1 | /* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | * All rights reserved.
3 | *
4 | * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 | */
6 | #ifndef CR_SPU_H
7 | #define CR_SPU_H
8 |
9 | #ifdef WINDOWS
10 | #define SPULOAD_APIENTRY __stdcall
11 | #else
13 | #endif
14 |
15 | #include "cr_dll.h"
16 | #include "spu_dispatch_table.h"
17 | #include "cr_net.h"
18 |
19 | #include <iprt/types.h>
20 |
21 | #ifdef DARWIN
22 | # include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
23 | #endif
24 |
25 | #define SPU_ENTRY_POINT_NAME "SPULoad"
26 |
27 | #ifdef __cplusplus
28 | extern "C" {
29 | #endif
30 |
31 | #define MAX_THREADS 32 /**< max threads per spu */
32 |
33 | typedef struct _SPUSTRUCT SPU;
34 |
35 | typedef void (*SPUGenericFunction)(void);
36 |
37 | /**
38 | * SPU Named function descriptor
39 | */
40 | typedef struct {
41 | char *name;
42 | SPUGenericFunction fn;
43 | } SPUNamedFunctionTable;
44 |
45 | /**
46 | * SPU function table descriptor
47 | */
48 | typedef struct {
49 | SPUDispatchTable *childCopy;
50 | void *data;
51 | SPUNamedFunctionTable *table;
52 | } SPUFunctions;
53 |
54 | /** Init spu */
55 | typedef SPUFunctions *(*SPUInitFuncPtr)(int id, SPU *child,
56 | SPU *super, unsigned int, unsigned int );
57 | typedef void (*SPUSelfDispatchFuncPtr)(SPUDispatchTable *);
58 | /** Cleanup spu */
59 | typedef int (*SPUCleanupFuncPtr)(void);
60 | /** Load spu */
61 | typedef int (*SPULoadFunction)(char **, char **, void *, void *, void *, int *);
62 |
63 |
64 | /**
65 | * masks for spu_flags
66 | */
67 | #define SPU_PACKER_MASK 0x1
68 | #define SPU_NO_PACKER 0x0
69 | #define SPU_HAS_PACKER 0x1
70 | #define SPU_TERMINAL_MASK 0x2
71 | #define SPU_NOT_TERMINAL 0x0
72 | #define SPU_IS_TERMINAL 0x2
73 | #define SPU_MAX_SERVERS_MASK 0xc
74 | #define SPU_MAX_SERVERS_ZERO 0x0
75 | #define SPU_MAX_SERVERS_ONE 0x4
77 |
78 | /**
79 | * SPU registration restructure.
80 | */
81 | typedef struct SPUREG
82 | {
83 | /** SPU name. */
84 | const char *pszName;
85 | /** Name of the SPU super class. */
86 | const char *pszSuperName;
87 | /** SPU flags. */
88 | uint32_t fFlags;
89 | /** Init function. */
90 | SPUInitFuncPtr pfnInit;
91 | /** Dispatch function. */
92 | SPUSelfDispatchFuncPtr pfnDispatch;
93 | /** Cleanup function. */
94 | SPUCleanupFuncPtr pfnCleanup;
95 | } SPUREG;
96 | /** Pointer to a SPU registration structure. */
97 | typedef SPUREG *PSPUREG;
98 | /** Pointer to a const SPU registration structure. */
99 | typedef const SPUREG *PCSPUREG;
100 |
101 | /**
102 | * SPU descriptor
103 | */
104 | struct _SPUSTRUCT {
105 | char *name; /**< Name of the spu */
106 | char *super_name; /**< Name of the super class of the spu */
107 | int id; /**< Id num of the spu */
108 | int spu_flags; /**< options fags for the SPU */
109 | struct _SPUSTRUCT *superSPU; /**< Pointer to the descriptor for the super class */
110 | CRDLL *dll; /**< pointer to shared lib for spu */
111 | SPULoadFunction entry_point; /**< SPU's entry point (SPULoad()) */
112 | SPUInitFuncPtr init; /**< SPU init function */
113 | SPUSelfDispatchFuncPtr self; /**< */
114 | SPUCleanupFuncPtr cleanup; /**< SPU cleanup func */
