is Off, pointer is not captured</nobr><br>Note that the mouse integration feature requires Guest Additions to be installed in the guest OS.Indicates whether the keyboard is captured by the guest OS (<img src=:/hostkey_captured_16px.png/>) or not (<img src=:/hostkey_16px.png/>).Indicates whether the Remote Display (VRDP Server) is enabled (<img src=:/vrdp_16px.png/>) or not (<img src=:/vrdp_disabled_16px.png/>).VBoxDiskImageManagerDlgNameIzenaVirtual SizeTamaina BirtualaActual SizeUneko TamainaSizeTamainaVirtual Disk ManagerDisko Birtual Kudeatzailea&Hard DisksDisko &Gogorrak&CD/DVD Images&CD/DVD Irudiak&Floppy Images&Diskete irudiakHelpLaguntzaF1F1Invoke dialog's helpLeiho laguntza deitzen du&OK&AdosAlt+OALt+AAccept dialogLiehoa onartuCancelUtziCancel dialogUtzi leihoa--no info--&New...&Berria...&Add...&Gehitu...R&emoveK&enduRe&leaseArgi&taratuRe&fresh&FreskatuNewBerriaAddGehituRemoveKenduReleaseAteraRefreshFreskatuCtrl+NKtrl+NCtrl+AKtrl+ACtrl+DKtrl+DCtrl+LKtrl+LCtrl+RKtrl+R&Actions&EkintzakLocationKokalekuakDisk TypeDisko MotaStorage TypeBiltegiratze MotaAttached toHoni erantsiaSnapshotEgoera-argazkiaChecking accessibilityEskuragarritasuna egiaztatzen<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>Checking accessibility...HDD<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>Eskuragarritasuna egiaztatzen...<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br><nobr>Disk type: %2</nobr><br><nobr>Storage type: %3</nobr><nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br><nobr>Disko mota: %2</nobr><br><nobr>Biltegiratze mota: %3</nobr><br><nobr>Attached to: %1</nobr>HDD<br><nobr>Non erantsia: %1</nobr><br><nobr>Snapshot: %5</nobr>HDD<br><nobr>Egoera-argazkia: %5</nobr><nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>Error checking media accessibilityHDD<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>Errorea medio eskuragarritasuna egiaztatzen<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>%2HDD<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>%2<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>CD/DVD/Floppy<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>The image file is not accessibleCD/DVD/FloppyIrudi fitxategia ez dago eskuragarri&Select&HautatuAll hard disk images (*.vdi; *.vmdk);;Virtual Disk images (*.vdi);;VMDK images (*.vmdk);;All files (*)Disko gogor irudi guztiak (*.vdi; *.vmdk);;Disko Birtual irudiak (*.vdi);;VMDK irudiak (*.vmdk);;Fitxategi guztiak (*)Select a hard disk image fileDisko gogor irudi fitxategia hautatuSelect a CD/DVD-ROM disk image fileHautatu CD/DVD-ROM disko irudi fitxategi batSelect a floppy disk image fileHautatu diskete irudi fitxategi batCreate a new virtual hard diskSortu disko birtual berri batAdd (register) an existing image fileGehitu (erregistratu) dagoen irudi fitxategi batRemove (unregister) the selected mediaEzabatu (erregistroa kendu) hautatutako irudi fitxategiaRelease the selected media by detaching it from the machineAtera hautatutako medioa berau makinatik kentzenRefresh the media listMedio zerrenda freskatuCD/DVD-ROM images (*.iso);;All files (*)CD/DVD-ROM irudiak (*.iso);;Fitxategi guztiak (*)Floppy images (*.img);;All files (*)Diskete irudiak (*.img);;Fitxategi guztiak (*)<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>Checking accessibility...CD/DVD/Floppy<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>Eskuragarritasuna egiaztatzen...<br><nobr>Attached to: %1</nobr>CD/DVD/Floppy<br><nobr>Non erantsia: %1</nobr><nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>Error checking media accessibilityCD/DVD/Floppy<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>Errorea medio eskuragarritasuna egiaztatzen<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>%2<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>%2All hard disk images (*.vdi *.vmdk *.vhd);;Virtual Disk images (*.vdi);;VMDK images (*.vmdk);;VHD images (*.vhd);;All files (*)Hard &Disks<nobr>Location:</nobr><nobr>Disk Type:</nobr><nobr> Storage Type:</nobr><nobr>Attached to:</nobr><nobr> Snapshot:</nobr>VBoxDownloaderWgtCancelUtziDownloading the VirtualBox Guest Additions CD image from <nobr><b>%1</b>...</nobr>VirtualBox Bezero Gehigarri CD irudia <nobr><b>%1</b>-etik deskargatzen...</nobr>Cancel the VirtualBox Guest Additions CD image downloadUtzi VirtualBox Bezero Gehigarri CD irudi deskargaCould not locate the file on the server (response: %1).Ezin da fitxategia aurkitu zerbitzarian (erantzuna: %1).Could not determine the file size.Ezin da fitxategi tamaina atzeman.Could not connect to the server (%1).Ezin da zerbitzariarekin konektatu (%1).Could not download the file (%1).Ezin da fitxategia deskargatu (%1).<p>Failed to save the downloaded file as <nobr><b>%1</b>.</nobr></p><p>Huts deskargatutako fitxategia <nobr><b>%1</b> bezala gordetzerakoan.</nobr></p>Select folder to save Guest Additions image toHautau Bezero Gehigarri CD irudia gordetzeko karpetaConnection timed out.Konexioa denboraz kanpo.The download process has been cancelled by the user.Deskarga prozesua erabiltzaileak eten du.VBoxFilePathSelectorWidget<reset to default>The actual default path value will be displayed after accepting the changes and opening this dialog again.<not selected><ez hautaturik>Please use the <b>Other...</b> item from the drop-down list to select a desired path.Other...ResetBerrezarriOpens a dialog to select a different folder.Resets the folder path to the default value.Opens a dialog to select a different file.Resets the file path to the default value.&CopyPlease type the desired folder path here.Please type the desired file path here.VBoxGLSettingsDlgGeneralOrokorraInputUpdateLanguage Hizkuntza USBUSBVirtualBox - %1VBoxGLSettingsGeneralDisplays the path to the default VDI folder. This folder is used, if not explicitly specified otherwise, when adding existing or creating new virtual hard disks.Lehenetsiriko VDI karpetaren bidea bistaratzen du. Karpeta hau erabiliko, beste ezer zehazten ez den bitartean, disko gogor birtual sortu edo gehitzerakoan.Displays the path to the default virtual machine folder. This folder is used, if not explicitly specified otherwise, when creating new virtual machines.Lehenetsiriko makina birtual karpetaren bidea bistaratzen du. Karpeta hau erabiliko, beste ezer zehazten ez den bitartean, makina birtualak sortzerakoan.Displays the path to the library that provides authentication for Remote Display (VRDP) clients.Urruneko Pantaila (VRDP) bezeroentzat autentifikazioaz hornitzen duen liburutegiaren bidea erakusten du.Default &Hard Disk Folder:Default &Machine Folder:V&RDP Authentication Library:VBoxGLSettingsInputHost &Key:Displays the key used as a Host Key in the VM window. Activate the entry field and press a new Host Key. Note that alphanumeric, cursor movement and editing keys cannot be used as a Host Key.MB leihoan Ostalari Tekla bezala erabilitakoa tekla erakusten du. Eremua gaitu eta Ostalari Tekla berria sakatu. Kontutan izan alfazenbakizkoak, kurtsore mugimenduak eta edizio teklak ezin direla Ostalari tekla bezala erabili.When checked, the keyboard is automatically captured every time the VM window is activated. When the keyboard is captured, all keystrokes (including system ones like Alt-Tab) are directed to the VM.Markaturik dagoenean, teklatua automatikoki kapturatuko da MB leiho aktibatzen den bakoitzean. Teklatua kapturatzen denean, tekla sakatze guztiak (Alt-TAb bezalako sistemakoak barne) makina birtualera bidaliko da.&Auto Capture KeyboardVBoxGLSettingsLanguage (built-in)Language (barneratua)<unavailable>Language<erabilezina><unknown>Author(s)<ezezaguna>DefaultLanguageLehenetsiaLanguage:Hizkuntza:&Interface Language:Lists all available user interface languages. The effective language is written in <b>bold</b>. Select <i>Default</i> to reset to the system default language.NameIzenaIdLanguage Hizkuntza AuthorAuthor(s):Egilea(k):VBoxGLSettingsUpdateWhen checked, the application will periodically connect to the VirtualBox website and check whether a new VirtualBox verison is available.&Check for updates&Once per:Specifies how often the new version check should be performed. Note that if you want to completely disable this check, just clear the above check box.Next Check:VBoxGlobalDifferencinghard diskEzberdintzenUnknown device %1:%2USB device details%1 gailu ezezaguna:%2<nobr>Vendor ID: %1</nobr><br><nobr>Product ID: %2</nobr><br><nobr>Revision: %3</nobr>USB device tooltip<nobr>Saltzaile ID-a: %1</nobr><br><nobr>Produktu ID-a: %2</nobr><br><nobr>Bertsioa: %3</nobr><br><nobr>Serial No. %1</nobr>USB device tooltip<br><nobr>Serie Zb. %1</nobr><br><nobr>State: %1</nobr>USB device tooltip<br><nobr>Egoera: %1</nobr>Namedetails reportIzenaOS Typedetails reportSE motaBase Memorydetails reportOinarri Memoria<nobr>%3 MB</nobr>details report<nobr>%3 MB</nobr>Generaldetails reportOrokorraVideo Memorydetails reportBideo Memoria<nobr>%4 MB</nobr>details report<nobr>%4 MB</nobr>Boot Orderdetails reportAbio OrdenaACPIdetails reportACPIIO APICdetails reportIO APICNot Attacheddetails report (HDDs)Ez erantsiaHard Disksdetails reportDisko GogorrakEnableddetails report (ACPI)GaiturikDisableddetails report (ACPI)EzgaiturikNot mounteddetails report (floppy)Ez muntaturikImagedetails report (floppy)IrudiaHost Drivedetails report (floppy)Ostalari GailuaFloppydetails reportDisketeaCD/DVD-ROMdetails reportCD/DVD-ROMAdapterdetails report (audio)MoldagailuaAudiodetails reportAudioaAdapter %1details report (network)%1 MoldagailuaNetworkdetails reportSareaDevice Filtersdetails report (USB)Gailu Iragazkiak%1 (%2 active)details report (USB)%1 (%2 aktibo)VRDP Server Portdetails report (VRDP)VRDP Zerbitzari Ataka%1details report (VRDP)%1Remote Displaydetails reportHuruneko PantailaOpening URLs is not implemented yet.URL irekitzea ez dago inplementaturik oraindik.Powered OffMachineStateItzaliaSavedMachineStateGordeaAbortedMachineStateAbortatuaRunningMachineStateMartxanPausedMachineStateGelditurikStartingMachineStateAbiaraztenStoppingMachineStateGelditzenSavingMachineStateGordetzenRestoringMachineStateBerrezartzenDiscardingMachineStateBaztertzenClosedSessionStateItxiaOpenSessionStateIrekiaSpawningSessionStateAbiaraztenClosingSessionStateIxtenNoneDeviceTypeBatezHard DiskDeviceTypeDisko gogorrakPrimaryDiskControllerTypeLehen mailakoaSecondaryDiskControllerTypeBigarren mailakoaNormalDiskTypeArruntaImmutableDiskTypeAldaezinaWritethroughDiskTypeIdatziholaVirtual Disk ImageDiskStorageTypeDisko Birtual IrudiaiSCSIDiskStorageTypeiSCSIVMDK ImageDiskStorageTypeVMDK IrudiaNullVRDPAuthTypeNuluaExternalVRDPAuthTypeKanpokoaGuestVRDPAuthTypeBezeroaIgnoreUSBFilterActionTypeAlde batetara utziHoldUSBFilterActionTypeEskuratuMasterDiskControllerDeviceNagusiaSlaveDiskControllerDeviceMorroiaDevice %1DiskControllerDevice %1 GailuaNull Audio DriverAudioDriverTypeAudio Kontrolatzaile HutsaWindows MultimediaAudioDriverTypeWindows MultimediaOSS Audio DriverAudioDriverTypeOSS Audio KontrolatzaileaALSA Audio DriverAudioDriverTypeALSA Audio KontrolatzaileaWindows DirectSoundAudioDriverTypeWindows DirectSoundCoreAudioAudioDriverTypeCoreAudioNot attachedNetworkAttachmentTypeEz erantsiaNATNetworkAttachmentTypeNATHost InterfaceNetworkAttachmentTypeOstalari InterfazeaInternal NetworkNetworkAttachmentTypeBarne SareaNot supportedUSBDeviceStateEz da onartzenUnavailableUSBDeviceStateErabilezinaBusyUSBDeviceStateOkupatuaAvailableUSBDeviceStateErabilgarriHeldUSBDeviceStateMantenduaCapturedUSBDeviceStateHartua<i>Checking...</i>hard disk<i>Egiaztatzen...</i><i>Inaccessible</i>hard disk<i>Eskuraezina</i>Host To GuestClipboardTypeOstalaritik BezeroraGuest To HostClipboardTypeBezerotik OstalariraBidirectionalClipboardTypeBi zentzuetakoaSelect a directoryHautatu direktorio batSelect a fileHautatu fitxategi batPort %1details report (serial ports)%1 atakaSerial Portsdetails reportSerie AtakakUSBdetails reportUSBShared Foldersdetails report (shared folders)Partekatutako KarpetakStuckMachineStateTrabatuDisconnectedPortModeDeskonektaturikHost PipePortModeOstalari TutuaHost DevicePortModeOstalari GailuaUser-definedserial portErabiltzaileak-ezarriaEnableddetails report (IO APIC)GaiturikDisableddetails report (IO APIC)EzgaiturikNot mounteddetails report (DVD)Ez muntaturikImagedetails report (DVD)IrudiaHost Drivedetails report (DVD)Ostalari GailuaDisableddetails report (audio)EzgaiturikDisableddetails report (network)EzgaiturikDisableddetails report (serial ports)EzgaiturikDisableddetails report (USB)Ezgaiturik%1details report (shadef folders)%1Nonedetails report (shared folders)BatezShared Foldersdetails reportPartekatutako KarpetakDisableddetails report (VRDP)EzgaiturikFloppyDeviceTypeDisketeaCD/DVD-ROMDeviceTypeCD/DVD-ROMNetworkDeviceTypeSareaCustom Hard DiskDiskStorageTypeDisabledClipboardTypeEzgaiturikVT-x/AMD-Vdetails reportPAE/NXdetails reportEnableddetails report (VT-x/AMD-V)GaiturikDisableddetails report (VT-x/AMD-V)EzgaiturikEnableddetails report (PAE/NX)GaiturikDisableddetails report (PAE/NX)EzgaiturikHost Driverdetails report (audio)Controllerdetails report (audio)Port %1details report (parallel ports)Disableddetails report (parallel ports)EzgaiturikParallel Portsdetails reportUSBDeviceTypeUSBShared FolderDeviceTypeIDEStorageBusSATAStorageBusPrimaryStorageBusChannelLehen mailakoaSecondaryStorageBusChannelBigarren mailakoaMasterStorageBusDeviceNagusiaSlaveStorageBusDeviceMorroiaPort %1StorageBusChannelVHD ImageDiskStorageTypeSolaris AudioAudioDriverTypePulseAudioAudioDriverTypeICH AC97AudioControllerTypeSoundBlaster 16AudioControllerTypePCnet-PCI II (Am79C970A)NetworkAdapterTypePCnet-FAST III (Am79C973)NetworkAdapterTypeIntel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM)NetworkAdapterTypePIIX3IDEControllerTypePIIX4IDEControllerTypeIntel PRO/1000 T Server (82543GC)NetworkAdapterType<nobr>Vendor ID: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Product ID: %2</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Revision: %3</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Product: %4</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Manufacturer: %5</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Serial No.: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Port: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>State: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltiphost interface, %1details report (network)internal network, '%1'details report (network)Adapter %1network%1 MoldagailuaVBoxGlobalSettings'%1 (0x%2)' is an invalid host key code.'%1 (0x%2)' ostalari gako kode oker bat da.The value '%1' of the key '%2' doesn't match the regexp constraint '%3'.'%2' gakoaren '%1' balioak ez du '%3' espresio erregular murriztapena betetzen.Cannot delete the key '%1'.Ezin da '%1' tekla ezabatu.VBoxGlobalSettingsDlgCategoryKategoria[id][id][link][lotura][name][izena]<i>Select a settings category from the list on the left side and move the mouse over a settings item to get more information<i>.<i>Hautatu ezarpen kategoria bat ezkerreko zerrendatik eta mugitu sagua elementu baten gainetik argibide gehiago jasotzeko<i>. General Orokorra 00#general#general Input Idatzi 11#input#input USB USB 22#usb#usbDefault &FoldersLehenetsiriko &KarpetakMachinesMakinakVDI filesVDI fitxategiakSelectHautatu&Keyboard&Teklatua&Host Key&Ostalari Gakoa&Auto capture keyboard&Auto-kapturatu teklatuaAlt+AAlt+A&USB Device Filters&USB Gailu IragazkiakInsInsAdd Empty (Ins)Gehitu hutsa (Ins)Alt+InsAlt+InsAdd From (Alt+Ins)Gehitu hemendik (Alt+Ins)DelEzabRemove (Del)Ezabatu (Ezab)Removes the selected USB filter.Haututako USB iragazkia kentzen du.Ctrl+UpKtrl+GoraMove Up (Ctrl+Up)Gora Mugitu (Ktrl-Gora)Moves the selected USB filter up.Haututako USB iragazkia gora mugitzen du.Ctrl+DownKtrl+BeheraMove Down (Ctrl+Down)Behera Mugitu (Ktrl-+ehera)Moves the selected USB filter down.Haututako USB iragazkia behera mugitzen du.HelpLaguntzaF1F1Displays the dialog help.Elkarrizketa laguntza bistaratzen du.Invalid settings detectedOkerreko ezarpenak atzeman dira&OKAd&osAlt+OALt+OAccepts (saves) changes and closes the dialog.Onartu (gorde) aldaketak eta elkarrizketa ixten du.CancelUtziCancels changes and closes the dialog.Aldaketak desegin eta leihoa ixten du.VirtualBox PreferencesVirtualBox HobespenakDisplays the key used as a Host Key in the VM window. Activate the entry field and press a new Host Key. Note that alphanumeric, cursor movement and editing keys cannot be used as a Host Key.MB leihoan Ostalari Tekla bezala erabilitakoa tekla erakusten du. Eremua gaitu eta Ostalari Tekla berria sakatu. Kontutan izan alfazenbakizkoak, kurtsore mugimenduak eta edizio teklak ezin direla Ostalari tekla bezala erabili.New Filter %1usbIragazki Berri %1Language Hizkuntza 33#language#language&Interface Language&Interfaze HizkuntzaAuthor(s):Egilea(k):Language:Hizkuntza: (built-in)Language (barneratua)<unavailable>Language<erabilezina><unknown>Author(s)<ezezaguna>
