1 | # Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | # All rights reserved.
3 | #
4 | # See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 |
6 | from __future__ import print_function
7 | import sys, re, string
8 | import apiutil
9 |
10 | line_re = re.compile (r'^(\S+)\s+(GL_\S+)\s+(.*)\s*$')
11 | extensions_line_re = re.compile(r'^(\S+)\s+(GL_\S+)\s+(GL_\S+)\s+(.*)\s*$')
12 |
13 | params = {}
14 | extended_params = {}
15 |
16 | input = open( sys.argv[2]+"/state_get.txt", 'r' )
17 | for line in input.readlines():
18 | if line[0] == '#':
19 | continue
20 | match = line_re.match( line )
21 | if match:
22 | type = match.group(1)
23 | pname = match.group(2)
24 | fields = match.group(3).split()
25 | params[pname] = ( type, fields )
26 |
27 | input = open( sys.argv[2]+"/state_extensions_get.txt", 'r' )
28 | for line in input.readlines():
29 | if line[0] == '#':
30 | continue
31 | match = extensions_line_re.match( line )
32 | if match:
33 | type = match.group(1)
34 | pname = match.group(2)
35 | ifdef = match.group(3)
36 | fields = match.group(4).split()
37 | extended_params[pname] = ( type, ifdef, fields )
38 |
39 | convert = {
40 | 'GLenum' : {
41 | 'Boolean' : '(GLboolean) (%s != 0)',
42 | 'Double' : '(GLdouble) %s',
43 | 'Float' : '(GLfloat) %s',
44 | 'Integer' : '(GLint) %s'
45 | },
46 | 'GLboolean' : {
47 | 'Boolean' : '(GLboolean) (%s != 0)',
48 | 'Double' : '(GLdouble) %s',
49 | 'Float' : '(GLfloat) %s',
50 | 'Integer' : '(GLint) %s'
51 | },
52 | 'GLint' : {
53 | 'Boolean' : '(GLboolean) (%s != 0)',
54 | 'Double' : '(GLdouble) %s',
55 | 'Float' : '(GLfloat) %s',
56 | 'Integer' : '(GLint) %s'
57 | },
58 | 'GLuint' : {
59 | 'Boolean' : '(GLboolean) (%s != 0)',
60 | 'Double' : '(GLdouble) %s',
61 | 'Float' : '(GLfloat) %s',
62 | 'Integer' : '(GLint) %s'
63 | },
64 | 'GLfloat' : {
65 | 'Boolean' : '(GLboolean) (%s != 0.0f)',
66 | 'Double' : '(GLdouble) %s',
67 | 'Float' : '%s',
68 | 'Integer' : '(GLint) %s'
69 | },
70 | 'GLdouble' : {
71 | 'Boolean' : '(GLboolean) (%s != 0.0)',
72 | 'Double' : '%s',
73 | 'Float' : '(GLfloat) %s',
74 | 'Integer' : '(GLint) %s'
75 | },
76 | 'GLdefault' : {
77 | 'Boolean' : '(GLboolean) (%s != (GLdefault) 0.0)',
78 | 'Double' : '(GLdouble) %s',
79 | 'Float' : '(GLfloat) %s',
80 | 'Integer' : '(GLint) %s'
81 | },
82 | 'GLclampd' : {
83 | 'Boolean' : '(GLboolean) (%s != 0.0)',
84 | 'Double' : '%s',
85 | 'Float' : '(GLfloat) %s',
86 | 'Integer' : '__clampd_to_int(%s)'
87 | },
88 | 'GLclampf' : {
89 | 'Boolean' : '(GLboolean) (%s != 0.0f)',
90 | 'Double' : '(GLdouble) %s',
91 | 'Float' : '%s',
92 | 'Integer' : '__clampf_to_int(%s)'
93 | }
94 | }
95 |
96 | types = [ "Boolean", "Double", "Float", "Integer" ]
97 |
98 | ctypes = {
99 | 'Boolean' : 'GLboolean',
100 | 'Double' : 'GLdouble',
101 | 'Float' : 'GLfloat',
102 | 'Integer' : 'GLint'
103 | }
104 |
105 | apiutil.CopyrightC()
106 |
107 | print("""
108 | /* DO NOT EDIT - THIS FILE GENERATED BY state_get.txt AND THE state_get.py SCRIPT */
109 | #include <stdio.h>
110 | #include <math.h>
111 |
112 | #include "state.h"
113 | #include "state/cr_statetypes.h"
114 |
115 | static GLint __clampd_to_int(GLdouble d)
116 | {
117 | /* -1.0 -> MIN_INT, 1.0 -> MAX_INT */
118 | if (d > 1.0)
119 | return 0x7fffffff;
120 | if (d < -1.0)
121 | return 0x80000000;
122 | return (GLint) floor(d * 2147483647.5);
123 | }
124 |
125 | static GLint __clampf_to_int(GLfloat f)
126 | {
127 | /* -1.0f -> MIN_INT, 1.0f -> MAX_INT */
