/* $Id: cr_vreg.h 50944 2014-04-01 13:53:32Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * Visible Regions processing API */ /* * Copyright (C) 2012 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef ___cr_vreg_h_ #define ___cr_vreg_h_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef IN_RING0 # define VBOXVREGDECL(_type) DECLEXPORT(_type) #else # define VBOXVREGDECL(_type) RTDECL(_type) #endif RT_C_DECLS_BEGIN typedef struct VBOXVR_LIST { RTLISTNODE ListHead; uint32_t cEntries; } VBOXVR_LIST, *PVBOXVR_LIST; DECLINLINE(int) VBoxRectCmp(const RTRECT * pRect1, const RTRECT * pRect2) { return memcmp(pRect1, pRect2, sizeof (*pRect1)); } #ifndef IN_RING0 #define CR_FLOAT_RCAST(_t, _v) ((_t)((float)(_v) + 0.5)) DECLINLINE(void) VBoxRectScale(PRTRECT pRect, float xScale, float yScale) { pRect->xLeft = CR_FLOAT_RCAST(int32_t, pRect->xLeft * xScale); pRect->yTop = CR_FLOAT_RCAST(int32_t, pRect->yTop * yScale); pRect->xRight = CR_FLOAT_RCAST(int32_t, pRect->xRight * xScale); pRect->yBottom = CR_FLOAT_RCAST(int32_t, pRect->yBottom * yScale); } DECLINLINE(void) VBoxRectScaled(const RTRECT *pRect, float xScale, float yScale, PRTRECT pResult) { *pResult = *pRect; VBoxRectScale(pResult, xScale, yScale); } DECLINLINE(void) VBoxRectUnscale(PRTRECT pRect, float xScale, float yScale) { pRect->xLeft = CR_FLOAT_RCAST(int32_t, pRect->xLeft / xScale); pRect->yTop = CR_FLOAT_RCAST(int32_t, pRect->yTop / yScale); pRect->xRight = CR_FLOAT_RCAST(int32_t, pRect->xRight / xScale); pRect->yBottom = CR_FLOAT_RCAST(int32_t, pRect->yBottom / yScale); } DECLINLINE(void) VBoxRectUnscaled(const RTRECT *pRect, float xScale, float yScale, PRTRECT pResult) { *pResult = *pRect; VBoxRectUnscale(pResult, xScale, yScale); } #endif DECLINLINE(void) VBoxRectIntersect(PRTRECT pRect1, const RTRECT * pRect2) { Assert(pRect1); Assert(pRect2); pRect1->xLeft = RT_MAX(pRect1->xLeft, pRect2->xLeft); pRect1->yTop = RT_MAX(pRect1->yTop, pRect2->yTop); pRect1->xRight = RT_MIN(pRect1->xRight, pRect2->xRight); pRect1->yBottom = RT_MIN(pRect1->yBottom, pRect2->yBottom); /* ensure the rect is valid */ pRect1->xRight = RT_MAX(pRect1->xRight, pRect1->xLeft); pRect1->yBottom = RT_MAX(pRect1->yBottom, pRect1->yTop); } DECLINLINE(void) VBoxRectIntersected(const RTRECT *pRect1, const RTRECT * pRect2, RTRECT *pResult) { *pResult = *pRect1; VBoxRectIntersect(pResult, pRect2); } DECLINLINE(void) VBoxRectTranslate(RTRECT * pRect, int32_t x, int32_t y) { pRect->xLeft += x; pRect->yTop += y; pRect->xRight += x; pRect->yBottom += y; } DECLINLINE(void) VBoxRectTranslated(const RTRECT * pRect, int32_t x, int32_t y, RTRECT *pResult) { *pResult = *pRect; VBoxRectTranslate(pResult, x, y); } DECLINLINE(void) VBoxRectInvertY(RTRECT * pRect) { int32_t y = pRect->yTop; pRect->yTop = pRect->yBottom; pRect->yBottom = y; } DECLINLINE(void) VBoxRectInvertedY(const RTRECT * pRect, RTRECT * pResult) { *pResult = *pRect; VBoxRectInvertY(pResult); } DECLINLINE(void) VBoxRectMove(RTRECT * pRect, int32_t x, int32_t y) { int32_t w = pRect->xRight - pRect->xLeft; int32_t h = pRect->yBottom - pRect->yTop; pRect->xLeft = x; pRect->yTop = y; pRect->xRight = w + x; pRect->yBottom = h + y; } DECLINLINE(void) VBoxRectMoved(const RTRECT * pRect, int32_t x, int32_t y, RTRECT *pResult) { *pResult = *pRect; VBoxRectMove(pResult, x, y); } DECLINLINE(bool) VBoxRectCovers(const RTRECT *pRect, const RTRECT *pCovered) { Assert(pRect); Assert(pCovered); if (pRect->xLeft > pCovered->xLeft) return false; if (pRect->yTop > pCovered->yTop) return false; if (pRect->xRight < pCovered->xRight) return false; if (pRect->yBottom < pCovered->yBottom) return false; return true; } DECLINLINE(bool) VBoxRectIsZero(const RTRECT *pRect) { return pRect->xLeft == pRect->xRight || pRect->yTop == pRect->yBottom; } DECLINLINE(bool) VBoxRectIsIntersect(const RTRECT * pRect1, const RTRECT * pRect2) { return !