1 | /** @file
2 | *
3 | * VBox frontends: Qt4 GUI ("VirtualBox"):
4 | * VBoxVMSettingsDlg class implementation
5 | */
6 |
7 | /*
8 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
9 | *
10 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
11 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
12 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
13 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
14 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
15 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
16 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
17 | *
18 | * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
19 | * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
20 | * additional information or have any questions.
21 | */
22 |
23 | #include "VBoxVMSettingsDlg.h"
24 | #include "VBoxVMSettingsGeneral.h"
25 | #include "VBoxVMSettingsHD.h"
26 | #include "VBoxVMSettingsCD.h"
27 | #include "VBoxVMSettingsFD.h"
28 | #include "VBoxVMSettingsAudio.h"
29 | #include "VBoxVMSettingsNetwork.h"
30 | #include "VBoxVMSettingsSerial.h"
31 | #include "VBoxVMSettingsParallel.h"
32 | #include "VBoxVMSettingsUSB.h"
33 | #include "VBoxVMSettingsSF.h"
34 | #include "VBoxVMSettingsVRDP.h"
35 |
36 | #include "VBoxGlobal.h"
37 | #include "VBoxProblemReporter.h"
38 | #include "QIWidgetValidator.h"
39 |
40 | #include <QTimer>
41 |
42 | /**
43 | * Returns the path to the item in the form of 'grandparent > parent > item'
44 | * using the text of the first column of every item.
45 | */
46 | static QString path (QTreeWidgetItem *aItem)
47 | {
48 | static QString sep = ": ";
49 | QString p;
50 | QTreeWidgetItem *cur = aItem;
51 | while (cur)
52 | {
53 | if (!p.isNull())
54 | p = sep + p;
55 | p = cur->text (0).simplified() + p;
56 | cur = cur->parent();
57 | }
58 | return p;
59 | }
60 |
61 | static QTreeWidgetItem* findItem (QTreeWidget *aView,
62 | const QString &aMatch, int aColumn)
63 | {
64 | QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> list =
65 | aView->findItems (aMatch, Qt::MatchExactly, aColumn);
66 |
67 | return list.count() ? list [0] : 0;
68 | }
69 |
70 | VBoxVMSettingsDlg::VBoxVMSettingsDlg (QWidget *aParent,
71 | const QString &aCategory,
72 | const QString &aControl)
73 | : QIWithRetranslateUI<QIMainDialog> (aParent)
74 | , mPolished (false)
75 | , mAllowResetFirstRunFlag (false)
76 | , mValid (true)
77 | , mWhatsThisTimer (new QTimer (this))
78 | , mWhatsThisCandidate (NULL)
79 | {
80 | /* Apply UI decorations */
81 | Ui::VBoxVMSettingsDlg::setupUi (this);
82 |
83 | #ifndef Q_WS_MAC
84 | setWindowIcon (QIcon (":/settings_16px.png"));
85 | #endif /* Q_WS_MAC */
86 |
87 | mWarnIconLabel = new VBoxWarnIconLabel();
88 |
89 | /* Setup warning icon */
90 | QIcon icon = vboxGlobal().standardIcon (QStyle::SP_MessageBoxWarning, this);
91 | if (!icon.isNull())
92 | mWarnIconLabel->setWarningPixmap (icon.pixmap (16, 16));
93 |
94 | mButtonBox->addExtraWidget (mWarnIconLabel);
95 |
96 | /* Page title font is derived from the system font */
97 | QFont f = font();
98 | f.setBold (true);
99 | f.setPointSize (f.pointSize() + 2);
100 | mLbTitle->setFont (f);
101 |
102 | /* Setup the what's this label */
103 | qApp->installEventFilter (this);
