1 | #!/usr/common/bin/python
2 |
3 | # apiutil.py
4 | #
5 | # This file defines a bunch of utility functions for OpenGL API code
6 | # generation.
7 |
8 | import sys, string, re
9 |
10 |
11 | #======================================================================
12 |
13 | def CopyrightC( ):
14 | print """/* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
15 | All rights reserved.
16 |
17 | See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software. */
18 | """
19 |
20 | def CopyrightDef( ):
21 | print """; Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
22 | ; All rights reserved.
23 | ;
24 | ; See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
25 | """
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 | #======================================================================
30 |
31 | class APIFunction:
32 | """Class to represent a GL API function (name, return type,
33 | parameters, etc)."""
34 | def __init__(self):
35 | self.name = ''
36 | self.returnType = ''
37 | self.category = ''
38 | self.offset = -1
39 | self.alias = ''
40 | self.vectoralias = ''
41 | self.params = []
42 | self.paramlist = []
43 | self.paramvec = []
44 | self.paramaction = []
45 | self.paramprop = []
46 | self.paramset = []
47 | self.props = []
48 | self.chromium = []
49 | self.chrelopcode = -1
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 | def ProcessSpecFile(filename, userFunc):
54 | """Open the named API spec file and call userFunc(record) for each record
55 | processed."""
56 | specFile = open(filename, "r")
57 | if not specFile:
58 | print "Error: couldn't open %s file!" % filename
59 | sys.exit()
60 |
61 | record = APIFunction()
62 |
63 | for line in specFile.readlines():
64 |
65 | # split line into tokens
66 | tokens = string.split(line)
67 |
68 | if len(tokens) > 0 and line[0] != '#':
69 |
70 | if tokens[0] == 'name':
71 | if record.name != '':
72 | # process the function now
73 | userFunc(record)
74 | # reset the record
75 | record = APIFunction()
76 |
77 | record.name = tokens[1]
78 |
79 | elif tokens[0] == 'return':
80 | record.returnType = string.join(tokens[1:], ' ')
81 |
82 | elif tokens[0] == 'param':
83 | name = tokens[1]
84 | type = string.join(tokens[2:], ' ')
85 | vecSize = 0
86 | record.params.append((name, type, vecSize))
87 |
88 | elif tokens[0] == 'paramprop':
89 | name = tokens[1]
90 | str = tokens[2:]
91 | enums = []
92 | for i in range(len(str)):
93 | enums.append(str[i])
94 | record.paramprop.append((name, enums))
95 |
96 | elif tokens[0] == 'paramlist':
97 | name = tokens[1]
98 | str = tokens[2:]
99 | list = []
100 | for i in range(len(str)):
101 | list.append(str[i])
102 | record.paramlist.append((name,list))
103 |
104 | elif tokens[0] == 'paramvec':
105 | name = tokens[1]
106 | str = tokens[2:]
107 | vec = []
108 | for i in range(len(str)):
109 | vec.append(str[i])
110 | record.paramvec.append((name,vec))
111 |
112 | elif tokens[0] == 'paramset':
113 | line = tokens[1:]
114 | result = []
115 | for i in range(len(line)):
116 | tset = line[i]
117 | if tset == '[':
118 | nlist = []
119 | elif tset == ']':
120 | result.append(nlist)
121 | nlist = []
122 | else:
123 | nlist.append(tset)
124 | if result != []:
125 | record.paramset.append(result)
126 |
127 | elif tokens[0] == 'paramaction':
128 | name = tokens[1]
129 | str = tokens[2:]
130 | list = []
131 | for i in range(len(str)):
132 | list.append(str[i])
133 | record.paramaction.append((name,list))
134 |
135 | elif tokens[0] == 'category':
136 | record.category = tokens[1]
137 |
138 | elif tokens[0] == 'offset':
139 | if tokens[1] == '?':
140 | record.offset = -2
141 | else:
142 | record.offset = int(tokens[1])
143 |
144 | elif tokens[0] == 'alias':
145 | record.alias = tokens[1]
146 |
147 | elif tokens[0] == 'vectoralias':
