1 | /**
2 | *
3 | * VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"):
4 | * VBoxRegistrationDlg UI include (Qt Designer)
5 | */
6 |
7 | /*
8 | * Copyright (C) 2007 innotek GmbH
9 | *
10 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
11 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
12 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
13 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
14 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
15 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
16 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
17 | */
18 |
19 | /****************************************************************************
20 | ** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation.
21 | **
22 | ** If you want to add, delete, or rename functions or slots, use
23 | ** Qt Designer to update this file, preserving your code.
24 | **
25 | ** You should not define a constructor or destructor in this file.
26 | ** Instead, write your code in functions called init() and destroy().
27 | ** These will automatically be called by the form's constructor and
28 | ** destructor.
29 | *****************************************************************************/
30 |
31 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
32 | #include <iprt/err.h>
33 | #include <iprt/param.h>
34 | #include <iprt/path.h>
35 | //Added by qt3to4:
36 | #include <QShowEvent>
37 |
38 | /**
39 | * This class is used to encode/decode the registration data.
40 | */
41 | class VBoxRegistrationData
42 | {
43 | public:
44 |
45 | VBoxRegistrationData (const QString &aData)
46 | : mIsValid (false), mIsRegistered (false)
47 | , mData (aData)
48 | , mTriesLeft (3 /* the initial tries value! */)
49 | {
50 | decode (aData);
51 | }
52 |
53 | VBoxRegistrationData (const QString &aName, const QString &aEmail,
54 | const QString &aPrivate)
55 | : mIsValid (true), mIsRegistered (true)
56 | , mName (aName), mEmail (aEmail), mPrivate (aPrivate)
57 | , mTriesLeft (0)
58 | {
59 | encode (aName, aEmail, aPrivate);
60 | }
61 |
62 | bool isValid() const { return mIsValid; }
63 | bool isRegistered() const { return mIsRegistered; }
64 |
65 | const QString &data() const { return mData; }
66 | const QString &name() const { return mName; }
67 | const QString &email() const { return mEmail; }
68 | const QString &isPrivate() const { return mPrivate; }
69 |
70 | uint triesLeft() const { return mTriesLeft; }
71 |
72 | private:
73 |
74 | void decode (const QString &aData)
75 | {
76 | mIsValid = mIsRegistered = false;
77 |
78 | if (aData.isEmpty())
79 | return;
80 |
81 | if (aData.startsWith ("triesLeft="))
82 | {
83 | bool ok = false;
84 | uint triesLeft = aData.section ('=', 1, 1).toUInt (&ok);
85 | if (!ok)
86 | return;
87 | mTriesLeft = triesLeft;
88 | mIsValid = true;
89 | return;
90 | }
91 |
92 | /* Decoding CRC32 */
93 | QString data = aData;
94 | QString crcData = data.right (2 * sizeof (ulong));
95 | ulong crcNeed = 0;
96 | for (ulong i = 0; i < crcData.length(); i += 2)
97 | {
98 | crcNeed <<= 8;
99 | uchar curByte = (uchar) crcData.mid (i, 2).toUShort (0, 16);
100 | crcNeed += curByte;
101 | }
102 | data.truncate (data.length() - 2 * sizeof (ulong));
103 |
104 | /* Decoding data */
105 | QString result;
106 | for (ulong i = 0; i < data.length(); i += 4)
107 | result += QChar (data.mid (i, 4).toUShort (0, 16));
108 | ulong crcNow = crc32 ((uchar*)result.ascii(), result.length());
109 |
110 | /* Check the CRC32 */
111 | if (crcNeed != crcNow)
112 | return;
113 |
114 | /* Initialize values */
