/* $Id: vreg.cpp 43888 2012-11-15 21:23:50Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * Visible Regions processing API implementation */ /* * Copyright (C) 2012 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #include #include #include #include #ifndef IN_RING0 #include #define WARN(_m) do { crWarning _m ; } while (0) #else # error port me! #endif typedef struct VBOXVR_REG { RTLISTNODE ListEntry; RTRECT Rect; } VBOXVR_REG, *PVBOXVR_REG; #define PVBOXVR_REG_FROM_ENTRY(_pEntry) ((PVBOXVR_REG)(((uint8_t*)(_pEntry)) - RT_OFFSETOF(VBOXVR_REG, ListEntry))) #ifdef DEBUG_misha //# define VBOXVDBG_VR_LAL_DISABLE #endif #ifndef VBOXVDBG_VR_LAL_DISABLE static RTMEMCACHE g_VBoxVrLookasideList; #endif static PVBOXVR_REG vboxVrRegCreate() { #ifndef VBOXVDBG_VR_LAL_DISABLE PVBOXVR_REG pReg = (PVBOXVR_REG)RTMemCacheAlloc(g_VBoxVrLookasideList); if (!pReg) { WARN(("ExAllocateFromLookasideListEx failed!")); } return pReg; #else return (PVBOXVR_REG)RTMemAlloc(sizeof (VBOXVR_REG)); #endif } static void vboxVrRegTerm(PVBOXVR_REG pReg) { #ifndef VBOXVDBG_VR_LAL_DISABLE RTMemCacheFree(g_VBoxVrLookasideList, pReg); #else RTMemFree(pReg); #endif } VBOXVREGDECL(void) VBoxVrListClear(PVBOXVR_LIST pList) { PVBOXVR_REG pReg, pRegNext; RTListForEachSafe(&pList->ListHead, pReg, pRegNext, VBOXVR_REG, ListEntry) { vboxVrRegTerm(pReg); } VBoxVrListInit(pList); } #define VBOXVR_MEMTAG 'vDBV' VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrInit() { #ifndef VBOXVDBG_VR_LAL_DISABLE int rc = RTMemCacheCreate(&g_VBoxVrLookasideList, sizeof (VBOXVR_REG), 0, /* size_t cbAlignment */ UINT32_MAX, /* uint32_t cMaxObjects */ NULL, /* PFNMEMCACHECTOR pfnCtor*/ NULL, /* PFNMEMCACHEDTOR pfnDtor*/ NULL, /* void *pvUser*/ 0 /* uint32_t fFlags*/ ); if (!RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { WARN(("ExInitializeLookasideListEx failed, rc (%d)", rc)); return rc; } #endif return VINF_SUCCESS; } VBOXVREGDECL(void) VBoxVrTerm() { #ifndef VBOXVDBG_VR_LAL_DISABLE RTMemCacheDestroy(g_VBoxVrLookasideList); #endif } typedef DECLCALLBACK(int) FNVBOXVR_CB_COMPARATOR(const PVBOXVR_REG pReg1, const PVBOXVR_REG pReg2); typedef FNVBOXVR_CB_COMPARATOR *PFNVBOXVR_CB_COMPARATOR; static DECLCALLBACK(int) vboxVrRegNonintersectedComparator(const RTRECT* pRect1, const RTRECT* pRect2) { Assert(!VBoxRectIsIntersect(pRect1, pRect2)); if (pRect1->yTop != pRect2->yTop) return pRect1->yTop - pRect2->yTop; return pRect1->xLeft - pRect2->xLeft; } #ifdef DEBUG_misha static void vboxVrDbgListDoVerify(PVBOXVR_LIST pList) { PVBOXVR_REG pReg1, pReg2; RTListForEach(&pList->ListHead, pReg1, VBOXVR_REG, ListEntry) { for (RTLISTNODE *pEntry2 = pReg1->ListEntry.pNext; pEntry2 != &pList->ListHead; pEntry2 = pEntry2->pNext) { pReg2 = PVBOXVR_REG_FROM_ENTRY(pEntry2); Assert(vboxVrRegNonintersectedComparator(&pReg1->Rect, &pReg2->Rect) < 0); } } } #define vboxVrDbgListVerify