115 | SPUFunctions *function_table; /**< Function table for spu */
116 | SPUDispatchTable dispatch_table;
117 | void *privatePtr; /**< pointer to SPU-private data */
118 | };
119 |
120 |
121 | /**
122 | * These are the OpenGL / window system interface functions
123 | */
124 | #if defined(WINDOWS)
125 | /**
126 | * Windows/WGL
127 | */
128 | /*@{*/
129 | typedef HGLRC (WGL_APIENTRY *wglCreateContextFunc_t)(HDC);
130 | typedef void (WGL_APIENTRY *wglDeleteContextFunc_t)(HGLRC);
131 | typedef BOOL (WGL_APIENTRY *wglShareListsFunc_t)(HGLRC,HGLRC);
132 | typedef BOOL (WGL_APIENTRY *wglMakeCurrentFunc_t)(HDC,HGLRC);
133 | typedef BOOL (WGL_APIENTRY *wglSwapBuffersFunc_t)(HDC);
134 | typedef int (WGL_APIENTRY *wglChoosePixelFormatFunc_t)(HDC, CONST PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *);
135 | typedef BOOL (WGL_APIENTRY *wglChoosePixelFormatEXTFunc_t)(HDC, const int *, const FLOAT *, UINT, int *, UINT *);
136 | typedef int (WGL_APIENTRY *wglDescribePixelFormatFunc_t)(HDC, int, UINT, CONST PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *);
137 | typedef int (WGL_APIENTRY *wglSetPixelFormatFunc_t)(HDC, int, CONST PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *);
138 | typedef HGLRC (WGL_APIENTRY *wglGetCurrentContextFunc_t)(void);
139 | typedef PROC (WGL_APIENTRY *wglGetProcAddressFunc_t)(LPCSTR Arg1);
140 | typedef BOOL (WGL_APIENTRY *wglChoosePixelFormatEXTFunc_t)(HDC, const int *, const FLOAT *, UINT, int *, UINT *);
141 | typedef BOOL (WGL_APIENTRY *wglGetPixelFormatAttribivEXTFunc_t)(HDC, int, int, UINT, int *, int *);
142 | typedef BOOL (WGL_APIENTRY *wglGetPixelFormatAttribfvEXTFunc_t)(HDC, int, int, UINT, int *, float *);
143 | typedef const GLubyte *(WGL_APIENTRY *glGetStringFunc_t)( GLenum );
144 | typedef const GLubyte *(WGL_APIENTRY *wglGetExtensionsStringEXTFunc_t)(void);
145 | typedef const GLubyte *(WGL_APIENTRY *wglGetExtensionsStringARBFunc_t)(HDC);
146 | /*@}*/
147 | #elif defined(DARWIN)
148 | typedef const GLubyte *(*glGetStringFunc_t)( GLenum );
149 | /*@}*/
150 |
151 | /**
152 | * Apple/CGL
153 | */
154 | /*@{*/
155 | typedef CGLError (*CGLSetCurrentContextFunc_t)( CGLContextObj );
156 | typedef CGLContextObj (*CGLGetCurrentContextFunc_t)();
157 |
158 | typedef CGLError (*CGLChoosePixelFormatFunc_t)( const CGLPixelFormatAttribute *, CGLPixelFormatObj *, long * );
159 | typedef CGLError (*CGLDestroyPixelFormatFunc_t)( CGLPixelFormatObj );
160 | typedef CGLError (*CGLDescribePixelFormatFunc_t)( CGLPixelFormatObj , long , CGLPixelFormatAttribute , long * );
161 |
162 | typedef CGLError (*CGLQueryRendererInfoFunc_t)( unsigned long, CGLRendererInfoObj *, long * );
163 | typedef CGLError (*CGLDestroyRendererInfoFunc_t)( CGLRendererInfoObj );
164 | typedef CGLError (*CGLDescribeRendererFunc_t)( CGLRendererInfoObj, long, CGLRendererProperty, long * );
165 |
166 | typedef CGLError (*CGLCreateContextFunc_t)( CGLPixelFormatObj, CGLContextObj, CGLContextObj * );
167 | typedef CGLError (*CGLDestroyContextFunc_t)( CGLContextObj );
168 | typedef CGLError (*CGLCopyContextFunc_t)( CGLContextObj src, CGLContextObj, unsigned long );
169 |
