1 | //Added by qt3to4:
2 | #include <QShowEvent>
3 | #include <QPushButton>
4 | /**
5 | *
6 | * VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"):
7 | * "New hard disk" wizard UI include (Qt Designer)
8 | */
9 |
10 | /*
11 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH
12 | *
13 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
14 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
15 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
16 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
17 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
18 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
19 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
20 | */
21 |
22 | /****************************************************************************
23 | ** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation.
24 | **
25 | ** If you want to add, delete, or rename functions or slots, use
26 | ** Qt Designer to update this file, preserving your code.
27 | **
28 | ** You should not define a constructor or destructor in this file.
29 | ** Instead, write your code in functions called init() and destroy().
30 | ** These will automatically be called by the form's constructor and
31 | ** destructor.
32 | *****************************************************************************/
33 |
34 | /** Minimum VDI size in MB */
35 | static const Q_UINT64 MinVDISize = 4;
36 |
37 | /** Initial VDI size in MB */
38 | static const Q_UINT64 InitialVDISize = 2 * _1K;
39 |
40 | /**
41 | * Composes a file name from the given relative or full file name
42 | * based on the home directory and the default VDI directory.
43 | */
44 | static QString composeFullFileName (const QString file)
45 | {
46 | CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
47 | QString homeFolder = vbox.GetHomeFolder();
48 | QString defaultFolder = vbox.GetSystemProperties().GetDefaultVDIFolder();
49 |
50 | QFileInfo fi = QFileInfo (file);
51 | if (fi.fileName() == file)
52 | {
53 | /* no path info at all, use defaultFolder */
54 | fi = QFileInfo (defaultFolder, file);
55 | }
56 | else if (fi.isRelative())
57 | {
58 | /* resolve relatively to homeFolder */
59 | fi = QFileInfo (homeFolder, file);
60 | }
61 |
62 | return QDir::convertSeparators (fi.absFilePath());
63 | }
64 |
65 | /// @todo (r=dmik) not currently used
66 | #if 0
67 | class QISizeValidator : public QValidator
68 | {
69 | public:
70 |
71 | QISizeValidator (QObject * aParent,
72 | Q_UINT64 aMinSize, Q_UINT64 aMaxSize,
73 | const char * aName = 0) :
74 | QValidator (aParent, aName), mMinSize (aMinSize), mMaxSize (aMaxSize) {}
75 |
76 | ~QISizeValidator() {}
77 |
78 | State validate (QString &input, int &/*pos*/) const
79 | {
80 | QRegExp regexp ("^([^M^G^T^P^\\d\\s]*)(\\d+(([^\\s^\\d^M^G^T^P]+)(\\d*))?)?(\\s*)([MGTP]B?)?$");
81 | int position = regexp.search (input);
82 | if (position == -1)
83 | return Invalid;
84 | else
85 | {
86 | if (!regexp.cap (1).isEmpty() ||
87 | regexp.cap (4).length() > 1 ||
88 | regexp.cap (5).length() > 2 ||
89 | regexp.cap (6).length() > 1)
90 | return Invalid;
91 |
92 | if (regexp.cap (7).length() == 1)
93 | return Intermediate;
94 |
95 | QString size = regexp.cap (2);
96 | if (size.isEmpty())
97 | return Intermediate;
98 |
99 | bool result = false;
100 | bool warning = false;
101 | if (!regexp.cap (4).isEmpty() && regexp.cap (5).isEmpty())
102 | {
103 | size += "0";
104 | warning = true;
105 | }
106 | QLocale::system().toDouble (size, &result);
107 |
108 | Q_UINT64 sizeB = vboxGlobal().parseSize (input);
109 | if (sizeB > mMaxSize || sizeB < mMinSize)
110 | warning = true;
111 |
112 | if (result)
113 | return warning ? Intermediate : Acceptable;
114 | else
115 | return Invalid;
116 | }
117 | }
118 |
119 | protected:
120 |
121 | Q_UINT64 mMinSize;
122 | Q_UINT64 mMaxSize;