148 | record.vectoralias = tokens[1]
149 |
150 | elif tokens[0] == 'props':
151 | record.props = tokens[1:]
152 |
153 | elif tokens[0] == 'chromium':
154 | record.chromium = tokens[1:]
155 |
156 | elif tokens[0] == 'vector':
157 | vecName = tokens[1]
158 | vecSize = int(tokens[2])
159 | for i in range(len(record.params)):
160 | (name, type, oldSize) = record.params[i]
161 | if name == vecName:
162 | record.params[i] = (name, type, vecSize)
163 | break
164 |
165 | elif tokens[0] == 'chrelopcode':
166 | record.chrelopcode = int(tokens[1])
167 |
168 | else:
169 | print 'Invalid token %s after function %s' % (tokens[0], record.name)
170 | #endif
171 | #endif
172 | #endfor
173 | specFile.close()
174 | #enddef
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
180 | # Dictionary [name] of APIFunction:
181 | __FunctionDict = {}
182 |
183 | # Dictionary [name] of name
184 | __VectorVersion = {}
185 |
186 | # Reverse mapping of function name aliases
187 | __ReverseAliases = {}
188 |
189 |
190 | def AddFunction(record):
191 | assert not __FunctionDict.has_key(record.name)
192 | #if not "omit" in record.chromium:
193 | __FunctionDict[record.name] = record
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 | def GetFunctionDict(specFile = ""):
198 | if not specFile:
199 | specFile = sys.argv[1]+"/APIspec.txt"
200 | if len(__FunctionDict) == 0:
201 | ProcessSpecFile(specFile, AddFunction)
202 | # Look for vector aliased functions
203 | for func in __FunctionDict.keys():
204 | va = __FunctionDict[func].vectoralias
205 | if va != '':
206 | __VectorVersion[va] = func
207 | #endif
208 |
209 | # and look for regular aliases (for glloader)
210 | a = __FunctionDict[func].alias
211 | if a:
212 | __ReverseAliases[a] = func
213 | #endif
214 | #endfor
215 | #endif
216 | return __FunctionDict
217 |
218 |
219 | def GetAllFunctions(specFile = ""):
220 | """Return sorted list of all functions known to Chromium."""
221 | d = GetFunctionDict(specFile)
222 | funcs = []
223 | for func in d.keys():
224 | rec = d[func]
225 | if not "omit" in rec.chromium:
226 | funcs.append(func)
227 | funcs.sort()
228 | return funcs
229 |
230 | def GetAllFunctionsAndOmittedAliases(specFile = ""):
231 | """Return sorted list of all functions known to Chromium."""
232 | d = GetFunctionDict(specFile)
233 | funcs = []
234 | for func in d.keys():
235 | rec = d[func]
236 | if (not "omit" in rec.chromium or
237 | rec.alias != ''):
238 | funcs.append(func)
239 | funcs.sort()
240 | return funcs
241 |
242 | def GetDispatchedFunctions(specFile = ""):
243 | """Return sorted list of all functions handled by SPU dispatch table."""
244 | d = GetFunctionDict(specFile)
245 | funcs = []
246 | for func in d.keys():
247 | rec = d[func]
248 | if (not "omit" in rec.chromium and
249 | not "stub" in rec.chromium and
250 | rec.alias == ''):
251 | funcs.append(func)
252 | funcs.sort()
253 | return funcs
254 |
255 | #======================================================================
256 |
257 | def ReturnType(funcName):
258 | """Return the C return type of named function.
259 | Examples: "void" or "const GLubyte *". """
260 | d = GetFunctionDict()
261 | return d[funcName].returnType
262 |
263 |
264 | def Parameters(funcName):
265 | """Return list of tuples (name, type, vecSize) of function parameters.
266 | Example: if funcName=="ClipPlane" return
267 | [ ("plane", "GLenum", 0), ("equation", "const GLdouble *", 4) ] """
268 | d = GetFunctionDict()
269 | return d[funcName].params
270 |
271 | def ParamAction(funcName):
272 | """Return list of names of actions for testing.
273 | For PackerTest only."""
274 | d = GetFunctionDict()
275 | return d[funcName].paramaction
276 |
277 | def ParamList(funcName):
278 | """Return list of tuples (name, list of values) of function parameters.