170 | typedef CGLError (*CGLCreatePBufferFunc_t)( long, long, unsigned long, unsigned long, long, CGLPBufferObj * ) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER;
171 | typedef CGLError (*CGLDestroyPBufferFunc_t)( CGLPBufferObj ) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER;
172 | typedef CGLError (*CGLDescribePBufferFunc_t)( CGLPBufferObj, long *, long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, long * ) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER;
173 | typedef CGLError (*CGLTexImagePBufferFunc_t)( CGLContextObj, CGLPBufferObj, unsigned long ) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER;
174 |
175 | typedef CGLError (*CGLSetOffScreenFunc_t)( CGLContextObj, long, long, long, void * );
176 | typedef CGLError (*CGLGetOffScreenFunc_t)( CGLContextObj, long *, long *, long *, void ** );
177 | typedef CGLError (*CGLSetFullScreenFunc_t)( CGLContextObj );
178 |
179 | typedef CGLError (*CGLSetPBufferFunc_t)( CGLContextObj, CGLPBufferObj, unsigned long, long, long ) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER;
180 | typedef CGLError (*CGLGetPBufferFunc_t)( CGLContextObj, CGLPBufferObj *, unsigned long *, long *, long * ) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER;
181 |
182 | typedef CGLError (*CGLClearDrawableFunc_t)( CGLContextObj );
183 | typedef CGLError (*CGLFlushDrawableFunc_t)( CGLContextObj ); /* <-- swap buffers */
184 |
185 | typedef CGLError (*CGLEnableFunc_t)( CGLContextObj, CGLContextEnable );
186 | typedef CGLError (*CGLDisableFunc_t)( CGLContextObj, CGLContextEnable );
187 | typedef CGLError (*CGLIsEnabledFunc_t)( CGLContextObj, CGLContextEnable, long * );
188 |
189 | typedef CGLError (*CGLSetParameterFunc_t)( CGLContextObj, CGLContextParameter, const long * );
190 | typedef CGLError (*CGLGetParameterFunc_t)( CGLContextObj, CGLContextParameter, long * );
191 |
192 | typedef CGLError (*CGLSetVirtualScreenFunc_t)( CGLContextObj, long );
193 | typedef CGLError (*CGLGetVirtualScreenFunc_t)( CGLContextObj, long *);
194 |
195 | typedef CGLError (*CGLSetOptionFunc_t)( CGLGlobalOption, long );
196 | typedef CGLError (*CGLGetOptionFunc_t)( CGLGlobalOption, long * );
197 | typedef void (*CGLGetVersionFunc_t)( long *, long * );
198 |
199 | typedef const char * (*CGLErrorStringFunc_t)( CGLError );
200 |
201 | /** XXX \todo Undocumented CGL functions. Are these all correct? */
202 | typedef void *CGSConnectionID;
203 | typedef int CGSWindowID;
204 | typedef int CGSSurfaceID;
205 |
206 | typedef CGLError (*CGLSetSurfaceFunc_t)( CGLContextObj, CGSConnectionID, CGSWindowID, CGSSurfaceID );
207 | typedef CGLError (*CGLGetSurfaceFunc_t)( CGLContextObj, CGSConnectionID, CGSWindowID, CGSSurfaceID* );
208 | typedef CGLError (*CGLUpdateContextFunc_t)( CGLContextObj );
209 | /*@}*/
210 | #else
211 | /**
212 | * X11/GLX
213 | */
214 | /*@{*/
215 | typedef int (*glXGetConfigFunc_t)( Display *, XVisualInfo *, int, int * );
216 | typedef Bool (*glXQueryExtensionFunc_t) (Display *, int *, int * );
217 | typedef const char *(*glXQueryExtensionsStringFunc_t) (Display *, int );
218 | typedef Bool (*glXQueryVersionFunc_t)( Display *dpy, int *maj, int *min );
