1 | //Added by qt3to4:
2 | #include <QShowEvent>
3 | /**
4 | *
5 | * VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"):
6 | * "First Run Wizard" wizard UI include (Qt Designer)
7 | */
8 |
9 | /*
10 | * Copyright (C) 2007 innotek GmbH
11 | *
12 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
13 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
14 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
15 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
16 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
17 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
18 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
19 | */
20 |
21 | /****************************************************************************
22 | ** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation.
23 | **
24 | ** If you want to add, delete, or rename functions or slots, use
25 | ** Qt Designer to update this file, preserving your code.
26 | **
27 | ** You should not define a constructor or destructor in this file.
28 | ** Instead, write your code in functions called init() and destroy().
29 | ** These will automatically be called by the form's constructor and
30 | ** destructor.
31 | *****************************************************************************/
32 |
33 | void VBoxVMFirstRunWzd::init()
34 | {
35 | /* initial wizard setup
36 | * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
37 |
38 | /* disable help buttons */
39 | helpButton()->setShown (false);
40 |
41 | /* fix tab order to get the proper direction
42 | * (originally the focus goes Next/Finish -> Back -> Cancel -> page) */
43 | setTabOrder (backButton(), nextButton());
44 | setTabOrder (nextButton(), finishButton());
45 | setTabOrder (finishButton(), cancelButton());
46 |
47 | /* setup the label clolors for nice scaling */
48 | VBoxGlobal::adoptLabelPixmap (pmWelcome);
49 | VBoxGlobal::adoptLabelPixmap (pmType);
50 | VBoxGlobal::adoptLabelPixmap (pmSummary);
51 |
52 | /* media page */
53 | cbImage = new VBoxMediaComboBox (bgSource, "cbImage", VBoxDefs::CD);
54 | #warning port me
55 | // ltVdm->insertWidget (0, cbImage);
56 | tbVdm->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet (":/select_file_16px.png",
57 | ":/select_file_dis_16px.png"));
58 | setTabOrder (cbImage, tbVdm);
59 |
60 | /* summary page */
61 | teSummary = new QITextEdit (pageSummary);
62 | teSummary->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
63 | teSummary->setFrameShape (Q3TextEdit::NoFrame);
64 | teSummary->setReadOnly (TRUE);
65 | teSummary->setPaper (pageSummary->backgroundBrush());
66 | #warning port me
67 | // ltSummary->insertWidget (2, teSummary);
68 |
69 | /* setup connections and set validation for pages
70 | * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
71 |
72 | /* media page */
73 | wvalType = new QIWidgetValidator (pageType, this);
74 | connect (wvalType, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)),
75 | this, SLOT (enableNext (const QIWidgetValidator *)));
76 | connect (wvalType, SIGNAL (isValidRequested (QIWidgetValidator *)),
77 | this, SLOT (revalidate (QIWidgetValidator *)));
78 |
79 | /* filter out Enter keys in order to direct them to the default dlg button */
80 | QIKeyFilter *ef = new QIKeyFilter (this, Qt::Key_Enter);
81 | ef->watchOn (teSummary);
82 |
83 | /* set initial values
84 | * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
85 |
86 | /* the finish button on the Summary page is always enabled */
87 | setFinishEnabled (pageSummary, true);
88 |
89 | /* setup minimum width for the sizeHint to be calculated correctly */
90 | #warning port me
91 | int wid = 1;
92 | // int wid = widthSpacer->minimumSize().width();
93 | txWelcome->setMinimumWidth (wid);
94 | txType->setMinimumWidth (wid);
95 | txSource->setMinimumWidth (wid);
96 | txSummaryHdr->setMinimumWidth (wid);
97 | txSummaryFtr->setMinimumWidth (wid);
