1 | /** @file
2 | *
3 | * VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"):
4 | * VirtualBox Qt extensions: QIHotKeyEdit class implementation
5 | */
6 |
7 | /*
8 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
9 | *
10 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
11 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
12 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
13 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
14 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
15 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
16 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
17 | *
18 | * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
19 | * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
20 | * additional information or have any questions.
21 | */
22 |
23 | #include "QIHotKeyEdit.h"
24 | #include "VBoxDefs.h"
25 |
26 | /* Qt includes */
27 | #include <QApplication>
28 | #include <QStyleOption>
29 | #include <QStylePainter>
30 |
31 | #ifdef Q_WS_WIN
32 | /* VBox/cdefs.h defines these: */
33 | #undef LOWORD
34 | #undef HIWORD
35 | #undef LOBYTE
36 | #undef HIBYTE
37 | #include <windows.h>
38 | #endif
39 |
40 | #if defined (Q_WS_PM)
41 | QMap<int, QString> QIHotKeyEdit::sKeyNames;
42 | #endif
43 |
44 | #ifdef Q_WS_X11
45 | /* We need to capture some X11 events directly which
46 | * requires the XEvent structure to be defined. However,
47 | * including the Xlib header file will cause some nasty
48 | * conflicts with Qt. Therefore we use the following hack
49 | * to redefine those conflicting identifiers. */
50 | #define XK_XKB_KEYS
51 | #define XK_MISCELLANY
52 | #include <X11/Xlib.h>
53 | #include <X11/Xutil.h>
54 | #include <X11/keysymdef.h>
55 | #ifdef KeyPress
56 | const int XFocusOut = FocusOut;
57 | const int XFocusIn = FocusIn;
58 | const int XKeyPress = KeyPress;
59 | const int XKeyRelease = KeyRelease;
60 | #undef KeyRelease
61 | #undef KeyPress
62 | #undef FocusOut
63 | #undef FocusIn
64 | #endif
65 | #include "XKeyboard.h"
66 | QMap<QString, QString> QIHotKeyEdit::sKeyNames;
67 | #include <QX11Info>
68 | #endif
69 |
70 | #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
71 | #include "DarwinKeyboard.h"
72 | #endif
73 |
74 |
75 | #if defined (Q_WS_WIN32)
76 | /**
77 | * Returns the correct modifier vkey for the *last* keyboard message,
78 | * distinguishing between left and right keys. If both are pressed
79 | * the left key wins. If the pressed key not a modifier, wParam is returned
80 | * unchanged.
81 | */
82 | int qi_distinguish_modifier_vkey (WPARAM wParam)
83 | {
84 | int keyval = wParam;
85 | switch (wParam)
86 | {
87 | case VK_SHIFT:
88 | if (::GetKeyState (VK_LSHIFT) & 0x8000) keyval = VK_LSHIFT;
89 | else if (::GetKeyState (VK_RSHIFT) & 0x8000) keyval = VK_RSHIFT;
90 | break;
91 | case VK_CONTROL:
92 | if (::GetKeyState (VK_LCONTROL) & 0x8000) keyval = VK_LCONTROL;
93 | else if (::GetKeyState (VK_RCONTROL) & 0x8000) keyval = VK_RCONTROL;
94 | break;
95 | case VK_MENU:
96 | if (::GetKeyState (VK_LMENU) & 0x8000) keyval = VK_LMENU;
97 | else if (::GetKeyState (VK_RMENU) & 0x8000) keyval = VK_RMENU;
98 | break;
99 | }
100 | return keyval;
101 | }
102 | #endif
103 |
104 | /** @class QIHotKeyEdit
105 | *
106 | * The QIHotKeyEdit widget is a hot key editor.