104 | mWhatsThisTimer->setSingleShot (true);
105 | connect (mWhatsThisTimer, SIGNAL (timeout()), this, SLOT (updateWhatsThis()));
106 |
107 | mLbWhatsThis->setFixedHeight (mLbWhatsThis->frameWidth() * 2 +
108 | 6 /* seems that RichText adds some margin */ +
109 | mLbWhatsThis->fontMetrics().lineSpacing() * 4);
110 | mLbWhatsThis->setMinimumWidth (mLbWhatsThis->frameWidth() * 2 +
111 | 6 /* seems that RichText adds some margin */ +
112 | mLbWhatsThis->fontMetrics().width ('m') * 40);
113 |
114 | /* Common connections */
115 | connect (mButtonBox, SIGNAL (accepted()), this, SLOT (accept()));
116 | connect (mButtonBox, SIGNAL (rejected()), this, SLOT (reject()));
117 | connect (mButtonBox, SIGNAL (helpRequested()), &vboxProblem(), SLOT (showHelpHelpDialog()));
118 | connect (mTwSelector, SIGNAL (currentItemChanged (QTreeWidgetItem*, QTreeWidgetItem*)),
119 | this, SLOT (settingsGroupChanged (QTreeWidgetItem *, QTreeWidgetItem*)));
120 | connect (&vboxGlobal(), SIGNAL (mediaEnumFinished (const VBoxMediaList &)),
121 | this, SLOT (onMediaEnumerationDone()));
122 |
123 | /* Hide unnecessary columns and header */
124 | mTwSelector->header()->hide();
125 | mTwSelector->hideColumn (listView_Id);
126 | mTwSelector->hideColumn (listView_Link);
127 |
128 | /* Initially select the first settings page */
129 | mTwSelector->setCurrentItem (mTwSelector->topLevelItem (0));
130 |
131 | /* Setup Settings Dialog */
132 | if (!aCategory.isNull())
133 | {
134 | /* Search for a list view item corresponding to the category */
135 | QTreeWidgetItem *item = findItem (mTwSelector, aCategory, listView_Link);
136 | if (item)
137 | {
138 | mTwSelector->setCurrentItem (item);
139 |
140 | /* Search for a widget with the given name */
141 | if (!aControl.isNull())
142 | {
143 | QObject *obj = mPageStack->currentWidget()->findChild<QWidget*> (aControl);
144 | if (obj && obj->isWidgetType())
145 | {
146 | QWidget *w = static_cast<QWidget*> (obj);
147 | QList<QWidget*> parents;
148 | QWidget *p = w;
149 | while ((p = p->parentWidget()) != NULL)
150 | {
151 | if (p->inherits ("QTabWidget"))
152 | {
153 | /* The tab contents widget is two steps down
154 | * (QTabWidget -> QStackedWidget -> QWidget) */
155 | QWidget *c = parents [parents.count() - 1];
156 | if (c)
157 | c = parents [parents.count() - 2];
158 | if (c)
159 | static_cast<QTabWidget*> (p)->setCurrentWidget (c);
160 | }
161 | parents.append (p);
162 | }
163 |
164 | w->setFocus();
165 | }
166 | }
167 | }
168 | }
169 |
170 | /* Applying language settings */
171 | retranslateUi();
172 | }
173 |
174 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::getFromMachine (const CMachine &aMachine)
175 | {
176 | mMachine = aMachine;
177 |
178 | updateAvailability();
179 |
180 | setWindowTitle (dialogTitle());
181 |
182 | CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
183 |
184 | /* General Page */
185 | VBoxVMSettingsGeneral::getFromMachine (aMachine, mPageGeneral,
186 | this, pagePath (mPageGeneral));
187 |
188 | /* HD */
189 | VBoxVMSettingsHD::getFromMachine (aMachine, mPageHD,
190 | this, pagePath (mPageHD));
191 |
192 | /* CD */
193 | VBoxVMSettingsCD::getFromMachine (aMachine, mPageCD,
194 | this, pagePath (mPageCD));
195 |
196 | /* FD */