115 | QStringList dataList = QStringList::split ("|", result);
116 | mName = dataList [0];
117 | mEmail = dataList [1];
118 | mPrivate = dataList [2];
119 |
120 | mIsValid = true;
121 | mIsRegistered = true;
122 | }
123 |
124 | void encode (const QString &aName, const QString &aEmail,
125 | const QString &aPrivate)
126 | {
127 | /* Encoding data */
128 | QString data = QString ("%1|%2|%3")
129 | .arg (aName).arg (aEmail).arg (aPrivate);
130 | mData = QString::null;
131 | for (ulong i = 0; i < data.length(); ++ i)
132 | {
133 | QString curPair = QString::number (data.at (i).unicode(), 16);
134 | while (curPair.length() < 4)
135 | curPair.prepend ('0');
136 | mData += curPair;
137 | }
138 |
139 | /* Enconding CRC32 */
140 | ulong crcNow = crc32 ((uchar*)data.ascii(), data.length());
141 | QString crcData;
142 | for (ulong i = 0; i < sizeof (ulong); ++ i)
143 | {
144 | ushort curByte = crcNow & 0xFF;
145 | QString curPair = QString::number (curByte, 16);
146 | if (curPair.length() == 1)
147 | curPair.prepend ("0");
148 | crcData = curPair + crcData;
149 | crcNow >>= 8;
150 | }
151 |
152 | mData += crcData;
153 | }
154 |
155 | ulong crc32 (unsigned char *aBufer, int aSize)
156 | {
157 | /* Filling CRC32 table */
158 | ulong crc32;
159 | ulong crc_table [256];
160 | ulong temp;
161 | for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++ i)
162 | {
163 | temp = i;
164 | for (int j = 8; j > 0; -- j)
165 | {
166 | if (temp & 1)
167 | temp = (temp >> 1) ^ 0xedb88320;
168 | else
169 | temp >>= 1;
170 | };
171 | crc_table [i] = temp;
172 | }
173 |
174 | /* CRC32 calculation */
175 | crc32 = 0xffffffff;
176 | for (int i = 0; i < aSize; ++ i)
177 | {
178 | crc32 = crc_table [(crc32 ^ (*aBufer ++)) & 0xff] ^ (crc32 >> 8);
179 | }
180 | crc32 = crc32 ^ 0xffffffff;
181 | return crc32;
182 | };
183 |
184 | bool mIsValid : 1;
185 | bool mIsRegistered : 1;
186 |
187 | QString mData;
188 | QString mName;
189 | QString mEmail;
190 | QString mPrivate;
191 |
192 | uint mTriesLeft;
193 | };
194 |
195 | /* static */
196 | bool VBoxRegistrationDlg::hasToBeShown()
197 | {
198 | VBoxRegistrationData regData (vboxGlobal().virtualBox().
199 | GetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_RegistrationData));
200 |
201 | return !regData.isValid() ||
202 | (!regData.isRegistered() && regData.triesLeft() > 0);
203 | }
204 |
205 | /* Default constructor initialization. */
206 | void VBoxRegistrationDlg::init()
207 | {
208 | /* Hide unnecessary buttons */
209 | helpButton()->setShown (false);
210 | cancelButton()->setShown (false);
211 | backButton()->setShown (false);
212 |
213 | /* Confirm button initially disabled */
214 | finishButton()->setEnabled (false);
215 | finishButton()->setAutoDefault (true);
216 | finishButton()->setDefault (true);
217 |
218 | /* Setup the label colors for nice scaling */
219 | VBoxGlobal::adoptLabelPixmap (pictureLabel);
220 |
221 | /* Adjust text label size */
222 | #warning port me
223 | // mTextLabel->setMinimumWidth (widthSpacer->minimumSize().width());
224 |
225 | /* Setup validations and maximum text-edit text length */
226 | QRegExp nameExp ("[\\S\\s]+");
227 | /* E-mail address is validated according to RFC2821, RFC2822,
228 | * see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-mail_address. */
229 | QRegExp emailExp ("(([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.!#$%\\*/?|^{}`~&'\\+=]*"
230 | "[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-!#$%\\*/?|^{}`~&'\\+=])|"
231 | "(\"([\\x0001-\\x0008,\\x000B,\\x000C,\\x000E-\\x0019,\\x007F,"