219 | typedef XVisualInfo *(*glXChooseVisualFunc_t)( Display *, int, int * );
220 | typedef GLXContext (*glXCreateContextFunc_t)( Display *, XVisualInfo *, GLXContext, Bool );
221 | typedef void (*glXUseXFontFunc_t)(Font font, int first, int count, int listBase);
222 | typedef void (*glXDestroyContextFunc_t)( Display *, GLXContext );
223 | typedef Bool (*glXIsDirectFunc_t)( Display *, GLXContext );
224 | typedef Bool (*glXMakeCurrentFunc_t)( Display *, GLXDrawable, GLXContext );
225 | typedef void (*glXSwapBuffersFunc_t)( Display *, GLXDrawable );
226 | typedef CR_GLXFuncPtr (*glXGetProcAddressARBFunc_t)( const GLubyte *name );
227 | typedef Display *(*glXGetCurrentDisplayFunc_t)( void );
228 | typedef GLXContext (*glXGetCurrentContextFunc_t)( void );
229 | typedef GLXDrawable (*glXGetCurrentDrawableFunc_t)( void );
230 | typedef char * (*glXGetClientStringFunc_t)( Display *dpy, int name );
231 | typedef void (*glXWaitGLFunc_t)(void);
232 | typedef void (*glXWaitXFunc_t)(void);
233 | typedef void (*glXCopyContextFunc_t)(Display *dpy, GLXContext src, GLXContext dst, unsigned long mask );
234 | typedef const GLubyte *(*glGetStringFunc_t)( GLenum );
235 | typedef Bool (*glXJoinSwapGroupNVFunc_t)(Display *dpy, GLXDrawable drawable, GLuint group);
236 | typedef Bool (*glXBindSwapBarrierNVFunc_t)(Display *dpy, GLuint group, GLuint barrier);
237 | typedef Bool (*glXQuerySwapGroupNVFunc_t)(Display *dpy, GLXDrawable drawable, GLuint *group, GLuint *barrier);
238 | typedef Bool (*glXQueryMaxSwapGroupsNVFunc_t)(Display *dpy, int screen, GLuint *maxGroups, GLuint *maxBarriers);
239 | typedef Bool (*glXQueryFrameCountNVFunc_t)(Display *dpy, int screen, GLuint *count);
240 | typedef Bool (*glXResetFrameCountNVFunc_t)(Display *dpy, int screen);
241 | #ifdef GLX_VERSION_1_3
242 | typedef GLXContext (*glXCreateNewContextFunc_t)( Display *dpy, GLXFBConfig config, int renderType, GLXContext shareList, Bool direct );
243 | typedef GLXWindow (*glXCreateWindowFunc_t)(Display *dpy, GLXFBConfig config, Window win, const int *attrib_list);
244 | typedef Bool (*glXMakeContextCurrentFunc_t)( Display *dpy, GLXDrawable draw, GLXDrawable read, GLXContext ctx );
245 | typedef GLXFBConfig *(*glXChooseFBConfigFunc_t)( Display *dpy, int screen, const int *attribList, int *nitems );
246 | typedef GLXFBConfig *(*glXGetFBConfigsFunc_t)(Display *dpy, int screen, int *nelements);
247 | typedef int (*glXGetFBConfigAttribFunc_t)(Display *dpy, GLXFBConfig config, int attribute, int *value);
248 | typedef XVisualInfo *(*glXGetVisualFromFBConfigFunc_t)(Display *dpy, GLXFBConfig config);
249 | typedef GLXPbuffer (*glXCreatePbufferFunc_t)( Display *dpy, GLXFBConfig config, const int *attribList );
250 | typedef void (*glXDestroyPbufferFunc_t)( Display *dpy, GLXPbuffer pbuf );
251 | typedef int (*glXQueryContextFunc_t)(Display *dpy, GLXContext ctx, int attribute, int *value);
252 | typedef void (*glXQueryDrawableFunc_t)(Display *dpy, GLXDrawable draw, int attribute, unsigned int *value);
253 | #endif /* GLX_VERSION_1_3 */
254 | /*@}*/
255 | #endif
256 |
257 |
258 | /**
259 | * Package up the WGL/AGL/CGL/GLX function pointers into a struct. We use
260 | * this in a few different places.
