1 | # Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | # All rights reserved.
3 | #
4 | # See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 |
6 | # This script generates the pack_current.c file.
7 |
8 | from __future__ import print_function
9 | import sys
10 | sys.path.append( "../glapi_parser" )
11 | import apiutil
12 |
13 | from pack_currenttypes import *
14 |
15 | apiutil.CopyrightC()
16 |
17 | print("""
18 | /* DO NOT EDIT - THIS FILE GENERATED BY THE pack_current.py SCRIPT */
19 |
20 | #include <memory.h>
21 | #include "packer.h"
22 | #include "state/cr_currentpointers.h"
23 |
24 | #include <stdio.h>
25 |
26 | void crPackOffsetCurrentPointers( int offset )
27 | {
29 | GLnormal_p *normal = &(pc->current.c.normal);
30 | GLcolor_p *color = &(pc->current.c.color);
31 | GLsecondarycolor_p *secondaryColor = &(pc->current.c.secondaryColor);
32 | GLtexcoord_p *texCoord = &(pc->current.c.texCoord);
33 | GLindex_p *index = &(pc->current.c.index);
34 | GLedgeflag_p *edgeFlag = &(pc->current.c.edgeFlag);
35 | GLvertexattrib_p *vertexAttrib = &(pc->current.c.vertexAttrib);
36 | GLfogcoord_p *fogCoord = &(pc->current.c.fogCoord);
37 | int i;
38 | """)
39 |
40 | for k in sorted(current_fns.keys()):
41 | name = '%s%s' % (k[:1].lower(),k[1:])
42 | if 'array' in current_fns[k]:
43 | print('\tfor (i = 0 ; i < %s ; i++)' % current_fns[k]['array'])
44 | print('\t{')
45 | for type in current_fns[k]['types']:
46 | for size in current_fns[k]['sizes']:
47 | indent = ""
48 | ptr = "%s->%s%d" % (name, type, size )
49 | if 'array' in current_fns[k]:
50 | ptr += "[i]"
51 | indent = "\t"
52 | print("%s\tif ( %s )" % (indent, ptr))
53 | print("%s\t{" % indent)
54 | print("%s\t\t%s += offset;" % (indent, ptr ))
55 | print("%s\t}" % indent)
56 | if 'array' in current_fns[k]:
57 | print('\t}')
58 | print("""
59 | }
60 |
61 | void crPackNullCurrentPointers( void )
62 | {
64 | CRCurrentStateAttr *c = &(pc->current.c);
65 | """)
66 | print('\tmemset ( c, 0, sizeof (CRCurrentStateAttr));')
67 | print("}")