<qt>Lists all available user interface languages. The effective language is
written in <b>bold</b>. Select <i>Default</i> to reset
to the system default language.</qt>
<qt>Interfaze hizkuntza erabilgarrien zerrenda. Erabiltzen
dena <b>lodian</b> idatzirik dago. Hautatu <i>Lehenetsia</i>
sistemako lehenetsiriko hizkuntza berrezartzeko.</qt>
DefaultLanguageLehenetsiaDisplays the path to the default VDI folder. This folder is used, if not explicitly specified otherwise, when adding existing or creating new virtual hard disks.Lehenetsiriko VDI karpetaren bidea bistaratzen du. Karpeta hau erabiliko, beste ezer zehazten ez den bitartean, disko gogor birtual sortu edo gehitzerakoan.Resets the virtual machine folder path to the default value. The actual default path will be displayed after accepting the changes and opening this dialog again.Berrezarri makina birtual karpeta bidea lehenetsiriko baliora. Oraingo lehenetsiriko bidea bistaraziko da aldaketak onartu eta leiho hau berriz irekitzean.Resets the VDI folder path to the default value. The actual default path will be displayed after accepting the changes and opening this dialog again.VDI karpeta bidearen lehenetsiriko balioa berrezartzen du. Uneko lehenetsiriko bidea bistaraziko da aldaketak onartu eta leiho hau berriz irekitzean.Displays the path to the default virtual machine folder. This folder is used, if not explicitly specified otherwise, when creating new virtual machines.Lehenetsiriko makina birtual karpetaren bidea bistaratzen du. Karpeta hau erabiliko, beste ezer zehazten ez den bitartean, makina birtualak sortzerakoan.Opens a dialog to select the default VDI folder.Lehenetsiriko VDI karpeta hautatzeko leihoa irekitzen du.Opens a dialog to select the default virtual machine folder.Lehenetsiriko makina birtual karpeta hautatzeko leihoa irekitzen du.When checked, the keyboard is automatically captured every time the VM window is activated. When the keyboard is captured, all keystrokes (including system ones like Alt-Tab) are directed to the VM.Markaturik dagoenean, teklatua automatikoki kapturatuko da MB leiho aktibatzen den bakoitzean. Teklatua kapturatzen denean, tekla sakatze guztiak (Alt-TAb bezalako sistemakoak barne) makina birtualera bidaliko da.Lists all global USB filters. The checkbox to the left defines whether the particular filter is enabled or not.USB iragazki orokorrak zerrendatzen ditu. Ezkerreko aukera kutxak iragazki bat gaiturik dagoen edo ez adierazten du.Adds a new USB filter with all fields initially set to empty strings. Note that such a filter will match any attached USB device.Gehitu USB iragazki berri bat eremu guztiak hutsean dituela. Kontutan izan iragazki honek erantsiriko edozein USB gailu aurkituko duela.Adds a new USB filter with all fields set to the values of the selected USB device attached to the host PC.Ostalari ordenagailuari erantsitako hautatutako USB gailuaren eremu balioekin USB iragazki berri bat sortu.V&RDP Authentication LibraryV&RDP Autentifikazio LiburutegiaDisplays the path to the library that provides authentication for Remote Display (VRDP) clients.Urruneko Pantaila (VRDP) bezeroentzat autentifikazioaz hornitzen duen liburutegiaren bidea erakusten du.Opens a dialog to select the VRDP authentication library file.VRDP autentifikazio liburutegiaren bidea hautatzeko leihoa irekitzen du.Resets the authentication library file to the default value. The actual default library file will be displayed after accepting the changes and opening this dialog again.Estratifikazio liburutegi fitxategia lehenetsiriko balioan berrezarri. Lehenetsiriko liburutegia erakutsiko da aldaketak onartu eta leiho hau berriz irekitzean.&Extended Features&Hedaturiko EzaugarriakEnable &VT-x/AMD-V&VT-x/AMD-V gaituAlt+VAlt+VDefines whether virtual machines should try to make use of the host CPU's hardware virtualization extensions such as Intel VT-x and AMD-V by default or not.Makina birtualek ostalariaren Intel VT-x and AMD-V bezalako cpu-aren hardware birtualizazio hedapenak lehenespen bezala erabili behar dituzten ezartzen du.VBoxHardDiskSettingsHard DiskDisko gogorrak&Hard DisksDisko &GogorrakInsInsDeleteEzabatuVBoxLicenseViewerVirtualBox LicenseI &AgreeI &DisagreeVBoxLogSearchPanelClose the search panelBilaketa panela itxiFind Bilatu Enter a search string hereBilaketa katea idatzi hemen&Previous&AurrekoaAlt+PAlt+ASearch for the previous occurrence of the stringKatearen aurreko errepikatzea bilatu&Next&HurrengoaAlt+NAlt+HSearch for the next occurrence of the stringKatearen hurrengo errepikatzea bilatuC&ase SensitiveMin/M&aius EzberdinduPerform case sensitive search (when checked)Maiuskula/minuskulak ezberdintzen egin bilaketa (hautaturik dagoenean)String not foundKatea ez da aurkituVBoxMediaComboBox<no hard disk><disko gogorrik ez>No hard diskDisko gogorrik ezVBoxNIListVirtualBox Host Interface %1VirtualBox %1 Ostalari interfazea<p>Do you want to remove the selected host network interface <nobr><b>%1</b>?</nobr></p><p><b>Note:</b> This interface may be in use by one or more network adapters of this or another VM. After it is removed, these adapters will no longer work until you correct their settings by either choosing a different interface name or a different adapter attachment type.</p><p>Hautaturiko <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> sare interfazea ezabatu nahi al duzu? </p><p><b>Oharra:</b> Interfaze hau erabilia egon daiteke sare moldagailu bat edo gehiagorengatik beste MB batetan. Ezabatu ondoren sare moldagailu horiek ez dute funtzionatuko ezarpen horiek aldatu arte edo beste interfaze izen bat hautatuz o moldagailu eranste modu ezberdin bat hautatuaz.</p>Host &InterfacesOstalari &InterfazeakLists all available host interfaces.Ostalari interfaze erabilgarriak zerrendatzen ditu.A&dd New Host Interface&Remove Selected Host InterfaceAdds a new host interface.Ostalari interfaze berri bat gehitzen du.Removes the selected host interface.Hautatutako ostalari interfazea ezabatzen du.VBoxNewHDWzdCreate New Virtual DiskDisko Birtual Berria Sortu<p>This wizard will help you to create a new virtual hard disk image for your virtual machine.</p>
<p>Use the <b>Next</b> button to go to the next page of the wizard
and the <b>Back</b> button to return to the previous page.</p><p>Morroi honek zure makina birtualarentzat disko gogor birtual berriak sortzen lagunduko zaitu.</p>
<p>Erabili <b>Hurrengoa</b> botoia morroiaren hurrengo orrialdera joateko
eta <b>Atzera</b> botoia morroiaren aurreko orrialdera joateko.</p>Welcome to the Create New Virtual Disk Wizard!Ongietorri Disko Gogor Birtual Berriak Sortzeko Morroira!<p>Select the type of virtual hard disk image you want to create.</p>
<p>A <b>dynamically expanding image</b> initially occupies a very small amount
of space on your physical hard disk. It will grow dynamically (up to
the size specified) as the Guest OS claims disk space.</p>
<p>A <b>fixed-size image</b> does not grow. It is stored in a file of approximately
the same size as the size of the virtual hard disk.</p><p>Hautatu sortu nahi duzun disko gogor birtual irudiaren mota.</p>
<p>A <b>dinamikoki hedatzen</b> diren irudiek hasiera batetan disko
gogorrean tamaina oso txikia artzen dute. Berau dinamikoki handituko
da (ezarritako muga arte) bezero sistema eragileak lekua eskatzen
duen eran.</p>
<p><b>tamaina ezarritako irudiak</b> ez dira hazten, hauek disko
gogor birtualaren antzeko tamaina batetako fitxategi batetan gordetzen dira.</p>Image TypeIrudi Mota&Dynamically expanding image&Dinamikoki hedatzen den irudiaAlt+DAlt+D&Fixed-size image&Tamaina-ezarritako irudiaAlt+FAlt+TVirtual Disk Image TypeDisko Birtual Irudi Mota<p>Press the <b>Select</b> button to select the location and name of the file
to store the virtual hard disk image or type a file name in the entry field.</p><p>Sakatu <b>Hautatu</b> botoia disko gogor birtuala gordetzeko
erabiliko den fitxategiaren kokaleku eta izena hautatu edo fitxategi izen bat idazteko sarrera eremuan.</p>&Image File Name&Irudi Fitxategi IzenaSelectHautatu<p>Select the size of the virtual hard disk image in megabytes. This size will be reported to the Guest OS
as the size of the virtual hard disk.</p><p>Hautatu disko birtual irudi tamaina megabyte-tan. Tamaina hau SE ostalariari emango zaio
disko gogor birtual tamaina bezala</p>Image &SizeIrudi &TamainaVirtual Disk Location and SizeDisko Birtual Kokapen eta TamainaYou are going to create a new virtual hard disk image with the following parameters:Hurrengo parametroak erabiliaz disko gogor birtual bat sortzera zoaz:If the above settings are correct, press the <b>Finish</b> button.
Once you press it, a new hard disk image will be created.
Aurreko ezarpen guztiak zuzenak badira, sakatu <b>Amaitu</b> botoia.
Behin sakatu duzunean, disko irudi berria sortuko da.
SummaryLaburpena<nobr>%1 Bytes</nobr><nobr>%1 Byte</nobr><table><tr><td>Type:</td><td>%1</td></tr><tr><td>Location:</td><td>%2</td></tr><tr><td>Size:</td><td>%3 (%4 Bytes)</td></tr></table><table><tr><td>Mota:</td><td>%1</td></tr><tr><td>Kokapena:</td><td>%2</td></tr><tr><td>Tamaina:</td><td>%3 (%4 Byte)</td></tr></table>Hard disk images (*.vdi)Disko gogor irudiak (*.vdi)Select a file for the new hard disk image fileHautatu fitxategi bat disko gogor berriaren irudi fitxategiarentzat<p>This wizard will help you to create a new virtual hard disk image for your virtual machine.</p><p>Use the <b>Next</b> button to go to the next page of the wizard and the <b>Back</b> button to return to the previous page.</p>< &Back&Next ><p>Select the type of virtual hard disk image you want to create.</p><p>A <b>dynamically expanding image</b> initially occupies a very small amount of space on your physical hard disk. It will grow dynamically (up to the size specified) as the Guest OS claims disk space.</p><p>A <b>fixed-size image</b> does not grow. It is stored in a file of approximately the same size as the size of the virtual hard disk. The creation of a fixed-size image may take a long time depending on the image size and the write performance of your harddisk.</p><p>Press the <b>Select</b> button to select the location and name of the file to store the virtual hard disk image or type a file name in the entry field.</p><p>Select the size of the virtual hard disk image in megabytes. This size will be reported to the Guest OS as the size of the virtual hard disk.</p>If the above settings are correct, press the <b>Finish</b> button. Once you press it, a new hard disk image will be created.&FinishTypesummaryLocationsummaryKokalekuakSizesummaryTamainaBytessummaryCancelUtziVBoxNewVMWzdCreate New Virtual MachineMakina Birtual Berria Sortu<p>This wizard will guide you through the steps that are necessary to create
a new virtual machine for VirtualBox.</p>
<p>Use the <b>Next</b> button to go the next page of the wizard
and the <b>Back</b> button to return to the previous page.</p><p>Morroi honek VirtualBox-rentzat makina birtual berriak sortzeko egin
beharreko huratsetan algunduko zaitu.</p>
<p>Erabili <b>Hurrengoa</b> botoia morroiaren hurrengo orrialdera joateko
eta <b>Atzera</b> botoia morroiaren aurreko orrialdera joateko.</p>Welcome to the New Virtual Machine Wizard!Ongietorri Makina Birtual Berriak Sortzeko Morroira!<p>Enter a name for the new virtual machine and select the type of the guest operating
system you plan to install onto the virtual machine.</p>
<p>The name of the virtual machine usually indicates its software and hardware configuration.
It will be used by all VirtualBox components to identify your virtual machine.</p><p>Idatzi makina birtual berriaren izena eta makina horretan instalatzea
pentsatzen duzun sistema eragile mota hautatu</p>
<p>Makina birtualaren izenak normalean duen software eta hardware konfigurazioa erakusten du.
Hau VirtualBox-ek zure makina birtuala identifikatzeko erabiliko du.</p>N&ameIzen&aOS &TypeSE mo&taVM Name and OS TypeMB Izena SE Mota<p>Select the amount of base memory (RAM) in megabytes to be allocated to the virtual machine.</p><p>Hautatu makina birtualak esleituko duen oinarri memoria (RAM) kopurua.</p>Base &Memory SizeOinarri &Memoria Tamaina<<==>>MBMBMemoryMemoria<p>Select a hard disk image to be used
as the boot hard disk of the virtual machine. You can either create a new hard
disk using the <b>New</b> button or select an existing hard disk
image from the drop-down list or by pressing the <b>Existing</b>
button (to invoke the Virtual Disk Manager dialog).</p>
<p>If you need a more complicated hard disk setup, you can also skip this
step and attach hard disks later using the VM Settings dialog.</p><p>Hautatu makina birtualak abio disko gogor bezala
erabiliko duen disko gogor irudia. Edo <b>Berria</b> botoia sakatuaz
disko gogor berri bat sortu edo hautapen zerrendatik irudi bat hautatu
<b>Dagoena</b> botoia sakatuaz (Disko Gogor Kudeatzaile irekiaz).</p>
<p>Disko gogor konfigurazio hedatuago bat behar izanez gero, urrats
hau albo batetara utzi eta beranduago MB ezarpen leiho erabiliaz disko
gogorrak erantsi ditzakezu.</p>B&oot Hard Disk (Primary Master)Abi&o Disko Gogorra (Lehen Mailako Maisua)N&ew...&Berria...E&xisting...Da&goena...Virtual Hard DiskDisko Gogor Birtuala
You are going to create a new virtual machine
with the following parameters:
Hurrengo ezarpenekin makina birtual berri bat
sortzera zoaz:
If the above is correct press the <b>Finish</b> button.
Once you press it, a new virtual machine will be created.
Note that you can alter these and all other setting of the
created virtual machine at any time using the
<b>Settings</b> dialog accessible through
the menu of the main window.
Aurrekoa zuzena bada sakatu <b>Amaitu</b> botoia.
Bein botoia sakatu duzunean makina birtual berria sortuko da.