123 | };
124 | #endif
125 |
126 | static inline int log2i (Q_UINT64 val)
127 | {
128 | Q_UINT64 n = val;
129 | int pow = -1;
130 | while (n)
131 | {
132 | ++ pow;
133 | n >>= 1;
134 | }
135 | return pow;
136 | }
137 |
138 | static inline int sizeMBToSlider (Q_UINT64 val, int sliderScale)
139 | {
140 | int pow = log2i (val);
141 | Q_UINT64 tickMB = Q_UINT64 (1) << pow;
142 | Q_UINT64 tickMBNext = Q_UINT64 (1) << (pow + 1);
143 | int step = (val - tickMB) * sliderScale / (tickMBNext - tickMB);
144 | return pow * sliderScale + step;
145 | }
146 |
147 | static inline Q_UINT64 sliderToSizeMB (int val, int sliderScale)
148 | {
149 | int pow = val / sliderScale;
150 | int step = val % sliderScale;
151 | Q_UINT64 tickMB = Q_UINT64 (1) << pow;
152 | Q_UINT64 tickMBNext = Q_UINT64 (1) << (pow + 1);
153 | return tickMB + (tickMBNext - tickMB) * step / sliderScale;
154 | }
155 |
156 | void VBoxNewHDWzd::init()
157 | {
158 | /* disable help buttons */
159 | helpButton()->setShown (false);
160 |
161 | /* fix tab order to get the proper direction
162 | * (originally the focus goes Next/Finish -> Back -> Cancel -> page) */
163 | QWidget::setTabOrder (backButton(), nextButton());
164 | QWidget::setTabOrder (nextButton(), finishButton());
165 | QWidget::setTabOrder (finishButton(), cancelButton());
166 |
167 | /* setup connections and set validation for pages
168 | * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
169 |
170 | /* setup the label clolors for nice scaling */
171 | VBoxGlobal::adoptLabelPixmap (pmWelcome);
172 | VBoxGlobal::adoptLabelPixmap (pmType);
173 | VBoxGlobal::adoptLabelPixmap (pmNameAndSize);
174 | VBoxGlobal::adoptLabelPixmap (pmSummary);
175 |
176 | /* Image type page */
177 |
178 | /* Name and Size page */
179 |
180 | CSystemProperties sysProps = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetSystemProperties();
181 |
182 | maxVDISize = sysProps.GetMaxVDISize();
183 |
184 | /* Detect how many steps to recognize between adjacent powers of 2
185 | * to ensure that the last slider step is exactly maxVDISize */
186 | sliderScale = 0;
187 | {
188 | int pow = log2i (maxVDISize);
189 | Q_UINT64 tickMB = Q_UINT64 (1) << pow;
190 | if (tickMB < maxVDISize)
191 | {
192 | Q_UINT64 tickMBNext = Q_UINT64 (1) << (pow + 1);
193 | Q_UINT64 gap = tickMBNext - maxVDISize;
194 | /// @todo (r=dmik) overflow may happen if maxVDISize is TOO big
195 | sliderScale = (int) ((tickMBNext - tickMB) / gap);
196 | }
197 | }
198 | sliderScale = QMAX (sliderScale, 8);
199 |
200 | leName->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator (QRegExp( ".+" ), this));
201 |
202 | leSize->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator (QRegExp(vboxGlobal().sizeRegexp()), this));
203 | leSize->setAlignment (Qt::AlignRight);
204 |
205 | wvalNameAndSize = new QIWidgetValidator (pageNameAndSize, this);
206 | connect (wvalNameAndSize, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)),
207 | this, SLOT (enableNext (const QIWidgetValidator *)));
208 | connect (wvalNameAndSize, SIGNAL (isValidRequested (QIWidgetValidator *)),
209 | this, SLOT (revalidate (QIWidgetValidator *)));
210 | /* we ask revalidate only when currentSize is changed after manually
211 | * editing the line edit field; the slider cannot produce invalid values */
212 | connect (leSize, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString &)),
213 | wvalNameAndSize, SLOT (revalidate()));
214 |
215 | /* Summary page */
216 |
217 | teSummary = new QITextEdit (pageSummary);
218 | teSummary->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
219 | teSummary->setFrameShape (Q3TextEdit::NoFrame);
220 | teSummary->setReadOnly (TRUE);
221 | #warning port me
222 | // summaryLayout->insertWidget (1, teSummary);
223 |
224 | /* filter out Enter keys in order to direct them to the default dlg button */
