1 | /* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | * All rights reserved.
3 | *
4 | * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 | */
6 |
7 | #ifndef CR_NET_H
8 | #define CR_NET_H
9 |
10 | #ifdef WINDOWS
11 | #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
12 | # ifndef VBOX
13 | #pragma warning( push, 3 ) /* shut up about warnings in YOUR OWN HEADER FILES!!! */
14 | #include <winsock.h>
15 | # else
16 | # include <iprt/win/winsock.h>
17 | # endif /* VBOX */
18 | #endif
19 |
20 | #include <stdio.h>
21 |
22 | #ifndef WINDOWS
23 | #include <sys/socket.h>
24 | #ifndef DARWIN
25 | #ifdef AF_INET6
26 | /* getaddrinfo & co appeared with ipv6 */
27 | #define ADDRINFO
28 | #endif
29 | #endif
30 | #include <netinet/in.h>
31 | #endif
32 |
33 | #ifdef SunOS
34 | #include <sys/types.h>
35 | #endif
36 |
37 | #include "cr_protocol.h"
38 | #include "cr_threads.h"
39 |
40 | #include <iprt/types.h>
41 | #include <iprt/thread.h>
42 | #include <iprt/list.h>
43 |
44 | #ifdef __cplusplus
45 | extern "C" {
46 | #endif
47 |
48 | #define DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT 7000
49 |
50 | /* If you change this, update DefaultMothershipPort in mothership.py */
51 | #define DEFAULT_MOTHERSHIP_PORT 10000
52 |
53 | typedef struct CRConnection CRConnection;
54 |
55 | typedef enum {
57 | CR_SDP,
58 | CR_TCPIP,
60 | CR_FILE,
61 | CR_GM,
62 | CR_IB,
63 | CR_TEAC,
67 | } CRConnectionType;
68 |
69 | #if defined(WINDOWS)
70 | typedef SOCKET CRSocket;
71 | #else
72 | typedef int CRSocket;
73 | #endif
74 |
75 | typedef void (*CRVoidFunc)( void );
76 | typedef int (*CRNetReceiveFunc)( CRConnection *conn, CRMessage *msg, unsigned int len );
77 | typedef int (*CRNetConnectFunc)( CRConnection *conn );
78 | typedef void (*CRNetCloseFunc)( unsigned int sender_id );
79 |
80 | typedef struct __recvFuncList {
81 | CRNetReceiveFunc recv;
82 | struct __recvFuncList *next;
83 | } CRNetReceiveFuncList;
84 |
85 | typedef struct __closeFuncList {
86 | CRNetCloseFunc close;
87 | struct __closeFuncList *next;
88 | } CRNetCloseFuncList;
89 |
90 | typedef struct __messageListNode {
91 | CRMessage *mesg; /* the actual message (header + payload) */
92 | unsigned int len; /* length of message (header + payload) */
93 | CRConnection *conn; /* some messages are assoc. with specific connections*/
94 | struct __messageListNode *next; /* next in list */
95 | } CRMessageListNode;
96 |
97 | typedef struct {
98 | CRMessageListNode *head, *tail;
99 | int numMessages;
100 | CRmutex lock;
101 | CRcondition nonEmpty;
102 | } CRMessageList;
103 |
104 |
105 | /**
106 | * Used to accumulate CR_MESSAGE_MULTI_BODY/TAIL chunks into one big buffer.
107 | */
108 | typedef struct CRMultiBuffer {
109 | unsigned int len; /* current length (<= max) (with sizeof_buffer_header) */
110 | unsigned int max; /* size in bytes of data buffer */
111 | void *buf; /* data buffer */
112 | } CRMultiBuffer;
113 |
114 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_CRHGSMI
115 | # ifdef IN_GUEST
116 | typedef struct CRVBOXHGSMI_CLIENT {
117 | struct VBOXUHGSMI *pHgsmi;
118 | struct VBOXUHGSMI_BUFFER *pCmdBuffer;
119 | struct VBOXUHGSMI_BUFFER *pHGBuffer;
120 | void *pvHGBuffer;
121 | struct CRBufferPool_t *bufpool;
123 | #endif /* IN_GUEST */
124 | #endif /* #ifdef VBOX_WITH_CRHGSMI */
125 | /**
126 | * Chromium network connection (bidirectional).
127 | */
128 | struct CRConnection {
129 | int ignore;
130 | CRConnectionType type;
131 | unsigned int id; /* obtained from the mothership (if brokered) */
132 |
133 | /* List of messages that we've received on the network connection but
134 | * nobody has yet consumed.
