1 | /* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | * All rights reserved.
3 | *
4 | * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 | */
6 |
7 | #ifndef CR_STATE_TEXTURE_H
8 | #define CR_STATE_TEXTURE_H
9 |
10 | #include "cr_hash.h"
11 | #include "state/cr_statetypes.h"
12 | #include "state/cr_limits.h"
13 |
14 | #include <iprt/cdefs.h>
15 |
16 | #ifdef __cplusplus
17 | extern "C" {
18 | #endif
19 |
20 | /* Tells state tracker to rely on diff_api to store/load texture images
21 | * and avoid host memory allocation.
22 | */
24 |
25 | #if defined(CR_ARB_pixel_buffer_object) && !defined(CR_STATE_NO_TEXTURE_IMAGE_STORE)
26 | #error CR_ARB_pixel_buffer_object not supported without CR_STATE_NO_TEXTURE_IMAGE_STORE
27 | #endif
28 |
29 | #define CR_MAX_MIPMAP_LEVELS 20
30 |
31 | typedef struct {
32 | GLubyte redbits;
33 | GLubyte greenbits;
34 | GLubyte bluebits;
35 | GLubyte alphabits;
36 | GLubyte luminancebits;
37 | GLubyte intensitybits;
38 | GLubyte indexbits;
39 | } CRTextureFormat;
40 |
41 | typedef struct {
42 | GLubyte *img;
43 | int bytes;
44 | GLint width; /* width, height, depth includes the border */
45 | GLint height;
46 | GLint depth;
47 | GLint internalFormat;
48 | GLint border;
49 | GLenum format;
50 | GLenum type;
51 | int bytesPerPixel;
52 | #if CR_ARB_texture_compression
53 | GLboolean compressed;
54 | #endif
55 | GLboolean generateMipmap;
56 | const CRTextureFormat *texFormat;
57 |
58 | CRbitvalue dirty[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
59 | } CRTextureLevel;
60 |
61 | typedef struct {
62 | GLenum target;
63 | GLuint name;
64 |
65 | /* The mipmap levels */
66 | CRTextureLevel *level[6]; /* 6 cube faces */
67 |
68 | GLcolorf borderColor;
69 | GLenum minFilter, magFilter;
70 | GLenum wrapS, wrapT;
71 | #ifdef CR_OPENGL_VERSION_1_2
72 | GLenum wrapR;
73 | GLfloat priority;
74 | GLfloat minLod;
75 | GLfloat maxLod;
76 | GLint baseLevel;
77 | GLint maxLevel;
78 | #endif
79 | #ifdef CR_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
80 | GLfloat maxAnisotropy;
81 | #endif
82 | #ifdef CR_ARB_depth_texture
83 | GLenum depthMode;
84 | #endif
85 | #ifdef CR_ARB_shadow
86 | GLenum compareMode;
87 | GLenum compareFunc;
88 | #endif
89 | #ifdef CR_ARB_shadow_ambient
90 | GLfloat compareFailValue;
91 | #endif
92 | #ifdef CR_SGIS_generate_mipmap
93 | GLboolean generateMipmap;
94 | #endif
95 | CRbitvalue dirty[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
96 | CRbitvalue imageBit[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
98 | } CRTextureObj;
99 |
100 | typedef struct {
101 | CRbitvalue dirty[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
103 | CRbitvalue current[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS][CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
107 | /* XXX someday create more bits for texture env state */
109 | } CRTextureBits;
110 |
111 | typedef struct {
112 | /* Current texture objects (in terms of glBindTexture and glActiveTexture) */
113 | CRTextureObj *currentTexture1D;
114 | CRTextureObj *currentTexture2D;
115 | CRTextureObj *currentTexture3D;
116 | #ifdef CR_ARB_texture_cube_map
117 | CRTextureObj *currentTextureCubeMap;
118 | #endif
119 | #ifdef CR_NV_texture_rectangle
120 | CRTextureObj *currentTextureRect;
121 | #endif
122 |
123 | GLboolean enabled1D;
124 | GLboolean enabled2D;
125 | GLboolean enabled3D;
126 | #ifdef CR_ARB_texture_cube_map
127 | GLboolean enabledCubeMap;
128 | #endif
129 | #ifdef CR_NV_texture_rectangle
130 | GLboolean enabledRect;
131 | #endif
132 | #ifdef CR_EXT_texture_lod_bias
133 | GLfloat lodBias;
134 | #endif
135 |
136 | GLenum envMode;
137 | GLcolorf envColor;
138 |
139 | /* GL_ARB_texture_env_combine */
140 | GLenum combineModeRGB; /* GL_REPLACE, GL_DECAL, GL_ADD, etc. */
141 | GLenum combineModeA; /* GL_REPLACE, GL_DECAL, GL_ADD, etc. */
142 | GLenum combineSourceRGB[3]; /* GL_PRIMARY_COLOR, GL_TEXTURE, etc. */
143 | GLenum combineSourceA[3]; /* GL_PRIMARY_COLOR, GL_TEXTURE, etc. */
