1 | /* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | * All rights reserved.
3 | *
4 | * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 | */
6 |
9 |
10 | #include "cr_spu.h"
11 | #include "cr_net.h"
12 | #include "cr_hash.h"
13 | #include "cr_protocol.h"
14 | #include "cr_glstate.h"
15 | #include "spu_dispatch_table.h"
16 |
17 | #include "state/cr_currentpointers.h"
18 |
19 | #include <iprt/types.h>
20 | #include <iprt/err.h>
21 |
22 | #include <VBox/vmm/ssm.h>
23 |
24 | #ifdef __cplusplus
25 | extern "C" {
26 | #endif
27 |
28 | #define SHCROGL_SSM_VERSION 26
29 |
30 | #define CR_MAX_WINDOWS 100
31 | #define CR_MAX_CLIENTS 64
32 |
33 | /*@todo must match MaxGuestMonitors from SchemaDefs.h*/
34 | #define CR_MAX_GUEST_MONITORS 8
35 |
36 | typedef DECLCALLBACKPTR(void, PFNCRSERVERPRESENTFBO) (void *data, int32_t screenId, int32_t x, int32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h);
37 |
38 | typedef struct {
39 | CRrecti imagewindow; /**< coordinates in mural space */
40 | CRrectf bounds; /**< normalized coordinates in [-1,-1] x [1,1] */
41 | CRrecti outputwindow; /**< coordinates in server's rendering window */
42 | CRrecti clippedImagewindow; /**< imagewindow clipped to current viewport */
43 | CRmatrix baseProjection; /**< pre-multiplied onto projection matrix */
44 | CRrecti scissorBox; /**< passed to back-end OpenGL */
45 | CRrecti viewport; /**< passed to back-end OpenGL */
46 | GLuint serialNo; /**< an optimization */
47 | } CRExtent;
48 |
49 | struct BucketingInfo;
50 |
51 | /**
52 | * Mural info
53 | */
54 | typedef struct {
55 | GLuint width, height;
56 | GLint gX, gY; /*guest coordinates*/
57 | GLint hX, hY; /*host coordinates, screenID related*/
58 |
59 | int spuWindow; /*the SPU's corresponding window ID */
60 |
61 | int screenId;
62 |
63 | GLboolean bVisible; /*guest window is visible*/
64 | GLboolean bUseFBO; /*redirect to FBO instead of real host window*/
65 |
66 | GLint cVisibleRects; /*count of visible rects*/
67 | GLint *pVisibleRects; /*visible rects left, top, right, bottom*/
68 | GLboolean bReceivedRects; /*indicates if guest did any updates for visible regions*/
69 |
70 | GLuint idFBO, idColorTex, idDepthStencilRB;
71 | GLuint fboWidth, fboHeight;
72 | GLuint idPBO;
73 | } CRMuralInfo;
74 |
75 | /**
76 | * A client is basically an upstream Cr Node (connected via mothership)
77 | */
78 | typedef struct _crclient {
79 | int spu_id; /**< id of the last SPU in the client's SPU chain */
80 | CRConnection *conn; /**< network connection from the client */
81 | int number; /**< a unique number for each client */
82 | uint64_t pid; /*guest pid*/
83 | GLint currentContextNumber;
84 | CRContext *currentCtx;
85 | GLint currentWindow;
86 | CRMuralInfo *currentMural;
87 | GLint windowList[CR_MAX_WINDOWS];
88 | GLint contextList[CR_MAX_CONTEXTS];
89 | #ifdef VBOXCR_LOGFPS
90 | uint64_t timeUsed;
91 | #endif
92 | } CRClient;
93 |
94 | typedef struct _crclientnode {
95 | CRClient *pClient;
96 | struct _crclientnode *prev, *next;
97 | } CRClientNode;
98 |
99 | typedef struct CRPoly_t {
100 | int npoints;
101 | double *points;
102 | struct CRPoly_t *next;
103 | } CRPoly;
104 |
105 | /**
106 | * There's one of these run queue entries per client
107 | * The run queue is a circular, doubly-linked list of these objects.