98 | txWelcomeHD->setMinimumWidth (wid);
99 | txTypeHD->setMinimumWidth (wid);
100 | txSourceHD->setMinimumWidth (wid);
101 | txSummaryHdrHD->setMinimumWidth (wid);
102 | txSummaryFtrHD->setMinimumWidth (wid);
103 |
104 | /* media page */
105 | rbCdType->animateClick();
106 | rbHost->animateClick();
107 | }
108 |
109 |
110 | void VBoxVMFirstRunWzd::setup (const CMachine &aMachine)
111 | {
112 | machine = aMachine;
113 |
114 | CHardDiskAttachmentEnumerator en = machine.GetHardDiskAttachments().Enumerate();
115 | if (en.HasMore())
116 | {
117 | txWelcomeHD->setHidden (true);
118 | txTypeHD->setHidden (true);
119 | txSourceHD->setHidden (true);
120 | txSummaryHdrHD->setHidden (true);
121 | txSummaryFtrHD->setHidden (true);
122 | }
123 | else
124 | {
125 | txWelcome->setHidden (true);
126 | txType->setHidden (true);
127 | txSource->setHidden (true);
128 | txSummaryHdr->setHidden (true);
129 | txSummaryFtr->setHidden (true);
130 | }
131 | }
132 |
133 |
134 | void VBoxVMFirstRunWzd::showEvent (QShowEvent *aEvent)
135 | {
136 | QDialog::showEvent (aEvent);
137 |
138 | /* one may think that QWidget::polish() is the right place to do things
139 | * below, but apparently, by the time when QWidget::polish() is called,
140 | * the widget style & layout are not fully done, at least the minimum
141 | * size hint is not properly calculated. Since this is sometimes necessary,
142 | * we provide our own "polish" implementation. */
143 |
144 | layout()->activate();
145 |
146 | /* resize to the miminum possible size */
147 | resize (minimumSize());
148 |
149 | VBoxGlobal::centerWidget (this, parentWidget());
150 | }
151 |
152 |
153 | void VBoxVMFirstRunWzd::showPage (QWidget *aPage)
154 | {
155 | if (aPage == pageSummary)
156 | {
157 | QString type =
158 | rbCdType->isChecked() ? tr ("CD/DVD-ROM Device") :
159 | rbFdType->isChecked() ? tr ("Floppy Device") :
160 | QString::null;
161 | QString source =
162 | rbHost->isChecked() ? tr ("Host Drive %1").arg (cbHost->currentText()) :
163 | rbImage->isChecked() ? cbImage->currentText() : QString::null;
164 | QString summary =
165 | QString (tr ("<table><tr><td>Type:</td><td>%1</td></tr>"
166 | "<tr><td>Source:</td><td>%2</td></tr></table>"))
167 | .arg (type).arg (source);
168 | teSummary->setText (summary);
169 | /* set Finish to default */
170 | finishButton()->setDefault (true);
171 | }
172 | else
173 | {
174 | /* always set Next to default */
175 | nextButton()->setDefault (true);
176 | }
177 |
178 | Q3Wizard::showPage (aPage);
179 |
180 | /* fix focus on the last page. when we go to the last page
181 | * having the Next in focus the focus goes to the Cancel
182 | * button because when the Next hides Finish is not yet shown. */
183 | if (aPage == pageSummary && focusWidget() == cancelButton())
184 | finishButton()->setFocus();
185 |
186 | /* setup focus for individual pages */
187 | if (aPage == pageType)
188 | bgType->setFocus();
189 | else if (aPage == pageSummary)
190 | teSummary->setFocus();
191 |
192 | aPage->layout()->activate();
193 | }
194 |
195 |
196 | void VBoxVMFirstRunWzd::accept()
197 | {
198 | /* CD/DVD Media selected */
199 | if (rbCdType->isChecked())
200 | {
201 | if (rbHost->isChecked())
202 | {
203 | CHostDVDDrive hostDrive = hostDVDs [cbHost->currentItem()];
204 | if (!hostDrive.isNull())
205 | {
206 | CDVDDrive virtualDrive = machine.GetDVDDrive();
207 | virtualDrive.CaptureHostDrive (hostDrive);
208 | }
209 | }
210 | else if (rbImage->isChecked())
211 | {
212 | CDVDDrive virtualDrive = machine.GetDVDDrive();
213 | virtualDrive.MountImage (cbImage->getId());
214 | }
215 | }
216 | /* Floppy Media selected */
217 | else if (rbFdType->isChecked())
218 | {
219 | if (rbHost->isChecked())
220 | {
221 | CHostFloppyDrive hostDrive = hostFloppys [cbHost->currentItem()];
222 | if (!hostDrive.isNull())
223 | {
224 | CFloppyDrive virtualDrive = machine.GetFloppyDrive();