279 | For PackerTest only."""
280 | d = GetFunctionDict()
281 | return d[funcName].paramlist
282 |
283 | def ParamVec(funcName):
284 | """Return list of tuples (name, vector of values) of function parameters.
285 | For PackerTest only."""
286 | d = GetFunctionDict()
287 | return d[funcName].paramvec
288 |
289 | def ParamSet(funcName):
290 | """Return list of tuples (name, list of values) of function parameters.
291 | For PackerTest only."""
292 | d = GetFunctionDict()
293 | return d[funcName].paramset
294 |
295 |
296 | def Properties(funcName):
297 | """Return list of properties of the named GL function."""
298 | d = GetFunctionDict()
299 | return d[funcName].props
300 |
301 | def AllWithProperty(property):
302 | """Return list of functions that have the named property."""
303 | funcs = []
304 | for funcName in GetDispatchedFunctions():
305 | if property in Properties(funcName):
306 | funcs.append(funcName)
307 | return funcs
308 |
309 | def Category(funcName):
310 | """Return the category of the named GL function."""
311 | d = GetFunctionDict()
312 | return d[funcName].category
313 |
314 | def ChromiumProps(funcName):
315 | """Return list of Chromium-specific properties of the named GL function."""
316 | d = GetFunctionDict()
317 | return d[funcName].chromium
318 |
319 | def ChromiumRelOpCode(funcName):
320 | """Return list of Chromium-specific properties of the named GL function."""
321 | d = GetFunctionDict()
322 | return d[funcName].chrelopcode
323 |
324 |
325 | def ParamProps(funcName):
326 | """Return list of Parameter-specific properties of the named GL function."""
327 | d = GetFunctionDict()
328 | return d[funcName].paramprop
329 |
330 | def Alias(funcName):
331 | """Return the function that the named function is an alias of.
332 | Ex: Alias('DrawArraysEXT') = 'DrawArrays'.
333 | """
334 | d = GetFunctionDict()
335 | return d[funcName].alias
336 |
337 |
338 | def ReverseAlias(funcName):
339 | """Like Alias(), but the inverse."""
340 | d = GetFunctionDict()
341 | if funcName in __ReverseAliases.keys():
342 | return __ReverseAliases[funcName]
343 | else:
344 | return ''
345 |
346 |
347 | def NonVectorFunction(funcName):
348 | """Return the non-vector version of the given function, or ''.
349 | For example: NonVectorFunction("Color3fv") = "Color3f"."""
350 | d = GetFunctionDict()
351 | return d[funcName].vectoralias
352 |
353 |
354 | def VectorFunction(funcName):
355 | """Return the vector version of the given non-vector-valued function,
356 | or ''.
357 | For example: VectorVersion("Color3f") = "Color3fv"."""
358 | d = GetFunctionDict()
359 | if funcName in __VectorVersion.keys():
360 | return __VectorVersion[funcName]
361 | else:
362 | return ''
363 |
364 |
365 | def GetCategoryWrapper(func_name):
366 | """Return a C preprocessor token to test in order to wrap code.
367 | This handles extensions.
368 | Example: GetTestWrapper("glActiveTextureARB") = "CR_multitexture"
369 | Example: GetTestWrapper("glBegin") = ""
370 | """
371 | cat = Category(func_name)
372 | if (cat == "1.0" or
373 | cat == "1.1" or
374 | cat == "1.2" or
375 | cat == "Chromium" or
376 | cat == "GL_chromium" or
377 | cat == "VBox"):
378 | return ''
379 | elif (cat == '1.3' or
380 | cat == '1.4' or
381 | cat == '1.5' or
382 | cat == '2.0' or
383 | cat == '2.1'):
384 | # i.e. OpenGL 1.3 or 1.4 or 1.5
385 | return "OPENGL_VERSION_" + string.replace(cat, ".", "_")
386 | else:
387 | assert cat != ''
388 | return string.replace(cat, "GL_", "")
389 |
390 |
391 | def CanCompile(funcName):
392 | """Return 1 if the function can be compiled into display lists, else 0."""