107 | */
108 |
109 | const char *QIHotKeyEdit::kNoneSymbName = "<none>";
110 |
111 | QIHotKeyEdit::QIHotKeyEdit (QWidget *aParent) :
112 | QLabel (aParent)
113 | {
114 | #ifdef Q_WS_X11
115 | /* Initialize the X keyboard subsystem */
116 | initXKeyboard (QX11Info::display());
117 | #endif
118 |
119 | clear();
120 |
121 | setFrameStyle (QFrame::StyledPanel | Sunken);
122 | setAlignment (Qt::AlignCenter);
123 | setFocusPolicy (Qt::StrongFocus);
124 | setAutoFillBackground (true);
125 |
126 | QPalette p = palette();
127 | p.setColor (QPalette::Active, QPalette::Foreground,
128 | p.color (QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text));
129 | p.setColor (QPalette::Active, QPalette::Background,
130 | p.color (QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base));
131 | setPalette (p);
132 |
133 | #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
134 | mDarwinKeyModifiers = GetCurrentEventKeyModifiers();
135 |
136 | EventTypeSpec eventTypes [4];
137 | eventTypes [0].eventClass = kEventClassKeyboard;
138 | eventTypes [0].eventKind = kEventRawKeyDown;
139 | eventTypes [1].eventClass = kEventClassKeyboard;
140 | eventTypes [1].eventKind = kEventRawKeyUp;
141 | eventTypes [2].eventClass = kEventClassKeyboard;
142 | eventTypes [2].eventKind = kEventRawKeyRepeat;
143 | eventTypes [3].eventClass = kEventClassKeyboard;
144 | eventTypes [3].eventKind = kEventRawKeyModifiersChanged;
145 |
146 | EventHandlerUPP eventHandler = ::NewEventHandlerUPP (QIHotKeyEdit::darwinEventHandlerProc);
147 |
148 | mDarwinEventHandlerRef = NULL;
149 | ::InstallApplicationEventHandler (eventHandler, RT_ELEMENTS (eventTypes), &eventTypes [0],
150 | this, &mDarwinEventHandlerRef);
151 | ::DisposeEventHandlerUPP (eventHandler);
152 | ::DarwinGrabKeyboard (false /* just modifiers */);
153 | #endif
154 | }
155 |
156 | QIHotKeyEdit::~QIHotKeyEdit()
157 | {
158 | #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
159 | ::DarwinReleaseKeyboard();
160 | ::RemoveEventHandler (mDarwinEventHandlerRef);
161 | mDarwinEventHandlerRef = NULL;
162 | #endif
163 | }
164 |
165 | // Public members
166 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
167 |
168 | /**
169 | * Set the hot key value. O means there is no hot key.
170 | *
171 | * @note
172 | * The key value is platform-dependent. On Win32 it is the
173 | * virtial key, on Linux it is the first (0) keysym corresponding
174 | * to the keycode.
175 | */
176 | void QIHotKeyEdit::setKey (int aKeyVal)
177 | {
178 | mKeyVal = aKeyVal;
179 | mSymbName = QIHotKeyEdit::keyName (aKeyVal);
180 | updateText();
181 | }
182 |
183 | /**@@ QIHotKeyEdit::key() const
184 | *
185 | * Returns the value of the last recodred hot key.
186 | * O means there is no hot key.
187 | *
188 | * @note
189 | * The key value is platform-dependent. On Win32 it is the
190 | * virtial key, on Linux it is the first (0) keysym corresponding
191 | * to the keycode.
192 | */
193 |
194 | /**
195 | * Stolen from QLineEdit.
196 | */
197 | QSize QIHotKeyEdit::sizeHint() const
198 | {
199 | ensurePolished();
200 | QFontMetrics fm (font());
201 | int h = qMax (fm.lineSpacing(), 14) + 2;
202 | int w = fm.width ('x') * 17; // "some"
203 | int m = frameWidth() * 2;
204 | QStyleOption option;
205 | option.initFrom (this);
206 | return (style()->sizeFromContents (QStyle::CT_LineEdit, &option,
207 | QSize (w + m, h + m)
208 | .expandedTo (QApplication::globalStrut()),
209 | this));
210 | }
211 |
212 | /**
213 | * Stolen from QLineEdit.
214 | */
215 | QSize QIHotKeyEdit::minimumSizeHint() const
216 | {
217 | ensurePolished();
218 | QFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();
219 | int h = fm.height() + qMax (2, fm.leading());
220 | int w = fm.maxWidth();
221 | int m = frameWidth() * 2;
222 | return QSize (w + m, h + m);
223 | }
224 |
225 | #if defined (Q_WS_PM)
226 | /**
227 | * Returns the virtual key extracted from the QMSG structure.
228 | *
229 | * This function tries to detect some extra virtual keys definitions missing
230 | * in PM (like Left Shift, Left Ctrl, Win keys). In all other cases it simply
231 | * returns SHORT2FROMMP (aMsg->mp2).