225 | virtualDrive.CaptureHostDrive (hostDrive);
226 | }
227 | }
228 | else if (rbImage->isChecked())
229 | {
230 | CFloppyDrive virtualDrive = machine.GetFloppyDrive();
231 | virtualDrive.MountImage (cbImage->getId());
232 | }
233 | }
234 |
235 | Q3Wizard::accept();
236 | }
237 |
238 |
239 | void VBoxVMFirstRunWzd::enableNext (const QIWidgetValidator *aWval)
240 | {
241 | setNextEnabled (aWval->widget(), aWval->isValid());
242 | }
243 |
244 |
245 | void VBoxVMFirstRunWzd::revalidate (QIWidgetValidator *aWval)
246 | {
247 | /* do individual validations for pages */
248 | QWidget *pg = aWval->widget();
249 | bool valid = aWval->isOtherValid();
250 |
251 | if (pg == pageType)
252 | {
253 | valid = (rbHost->isChecked() && !cbHost->currentText().isEmpty()) ||
254 | (rbImage->isChecked() && !cbImage->currentText().isEmpty());
255 | }
256 |
257 | aWval->setOtherValid (valid);
258 | }
259 |
260 |
261 | void VBoxVMFirstRunWzd::mediaTypeChanged()
262 | {
263 | /* CD/DVD Media type selected */
264 | cbHost->clear();
265 | if (sender() == rbCdType)
266 | {
267 | /* Search for the host dvd-drives */
268 | CHostDVDDriveCollection coll =
269 | vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHost().GetDVDDrives();
270 | hostDVDs.resize (coll.GetCount());
271 | int id = 0;
272 | CHostDVDDriveEnumerator en = coll.Enumerate();
273 | while (en.HasMore())
274 | {
275 | CHostDVDDrive hostDVD = en.GetNext();
276 | QString name = hostDVD.GetName();
277 | QString description = hostDVD.GetDescription();
278 | QString fullName = description.isEmpty() ?
279 | name :
280 | QString ("%1 (%2)").arg (description, name);
281 | cbHost->insertItem (fullName, id);
282 | hostDVDs [id] = hostDVD;
283 | ++ id;
284 | }
285 |
286 | /* Switch media images type to CD */
287 | cbImage->setType (VBoxDefs::CD);
288 | }
289 | /* Floppy Media type selected */
290 | else if (sender() == rbFdType)
291 | {
292 | /* Search for the host floppy-drives */
293 | CHostFloppyDriveCollection coll =
294 | vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHost().GetFloppyDrives();
295 | hostFloppys.resize (coll.GetCount());
296 | int id = 0;
297 | CHostFloppyDriveEnumerator en = coll.Enumerate();
298 | while (en.HasMore())
299 | {
300 | CHostFloppyDrive hostFloppy = en.GetNext();
301 | QString name = hostFloppy.GetName();
302 | QString description = hostFloppy.GetDescription();
303 | QString fullName = description.isEmpty() ?
304 | name :
305 | QString ("%1 (%2)").arg (description, name);
306 | cbHost->insertItem (fullName, id);
307 | hostFloppys [id] = hostFloppy;
308 | ++ id;
309 | }
310 |
311 | /* Switch media images type to FD */
312 | cbImage->setType (VBoxDefs::FD);
313 | }
314 | /* Update media images list */
315 | if (!vboxGlobal().isMediaEnumerationStarted())
316 | vboxGlobal().startEnumeratingMedia();
317 | else
318 | cbImage->refresh();
319 |
320 | /* Revalidate updated page */
321 | wvalType->revalidate();
322 | }
323 |
324 |
325 | void VBoxVMFirstRunWzd::mediaSourceChanged()
326 | {
327 | cbHost->setEnabled (sender() == rbHost);
328 | cbImage->setEnabled (sender() == rbImage);
329 | tbVdm->setEnabled (sender() == rbImage);
330 |
331 | /* Revalidate updated page */
332 | wvalType->revalidate();
333 | }
334 |
335 |
336 | void VBoxVMFirstRunWzd::openVdm()
337 | {
338 | VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg vdm (this, "VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg",
339 | Qt::WType_Dialog | Qt::WShowModal);
340 | QUuid machineId = machine.GetId();
341 | VBoxDefs::DiskType type = rbCdType->isChecked() ? VBoxDefs::CD :
342 | rbFdType->isChecked() ? VBoxDefs::FD : VBoxDefs::InvalidType;
343 | vdm.setup (type, true, &machineId);
344 | if (vdm.exec() == VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::Accepted)
345 | {
346 | cbImage->setCurrentItem (vdm.getSelectedUuid());
347 |
348 | /* Revalidate updated page */
349 | wvalType->revalidate();
350 | }
351 | }