1 | import sys
2 |
3 | import apiutil
4 |
5 | import sys, re, string
6 |
7 |
8 | line_re = re.compile(r'^(\S+)\s+(GL_\S+)\s+(.*)\s*$')
9 | extensions_line_re = re.compile(r'^(\S+)\s+(GL_\S+)\s(\S+)\s+(.*)\s*$')
10 |
11 | params = {}
12 | extended_params = {}
13 |
14 | input = open( sys.argv[2]+"/state_isenabled.txt", 'r' )
15 | for line in input.readlines():
16 | match = line_re.match( line )
17 | if match:
18 | type = match.group(1)
19 | pname = match.group(2)
20 | fields = string.split( match.group(3) )
21 | params[pname] = ( type, fields )
22 |
23 | input = open( sys.argv[2]+"/state_extensions_isenabled.txt", 'r' )
24 | for line in input.readlines():
25 | match = extensions_line_re.match( line )
26 | if match:
27 | type = match.group(1)
28 | pname = match.group(2)
29 | ifdef = match.group(3)
30 | fields = string.split( match.group(4) )
31 | extended_params[pname] = ( type, ifdef, fields )
32 |
33 |
34 | apiutil.CopyrightC()
35 |
36 | print """#include "cr_blitter.h"
37 | #include "cr_spu.h"
38 | #include "chromium.h"
39 | #include "cr_error.h"
40 | #include "cr_net.h"
41 | #include "cr_rand.h"
42 | #include "cr_mem.h"
43 | #include "cr_string.h"
44 | #include <cr_dump.h>
45 | #include "cr_pixeldata.h"
46 |
47 | #include <iprt/cdefs.h>
48 | #include <iprt/types.h>
49 | #include <iprt/mem.h>
50 |
51 | #include <stdio.h>
52 |
54 | """
55 |
56 | from get_sizes import *;
57 |
58 | getprops = apiutil.ParamProps("GetDoublev")
59 | enableprops = apiutil.ParamProps("Enable")
60 |
61 | #print "//missing get props:"
62 | #for prop in getprops:
63 | # try:
64 | # tmp = num_get_values[prop]
65 | # except KeyError:
66 | # try:
67 | # keyvalues = extensions_num_get_values[prop]
68 | # except KeyError:
69 | # print "//%s" % prop
70 | #
71 | print """
72 | static void crRecDumpPrintVal(CR_DUMPER *pDumper, struct nv_struct *pDesc, float *pfData)
73 | {
74 | char aBuf[4096];
75 | crDmpFormatArray(aBuf, sizeof (aBuf), "%f", sizeof (float), pfData, pDesc->num_values);
76 | crDmpStrF(pDumper, "%s = %s;", pDesc->pszName, aBuf);
77 | }
78 |
79 |
80 | void crRecDumpGlGetState(CR_RECORDER *pRec, CRContext *ctx)
81 | {
82 | float afData[CR_MAX_GET_VALUES];
83 | struct nv_struct *pDesc;
84 |
85 | for (pDesc = num_values_array; pDesc->num_values != 0 ; pDesc++)
86 | {
87 | memset(afData, 0, sizeof(afData));
88 | pRec->pDispatch->GetFloatv(pDesc->pname, afData);
89 | crRecDumpPrintVal(pRec->pDumper, pDesc, afData);
90 | }
91 | }
92 |
93 | void crRecDumpGlEnableState(CR_RECORDER *pRec, CRContext *ctx)
94 | {
95 | GLboolean fEnabled;
96 | """
97 | keys = params.keys()
98 | keys.sort();
99 |
100 | for pname in keys:
101 | print "\tfEnabled = pRec->pDispatch->IsEnabled(%s);" % pname
102 | print "\tcrDmpStrF(pRec->pDumper, \"%s = %%d;\", fEnabled);" % pname
103 |
104 | keys = extended_params.keys();
105 | keys.sort()
106 |
107 | for pname in keys:
108 | (srctype,ifdef,fields) = extended_params[pname]
109 | ext = ifdef[3:] # the extension name with the "GL_" prefix removed
110 | ext = ifdef
111 | print '#ifdef CR_%s' % ext
112 | print "\tfEnabled = pRec->pDispatch->IsEnabled(%s);" % pname
113 | print "\tcrDmpStrF(pRec->pDumper, \"%s = %%d;\", fEnabled);" % pname
114 | print '#endif /* CR_%s */' % ext
115 |
116 | #print "//missing enable props:"
117 | #for prop in enableprops:
118 | # try:
119 | # keyvalues = params[prop]
120 | # except KeyError:
121 | # try:
122 | # keyvalues = extended_params[prop]