197 | VBoxVMSettingsFD::getFromMachine (aMachine, mPageFD,
198 | this, pagePath (mPageFD));
199 |
200 | /* Audio */
201 | VBoxVMSettingsAudio::getFromMachine (aMachine, mPageAudio);
202 |
203 | /* Network */
204 | VBoxVMSettingsNetworkPage::getFromMachine (aMachine, mPageNetwork,
205 | this, pagePath (mPageNetwork));
206 |
207 | /* Serial Ports */
208 | VBoxVMSettingsSerial::getFromMachine (aMachine, mPageSerial,
209 | this, pagePath (mPageSerial));
210 |
211 | /* Parallel Ports */
212 | if (mPageParallel->isEnabled())
213 | VBoxVMSettingsParallel::getFromMachine (aMachine, mPageParallel,
214 | this, pagePath (mPageParallel));
215 |
216 | /* USB */
217 | if (mPageUSB->isEnabled())
218 | VBoxVMSettingsUSB::getFrom (aMachine, mPageUSB,
219 | this, pagePath (mPageUSB));
220 |
221 | /* Shared Folders */
222 | VBoxVMSettingsSF::getFromMachineEx (aMachine, mPageShared, this);
223 |
224 | /* Vrdp */
225 | if (mPageVrdp->isEnabled())
226 | VBoxVMSettingsVRDP::getFromMachine (aMachine, mPageVrdp,
227 | this, pagePath (mPageVrdp));
228 |
229 | /* Finally set the reset First Run Wizard flag to "false" to make sure
230 | * user will see this dialog if he hasn't change the boot-order
231 | * and/or mounted images configuration */
232 | mResetFirstRunFlag = false;
233 | }
234 |
235 | COMResult VBoxVMSettingsDlg::putBackToMachine()
236 | {
237 | CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
238 |
239 | /* General Page */
240 | VBoxVMSettingsGeneral::putBackToMachine();
241 |
242 | /* HD */
243 | VBoxVMSettingsHD::putBackToMachine();
244 |
245 | /* CD */
246 | VBoxVMSettingsCD::putBackToMachine();
247 |
248 | /* FD */
249 | VBoxVMSettingsFD::putBackToMachine();
250 |
251 | /* Clear the "GUI_FirstRun" extra data key in case if the boot order
252 | * and/or disk configuration were changed */
253 | if (mResetFirstRunFlag)
254 | mMachine.SetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_FirstRun, QString::null);
255 |
256 | /* Audio */
257 | VBoxVMSettingsAudio::putBackToMachine();
258 |
259 | /* Network */
260 | VBoxVMSettingsNetworkPage::putBackToMachine();
261 |
262 | /* Serial ports */
263 | VBoxVMSettingsSerial::putBackToMachine();
264 |
265 | /* Parallel ports */
266 | VBoxVMSettingsParallel::putBackToMachine();
267 |
268 | /* USB */
269 | VBoxVMSettingsUSB::putBackTo();
270 |
271 | /* Shared folders */
272 | VBoxVMSettingsSF::putBackToMachineEx();
273 |
274 | /* Vrdp */
275 | VBoxVMSettingsVRDP::putBackToMachine();
276 |
277 | return COMResult();
278 | }
279 |
280 |
281 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::retranslateUi()
282 | {
283 | /* Unfortunately retranslateUi clears the QTreeWidget to do the
284 | * translation. So save the current selected index. */
285 | int ci = mPageStack->currentIndex();
286 | /* Translate uic generated strings */
287 | Ui::VBoxVMSettingsDlg::retranslateUi (this);
288 | /* Set the old index */
289 | mTwSelector->setCurrentItem (mTwSelector->topLevelItem (ci));
290 |
291 | /* Update QTreeWidget with available items */
292 | updateAvailability();
293 |
294 | /* Adjust selector list */
295 | mTwSelector->setFixedWidth (static_cast<QAbstractItemView*> (mTwSelector)->sizeHintForColumn (0) + 2 * mTwSelector->frameWidth());
296 |
