1 | <ui version="4.0" >
2 | <comment>
3 | VBox frontends: Qt4 GUI ("VirtualBox"):
4 |
5 | Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
6 |
7 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
8 | available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
9 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
10 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
11 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
12 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
13 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
14 |
15 | Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
16 | Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
17 | additional information or have any questions.
18 | </comment>
19 | <class>VBoxSettingsDialog</class>
20 | <widget class="QMainWindow" name="VBoxSettingsDialog" >
21 | <property name="geometry" >
22 | <rect>
23 | <x>0</x>
24 | <y>0</y>
25 | <width>526</width>
26 | <height>424</height>
27 | </rect>
28 | </property>
29 | <widget class="QWidget" name="centralwidget" >
30 | <layout class="QGridLayout" >
31 | <item rowspan="3" row="0" column="0" >
32 | <widget class="QTreeWidget" name="mTwSelector" >
33 | <property name="sizePolicy" >
34 | <sizepolicy vsizetype="Expanding" hsizetype="Minimum" >
35 | <horstretch>0</horstretch>
36 | <verstretch>0</verstretch>
37 | </sizepolicy>
38 | </property>
39 | <property name="verticalScrollBarPolicy" >
40 | <enum>Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff</enum>
41 | </property>
42 | <property name="horizontalScrollBarPolicy" >
43 | <enum>Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff</enum>
44 | </property>
45 | <property name="rootIsDecorated" >
46 | <bool>false</bool>
47 | </property>
48 | <property name="uniformRowHeights" >
49 | <bool>true</bool>
50 | </property>
51 | <column>
52 | <property name="text" >
53 | <string>Category</string>
54 | </property>
55 | </column>
56 | <column>
57 | <property name="text" >
58 | <string>[id]</string>
59 | </property>
60 | </column>
61 | <column>
62 | <property name="text" >
63 | <string>[link]</string>
64 | </property>
65 | </column>
66 | </widget>
67 | </item>
68 | <item row="0" column="1" >
69 | <widget class="QLabel" name="mLbTitle" >
70 | <property name="sizePolicy" >
71 | <sizepolicy vsizetype="Fixed" hsizetype="Expanding" >
72 | <horstretch>0</horstretch>
73 | <verstretch>0</verstretch>
74 | </sizepolicy>
75 | </property>
76 | <property name="palette" >
77 | <palette>
78 | <active>
79 | <colorrole role="Window" >
80 | <brush brushstyle="SolidPattern" >
81 | <color alpha="255" >
82 | <red>255</red>
83 | <green>255</green>
84 | <blue>255</blue>
85 | </color>
86 | </brush>
87 | </colorrole>
88 | </active>
89 | <inactive>
90 | <colorrole role="Window" >
91 | <brush brushstyle="SolidPattern" >
92 | <color alpha="255" >
93 | <red>255</red>
94 | <green>255</green>
95 | <blue>255</blue>
96 | </color>
97 | </brush>
98 | </colorrole>
99 | </inactive>
100 | <disabled>
101 | <colorrole role="Window" >
102 | <brush brushstyle="SolidPattern" >
103 | <color alpha="255" >
104 | <red>255</red>
105 | <green>255</green>
106 | <blue>255</blue>
107 | </color>
108 | </brush>
109 | </colorrole>
110 | </disabled>
111 | </palette>
112 | </property>
113 | <property name="font" >
114 | <font>
115 | <family>Sans Serif</family>
116 | <pointsize>11</pointsize>
117 | <weight>75</weight>
118 | <bold>true</bold>
119 | </font>
120 | </property>
121 | <property name="autoFillBackground" >
122 | <bool>true</bool>
123 | </property>
124 | <property name="frameShape" >
125 | <enum>QFrame::Box</enum>
126 | </property>
127 | <property name="frameShadow" >
128 | <enum>QFrame::Sunken</enum>
129 | </property>
130 | <property name="text" >
131 | <string/>
132 | </property>
133 | <property name="margin" >
134 | <number>7</number>
135 | </property>
136 | </widget>
137 | </item>
138 | <item row="1" column="1" >
139 | <widget class="QWidget" native="1" name="mWtStackHandler" >
140 | <property name="sizePolicy" >
141 | <sizepolicy vsizetype="Expanding" hsizetype="Preferred" >
142 | <horstretch>0</horstretch>
143 | <verstretch>0</verstretch>
144 | </sizepolicy>
145 | </property>
146 | </widget>
147 | </item>
148 | <item row="2" column="1" >
149 | <widget class="QILabel" name="mLbWhatsThis" >
150 | <property name="frameShape" >
151 | <enum>QFrame::Box</enum>
152 | </property>
153 | <property name="frameShadow" >
154 | <enum>QFrame::Sunken</enum>
155 | </property>
156 | <property name="alignment" >
157 | <set>Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop</set>
158 | </property>
159 | <property name="wordWrap" >
160 | <bool>true</bool>
161 | </property>
162 | <property name="margin" >
163 | <number>7</number>
164 | </property>
165 | </widget>
166 | </item>
167 | <item row="3" column="0" colspan="2" >
168 | <widget class="QIDialogButtonBox" name="mButtonBox" >
169 | <property name="standardButtons" >
170 | <set>QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Help|QDialogButtonBox::NoButton|QDialogButtonBox::Ok</set>
171 | </property>
172 | </widget>
173 | </item>
174 | </layout>
175 | </widget>
176 | </widget>
177 | <customwidgets>
178 | <customwidget>
179 | <class>QIDialogButtonBox</class>
180 | <extends>QDialogButtonBox</extends>
181 | <header>QIDialogButtonBox.h</header>
182 | </customwidget>
183 | <customwidget>
184 | <class>QILabel</class>
185 | <extends>QLabel</extends>
186 | <header>QILabel.h</header>
187 | </customwidget>
188 | </customwidgets>
189 | <resources>
190 | <include location="../VirtualBox.qrc" />
191 | </resources>
192 | <connections/>
193 | </ui>