1 | /* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | * All rights reserved
3 | *
4 | * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 | */
6 |
7 | #include "packer.h"
8 | #include "cr_pixeldata.h"
9 | #include "cr_error.h"
10 | #include "cr_mem.h"
11 | #include "cr_version.h"
12 |
13 |
14 | void PACK_APIENTRY crPackDrawPixels(GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
15 | GLenum format, GLenum type,
16 | const GLvoid *pixels,
17 | const CRPixelPackState *unpackstate )
18 | {
19 | unsigned char *data_ptr;
20 | int packet_length, imagesize;
21 | int noimagedata = (pixels == NULL) || crStateIsBufferBound(g_pStateTracker, GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB);
22 |
23 | packet_length =
24 | sizeof( width ) +
25 | sizeof( height ) +
26 | sizeof( format ) +
27 | sizeof( type ) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(GLint);
28 |
29 | if (!noimagedata)
30 | {
31 | imagesize = crImageSize( format, type, width, height );
32 |
33 | if (imagesize<=0)
34 | {
35 | crDebug("crPackDrawPixels: 0 image size, ignoring");
36 | return;
37 | }
38 | packet_length += imagesize;
39 | }
40 |
41 | data_ptr = (unsigned char *) crPackAlloc( packet_length );
42 | WRITE_DATA( 0, GLsizei, width );
43 | WRITE_DATA( 4, GLsizei, height );
44 | WRITE_DATA( 8, GLenum, format );
45 | WRITE_DATA( 12, GLenum, type );
46 | WRITE_DATA( 16, GLint, noimagedata );
47 | WRITE_DATA( 20, GLint, (GLint) (uintptr_t) pixels );
48 |
49 | if (!noimagedata)
50 | {
51 | crPixelCopy2D(width, height,
52 | (void *) (data_ptr + 24), format, type, NULL, /* dst */
53 | pixels, format, type, unpackstate); /* src */
54 | }
55 |
56 | crHugePacket( CR_DRAWPIXELS_OPCODE, data_ptr );
57 | crPackFree( data_ptr );
58 | }
59 |
60 | void PACK_APIENTRY crPackReadPixels(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width,
61 | GLsizei height, GLenum format,
62 | GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels,
63 | const CRPixelPackState *packstate,
64 | int *writeback)
65 | {
67 | unsigned char *data_ptr;
68 | GLint stride = 0;
69 | GLint bytes_per_row;
70 | int bytes_per_pixel;
71 | *writeback = 0;
72 |
73 | bytes_per_pixel = crPixelSize(format, type);
74 | if (bytes_per_pixel <= 0) {
75 | char string[80];
76 | sprintf(string, "crPackReadPixels(format 0x%x or type 0x%x)", format, type);
77 | __PackError(__LINE__, __FILE__, GL_INVALID_ENUM, string);
78 | return;
79 | }
80 |
81 | /* default bytes_per_row so crserver can allocate memory */
82 | bytes_per_row = width * bytes_per_pixel;
83 |
84 | stride = bytes_per_row;
85 | if (packstate->alignment != 1) {
86 | GLint remainder = bytes_per_row % packstate->alignment;
87 | if (remainder)
88 | stride = bytes_per_row + (packstate->alignment - remainder);
89 | }
90 |
91 | CR_GET_BUFFERED_POINTER(pc, 48 + sizeof(CRNetworkPointer) );
92 | WRITE_DATA( 0, GLint, x );
93 | WRITE_DATA( 4, GLint, y );
94 | WRITE_DATA( 8, GLsizei, width );
95 | WRITE_DATA( 12, GLsizei, height );
96 | WRITE_DATA( 16, GLenum, format );
97 | WRITE_DATA( 20, GLenum, type );
98 | WRITE_DATA( 24, GLint, stride ); /* XXX not really used! */
99 | WRITE_DATA( 28, GLint, packstate->alignment );
100 | WRITE_DATA( 32, GLint, packstate->skipRows );
101 | WRITE_DATA( 36, GLint, packstate->skipPixels );
102 | WRITE_DATA( 40, GLint, bytes_per_row );
103 | WRITE_DATA( 44, GLint, packstate->rowLength );
104 | WRITE_NETWORK_POINTER( 48, (char *) pixels );
108 | }
109 |
110 | /* Round N up to the next multiple of 8 */
111 | #define CEIL8(N) (((N) + 7) & ~0x7)