232 | "\\x0021,\\x0023-\\x005B,\\x005D-\\x007E,"
233 | "\\x0009,\\x0020]|"
234 | "(\\\\[\\x0001-\\x0009,\\x000B,\\x000C,"
235 | "\\x000E-\\x007F]))*\"))"
236 | "@"
237 | "[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+)*");
238 | mNameEdit->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator (nameExp, this));
239 | mEmailEdit->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator (emailExp, this));
240 | mNameEdit->setMaxLength (50);
241 | mEmailEdit->setMaxLength (50);
242 |
243 | /* Create connection-timeout timer */
244 | mTimeout = new QTimer (this);
245 |
246 | /* Load language constraints */
247 | languageChangeImp();
248 |
249 | /* Set required boolean flags */
250 | mSuicide = false;
251 | mHandshake = true;
252 |
253 | /* Network framework */
254 | mNetfw = 0;
255 |
256 | /* Setup connections */
257 | disconnect (finishButton(), SIGNAL (clicked()), 0, 0);
258 | connect (finishButton(), SIGNAL (clicked()), SLOT (registration()));
259 | connect (mTimeout, SIGNAL (timeout()), this, SLOT (processTimeout()));
260 | connect (mNameEdit, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString&)), this, SLOT (validate()));
261 | connect (mEmailEdit, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString&)), this, SLOT (validate()));
262 | connect (mTextLabel, SIGNAL (clickedOnLink (const QString &)),
263 | &vboxGlobal(), SLOT (openURL (const QString &)));
264 |
265 | /* Resize the dialog initially to minimum size */
266 | resize (minimumSize());
267 | }
268 |
269 | /* Default destructor cleanup. */
270 | void VBoxRegistrationDlg::destroy()
271 | {
272 | delete mNetfw;
273 | *mSelf = 0;
274 | }
275 |
276 | /* Setup necessary dialog parameters. */
277 | void VBoxRegistrationDlg::setup (VBoxRegistrationDlg **aSelf)
278 | {
279 | mSelf = aSelf;
280 | *mSelf = this;
281 | mUrl = "http://www.innotek.de/register762.php";
282 |
283 | VBoxRegistrationData regData (vboxGlobal().virtualBox().
284 | GetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_RegistrationData));
285 |
286 | mNameEdit->setText (regData.name());
287 | mEmailEdit->setText (regData.email());
288 | mUseCheckBox->setChecked (regData.isPrivate() == "yes");
289 | }
290 |
291 | /* String constants initializer. */
292 | void VBoxRegistrationDlg::languageChangeImp()
293 | {
294 | finishButton()->setText (tr ("&Confirm"));
295 | }
296 |
297 | void VBoxRegistrationDlg::postRequest (const QString &aHost,
298 | const QString &aUrl)
299 | {
300 | delete mNetfw;
301 | mNetfw = new VBoxNetworkFramework();
302 | connect (mNetfw, SIGNAL (netBegin (int)),
303 | SLOT (onNetBegin (int)));
304 | connect (mNetfw, SIGNAL (netData (const QByteArray&)),
305 | SLOT (onNetData (const QByteArray&)));
306 | connect (mNetfw, SIGNAL (netEnd (const QByteArray&)),
307 | SLOT (onNetEnd (const QByteArray&)));
308 | connect (mNetfw, SIGNAL (netError (const QString&)),
309 | SLOT (onNetError (const QString&)));
310 |
311 | mNetfw->postRequest (aHost, aUrl);
312 | }
313 |
314 |
315 | /* Post the handshake request into the innotek register site. */
316 | void VBoxRegistrationDlg::registration()
317 | {
318 | /* Disable control elements */
319 | mNameEdit->setEnabled (false);
320 | mEmailEdit->setEnabled (false);
321 | mUseCheckBox->setEnabled (false);
322 | finishButton()->setEnabled (false);
323 |
324 | /* Handshake arguments initializing */
325 | QString version = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetVersion();
326 | Q3Url::encode (version);
327 |
328 | /* Handshake */
329 | QString argument = QString ("?version=%1").arg (version);