261 | */
262 | typedef struct {
263 | #if defined(WINDOWS)
264 | wglGetProcAddressFunc_t wglGetProcAddress;
265 | wglCreateContextFunc_t wglCreateContext;
266 | wglDeleteContextFunc_t wglDeleteContext;
267 | wglShareListsFunc_t wglShareLists;
268 | wglMakeCurrentFunc_t wglMakeCurrent;
269 | wglSwapBuffersFunc_t wglSwapBuffers;
270 | wglGetCurrentContextFunc_t wglGetCurrentContext;
271 | wglChoosePixelFormatFunc_t wglChoosePixelFormat;
272 | wglDescribePixelFormatFunc_t wglDescribePixelFormat;
273 | wglSetPixelFormatFunc_t wglSetPixelFormat;
274 | wglChoosePixelFormatEXTFunc_t wglChoosePixelFormatEXT;
275 | wglGetPixelFormatAttribivEXTFunc_t wglGetPixelFormatAttribivEXT;
276 | wglGetPixelFormatAttribfvEXTFunc_t wglGetPixelFormatAttribfvEXT;
277 | wglGetExtensionsStringEXTFunc_t wglGetExtensionsStringEXT;
278 | #elif defined(DARWIN)
279 | CGLChoosePixelFormatFunc_t CGLChoosePixelFormat;
280 | CGLDestroyPixelFormatFunc_t CGLDestroyPixelFormat;
281 | CGLDescribePixelFormatFunc_t CGLDescribePixelFormat;
282 | CGLQueryRendererInfoFunc_t CGLQueryRendererInfo;
283 | CGLDestroyRendererInfoFunc_t CGLDestroyRendererInfo;
284 | CGLDescribeRendererFunc_t CGLDescribeRenderer;
285 | CGLCreateContextFunc_t CGLCreateContext;
286 | CGLDestroyContextFunc_t CGLDestroyContext;
287 | CGLCopyContextFunc_t CGLCopyContext;
288 | CGLSetCurrentContextFunc_t CGLSetCurrentContext;
289 | CGLGetCurrentContextFunc_t CGLGetCurrentContext;
290 | CGLCreatePBufferFunc_t CGLCreatePBuffer;
291 | CGLDestroyPBufferFunc_t CGLDestroyPBuffer;
292 | CGLDescribePBufferFunc_t CGLDescribePBuffer;
293 | CGLTexImagePBufferFunc_t CGLTexImagePBuffer;
294 | CGLSetOffScreenFunc_t CGLSetOffScreen;
295 | CGLGetOffScreenFunc_t CGLGetOffScreen;
296 | CGLSetFullScreenFunc_t CGLSetFullScreen;
297 | CGLSetPBufferFunc_t CGLSetPBuffer;
298 | CGLGetPBufferFunc_t CGLGetPBuffer;
299 | CGLClearDrawableFunc_t CGLClearDrawable;
300 | CGLFlushDrawableFunc_t CGLFlushDrawable;
301 | CGLEnableFunc_t CGLEnable;
302 | CGLDisableFunc_t CGLDisable;
303 | CGLIsEnabledFunc_t CGLIsEnabled;
304 | CGLSetParameterFunc_t CGLSetParameter;
305 | CGLGetParameterFunc_t CGLGetParameter;
306 | CGLSetVirtualScreenFunc_t CGLSetVirtualScreen;
307 | CGLGetVirtualScreenFunc_t CGLGetVirtualScreen;
308 | CGLSetOptionFunc_t CGLSetOption;
309 | CGLGetOptionFunc_t CGLGetOption;
310 | CGLGetVersionFunc_t CGLGetVersion;
311 | CGLErrorStringFunc_t CGLErrorString;
312 |