Kontutan izan ezarpen hauek eta beste batzuk edozein unetan
menu nagusiko <b>Ezarpenak</b> aukeraren bidez aldatu ditzakezula
SummaryLaburpena<qt>%1 MB</qt><qt>%1 MB</qt><tr><td>Name:</td><td>%1</td></tr><tr><td>OS Type:</td><td>%2</td></tr><tr><td>Base Memory:</td><td>%3 MB</td></tr><tr><td>Izena:</td><td>%1</td></tr><tr><td>SE Mota:</td><td>%2</td></tr><tr><td>Oinarri Memoria:</td><td>%3 MB</td></tr><tr><td>Boot Hard Disk:</td><td>%4</td></tr><tr><td>Abio Disko Gogorra:</td><td>%4</td></tr>The recommended base memory size is <b>%1</b> MB.Gomendatutako oinarri memoria <b>%1</b> MB-eko da.The recommended size of the boot hard disk is <b>%1</b> MB.Abio diskoaren gomendatutako tamaina <b>%1</b> MB da.<p>This wizard will guide you through the steps that are necessary to create a new virtual machine for VirtualBox.</p><p>Use the <b>Next</b> button to go the next page of the wizard and the <b>Back</b> button to return to the previous page.</p>< &Back&Next ><p>Enter a name for the new virtual machine and select the type of the guest operating system you plan to install onto the virtual machine.</p><p>The name of the virtual machine usually indicates its software and hardware configuration. It will be used by all VirtualBox components to identify your virtual machine.</p><p>Select a hard disk image to be used as the boot hard disk of the virtual machine. You can either create a new hard disk using the <b>New</b> button or select an existing hard disk image from the drop-down list or by pressing the <b>Existing</b> button (to invoke the Virtual Disk Manager dialog).</p><p>If you need a more complicated hard disk setup, you can also skip this step and attach hard disks later using the VM Settings dialog.</p><p>You are going to create a new virtual machine with the following parameters:</p><p>If the above is correct press the <b>Finish</b> button. Once you press it, a new virtual machine will be created. </p><p>Note that you can alter these and all other setting of the created virtual machine at any time using the <b>Settings</b> dialog accessible through the menu of the main window.</p>&FinishMBmegabytesMBNamesummaryIzenaOS TypesummarySE motaBase MemorysummaryOinarri MemoriaBoot Hard DisksummaryCancelUtziVBoxProblemReporterVirtualBox - Informationmsg box titleVirtualBox - ArgibideakVirtualBox - Questionmsg box titleVirtualBox - GalderaVirtualBox - Warningmsg box titleVirtualBox - KontuzVirtualBox - Errormsg box titleVirtualBox - ErroreaVirtualBox - Critical Errormsg box titleVirtualBox - Errore KritikoaDo not show this message againmsg box flagEz erakutsi mezu hau berrizFailed to open <tt>%1</tt>. Make sure your desktop environment can properly handle URLs of this type.Huts <tt>%1</tt> irekitzean. Ziurtatu zaitez zure idazmahai inguruneak mota honetako URL-ak kudea ditzakeela.<p>Failed to initialize COM or to find the VirtualBox COM server. Most likely, the VirtualBox server is not running or failed to start.</p><p>The application will now terminate.</p><p>Huts VirtualBox COM zerbitzaria bilatzeko COM abiaraztean. Seguruenik, VirtualBox zerbitzaria ez dago abiarazirik edo huts egin du abiaraztean.</p><p>Aplikazioa orain itxi egingo da.</p><p>Failed to create the VirtualBox COM object.</p><p>The application will now terminate.</p><p>Huts VirtualBox COM elementua sortzerakoan.</p><p>Aplikazioa itxi egingo da orain,</p><p>Failed to load the global GUI configuration.</p><p>The application will now terminate.</p><p>Huts GUI interfaze nagusiaren konfigurazioa kargatzerakoan.</p><p>Aplikazioa itxi egingo da orain,</p><p>Failed to save the global GUI configuration.<p><p>Huts GUI interfaze nagusiaren konfigurazioa gordetzerakoan.<p>Failed to set global VirtualBox properties.Huts VirtualBox propietate orokorrak ezartzerakoan.Failed to access the USB subsystem.Huts USB azpisistema atzitzerakoan.Failed to create a new virtual machine.Huts makina birtual berria sortzerakoan.Failed to create a new virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> makina birtual berria sortzerakoan.Failed to apply the settings to the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Huts hobespenak <b>%1</b> makina birtualean ezartzerakoan.Failed to save the settings of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> makina birtualaren hobespenak gordetzerakoan.Failed to load the settings of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> makina birtualaren hobespenak kargatzerakoan.Failed to start the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> makina birtuala abiarazterakoan.Failed to pause the execution of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> makina birtualaren exekuzioa gelditzerakoan.Failed to resume the execution of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> makina birtualaren exekuzioa jarraitzerakoan.Failed to save the state of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> makina birtualaren egoera gordetzerakoan.Failed to create a snapshot of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> makina birtualaren egoera-argazkia egiterakoan.Failed to stop the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> makina birtuala gelditzerakoan.Failed to remove the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> makina birtuala ezabatzerakoan.Failed to discard the saved state of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> makina birtualaren gordetako egoera baztertzerakoan.Failed to discard the snapshot <b>%1</b> of the virtual machine <b>%2</b>.Huts <b>%2</b> makina birtualaren <b>%1</b> egoera-argazkia baztertzerakoan.Failed to discard the current state of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> makina birtualaren uneko egoera baztertzerakoan.Failed to discard the current snapshot and the current state of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> makina birtualaren uneko egoera-argazkia eta uneko egoera baztertzerakoan.There is no virtual machine named <b>%1</b>.Ez dago <b>%1</b> izeneko makina birtualik.<p>Are you sure you want to permanently delete the virtual machine <b>%1</b>?</p><p>This operation cannot be undone.</p><p>Ziur al zaude <b>%1</b> Maina Birtuala betirako ezabatu nahi duzula?</p><p>Ekintza hau ezin da desegin.</p><p>Are you sure you want to unregister the inaccessible virtual machine <b>%1</b>?</p><p>You will no longer be able to register it back from GUI.</p><p>Ziur al zaude eskuratu ezin den <b>%1</b> makina birtualaren erregistroa kendu nahi duzula?</p><p>Ezingo duzu berau interfazearen bidez berriz erregistratu.</p><p>Are you sure you want to discard the saved state of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>?</p><p>This operation is equivalent to resetting or powering off the machine without doing a proper shutdown by means of the guest OS.</p><p>Ziur al zaude <b>%1</b> makina birtualaren gordetako uneko egoera baztertu nahi duzula?</p><p>Ekintza hau makinaren reset botoia jo edo behar bezala bezero sistema eragilea itzali gabe makina itzaltzearen berdina da</p><p>Releasing this media image will detach it from the following virtual machine(s): <b>%1</b>.</p><p>Continue?</p><p>Euskarri hau ateratzeak berau hurrengo makina birtuale(ta)tik kentzea eragingo du: <b>%1</b>.</p><p>Jarraitu?</p><p>The image file <b>%1</b> already exists. You cannot create a new virtual hard disk that uses this file, because it can be already used by another virtual hard disk.</p><p>Please specify a different image file name.</p><p>Badago dagoeneko <b>%1</b> irudi fitxategia. Ezin duzu fitxategi hau erabiltzen duen disko gogor birtual berri bat sortu, agian beste disko gogor birtual batek erabiltzen duelako</p><p>Mesedez ezarri beste irudi fitxategi izen bat.</p><p>Do you want to delete this hard disk's image file <nobr><b>%1</b>?</nobr></p><p>If you select <b>No</b> then the virtual hard disk will be unregistered and removed from the collection, but the image file will be left on your physical disk.</p><p>If you select <b>Yes</b> then the image file will be permanently deleted after unregistering the hard disk. This operation cannot be undone.</p><p><nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> disko gogor irudi fitxategia ezabatu nahi duzu?</p><p><b>Ez</b> hautatzen baduzu disko gogor birtualaren erregistroa kendu eta bildumatik kenduko da, baina irudi fitxategia disko fisioan utziko da.</p><p><b>Bai</b> hautatzen baduzu fitxategi hau guztiz ezabatua izango da erregistroa kendu ondoren. Ekintza hau ezin da desegin.</p>Failed to delete the virtual hard disk image <b>%1</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> disko gogor irudi fitxategia ezabatzerakoan.<p>Do you want to remove (unregister) the virtual hard disk <nobr><b>%1</b>?</nobr></p><p><nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> disko gogor birtuala ezabatu (erregistroa kendu) nahi duzu?</p>Failed to create the virtual hard disk image <nobr><b>%1</b>.</nobr>Huts disko gogor birtual irudia sortzerakoan:<nobr><b>%1</b>.</nobr>Failed to attach a hard disk image with UUID %1 to the device slot %2 of the controller %3 of the machine <b>%4</b>.Huts UUID %1 duen disko gogor irudia <b>%4</b> makinaren %3 kontrolatzaileko %2 atakan eransterakoan.Failed to detach a hard disk image from the device slot %1 of the controller %2 of the machine <b>%3</b>.Huts <b>%3</b> makinako %2 kontrolatzailearen %1 atakan dagoen irudi fitxategia kentzerakoan.hard diskdisko gogorraCD/DVD imageCD/DVD irudiafloppy imageDiskete irudiaFailed to register the %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>.Huts %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr> erregistratzerakoan.Failed to unregister the %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>.Huts %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr> erregistroa kentzerakoan.Failed to create a new session.Huts saio berria sortzean.Failed to open a session for the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> makina birtualarentzat saio bat irekitzean.Failed to get the accessibility state of the media <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>. Some of the registered media may become inaccessible.Huts <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> medioaren eskuragarritasun egoera egiaztatzerakoan. Erregistraturiko zenbait euskarri eskuraezin egon litezke.Failed to create the host network interface <b>%1</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> ostalari sare interfazea sortzerakoan.Failed to remove the host network interface <b>%1</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> ostalari sare interfazea kentzerakoan.Failed to attach the USB device <b>%1</b> to the virtual machine <b>%2</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> USB gailua <b>%2</b> makina birtualean eransterakoan.Failed to detach the USB device <b>%1</b> from the virtual machine <b>%2</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> USB gailua <b>%2</b> makina birtualetik kentzerakoan.Failed to create a shared folder <b>%1</b> (pointing to <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>) for the virtual machine <b>%3</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> partekatutako karpeta (<nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>-ra lotua) <b>%3</b> makina birtualean sortzerakoan.Failed to remove the shared folder <b>%1</b> (pointing to <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>) from the virtual machine <b>%3</b>.Huts <b>%1</b> partekatutako karpeta (<nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>-ra lotua) <b>%3</b> makina birtualetik kentzerakoan.<p>You have <b>clicked the mouse</b> inside the Virtual Machine display or pressed the <b>host key</b>. This will cause the Virtual Machine to <b>capture</b> the host mouse pointer (only if the mouse pointer integration is not currently supported by the guest OS) and the keyboard, which will make them unavailable to other applications running on your host machine.</p><p>You can press the <b>host key</b> at any time to <b>uncapture</b> the keyboard and mouse (if it is captured) and return them to normal operation. The currently assigned host key is shown on the status bar at the bottom of the Virtual Machine window, next to the <img src=hostkey_16px.png/> icon. This icon, together with the mouse icon placed nearby, indicate the current keyboard and mouse capture state.</p><p>Zuk Makina Birtualaren pantailan <b>sagu botoia</b> edo <b>ostalari tekla</b> sakatu duzu. Honek makina birtualak ostalariaren sagu markatzailea (bakarrik sagu markatzaile integrazioa ez badu SE bezeroak onartzen) eta teklatua <b>kapturatzea</b> eragingo du, honekin agian ez dira erabilgarri izango ostalari makinan abiarazirik dauden aplikazio batzuekin .</p><p><b>Ostalari tekla</b> sakatu dezakezu edozein momentutan sagu eta teklatu <b>kaptura kentzeko</b> (kapturaturik badaude) eta portamolde arruntera itzultzeko. Unean ezarritako ostalari tekla Makina Birtual leihoaren behealdeko barran erakusten da, <img src=hostkey_16px.png/> ikono ondoan. Ikono honek eta ondoan kokaturiko sagu ikonoak uneko sagu eta teklatu kaptura egoera erakusten dute.</p><p>You have the <b>Auto capture keyboard</b> option turned on. This will cause the Virtual Machine to automatically <b>capture</b> the keyboard every time the VM window is activated and make it unavailable to other applications running on your host machine: when the keyboard is captured, all keystrokes (including system ones like Alt-Tab) will be directed to the VM.</p><p>You can press the <b>host key</b> at any time to <b>uncapture</b> the keyboard and mouse (if it is captured) and return them to normal operation. The currently assigned host key is shown on the status bar at the bottom of the Virtual Machine window, next to the <img src=hostkey_16px.png/> icon. This icon, together with the mouse icon placed nearby, indicate the current keyboard and mouse capture state.</p><p><b>Teklatu auto-kapturatzea</b> gaiturik duzu. Honek Makina Birtualak automatikoki teklatua <b>kapturatzea</b> eragingo du MB leihoa aktibatzen den bakoitzean eta ostalari makinan abiarazirik dituzun beste zenbait aplikazioentzat erabiltezina gea liteke: teklatua kapturatzen denean, Tekla zanpatze guztia (Alt-Tab) barne MB-ra bidaliko dira.</p><p> <b>Ostalari tekla</b> sakatu dezakezu edozein momentutan teklatu eta sagu (kapturatua badago) <b>kapura uzteko</b> eta funtzionamendu normalera itzultzeko. Ezarririk dagoen ostalari tekla makina birtualaren beheko eskuinaldean agertzen da <img src=hostkey_16px.png/> ikonoaren ondoan. Ikono honek gertu dagoen saguarenak bezala sagu eta teklatu kaptura egoera erakusten du.</p><p>The Virtual Machine reports that the guest OS supports <b>mouse pointer integration</b>. This means that you do not need to <i>capture</i> the mouse pointer to be able to use it in your guest OS -- all mouse actions you perform when the mouse pointer is over the Virtual Machine's display are directly sent to the guest OS. If the mouse is currently captured, it will be automatically uncaptured.</p><p>The mouse icon on the status bar will look like <img src=mouse_seamless_16px.png/> to inform you that mouse pointer integration is supported by the guest OS and is currently turned on.</p><p><b>Note</b>: Some applications may behave incorrectly in mouse pointer integration mode. You can always disable it for the current session (and enable it again) by selecting the corresponding action from the menu bar.</p><p>Makina Birtualak bezero SE-ak <b>sagu markatzaile integrazioa</b> onartzen duela dio. Honekin ez duzu zure sagua <i>kapturatu</i> beharko bezero sistema eragilean erabiltzeko -- markatzailea makina birtualaren leihoaren gainean dagoela egindako ekintzak zuzenean bezero sistema eragilera bidaliko dira. Sagua une honetan kapturatua badago, automatikoki utziko du.</p><p> Egoera barrako sagu ikonoak itsura hau izan beharko luke <img src=mouse_seamless_16px.png/> zuri sagu integrazioa bezeroak onartzen duela eta gaiturik dagoela adierazeko.</p><p><b>Oharra</b>: Zenbait aplikaziok oker funtziona dezake sagu integrazioarekin. Beti saio batetarako ezgaitu dezakezu (eta berriz gaitu) menu-barran dagokion ekintza hautatuaz.</p><p>The Virtual Machine reports that the guest OS does not support <b>mouse pointer integration</b> in the current video mode. You need to capture the mouse (by clicking over the VM display or pressing the host key) in order to use the mouse inside the guest OS.</p><p>Makina Birtualak bezero SE-ak bideo modu honetan ez duela <b>sagu integrazioa</b> onartzen erreportatu du. Sagua kapturatu egin beharko duzu (MB leihoan klikatuaz edo ostalari tekla sakatuaz) sagua bezeroko sistema eragilean erabili ahal izateko.</p><p>The Virtual Machine is currently in the <b>Paused</b> state and therefore does not accept any keyboard or mouse input. If you want to continue to work inside the VM, you need to resume it by selecting the corresponding action from the menu bar.</p><p>Makina Birtuala orain <b>Gelditurik</b> egoeran dago eta horregatik ez du sagu edo teklatu sarrerarik onartzen. MB barnean lanean jarraitu nahi izanez gero berau jarraitu behar duzu dagokion ekintza hautatuaz menu barratik.</p><p>One or more of the registered virtual hard disks, CD/DVD or floppy media are not currently accessible. As a result, you will not be able to operate virtual machines that use these media until they become accessible later.