((pRect1->xLeft < pRect2->xLeft && pRect1->xRight <= pRect2->xLeft) || (pRect2->xLeft < pRect1->xLeft && pRect2->xRight <= pRect1->xLeft) || (pRect1->yTop < pRect2->yTop && pRect1->yBottom <= pRect2->yTop) || (pRect2->yTop < pRect1->yTop && pRect2->yBottom <= pRect1->yTop)); } DECLINLINE(uint32_t) VBoxVrListRectsCount(const VBOXVR_LIST *pList) { return pList->cEntries; } DECLINLINE(bool) VBoxVrListIsEmpty(const VBOXVR_LIST *pList) { return !VBoxVrListRectsCount(pList); } DECLINLINE(void) VBoxVrListInit(PVBOXVR_LIST pList) { RTListInit(&pList->ListHead); pList->cEntries = 0; } VBOXVREGDECL(void) VBoxVrListClear(PVBOXVR_LIST pList); /* moves list data to pDstList and empties the pList */ VBOXVREGDECL(void) VBoxVrListMoveTo(PVBOXVR_LIST pList, PVBOXVR_LIST pDstList); VBOXVREGDECL(void) VBoxVrListTranslate(PVBOXVR_LIST pList, int32_t x, int32_t y); VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrListCmp(const VBOXVR_LIST *pList1, const VBOXVR_LIST *pList2); VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrListRectsSet(PVBOXVR_LIST pList, uint32_t cRects, const RTRECT * aRects, bool *pfChanged); VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrListRectsAdd(PVBOXVR_LIST pList, uint32_t cRects, const RTRECT * aRects, bool *pfChanged); VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrListRectsSubst(PVBOXVR_LIST pList, uint32_t cRects, const RTRECT * aRects, bool *pfChanged); VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrListRectsGet(PVBOXVR_LIST pList, uint32_t cRects, RTRECT * aRects); VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrListClone(const VBOXVR_LIST *pList, VBOXVR_LIST *pDstList); /* NOTE: with the current implementation the VBoxVrListIntersect is faster than VBoxVrListRectsIntersect, * i.e. VBoxVrListRectsIntersect is actually a convenience function that create a temporary list and calls VBoxVrListIntersect internally */ VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrListRectsIntersect(PVBOXVR_LIST pList, uint32_t cRects, const RTRECT * aRects, bool *pfChanged); VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrListIntersect(PVBOXVR_LIST pList, const VBOXVR_LIST *pList2, bool *pfChanged); VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrInit(void); VBOXVREGDECL(void) VBoxVrTerm(void); typedef struct VBOXVR_LIST_ITERATOR { PVBOXVR_LIST pList; PRTLISTNODE pNextEntry; } VBOXVR_LIST_ITERATOR, *PVBOXVR_LIST_ITERATOR; DECLINLINE(void) VBoxVrListIterInit(PVBOXVR_LIST pList, PVBOXVR_LIST_ITERATOR pIter) { pIter->pList = pList; pIter->pNextEntry = pList->ListHead.pNext; } typedef struct VBOXVR_REG { RTLISTNODE ListEntry; RTRECT Rect; } VBOXVR_REG, *PVBOXVR_REG; #define PVBOXVR_REG_FROM_ENTRY(_pEntry) ((PVBOXVR_REG)(((uint8_t*)(_pEntry)) - RT_OFFSETOF(VBOXVR_REG, ListEntry))) DECLINLINE(PCRTRECT) VBoxVrListIterNext(PVBOXVR_LIST_ITERATOR pIter) { PRTLISTNODE pNextEntry = pIter->pNextEntry; if (pNextEntry != &pIter->pList->ListHead) { PCRTRECT pRect = &(PVBOXVR_REG_FROM_ENTRY(pNextEntry)->Rect); pIter->pNextEntry = pNextEntry->pNext; return pRect; } return NULL; } typedef struct VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY { RTLISTNODE Node; VBOXVR_LIST Vr; uint32_t cRefs; } VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY, *PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY; struct VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR; typedef DECLCALLBACK(void) FNVBOXVRCOMPOSITOR_ENTRY_RELEASED(const struct VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR *pCompositor, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pReplacingEntry); typedef FNVBOXVRCOMPOSITOR_ENTRY_RELEASED *PFNVBOXVRCOMPOSITOR_ENTRY_RELEASED; typedef struct VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR { RTLISTNODE List; PFNVBOXVRCOMPOSITOR_ENTRY_RELEASED