313 | CGLSetSurfaceFunc_t CGLSetSurface;
314 | CGLGetSurfaceFunc_t CGLGetSurface;
315 | CGLUpdateContextFunc_t CGLUpdateContext;
316 | #else
317 | glXGetConfigFunc_t glXGetConfig;
318 | glXQueryExtensionFunc_t glXQueryExtension;
319 | glXQueryVersionFunc_t glXQueryVersion;
320 | glXQueryExtensionsStringFunc_t glXQueryExtensionsString;
321 | glXChooseVisualFunc_t glXChooseVisual;
322 | glXCreateContextFunc_t glXCreateContext;
323 | glXDestroyContextFunc_t glXDestroyContext;
324 | glXUseXFontFunc_t glXUseXFont;
325 | glXIsDirectFunc_t glXIsDirect;
326 | glXMakeCurrentFunc_t glXMakeCurrent;
327 | glXSwapBuffersFunc_t glXSwapBuffers;
328 | glXGetProcAddressARBFunc_t glXGetProcAddressARB;
329 | glXGetCurrentDisplayFunc_t glXGetCurrentDisplay;
330 | glXGetCurrentContextFunc_t glXGetCurrentContext;
331 | glXGetCurrentDrawableFunc_t glXGetCurrentDrawable;
332 | glXGetClientStringFunc_t glXGetClientString;
333 | glXWaitGLFunc_t glXWaitGL;
334 | glXWaitXFunc_t glXWaitX;
335 | glXCopyContextFunc_t glXCopyContext;
336 | /* GLX_NV_swap_group */
337 | glXJoinSwapGroupNVFunc_t glXJoinSwapGroupNV;
338 | glXBindSwapBarrierNVFunc_t glXBindSwapBarrierNV;
339 | glXQuerySwapGroupNVFunc_t glXQuerySwapGroupNV;
340 | glXQueryMaxSwapGroupsNVFunc_t glXQueryMaxSwapGroupsNV;
341 | glXQueryFrameCountNVFunc_t glXQueryFrameCountNV;
342 | glXResetFrameCountNVFunc_t glXResetFrameCountNV;
343 | #ifdef GLX_VERSION_1_3
344 | glXCreateNewContextFunc_t glXCreateNewContext;
345 | glXCreateWindowFunc_t glXCreateWindow;
346 | glXMakeContextCurrentFunc_t glXMakeContextCurrent;
347 | glXChooseFBConfigFunc_t glXChooseFBConfig;
348 | glXGetFBConfigsFunc_t glXGetFBConfigs;
349 | glXGetFBConfigAttribFunc_t glXGetFBConfigAttrib;
350 | glXGetVisualFromFBConfigFunc_t glXGetVisualFromFBConfig;
351 | glXCreatePbufferFunc_t glXCreatePbuffer;
352 | glXDestroyPbufferFunc_t glXDestroyPbuffer;
353 | glXQueryContextFunc_t glXQueryContext;
354 | glXQueryDrawableFunc_t glXQueryDrawable;
355 | #endif
356 | #endif
357 | glGetStringFunc_t glGetString;
358 | } crOpenGLInterface;
359 |
360 |
361 | /** This is the one required function in _all_ SPUs */
362 | DECLEXPORT(int) SPULoad( char **name, char **super, SPUInitFuncPtr *init,
363 | SPUSelfDispatchFuncPtr *self, SPUCleanupFuncPtr *cleanup,
364 | int *flags );
365 |
366 | DECLEXPORT(SPU *) crSPULoad( SPU *child, int id, char *name, char *dir, void *server);