393 | props = Properties(funcName)
394 | if ("nolist" in props or
395 | "get" in props or
396 | "setclient" in props):
397 | return 0
398 | else:
399 | return 1
400 |
401 | def HasChromiumProperty(funcName, propertyList):
402 | """Return 1 if the function or any alias has any property in the
403 | propertyList"""
404 | for funcAlias in [funcName, NonVectorFunction(funcName), VectorFunction(funcName)]:
405 | if funcAlias:
406 | props = ChromiumProps(funcAlias)
407 | for p in propertyList:
408 | if p in props:
409 | return 1
410 | return 0
411 |
412 | def CanPack(funcName):
413 | """Return 1 if the function can be packed, else 0."""
414 | return HasChromiumProperty(funcName, ['pack', 'extpack', 'expandpack'])
415 |
416 | def HasPackOpcode(funcName):
417 | """Return 1 if the function has a true pack opcode"""
418 | return HasChromiumProperty(funcName, ['pack', 'extpack'])
419 |
420 | def SetsState(funcName):
421 | """Return 1 if the function sets server-side state, else 0."""
422 | props = Properties(funcName)
423 |
424 | # Exceptions. The first set of these functions *do* have
425 | # server-side state-changing effects, but will be missed
426 | # by the general query, because they either render (e.g.
427 | # Bitmap) or do not compile into display lists (e.g. all the others).
428 | #
429 | # The second set do *not* have server-side state-changing
430 | # effects, despite the fact that they do not render
431 | # and can be compiled. They are control functions
432 | # that are not trackable via state.
433 | if funcName in ['Bitmap', 'DeleteTextures', 'FeedbackBuffer',
434 | 'RenderMode', 'BindBufferARB', 'DeleteFencesNV']:
435 | return 1
436 | elif funcName in ['ExecuteProgramNV']:
437 | return 0
438 |
439 | # All compilable functions that do not render and that do
440 | # not set or use client-side state (e.g. DrawArrays, et al.), set
441 | # server-side state.
442 | if CanCompile(funcName) and "render" not in props and "useclient" not in props and "setclient" not in props:
443 | return 1
444 |
445 | # All others don't set server-side state.
446 | return 0
447 |
448 | def SetsClientState(funcName):
449 | """Return 1 if the function sets client-side state, else 0."""
450 | props = Properties(funcName)
451 | if "setclient" in props:
452 | return 1
453 | return 0
454 |
455 | def SetsTrackedState(funcName):
456 | """Return 1 if the function sets state that is tracked by
457 | the state tracker, else 0."""
458 | # These functions set state, but aren't tracked by the state
459 | # tracker for various reasons:
460 | # - because the state tracker doesn't manage display lists
461 | # (e.g. CallList and CallLists)
462 | # - because the client doesn't have information about what
463 | # the server supports, so the function has to go to the
464 | # server (e.g. CompressedTexImage calls)
465 | # - because they require a round-trip to the server (e.g.
466 | # the CopyTexImage calls, SetFenceNV, TrackMatrixNV)
467 | if funcName in [
468 | 'CopyTexImage1D', 'CopyTexImage2D',
469 | 'CopyTexSubImage1D', 'CopyTexSubImage2D', 'CopyTexSubImage3D',
470 | 'CallList', 'CallLists',
471 | 'CompressedTexImage1DARB', 'CompressedTexSubImage1DARB',
472 | 'CompressedTexImage2DARB', 'CompressedTexSubImage2DARB',
473 | 'CompressedTexImage3DARB', 'CompressedTexSubImage3DARB',
474 | 'SetFenceNV'
475 | ]:
476 | return 0
477 |
478 | # Anything else that affects client-side state is trackable.
479 | if SetsClientState(funcName):
480 | return 1
481 |
482 | # Anything else that doesn't set state at all is certainly
483 | # not trackable.
484 | if not SetsState(funcName):
485 | return 0
486 |
487 | # Per-vertex state isn't tracked the way other state is
488 | # tracked, so it is specifically excluded.
489 | if "pervertex" in Properties(funcName):
490 | return 0
491 |
492 | # Everything else is fine
493 | return 1
494 |
495 | def UsesClientState(funcName):
496 | """Return 1 if the function uses client-side state, else 0."""