232 | *
233 | * @param aMsg Pointer to the QMSG structure to extract the virtual key from.
234 | * @return The extracted virtual key code or zero if there is no virtual key.
235 | */
236 | /* static */
237 | int QIHotKeyEdit::virtualKey (QMSG *aMsg)
238 | {
239 | USHORT f = SHORT1FROMMP (aMsg->mp1);
240 | CHAR scan = CHAR4FROMMP (aMsg->mp1);
241 | USHORT ch = SHORT1FROMMP (aMsg->mp2);
242 | int vkey = (unsigned int) SHORT2FROMMP (aMsg->mp2);
243 |
244 | if (f & KC_VIRTUALKEY)
245 | {
246 | /* distinguish Left Shift from Right Shift) */
247 | if (vkey == VK_SHIFT && scan == 0x2A)
248 | vkey = VK_LSHIFT;
249 | /* distinguish Left Ctrl from Right Ctrl */
250 | else if (vkey == VK_CTRL && scan == 0x1D)
251 | vkey = VK_LCTRL;
252 | /* distinguish Ctrl+ScrLock from Ctrl+Break */
253 | else if (vkey == VK_BREAK && scan == 0x46 && f & KC_CTRL)
254 | vkey = VK_SCRLLOCK;
255 | }
256 | else if (!(f & KC_CHAR))
257 | {
258 | /* detect some special keys that have a pseudo char code in the high
259 | * byte of ch (probably this is less device-dependent than
260 | * scancode) */
261 | switch (ch)
262 | {
263 | case 0xEC00: vkey = VK_LWIN; break;
264 | case 0xED00: vkey = VK_RWIN; break;
265 | case 0xEE00: vkey = VK_WINMENU; break;
266 | case 0xF900: vkey = VK_FORWARD; break;
267 | case 0xFA00: vkey = VK_BACKWARD; break;
268 | default: vkey = 0;
269 | }
270 | }
271 |
272 | return vkey;
273 | }
274 | #endif
275 |
276 | #if defined (Q_WS_PM)
277 | /**
278 | * Updates the associative array containing the translations of PM virtual
279 | * keys to human readable key names.
280 | */
281 | void QIHotKeyEdit::retranslateUi()
282 | {
283 | /* Note: strings for the same key must match strings in retranslateUi()
284 | * versions for all platforms, to keep translators happy. */
285 |
286 | sKeyNames [VK_LSHIFT] = tr ("Left Shift");
287 | sKeyNames [VK_SHIFT] = tr ("Right Shift");
288 | sKeyNames [VK_LCTRL] = tr ("Left Ctrl");
289 | sKeyNames [VK_CTRL] = tr ("Right Ctrl");
290 | sKeyNames [VK_ALT] = tr ("Left Alt");
291 | sKeyNames [VK_ALTGRAF] = tr ("Right Alt");
292 | sKeyNames [VK_LWIN] = tr ("Left WinKey");
293 | sKeyNames [VK_RWIN] = tr ("Right WinKey");
294 | sKeyNames [VK_WINMENU] = tr ("Menu key");
295 | sKeyNames [VK_CAPSLOCK] = tr ("Caps Lock");
296 | sKeyNames [VK_SCRLLOCK] = tr ("Scroll Lock");
297 |
298 | sKeyNames [VK_PAUSE] = tr ("Pause");
299 | sKeyNames [VK_PRINTSCRN] = tr ("Print Screen");
300 |
301 | sKeyNames [VK_F1] = tr ("F1");
302 | sKeyNames [VK_F2] = tr ("F2");
303 | sKeyNames [VK_F3] = tr ("F3");
304 | sKeyNames [VK_F4] = tr ("F4");
305 | sKeyNames [VK_F5] = tr ("F5");
306 | sKeyNames [VK_F6] = tr ("F6");
307 | sKeyNames [VK_F7] = tr ("F7");
308 | sKeyNames [VK_F8] = tr ("F8");
309 | sKeyNames [VK_F9] = tr ("F9");
310 | sKeyNames [VK_F10] = tr ("F10");
311 | sKeyNames [VK_F11] = tr ("F11");
312 | sKeyNames [VK_F12] = tr ("F12");
313 | sKeyNames [VK_F13] = tr ("F13");
314 | sKeyNames [VK_F14] = tr ("F14");
315 | sKeyNames [VK_F15] = tr ("F15");
316 | sKeyNames [VK_F16] = tr ("F16");
317 | sKeyNames [VK_F17] = tr ("F17");
318 | sKeyNames [VK_F18] = tr ("F18");
319 | sKeyNames [VK_F19] = tr ("F19");
320 | sKeyNames [VK_F20] = tr ("F20");
321 | sKeyNames [VK_F21] = tr ("F21");
322 | sKeyNames [VK_F22] = tr ("F22");
323 | sKeyNames [VK_F23] = tr ("F23");
324 | sKeyNames [VK_F24] = tr ("F24");
325 |
326 | sKeyNames [VK_NUMLOCK] = tr ("Num Lock");
327 | sKeyNames [VK_FORWARD] = tr ("Forward");
328 | sKeyNames [VK_BACKWARD] = tr ("Back");
329 | }
330 | #elif defined (Q_WS_X11)
331 | /**
332 | * Updates the associative array containing the translations of X11 key strings to human
333 | * readable key names.