135 | */
136 | CRMessageList messageList;
137 |
138 | CRMultiBuffer multi;
139 |
140 | unsigned int mtu; /* max transmission unit size (in bytes) */
141 | unsigned int buffer_size;
142 | unsigned int krecv_buf_size;
143 | int broker; /* is connection brokered through mothership? */
144 | int threaded; /* is this a threaded connection? */
145 | int endianness, swap;
146 | int actual_network; /* is this a real network? */
147 |
148 | unsigned char *userbuf;
149 | int userbuf_len;
150 |
151 | char *hostname;
152 | int port;
153 |
154 | /* To allocate a data buffer of size conn->buffer_size bytes */
155 | void *(*Alloc)( CRConnection *conn );
156 | /* To indicate the client's done with a data buffer */
157 | void (*Free)( CRConnection *conn, void *buf );
158 | /* To send a data buffer. If bufp is non-null, it must have been obtained
159 | * from Alloc() and it'll be freed when Send() returns.
160 | */
161 | void (*Send)( CRConnection *conn, void **buf, const void *start, unsigned int len );
162 | /* To send a data buffer than can optionally be dropped on the floor */
163 | void (*Barf)( CRConnection *conn, void **buf, const void *start, unsigned int len );
164 | /* To send 'len' bytes from buffer at 'start', no funny business */
165 | void (*SendExact)( CRConnection *conn, const void *start, unsigned int len );
166 | /* To receive data. 'len' bytes will be placed into 'buf'. */
167 | void (*Recv)( CRConnection *conn, void *buf, unsigned int len );
168 | /* To receive one message on the connection */
169 | void (*RecvMsg)( CRConnection *conn );
170 | /* What's this??? */
171 | void (*InstantReclaim)( CRConnection *conn, CRMessage *mess );
172 | /* Called when a full CR_MESSAGE_MULTI_HEAD/TAIL message has been received */
173 | void (*HandleNewMessage)( CRConnection *conn, CRMessage *mess, unsigned int len );
174 | /* To accept a new connection from a client */
175 | void (*Accept)( CRConnection *conn, const char *hostname, unsigned short port );
176 | /* To connect to a server (return 0 if error, 1 if success) */
177 | int (*Connect)( CRConnection *conn );
178 | /* To disconnect from a server */
179 | void (*Disconnect)( CRConnection *conn );
180 |
181 | unsigned int sizeof_buffer_header;
182 |
183 | /* logging */
184 | int total_bytes_sent;
185 | int total_bytes_recv;
186 | int recv_count;
187 | int opcodes_count;
188 |
189 | /* credits for flow control */
190 | int send_credits;
191 | int recv_credits;
192 |
193 | /* TCP/IP */
194 | CRSocket tcp_socket;
195 | int index;
196 |
197 | CRSocket sdp_socket;
198 |
199 | /* UDP/IP */
200 | CRSocket udp_socket;
201 | #ifndef ADDRINFO
202 | struct sockaddr_in remoteaddr;
203 | #else
204 | struct sockaddr_storage remoteaddr;
205 | #endif
206 |
207 | /* UDP/TCP/IP */
208 | unsigned int seq;
209 | unsigned int ack;
210 | void *udp_packet;
211 | int udp_packetlen;
212 |
213 | /* FILE Tracing */
214 | enum { CR_FILE_WRITE, CR_FILE_READ } file_direction;
215 | char *filename;
216 | int fd;
217 |
218 | /* Myrinet GM */
219 | unsigned int gm_node_id;
220 | unsigned int gm_port_num;
221 |
222 | /* Mellanox IB */
223 | unsigned int ib_node_id;
224 | unsigned int ib_port_num;
225 |
226 | /* Quadrics Elan3 (teac) */
227 | int teac_id;
228 | int teac_rank;
229 |
230 | /* Quadrics Elan3 (tcscomm) */
231 | int tcscomm_id;
232 | int tcscomm_rank;
233 |
234 | /* VBox HGCM */
235 | uint32_t u32ClientID;
236 | uint8_t *pBuffer;
237 | uint32_t cbBuffer;
238 | uint8_t *pHostBuffer;
239 | uint32_t cbHostBufferAllocated;
240 | uint32_t cbHostBuffer;
241 | #ifdef IN_GUEST
242 | uint32_t u32InjectClientID;
243 | # ifdef VBOX_WITH_CRHGSMI
245 | struct VBOXUHGSMI *pExternalHgsmi;
246 | # endif
247 | #else
248 | # ifdef VBOX_WITH_CRHGSMI
249 | struct _crclient *pClient; /* back reference, just for simplicity */
251 | # endif
252 | RTLISTANCHOR PendingMsgList;
253 | #endif
254 | /* Used on host side to indicate that we are not allowed to store above pointers for later use
255 | * in crVBoxHGCMReceiveMessage. As those messages are going to be processed after the corresponding
256 | * HGCM call is finished and memory is freed. So we have to store a copy.