225 | QIKeyFilter *ef = new QIKeyFilter (this, Qt::Key_Enter);
226 | ef->watchOn (teSummary);
227 |
228 | /* set initial values
229 | * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
230 |
231 | /* Image type page */
232 |
233 | /* Name and Size page */
234 |
235 | static ulong HDNumber = 0;
236 | leName->setText (QString ("NewHardDisk%1.vdi").arg (++ HDNumber));
237 |
238 | slSize->setFocusPolicy (Qt::StrongFocus);
239 | slSize->setPageStep (sliderScale);
240 | slSize->setLineStep (sliderScale / 8);
241 | slSize->setTickInterval (0);
242 | slSize->setMinValue (sizeMBToSlider (MinVDISize, sliderScale));
243 | slSize->setMaxValue (sizeMBToSlider (maxVDISize, sliderScale));
244 |
245 | txSizeMin->setText (vboxGlobal().formatSize (MinVDISize * _1M));
246 | txSizeMax->setText (vboxGlobal().formatSize (maxVDISize * _1M));
247 |
248 | /* limit the max. size of QLineEdit (STUPID Qt has NO correct means for that) */
249 | leSize->setMaximumSize (
250 | leSize->fontMetrics().width ("88888.88 MB") + leSize->frameWidth() * 2,
251 | leSize->height());
252 |
253 | setRecommendedSize (InitialVDISize);
254 |
255 | /* Summary page */
256 |
257 | teSummary->setPaper (pageSummary->backgroundBrush());
258 |
259 | /* update the next button state for pages with validation
260 | * (validityChanged() connected to enableNext() will do the job) */
261 | wvalNameAndSize->revalidate();
262 |
263 | /* the finish button on the Summary page is always enabled */
264 | setFinishEnabled (pageSummary, true);
265 |
266 | /* setup minimum width for the sizeHint to be calculated correctly */
267 | #warning port me
268 | int wid = 1;
269 | // int wid = widthSpacer->minimumSize().width();
270 | txWelcome->setMinimumWidth (wid);
271 | textLabel1_2->setMinimumWidth (wid);
272 | txNameComment->setMinimumWidth (wid);
273 | txSizeComment->setMinimumWidth (wid);
274 | txSummaryHdr->setMinimumWidth (wid);
275 | txSummaryFtr->setMinimumWidth (wid);
276 | }
277 |
278 |
279 | void VBoxNewHDWzd::showEvent (QShowEvent *e)
280 | {
281 | QDialog::showEvent (e);
282 |
283 | /* one may think that QWidget::polish() is the right place to do things
284 | * below, but apparently, by the time when QWidget::polish() is called,
285 | * the widget style & layout are not fully done, at least the minimum
286 | * size hint is not properly calculated. Since this is sometimes necessary,
287 | * we provide our own "polish" implementation. */
288 |
289 | layout()->activate();
290 |
291 | /* resize to the miminum possible size */
292 | resize (minimumSize());
293 |
294 | VBoxGlobal::centerWidget (this, parentWidget());
295 | }
296 |
297 |
298 | void VBoxNewHDWzd::setRecommendedFileName (const QString &aName)
299 | {
300 | leName->setText (aName);
301 | }
302 |
303 |
304 | void VBoxNewHDWzd::setRecommendedSize (Q_UINT64 aSize)
305 | {
306 | AssertReturnVoid (aSize >= MinVDISize && aSize <= maxVDISize);
307 | currentSize = aSize;
308 | slSize->setValue (sizeMBToSlider (currentSize, sliderScale));
309 | leSize->setText (vboxGlobal().formatSize (currentSize * _1M));
310 | updateSizeToolTip (currentSize * _1M);
311 | }
312 |
313 |
314 | QString VBoxNewHDWzd::imageFileName()
315 | {
316 | QString name = QDir::convertSeparators (leName->text());
317 |
318 | /* remove all trailing dots to avoid multiple dots before .vdi */
319 | int len;
320 | while (len = name.length(), len > 0 && name [len - 1] == '.')
321 | name.truncate (len - 1);
322 |
323 | QString ext = QFileInfo (name).extension();
324 | /* compare against the proper case */
325 | #if defined (Q_OS_FREEBSD) || defined (Q_OS_LINUX) || defined (Q_OS_NETBSD) || defined (Q_OS_OPENBSD) || defined (Q_OS_SOLARIS)
326 | #elif defined (Q_OS_WIN) || defined (Q_OS_OS2) || defined (Q_OS_MACX)
327 | ext = ext.lower();
328 | #else
329 | #error Port me!