330 | mTimeout->start (20000, true);
331 | postRequest (mUrl.host(), mUrl.path() + argument);
332 | }
333 |
334 | /* This slot is used to control the connection timeout. */
335 | void VBoxRegistrationDlg::processTimeout()
336 | {
337 | abortRegisterRequest (tr ("Connection timed out."));
338 | }
339 |
340 | /* Handles the network request begining. */
341 | void VBoxRegistrationDlg::onNetBegin (int aStatus)
342 | {
343 | if (aStatus == 404)
344 | abortRegisterRequest (tr ("Could not locate the registration form on "
345 | "the server (response: %1).").arg (aStatus));
346 | else
347 | mTimeout->start (20000, true);
348 | }
349 |
350 | /* Handles the network request data incoming. */
351 | void VBoxRegistrationDlg::onNetData (const QByteArray&)
352 | {
353 | if (!mSuicide)
354 | mTimeout->start (20000, true);
355 | }
356 |
357 | /* Handles the network request end. */
358 | void VBoxRegistrationDlg::onNetEnd (const QByteArray &aTotalData)
359 | {
360 | if (mSuicide)
361 | return;
362 |
363 | mTimeout->stop();
364 | if (mHandshake)
365 | {
366 | /* Verifying key correctness */
367 | if (QString (aTotalData).find (QRegExp ("^[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}$")))
368 | {
369 | abortRegisterRequest (tr ("Could not perform connection handshake."));
370 | return;
371 | }
372 |
373 | /* Registration arguments initializing */
374 | QString version = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetVersion();
375 | QString key (aTotalData);
376 | QString platform = getPlatform();
377 | QString name = mNameEdit->text();
378 | QString email = mEmailEdit->text();
379 | QString prvt = mUseCheckBox->isChecked() ? "1" : "0";
380 | Q3Url::encode (version);
381 | Q3Url::encode (platform);
382 | Q3Url::encode (name);
383 | Q3Url::encode (email);
384 |
385 | /* Registration */
386 | QString argument;
387 | argument += QString ("?version=%1").arg (version);
388 | argument += QString ("&key=%1").arg (key);
389 | argument += QString ("&platform=%1").arg (platform);
390 | argument += QString ("&name=%1").arg (name);
391 | argument += QString ("&email=%1").arg (email);
392 | argument += QString ("&private=%1").arg (prvt);
393 |
394 | mHandshake = false;
395 | mTimeout->start (20000, true);
396 | postRequest (mUrl.host(), mUrl.path() + argument);
397 | }
398 | else
399 | {
400 | /* Show registration result */
401 | QString result (aTotalData);
402 | vboxProblem().showRegisterResult (this, result);
403 |
404 | /* Close the dialog */
405 | result == "OK" ? accept() : reject();
406 | }
407 | }
408 |
409 | void VBoxRegistrationDlg::onNetError (const QString &aError)
410 | {
411 | abortRegisterRequest (aError);
412 | }
413 |
414 | /* SLOT: QDialog accept slot reimplementation. */
415 | void VBoxRegistrationDlg::accept()
416 | {
417 | vboxGlobal().virtualBox().SetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_RegistrationDlgWinID,
418 | QString::null);
419 |
420 | VBoxRegistrationData regData (mNameEdit->text(), mEmailEdit->text(),
421 | mUseCheckBox->isChecked() ? "yes" : "no");
422 | vboxGlobal().virtualBox().SetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_RegistrationData,
423 | regData.data());
424 |
425 | QDialog::accept();
426 | }
427 |
428 | /* SLOT: QDialog reject slot reimplementation. */
429 | void VBoxRegistrationDlg::reject()
430 | {
431 | vboxGlobal().virtualBox().SetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_RegistrationDlgWinID,
432 | QString::null);
433 |
434 | /* Decrement the triesLeft. */
435 | VBoxRegistrationData regData (vboxGlobal().virtualBox().