334 | */
335 | void QIHotKeyEdit::retranslateUi()
336 | {
337 | /* Note: strings for the same key must match strings in retranslateUi()
338 | * versions for all platforms, to keep translators happy. */
339 |
340 | sKeyNames ["Shift_L"] = tr ("Left Shift");
341 | sKeyNames ["Shift_R"] = tr ("Right Shift");
342 | sKeyNames ["Control_L"] = tr ("Left Ctrl");
343 | sKeyNames ["Control_R"] = tr ("Right Ctrl");
344 | sKeyNames ["Alt_L"] = tr ("Left Alt");
345 | sKeyNames ["Alt_R"] = tr ("Right Alt");
346 | sKeyNames ["Super_L"] = tr ("Left WinKey");
347 | sKeyNames ["Super_R"] = tr ("Right WinKey");
348 | sKeyNames ["Menu"] = tr ("Menu key");
349 | sKeyNames ["ISO_Level3_Shift"] = tr ("Alt Gr");
350 | sKeyNames ["Caps_Lock"] = tr ("Caps Lock");
351 | sKeyNames ["Scroll_Lock"] = tr ("Scroll Lock");
352 | }
353 | #endif
354 |
355 | /**
356 | * Returns the string representation of a given key.
357 | *
358 | * @note
359 | * The key value is platform-dependent. On Win32 it is the
360 | * virtial key, on Linux it is the first (0) keysym corresponding
361 | * to the keycode.
362 | */
363 | /* static */
364 | QString QIHotKeyEdit::keyName (int aKeyVal)
365 | {
366 | QString name;
367 |
368 | if (!aKeyVal)
369 | {
370 | name = tr (kNoneSymbName);
371 | }
372 | else
373 | {
374 | #if defined (Q_WS_WIN32)
375 | /* stupid MapVirtualKey doesn't distinguish between right and left
376 | * vkeys, even under XP, despite that it stated in msdn. do it by
377 | * hand. */
378 | int scan;
379 | switch (aKeyVal)
380 | {
381 | /* Processing special keys... */
382 | case VK_RSHIFT: scan = 0x36 << 16; break;
383 | case VK_RCONTROL: scan = (0x1D << 16) | (1 << 24); break;
384 | case VK_RMENU: scan = (0x38 << 16) | (1 << 24); break;
385 | /* Processing extended keys... */
386 | case VK_APPS:
387 | case VK_LWIN:
388 | case VK_RWIN:
389 | case VK_PAUSE:
390 | case VK_NUMLOCK: scan = (::MapVirtualKey (aKeyVal, 0) | 256) << 16; break;
391 | default: scan = ::MapVirtualKey (aKeyVal, 0) << 16;
392 | }
393 | TCHAR *str = new TCHAR [256];
394 | if (::GetKeyNameText (scan, str, 256))
395 | {
396 | name = QString::fromUtf16 (str);
397 | }
398 | else
399 | {
400 | AssertFailed();
401 | name = QString (tr ("<key_%1>")).arg (aKeyVal);
402 | }
403 | delete[] str;
404 | #elif defined (Q_WS_PM)
405 | name = sKeyNames [aKeyVal];
406 | if (name.isNull())
407 | {
408 | AssertFailed();
409 | name = QString (tr ("<key_%1>")).arg (aKeyVal);
410 | }
411 | #elif defined (Q_WS_X11)
412 | char *sn = ::XKeysymToString ((KeySym) aKeyVal);
413 | if (sn)
414 | {
415 | name = sKeyNames [sn];
416 | if (name.isEmpty())
417 | name = sn;
418 | }
419 | else
420 | {
421 | AssertFailed();
422 | name = QString (tr ("<key_%1>")).arg (aKeyVal);
423 | }
424 | #elif defined(Q_WS_MAC)
425 | UInt32 modMask = DarwinKeyCodeToDarwinModifierMask (aKeyVal);
426 | switch (modMask)
427 | {
428 | case shiftKey:
429 | case optionKey:
430 | case controlKey:
431 | case cmdKey:
432 | name = tr ("Left ");
433 | break;
434 | case rightShiftKey:
435 | case rightOptionKey:
436 | case rightControlKey:
437 | case kEventKeyModifierRightCmdKeyMask:
438 | name = tr ("Right ");