257 | * This happens when message processing for client associated with this connection
258 | * is blocked by another client, which has send us glBegin call and we're waiting to receive glEnd.
259 | */
260 | uint8_t allow_redir_ptr;
261 |
262 | uint32_t vMajor, vMinor; /*Protocol version*/
263 | };
264 |
265 |
266 | /*
267 | * Network functions
268 | */
269 | extern DECLEXPORT(int) crGetHostname( char *buf, unsigned int len );
270 |
271 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crNetInit( CRNetReceiveFunc recvFunc, CRNetCloseFunc closeFunc );
272 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crNetTearDown(void);
273 |
274 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) *crNetAlloc( CRConnection *conn );
275 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crNetFree( CRConnection *conn, void *buf );
276 |
277 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crNetAccept( CRConnection *conn, const char *hostname, unsigned short port );
278 | extern DECLEXPORT(int) crNetConnect( CRConnection *conn );
279 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crNetDisconnect( CRConnection *conn );
280 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crNetFreeConnection( CRConnection *conn );
281 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crCloseSocket( CRSocket sock );
282 |
283 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crNetSend( CRConnection *conn, void **bufp, const void *start, unsigned int len );
284 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crNetBarf( CRConnection *conn, void **bufp, const void *start, unsigned int len );
285 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crNetSendExact( CRConnection *conn, const void *start, unsigned int len );
286 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crNetSingleRecv( CRConnection *conn, void *buf, unsigned int len );
287 | extern DECLEXPORT(unsigned int) crNetGetMessage( CRConnection *conn, CRMessage **message );
288 | extern DECLEXPORT(unsigned int) crNetPeekMessage( CRConnection *conn, CRMessage **message );
289 | extern DECLEXPORT(int) crNetNumMessages(CRConnection *conn);
290 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crNetReadline( CRConnection *conn, void *buf );
291 | extern DECLEXPORT(int) crNetRecv(
292 | #if defined(VBOX_WITH_CRHGSMI) && defined(IN_GUEST)
293 | CRConnection *conn
294 | #else
295 | void
296 | #endif
297 | );
298 | #if defined(VBOX_WITH_CRHGSMI) && defined(IN_GUEST)
299 | #define CR_WRITEBACK_WAIT(_conn, _writeback) do { \
300 | while (_writeback) { \
301 | RTThreadYield(); \
302 | crNetRecv(_conn); \
303 | } \
304 | } while (0)
305 | #else
306 | #define CR_WRITEBACK_WAIT(_conn, _writeback) do { \
307 | while (_writeback) { \
308 | RTThreadYield(); \
309 | crNetRecv(); \
310 | } \
311 | } while (0)
312 |
313 | #endif
314 | #ifdef IN_GUEST
315 | extern DECLEXPORT(uint32_t) crNetHostCapsGet(void);
316 | #endif
317 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crNetDefaultRecv( CRConnection *conn, CRMessage *msg, unsigned int len );
318 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crNetDispatchMessage( CRNetReceiveFuncList *rfl, CRConnection *conn, CRMessage *msg, unsigned int len );
319 |
320 | extern DECLEXPORT(CRConnection *) crNetConnectToServer( const char *server, unsigned short default_port, int mtu, int broker
321 | #if defined(VBOX_WITH_CRHGSMI) && defined(IN_GUEST)
322 | , struct VBOXUHGSMI *pHgsmi
323 | #endif
324 | );
325 | extern DECLEXPORT(CRConnection *) crNetAcceptClient( const char *protocol, const char *hostname, unsigned short port, unsigned int mtu, int broker );
326 |
327 |
328 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crInitMessageList(CRMessageList *list);
329 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crEnqueueMessage(CRMessageList *list, CRMessage *msg, unsigned int len, CRConnection *conn);
330 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crDequeueMessage(CRMessageList *list, CRMessage **msg, unsigned int *len, CRConnection **conn);
331 |
332 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crNetRecvReadPixels( const CRMessageReadPixels *rp, unsigned int len );
333 |
334 |
335 | /*
336 | * Quadrics stuff
337 | */
340 |
341 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crNetSetRank( int my_rank );
342 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crNetSetContextRange( int low_context, int high_context );
343 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crNetSetNodeRange( const char *low_node, const char *high_node );
344 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crNetSetKey( const unsigned char* key, const int keyLength );
345 |
346 |
347 | /*
348 | * Socket callback facility
349 | */
350 | #define CR_SOCKET_CREATE 1
351 | #define CR_SOCKET_DESTROY 2
352 | typedef void (*CRSocketCallbackProc)(int mode, int socket);
353 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crRegisterSocketCallback(int mode, CRSocketCallbackProc proc);
354 |
355 |
356 | #ifdef __cplusplus
357 | }
358 | #endif
359 |
360 | #endif /* CR_NET_H */