pfnEntryReleased; } VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR, *PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR; typedef DECLCALLBACK(bool) FNVBOXVRCOMPOSITOR_VISITOR(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry, void *pvVisitor); typedef FNVBOXVRCOMPOSITOR_VISITOR *PFNVBOXVRCOMPOSITOR_VISITOR; VBOXVREGDECL(void) VBoxVrCompositorInit(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PFNVBOXVRCOMPOSITOR_ENTRY_RELEASED pfnEntryReleased); VBOXVREGDECL(void) VBoxVrCompositorClear(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor); VBOXVREGDECL(void) VBoxVrCompositorRegionsClear(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, bool *pfChanged); VBOXVREGDECL(void) VBoxVrCompositorEntryInit(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry); DECLINLINE(bool) VBoxVrCompositorEntryIsInList(const VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY *pEntry) { return !VBoxVrListIsEmpty(&pEntry->Vr); } #define CRBLT_F_LINEAR 0x00000001 #define CRBLT_F_INVERT_SRC_YCOORDS 0x00000002 #define CRBLT_F_INVERT_DST_YCOORDS 0x00000004 #define CRBLT_F_INVERT_YCOORDS (CRBLT_F_INVERT_SRC_YCOORDS | CRBLT_F_INVERT_DST_YCOORDS) /* the blit operation with discard the source alpha channel values and set the destination alpha values to 1.0 */ #define CRBLT_F_NOALPHA 0x00000010 #define CRBLT_FTYPE_XOR CRBLT_F_INVERT_YCOORDS #define CRBLT_FTYPE_OR (CRBLT_F_LINEAR | CRBLT_F_NOALPHA) #define CRBLT_FOP_COMBINE(_f1, _f2) ((((_f1) ^ (_f2)) & CRBLT_FTYPE_XOR) | (((_f1) | (_f2)) & CRBLT_FTYPE_OR)) #define CRBLT_FLAGS_FROM_FILTER(_f) ( ((_f) & GL_LINEAR) ? CRBLT_F_LINEAR : 0) #define CRBLT_FILTER_FROM_FLAGS(_f) (((_f) & CRBLT_F_LINEAR) ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST) /* compositor regions changed */ #define VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_CF_REGIONS_CHANGED 0x00000001 /* other entries changed along while doing current entry modification * always comes with VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_CF_ENTRY_REGIONS_CHANGED */ #define VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_CF_OTHER_ENTRIES_REGIONS_CHANGED 0x00000002 /* only current entry regions changed * can come wither with VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_CF_REGIONS_CHANGED or with VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_CF_ENTRY_REPLACED */ #define VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_CF_ENTRY_REGIONS_CHANGED 0x00000004 /* the given entry has replaced some other entry, while overal regions did NOT change. * always comes with VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_CF_ENTRY_REGIONS_CHANGED */ #define VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_CF_ENTRY_REPLACED 0x00000008 VBOXVREGDECL(bool) VBoxVrCompositorEntryRemove(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry); VBOXVREGDECL(bool) VBoxVrCompositorEntryReplace(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pNewEntry); VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrCompositorEntryRegionsAdd(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry, uint32_t cRegions, const RTRECT *paRegions, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY *ppReplacedEntry, uint32_t *pfChangeFlags); VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrCompositorEntryRegionsSubst(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry, uint32_t cRegions, const RTRECT *paRegions, bool *pfChanged); VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrCompositorEntryRegionsSet(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry, uint32_t cRegions, const RTRECT *paRegions, bool *pfChanged); VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrCompositorEntryRegionsIntersect(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry, uint32_t cRegions, const RTRECT *paRegions, bool *pfChanged); VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrCompositorEntryListIntersect(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry, const VBOXVR_LIST *pList2, bool *pfChanged); VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrCompositorEntryRegionsIntersectAll(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, uint32_t cRegions, const RTRECT *paRegions, bool *pfChanged); VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrCompositorEntryListIntersectAll(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, const VBOXVR_LIST *pList2, bool *pfChanged); VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrCompositorEntryRegionsTranslate(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry, int32_t x, int32_t y, bool *pfChanged); VBOXVREGDECL(void) VBoxVrCompositorVisit(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PFNVBOXVRCOMPOSITOR_VISITOR pfnVisitor, void *pvVisitor); DECLINLINE(bool) VBoxVrCompositorIsEmpty(const VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR *pCompositor) { return RTListIsEmpty(&pCompositor->List); } typedef struct VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ITERATOR { PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor; PRTLISTNODE pNextEntry; } VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ITERATOR ,*PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ITERATOR; typedef struct VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_CONST_ITERATOR { const VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR *pCompositor; const RTLISTNODE *pNextEntry; } VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_CONST_ITERATOR ,*PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_CONST_ITERATOR; DECLINLINE(void) VBoxVrCompositorIterInit(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ITERATOR pIter) { pIter->pCompositor = pCompositor; pIter->pNextEntry = pCompositor->List.pNext; } DECLINLINE(void) VBoxVrCompositorConstIterInit(const VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR *pCompositor, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_CONST_ITERATOR pIter) { pIter->pCompositor = pCompositor; pIter->pNextEntry = pCompositor->List.pNext; } #define VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY_FROM_NODE(_p) ((PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY)(((uint8_t*)(_p)) - RT_OFFSETOF(VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY, Node))) #define VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_CONST_ENTRY_FROM_NODE(_p) ((const VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY*)(((uint8_t*)(_p)) - RT_OFFSETOF(VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY, Node))) DECLINLINE(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY) VBoxVrCompositorIterNext(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ITERATOR pIter) { PRTLISTNODE pNextEntry = pIter->pNextEntry; if (pNextEntry != &pIter->pCompositor->List) { PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry = VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY_FROM_NODE(pNextEntry); pIter->pNextEntry = pNextEntry->pNext; return pEntry; } return NULL; } DECLINLINE(const VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY*) VBoxVrCompositorConstIterNext(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_CONST_ITERATOR pIter) { const RTLISTNODE *pNextEntry = pIter->pNextEntry; if (pNextEntry != &pIter->pCompositor->List) { const VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY *pEntry = VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_CONST_ENTRY_FROM_NODE(pNextEntry); pIter->pNextEntry = pNextEntry->pNext; return pEntry; } return NULL; } typedef struct VBOXVR_TEXTURE { int32_t width; int32_t height; uint32_t target; uint32_t hwid; } VBOXVR_TEXTURE, *PVBOXVR_TEXTURE; RT_C_DECLS_END #endif /* #ifndef ___cr_vreg_h_ */