330 | #endif
331 |
332 | if (ext != "vdi")
333 | name += ".vdi";
334 |
335 | return name;
336 | }
337 |
338 |
339 | Q_UINT64 VBoxNewHDWzd::imageSize()
340 | {
341 | return currentSize;
342 | }
343 |
344 |
345 | bool VBoxNewHDWzd::isDynamicImage()
346 | {
347 | return rbDynamicType->isOn();
348 | }
349 |
350 |
351 | void VBoxNewHDWzd::enableNext (const QIWidgetValidator *wval)
352 | {
353 | setNextEnabled (wval->widget(), wval->isValid());
354 | }
355 |
356 |
357 | void VBoxNewHDWzd::revalidate (QIWidgetValidator *wval)
358 | {
359 | /* do individual validations for pages */
360 |
361 | QWidget *pg = wval->widget();
362 | bool valid = wval->isOtherValid();
363 |
364 | if (pg == pageNameAndSize)
365 | {
366 | valid = currentSize >= MinVDISize && currentSize <= maxVDISize;
367 | }
368 |
369 | wval->setOtherValid (valid);
370 | }
371 |
372 |
373 | void VBoxNewHDWzd::updateSizeToolTip (Q_UINT64 sizeB)
374 | {
375 | QString tip = tr ("<nobr>%1 Bytes</nobr>").arg (sizeB);
376 | QToolTip::add (slSize, tip);
377 | QToolTip::add (leSize, tip);
378 | }
379 |
380 | void VBoxNewHDWzd::showPage( QWidget *page )
381 | {
382 | if (currentPage() == pageNameAndSize)
383 | {
384 | if (QFileInfo (imageFileName()).exists())
385 | {
386 | vboxProblem().sayCannotOverwriteHardDiskImage (this, imageFileName());
387 | return;
388 | }
389 | }
390 |
391 | if (page == pageSummary)
392 | {
393 | QString type = rbDynamicType->isOn() ? rbDynamicType->text()
394 | : rbFixedType->text();
395 | type = VBoxGlobal::removeAccelMark (type);
396 |
397 | Q_UINT64 sizeB = imageSize() * _1M;
398 |
399 | // compose summary
400 | QString summary = QString (tr(
401 | "<table>"
402 | "<tr><td>Type:</td><td>%1</td></tr>"
403 | "<tr><td>Location:</td><td>%2</td></tr>"
404 | "<tr><td>Size:</td><td>%3 (%4 Bytes)</td></tr>"
405 | "</table>"
406 | ))
407 | .arg (type)
408 | .arg (composeFullFileName (imageFileName()))
409 | .arg (VBoxGlobal::formatSize (sizeB))
410 | .arg (sizeB);
411 | teSummary->setText (summary);
412 | /* set Finish to default */
413 | finishButton()->setDefault (true);
414 | }
415 | else
416 | {
417 | /* always set Next to default */
418 | nextButton()->setDefault (true);
419 | }
420 |
421 | Q3Wizard::showPage (page);
422 |
423 | /* fix focus on the last page. when we go to the last page
424 | * having the Next in focus the focus goes to the Cancel
425 | * button because when the Next hides Finish is not yet shown. */
426 | if (page == pageSummary && focusWidget() == cancelButton())
427 | finishButton()->setFocus();
428 |
429 | /* setup focus for individual pages */
430 | if (page == pageType)
431 | {
432 | bgType->setFocus();
433 | }
434 | else if (page == pageNameAndSize)
435 | {
436 | leName->setFocus();
437 | }
438 | else if (page == pageSummary)
439 | {
440 | teSummary->setFocus();
441 | }
442 |
443 | page->layout()->activate();
444 | }
445 |
446 |
447 | void VBoxNewHDWzd::accept()
448 | {
449 | /*
450 | * Try to create the hard disk when the Finish button is pressed.
451 | * On failure, the wisard will remain open to give it another try.
452 | */
453 | if (createHardDisk())
454 | Q3Wizard::accept();
455 | }
456 |
457 | /**
458 | * Performs steps necessary to create a hard disk. This method handles all
459 | * errors and shows the corresponding messages when appropriate.