</p><p>Press <b>OK</b> to open the Virtual Disk Manager window and see what media are inaccessible, or press <b>Ignore</b> to ignore this message.</p><p>Erregistraturik dauden disko gogor, CD/DVD edo diskete euskarriren bat ez dago eskuragarri. Honegatik, euskarri hori erabiltzen duen makina birtualik ezingo duzu erabili, berriz eskuragarri egon arte.</p><p><b>Ados</b> sakatu Disko Gogor Kudeatzailea ireki eta zein euskarri eskuragarri dauden ikusteko, edo <b>Baztertu</b> sakatu mezu hau albo batetara uzteko.</p><p>Cannot run VirtualBox in <i>VM Selector</i> mode due to local restrictions.</p><p>The application will now terminate.</p><p>Murrizpen lokalak direla eta ezin da VirtualBox <i>MB hautatzaile</i> moduan abiarazi.</p><p>Aplikazioa itxi egingo da.</p><nobr>Fatal Error</nobr>runtime error info<nobr>Errore Konponezina</nobr><nobr>Non-Fatal Error</nobr>runtime error info<nobr>Errore Konpongarria</nobr><nobr>Warning</nobr>runtime error info<nobr>Abisua</nobr><nobr>Error ID: </nobr>runtime error info<nobr>Errore ID-a: </nobr>Severity: runtime error infoLarritasuna: <p>A fatal error has occurred during virtual machine execution! The virtual machine will be powered off. It is suggested to use the clipboard to copy the following error message for further examination:</p><p>Errore konponezin bat gertatu da makina birtuala exekutatzean! Makina birtuala itzali egingo da. Hurrengo errore mezua beranduago begiratzeko kopiatzeko arbela erabiltzea gomendatzen da:</p><p>An error has occurred during virtual machine execution! The error details are shown below. You can try to correct the described error and resume the virtual machine execution.</p><p>Errore bat gertatu da makina birtuala exekutatzean! Errore xehetasunak behean ikusten dira. Azaldutako errorea konpondu eta makina birtual exekuzioa jarraitzen saiatu zaitezke.</p><p>The virtual machine execution may run into an error condition as described below. You may ignore this message, but it is suggested to perform an appropriate action to make sure the described error will not happen.</p><p>Makina Birtual exekuzioak behean azaltzen den bezala errore egoera batetan jarraitu dezake. Mezu hau albo batetara utzi dezakezu, baina azaldutako errorea berriz ez gertatzeko egin beharrekoa egitea gomendatzen da.</p>Result Code: error infoEmaitza Kodea: Component: error infoOsagaia: Interface: error infoInterfazea: Callee: error infoDeitura: Callee RC: error infoDeitura eta RC: <p>Could not find a language file for the language <b>%1</b> in the directory <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b>.</p><p>The language will be temporarily reset to the system default language. Please go to the <b>Preferences</b> dialog which you can open from the <b>File</b> menu of the main VirtualBox window, and select one of the existing languages on the <b>Language</b> page.</p><p>Could not load the language file <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b>. <p>The language will be temporarily reset to English (built-in). Please go to the <b>Preferences</b> dialog which you can open from the <b>File</b> menu of the main VirtualBox window, and select one of the existing languages on the <b>Language</b> page.</p><p>Ezin da <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b> hizkuntza fitxategia kargatu.<p>Hizkuntza aldiroko Ingelesera (barneratua) berrezarriko da. Mesedez joan VirtualBox leiho nagusiko <b>Fitxategia</b> menuan aurki dezakezun <b>Hobespenak</b> leihora eta hautatu erabilgarri daudenetako bat <b>Hizkuntza</b> orrialdean.</p><p>VirtualBox Guest Additions installed in the Guest OS are too old: the installed version is %1, the expected version is %2. Some features that require Guest Additions (mouse integration, guest display auto-resize) will most likely stop working properly.</p><p>Please update Guest Additions to the current version by choosing <b>Install Guest Additions</b> from the <b>Devices</b> menu.</p><p>Bezero sistema eragilea instalaturik dauden Virtualbox Bezero Gehigarriak zaharregiak dira: Instalaturiko bertsioa %1 da eta espero zena %2. Bezero gehigarriak behar dituzten zenbait funtziok (sagu integrazioa, bezero pantaila auto tamaina aldaketa) behar bezala funtzionatzeaz utziko dute ziurrenik.</p><p>Mesedez eguneratu Bezero Gehigarriak gaur egungo bertsiora <b>Gailuak</b> menuko <b>Bezero Gehigarriak</b> Instalatu hautatuaz.</p><p>VirtualBox Guest Additions installed in the Guest OS are outdated: the installed version is %1, the expected version is %2. Some features that require Guest Additions (mouse integration, guest display auto-resize) may not work as expected.</p><p>It is recommended to update Guest Additions to the current version by choosing <b>Install Guest Additions</b> from the <b>Devices</b> menu.</p><p>Bezero sistema eragilea instalaturik dauden Virtualbox Bezero Gehigarriak zaharkiturik daude: Instalaturiko bertsioa %1 da eta espero zena %2. Bezero gehigarriak behar dituzten zenbait funtziok (sagu integrazioa, bezero pantaila auto tamaina aldaketa) behar bezala funtzionatzeaz utziko dute ziurrenik.</p><p>Mesedez eguneratu Bezero Gehigarriak gaur egungo bertsiora <b>Gailuak</b> menuko <b>Bezero Gehigarriak Instalatu</b> hautatuaz.</p><p>VirtualBox Guest Additions installed in the Guest OS are too recent for this version of VirtualBox: the installed version is %1, the expected version is %2.</p><p>Using a newer version of Additions with an older version of VirtualBox is not supported. Please install the current version of Guest Additions by choosing <b>Install Guest Additions</b> from the <b>Devices</b> menu.</p><p>Bezero sistema eragilea instalaturik dauden Virtualbox Bezero Gehigarriak berriegiak dira: Instalaturik dagoen bertsioa %1 da eta espero zena %2</p><p>Gehigarrien Virtualbox baino bertsio berriago bat erabiltzea ez da onartzen. Mesedez instalatu egungo Bezero Gehigarriak <b>Gailuak</b> menuko <b>Bezero Gehigarriak Instalatu </b>hautatuaz.</p>Failed to change the snapshot folder path of the virtual machine <b>%1<b> to <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>.Huts <b>%1<b> makina birtualaren egoera-argazki bidea <nobr> <b>%2</b></nobr>-ra aldatzean.<p>Could not enter seamless mode due to insufficient guest video memory.</p><p>You should configure the VM to have at least <b>%1</b> of video memory.</p><p>Ezin da integratu garden moduan sartu bezero bideo memoria askieza dela eta.</p><p>Makina birtuala behintzat <b>%1</b> bideo memoria edukitzeko konfiguratu beharko zenuke.</p><p>Failed to remove the shared folder <b>%1</b> (pointing to <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>) from the virtual machine <b>%3</b>.</p><p>Please close all programs in the guest OS that may be using this shared folder and try again.</p><p>Huts <b>%1</b> partekatutako kapeta (<nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>-ra lotua dagoena) <b>%3</b> makina birtualetik ezabatzerakoan.</p> <p>Mesedez itxi partekatutako karpeta hori erabiltzen ari diren sistema eragileko aplikazioak eta berriz saiatu.</p><p>Could not find the VirtualBox Guest Additions CD image file <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> or <nobr><b>%2</b>.</nobr></p><p>Do you want to download this CD image from the Internet?</p><p>Ez da <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> edo <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr> VirtualBox Bezero Gehigarri irudia aurkitu.</p><p>Irudi hau internetetik deskargatu nahi al duzu?</p><p>Failed to download the VirtualBox Guest Additions CD image from <nobr><a href="%1">%2</a>.</nobr></p><p>%3</p><p>Huts Virtualbox Bezero Gehigarri CD irudia <nobr><a href="%1">%2</a>-etik deskargatzean.</nobr></p><p>%3</p><p>Are you sure you want to download the VirtualBox Guest Additions CD image from <nobr><a href="%1">%2</a></nobr> (size %3 bytes)?</p><p>Ziur zaude VirtualBox Bezero Gehigarrien CD irudia <nobr><a href="%1">%2</a>-etik deskargatu nahi duzula </nobr> (tamaina %3 byte)?</p><p>The VirtualBox Guest Additions CD image has been successfully downloaded from <nobr><a href="%1">%2</a></nobr> and saved locally as <nobr><b>%3</b>.</nobr></p><p>Do you want to register this CD image and mount it on the virtual CD/DVD drive?</p><p>VirtualBox Bezero Gehigarri CD irudia behar bezala deskargatu da <nobr><a href="%1">%2</a></nobr> -etik eta <nobr><b>%3</b>bezala gorde da.</nobr></p> <p>CD irudi hori erregistratu eta CD/DVD birtualean kargatu nahi al duzu?</p><p>The virtual machine window will be now switched to <b>fullscreen</b> mode. You can go back to windowed mode at any time by pressing <b>%1</b>. Note that the <i>Host</i> key is currently defined as <b>%1</b>.</p><p>Note that the main menu bar is hidden in fullscreen mode. You can access it by pressing <b>Host+Home</b>.</p><p>Makina Birtuala orain <b>pantaila oso</b> modura aldatuko da. Atzera leihoturiko modura itzuli zaitezke edozein momentutan <b>%1</b> sakatuaz. Kontutan izan <i>Ostalari</i> tekla une honetan <b>%2</b> bezala ezarririk dagoela.</p><p> Kontutan izan menu-barra ezkutaturik dagoela pantaila osoko moduan. Bera eskuratzeko aski da <b>Osta+Etxea</b>sakatzearekin.</p><p>The virtual machine window will be now switched to <b>Seamless</b> mode. You can go back to windowed mode at any time by pressing <b>%1</b>. Note that the <i>Host</i> key is currently defined as <b>%1</b>.</p><p>Note that the main menu bar is hidden in seamless mode. You can access it by pressing <b>Host+Home</b>.</p><p>Makina Birtuala orain <b>integrazio garden</b> modura aldatuko da. Atzera leihoturiko modura itzuli zaitezke edozein momentutan <b>%1</b> sakatuaz. Kontutan izan <i>Ostalari</i> tekla une honetan <b>%2</b> bezala ezarririk dagoela.</p><p> Kontutan izan menu-barra ezkutaturik dagoela pantaila osoko moduan. Bera eskuratzeko aski da <b>Osta+Etxea</b>sakatzearekin.</p><p>The virtual machine window is optimized to work in <b>%1 bit</b> color mode but the color quality of the virtual display is currently set to <b>%2 bit</b>.</p><p>Please open the display properties dialog of the guest OS and select a <b>%3 bit</b> color mode, if it is available, for best possible performance of the virtual video subsystem.</p><p><b>Note</b>. Some operating systems, like OS/2, may actually work in 32 bit mode but report it as 24 bit (16 million colors). You may try to select a different color quality to see if this message disappears or you can simply disable the message now if you are sure the required color quality (%4 bit) is not available in the given guest OS.</p><p>Makina birtualaren leihoa <b>%1 bit</b> kolore moduan funtzionatzeko garatua izan da baina pantaila birtualaren kalitatea <b>%2 bitera</b> ezarririk dago.</p><p>Mesedez ireki bezero sistema eragileko pantaila propietateak eta hautatu <b>%3 bit</b> duen modu bat, erabilgarri badago, bideo birtual azpisistemak ahal den hobekien funtzionatzeko.</p><p><b>Kontutan izan</b> OS/2 bezalako zenbait sistema eragilek 32 bit-eako moduan lan egiten dutela, baina 24 bit-etara (16 Milioi kolore) dagoela dirudi. Beste kolore kalitate bat hautatzea probatu dezakezu, edo mezu hau baztertu dezakezu ziur bazaude eskatutako kolore kalitatea (%4 bit) ezin dela Sistema eragile bezeroan erabili.</p><p>A critical error has occurred while running the virtual machine and the machine execution has been stopped.</p><p>For help, please see the Community section on <a href=http://www.virtualbox.org>http://www.virtualbox.org</a> or your support contract. Please provide the contents of the log file <tt>VBox.log</tt> and the image file <tt>VBox.png</tt>, which you can find in the <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> directory, as well as a description of what you were doing when this error happened. Note that you can also access the above files by selecting <b>Show Log</b> from the <b>Machine</b> menu of the main VirualBox window.</p><p>Press <b>OK</b> if you want to power off the machine or press <b>Ignore</b> if you want to leave it as is for debugging. Please note that debugging requires special knowledge and tools, so it is recommended to press <b>OK</b> now.</p><p>You didn't attach a hard disk to the new virtual machine. The machine will not be able to boot unless you attach a hard disk with a guest operating system or some other bootable media to it later using the machine settings dialog or the First Run Wizard.</p><p>Do you want to continue?</p><p>Ez duzu disko gogor birtualik erantsi makina birtual honetara. Makina ez da abiarazteko gai izango sistema eragile duen disko gogor bat edo beste euskarri abiarazgarri baten bat erantsi arte, berau beranduago egiteko ezarpen leiho edo Lehen Abiarazte Morroiaren bidez egin dezakezu.</p><p>Aurrera jarraitu nahi al duzu?</p>Failed to find license files in <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.Failed to open the license file <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>. Check file permissions.Failed to send the ACPI Power Button press event to the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.<p>Failed to connect to the VirtualBox online registration service.</p><p>%1</p><p>Congratulations! You have been successfully registered as a user of VirtualBox.</p><p>Thank you for finding time to fill out the registration form!</p><p>Failed to register the VirtualBox product</p><p>%1</p><p>Failed to save the global VirtualBox settings to <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b>.</p><p>Failed to load the global GUI configuration from <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b>.</p><p>The application will now terminate.</p><p>Failed to save the global GUI configuration to <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b>.</p><p>The application will now terminate.</p>Failed to save the settings of the virtual machine <b>%1</b> to <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b>.Failed to load the settings of the virtual machine <b>%1</b> from <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b>.DeletemachineEzabatuUnregistermachineDiscardsaved stateBaztertuContinuedetach image<p>Do you want to delete this hard disk's image file <nobr><b>%1</b>?</nobr></p><p>If you select <b>Delete</b> then the image file will be permanently deleted after unregistering the hard disk. This operation cannot be undone.</p><p>If you select <b>Unregister</b> then the virtual hard disk will be unregistered and removed from the collection, but the image file will be left on your physical disk.</p>Deletehard diskEzabatuUnregisterhard disk<p>There are hard disks attached to SATA ports of this virtual machine. If you disable the SATA controller, all these hard disks will be automatically detached.</p><p>Are you sure that you want to disable the SATA controller?</p>Disablehard diskEzgaituFailed to attach a hard disk image with UUID %1 to device slot %2 on channel %3 of the %4 bus of the machine <b>%5</b>.Failed to detach a hard disk image from device slot %1 on channel %2 of the %3 bus of the machine <b>%4</b>.DownloadadditionsMountadditions<p>The host key is currently defined as <b>%1</b>.</p>additional message box paragraphCapturedo input capture<p>One or more of the registered virtual hard disks, CD/DVD or floppy media are not currently accessible. As a result, you will not be able to operate virtual machines that use these media until they become accessible later.</p><p>Press <b>Check</b> to open the Virtual Disk Manager window and see what media are inaccessible, or press <b>Ignore</b> to ignore this message.</p>Checkinaccessible media message box<p>The following VirtualBox settings files have been automatically converted to the new settings file format version <b>%1</b>.</p><p>However, the results of the conversion were not saved back to disk yet. Please press:</p><ul><li><b>Save</b> to save all auto-converted files now (it will not be possible to use these settings files with an older version of VirtualBox in the future);</li><li><b>Backup</b> to create backup copies of the settings files in the old format before saving them in the new format;</li><li><b>Cancel</b> to not save the auto-converted settings files now.<li></ul><p>Note that if you select <b>Cancel</b>, the auto-converted settings files will be implicitly saved in the new format anyway once you change a setting or start a virtual machine, but <b>no</b> backup copies will be created in this case.</p>&SavewarnAboutAutoConvertedSettings message box&Gorde&BackupwarnAboutAutoConvertedSettings message boxCancelwarnAboutAutoConvertedSettings message boxUtziSwitchfullscreenSwitchseamless<p>Do you really want to reset the virtual machine?</p><p>When the machine is reset, unsaved data of all applications running inside it will be lost.</p>ResetmachineBerrezarriContinueno hard disk attachedGo Backno hard disk attachedFailed to copy file <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b> to <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b> (%3).<p>There are no unused hard disks available for the newly created attachment.</p><p>Press the <b>Create</b> button to start the <i>New Virtual Disk</i> wizard and create a new hard disk, or press the <b>Select</b> button to open the <i>Virtual Disk Manager</i> and select what to do.</p>&Createhard diskSelecthard diskHautatu<p>Could not enter seamless mode due to insufficient guest video memory.</p><p>You should configure the virtual machine to have at least <b>%1</b> of video memory.