1 | /* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | * All rights reserved.
3 | *
4 | * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 | */
6 |
7 | #ifndef CR_GLSTATE_H
8 | #define CR_GLSTATE_H
9 |
10 | /* Forward declaration since some of the state/cr_*.h files need the CRContext type */
11 | struct CRContext;
12 | typedef struct CRContext CRContext;
13 |
14 | #include "cr_version.h"
15 |
16 | #include "state/cr_buffer.h"
17 | #include "state/cr_bufferobject.h"
18 | #include "state/cr_client.h"
19 | #include "state/cr_current.h"
20 | #include "state/cr_evaluators.h"
21 | #include "state/cr_feedback.h"
22 | #include "state/cr_fog.h"
23 | #include "state/cr_hint.h"
24 | #include "state/cr_lighting.h"
25 | #include "state/cr_limits.h"
26 | #include "state/cr_line.h"
27 | #include "state/cr_lists.h"
28 | #include "state/cr_multisample.h"
29 | #include "state/cr_occlude.h"
30 | #include "state/cr_pixel.h"
31 | #include "state/cr_point.h"
32 | #include "state/cr_polygon.h"
33 | #include "state/cr_program.h"
34 | #include "state/cr_regcombiner.h"
35 | #include "state/cr_stencil.h"
36 | #include "state/cr_texture.h"
37 | #include "state/cr_transform.h"
38 | #include "state/cr_viewport.h"
39 | #include "state/cr_attrib.h"
40 | #include "state/cr_framebuffer.h"
41 | #include "state/cr_glsl.h"
42 |
43 | #include "state/cr_statefuncs.h"
44 | #include "state/cr_stateerror.h"
45 |
46 | #include "spu_dispatch_table.h"
47 |
49 | # include <cr_threads.h>
50 | #endif
51 |
52 | #include <iprt/cdefs.h>
53 |
54 | #ifndef IN_GUEST
55 | # include <VBox/vmm/ssm.h>
56 | #endif
57 |
58 | #define CR_MAX_EXTENTS 256
59 |
60 | #ifdef __cplusplus
61 | extern "C" {
62 | #endif
63 |
64 | /**
65 | * Bit vectors describing GL state
66 | */
67 | typedef struct {
68 | CRAttribBits attrib;
69 | CRBufferBits buffer;
70 | #ifdef CR_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
71 | CRBufferObjectBits bufferobject;
72 | #endif
73 | CRClientBits client;
74 | CRCurrentBits current;
75 | CREvaluatorBits eval;
76 | CRFeedbackBits feedback;
77 | CRFogBits fog;
78 | CRHintBits hint;
79 | CRLightingBits lighting;
80 | CRLineBits line;
81 | CRListsBits lists;
82 | CRMultisampleBits multisample;
83 | #if CR_ARB_occlusion_query
84 | CROcclusionBits occlusion;
85 | #endif
86 | CRPixelBits pixel;
87 | CRPointBits point;
88 | CRPolygonBits polygon;
89 | CRProgramBits program;
90 | CRRegCombinerBits regcombiner;
91 | CRSelectionBits selection;
92 | CRStencilBits stencil;
93 | CRTextureBits texture;
94 | CRTransformBits transform;
95 | CRViewportBits viewport;
96 | } CRStateBits;
97 |
98 | typedef void (*CRStateFlushFunc)( void *arg );
99 |
100 |
101 | typedef struct _CRSharedState {
102 | CRHashTable *textureTable; /* all texture objects */
103 | CRHashTable *dlistTable; /* all display lists */
104 | CRHashTable *buffersTable; /* vbo/pbo */
105 | CRHashTable *fbTable; /* frame buffers */
106 | CRHashTable *rbTable; /* render buffers */
107 |
108 | GLint refCount;
109 | GLint id; /*unique shared state id, it's not always matching some existing context id!*/
110 | GLint saveCount;
111 |
112 | /* Indicates that we have to resend data to GPU on first glMakeCurrent call with owning context */
113 | GLboolean bTexResyncNeeded;
114 | GLboolean bVBOResyncNeeded;
115 | GLboolean bFBOResyncNeeded;
116 | } CRSharedState;
117 |
118 |
119 | /**
120 | * Chromium version of the state variables in OpenGL
121 | */
122 | struct CRContext {
123 | int id;
124 |
126 | /* we keep reference counting of context's makeCurrent for different threads
127 | * this is primarily needed to avoid having an invalid memory reference in the TLS
128 | * when the context is assigned to more than one threads and then destroyed from
129 | * one of those, i.e.