439 | break;
440 | default:
441 | AssertMsgFailedReturn (("modMask=%#x\n", modMask), QString());
442 | }
443 | switch (modMask)
444 | {
445 | case shiftKey:
446 | case rightShiftKey:
447 | name += QChar (kShiftUnicode);
448 | break;
449 | case optionKey:
450 | case rightOptionKey:
451 | name += QChar (kOptionUnicode);
452 | break;
453 | case controlKey:
454 | case rightControlKey:
455 | name += QChar (kControlUnicode);
456 | break;
457 | case cmdKey:
458 | case kEventKeyModifierRightCmdKeyMask:
459 | name += QChar (kCommandUnicode);
460 | break;
461 | }
462 | #else
463 | AssertFailed();
464 | name = QString (tr ("<key_%1>")).arg (aKeyVal);
465 | #endif
466 | }
467 |
468 | return name;
469 | }
470 |
471 | /* static */
472 | bool QIHotKeyEdit::isValidKey (int aKeyVal)
473 | {
474 | #if defined(Q_WS_WIN32)
475 | return (
476 | (aKeyVal >= VK_SHIFT && aKeyVal <= VK_CAPITAL) ||
477 | aKeyVal == VK_PRINT ||
478 | aKeyVal == VK_LWIN || aKeyVal == VK_RWIN ||
479 | aKeyVal == VK_APPS ||
480 | (aKeyVal >= VK_F1 && aKeyVal <= VK_F24) ||
481 | aKeyVal == VK_NUMLOCK || aKeyVal == VK_SCROLL ||
482 | (aKeyVal >= VK_LSHIFT && aKeyVal <= VK_RMENU));
483 | #elif defined(Q_WS_PM)
484 | return (
485 | (aKeyVal >= VK_SHIFT && aKeyVal <= VK_CAPSLOCK) ||
486 | aKeyVal == VK_PRINTSCRN ||
487 | (aKeyVal >= VK_F1 && aKeyVal <= VK_F24) ||
488 | aKeyVal == VK_NUMLOCK || aKeyVal == VK_SCRLLOCK ||
489 | (aKeyVal >= VK_LSHIFT && aKeyVal <= VK_BACKWARD));
490 | #elif defined(Q_WS_X11)
491 | KeySym ks = (KeySym) aKeyVal;
492 | return
493 | (
494 | ks != NoSymbol &&
495 | ks != XK_Insert
496 | ) && (
497 | ks == XK_Scroll_Lock ||
498 | IsModifierKey (ks) ||
499 | IsFunctionKey (ks) ||
500 | IsMiscFunctionKey (ks)
501 | );
502 | #elif defined(Q_WS_MAC)
503 | UInt32 modMask = ::DarwinKeyCodeToDarwinModifierMask (aKeyVal);
504 | switch (modMask)
505 | {
506 | case shiftKey:
507 | case optionKey:
508 | case controlKey:
509 | case rightShiftKey:
510 | case rightOptionKey:
511 | case rightControlKey:
512 | case cmdKey:
513 | case kEventKeyModifierRightCmdKeyMask:
514 | return true;
515 | default:
516 | return false;
517 | }
518 | #else
519 | Q_UNUSED (aKeyVal);
520 | return true;
521 | #endif
522 | }
523 |
524 | // Public slots
525 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
526 |
527 | void QIHotKeyEdit::clear()
528 | {
529 | mKeyVal = 0;
530 | mSymbName = tr (kNoneSymbName);
531 | updateText();
532 | }
533 |
534 | // Protected members
535 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
536 |
537 | // Protected events
538 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
539 |
540 | #if defined (Q_WS_WIN32)
541 |
542 | bool QIHotKeyEdit::winEvent (MSG *aMsg, long* /* aResult */)
543 | {
544 | if (!(aMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN || aMsg->message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN ||
545 | aMsg->message == WM_KEYUP || aMsg->message == WM_SYSKEYUP ||
546 | aMsg->message == WM_CHAR || aMsg->message == WM_SYSCHAR ||
547 | aMsg->message == WM_DEADCHAR || aMsg->message == WM_SYSDEADCHAR ||
548 | aMsg->message == WM_CONTEXTMENU))
549 | return false;