297 | /* Sort selector by the id column (to have pages in the desired order) */
298 | mTwSelector->sortItems (listView_Id, Qt::AscendingOrder);
299 | mTwSelector->resizeColumnToContents (0);
300 |
301 | mWarnIconLabel->setWarningText (tr ("Invalid settings detected"));
302 | mButtonBox->button (QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setWhatsThis (tr ("Accepts (saves) changes and closes the dialog."));
303 | mButtonBox->button (QDialogButtonBox::Cancel)->setWhatsThis (tr ("Cancels changes and closes the dialog."));
304 | mButtonBox->button (QDialogButtonBox::Help)->setWhatsThis (tr ("Displays the dialog help."));
305 |
306 | setWindowTitle (dialogTitle());
307 |
308 | /* We have to make sure that the Serial & Network subpages are retranslated
309 | * before they are revalidated. Cause: They do string comparing within
310 | * vboxGlobal which is retranslated at that point already. */
311 | QEvent* event = new QEvent (QEvent::LanguageChange);
312 | qApp->sendEvent (mPageSerial, event);
313 | qApp->sendEvent (mPageNetwork, event);
314 |
315 | /* Revalidate all pages to retranslate the warning messages also. */
316 | QList<QIWidgetValidator*> l = this->findChildren<QIWidgetValidator*>();
317 | foreach (QIWidgetValidator *wval, l)
318 | if (!wval->isValid())
319 | revalidate (wval);
320 | }
321 |
322 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::enableOk (const QIWidgetValidator*)
323 | {
324 | setWarning (QString::null);
325 | QString wvalWarning;
326 |
327 | /* Detect the overall validity */
328 | bool newValid = true;
329 | {
330 | QList<QIWidgetValidator*> l = this->findChildren<QIWidgetValidator*>();
331 | foreach (QIWidgetValidator *wval, l)
332 | {
333 | newValid = wval->isValid();
334 | if (!newValid)
335 | {
336 | wvalWarning = wval->warningText();
337 | break;
338 | }
339 | }
340 | }
341 |
342 | if (mWarnString.isNull() && !wvalWarning.isNull())
343 | {
344 | /* Try to set the generic error message when invalid but no specific
345 | * message is provided */
346 | setWarning (wvalWarning);
347 | }
348 |
349 | if (mValid != newValid)
350 | {
351 | mValid = newValid;
352 | mButtonBox->button (QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled (mValid);
353 | mWarnIconLabel->setVisible (!mValid);
354 | }
355 | }
356 |
357 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::revalidate (QIWidgetValidator *aWval)
358 | {
359 | /* do individual validations for pages */
360 | QWidget *pg = aWval->widget();
361 | bool valid = aWval->isOtherValid();
362 |
363 | QString warningText;
364 | QString pageTitle = pagePath (pg);
365 |
366 | if (pg == mPageHD)
367 | valid = VBoxVMSettingsHD::revalidate (warningText);
368 | else if (pg == mPageCD)
369 | valid = VBoxVMSettingsCD::revalidate (warningText);
370 | else if (pg == mPageFD)
371 | valid = VBoxVMSettingsFD::revalidate (warningText);
372 | else if (pg == mPageNetwork)
373 | valid = VBoxVMSettingsNetworkPage::revalidate (warningText, pageTitle);
374 | else if (pg == mPageSerial)
375 | valid = VBoxVMSettingsSerial::revalidate (warningText, pageTitle);
376 | else if (pg == mPageParallel)
377 | valid = VBoxVMSettingsParallel::revalidate (warningText, pageTitle);
378 |
379 | if (!valid)
380 | setWarning (tr ("%1 on the <b>%2</b> page.")