367 | DECLEXPORT(SPU *) crSPULoadChain( int count, int *ids, char **names, char *dir, void *server );
368 | DECLEXPORT(void) crSPUUnloadChain(SPU *headSPU);
369 |
370 | DECLEXPORT(SPU *) crSPUInitFromReg(SPU *pSpuChild, int iId, const char *pszName, void *pvServer, PCSPUREG *papSpuReg);
371 | DECLEXPORT(SPU *) crSPUInitChainFromReg(int cSpus, int *paIds, const char * const *papszNames, void *server, PCSPUREG *papSpuReg);
372 |
373 | DECLEXPORT(void) crSPUInitDispatchTable( SPUDispatchTable *table );
374 | DECLEXPORT(void) crSPUCopyDispatchTable( SPUDispatchTable *dst, SPUDispatchTable *src );
375 | DECLEXPORT(void) crSPUChangeInterface( SPUDispatchTable *table, void *origFunc, void *newFunc );
376 |
377 |
378 | DECLEXPORT(SPUGenericFunction) crSPUFindFunction( const SPUNamedFunctionTable *table, const char *fname );
379 | DECLEXPORT(void) crSPUInitDispatch( SPUDispatchTable *dispatch, const SPUNamedFunctionTable *table );
380 | DECLEXPORT(void) crSPUInitDispatchNops(SPUDispatchTable *table);
381 |
382 | DECLEXPORT(int) crLoadOpenGL( crOpenGLInterface *crInterface, SPUNamedFunctionTable table[] );
383 | DECLEXPORT(void) crUnloadOpenGL( void );
384 | DECLEXPORT(int) crLoadOpenGLExtensions( const crOpenGLInterface *crInterface, SPUNamedFunctionTable table[] );
385 | DECLEXPORT(void) crSPUChangeDispatch(SPUDispatchTable *dispatch, const SPUNamedFunctionTable *newtable);
386 |
387 | #if defined(GLX)
388 | DECLEXPORT(XVisualInfo *)
389 | crChooseVisual(const crOpenGLInterface *ws, Display *dpy, int screen,
390 | GLboolean directColor, int visBits);
391 | #else
392 | DECLEXPORT(int)
393 | crChooseVisual(const crOpenGLInterface *ws, int visBits);
394 | #endif
395 |
396 |
397 | #ifdef USE_OSMESA
398 | DECLEXPORT(int)
399 | crLoadOSMesa( OSMesaContext (**createContext)( GLenum format, OSMesaContext sharelist ),
400 | GLboolean (**makeCurrent)( OSMesaContext ctx, GLubyte *buffer,
401 | GLenum type, GLsizei width, GLsizei height ),
402 | void (**destroyContext)( OSMesaContext ctx ));
403 | #endif
404 |
405 | extern DECLHIDDEN(const SPUREG) g_ErrorSpuReg;
406 | #ifdef IN_GUEST
407 | extern DECLHIDDEN(const SPUREG) g_FeedbackSpuReg;
408 | extern DECLHIDDEN(const SPUREG) g_PassthroughSpuReg;
409 | extern DECLHIDDEN(const SPUREG) g_PackSpuReg;
410 | #else
411 | extern DECLHIDDEN(const SPUREG) g_RenderSpuReg;
412 | #endif
413 |
414 | #ifdef __cplusplus
415 | }
416 | #endif
417 |
418 | #endif /* CR_SPU_H */