130 | * 1. Thread1 -> MakeCurrent(ctx1);
131 | * 2. Thread2 -> MakeCurrent(ctx1);
132 | * 3. Thread1 -> Destroy(ctx1);
133 | * => Thread2 still refers to destroyed ctx1
134 | * */
136 | #endif
137 |
138 | CRbitvalue bitid[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
139 | CRbitvalue neg_bitid[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
140 |
141 | CRSharedState *shared;
142 |
143 | GLenum renderMode;
144 |
145 | GLenum error;
146 |
147 | CRStateFlushFunc flush_func;
148 | void *flush_arg;
149 |
150 | CRAttribState attrib;
151 | CRBufferState buffer;
152 | #ifdef CR_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
153 | CRBufferObjectState bufferobject;
154 | #endif
155 | CRClientState client;
156 | CRCurrentState current;
157 | CREvaluatorState eval;
158 | CRExtensionState extensions;
159 | CRFeedbackState feedback;
160 | CRFogState fog;
161 | CRHintState hint;
162 | CRLightingState lighting;
163 | CRLimitsState limits;
164 | CRLineState line;
165 | CRListsState lists;
166 | CRMultisampleState multisample;
167 | #if CR_ARB_occlusion_query
168 | CROcclusionState occlusion;
169 | #endif
170 | CRPixelState pixel;
171 | CRPointState point;
172 | CRPolygonState polygon;
173 | CRProgramState program;
174 | CRRegCombinerState regcombiner;
175 | CRSelectionState selection;
176 | CRStencilState stencil;
177 | CRTextureState texture;
178 | CRTransformState transform;
179 | CRViewportState viewport;
180 |
181 | #ifdef CR_EXT_framebuffer_object
182 | CRFramebufferObjectState framebufferobject;
183 | #endif
184 |
185 | #ifdef CR_OPENGL_VERSION_2_0
186 | CRGLSLState glsl;
187 | #endif
188 |
189 | /** For buffering vertices for selection/feedback */
190 | /*@{*/
191 | GLuint vCount;
192 | CRVertex vBuffer[4];
193 | GLboolean lineReset;
194 | GLboolean lineLoop;
195 | /*@}*/
196 | };
197 |
198 |
199 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateInit(void);
200 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateDestroy(void);
201 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateVBoxDetachThread();
202 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateVBoxAttachThread();
203 | DECLEXPORT(CRContext *) crStateCreateContext(const CRLimitsState *limits, GLint visBits, CRContext *share);
204 | DECLEXPORT(CRContext *) crStateCreateContextEx(const CRLimitsState *limits, GLint visBits, CRContext *share, GLint presetID);
205 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateMakeCurrent(CRContext *ctx);
206 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateSetCurrent(CRContext *ctx);
207 | DECLEXPORT(CRContext *) crStateGetCurrent(void);
208 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateDestroyContext(CRContext *ctx);
209 | DECLEXPORT(GLboolean) crStateEnableDiffOnMakeCurrent(GLboolean fEnable);
210 |
211 | CRContext * crStateSwichPrepare(CRContext *toCtx);
212 | void crStateSwichPostprocess(CRContext *fromCtx);
213 |
214 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateFlushFunc( CRStateFlushFunc ff );
215 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateFlushArg( void *arg );
216 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateDiffAPI( SPUDispatchTable *api );
217 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateUpdateColorBits( void );
218 |
219 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateSetCurrentPointers( CRContext *ctx, CRCurrentStatePointers *current );
220 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateResetCurrentPointers( CRCurrentStatePointers *current );
221 |
222 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateSetExtensionString( CRContext *ctx, const GLubyte *extensions );
223 |
224 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateDiffContext( CRContext *from, CRContext *to );
225 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateSwitchContext( CRContext *from, CRContext *to );
226 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateApplyFBImage(CRContext *to);
227 |
228 | #ifndef IN_GUEST
229 | DECLEXPORT(int32_t) crStateSaveContext(CRContext *pContext, PSSMHANDLE pSSM);
230 | typedef DECLCALLBACK(CRContext*) FNCRSTATE_CONTEXT_GET(void*);
232 | DECLEXPORT(int32_t) crStateLoadContext(CRContext *pContext, CRHashTable * pCtxTable, PFNCRSTATE_CONTEXT_GET pfnCtxGet, PSSMHANDLE pSSM);
233 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateFreeShared(CRSharedState *s);
234 | #endif
235 |
236 |
237 | /* XXX move these! */
238 |
240 | crStateChromiumParameteriCR( GLenum target, GLint value );
241 |
243 | crStateChromiumParameterfCR( GLenum target, GLfloat value );
244 |
246 | crStateChromiumParametervCR( GLenum target, GLenum type, GLsizei count, const GLvoid *values );
247 |
249 | crStateGetChromiumParametervCR( GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum type,
250 | GLsizei count, GLvoid *values );
251 |
253 | crStateReadPixels( GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
254 | GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels );
255 |
256 | DECLEXPORT(void) STATE_APIENTRY crStateShareContext(GLboolean value);
257 | DECLEXPORT(void) STATE_APIENTRY crStateSetSharedContext(CRContext *pCtx);
258 | DECLEXPORT(GLboolean) STATE_APIENTRY crStateContextIsShared(CRContext *pCtx);
259 |
260 | DECLEXPORT(void) STATE_APIENTRY crStateQueryHWState();
261 | #ifdef __cplusplus
262 | }
263 | #endif
264 |
265 | #endif /* CR_GLSTATE_H */