460 | *
461 | * @return wheter the creation was successful or not
462 | */
463 | bool VBoxNewHDWzd::createHardDisk()
464 | {
465 | QString src = imageFileName();
466 | Q_UINT64 size = imageSize();
467 |
468 | AssertReturn (!src.isEmpty(), false);
469 | AssertReturn (size > 0, false);
470 |
471 | CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
472 |
473 | CProgress progress;
474 | CHardDisk hd = vbox.CreateHardDisk (KHardDiskStorageType_VirtualDiskImage);
475 |
476 | /// @todo (dmik) later, change wrappers so that converting
477 | // to CUnknown is not necessary for cross-assignments
478 | CVirtualDiskImage vdi = CUnknown (hd);
479 |
480 | if (!vbox.isOk())
481 | {
482 | vboxProblem().cannotCreateHardDiskImage (this,
483 | vbox, src, vdi, progress);
484 | return false;
485 | }
486 |
487 | vdi.SetFilePath (src);
488 |
489 | if (isDynamicImage())
490 | progress = vdi.CreateDynamicImage (size);
491 | else
492 | progress = vdi.CreateFixedImage (size);
493 |
494 | if (!vdi.isOk())
495 | {
496 | vboxProblem().cannotCreateHardDiskImage (this,
497 | vbox, src, vdi, progress);
498 | return false;
499 | }
500 |
501 | vboxProblem().showModalProgressDialog (progress, caption(), parentWidget());
502 |
503 | if (progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
504 | {
505 | vboxProblem().cannotCreateHardDiskImage (this,
506 | vbox, src, vdi, progress);
507 | return false;
508 | }
509 |
510 | vbox.RegisterHardDisk (hd);
511 | if (!vbox.isOk())
512 | {
513 | vboxProblem().cannotRegisterMedia (this, vbox, VBoxDefs::HD,
514 | vdi.GetFilePath());
515 | /* delete the image file on failure */
516 | vdi.DeleteImage();
517 | return false;
518 | }
519 |
520 | chd = hd;
521 | return true;
522 | }
523 |
524 |
525 | void VBoxNewHDWzd::slSize_valueChanged( int val )
526 | {
527 | if (focusWidget() == slSize)
528 | {
529 | currentSize = sliderToSizeMB (val, sliderScale);
530 | leSize->setText (vboxGlobal().formatSize (currentSize * _1M));
531 | updateSizeToolTip (currentSize * _1M);
532 | }
533 | }
534 |
535 |
536 | void VBoxNewHDWzd::leSize_textChanged( const QString &text )
537 | {
538 | if (focusWidget() == leSize)
539 | {
540 | currentSize = vboxGlobal().parseSize (text);
541 | updateSizeToolTip (currentSize);
542 | currentSize /= _1M;
543 | slSize->setValue (sizeMBToSlider (currentSize, sliderScale));
544 | }
545 | }
546 |
547 |
548 | void VBoxNewHDWzd::tbNameSelect_clicked()
549 | {
550 | /* set the first parent directory that exists as the current */
551 | QFileInfo fld (composeFullFileName (leName->text()));
552 | do
553 | {
554 | QString dp = fld.dirPath (false);
555 | fld = QFileInfo (dp);
556 | }
557 | while (!fld.exists() && !QDir (fld.absFilePath()).isRoot());
558 |
559 | if (!fld.exists())
560 | {
561 | CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
562 | fld = QFileInfo (vbox.GetSystemProperties().GetDefaultVDIFolder());
563 | if (!fld.exists())
564 | fld = vbox.GetHomeFolder();
565 | }
566 |
567 | // QFileDialog fd (this, "NewDiskImageDialog", TRUE);
568 | // fd.setMode (QFileDialog::AnyFile);
569 | // fd.setViewMode (QFileDialog::List);
570 | // fd.addFilter (tr( "Hard disk images (*.vdi)" ));
571 | // fd.setCaption (tr( "Select a file for the new hard disk image file" ));
572 | // fd.setDir (d);
573 |
574 | QString selected = Q3FileDialog::getSaveFileName (
575 | fld.absFilePath(),
576 | tr ("Hard disk images (*.vdi)"),
577 | this,
578 | "NewDiskImageDialog",
579 | tr ("Select a file for the new hard disk image file"));
580 |
581 | // if ( fd.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) {
582 | // leName->setText (QDir::convertSeparators (fd.selectedFile()));
583 | if (!selected.isEmpty())
584 | {
585 | if (QFileInfo (selected).extension().isEmpty())
586 | selected += ".vdi";
587 | leName->setText (QDir::convertSeparators (selected));
588 | leName->selectAll();
589 | leName->setFocus();
590 | }
591 | }