123 | # except KeyError:
124 | # print "//%s" % prop
125 | #
126 | print """
127 | }
128 | #endif
129 | """
130 |
131 | from get_components import *;
132 |
133 | texenv_mappings = {
134 | 'GL_TEXTURE_ENV' : [
139 | 'GL_RGB_SCALE',
141 | 'GL_SRC0_RGB',
142 | 'GL_SRC1_RGB',
143 | 'GL_SRC2_RGB',
144 | 'GL_SRC0_ALPHA',
145 | 'GL_SRC1_ALPHA',
146 | 'GL_SRC2_ALPHA'
147 | ],
150 | ],
151 | 'GL_POINT_SPRITE' : [
153 | ]
154 | }
155 |
156 | texgen_coords = [
157 | 'GL_S',
158 | 'GL_T',
159 | 'GL_R',
160 | 'GL_Q'
161 | ]
162 |
163 | texgen_names = [
166 | 'GL_EYE_PLANE'
167 | ]
168 |
169 | texparam_names = [
186 | ]
187 |
188 | print """
189 | void crRecDumpTexParam(CR_RECORDER *pRec, CRContext *ctx, GLenum enmTarget)
190 | {
191 | GLfloat afBuf[4];
192 | char acBuf[1024];
193 | unsigned int cComponents;
194 | crDmpStrF(pRec->pDumper, "==TEX_PARAM for target(0x%x)==", enmTarget);
195 | """
196 | for pname in texparam_names:
197 | print "\tcComponents = lookupComponents(%s);" % pname
198 | print "\tAssert(cComponents <= RT_ELEMENTS(afBuf));"
199 | print "\tmemset(afBuf, 0, sizeof (afBuf));"
200 | print "\tpRec->pDispatch->GetTexParameterfv(enmTarget, %s, afBuf);" % pname
201 | print "\tcrDmpFormatArray(acBuf, sizeof (acBuf), \"%f\", sizeof (afBuf[0]), afBuf, cComponents);"
202 | print "\tcrDmpStrF(pRec->pDumper, \"%s = %%s;\", acBuf);" % pname
203 | print """
204 | crDmpStrF(pRec->pDumper, "==Done TEX_PARAM for target(0x%x)==", enmTarget);
205 | }
206 | """
207 |
208 | print """
209 | void crRecDumpTexEnv(CR_RECORDER *pRec, CRContext *ctx)
210 | {
211 | GLfloat afBuf[4];
212 | char acBuf[1024];
213 | unsigned int cComponents;
214 | crDmpStrF(pRec->pDumper, "==TEX_ENV==");
215 | """
216 |
217 | keys = texenv_mappings.keys()
218 | keys.sort();
219 |
220 | for target in keys:
221 | print "\tcrDmpStrF(pRec->pDumper, \"===%s===\");" % target
222 | values = texenv_mappings[target]
223 | for pname in values:
224 | print "\tcComponents = lookupComponents(%s);" % pname
225 | print "\tAssert(cComponents <= RT_ELEMENTS(afBuf));"
226 | print "\tmemset(afBuf, 0, sizeof (afBuf));"
227 | print "\tpRec->pDispatch->GetTexEnvfv(%s, %s, afBuf);" % (target, pname)
228 | print "\tcrDmpFormatArray(acBuf, sizeof (acBuf), \"%f\", sizeof (afBuf[0]), afBuf, cComponents);"
229 | print "\tcrDmpStrF(pRec->pDumper, \"%s = %%s;\", acBuf);" % pname
230 | print "\tcrDmpStrF(pRec->pDumper, \"===Done %s===\");" % target
231 | print """
232 | crDmpStrF(pRec->pDumper, "==Done TEX_ENV==");
233 | }
234 | """
235 |
236 |
237 | print """
238 | void crRecDumpTexGen(CR_RECORDER *pRec, CRContext *ctx)
239 | {
240 | GLdouble afBuf[4];
241 | char acBuf[1024];
242 | unsigned int cComponents;
243 | crDmpStrF(pRec->pDumper, "==TEX_GEN==");
244 | """
245 |
246 | for coord in texgen_coords:
247 | print "\tcrDmpStrF(pRec->pDumper, \"===%s===\");" % coord
248 | for pname in texgen_names:
249 | print "\tcComponents = lookupComponents(%s);" % pname
250 | print "\tAssert(cComponents <= RT_ELEMENTS(afBuf));"
251 | print "\tmemset(afBuf, 0, sizeof (afBuf));"
252 | print "\tpRec->pDispatch->GetTexGendv(%s, %s, afBuf);" % (coord, pname)
253 | print "\tcrDmpFormatArray(acBuf, sizeof (acBuf), \"%f\", sizeof (afBuf[0]), afBuf, cComponents);"
254 | print "\tcrDmpStrF(pRec->pDumper, \"%s = %%s;\", acBuf);" % pname
255 | print "\tcrDmpStrF(pRec->pDumper, \"===Done %s===\");" % coord
256 | print """
257 | crDmpStrF(pRec->pDumper, "==Done TEX_GEN==");
258 | }
259 | """