</p><p>Could not switch the guest display to fullscreen mode due to insufficient guest video memory.</p><p>You should configure the virtual machine to have at least <b>%1</b> of video memory.</p><p>Press <b>Ignore</b> to switch to fullscreen mode anyway or press <b>Cancel</b> to cancel the operation.</p><p>Unable to obtain the new version information due to the following network error:</p><p><b>%1</b></p>You have already installed the latest VirtualBox version. Please repeat the version check later.<p>You have <b>clicked the mouse</b> inside the Virtual Machine display or pressed the <b>host key</b>. This will cause the Virtual Machine to <b>capture</b> the host mouse pointer (only if the mouse pointer integration is not currently supported by the guest OS) and the keyboard, which will make them unavailable to other applications running on your host machine.</p><p>You can press the <b>host key</b> at any time to <b>uncapture</b> the keyboard and mouse (if it is captured) and return them to normal operation. The currently assigned host key is shown on the status bar at the bottom of the Virtual Machine window, next to the <img src=:/hostkey_16px.png/> icon. This icon, together with the mouse icon placed nearby, indicate the current keyboard and mouse capture state.</p><p>You have the <b>Auto capture keyboard</b> option turned on. This will cause the Virtual Machine to automatically <b>capture</b> the keyboard every time the VM window is activated and make it unavailable to other applications running on your host machine: when the keyboard is captured, all keystrokes (including system ones like Alt-Tab) will be directed to the VM.</p><p>You can press the <b>host key</b> at any time to <b>uncapture</b> the keyboard and mouse (if it is captured) and return them to normal operation. The currently assigned host key is shown on the status bar at the bottom of the Virtual Machine window, next to the <img src=:/hostkey_16px.png/> icon. This icon, together with the mouse icon placed nearby, indicate the current keyboard and mouse capture state.</p><p>The Virtual Machine reports that the guest OS supports <b>mouse pointer integration</b>. This means that you do not need to <i>capture</i> the mouse pointer to be able to use it in your guest OS -- all mouse actions you perform when the mouse pointer is over the Virtual Machine's display are directly sent to the guest OS. If the mouse is currently captured, it will be automatically uncaptured.</p><p>The mouse icon on the status bar will look like <img src=:/mouse_seamless_16px.png/> to inform you that mouse pointer integration is supported by the guest OS and is currently turned on.</p><p><b>Note</b>: Some applications may behave incorrectly in mouse pointer integration mode. You can always disable it for the current session (and enable it again) by selecting the corresponding action from the menu bar.</p><p>The virtual machine window will be now switched to <b>fullscreen</b> mode. You can go back to windowed mode at any time by pressing <b>%1</b>. Note that the <i>Host</i> key is currently defined as <b>%2</b>.</p><p>Note that the main menu bar is hidden in fullscreen mode. You can access it by pressing <b>Host+Home</b>.</p><p>Makina Birtuala orain <b>pantaila oso</b> modura aldatuko da. Atzera leihoturiko modura itzuli zaitezke edozein momentutan <b>%1</b> sakatuaz. Kontutan izan <i>Ostalari</i> tekla une honetan <b>%2</b> bezala ezarririk dagoela.</p><p> Kontutan izan menu-barra ezkutaturik dagoela pantaila osoko moduan. Bera eskuratzeko aski da <b>Osta+Etxea</b>sakatzearekin.</p> {1<?} {2<?} {1< or 2<?}<p>The virtual machine window will be now switched to <b>Seamless</b> mode. You can go back to windowed mode at any time by pressing <b>%1</b>. Note that the <i>Host</i> key is currently defined as <b>%2</b>.</p><p>Note that the main menu bar is hidden in seamless mode. You can access it by pressing <b>Host+Home</b>.</p><p>Makina Birtuala orain <b>integrazio garden</b> modura aldatuko da. Atzera leihoturiko modura itzuli zaitezke edozein momentutan <b>%1</b> sakatuaz. Kontutan izan <i>Ostalari</i> tekla une honetan <b>%2</b> bezala ezarririk dagoela.</p><p> Kontutan izan menu-barra ezkutaturik dagoela pantaila osoko moduan. Bera eskuratzeko aski da <b>Osta+Etxea</b>sakatzearekin.</p> {1<?} {2<?} {1< or 2<?}&Contents...&Edukiak...Show the online help contentsSare bidezko laguntza edukia bistarazi&VirtualBox Web Site...&VirtualBox Web Gunea...Open the browser and go to the VirtualBox product web siteNabigatzailea ireki eta VirtualBox produktuaren gunera joan&Reset All WarningsAbisu Guztiak Be&rrezarriCause all suppressed warnings and messages to be shown againEzabatutako abisu eta mezu guztiak berriz agertzea eragien duR&egister VirtualBox...Open VirtualBox registration formC&heck for Updates...Check for a new VirtualBox version&About VirtualBox...Show a dialog with product information<p>A new version of VirtualBox has been released! Version <b>%1</b> is available at <a href="http://www.virtualbox.org/">virtualbox.org</a>.</p><p>You can download this version from this direct link:</p><p><a href=%2>%3</a></p>VBoxRegistrationDlgVirtualBox Registration Dialog&NameEnter your full name using Latin characters.&E-mailEnter your valid e-mail address.&Please do not use this information to contact meWelcome to the VirtualBox Registration Form!Connection timed out.Konexioa denboraz kanpo.Could not locate the registration form on the server (response: %1).Could not perform connection handshake.<p>Please fill out this registration form to let us know that you use VirtualBox and, optionally, to keep you informed about VirtualBox news and updates.</p><p>Enter your full name using Latin characters and your e-mail address to the fields below. Please note that Sun Microsystems will use this information only to gather product usage statistics and to send you VirtualBox newsletters. In particular, Sun Microsystems will never pass your data to third parties. Detailed information about how we use your personal data can be found in the <b>Privacy Policy</b> section of the VirtualBox Manual or on the <a href=http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/PrivacyPolicy>Privacy Policy</a> page of the VirtualBox web-site.</p>Check this box if you do not want to receive mail from Sun Microsystems at the e-mail address specified above.C&onfirmCancelUtziVBoxSFDialogShared FoldersPartekatutako KarpetakCancelUtziHelpLaguntza&OKAd&osVBoxSelectorWndVirtualBox OSEVirtualBox OSEinnotek VirtualBoxinnotek VirtualBox&Details&XehetasunakVirtual &Disk Manager...&Disko Birtual Kudeatzailea...Ctrl+DKtrl+DDisplay the Virtual Disk Manager dialogMakina Birtual Kudeaketa leihoa bistazten du&Preferences...global settingsHobes&penak...Ctrl+GKtrl+GDisplay the global settings dialogEzarpen orokor leihoa bistaraziE&xitI&rtenCtrl+QKtrl+QClose applicationAplikazioa Itxi&New...&Berria...NewBerriaCtrl+NKtrl+NCreate a new virtual machineMakina Birtual Berria Sortu&Settings...&Ezarpenak...SettingsEzarpenakCtrl+SKtrl+EConfigure the selected virtual machineHautatutako makina birtuala konfiguratu&DeleteE&zabatuDeleteEzabatuDelete the selected virtual machineHautatutako makina birtuala ezabatuD&iscardBa&ztertuDiscardBaztertuDiscard the saved state of the selected virtual machineBaztertu hautatutako makina birtualaren gordetako egoera&RefreshF&reskatuRefreshFreskatuCtrl+RKtrl+RRefresh the accessibility state of the selected virtual machineHautatutako makina birtualaren eskuragarritasun egoera freskatu&Contents...&Edukiak...F1F1Show the online help contentsSare bidezko laguntza edukia bistarazi&VirtualBox Web Site...&VirtualBox Web Gunea...Open the browser and go to the VirtualBox product web siteNabigatzailea ireki eta VirtualBox produktuaren gunera joan&About VirtualBox...VirtualBox-ri &Buruz...Show a dialog with product informationProduktu argibideekin leiho bat bistarazi du&Reset All WarningsAbisu Guztiak Be&rrezarriCause all suppressed warnings and messages to be shown againEzabatutako abisu eta mezu guztiak berriz agertzea eragien du&File&Fitxategia&Help&Laguntza&Snapshots&Egoera-argazkiaD&escriptionA&zalpenaD&escription *A&zalpena *S&howI&kusiShowIkusiSwitch to the window of the selected virtual machineHautatutako makina birtualaren leihora aldatuS&tartAbiara&ziStartAbiaraziStart the selected virtual machineHautatutako makina birtuala abiarazi<h3>Welcome to VirtualBox!</h3><p>The left part of this window is intended to display a list of all virtual machines on your computer. The list is empty now because you haven't created any virtual machines yet.<img src=welcome.png align=right/></p><p>In order to create a new virtual machine, press the <b>New</b> button in the main tool bar located at the top of the window.</p><p>You can press the <b>F1</b> key to get instant help, or visit <a href=http://www.virtualbox.org>www.virtualbox.org</a> for the latest information and news.</p><h3>Ongietorri VirtualBox-era!</h3><p>Leiho honen ezkerreko zatian ordenagailu honetako makina birtual guztiak daude. Zerrenda orain hutsik dago oraindik ez duzu makina birtualik sortu eta.<img src=welcome.png align=right/></p><p>Makina berri bat sortzeko sakatu <b>Berria</b> botoia leihoaren goialdeko tresna-barran nagusian.</p><p><b>F1</b> tekla sakatu dezakezu laguntza eskuratzeko edo <a href=http://www.virtualbox.org>www.virtualbox.org</a> webgunera joan argibide eta azken berrien bila.</p>&Machine&MakinaShow &Log...E&rregistroa Ikusi...Show Log...Erregistroa Ikusi...Ctrl+LKtrl+LShow the log files of the selected virtual machineHautatutako makina birtualaren erregistro fitxategiak ikusiSun xVM VirtualBoxR&esumeJa&rraituResume the execution of the virtual machineMakina birtualaren exekuzioa jarraitu&Pause&GeldituSuspend the execution of the virtual machineMakina Birtualaren exekuzioa gelditu<h3>Welcome to VirtualBox!</h3><p>The left part of this window is intended to display a list of all virtual machines on your computer. The list is empty now because you haven't created any virtual machines yet.<img src=:/welcome.png align=right/></p><p>In order to create a new virtual machine, press the <b>New</b> button in the main tool bar located at the top of the window.</p><p>You can press the <b>F1</b> key to get instant help, or visit <a href=http://www.virtualbox.org>www.virtualbox.org</a> for the latest information and news.</p>VBoxSettingsDialog<i>Select a settings category from the list on the left side and move the mouse over a settings item to get more information</i>.Invalid settings detectedSettingsEzarpenakVBoxSharedFoldersSettingsNameIzenaPathBideaShared &FoldersPartekatutako &Karpetak<qt>Lists all shared folders accessible to this machine.
<tt>net use x: \\vboxsvr\share</tt>
to access a shared folder named <i>share</i> from a DOS-like OS, or
<tt>mount -t vboxsf share mount_point</tt>
to access it from a Linux OS. This feature requires Guest Additions.</qt><qt>Makina honetarako eskuragarri dauden partekatutako karpeta guztiak zerrendatzen ditu.
<tt>net use x: \\vboxsvr\share</tt>
<i>share</i> izeneko karpeta bat DOS-antzerako SE batetatik, edo
<tt>mount -t vboxsf share mount_point</tt>
Linux SE batetatik atzitzeko. Ezaugarri honek Bezero Gehigarriak behar ditu.</qt>Adds a new shared folder definition.Partekatutako karpeta definizio berria gehitzen du.Removes the selected shared folder definition.Hautatutako partekatutako karpeta definizioa ezabatzen du. Machine Folders Makina Karpetak Transient Folders Karpeta Mugikorrak<nobr>Name: %1</nobr><br><nobr>Path: %2</nobr><nobr>Izena: %1</nobr><br><nobr>Bidea: %2</nobr>Edits the selected shared folder definition.Hautatutako karpeta definizioa editatzen du.VBoxSharedFoldersSettingsdon't translateVBoxPartekatutakoKarpetaEzarpenakInsInsAdd a new shared folder (Ins)Partekatauko karpeta bat gehitu (Ins)SpaceLekuaEdit the selected shared folder (Space)Hautatutako partekatutako karpeta editatu (Lekua)DelEzabRemove the selected shared folder (Del)Ezabatu hautatutako partekatutako karpeta (Ezab)VBoxSnapshotDetailsDlgVBoxSnapshotDetailsDlgVBoxEgoeraArgazkiXehetasunLeihoa Snapshot Details Egoera-argazki Xehetasunak &NameIze&na&DescriptionA&zalpena&Machine Details&Makina XehetasunakHelpLaguntzaF1F1&OKAd&osAlt+OALt+OCancelUtziDetails of %1 (%2)%1 (%2)-ren xehetasunakSnapshot DetailsVBoxSnapshotsWgt[snapshot][egoera-argazkiak]VBoxSnapshotsWgtVBoxSnapshotsWgtsnapshotActionGroupegoera-argazkiEkintzaTaldeaDiscard SnapshotBaztertu Egoera-argazkia&Discard Snapshot&Baztertu Egoera-argazkiaCtrl+Shift+DKtrl+Shift+DcurStateActionGroupunekoEgoeraEkintzaTaldeaTake SnapshotEgoera-argazki bat eginTake &SnapshotEgoera-arga&zki bat eginDiscard Current Snapshot and StateBaztertu Uneko Egoera-argazkia eta EgoeraD&iscard Current Snapshot and StateBa&ztertu Uneko Egoera-argazkia eta EgoeraShow DetailsIkusi XehetasunakS&how DetailsIkusi Xe&hetasunakSpaceLekuaCurrent State (changed)Current State (Modified)Uneko Egoera (aldatua)Current StateCurrent State (Unmodified)Uneko EgoeraThe current state differs from the state stored in the current snapshotUneko egoera egoera-argazkian gordetakoren ezberdina daThe current state is identical to the state stored in the current snapshotUneko egoera egoera-argazkian gordetakoren berdina da (current, Snapshot details (uneko, online)Snapshot detailslinean)offline)Snapshot detailslineaz kanpo)Taken at %1Snapshot (time)%1 hartzenTaken on %1Snapshot (date + time)%1-ean hartua%1 since %2Current State (time or date + time)%1 %2-tikSnapshot %1%1 egoera-argazkiaDiscard the selected snapshot of the virtual machineBaztertu hautatutako egoera-argazkia makina birtualetikCtrl+Shift+SKtrl+Shift+STake a snapshot of the current virtual machine stateUneko makina birtual egoeraren egoera-argazki bat eginRevert to Current SnapshotUneko Egoera-argazkira Itzuli&Revert to Current SnapshotUneko Egoe&ra-argazkira ItzuliCtrl+Shift+RKtrl+Shift+RRestore the virtual machine state from the state stored in the current snapshotMakina birtuala uneko egoera-argazkian gordetako egoerara itzuliCtrl+Shift+BKtrl+Shift+BDiscard the current snapshot and revert the machine to the state it had before the snapshot was takenUneko egoera-argazkia baztertu eta makina egoera-argazkia egin baino lehen zuen egoerara itzuliShow details of the selected snapshotHautatutako egoera-argazkiaren xehetasunak ikusiVBoxSwitchMenuDisableEzgaituEnableGaitu%1 %2%1 %2VBoxTakeSnapshotDlgTake Snapshot of Virtual MachineMakina Birtualaren Egoera-argazki bat eginSnapshot &NameEgoera-argazki Ize&naSnapshot &DescriptionEgoera-argazki A&zalpenaHelpLaguntzaF1F1&OKAd&osAlt+OAlt+OCancelUtziVBoxUSBFilterSettingsVBoxUSBFilterSettingsdon't translateVBoxUSBIragazkiEzarpenak&NameIze&naDisplays the filter name.Iragazki izena bistarazten du.&Manufacturer&EgileaPro&ductPro&duktua&Serial No.&Serie Zenbakia.R&emoteUrrun&ekoa&Action&Ekintza&Vendor ID&Saltzaile ID-a&Product ID&Produktu ID-a&Revision&BertsioaPor&t&AtakaAnyremoteEdozeinYesremoteBaiNoremoteEz<qt>Defines the manufacturer filter as an
<i>exact match</i> string. An empty string will match any
value.</qt><qt>Manufakturadore iragazkia ezarri
<i>parekatze zehatz</i> kate bat bezala- Kate huts batek edozein
baliorekin parekatzea beteko du</qt><qt>Defines the product name filter as an
<i>exact match</i> string. An empty string will match any
value.</qt><qt>Produktu izen iragazkia ezarri
<i>parekatze zehatz</i> kate bat bezala- Kate huts batek edozein
baliorekin parekatzea beteko du</qt><qt>Defines the serial number filter as an
<i>exact match</i> string. An empty string will match any
value.</qt><qt>Serie zenbaki iragazkia ezarri
<i>parekatze zehatz</i> kate bat bezala- Kate huts batek edozein
baliorekin parekatzea beteko du</qt><qt>Defines whether this filter applies
to USB devices attached locally to the host computer (<i>No</i>),
to a VRDP client's computer (<i>Yes</i>),
or both (<i>Any</i>).</qt><qt>Iragazki hau lokalki erantsiritako USB
gailuetan nola ezarriko den ezartzen du:
Ostalari ordenagailuan (<i>Ez</i>),
VRFP bezeroaren ordenagailuan (<i>Bai</i>),
edo bietan (<i>Edozein</i>).</qt><qt>Defines an action performed by the host
computer when a matching device is attached: give it up to the host OS
(<i>Ignore</i>) or grab it for later usage by virtual machines
(<i>Hold</i>).</qt><qt>Iragazkia betetzen duen gailu bat eransterakoan ostalari ordenagailuak egingo duen ekintza ezartzen du(<i>Baztertu</i>) edo eskuratu gero makina birtualek erabiltzeko
(<i>Eskuratu</i>).</qt><qt>Defines the vendor ID filter. The
<i>exact match</i> string format is <tt>XXXX</tt> where
<tt>X</tt> is a hexadecimal digit. An empty string will match any
value.</qt><qt>Saltzaile ID iragazkia ezartzen du.
<i>parekatze zehatz</i> kate formatua <tt>XXXX</tt> da, non
<tt>X</tt> digito hamaseitar bat den. Kate hutsak edozein
balio bilatuko du.</qt><qt>Defines the product ID filter. The
<i>exact match</i> string format is <tt>XXXX</tt> where
<tt>X</tt> is a hexadecimal digit. An empty string will match any
value.</qt><qt>Produktu ID iragazkia ezartzen du.
<i>parekatze zehatz</i> kate formatua <tt>XXXX</tt> da, non
<tt>X</tt> digito hamaseitar bat den. Kate hutsak edozein
balio bilatuko du.</qt><qt>Defines the host USB port filter as an
<i>exact match</i> string. An empty string will match any
value.</qt><qt>Ostalari USB iragazkia ezartzen du.
<i>parekatze zehatz</i> kate bat bezala.