381 | .arg (warningText, pageTitle));
382 |
383 | aWval->setOtherValid (valid);
384 | }
385 |
386 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::onMediaEnumerationDone()
387 | {
388 | mAllowResetFirstRunFlag = true;
389 | }
390 |
391 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::settingsGroupChanged (QTreeWidgetItem *aItem,
392 | QTreeWidgetItem *)
393 | {
394 | if (aItem)
395 | {
396 | int id = aItem->text (1).toInt();
397 | Assert (id >= 0);
398 | mLbTitle->setText (::path (aItem));
399 | mPageStack->setCurrentIndex (id);
400 | }
401 | }
402 |
403 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::updateWhatsThis (bool aGotFocus /* = false */)
404 | {
405 | QString text;
406 |
407 | QWidget *widget = 0;
408 | if (!aGotFocus)
409 | {
410 | if (mWhatsThisCandidate && mWhatsThisCandidate != this)
411 | widget = mWhatsThisCandidate;
412 | }
413 | else
414 | {
415 | widget = QApplication::focusWidget();
416 | }
417 | /* If the given widget lacks the whats'this text, look at its parent */
418 | while (widget && widget != this)
419 | {
420 | text = widget->whatsThis();
421 | if (!text.isEmpty())
422 | break;
423 | widget = widget->parentWidget();
424 | }
425 |
426 | if (text.isEmpty() && !mWarnString.isEmpty())
427 | text = mWarnString;
428 | if (text.isEmpty())
429 | text = whatsThis();
430 |
431 | mLbWhatsThis->setText (text);
432 | }
433 |
434 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::resetFirstRunFlag()
435 | {
436 | if (mAllowResetFirstRunFlag)
437 | mResetFirstRunFlag = true;
438 | }
439 |
440 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::whatsThisCandidateDestroyed (QObject *aObj /*= NULL*/)
441 | {
442 | /* sanity */
443 | Assert (mWhatsThisCandidate == aObj);
444 |
445 | if (mWhatsThisCandidate == aObj)
446 | mWhatsThisCandidate = NULL;
447 | }
448 |
449 | bool VBoxVMSettingsDlg::eventFilter (QObject *aObject, QEvent *aEvent)
450 | {
451 | if (!aObject->isWidgetType())
452 | return QIMainDialog::eventFilter (aObject, aEvent);
453 |
454 | QWidget *widget = static_cast<QWidget*> (aObject);
455 | if (widget->topLevelWidget() != this)
456 | return QIMainDialog::eventFilter (aObject, aEvent);
457 |
458 | switch (aEvent->type())
459 | {
460 | case QEvent::Enter:
461 | case QEvent::Leave:
462 | {
463 | if (aEvent->type() == QEvent::Enter)
464 | {
465 | /* What if Qt sends Enter w/o Leave... */
466 | if (mWhatsThisCandidate)
467 | disconnect (mWhatsThisCandidate, SIGNAL (destroyed (QObject *)),
468 | this, SLOT (whatsThisCandidateDestroyed (QObject *)));
469 |
470 | mWhatsThisCandidate = widget;
471 | /* make sure we don't reference a deleted object after the
472 | * timer is shot */
473 | connect (mWhatsThisCandidate, SIGNAL (destroyed (QObject *)),
474 | this, SLOT (whatsThisCandidateDestroyed (QObject *)));
475 | }
476 | else
477 | {
478 | /* cleanup */
479 | if (mWhatsThisCandidate)
480 | disconnect (mWhatsThisCandidate, SIGNAL (destroyed (QObject *)),
481 | this, SLOT (whatsThisCandidateDestroyed (QObject *)));
482 | mWhatsThisCandidate = NULL;
483 | }
484 |
485 | mWhatsThisTimer->start (100);
486 | break;
487 | }
488 | case QEvent::FocusIn:
489 | {
490 | updateWhatsThis (true /* aGotFocus */);
491 | break;
492 | }
493 | default:
494 | break;
495 | }
496 |
497 | return QIMainDialog::eventFilter (aObject, aEvent);
498 | }
499 |
500 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::showEvent (QShowEvent *aEvent)
501 | {
502 | QIMainDialog::showEvent (aEvent);
503 |
504 | /* One may think that QWidget::polish() is the right place to do things
505 | * below, but apparently, by the time when QWidget::polish() is called,
506 | * the widget style & layout are not fully done, at least the minimum
507 | * size hint is not properly calculated. Since this is sometimes necessary,
508 | * we provide our own "polish" implementation. */
509 |
510 | if (mPolished)
511 | return;
512 |
513 | mPolished = true;
514 |
515 | /* Resize to the minimum possible size */
516 | resize (minimumSize());
517 |
518 | VBoxGlobal::centerWidget (this, parentWidget());
519 | }
520 |
521 | /**
522 | * Returns a path to the given page of this settings dialog. See ::path() for
523 | * details.