497 | props = Properties(funcName)
498 | if "pixelstore" in props or "useclient" in props:
499 | return 1
500 | return 0
501 |
502 | def IsQuery(funcName):
503 | """Return 1 if the function returns information to the user, else 0."""
504 | props = Properties(funcName)
505 | if "get" in props:
506 | return 1
507 | return 0
508 |
509 | def FuncGetsState(funcName):
510 | """Return 1 if the function gets GL state, else 0."""
511 | d = GetFunctionDict()
512 | props = Properties(funcName)
513 | if "get" in props:
514 | return 1
515 | else:
516 | return 0
517 |
518 | def IsPointer(dataType):
519 | """Determine if the datatype is a pointer. Return 1 or 0."""
520 | if string.find(dataType, "*") == -1:
521 | return 0
522 | else:
523 | return 1
524 |
525 |
526 | def PointerType(pointerType):
527 | """Return the type of a pointer.
528 | Ex: PointerType('const GLubyte *') = 'GLubyte'
529 | """
530 | t = string.split(pointerType, ' ')
531 | if t[0] == "const":
532 | t[0] = t[1]
533 | return t[0]
534 |
535 |
536 |
537 |
538 | def OpcodeName(funcName):
539 | """Return the C token for the opcode for the given function."""
540 | return "CR_" + string.upper(funcName) + "_OPCODE"
541 |
542 |
543 | def ExtendedOpcodeName(funcName):
544 | """Return the C token for the extended opcode for the given function."""
545 | return "CR_" + string.upper(funcName) + "_EXTEND_OPCODE"
546 |
547 |
548 |
549 |
550 | #======================================================================
551 |
552 | def MakeCallString(params):
553 | """Given a list of (name, type, vectorSize) parameters, make a C-style
554 | formal parameter string.
555 | Ex return: 'index, x, y, z'.
556 | """
557 | result = ''
558 | i = 1
559 | n = len(params)
560 | for (name, type, vecSize) in params:
561 | result += name
562 | if i < n:
563 | result = result + ', '
564 | i += 1
565 | #endfor
566 | return result
567 | #enddef
568 |
569 |
570 | def MakeDeclarationString(params):
571 | """Given a list of (name, type, vectorSize) parameters, make a C-style
572 | parameter declaration string.
573 | Ex return: 'GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z'.
574 | """
575 | n = len(params)
576 | if n == 0:
577 | return 'void'
578 | else:
579 | result = ''
580 | i = 1
581 | for (name, type, vecSize) in params:
582 | result = result + type + ' ' + name
583 | if i < n:
584 | result = result + ', '
585 | i += 1
586 | #endfor
587 | return result
588 | #endif
589 | #enddef
590 |
591 | def MakeDeclarationStringWithContext(ctx_macro_prefix, params):
592 | """Same as MakeDeclarationString, but adds a context macro
593 | """
594 |
595 | n = len(params)
596 | if n == 0:
597 | return ctx_macro_prefix + '_ARGSINGLEDECL'
598 | else:
599 | result = MakeDeclarationString(params)
600 | return ctx_macro_prefix + '_ARGDECL ' + result
601 | #endif
602 | #enddef
603 |
604 |
605 | def MakePrototypeString(params):
606 | """Given a list of (name, type, vectorSize) parameters, make a C-style
607 | parameter prototype string (types only).
608 | Ex return: 'GLuint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat'.
609 | """
610 | n = len(params)
611 | if n == 0:
612 | return 'void'
613 | else:
614 | result = ''
615 | i = 1
616 | for (name, type, vecSize) in params:
617 | result = result + type
618 | # see if we need a comma separator
619 | if i < n:
620 | result = result + ', '
621 | i += 1
622 | #endfor
623 | return result
624 | #endif
625 | #enddef
626 |
627 |
628 | #======================================================================
629 |
630 | __lengths = {
631 | 'GLbyte': 1,
632 | 'GLubyte': 1,
633 | 'GLshort': 2,
634 | 'GLushort': 2,
635 | 'GLint': 4,
636 | 'GLuint': 4,
637 | 'GLfloat': 4,
638 | 'GLclampf': 4,
639 | 'GLdouble': 8,
640 | 'GLclampd': 8,
641 | 'GLenum': 4,
642 | 'GLboolean': 1,
643 | 'GLsizei': 4,
644 | 'GLbitfield': 4,
645 | 'void': 0, # XXX why?