112 |
113 | void PACK_APIENTRY crPackBitmap(GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
114 | GLfloat xorig, GLfloat yorig, GLfloat xmove, GLfloat ymove,
115 | const GLubyte *bitmap, const CRPixelPackState *unpack )
116 | {
117 | const int noimagedata = (bitmap == NULL) || crStateIsBufferBound(g_pStateTracker, GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB);
118 | unsigned char *data_ptr;
119 | int data_length = 0;
120 | /*GLubyte *destBitmap = NULL; - unused */
121 | int packet_length =
122 | sizeof( width ) +
123 | sizeof( height ) +
124 | sizeof( xorig ) +
125 | sizeof( yorig ) +
126 | sizeof( xmove ) +
127 | sizeof( ymove ) +
128 | sizeof( GLuint ) + sizeof(GLint);
129 |
130 | if (!noimagedata)
131 | {
132 | data_length = CEIL8(width) * height / 8;
133 | packet_length += data_length;
134 | }
135 |
136 | data_ptr = (unsigned char *) crPackAlloc( packet_length );
137 |
138 | WRITE_DATA( 0, GLsizei, width );
139 | WRITE_DATA( 4, GLsizei, height );
140 | WRITE_DATA( 8, GLfloat, xorig );
141 | WRITE_DATA( 12, GLfloat, yorig );
142 | WRITE_DATA( 16, GLfloat, xmove );
143 | WRITE_DATA( 20, GLfloat, ymove );
144 | WRITE_DATA( 24, GLuint, noimagedata );
145 | WRITE_DATA( 28, GLint, (GLint) (uintptr_t) bitmap);
146 |
147 | if (!noimagedata)
148 | crBitmapCopy(width, height, (GLubyte *)(data_ptr + 32), bitmap, unpack);
149 |
150 | crHugePacket( CR_BITMAP_OPCODE, data_ptr );
151 | crPackFree( data_ptr );
152 | }
153 | /*
154 | ZPix - compressed DrawPixels
155 | */
156 | void PACK_APIENTRY crPackZPixCR( GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
157 | GLenum format, GLenum type,
158 | GLenum ztype, GLint zparm, GLint length,
159 | const GLvoid *pixels,
160 | const CRPixelPackState *unpackstate )
161 | {
162 | unsigned char *data_ptr;
163 | int packet_length;
164 | (void)unpackstate;
165 |
166 | if (pixels == NULL)
167 | {
168 | return;
169 | }
170 |
171 | packet_length =
172 | sizeof( int ) + /* packet size */
173 | sizeof( GLenum ) + /* extended opcode */
174 | sizeof( width ) +
175 | sizeof( height ) +
176 | sizeof( format ) +
177 | sizeof( type ) +
178 | sizeof( ztype ) +
179 | sizeof( zparm ) +
180 | sizeof( length );
181 |
182 | packet_length += length;
183 |
184 | /* XXX JAG
185 | crDebug("PackZPixCR: fb %d x %d, state %d, zlen = %d, plen = %d",
186 | width, height, ztype, length, packet_length);
187 | */
188 | data_ptr = (unsigned char *) crPackAlloc( packet_length );
190 | WRITE_DATA( 4, GLsizei, width );
191 | WRITE_DATA( 8, GLsizei, height );
192 | WRITE_DATA( 12, GLenum, format );
193 | WRITE_DATA( 16, GLenum, type );
194 | WRITE_DATA( 20, GLenum, ztype );
195 | WRITE_DATA( 24, GLint, zparm );
196 | WRITE_DATA( 28, GLint, length );
197 |
198 | crMemcpy((void *) (data_ptr+32), pixels, length);
199 |
200 | crHugePacket( CR_EXTEND_OPCODE, data_ptr );
201 | crPackFree( data_ptr );
202 | }
203 |
204 |
205 | void PACK_APIENTRY
206 | crPackGetTexImage( GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum format, GLenum type,
207 | GLvoid * pixels, const CRPixelPackState * packstate,
208 | int * writeback )
209 | {
211 | unsigned char *data_ptr;
212 | (void) pc; (void) packstate;
213 | CR_GET_BUFFERED_POINTER( pc, 40 );
214 | WRITE_DATA( 0, GLint, 40 );
216 | WRITE_DATA( 8, GLenum, target );
217 | WRITE_DATA( 12, GLint, level );
218 | WRITE_DATA( 16, GLenum, format );
219 | WRITE_DATA( 20, GLenum, type );
220 | WRITE_NETWORK_POINTER( 24, (void *) pixels );
221 | WRITE_NETWORK_POINTER( 32, (void *) writeback );
225 | }