524 | */
525 | QString VBoxVMSettingsDlg::pagePath (QWidget *aPage)
526 | {
527 | QTreeWidgetItem *li =
528 | findItem (mTwSelector,
529 | QString ("%1")
530 | .arg (mPageStack->indexOf (aPage), 2, 10, QChar ('0')),
531 | 1);
532 | return ::path (li);
533 | }
534 |
535 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::setWarning (const QString &aWarning)
536 | {
537 | mWarnString = aWarning;
538 | if (!aWarning.isEmpty())
539 | mWarnString = QString ("<font color=red>%1</font>").arg (aWarning);
540 |
541 | if (!mWarnString.isEmpty())
542 | mLbWhatsThis->setText (mWarnString);
543 | else
544 | updateWhatsThis (true);
545 | }
546 |
547 | QString VBoxVMSettingsDlg::dialogTitle() const
548 | {
549 | QString dialogTitle;
550 | if (!mMachine.isNull())
551 | dialogTitle = tr ("%1 - Settings").arg (mMachine.GetName());
552 | return dialogTitle;
553 | }
554 |
555 | void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::updateAvailability()
556 | {
557 | if (mMachine.isNull())
558 | return;
559 |
560 | /* Parallel Port Page (currently disabled) */
561 | QTreeWidgetItem *parallelItem =
562 | findItem (mTwSelector, "#parallelPorts", listView_Link);
563 | Assert (parallelItem);
564 | if (parallelItem)
565 | parallelItem->setHidden (true);
566 | mPageParallel->setEnabled (false);
567 |
568 | /* USB Stuff */
569 | CUSBController ctl = mMachine.GetUSBController();
570 | /* Show an error message (if there is any).
571 | * Note that we don't use the generic cannotLoadMachineSettings()
572 | * call here because we want this message to be suppressable. */
573 | if (!mMachine.isReallyOk())
574 | vboxProblem().cannotAccessUSB (mMachine);
575 | if (ctl.isNull())
576 | {
577 | /* Disable the USB controller category if the USB controller is
578 | * not available (i.e. in VirtualBox OSE) */
579 | QTreeWidgetItem *usbItem =
580 | findItem (mTwSelector, "#usb", listView_Link);
581 | Assert (usbItem);
582 | if (usbItem)
583 | usbItem->setHidden (true);
584 | mPageUSB->setEnabled (false);
585 | }
586 |
587 | /* VRDP Stuff */
588 | CVRDPServer vrdp = mMachine.GetVRDPServer();
589 | if (vrdp.isNull())
590 | {
591 | /* Disable the VRDP category if VRDP is
592 | * not available (i.e. in VirtualBox OSE) */
593 | QTreeWidgetItem *vrdpItem =
594 | findItem (mTwSelector, "#vrdp", listView_Link);
595 | Assert (vrdpItem);
596 | if (vrdpItem)
597 | vrdpItem->setHidden (true);
598 | mPageVrdp->setEnabled (false);
599 | /* If mMachine has something to say, show the message */
600 | vboxProblem().cannotLoadMachineSettings (mMachine, false /* strict */);
601 | }
602 | }
603 |