108 | */
109 | typedef struct RunQueue_t {
110 | CRClient *client;
111 | int blocked;
112 | struct RunQueue_t *next;
113 | struct RunQueue_t *prev;
114 | } RunQueue;
115 |
116 | typedef struct {
117 | GLint freeWindowID;
118 | GLint freeContextID;
119 | GLint freeClientID;
120 | } CRServerFreeIDsPool_t;
121 |
122 | typedef struct {
123 | int32_t x, y;
124 | uint32_t w, h;
125 | uint64_t winID;
126 | } CRScreenInfo;
127 |
128 | typedef struct {
129 | unsigned short tcpip_port;
130 |
131 | CRScreenInfo screen[CR_MAX_GUEST_MONITORS];
132 | int screenCount;
133 |
134 | int numClients;
135 | CRClient *clients[CR_MAX_CLIENTS]; /**< array [numClients] */
136 | CRClient *curClient;
137 | CRClientNode *pCleanupClient; /*list of clients with pending clean up*/
138 | CRCurrentStatePointers current;
139 |
140 | GLboolean firstCallCreateContext;
141 | GLboolean firstCallMakeCurrent;
142 | GLboolean bIsInLoadingState; /* Indicates if we're in process of loading VM snapshot */
143 | GLboolean bIsInSavingState; /* Indicates if we're in process of saving VM snapshot */
144 | GLint currentWindow;
145 | GLint currentNativeWindow;
146 |
147 | CRHashTable *muralTable; /**< hash table where all murals are stored */
148 | CRHashTable *pWindowCreateInfoTable; /**< hash table with windows creation info */
149 |
150 | int client_spu_id;
151 |
152 | CRServerFreeIDsPool_t idsPool;
153 |
154 | int mtu;
155 | int buffer_size;
156 | char protocol[1024];
157 |
158 | SPU *head_spu;
159 | SPUDispatchTable dispatch;
160 |
161 | CRNetworkPointer return_ptr;
162 | CRNetworkPointer writeback_ptr;
163 |
164 | CRLimitsState limits; /**< GL limits for any contexts we create */
165 |
166 | int SpuContext; /**< Rendering context for the head SPU */
167 | int SpuContextVisBits; /**< Context's visual attributes */
168 | char *SpuContextDpyName; /**< Context's dpyName */
169 |
170 | CRHashTable *contextTable; /**< hash table for rendering contexts */
171 | CRHashTable *pContextCreateInfoTable; /**< hash table with contexts creation info */
172 | CRContext *DummyContext; /**< used when no other bound context */
173 |
174 | CRHashTable *programTable; /**< for vertex programs */
175 | GLuint currentProgram;
176 |
177 | /** configuration options */
178 | /*@{*/
179 | int useL2;
180 | int ignore_papi;
181 | unsigned int maxBarrierCount;
182 | unsigned int clearCount;
183 | int optimizeBucket;
184 | int only_swap_once;
185 | int debug_barriers;
186 | int sharedDisplayLists;
187 | int sharedTextureObjects;
188 | int sharedPrograms;
189 | int sharedWindows;
190 | int uniqueWindows;
191 | int localTileSpec;
192 | int useDMX;
193 | int overlapBlending;
194 | int vpProjectionMatrixParameter;
195 | const char *vpProjectionMatrixVariable;
196 | int stereoView;
197 | int vncMode; /* cmd line option */
198 | /*@}*/
199 | /** view_matrix config */
200 | /*@{*/
201 | GLboolean viewOverride;
202 | CRmatrix viewMatrix[2]; /**< left and right eye */
203 | /*@}*/
204 | /** projection_matrix config */
205 | /*@{*/
206 | GLboolean projectionOverride;
207 | CRmatrix projectionMatrix[2]; /**< left and right eye */
208 | int currentEye;
209 | /*@}*/
210 |
211 | /** for warped tiles */
212 | /*@{*/
213 | GLfloat alignment_matrix[16], unnormalized_alignment_matrix[16];
214 | /*@}*/
215 |
216 | /** tile overlap/blending info - this should probably be per-mural */
217 | /*@{*/
218 | CRPoly **overlap_geom;
219 | CRPoly *overlap_knockout;
220 | float *overlap_intens;
221 | int num_overlap_intens;
222 | int num_overlap_levels;
223 | /*@}*/
224 |
225 | CRHashTable *barriers, *semaphores;
226 |
227 | RunQueue *run_queue;
228 |
229 | GLuint currentSerialNo;
230 |
232 | GLboolean bForceOffscreenRendering; /*Force server to render 3d data offscreen
233 | *using callback above to update vbox framebuffers*/
234 | GLboolean bUsePBOForReadback; /*Use PBO's for data readback*/
235 | } CRServer;
236 |
237 |
238 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crServerInit( int argc, char *argv[] );
239 | extern DECLEXPORT(int) CRServerMain( int argc, char *argv[] );
240 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crServerServiceClients(void);
241 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crServerAddNewClient(void);
242 | extern DECLEXPORT(SPU*) crServerHeadSPU(void);
243 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crServerSetPort(int port);
244 |
245 | extern DECLEXPORT(GLboolean) crVBoxServerInit(void);
246 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crVBoxServerTearDown(void);
247 | extern DECLEXPORT(int32_t) crVBoxServerAddClient(uint32_t u32ClientID);
248 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crVBoxServerRemoveClient(uint32_t u32ClientID);
249 | extern DECLEXPORT(int32_t) crVBoxServerClientWrite(uint32_t u32ClientID, uint8_t *pBuffer, uint32_t cbBuffer);
250 | extern DECLEXPORT(int32_t) crVBoxServerClientRead(uint32_t u32ClientID, uint8_t *pBuffer, uint32_t *pcbBuffer);
251 | extern DECLEXPORT(int32_t) crVBoxServerClientSetVersion(uint32_t u32ClientID, uint32_t vMajor, uint32_t vMinor);
252 | extern DECLEXPORT(int32_t) crVBoxServerClientSetPID(uint32_t u32ClientID, uint64_t pid);
253 |
254 | extern DECLEXPORT(int32_t) crVBoxServerSaveState(PSSMHANDLE pSSM);
255 | extern DECLEXPORT(int32_t) crVBoxServerLoadState(PSSMHANDLE pSSM, uint32_t version);
256 |
257 | extern DECLEXPORT(int32_t) crVBoxServerSetScreenCount(int sCount);
258 | extern DECLEXPORT(int32_t) crVBoxServerUnmapScreen(int sIndex);
259 | extern DECLEXPORT(int32_t) crVBoxServerMapScreen(int sIndex, int32_t x, int32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint64_t winID);
260 |
261 | extern DECLEXPORT(int32_t) crVBoxServerSetRootVisibleRegion(GLint cRects, GLint *pRects);
262 |
263 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crVBoxServerSetPresentFBOCB(PFNCRSERVERPRESENTFBO pfnPresentFBO);
264 |
265 | extern DECLEXPORT(int32_t) crVBoxServerSetOffscreenRendering(GLboolean value);
266 |
267 | #ifdef __cplusplus
268 | }
269 | #endif
270 |
271 | #endif
272 |