1 | /* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | * All rights reserved.
3 | *
4 | * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 | */
6 |
7 | #ifndef CR_STATE_PROGRAM_H
8 | #define CR_STATE_PROGRAM_H
9 |
10 | #include "cr_hash.h"
11 | #include "state/cr_statetypes.h"
12 | #include "state/cr_limits.h"
13 |
14 | #include <iprt/cdefs.h>
15 |
16 | /*
17 | * Dirty bits for per-context program state. Per-program dirty bits
18 | * are in the CRProgram structure.
19 | */
20 | typedef struct {
21 | CRbitvalue dirty[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
22 | CRbitvalue vpEnable[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
23 | CRbitvalue fpEnable[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
24 | CRbitvalue vpBinding[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
25 | CRbitvalue fpBinding[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
26 | CRbitvalue vertexAttribArrayEnable[CR_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS][CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
27 | CRbitvalue map1AttribArrayEnable[CR_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS][CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
28 | CRbitvalue map2AttribArrayEnable[CR_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS][CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
29 | /* per-param flags: */
32 | /* any param flags: */
33 | CRbitvalue vertexEnvParameters[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
34 | CRbitvalue fragmentEnvParameters[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
36 | } CRProgramBits;
37 |
38 |
39 | /*
40 | * Fragment programs have named symbols which are defined/declared
41 | * within the fragment program that can also be set with the
42 | * glProgramNamedParameter4*NV() functions.
43 | * We keep a linked list of these CRProgramSymbol structures to implement
44 | * a symbol table. A simple linked list is sufficient since a fragment
45 | * program typically has just a few symbols.
46 | */
47 | typedef struct CRProgramSymbol {
48 | const char *name;
49 | GLuint cbName;
50 | GLfloat value[4];
51 | CRbitvalue dirty[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
52 | struct CRProgramSymbol *next;
53 | } CRProgramSymbol;
54 |
55 |
56 | /*
57 | * A vertex or fragment program.
58 | */
59 | typedef struct {
60 | GLenum target;
61 | GLuint id;
62 | GLboolean isARBprogram; /* to distinguish between NV and ARB programs */
63 | const GLubyte *string;
64 | GLsizei length;
65 | GLboolean resident;
66 | GLenum format;
67 |
68 | /* Set with ProgramNamedParameterNV */
69 | struct CRProgramSymbol *symbolTable;
70 |
71 | /* Set with ProgramLocalParameterARB: */
72 | GLfloat parameters[CR_MAX_PROGRAM_LOCAL_PARAMS][4];
73 |
74 | /* ARB info (this could be impossible to implement without parsing */
75 | GLint numInstructions;
76 | GLint numTemporaries;
77 | GLint numParameters;
78 | GLint numAttributes;
79 | GLint numAddressRegs;
80 | GLint numAluInstructions;
81 | GLint numTexInstructions;
82 | GLint numTexIndirections;
83 |
84 | CRbitvalue dirtyNamedParams[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
86 | CRbitvalue dirtyParams[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
87 | CRbitvalue dirtyProgram[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
88 | } CRProgram;
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 | typedef struct {
93 | CRProgram *currentVertexProgram;
94 | CRProgram *currentFragmentProgram;
95 | GLint errorPos;
96 | const GLubyte *errorString;
97 | GLboolean loadedProgram; /* XXX temporary */
98 |
99 | CRProgram *defaultVertexProgram;
100 | CRProgram *defaultFragmentProgram;
101 |
102 | /* tracking matrices for vertex programs */
103 | #ifdef VBOX /* see state_program.c */
104 | GLenum TrackMatrix[CR_MAX_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ENV_PARAMS / 4];
105 | GLenum TrackMatrixTransform[CR_MAX_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ENV_PARAMS / 4];
106 | #else
108 | GLenum TrackMatrixTransform[CR_MAX_VERTEX_PROGRAM_LOCAL_PARAMS / 4];
109 | #endif
110 |
111 | /* global/env params shared by all programs */
112 | GLfloat fragmentParameters[CR_MAX_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ENV_PARAMS][4];
113 | GLfloat vertexParameters[CR_MAX_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ENV_PARAMS][4];
114 |
115 | CRHashTable *programHash; /* XXX belongs in shared state, actually */
116 |
117 | GLuint vpProgramBinding;
118 | GLuint fpProgramBinding;
119 | GLboolean vpEnabled; /* GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_NV / ARB*/
120 | GLboolean fpEnabled; /* GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_NV */
121 | GLboolean fpEnabledARB; /* GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB */
122 | GLboolean vpPointSize; /* GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_NV */
123 | GLboolean vpTwoSide; /* GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_NV */
124 |
125 | /* Indicates that we have to resend program data to GPU on first glMakeCurrent call with owning context */
126 | GLboolean bResyncNeeded;
127 |
128 | } CRProgramState;
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crStateProgramInit(CRContext *ctx);
133 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crStateProgramDestroy(CRContext *ctx);
134 |
135 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crStateProgramDiff(CRProgramBits *b, CRbitvalue *bitID,
136 | CRContext *fromCtx, CRContext *toCtx);
137 | extern DECLEXPORT(void) crStateProgramSwitch(CRProgramBits *b, CRbitvalue *bitID,
138 | CRContext *fromCtx, CRContext *toCtx);
139 |
140 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateDiffAllPrograms(CRContext *g, CRbitvalue *bitID, GLboolean bForceUpdate);
141 |
142 | #endif /* CR_STATE_PROGRAM_H */