Kate hutsak edozein balio bilatuko du.</qt>VBoxUSBMenu<no available devices>USB devices<ez dago gailu erabilgarririk>No supported devices connected to the host PCUSB device tooltipEz dago onartutako gailurik konektaturik ostalari PC-raVBoxUpdateDlg1 day2 days3 days4 days5 days6 days1 week2 weeks3 weeks1 monthNeverConnection timed out.Konexioa denboraz kanpo.Could not locate the latest version list on the server (response: %1).Chec&k&CloseVirtualBox Update WizardCheck for Updates<p>This wizard will connect to the VirtualBox web-site and check if a newer version of VirtualBox is available.</p>
<p>Use the <b>Check</b> button to check for a new version now or the <b>Cancel</b> button if you do not want to perform this check.</p>
<p>You can run this wizard at any time by choosing <b>Check for Updates...</b> from the <b>Help</b> menu.</p>CancelUtziSummaryLaburpena<p>A new version of VirtualBox has been released! Version <b>%1</b> is available at <a href="http://www.virtualbox.org/">virtualbox.org</a>.</p><p>You can download this version from this direct link:</p><p><a href=%2>%3</a></p><p>Unable to obtain the new version information due to the following network error:</p><p><b>%1</b></p>You have already installed the latest VirtualBox version. Please repeat the version check later.VBoxVMDescriptionPageNo description. Press the Edit button below to add it.Azalpenik ez. Editatu botoia sakatu berau gehitzeko.EditEditatuEdit (Ctrl+E)Editatu (Ktrl+E)Ctrl+EKtrl+EVBoxVMDetailsViewThe selected virtual machine is <i>inaccessible</i>. Please inspect the error message shown below and press the <b>Refresh</b> button if you want to repeat the accessibility check:Hautaturiko makina birtuala <i>eskuraezina</i> dago. Mesedez arakatu beheko errore mezua eta <b>Freskatu</b> sakatu eskuragarritasun proba errepikatu nahi baduzu:VBoxVMFirstRunWzdFirst Run WizardLehen Abiarazte Morroia<p>You have started a newly created virtual machine for the first time. This wizard will help you to perform the steps necessary for installing an operating system of your choice onto this virtual machine.</p><p>Use the <b>Next</b> button to go to the next page of the wizard and the <b>Back</b> button to return to the previous page. You can also press <b>Cancel</b> if you want to cancel execution of this wizard.</p><p>Sortu berri duzun makina birtuala lehen aldiz abiarazi duzu. Morroi honek zure aukerako sistema eragile makina birtual horretan instalatzeko egin beharreko urratsetan lagunduko zaitu.</p><p><b>Hurrengoa</b> botoia erabili morroiaren hurrengo orrialdera joateko eta <b>Atzera</b> botoia aurreko orrialdera joateko. Baita <b>Utzi</b> sakatu dezakezu morroiaren exekuzioa eteteko.</p>Welcome to the First Run Wizard!Ongietorri Lehen Abiarazte Morroira!<p>Select the type of the media you would like to use for installation purposes below.</p><p>Hautatu behean instalatzeko erabili nahi duzun instalazio medioa.</p>Media TypeEuskarri Mota&CD/DVD-ROM Device&CD/DVD-ROM GailuaAlt+CAlt+C&Floppy Device&Diskete GailuaAlt+FAlt+D<p>Select the media which contains the setup program of the operating system you want to install. This media must be bootable, otherwise the setup program will not be able to start.</p><p>Hautatu instalatu nahi duzun sistema eragilearen instalazio programa duen euskarria. Euskarria abiarazgarria izan behar da, beste instalazio programak ezin izango du abiarazi.</p>Media SourceEuskarri Jatorria&Host Drive&Ostalari GailuaAlt+HAlt+O&Image File&Irudi FitxategiaAlt+IAlt+IVDMVDMSelect Installation MediaInstalazio Euskarri Hautatu<p>You have selected the following media to boot from:</p><p>Bertatik abiarazteko hurrengo euskarria hautatu duzu:</p><p>If the above is correct, press the <b>Finish</b> button. Once you press it, the selected media will be temporarily mounted on the virtual machine and the machine will start execution.</p><p>Please note that when you close the virtual machine, the specified media will be automatically unmounted and the boot device will be set back to the first hard disk.</p><p>Depending on the type of the setup program, you may need to manually unmount (eject) the media after the setup program reboots the virtual machine, to prevent the installation process from starting again. You can do this by selecting the corresponding <b>Unmount...</b> action in the <b>Devices</b> menu.</p><p>Aurrekoa zuzena bada, sakatu <b>Amaitu</b> botoia. Egiten duzunean hautatutako euskarria aldi batetarako makina birtualean muntatu eta makinak exekuzioa abiaraziko du.</p><p>Mesedez kontutan izan zuk makina birtuala ixtean, ezarritako euskarri automatikoki desmuntatuko dela eta abio gailu bezala lehenengo disko gogorra ipiniko dela.</p><p>Konfigurazio programa motaren arabera agian diskoa desmuntatu (atera) egin behar duzu konfigurazio programa makina berrabiaraztean, instalazio prozesua berriz hasi ez dadin. Hau egiteko dagokion <b>desmuntatu...</b> ekintza hautatu <b>Gailuak</b> menuan.</p>SummaryLaburpenaCD/DVD-ROM DeviceCD/DVD-ROM GailuaFloppy DeviceDiskete GailuaHost Drive %1Ostalari Kontrolagailua %1<table><tr><td>Type:</td><td>%1</td></tr><tr><td>Source:</td><td>%2</td></tr></table><table><tr><td>Mota:</td><td>%1</td></tr><tr><td>Jatorria:</td><td>%2</td></tr></table><p>You have started a newly created virtual machine for the first time. This wizard will help you to perform the steps necessary for booting an operating system of your choice on the virtual machine.</p><p>Note that you will not be able to install an operating system into this virtual machine right now because you did not attach any hard disk to it. If this is not what you want, you can cancel execution of this wizard, select <b>Settings</b> from the <b>Machine</b> menu of the main VirtualBox window to access the settings dialog of this machine and change the hard disk configuration.</p><p>Use the <b>Next</b> button to go to the next page of the wizard and the <b>Back</b> button to return to the previous page. You can also press <b>Cancel</b> if you want to cancel execution of this wizard.</p><p>Sortu berri duzun makina birtuala lehen aldiz abiarazi duzu. Morroi honek hautatu duzun sistema eragile makina birtualean abiarazteko bete beharreko urratsak betetzen lagunduko zaitu.</p><p>Kontutan izan ezin duzula sistema eragile bat orain instalatu makina birtual honetan ez bait duzu disko gogorrik erantsi makina birtualari. Hau ez bada nahi duzuna, morroi honen exekuzioa utzi dezakezu, <b>Ezarpenak</b> hautatu VirtusalBox leiho nagusiaren <b>Makina</b> menutik makina honen ezapen leihoa eskuratzeko eta disko gogor konfigurazioa aldatu.</p><p>Erabili <b>Hurrengoa</b> botoia morroiko hurrengo orrialdera joateko eta <b>Atzera</b> botoia sakatu aurreko orrialdera joateko. <b>Utzi</b> sakatu dezakezu morroiaren exekuzioa bertan behera uzteko.</p><p>Select the type of the media you would like to use for booting an operating system.</p><p>Hautatu sistema eragile bat abiarazteko erabili nahi duzun medio mota.</p><p>Select the media that contains the operating system you want to work with. This media must be bootable, otherwise the operating system will not be able to start.</p><p>Hautatu berarekin lan egin nahi duzun sistema eragile duen euskarria. Euskarri hau abiarazgarria izan behar da, bestela sistema eragilea ez da abiarazteko gai izango</p><p>You have selected the following media to boot an operating system from:</p><p>Bertatik abiarazteko sistema eragilea duen hurrengo medioa hautatu duzu:</p><p>If the above is correct, press the <b>Finish</b> button. Once you press it, the selected media will be mounted on the virtual machine and the machine will start execution.</p><p>Aurrekoa zuzena bada <b>Amaitu</b> botoia sakatu. Behin sakatu duzunean, hautatutako medioa makina birtualean kargatuko da eta makinak exekuzioa abiaraziko du.</p>< &Back&Next ><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">If the above is correct, press the <span style=" font-weight:600;">Finish</span> button. Once you press it, the selected media will be temporarily mounted on the virtual machine and the machine will start execution.</p>
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Please note that when you close the virtual machine, the specified media will be automatically unmounted and the boot device will be set back to the first hard disk.</p>
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Depending on the type of the setup program, you may need to manually unmount (eject) the media after the setup program reboots the virtual machine, to prevent the installation process from starting again. You can do this by selecting the corresponding <span style=" font-weight:600;">Unmount...</span> action in the <span style=" font-weight:600;">Devices</span> menu<span style=" font-weight:600;">.</span></p></body></html>&FinishTypesummarySourcesummaryCancelUtziVBoxVMInformationDlg%1 - Session Information&Details&Xehetasunak&RuntimeDMA TransfersPIO TransfersData ReadData WrittenData TransmittedData ReceivedEnabledGaiturikDisabledEzgaiturikRuntime AttributesScreen ResolutionCD/DVD-ROM StatisticsNetwork Adapter StatisticsNot attachedEz erantsiaVersion %1.%2guest additionsNot Detectedguest additionsNot Detectedguest os typeGuest AdditionsGuest OS TypeHard Disk StatisticsNo Hard DisksNo Network AdaptersEnablednested pagingGaiturikDisablednested pagingEzgaiturikNested PagingVBoxVMInformationDlgVBoxVMListBox<nobr>%1<br></nobr><nobr>%2 since %3</nobr><br><nobr>Session %4</nobr>VM tooltip (name, last state change, session state)<nobr>%1<br></nobr><nobr>%2 %3-tik</nobr><br><nobr>%4 saioa</nobr><nobr><b>%1</b><br></nobr><nobr>Inaccessible since %2</nobr>Inaccessible VM tooltip (name, last state change)<nobr><b>%1</b><br></nobr><nobr>Eskuraezina %2 -tik</nobr>InaccessibleEskuraezinaVBoxVMListViewInaccessibleEskuraezina<nobr>%1<br></nobr><nobr>%2 since %3</nobr><br><nobr>Session %4</nobr>VM tooltip (name, last state change, session state)<nobr>%1<br></nobr><nobr>%2 %3-tik</nobr><br><nobr>%4 saioa</nobr><nobr><b>%1</b><br></nobr><nobr>Inaccessible since %2</nobr>Inaccessible VM tooltip (name, last state change)<nobr><b>%1</b><br></nobr><nobr>Eskuraezina %2 -tik</nobr>VBoxVMLogViewerLog ViewerErregistro ikustatzailea&Save&GordeAlt+SAlt+G&RefreshF&reskatuAlt+RALt+R%1 - VirtualBox Log Viewer%1 - VirtualBox Erregistro ikustatzailea<p>No log files found. Press the <b>Refresh</b> button to rescan the log folder <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.</p><p>Ez da erregistro fitxategirik aurkitu. Sakatu <b>Freskatu</b> botoia erregistro karpeta berriz arakatzeko <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.</p>Save VirtualBox Log AsVirtualBox Erregistroa Gorde HonelaHelpLaguntzaF1F1&Find&BilatuAlt+FALt+BCloseItxiVBoxVMNetworkSettingsVBoxVMNetworkSettingsVBOXMBSareEzarpenak&Enable Network Adapter&Gaitu Sare Moldagailua&Attached to&Hemen erantsia&MAC Address&MAC Helbidea&Generate&SortuAlt+GALT+SGenerates a new random MAC address.Ausazko MAC berri bat sortzen du.Ca&ble ConnectedKa&blea KonektaturikAlt+BAlt+BHost Interface SettingsOstalari Interfaze Ezarpenak&Interface Name&Interfaze Izena&File Descriptor&Fitxategi Deskriptorea&Setup ApplicationAplikazio &KonfigurazioaSelectHautatu&Terminate ApplicationAplikazioa &AmaituSelect TAP setup applicationHautatu TAP konfigurazio aplikazioaSelect TAP terminate applicationHautatu TAP amaiera aplikazioaWhen checked, plugs this virtual network adapter into the virtual machine.Aukeratua dagoenean, sare moldagailu birtual hau eransten du makina birtualean.Controls the way how this virtual adapter is attached to the real network of the Host OS.Ostalari SE-ren sare errealera konektatzeko moldagailu birtualak modua kontrolatzen du.Displays the MAC address of this adapter. It contains exactly 12 characters chosen from {0-9,A-F}.Moldagai honen MAC helbidea bistaratzen du. Zehazki 12 karaktere ditu {0-9,A-F} tartetik.Indicates whether the virtual network cable is plugged in on machine startup or not.Abiaraztean sare kable birtuala konektaturik dagoen erakusten du.Displays the name of the host interface selected for this adapter.Moldagai honetako hautaturiko interfazearen ostalari izena bistaratzen du.Displays the TAP interface name.TAP interfaze izena bistaratzen du.Displays the command executed to set up the TAP interface.TAP interfazea konfiguratzeko exekutatutako komandoa bistaratzen du.Selects the setup application.Konfigurazio aplikazioa Hautatzen du.Displays the command executed to terminate the TAP interface.TAP interfazea amaitzeko exekutatutako komandoa bistaratzen du.Selects the terminate application.Hautatu amaiera aplikazioa.VBoxVMParallelPortSettingsPort &NumberAtaka Ze&nbakia&IRQ&IRQI/O Po&rtI/O A&takaPort &PathAtaka &BideaVBoxVMSerialPortSettingsVBoxVMSerialPortSettingsVBoxVMSerieAtakaEzarpenak&Enable Serial Port&Gaitu Serie AtakaWhen checked, enables the given serial port of the virtual machine.Hautaturik dagoenean, makina birtualaren emandako serie ataka gaitu.Port &NumberAtaka Ze&nbakiaDisplays the serial port number. You can choose one of the standard serial ports or select <b>User-defined</b> and specify port parameters manually.Serie ataka zenbakia bistarazi. Serie ataka estandarretako bat hautatu edo <b>Erabiltzaileak-definituriko</b> bat eta ataka parametroak eskuz ezarri.&IRQ&IRQDisplays the IRQ number of this serial port. Valid values are integer numbers in range from <tt>0</tt> to <tt>255</tt>. Values greater than <tt>15</tt> may be used only if the <b>IO APIC</b> is enabled for this virtual machine.Serie ataka honen IRQ zenbakia bistarazi. Balio erabilgarriak zenbaki osoak <tt>0</tt> eta <tt>255</tt> artean. <tt>15</tt> baina balioa handiagoak erabiltzeko <b>IO APIC</b> gaiturik egon behar da makina birtual honetan.I/O Po&rtI/O A&takaDisplays the base I/O port address of this serial port. Valid values are integer numbers in range from <tt>0</tt> to <tt>0xFFFF</tt>.Serie ataka honen oinarri S/I helbidea bistaratzen du. Balio erabilgarria zenbaki osoak <tt>0</tt> eta <tt>0xFFFF</tt> tartean.Port &ModeAtaka &ModuaControls the working mode of this serial port. If you select <b>Disconnected</b>, the guest OS will detect the serial port but will not be able to operate it.Serie ataka honen funtzionamendu modua kontrolatzen du. <b>Deskonektaturik</b> hautatuaz gero, bezero SE-ak serie ataka ikusiko du baina ezingo du berarekin lan egin.&Create Pipe&Sortu KanalizazioaAlt+CAlt+SIf checked, the pipe specified in the <b>Port Path</b> field will be created by the virtual machine when it starts. Otherwise, the virtual machine will try to use the existing pipe.Markaturik badago, <b>Ataka Bidean</b> ezarritako kanalizazioa sortuko da makina birtualean abiaraztean. Bestela makina birtuala dagoen kanalizazioa erabiltzen saiatuko da.Port &PathAtaka &BideaDisplays the path to the serial port's pipe on the host when the port works in <b>Host Pipe</b> mode, or the host serial device name when the port works in <b>Host Device</b> mode.Ostalarian Serial atakarako kanalizazioaren bidea erakusten du ataka <b>Ostalari Kanalizazio</b> moduan funtzionatzean, edo serie ataka izena atakak <b>Ostalari Gailua</b> moduan funtzinoatzean.VBoxVMSettingsAudioWhen checked, the virtual PCI audio card is plugged into the virtual machine that uses the specified driver to communicate to the host audio card.Markaturik dagoenean, PCI audio txartel birtuala makina birtualean erantsirik dago eta ezarritako kontrolatzailea erabiliko ostalariaren audio txartelarekin harremanetan jartzeko.Enable &AudioHost Audio &Driver:Controls the audio output driver. The <b>Null Audio Driver</b> makes the guest see an audio card, however every access to it will be ignored.Audio &Controller:Selects the type of the virtual sound card. Depending on this value, VirtualBox will provide different audio hardware to the virtual machine.VBoxVMSettingsCDHost CD/DVD drive is not selectedCD/DVD image file is not selectedCD/DVD irudi fitxategia ez dago hautatutaWhen checked, mounts the specified media to the CD/DVD drive of the virtual machine. Note that the CD/DVD drive is always connected to the Secondary Master IDE controller of the machine.Markaturik dagoenean, ezarritako euskarria makina birtualeko CD/DVD gailuan muntatzen du. Kontutan izan CD/DVD gailua beti bigarren IDE kontrolagailuaren ataka nagusian konektaturik dagoela.