550 |
551 | /* ignore if not a valid hot key */
552 | if (!isValidKey (aMsg->wParam))
553 | return false;
554 |
555 | #if 0
556 | LogFlow (("%WM_%04X: vk=%04X rep=%05d scan=%02X ext=%01d"
557 | "rzv=%01X ctx=%01d prev=%01d tran=%01d\n",
558 | aMsg->message, aMsg->wParam,
559 | (aMsg->lParam & 0xFFFF),
560 | ((aMsg->lParam >> 16) & 0xFF),
561 | ((aMsg->lParam >> 24) & 0x1),
562 | ((aMsg->lParam >> 25) & 0xF),
563 | ((aMsg->lParam >> 29) & 0x1),
564 | ((aMsg->lParam >> 30) & 0x1),
565 | ((aMsg->lParam >> 31) & 0x1)));
566 | #endif
567 |
568 | if (aMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN || aMsg->message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN)
569 | {
570 | /* determine platform-dependent key */
571 | mKeyVal = qi_distinguish_modifier_vkey (aMsg->wParam);
572 | /* determine symbolic name */
573 | TCHAR *str = new TCHAR [256];
574 | if (::GetKeyNameText (aMsg->lParam, str, 256))
575 | {
576 | mSymbName = QString::fromUtf16 (str);
577 | }
578 | else
579 | {
580 | AssertFailed();
581 | mSymbName = QString (tr ("<key_%1>")).arg (mKeyVal);
582 | }
583 | delete[] str;
584 | /* update the display */
585 | updateText();
586 | }
587 |
588 | return true;
589 | }
590 |
591 | #elif defined (Q_WS_PM)
592 |
593 | bool QIHotKeyEdit::pmEvent (QMSG *aMsg)
594 | {
595 | if (aMsg->msg != WM_CHAR)
596 | return false;
597 |
598 | USHORT f = SHORT1FROMMP (aMsg->mp1);
599 |
600 | int vkey = QIHotKeyEdit::virtualKey (aMsg);
601 |
602 | /* ignore if not a valid hot key */
603 | if (!isValidKey (vkey))
604 | return false;
605 |
606 | if (!(f & KC_KEYUP))
607 | {
608 | /* determine platform-dependent key */
609 | mKeyVal = vkey;
610 | /* determine symbolic name */
611 | mSymbName = QIHotKeyEdit::keyName (mKeyVal);
612 | /* update the display */
613 | updateText();
614 | }
615 |
616 | return true;
617 | }
618 |
619 | #elif defined (Q_WS_X11)
620 |
621 | bool QIHotKeyEdit::x11Event (XEvent *event)
622 | {
623 | switch (event->type)
624 | {
625 | case XKeyPress:
626 | case XKeyRelease:
627 | {
628 | XKeyEvent *ke = (XKeyEvent *) event;
629 | KeySym ks = ::XKeycodeToKeysym (ke->display, ke->keycode, 0);
630 | /* ignore if not a valid hot key */
631 | if (!isValidKey ((int) ks))
632 | return false;
633 |
634 | /* skip key releases */
635 | if (event->type == XKeyRelease)
636 | return true;
637 |
638 | /* determine platform-dependent key */
639 | mKeyVal = (int) ks;
640 | /* determine symbolic name */
641 | mSymbName = QIHotKeyEdit::keyName (mKeyVal);
642 | /* update the display */
643 | updateText();
644 | #if 0
645 | LogFlow (("%s: state=%08X keycode=%08X keysym=%08X symb=%s\n",
646 | event->type == XKeyPress ? "XKeyPress" : "XKeyRelease",
647 | ke->state, ke->keycode, ks,
648 | symbname.latin1()));
649 | #endif
650 | return true;
651 | }
652 | }
653 |
654 | return false;
655 | }
656 |
657 | #elif defined (Q_WS_MAC)
658 |
659 | /* static */
660 | pascal OSStatus QIHotKeyEdit::darwinEventHandlerProc (EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef,
661 | EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData)
662 | {
663 | QIHotKeyEdit *edit = (QIHotKeyEdit *) inUserData;