128 | if (f > 1.0f)
129 | return 0x7fffffff;
130 | if (f < -1.0f)
131 | return 0x80000000;
132 | return (GLint) floor(f * 2147483647.5f);
133 | }
134 |
135 | static GLenum __getDrawBuffer(CRContext *g)
136 | {
137 | return g->framebufferobject.drawFB ? g->framebufferobject.drawFB->drawbuffer[0] : g->buffer.drawBuffer;
138 | }
139 |
140 | static GLenum __getReadBuffer(CRContext *g)
141 | {
142 | return g->framebufferobject.readFB ? g->framebufferobject.readFB->readbuffer : g->buffer.readBuffer;
143 | }
144 | """)
145 |
146 | header = """
147 | {
148 | CRContext *g = GetCurrentContext(pState);
149 |
150 | if (g->current.inBeginEnd)
151 | {
152 | crStateError(pState, __LINE__, __FILE__, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
153 | "glGet called in Begin/End");
154 | return;
155 | }
156 |
157 | if (pname == GL_CURRENT_INDEX || pname == GL_CURRENT_COLOR ||
160 | pname == GL_CURRENT_NORMAL || pname == GL_EDGE_FLAG ||
162 | {
163 | #if 0
164 | crStateError(pState, __LINE__,__FILE__, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
165 | "Unimplemented glGet of a 'current' value" );
166 | #else
167 | crStateCurrentRecover(pState);/* &g->current, &sb->current, g->bitID );*/
168 |
169 | #endif
170 | }
171 |
172 | switch (pname) {
173 | """
174 |
175 | for rettype in types:
176 | print('')
177 | print('void STATE_APIENTRY crStateGet%sv(PCRStateTracker pState, GLenum pname, %s *params )' % ( rettype, ctypes[rettype] ))
178 | print(header)
179 |
180 | for pname in sorted(params.keys()):
181 | print('\t\tcase %s:' % pname)
182 | (srctype,fields) = params[pname]
183 | try:
184 | cvt = convert[srctype][rettype]
185 | i = 0
186 | for field in fields:
187 | expr = cvt % field
188 | print('\t\t\tparams[%d] = %s;' % (i,expr))
189 | i += 1
190 | except:
191 | print('\t\t\tcrStateError(pState, __LINE__,__FILE__,GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "Unimplemented glGet!");')
192 | print("\t\t\tbreak;")
193 |
194 |
195 | for pname in sorted(extended_params.keys()):
196 | (srctype,ifdef,fields) = extended_params[pname]
197 | ext = ifdef[3:] # the extension name with the "GL_" prefix removed
198 | #print '#ifdef %s' % ifdef
199 | print('#ifdef CR_%s' % ext)
200 | print('\t\tcase %s:' % pname)
201 | if ext != 'OPENGL_VERSION_1_2':
202 | print('\t\t\tif (g->extensions.%s) {' % ext)
203 | try:
204 | cvt = convert[srctype][rettype]
205 | i = 0
206 | for field in fields:
207 | expr = cvt % field
208 | if field[0] == '%':
209 | command = string.split(field, '%')
210 | print('\t\t\t\t%s;' % command[1])
211 | continue
212 | elif ext != 'OPENGL_VERSION_1_2':
213 | print('\t\t\t\tparams[%d] = %s;' % (i,expr))
214 | else:
215 | print('\t\t\tparams[%d] = %s;' % (i,expr))
216 | i += 1
217 | except:
218 | print('\t\t\tcrStateError(pState, __LINE__,__FILE__,GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "Unimplemented glGet!");')
219 | if ext != 'OPENGL_VERSION_1_2':
220 | print("\t\t\t}")
221 | print("\t\t\telse {")
222 | print('\t\t\t\tcrStateError(pState, __LINE__,__FILE__,GL_INVALID_ENUM, "glGet%sv");' % rettype)
223 | print("\t\t\t}")
224 | print("\t\t\tbreak;")
225 | #print '#endif /* %s */' % ifdef
226 | print('#endif /* CR_%s */' % ext)
227 |
228 | print('\t\tdefault:')
229 | print('\t\t\tcrStateError(pState, __LINE__, __FILE__, GL_INVALID_ENUM, "glGet: Unknown enum: 0x%x", pname);')
230 | print('\t\t\treturn;')
231 | print('\t}')
232 | print('}')
233 |
234 | from get_components import *