646 | 'int': 4,
647 | 'GLintptrARB': 4, # XXX or 8 bytes?
648 | 'GLsizeiptrARB': 4, # XXX or 8 bytes?
649 | 'GLhandleARB': 4,
650 | 'GLcharARB': 1,
651 | 'uintptr_t': 4
652 | }
653 |
654 | def sizeof(type):
655 | """Return size of C datatype, in bytes."""
656 | if not type in __lengths.keys():
657 | print >>sys.stderr, "%s not in lengths!" % type
658 | return __lengths[type]
659 |
660 |
661 | #======================================================================
662 | align_types = 1
663 |
664 | def FixAlignment( pos, alignment ):
665 | # if we want double-alignment take word-alignment instead,
666 | # yes, this is super-lame, but we know what we are doing
667 | if alignment > 4:
668 | alignment = 4
669 | if align_types and alignment and ( pos % alignment ):
670 | pos += alignment - ( pos % alignment )
671 | return pos
672 |
673 | def WordAlign( pos ):
674 | return FixAlignment( pos, 4 )
675 |
676 | def PointerSize():
677 | return 8 # Leave room for a 64 bit pointer
678 |
679 | def PacketLength( params ):
680 | len = 0
681 | for (name, type, vecSize) in params:
682 | if IsPointer(type):
683 | size = PointerSize()
684 | else:
685 | assert string.find(type, "const") == -1
686 | size = sizeof(type)
687 | len = FixAlignment( len, size ) + size
688 | len = WordAlign( len )
689 | return len
690 |
691 | #======================================================================
692 |
693 | __specials = {}
694 |
695 | def LoadSpecials( filename ):
696 | table = {}
697 | try:
698 | f = open( filename, "r" )
699 | except:
700 | # try:
701 | f = open( sys.argv[2]+"/"+filename, "r")
702 | # except:
703 | # __specials[filename] = {}
704 | # print "%s not present" % filename
705 | # return {}
706 |
707 | for line in f.readlines():
708 | line = string.strip(line)
709 | if line == "" or line[0] == '#':
710 | continue
711 | table[line] = 1
712 |
713 | __specials[filename] = table
714 | return table
715 |
716 |
717 | def FindSpecial( table_file, glName ):
718 | table = {}
719 | filename = table_file + "_special"
720 | try:
721 | table = __specials[filename]
722 | except KeyError:
723 | table = LoadSpecials( filename )
724 |
725 | try:
726 | if (table[glName] == 1):
727 | return 1
728 | else:
729 | return 0 #should never happen
730 | except KeyError:
731 | return 0
732 |
733 |
734 | def AllSpecials( table_file ):
735 | table = {}
736 | filename = table_file + "_special"
737 | try:
738 | table = __specials[filename]
739 | except KeyError:
740 | table = LoadSpecials( filename )
741 |
742 | keys = table.keys()
743 | keys.sort()
744 | return keys
745 |
746 |
747 | def AllSpecials( table_file ):
748 | filename = table_file + "_special"
749 | table = {}
750 | try:
751 | table = __specials[filename]
752 | except KeyError:
753 | table = LoadSpecials(filename)
754 |
755 | ret = table.keys()
756 | ret.sort()
757 | return ret
758 |
759 |
760 | def NumSpecials( table_file ):
761 | filename = table_file + "_special"
762 | table = {}
763 | try:
764 | table = __specials[filename]
765 | except KeyError:
766 | table = LoadSpecials(filename)
767 | return len(table.keys())
768 |
769 | def PrintRecord(record):
770 | argList = MakeDeclarationString(record.params)
771 | if record.category == "Chromium":
772 | prefix = "cr"
773 | else:
774 | prefix = "gl"
775 | print '%s %s%s(%s);' % (record.returnType, prefix, record.name, argList )
776 | if len(record.props) > 0:
777 | print ' /* %s */' % string.join(record.props, ' ')
778 |
779 | #ProcessSpecFile("APIspec.txt", PrintRecord)
780 |