&Mount CD/DVD Drive&Muntatu CD/DVD GailuaMounts the specified CD/DVD drive to the virtual CD/DVD drive.Ezarritako CD/DVD gailua CD/DVD gailu birtualean muntatzen du.Host CD/DVD &DriveOstalari CD/DVD &GailuaLists host CD/DVD drives available to mount to the virtual machine.Makina birtualean muntatzeko erabilgarri dauden ostalariaren CD/DVD gailuak zerrendatzen ditu.When checked, allows the guest to send ATAPI commands directly to the host drive which makes it possible to use CD/DVD writers connected to the host inside the VM. Note that writing audio CD inside the VM is not yet supported.Markaturik dagoenean, bezeroari ATAPI komandoak zuzenean ostalariaren gailura bidaltzeko aukera ematen du, honek ostalarira konektatutako CD/DVD idazleak MB bidez erabiltzea posible egiten du. Kontutan izan audio CD-ak MB barnetik grabatzea ez dela onartzen oraindik.Enable &PassthroughMounts the specified CD/DVD image to the virtual CD/DVD drive.Muntatu ezarritako CD/DVD irudia CD/DVD gailu birtualean.&ISO Image File&ISO Irudi FitxategiaDisplays the image file to mount to the virtual CD/DVD drive and allows to quickly select a different image.CD/DVD gailu birtualean muntatu behar den irudi fitxategia erakusten du eta beste irudi bat bizkor hautatzeko aukera ematen du.Invokes the Virtual Disk Manager to select a CD/DVD image to mount.Disko Birtual Kudeatzailea deitzen du muntatzeko CD/DVD irudi bat hautatzeko.VBoxVMSettingsDlgCategoryKategoria[id][id][link][lotura][name][izena]VBoxVMSettingsDlgVBoxMBEzarpenLeihoa<i>Select a settings category from the list on the left side and move the mouse over a settings item to get more information<i>.<i>Hautatu ezarpen kategoria bat ezkerreko zerrendatik eta mugitu sagua elementu baten gainetik argibide gehiago jasotzeko<i>. General Orokorra 00#general#general Hard Disks Disko Gogorrak 11#hdds#hdds Floppy Disketeak 22#floppy#floppy CD/DVD-ROM CD/DVD_ROM 33#dvd#dvd Audio Audioa 44#audio#audio Network Sarea 55#network#network USB USB 66#usb#usb Remote Display Urruneko Pantaila 77#vrdp#vrdp Shared Folders Partekatutako Karpetak 88#sfolders#sfolders&Identification&Identifikazioa&Name&IzenaDisplays the name of the virtual machine.Makina birtualaren izena bistaratzen du.OS &TypeSE mo&taBase &Memory SizeOinarri &Memoria TamainaControls the amount of memory provided to the virtual machine. If you assign too much, the machine might not start.Makina Birtualari ezarritako memoria kantitatea ezartzen du. Gehiegi ezarriaz gero, makina agian ez da abiaraziko.<<==>>MBMB&Video Memory Size&Bideo Memoria TamainaControls the amount of video memory provided to the virtual machine.Makina birtualari ezarritako bideo memoria kontrolatzen du.&Basic&BasikoaSelectHautatuSelects the snapshot folder path.Egoera-argazki karpeta bidea hautatzen du.ResetBerrezarriExtended FeaturesHedaturiko EzaugarriakEnable A&CPIA&CPI GaituAlt+CAlt+CEnable IO A&PICIO A&PIC gaituAlt+PAlt+PBoo&t OrderA&bio Ordena&Advanced&Aurreratua&DescriptionA&zalpena&Primary Master&Lehen Mailako Nagusia<not selected><ez hautaturik>P&rimary SlaveLehen Mailako Mo&rroia&Secondary (IDE 1) Slave&Bigarren Morroia (IDE 1)&Mount Floppy Drive&Muntatu Diskete GailuaHost Floppy &DriveOstalari Diskete &GailuaAlt+DAlt+DMounts the specified host Floppy drive to the virtual Floppy drive.Hautatutako ostalari diekete gailua muntatu Diskete gailu birtualean.&Image File&Irudi fitxategiaAlt+IAlt+IMounts the specified Floppy image to the virtual Floppy drive.Muntatu hautatutako diskete irudia diskete gailu birtualean.&Mount CD/DVD Drive&Muntatu CD/DVD GailuaHost CD/DVD &DriveOstalari CD/DVD &GailuaMounts the specified CD/DVD drive to the virtual CD/DVD drive.Ezarritako CD/DVD gailua CD/DVD gailu birtualean muntatzen du.&ISO Image File&ISO Irudi FitxategiaMounts the specified CD/DVD image to the virtual CD/DVD drive.Muntatu ezarritako CD/DVD irudia CD/DVD gailu birtualean.&Enable AudioAudioa &GailtuHost Audio &DriverOstalari Audio &KontrolagailuaEnable &USB ControllerGaitu &USB KontrolatzaileaAlt+UAlt+UUSB Device &FiltersUSB Gailu &IragazkiakInsInsAdd Empty (Ins)Gehitu Hutsik (Ins)Alt+InsAlt+InsAdd From (Alt+Ins)Gehitu hemendik (Alt+Ins)DelEzabRemove (Del)Ezabatu (Ezab)Removes the selected USB filter.Hautatutako USB Iragazkia ezabatzen du.Ctrl+UpKtrl+GoraMove Up (Ctrl+Up)Mugitu Gora (Ktrl+Gora)Moves the selected USB filter up.Haututako USB iragazkia gora mugitzen du.Ctrl+DownKtrl+BeheraMove Down (Ctrl+Down)Mugitu Behera (Ktrl+Behera)Moves the selected USB filter down.Haututako USB iragazkia behera mugitzen du.&Enable VRDP Server&Gaitu VRDP ZerbitzariaDefines the VRDP authentication method.VRDP autentifikazio metodoa ezartzen du.Specifies the timeout for guest authentication, in milliseconds.Bezero autentifikazioen denbora-muga ezartzen du, milisegundotan.HelpLaguntzaF1F1Displays the dialog help.Leiho laguntza erakusten du.Invalid settings detectedOkerreko ezarpena atzeman da&OKAd&osAlt+OAlt OAccepts (saves) changes and closes the dialog.Onartu (gorde) aldaketak eta elkarrizketa ixten du.CancelUtziCancels changes and closes the dialog.Aldaketak baztertu eta leihoa ixten du.When checked, attaches the specified virtual hard disk to the Master slot of the Primary IDE controller.Markaturik dagoenean, ezarritako disko gogor birtuala lehenengo IDE kontrolatzailearen ataka nagusian erantsiko da.When checked, attaches the specified virtual hard disk to the Slave slot of the Primary IDE controller.Markaturik dagoenean, ezarritako disko gogor birtuala lehenengo IDE kontrolatzailearen ataka morroian erantsiko da.When checked, attaches the specified virtual hard disk to the Slave slot of the Secondary IDE controller.Markaturik dagoenean, ezarritako disko gogor birtuala bigarren IDE kontrolatzailearen ataka morroian erantsiko da.Displays the virtual hard disk to attach to this IDE slot and allows to quickly select a different hard disk.IDE ataka honetan erantsiriko disko gogor birtuala erakusten du eta beste disko bat bizkor hautatzeko aukera ematen du.When checked, mounts the specified media to the CD/DVD drive of the virtual machine. Note that the CD/DVD drive is always connected to the Secondary Master IDE controller of the machine.Markaturik dagoenean, ezarritako euskarria makina birtualeko CD/DVD gailuan muntatzen du. Kontutan izan CD/DVD gailua beti bigarren IDE kontrolagailuaren ataka nagusian konektaturik dagoela.Displays the image file to mount to the virtual CD/DVD drive and allows to quickly select a different image.CD/DVD gailu birtualean muntatu behar den irudi fitxategia erakusten du eta beste irudi bat bizkor hautatzeko aukera ematen du.When checked, mounts the specified media to the Floppy drive of the virtual machine.Markaturik dagoenean, ezarritako euskarria makina birtualeko diskete gailuan muntatzen du.Displays the image file to mount to the virtual Floppy drive and allows to quickly select a different image.Diskete gailu birtualean muntatu behar den irudi fitxategia erakusten du eta beste irudi bat bizkor hautatzeko aukera ematen du.When checked, the virtual PCI audio card is plugged into the virtual machine that uses the specified driver to communicate to the host audio card.Markaturik dagoenean, PCI audio txartel birtuala makina birtualean erantsirik dago eta ezarritako kontrolatzailea erabiliko ostalariaren audio txartelarekin harremanetan jartzeko.When checked, the VM will act as a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server, allowing remote clients to connect and operate the VM (when it is running) using a standard RDP client.Markaturik dagoenean, makina birtuala Urruneko Idazmahai Protokolo (RDP) zerbitzari birtuala gaituko du, bezeroei makina birtualera (martxan dagoenean) RDP bezero estandar bat erabiliaz konektatzeko aukera emanez.<qt>%1 MB</qt><qt>%1 MB</qt><not attached>hard disk<ez erantsia> - Settings - EzarpenakNew Filter %1usb%1 Iragazki Berria&Shared Clipboard&Partekatutako ArbelaS&napshot FolderE&goera-argazki KarpetaDisplays the operating system type that you plan to install into this virtual machine (called a guest operating system).Makina birtual honetan instalatzea pentsatzen duzun sistema eragilea erakusten du (sistema eragile bezeroa deiturikoa).<qt>When checked, the virtual machine will support
the Advanced Configuration and Power Management Interface (ACPI). <b>Note:</b> don't disable
this feature after having installed a Windows guest operating system!</qt><qt>Markaturik dagoenean, makina birtualak Indar Kudeaketa
eta Konfigurazio Aurreratua (ACPI) onartuko du. <b>Oharra:</b> ez ezgaitu
ezaugarri hau windows bezero sistema eragile bat instalatu ondoren!</qt><qt>When checked, the virtual machine will support
the Input Output APIC (IO APIC), which may slightly decrease the VM performance. <b>Note:</b> don't disable
this feature after having installed a Windows guest operating system!</qt><qt>Markaturik dagoenean, makina birtualak Sarrera Irteera
APIC (IO APIC) onartuko du, honek makina birtualaren
funtzionamendua asko geldotuko du.<b>Oharra:</b> ez ezgaitu
ezaugarri hau windows bezero sistema eragile bat instalatu ondoren!</qt>Defines the mode of sharing the clipboard between the guest and the host OS. Note that this feature requires Guest Additions to be installed in the guest OS.Bezero eta ostalariaren sistema eragileen arteko arbela partekatzeko modua ezartzen du. Kontutan izan honek Bezero Gehigarriak sistema eragile bezeroan instalaturik egotea behar duela.Displays the path where snapshots of this virtual machine will be stored. Note that snapshots can take quite a lot of disk space.Makina birtual honen egoera-argazkiak gordeko diren bidea erakusten du. Kontutan izan egoera-argazkiek disko leku asko erabili dezaketela.Resets the snapshot folder path to the default value. The actual default path will be displayed after accepting the changes and opening this dialog again.Egoera-argazki karpeta bidea lehenetsiriko balioan berrezartzen du. Uneko lehenetsiriko bidea erakutsiko da aldaketak onartu eta leiho hau berriz irekitzean.Displays the description of the virtual machine. The description field is useful for commenting configuration details of the installed guest OS.Makina birtualaren azalpena erakusten du. Azalpenen eremua instalaturiko bezero sistemaren eragileari edo konfigurazioari buruz iruzkinak egiteko da erabilgarria.Invokes the Virtual Disk Manager to create a new or select an existing virtual hard disk to attach.Eransteko disko gogor birtual bat sortu edo daudenen arteak aukeratzeko Disko Gogor Kudeatzaile irekitzen du.Lists host Floppy drives available to mount to the virtual machine.Makina birtualean muntatzeko erabilgarri dauden ostalariaren diskete gailuak zerrendatzen ditu.Invokes the Virtual Disk Manager to select a Floppy image to mount.Disko Birtual Kudeatzailea deitzen du muntatzeko Diskete irudi bat hautatzeko.Lists host CD/DVD drives available to mount to the virtual machine.Makina birtualean muntatzeko erabilgarri dauden ostalariaren CD/DVD gailuak zerrendatzen ditu.Invokes the Virtual Disk Manager to select a CD/DVD image to mount.Disko Birtual Kudeatzailea deitzen du muntatzeko CD/DVD irudi bat hautatzeko.<qt>Controls the audio output driver. The <b>Null Audio Driver</b>
makes the guest see an audio card, however every access to it will be ignored.</qt><qt>Audio irteera kontrolagailua kontrolatzen du. <b>Audio Kontrolagailu Nuluak</b>
bezeroak audio txartela ikustea eragiten du baina sortzen duen edozein irteera baztertu egingo da.</qt>When checked, enables the virtual USB controller of this machine.Markaturik dagoenean, makina honetako USB kontrolatzaile birtuala gaitzen du.Lists all USB filters of this machine. The checkbox to the left defines whether the particular filter is enabled or not.Makina honetako USB iragazkiak zerrendatzen ditu. Ezkerreko aukera kutxak iragazki jakin bat gaiturik dagoen edo ez ezartzen du.Adds a new USB filter with all fields initially set to empty strings. Note that such a filter will match any attached USB device.Gehitu USB iragazki berri bat eremu guztiak hutsean dituela. Kontutan izan iragazki honek erantsiriko edoizen USB gailu aurkituko duela.Adds a new USB filter with all fields set to the values of the selected USB device attached to the host PC.Ostalari ordenagailuari erantsitako hautatutako USB gailuaren eremu balioekin USB iragazki berri bat sortu.Adapter %1network%1 MoldagailuaHost &InterfacesOstalari &InterfazeakLists all available host interfaces.Ostalari interfaze erabilgarriak zerrendatzen ditu.Adds a new host interface.Ostalari interfaze berri bat gehitzen du.Removes the selected host interface.Hautatutako ostalari interfazea ezabatzen du.<No suitable interfaces><inerfaze ez erabilgarriak>AddGehituRemoveKenduVirtualBox Host Interface %1VirtualBox %1 Ostalari interfazea<p>Do you want to remove the selected host network interface <nobr><b>%1</b>?</nobr></p><p><b>Note:</b> This interface may be in use by one or more network adapters of this or another VM. After it is removed, these adapters will no longer work until you correct their settings by either choosing a different interface name or a different adapter attachment type.</p><p>Hautaturiko <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> sare interfazea ezabatu nahi al duzu? </p><p><b>Oharra:</b> Interfaze hau erabilia egon daiteke sare moldagailu bat edo gehiagorengatik beste MB batetan. Ezabatu ondoren sare moldagailu horiek ez dute funtzionatuko ezarpen horiek aldatu arte edo beste interfaze izen bat hautatuz o moldagailu eranste modu ezberdin bat hautatuaz.</p>99 Serial Ports Serie Atakak #serialPorts#serialPortsEnable &VT-x/AMD-V&VT-x/AMD-V gaituAlt+VAlt+VWhen checked, the virtual machine will try to make use of the host CPU's hardware virtualization extensions such as Intel VT-x and AMD-V. The grayed checkbox state means that this setting is determined by the value of the global setting.Markaturik dagoenean makina birtuala VT-X eta AMD-X bezalako ostalariaren CPU-aren birtualizazio hedapenak erabiltzen saiatuko da. Aukera kutxa grisean badago ezarpena hau ezarpen orokorrek ezartzen dute.Other &SettingsBeste &Ezarpenak&Remember Media Mounted at Runtime&Gogoratu Exekutatzean Muntaturiko EuskarriaAlt+RAlt+GIf checked, any change to mounted CD/DVD or Floppy media performed during machine execution will be saved in the settings file in order to preserve the configuration of mounted media between runs.Markaturik badago, Muntaturiko CD/DVD edo diskete euskarrietan eginiko edozein aldaketa gorde egingo da, abiarazteen artean muntaturiko medioen konfigurazioa mantentzeko.O&therBes&telakoak&Enable Passthrough&Gaitu BideratzeaAlt+EAlt+GWhen checked, allows the guest to send ATAPI commands directly to the host drive which makes it possible to use CD/DVD writers connected to the host inside the VM. Note that writing audio CD inside the VM is not yet supported.Markaturik dagoenean, bezeroari ATAPI komandoak zuzenean ostalariaren gailura bidaltzeko aukera ematen du, honek ostalarira konektatutako CD/DVD idazleak MB bidez erabiltzea posible egiten du. Kontutan izan audio CD-ak MB barnetik grabatzea ez dela onartzen oraindik.&Server Port &Zerbitzari Ataka Authentication &Method Autentifikazio &Metodoa Authentication &Timeout Autentifikazio &Denbora-muga <qt>Displays the VRDP Server port number. You may specify <tt>0</tt> (zero) to reset the port to the default value.</qt><qt>VRDP zerbitzariaren ataka zenbakia erakusten du. <tt>0</tt> (zero) ezarri ezazu ataka lehenetsiriko baliora berrezartzeko</qt>Primary Master hard disk is not selectedLehen Mailako disko gogor nagusia ez dago hautatuaPrimary Slave hard disk is not selectedLehen Mailako disko gogor morroia ez dago hautatuaPrimary Slave hard disk is already attached to a different slotLehen Mailako disko gogor morroia dagoeneko beste ataka batetan konektaturik dagoSecondary Slave hard disk is not selectedBigarren Mailako disko gogor morroia ez dago hautatuaSecondary Slave hard disk is already attached to a different slotBigarren Mailako disko gogor morroia dagoeneko beste ataka batetan konektaturik dagoCD/DVD image file is not selectedCD/DVD irudi fitxategia ez dago hautatutaFloppy image file is not selectedDiskete irudi fitxategia ez dago hautatutaIncorrect host network interface is selectedOstalari sare interfaze okerra hautatu daDuplicate port number is selected Bikoizturiko ataka zenbakia hautatu da Duplicate port path is entered Bikoizturiko ataka bidea idatzi da %1 on the <b>%2</b> page.