436 | GetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_RegistrationData));
437 | if (!regData.isValid() || !regData.isRegistered())
438 | {
439 | uint triesLeft = regData.triesLeft();
440 | if (triesLeft)
441 | {
442 | -- triesLeft;
443 | vboxGlobal().virtualBox().SetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_RegistrationData,
444 | QString ("triesLeft=%1")
445 | .arg (triesLeft));
446 | }
447 | }
448 |
449 | QDialog::reject();
450 | }
451 |
452 | void VBoxRegistrationDlg::validate()
453 | {
454 | int pos = 0;
455 | QString name = mNameEdit->text();
456 | QString email = mEmailEdit->text();
457 | finishButton()->setEnabled (
458 | mNameEdit->validator()->validate (name, pos) == QValidator::Acceptable &&
459 | mEmailEdit->validator()->validate (email, pos) == QValidator::Acceptable);
460 | }
461 |
462 | QString VBoxRegistrationDlg::getPlatform()
463 | {
464 | QString platform;
465 |
466 | #if defined (Q_OS_WIN)
467 | platform = "win";
468 | #elif defined (Q_OS_LINUX)
469 | platform = "linux";
470 | #elif defined (Q_OS_MACX)
471 | platform = "macosx";
472 | #elif defined (Q_OS_OS2)
473 | platform = "os2";
474 | #elif defined (Q_OS_FREEBSD)
475 | platform = "freebsd";
476 | #elif defined (Q_OS_SOLARIS)
477 | platform = "solaris";
478 | #else
479 | platform = "unknown";
480 | #endif
481 |
482 | /* the format is <system>.<bitness> */
483 | platform += QString (".%1").arg (ARCH_BITS);
484 |
485 | /* add more system information */
486 | #if defined (Q_OS_WIN)
487 | OSVERSIONINFO versionInfo;
488 | ZeroMemory (&versionInfo, sizeof (OSVERSIONINFO));
489 | versionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (OSVERSIONINFO);
490 | GetVersionEx (&versionInfo);
491 | int major = versionInfo.dwMajorVersion;
492 | int minor = versionInfo.dwMinorVersion;
493 | int build = versionInfo.dwBuildNumber;
494 | QString sp = QString::fromUcs2 ((ushort*)versionInfo.szCSDVersion);
495 |
496 | QString distrib;
497 | if (major == 6)
498 | distrib = QString ("Windows Vista %1");
499 | else if (major == 5)
500 | {
501 | if (minor == 2)
502 | distrib = QString ("Windows Server 2003 %1");
503 | else if (minor == 1)
504 | distrib = QString ("Windows XP %1");
505 | else if (minor == 0)
506 | distrib = QString ("Windows 2000 %1");
507 | else
508 | distrib = QString ("Unknown %1");
509 | }
510 | else if (major == 4)
511 | {
512 | if (minor == 90)
513 | distrib = QString ("Windows Me %1");
514 | else if (minor == 10)
515 | distrib = QString ("Windows 98 %1");
516 | else if (minor == 0)
517 | distrib = QString ("Windows 95 %1");
518 | else
519 | distrib = QString ("Unknown %1");
520 | }
521 | else
522 | distrib = QString ("Unknown %1");
523 | distrib = distrib.arg (sp);
524 | QString version = QString ("%1.%2").arg (major).arg (minor);
525 | QString kernel = QString ("%1").arg (build);
526 | platform += QString (" [Distribution: %1 | Version: %2 | Build: %3]")
527 | .arg (distrib).arg (version).arg (kernel);
528 | #elif defined (Q_OS_OS2)
529 | // TODO: add sys info for os2 if any...
530 | #elif defined (Q_OS_LINUX) || defined (Q_OS_MACX) || defined (Q_OS_FREEBSD) || defined (Q_OS_SOLARIS)
531 | char szAppPrivPath [RTPATH_MAX];
532 | int rc;
533 |
534 | rc = RTPathAppPrivateNoArch (szAppPrivPath, sizeof (szAppPrivPath));
535 | Assert (RT_SUCCESS (rc));
536 | Q3Process infoScript (QString ("./VBoxSysInfo.sh"), this, "infoScript");
537 | infoScript.setWorkingDirectory (QString (szAppPrivPath));
538 | if (infoScript.start())
539 | {
540 | while (infoScript.isRunning()) {}
541 | if (infoScript.normalExit())
542 | platform += QString (" [%1]").arg (QString(infoScript.readStdout()));
543 | }
544 | #endif
545 |
546 | return platform;
547 | }
548 |
549 | /* This wrapper displays an error message box (unless aReason is
550 | * QString::null) with the cause of the request-send procedure
551 | * termination. After the message box is dismissed, the downloader signals
552 | * to close itself on the next event loop iteration. */
553 | void VBoxRegistrationDlg::abortRegisterRequest (const QString &aReason)
554 | {
555 | /* Protect against double kill request. */
556 | if (mSuicide)
557 | return;
558 | mSuicide = true;
559 |
560 | if (!aReason.isNull())
561 | vboxProblem().cannotConnectRegister (this, mUrl.toString(), aReason);
562 |
563 | /* Allows all the queued signals to be processed before quit. */
564 | QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (reject()));
565 | }
566 |
567 | void VBoxRegistrationDlg::showEvent (QShowEvent *aEvent)
568 | {
569 | validate();
570 | Q3Wizard::showEvent (aEvent);
571 | }