144 | GLenum combineOperandRGB[3]; /* SRC_COLOR, ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, etc */
145 | GLenum combineOperandA[3]; /* SRC_ALPHA, ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, etc */
146 | GLfloat combineScaleRGB; /* 1 or 2 or 4 */
147 | GLfloat combineScaleA; /* 1 or 2 or 4 */
148 |
149 | GLtexcoordb textureGen;
150 | GLvectorf objSCoeff;
151 | GLvectorf objTCoeff;
152 | GLvectorf objRCoeff;
153 | GLvectorf objQCoeff;
154 | GLvectorf eyeSCoeff;
155 | GLvectorf eyeTCoeff;
156 | GLvectorf eyeRCoeff;
157 | GLvectorf eyeQCoeff;
158 | GLtexcoorde gen;
159 |
160 | /* These are only used for glPush/PopAttrib */
161 | CRTextureObj Saved1D;
162 | CRTextureObj Saved2D;
163 | CRTextureObj Saved3D;
164 | #ifdef CR_ARB_texture_cube_map
165 | CRTextureObj SavedCubeMap;
166 | #endif
167 | #ifdef CR_NV_texture_rectangle
168 | CRTextureObj SavedRect;
169 | #endif
170 | } CRTextureUnit;
171 |
172 | typedef struct {
173 | /* Default texture objects (name = 0) */
174 | CRTextureObj base1D;
175 | CRTextureObj base2D;
176 | CRTextureObj base3D;
177 | #ifdef CR_ARB_texture_cube_map
178 | CRTextureObj baseCubeMap;
179 | #endif
180 | #ifdef CR_NV_texture_rectangle
181 | CRTextureObj baseRect;
182 | #endif
183 |
184 | /* Proxy texture objects */
185 | CRTextureObj proxy1D;
186 | CRTextureObj proxy2D;
187 | CRTextureObj proxy3D;
188 | #ifdef CR_ARB_texture_cube_map
189 | CRTextureObj proxyCubeMap;
190 | #endif
191 | #ifdef CR_NV_texture_rectangle
192 | CRTextureObj proxyRect;
193 | #endif
194 |
195 | GLuint curTextureUnit; /* GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE */
196 |
197 | GLint maxLevel; /* number of mipmap levels possible: [0..max] */
198 | GLint max3DLevel;
199 | GLint maxCubeMapLevel;
200 | GLint maxRectLevel;
201 |
202 | GLboolean broadcastTextures; /*@todo what is it for?*/
203 |
204 | /* Indicates that we have to resend texture data to GPU on first glMakeCurrent call with owning context */
205 | GLboolean bResyncNeeded;
206 |
207 | /* Per-texture unit state: */
208 | CRTextureUnit unit[CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS];
209 | } CRTextureState;
210 |
211 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateTextureInit(CRContext *ctx);
212 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateTextureDestroy(CRContext *ctx);
213 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateTextureFree(CRContext *ctx);
214 |
215 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateTextureInitTexture(GLuint name);
216 | DECLEXPORT(CRTextureObj *) crStateTextureAllocate(GLuint name);
217 | /*void crStateTextureDelete(GLuint name);*/
218 | DECLEXPORT(CRTextureObj *) crStateTextureGet(GLenum target, GLuint textureid);
219 | DECLEXPORT(int) crStateTextureGetSize(GLenum target, GLenum level);
220 | DECLEXPORT(const GLvoid *) crStateTextureGetData(GLenum target, GLenum level);
221 |
222 | DECLEXPORT(int) crStateTextureCheckDirtyImages(CRContext *from, CRContext *to, GLenum target, int textureUnit);
223 |
224 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateTextureDiff(CRTextureBits *t, CRbitvalue *bitID,
225 | CRContext *fromCtx, CRContext *toCtx);
226 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateTextureSwitch(CRTextureBits *t, CRbitvalue *bitID,
227 | CRContext *fromCtx, CRContext *toCtx);
228 |
229 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateTextureObjectDiff(CRContext *fromCtx,
230 | const CRbitvalue *bitID,
231 | const CRbitvalue *nbitID,
232 | CRTextureObj *tobj, GLboolean alwaysDirty);
233 |
234 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateDiffAllTextureObjects( CRContext *g, CRbitvalue *bitID, GLboolean bForceUpdate );
235 |
236 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateDeleteTextureObjectData(CRTextureObj *tobj);
237 | DECLEXPORT(void) crStateDeleteTextureObject(CRTextureObj *tobj);
238 |
239 |
240 | #ifdef __cplusplus
241 | }
242 | #endif
243 |
244 | #endif /* CR_STATE_TEXTURE_H */