%1 <b>%2</b> orrialdean.Port %1serial ports%1 Ataka00000101020203030404050508081010090906060707GeneralOrokorraStorageHard DisksDisko GogorrakCD/DVD-ROMCD/DVD-ROMFloppyDisketeaAudioAudioaNetworkSareaPortsSerial PortsSerie AtakakParallel PortsUSBUSBShared FoldersPartekatutako KarpetakRemote DisplayHuruneko Pantaila%1 - %2VBoxVMSettingsFDHost floppy drive is not selectedFloppy image file is not selectedDiskete irudi fitxategia ez dago hautatutaWhen checked, mounts the specified media to the Floppy drive of the virtual machine.Markaturik dagoenean, ezarritako euskarria makina birtualeko diskete gailuan muntatzen du.&Mount Floppy Drive&Muntatu Diskete GailuaMounts the specified host Floppy drive to the virtual Floppy drive.Hautatutako ostalari diekete gailua muntatu Diskete gailu birtualean.Host Floppy &DriveOstalari Diskete &GailuaLists host Floppy drives available to mount to the virtual machine.Makina birtualean muntatzeko erabilgarri dauden ostalariaren diskete gailuak zerrendatzen ditu.Mounts the specified Floppy image to the virtual Floppy drive.Muntatu hautatutako diskete irudia diskete gailu birtualean.&Image FileDisplays the image file to mount to the virtual Floppy drive and allows to quickly select a different image.Diskete gailu birtualean muntatu behar den irudi fitxategia erakusten du eta beste irudi bat bizkor hautatzeko aukera ematen du.Invokes the Virtual Disk Manager to select a Floppy image to mount.Disko Birtual Kudeatzailea deitzen du muntatzeko Diskete irudi bat hautatzeko.VBoxVMSettingsGeneral<qt>%1 MB</qt><qt>%1 MB</qt>Displays the path where snapshots of this virtual machine will be stored. Note that snapshots can take quite a lot of disk space.Makina birtual honen egoera-argazkiak gordeko diren bidea erakusten du. Kontutan izan egoera-argazkiek disko leku asko erabili dezaketela.&Basic&BasikoaIdentification&Name:Displays the name of the virtual machine.Makina birtualaren izena bistaratzen du.OS &Type:Displays the operating system type that you plan to install into this virtual machine (called a guest operating system).Makina birtual honetan instalatzea pentsatzen duzun sistema eragilea erakusten du (sistema eragile bezeroa deiturikoa).Base &Memory SizeOinarri &Memoria TamainaControls the amount of memory provided to the virtual machine. If you assign too much, the machine might not start.Makina Birtualari ezarritako memoria kantitatea ezartzen du. Gehiegi ezarriaz gero, makina agian ez da abiaraziko.<<>>MBMB&Video Memory Size&Bideo Memoria TamainaControls the amount of video memory provided to the virtual machine.Makina birtualari ezarritako bideo memoria kontrolatzen du.&Advanced&AurreratuaBoo&t Order:Defines the boot device order. Use checkboxes to the left to enable or disable individual boot devices. Move items up and down to change the device order.Abio gailu ordena ezartzen du. Aukerakutxak erabili abio gailuak gaitu edo ezgaitzeko. Elementuak gora eta behera mugitu gailu ordena aldatzeko.[device]Move Up (Ctrl-Up)Gora Mugitu (Ktrl-Gora)Moves the selected boot device up.Hautatutako abio gailua gora mugitzen du.Move Down (Ctrl-Down)Behera Mugitu (Ktrl-Behera)Moves the selected boot device down.Hautatutako abio gailua behera mugitzen du.Extended Features:When checked, the virtual machine will support the Advanced Configuration and Power Management Interface (ACPI). <b>Note:</b> don't disable this feature after having installed a Windows guest operating system!Enable A&CPIA&CPI GaituWhen checked, the virtual machine will support the Input Output APIC (IO APIC), which may slightly decrease the VM performance. <b>Note:</b> don't disable this feature after having installed a Windows guest operating system!Enable IO A&PICIO A&PIC gaituWhen checked, the virtual machine will try to make use of the host CPU's hardware virtualization extensions such as Intel VT-x and AMD-V.Enable &VT-x/AMD-V&VT-x/AMD-V gaituWhen checked, the Physical Address Extension (PAE) feature of the host CPU will be exposed to the virtual machine.Enable PA&E/NX&Shared Clipboard:Defines the mode of sharing the clipboard between the guest and the host OS. Note that this feature requires Guest Additions to be installed in the guest OS.Bezero eta ostalariaren sistema eragileen arteko arbela partekatzeko modua ezartzen du. Kontutan izan honek Bezero Gehigarriak sistema eragile bezeroan instalaturik egotea behar duela.Defines the type of the virtual IDE controller. Depending on this value, VirtualBox will provide different virtual IDE hardware devices to the guest OS.&IDE Controller Type:S&napshot Folder:&DescriptionA&zalpenaDisplays the description of the virtual machine. The description field is useful for commenting configuration details of the installed guest OS.Makina birtualaren azalpena erakusten du. Azalpenen eremua instalaturiko bezero sistemaren eragileari edo konfigurazioari buruz iruzkinak egiteko da erabilgarria.&OtherIf checked, any change to mounted CD/DVD or Floppy media performed during machine execution will be saved in the settings file in order to preserve the configuration of mounted media between runs.Markaturik badago, Muntaturiko CD/DVD edo diskete euskarrietan eginiko edozein aldaketa gorde egingo da, abiarazteen artean muntaturiko medioen konfigurazioa mantentzeko.&Remember Mounted MediaRuntime:VBoxVMSettingsHDNo hard disk is selected for <i>%1</i><i>%1</i> uses the hard disk that is already attached to <i>%2</i>&Add Attachment&Remove Attachment&Select Hard DiskAdds a new hard disk attachment.Removes the highlighted hard disk attachment.Invokes the Virtual Disk Manager to select a hard disk to attach to the currently highlighted slot.When checked, enables the virtual SATA controller of this machine. Note that you cannot attach hard disks to SATA ports when the virtual SATA controller is disabled.&Enable SATA Controller&AttachmentsLists all hard disks attached to this machine. Use a mouse click or the <tt>Space</tt> key on the highlighted item to activate the drop-down list and choose the desired value. Use the context menu or buttons to the right to add or remove hard disk attachments.VBoxVMSettingsNetworkSelect TAP setup applicationHautatu TAP konfigurazio aplikazioaSelect TAP terminate applicationHautatu TAP amaiera aplikazioaWhen checked, plugs this virtual network adapter into the virtual machine.Aukeratua dagoenean, sare moldagailu birtual hau eransten du makina birtualean.&Enable Network Adapter&Gaitu Sare MoldagailuaA&dapter Type:Selects the type of the virtual network adapter. Depending on this value, VirtualBox will provide different network hardware to the virtual machine.&Attached to:Controls the way how this virtual adapter is attached to the real network of the Host OS.Ostalari SE-ren sare errealera konektatzeko moldagailu birtualak modua kontrolatzen du.&Network Name:Displays the name of the internal network selected for this adapter.&MAC Address:Displays the MAC address of this adapter. It contains exactly 12 characters chosen from {0-9,A-F}. Note that the second character must be an even digit.Generates a new random MAC address.Ausazko MAC berri bat sortzen du.&Generate&SortuIndicates whether the virtual network cable is plugged in on machine startup or not.Abiaraztean sare kable birtuala konektaturik dagoen erakusten du.Ca&ble ConnectedKa&blea Konektaturik&Interface Name:Displays the TAP interface name.TAP interfaze izena bistaratzen du.&Setup Application:Displays the command executed to set up the TAP interface.TAP interfazea konfiguratzeko exekutatutako komandoa bistaratzen du.Selects the setup application.Konfigurazio aplikazioa Hautatzen du.&Terminate Application:Displays the command executed to terminate the TAP interface.TAP interfazea amaitzeko exekutatutako komandoa bistaratzen du.Selects the terminate application.Hautatu amaiera aplikazioa.Host Interface SettingsOstalari Interfaze EzarpenakVBoxVMSettingsNetworkPageNo host network interface is selectedInternal network name is not setVBoxVMSettingsParallelPort %1parallel portsWhen checked, enables the given parallel port of the virtual machine.&Enable Parallel PortPort &Number:Displays the parallel port number. You can choose one of the standard parallel ports or select <b>User-defined</b> and specify port parameters manually.&IRQ:Displays the IRQ number of this parallel port. Valid values are integer numbers in range from <tt>0</tt> to <tt>255</tt>. Values greater than <tt>15</tt> may be used only if the <b>IO APIC</b> is enabled for this virtual machine.I/O Po&rt:Displays the base I/O port address of this parallel port. Valid values are integer numbers in range from <tt>0</tt> to <tt>0xFFFF</tt>.Port &Path:Displays the host parallel device name.VBoxVMSettingsParallelPageDuplicate port number is selected Bikoizturiko ataka zenbakia hautatu da Port path is not specified Duplicate port path is entered Bikoizturiko ataka bidea idatzi da VBoxVMSettingsSF&Add New Shared Folder&Edit Selected Shared Folder&Remove Selected Shared FolderAdds a new shared folder definition.Partekatutako karpeta definizio berria gehitzen du.Edits the selected shared folder definition.Hautatutako karpeta definizioa editatzen du.Removes the selected shared folder definition.Hautatutako partekatutako karpeta definizioa ezabatzen du. Machine Folders Makina Karpetak Transient Folders Karpeta MugikorrakFullRead-onlyLists all shared folders accessible to this machine. Use 'net use x: \\vboxsvr\share' to access a shared folder named <i>share</i> from a DOS-like OS, or 'mount -t vboxsf share mount_point' to access it from a Linux OS. This feature requires Guest Additions.NameIzenaPathBideaAccessVBoxVMSettingsSFDetailsAdd ShareGehitu PartekatzeaEdit ShareEditatu PartekatzeaDialogFolder Path:Folder Name:Displays the name of the shared folder (as it will be seen by the guest OS).Partekatutako karpetaren izen bistaratzen du (Ostalari PC-an ikusiko den bezala).When checked, the guest OS will not be able to write to the specified shared folder.&Read-only&Make PermanentVBoxVMSettingsSerialPort %1serial portsWhen checked, enables the given serial port of the virtual machine.Hautaturik dagoenean, makina birtualaren emandako serie ataka gaitu.&Enable Serial Port&Gaitu Serie AtakaPort &Number:Displays the serial port number. You can choose one of the standard serial ports or select <b>User-defined</b> and specify port parameters manually.Serie ataka zenbakia bistarazi. Serie ataka estandarretako bat hautatu edo <b>Erabiltzaileak-definituriko</b> bat eta ataka parametroak eskuz ezarri.&IRQ:Displays the IRQ number of this serial port. Valid values are integer numbers in range from <tt>0</tt> to <tt>255</tt>. Values greater than <tt>15</tt> may be used only if the <b>IO APIC</b> is enabled for this virtual machine.Serie ataka honen IRQ zenbakia bistarazi. Balio erabilgarriak zenbaki osoak <tt>0</tt> eta <tt>255</tt> artean. <tt>15</tt> baina balioa handiagoak erabiltzeko <b>IO APIC</b> gaiturik egon behar da makina birtual honetan.I/O Po&rt:Displays the base I/O port address of this serial port. Valid values are integer numbers in range from <tt>0</tt> to <tt>0xFFFF</tt>.Serie ataka honen oinarri S/I helbidea bistaratzen du. Balio erabilgarria zenbaki osoak <tt>0</tt> eta <tt>0xFFFF</tt> tartean.Port &Mode:Controls the working mode of this serial port. If you select <b>Disconnected</b>, the guest OS will detect the serial port but will not be able to operate it.Serie ataka honen funtzionamendu modua kontrolatzen du. <b>Deskonektaturik</b> hautatuaz gero, bezero SE-ak serie ataka ikusiko du baina ezingo du berarekin lan egin.If checked, the pipe specified in the <b>Port Path</b> field will be created by the virtual machine when it starts. Otherwise, the virtual machine will try to use the existing pipe.Markaturik badago, <b>Ataka Bidean</b> ezarritako kanalizazioa sortuko da makina birtualean abiaraztean. Bestela makina birtuala dagoen kanalizazioa erabiltzen saiatuko da.&Create Pipe&Sortu KanalizazioaPort &Path:Displays the path to the serial port's pipe on the host when the port works in <b>Host Pipe</b> mode, or the host serial device name when the port works in <b>Host Device</b> mode.Ostalarian Serial atakarako kanalizazioaren bidea erakusten du ataka <b>Ostalari Kanalizazio</b> moduan funtzionatzean, edo serie ataka izena atakak <b>Ostalari Gailua</b> moduan funtzinoatzean.VBoxVMSettingsSerialPageDuplicate port number is selected Bikoizturiko ataka zenbakia hautatu da Port path is not specified Duplicate port path is entered Bikoizturiko ataka bidea idatzi da VBoxVMSettingsUSB&Add Empty FilterA&dd Filter From Device&Edit Filter&Remove Filter&Move Filter UpM&ove Filter DownAdds a new USB filter with all fields initially set to empty strings. Note that such a filter will match any attached USB device.Adds a new USB filter with all fields set to the values of the selected USB device attached to the host PC.Ostalari ordenagailuari erantsitako hautatutako USB gailuaren eremu balioekin USB iragazki berri bat sortu.Edits the selected USB filter.Removes the selected USB filter.Moves the selected USB filter up.Haututako USB iragazkia gora mugitzen du.Moves the selected USB filter down.Haututako USB iragazkia behera mugitzen du.New Filter %1usbWhen checked, enables the virtual USB controller of this machine.Markaturik dagoenean, makina honetako USB kontrolatzaile birtuala gaitzen du.Enable &USB ControllerGaitu &USB KontrolatzaileaWhen checked, enables the virtual USB EHCI controller of this machine. The USB ECHI controller provides USB 2.0 support.Enable USB 2.0 (E&HCI) ControllerUSB Device &FiltersUSB Gailu &IragazkiakLists all USB filters of this machine. The checkbox to the left defines whether the particular filter is enabled or not. Use the context menu or buttons to the right to add or remove USB filters.[filter]VBoxVMSettingsUSBFilterDetailsAnyremoteEdozeinYesremoteBaiNoremoteEz&Name:Displays the filter name.Iragazki izena bistarazten du.&Vendor ID:Defines the vendor ID filter. The <i>exact match</i> string format is <tt>XXXX</tt> where <tt>X</tt> is a hexadecimal digit. An empty string will match any value.&Product ID:Defines the product ID filter. The <i>exact match</i> string format is <tt>XXXX</tt> where <tt>X</tt> is a hexadecimal digit. An empty string will match any value.&Revision:Defines the revision number filter. The <i>exact match</i> string format is <tt>IIFF</tt> where <tt>I</tt> is a decimal digit of the integer part and <tt>F</tt> is a decimal digit of the fractional part. An empty string will match any value.&Manufacturer:Defines the manufacturer filter as an <i>exact match</i> string. An empty string will match any value.Pro&duct:Defines the product name filter as an <i>exact match</i> string. An empty string will match any value.&Serial No.:Defines the serial number filter as an <i>exact match</i> string. An empty string will match any value.Por&t:Defines the host USB port filter as an <i>exact match</i> string. An empty string will match any value.R&emote:Defines whether this filter applies to USB devices attached locally to the host computer (<i>No</i>), to a VRDP client's computer (<i>Yes</i>), or both (<i>Any</i>).&Action:Defines an action performed by the host computer when a matching device is attached: give it up to the host OS (<i>Ignore</i>) or grab it for later usage by virtual machines (<i>Hold</i>).USB Filter DetailsVBoxVMSettingsVRDPWhen checked, the VM will act as a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server, allowing remote clients to connect and operate the VM (when it is running) using a standard RDP client.Markaturik dagoenean, makina birtuala Urruneko Idazmahai Protokolo (RDP) zerbitzari birtuala gaituko du, bezeroei makina birtualera (martxan dagoenean) RDP bezero estandar bat erabiliaz konektatzeko aukera emanez.&Enable VRDP Server&Gaitu VRDP ZerbitzariaServer &Port:Displays the VRDP Server port number. You may specify <tt>0</tt> (zero) to reset the port to the default value.Authentication &Method:Defines the VRDP authentication method.VRDP autentifikazio metodoa ezartzen du.Authentication &Timeout:Specifies the timeout for guest authentication, in milliseconds.Bezero autentifikazioen denbora-muga ezartzen du, milisegundotan.