664 | UInt32 EventClass = ::GetEventClass (inEvent);
665 | if (EventClass == kEventClassKeyboard)
666 | {
667 | if (edit->darwinKeyboardEvent (inEvent))
668 | return 0;
669 | }
670 | return CallNextEventHandler (inHandlerCallRef, inEvent);
671 | }
672 |
673 | bool QIHotKeyEdit::darwinKeyboardEvent (EventRef inEvent)
674 | {
675 | /* ignore key changes unless we're the focus widget */
676 | if (!hasFocus())
677 | return false;
678 |
679 | UInt32 eventKind = ::GetEventKind (inEvent);
680 | switch (eventKind)
681 | {
682 | /*case kEventRawKeyDown:
683 | case kEventRawKeyUp:
684 | case kEventRawKeyRepeat:*/
685 | case kEventRawKeyModifiersChanged:
686 | {
687 | UInt32 modifierMask = 0;
688 | ::GetEventParameter (inEvent, kEventParamKeyModifiers, typeUInt32, NULL,
689 | sizeof (modifierMask), NULL, &modifierMask);
690 |
691 | modifierMask = ::DarwinAdjustModifierMask (modifierMask);
692 | UInt32 changed = mDarwinKeyModifiers ^ modifierMask;
693 | mDarwinKeyModifiers = modifierMask;
694 |
695 | /* skip key releases */
696 | if (changed && (changed & modifierMask))
697 | break;
698 |
699 | /* convert to keycode and skip keycodes we don't care about. */
700 | unsigned keyCode = ::DarwinModifierMaskToDarwinKeycode (changed);
701 | if (!keyCode || keyCode == ~0U || !isValidKey (keyCode))
702 | break;
703 |
704 | /* update key current key. */
705 | mKeyVal = keyCode;
706 | mSymbName = QIHotKeyEdit::keyName (keyCode);
707 | updateText();
708 | break; //return true;
709 | }
710 | break;
711 | }
712 | return false;
713 | }
714 |
715 | #else
716 | # warning "Port me!"
717 | #endif
718 |
719 | void QIHotKeyEdit::focusInEvent (QFocusEvent *aEvent)
720 | {
721 | QLabel::focusInEvent (aEvent);
722 |
723 | QPalette p = palette();
724 | p.setColor (QPalette::Active, QPalette::Foreground,
725 | p.color (QPalette::Active, QPalette::HighlightedText));
726 | p.setColor (QPalette::Active, QPalette::Background,
727 | p.color (QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight));
728 | setPalette (p);
729 | }
730 |
731 | void QIHotKeyEdit::focusOutEvent (QFocusEvent *aEvent)
732 | {
733 | QLabel::focusOutEvent (aEvent);
734 |
735 | QPalette p = palette();
736 | p.setColor (QPalette::Active, QPalette::Foreground,
737 | p.color (QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text));
738 | p.setColor (QPalette::Active, QPalette::Background,
739 | p.color (QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base));
740 | setPalette (p);
741 | }
742 |
743 | void QIHotKeyEdit::paintEvent (QPaintEvent *aEvent)
744 | {
745 | if (hasFocus())
746 | {
747 | QStylePainter painter (this);
748 | QStyleOptionFocusRect option;
749 | option.initFrom (this);
750 | option.backgroundColor = palette().color (QPalette::Background);
751 | option.rect = contentsRect();
752 | painter.drawPrimitive (QStyle::PE_FrameFocusRect, option);
753 | }
754 | QLabel::paintEvent (aEvent);
755 | }
756 |
757 | // Private members
758 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
759 |
760 | void QIHotKeyEdit::updateText()
761 | {
762 | setText (QString (" %1 ").arg (mSymbName));
763 | }
764 |