vboxVrDbgListDoVerify #else #define vboxVrDbgListVerify(_p) do {} while (0) #endif static int vboxVrListUniteIntersection(PVBOXVR_LIST pList, PVBOXVR_LIST pIntersection); #define VBOXVR_INVALID_COORD (~0UL) DECLINLINE(void) vboxVrListRegAdd(PVBOXVR_LIST pList, PVBOXVR_REG pReg, PRTLISTNODE pPlace, bool fAfter) { if (fAfter) RTListPrepend(pPlace, &pReg->ListEntry); else RTListAppend(pPlace, &pReg->ListEntry); ++pList->cEntries; vboxVrDbgListVerify(pList); } DECLINLINE(void) vboxVrListRegRemove(PVBOXVR_LIST pList, PVBOXVR_REG pReg) { RTListNodeRemove(&pReg->ListEntry); --pList->cEntries; } static void vboxVrListRegAddOrder(PVBOXVR_LIST pList, PRTLISTNODE pMemberEntry, PVBOXVR_REG pReg) { do { if (pMemberEntry != &pList->ListHead) { PVBOXVR_REG pMemberReg = PVBOXVR_REG_FROM_ENTRY(pMemberEntry); if (vboxVrRegNonintersectedComparator(&pMemberReg->Rect, &pReg->Rect) < 0) { pMemberEntry = pMemberEntry->pNext; continue; } } vboxVrListRegAdd(pList, pReg, pMemberEntry, false); break; } while (1); } static void vboxVrListAddNonintersected(PVBOXVR_LIST pList1, PVBOXVR_LIST pList2) { PRTLISTNODE pEntry1 = pList1->ListHead.pNext; for (PRTLISTNODE pEntry2 = pList2->ListHead.pNext; pEntry2 != &pList2->ListHead; pEntry2 = pList2->ListHead.pNext) { PVBOXVR_REG pReg2 = PVBOXVR_REG_FROM_ENTRY(pEntry2); do { if (pEntry1 != &pList1->ListHead) { PVBOXVR_REG pReg1 = PVBOXVR_REG_FROM_ENTRY(pEntry1); if (vboxVrRegNonintersectedComparator(&pReg1->Rect, &pReg2->Rect) < 0) { pEntry1 = pEntry1->pNext; continue; } } vboxVrListRegRemove(pList2, pReg2); vboxVrListRegAdd(pList1, pReg2, pEntry1, false); break; } while (1); } Assert(VBoxVrListIsEmpty(pList2)); } static int vboxVrListRegIntersectSubstNoJoin(PVBOXVR_LIST pList1, PVBOXVR_REG pReg1, const RTRECT * pRect2) { uint32_t topLim = VBOXVR_INVALID_COORD; uint32_t bottomLim = VBOXVR_INVALID_COORD; RTLISTNODE List; PVBOXVR_REG pBottomReg = NULL; #ifdef DEBUG_misha RTRECT tmpRect = pReg1->Rect; vboxVrDbgListVerify(pList1); #endif RTListInit(&List); Assert(VBoxRectIsIntersect(&pReg1->Rect, pRect2)); if (pReg1->Rect.yTop < pRect2->yTop) { Assert(pRect2->yTop < pReg1->Rect.yBottom); PVBOXVR_REG pRegResult = vboxVrRegCreate(); pRegResult->Rect.yTop = pReg1->Rect.yTop; pRegResult->Rect.xLeft = pReg1->Rect.xLeft; pRegResult->Rect.yBottom = pRect2->yTop; pRegResult->Rect.xRight = pReg1->Rect.xRight; topLim = pRect2->yTop; RTListAppend(&List, &pRegResult->ListEntry); } if (pReg1->Rect.yBottom > pRect2->yBottom) { Assert(pRect2->yBottom > pReg1->Rect.yTop); PVBOXVR_REG pRegResult = vboxVrRegCreate(); pRegResult->Rect.yTop = pRect2->yBottom; pRegResult->Rect.xLeft = pReg1->Rect.xLeft; pRegResult->Rect.yBottom = pReg1->Rect.yBottom; pRegResult->Rect.xRight = pReg1->Rect.xRight; bottomLim = pRect2->yBottom; pBottomReg = pRegResult; } if (pReg1->Rect.xLeft < pRect2->xLeft) { Assert(pRect2->xLeft < pReg1->Rect.xRight); PVBOXVR_REG pRegResult = vboxVrRegCreate(); pRegResult->Rect.yTop = topLim == VBOXVR_INVALID_COORD ? pReg1->Rect.yTop : topLim; pRegResult->Rect.xLeft = pReg1->Rect.xLeft; pRegResult->Rect.yBottom = bottomLim == VBOXVR_INVALID_COORD ? pReg1->Rect.yBottom : bottomLim; pRegResult->Rect.xRight = pRect2->xLeft; RTListAppend(&List, &pRegResult->ListEntry); } if (pReg1->Rect.xRight > pRect2->xRight) { Assert(pRect2->xRight > pReg1->Rect.xLeft); PVBOXVR_REG pRegResult = vboxVrRegCreate(); pRegResult->Rect.yTop = topLim == VBOXVR_INVALID_COORD ? pReg1->Rect.yTop : topLim; pRegResult->Rect.xLeft = pRect2->xRight; pRegResult->Rect.yBottom = bottomLim == VBOXVR_INVALID_COORD ? pReg1->Rect.yBottom : bottomLim; pRegResult->Rect.xRight = pReg1->Rect.xRight; RTListAppend(&List, &pRegResult->ListEntry); } if (pBottomReg) RTListAppend(&List, &pBottomReg->ListEntry); PRTLISTNODE pMemberEntry = pReg1->ListEntry.pNext; vboxVrListRegRemove(pList1, pReg1); vboxVrRegTerm(pReg1); if (RTListIsEmpty(&List)) return VINF_SUCCESS; /* the region is covered by the pRect2 */ PRTLISTNODE pEntry = List.pNext, pNext; for (; pEntry != &List; pEntry = pNext) { pNext = pEntry->pNext; PVBOXVR_REG pReg = PVBOXVR_REG_FROM_ENTRY(pEntry); vboxVrListRegAddOrder(pList1, pMemberEntry, pReg); pMemberEntry = pEntry->pNext; /* the following elements should go after the given pEntry since they are ordered already */ } return VINF_SUCCESS; } typedef DECLCALLBACK(PRTLISTNODE) FNVBOXVR_CB_INTERSECTED_VISITOR(PVBOXVR_LIST pList1, PVBOXVR_REG pReg1, const RTRECT * pRect2, void *pvContext, PRTLISTNODE *ppNext); typedef FNVBOXVR_CB_INTERSECTED_VISITOR *PFNVBOXVR_CB_INTERSECTED_VISITOR; static void vboxVrListVisitIntersected(PVBOXVR_LIST pList1, uint32_t cRects, const RTRECT *aRects, PFNVBOXVR_CB_INTERSECTED_VISITOR pfnVisitor, void* pvVisitor) { PRTLISTNODE pEntry1 = pList1->ListHead.pNext; PRTLISTNODE pNext1; uint32_t iFirst2 = 0; for (; pEntry1 != &pList1->ListHead; pEntry1 = pNext1) { pNext1 = pEntry1->pNext; PVBOXVR_REG pReg1 = PVBOXVR_REG_FROM_ENTRY(pEntry1); for (uint32_t i = iFirst2; i < cRects; ++i) { const RTRECT *pRect2 = &aRects[i]; if (pReg1->Rect.yBottom <= pRect2->yTop) continue; else if (pRect2->yBottom <= pReg1->Rect.yTop) continue; /* y coords intersect */ else if (pReg1->Rect.xRight <= pRect2->xLeft) continue; else if (pRect2->xRight <= pReg1->Rect.xLeft) continue; /* x coords intersect */ /* the visitor can modify the list 1, apply necessary adjustments after it */ PRTLISTNODE pEntry1 = pfnVisitor (pList1, pReg1, pRect2, pvVisitor, &pNext1); if (pEntry1 == &pList1->ListHead) break; } } } static void vboxVrListJoinRectsHV(PVBOXVR_LIST pList, bool fHorizontal) { PRTLISTNODE pNext1, pNext2; for (PRTLISTNODE pEntry1 = pList->ListHead.pNext; pEntry1 != &pList->ListHead; pEntry1 = pNext1) { PVBOXVR_REG pReg1 = PVBOXVR_REG_FROM_ENTRY(pEntry1); pNext1 = pEntry1->pNext; for (PRTLISTNODE pEntry2 = pEntry1->pNext; pEntry2 != &pList->ListHead; pEntry2 = pNext2) { PVBOXVR_REG pReg2 = PVBOXVR_REG_FROM_ENTRY(pEntry2); pNext2 = pEntry2->pNext; if (fHorizontal) { if (pReg1->Rect.yTop == pReg2->Rect.yTop) { if (pReg1->Rect.xRight == pReg2->Rect.xLeft) { /* join rectangles */ vboxVrListRegRemove(pList, pReg2); if (pReg1->Rect.yBottom > pReg2->Rect.yBottom) { int32_t oldRight1 = pReg1->Rect.xRight; int32_t oldBottom1 = pReg1->Rect.yBottom; pReg1->Rect.xRight = pReg2->Rect.xRight; pReg1->Rect.yBottom = pReg2->Rect.yBottom; vboxVrDbgListVerify(pList); pReg2->Rect.xLeft = pReg1->Rect.xLeft; pReg2->Rect.yTop = pReg1->Rect.yBottom; pReg2->Rect.xRight = oldRight1; pReg2->Rect.yBottom = oldBottom1; vboxVrListRegAddOrder(pList, pReg1->ListEntry.pNext, pReg2); /* restart the pNext1 & pNext2 since regs are splitted into smaller ones in y dimension * and thus can match one of the previous rects */ pNext1 = pList->ListHead.pNext; break; } else if (pReg1->Rect.yBottom < pReg2->Rect.yBottom) { pReg1->Rect.xRight = pReg2->Rect.xRight; vboxVrDbgListVerify(pList); pReg2->Rect.yTop = pReg1->Rect.yBottom; vboxVrListRegAddOrder(pList, pReg1->ListEntry.pNext, pReg2); /* restart the pNext1 & pNext2 since regs are splitted into smaller ones in y dimension * and thus can match one of the previous rects */ pNext1 = pList->ListHead.pNext; break; } else { pReg1->Rect.xRight = pReg2->Rect.xRight; vboxVrDbgListVerify(pList); /* reset the pNext1 since it could be the pReg2 being destroyed */ pNext1 = pEntry1->pNext; /* pNext2 stays the same since it is pReg2->ListEntry.pNext, which is kept intact */ vboxVrRegTerm(pReg2); } } continue; } else if (pReg1->Rect.yBottom == pReg2->Rect.yBottom) { Assert(pReg1->Rect.yTop < pReg2->Rect.yTop); /* <- since pReg1 > pReg2 && pReg1->Rect.yTop != pReg2->Rect.yTop*/ if (pReg1->Rect.xRight == pReg2->Rect.xLeft) { /* join rectangles */ vboxVrListRegRemove(pList, pReg2); pReg1->Rect.yBottom = pReg2->Rect.yTop; vboxVrDbgListVerify(pList); pReg2->Rect.xLeft = pReg1->Rect.xLeft; vboxVrListRegAddOrder(pList, pReg2->ListEntry.pNext, pReg2); /* restart the pNext1 & pNext2 since regs are splitted into smaller ones in y dimension * and thus can match one of the previous rects */ pNext1 = pList->ListHead.pNext; break; } else if (pReg1->Rect.xLeft == pReg2->Rect.xRight) { /* join rectangles */ vboxVrListRegRemove(pList, pReg2); pReg1->Rect.yBottom = pReg2->Rect.yTop; vboxVrDbgListVerify(pList); pReg2->Rect.xRight = pReg1->Rect.xRight; vboxVrListRegAddOrder(pList, pReg2->ListEntry.pNext, pReg2); /* restart the pNext1 & pNext2 since regs are splitted into smaller ones in y dimension * and thus can match one of the previous rects */ pNext1 = pList->ListHead.pNext; break; } continue; } } else { if (pReg1->Rect.yBottom == pReg2->Rect.yTop) { if (pReg1->Rect.xLeft == pReg2->Rect.xLeft) { if (pReg1->Rect.xRight == pReg2->Rect.xRight) { /* join rects */ vboxVrListRegRemove(pList, pReg2); pReg1->Rect.yBottom = pReg2->Rect.yBottom; vboxVrDbgListVerify(pList); /* reset the pNext1 since it could be the pReg2 being destroyed */ pNext1 = pEntry1->pNext; /* pNext2 stays the same since it is pReg2->ListEntry.pNext, which is kept intact */ vboxVrRegTerm(pReg2); continue; } /* no more to be done for for pReg1 */ break; } else if (pReg1->Rect.xRight > pReg2->Rect.xLeft) { /* no more to be done for for pReg1 */ break; } continue; } else if (pReg1->Rect.yBottom < pReg2->Rect.yTop) { /* no more to be done for for pReg1 */ break; } } } } } static void vboxVrListJoinRects(PVBOXVR_LIST pList) { vboxVrListJoinRectsHV(pList, true); vboxVrListJoinRectsHV(pList, false); } typedef struct VBOXVR_CBDATA_SUBST { int rc; bool fChanged; } VBOXVR_CBDATA_SUBST, *PVBOXVR_CBDATA_SUBST; static DECLCALLBACK(PRTLISTNODE) vboxVrListSubstNoJoinCb(PVBOXVR_LIST pList, PVBOXVR_REG pReg1, const RTRECT *pRect2, void *pvContext, PRTLISTNODE *ppNext) { PVBOXVR_CBDATA_SUBST pData = (PVBOXVR_CBDATA_SUBST)pvContext; /* store the prev to get the new pNext out of it*/ PRTLISTNODE pPrev = pReg1->ListEntry.pPrev; pData->fChanged = true; Assert(VBoxRectIsIntersect(&pReg1->Rect, pRect2)); /* NOTE: the pReg1 will be invalid after the vboxVrListRegIntersectSubstNoJoin call!!! */ int rc = vboxVrListRegIntersectSubstNoJoin(pList, pReg1, pRect2); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { *ppNext = pPrev->pNext; return &pList->ListHead; } WARN(("vboxVrListRegIntersectSubstNoJoin failed!")); Assert(!RT_SUCCESS(rc)); pData->rc = rc; *ppNext = &pList->ListHead; return &pList->ListHead; } static int vboxVrListSubstNoJoin(PVBOXVR_LIST pList, uint32_t cRects, const RTRECT * aRects, bool *pfChanged) { if (VBoxVrListIsEmpty(pList)) return VINF_SUCCESS; VBOXVR_CBDATA_SUBST Data; Data.rc = VINF_SUCCESS; Data.fChanged = false; *pfChanged = false; vboxVrListVisitIntersected(pList, cRects, aRects, vboxVrListSubstNoJoinCb, &Data); if (!RT_SUCCESS(Data.rc)) { WARN(("vboxVrListVisitIntersected failed!")); return Data.rc; } *pfChanged = Data.fChanged; return VINF_SUCCESS; } #if 0 static const RTRECT * vboxVrRectsOrder(uint32_t cRects, const RTRECT * aRects) { #ifdef DEBUG { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cRects; ++i) { RTRECT *pRectI = &aRects[i]; for (uint32_t j = i + 1; j < cRects; ++j) { RTRECT *pRectJ = &aRects[j]; Assert(!VBoxRectIsIntersect(pRectI, pRectJ)); } } } #endif RTRECT * pRects = (RTRECT *)aRects; /* check if rects are ordered already */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cRects - 1; ++i) { RTRECT *pRect1 = &pRects[i]; RTRECT *pRect2 = &pRects[i+1]; if (vboxVrRegNonintersectedComparator(pRect1, pRect2) < 0) continue; WARN(("rects are unoreded!")); if (pRects == aRects) { pRects = (RTRECT *)RTMemAlloc(sizeof (RTRECT) * cRects); if (!pRects) { WARN(("RTMemAlloc failed!")); return NULL; } memcpy(pRects, aRects, sizeof (RTRECT) * cRects); } Assert(pRects != aRects); int j = (int)i - 1; do { RTRECT Tmp = *pRect1; *pRect1 = *pRect2; *pRect2 = Tmp; if (j < 0) break; if (vboxVrRegNonintersectedComparator(pRect1, pRect1-1) > 0) break; pRect2 = pRect1--; --j; } while (1); } return pRects; } #endif VBOXVREGDECL(void) VBoxVrListTranslate(PVBOXVR_LIST pList, int32_t x, int32_t y) { for (PRTLISTNODE pEntry1 = pList->ListHead.pNext; pEntry1 != &pList->ListHead; pEntry1 = pEntry1->pNext) { PVBOXVR_REG pReg1 = PVBOXVR_REG_FROM_ENTRY(pEntry1); VBoxRectTranslate(&pReg1->Rect, x, y); } } VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrListRectsSubst(PVBOXVR_LIST pList, uint32_t cRects, const RTRECT * aRects, bool *pfChanged) { #if 0 const RTRECT * pRects = vboxVrRectsOrder(cRects, aRects); if (!pRects) { WARN(("vboxVrRectsOrder failed!")); return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } #endif int rc = vboxVrListSubstNoJoin(pList, cRects, aRects, pfChanged); if (!RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { WARN(("vboxVrListSubstNoJoin failed!")); goto done; } if (!*pfChanged) goto done; vboxVrListJoinRects(pList); done: #if 0 if (pRects != aRects) RTMemFree(pRects); #endif return rc; } VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrListRectsAdd(PVBOXVR_LIST pList, uint32_t cRects, const RTRECT * aRects, bool *pfChanged) { uint32_t cCovered = 0; #if 0 #ifdef DEBUG { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cRects; ++i) { RTRECT *pRectI = &aRects[i]; for (uint32_t j = i + 1; j < cRects; ++j) { RTRECT *pRectJ = &aRects[j]; Assert(!VBoxRectIsIntersect(pRectI, pRectJ)); } } } #endif #endif /* early sort out the case when there are no new rects */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cRects; ++i) { for (PRTLISTNODE pEntry1 = pList->ListHead.pNext; pEntry1 != &pList->ListHead; pEntry1 = pEntry1->pNext) { PVBOXVR_REG pReg1 = PVBOXVR_REG_FROM_ENTRY(pEntry1); if (VBoxRectIsCoveres(&pReg1->Rect, &aRects[i])) { cCovered++; break; } } } if (cCovered == cRects) { *pfChanged = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* rects are not covered, need to go the slow way */ VBOXVR_LIST DiffList; VBoxVrListInit(&DiffList); RTRECT * pListRects = NULL; uint32_t cAllocatedRects = 0; bool fNeedRectreate = true; bool fChanged = false; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cRects; ++i) { PVBOXVR_REG pReg = vboxVrRegCreate(); if (!pReg) { WARN(("vboxVrRegCreate failed!")); rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; break; } pReg->Rect = aRects[i]; uint32_t cListRects = VBoxVrListRectsCount(pList); if (!cListRects) { vboxVrListRegAdd(pList, pReg, &pList->ListHead, false); fChanged = true; continue; } else { Assert(VBoxVrListIsEmpty(&DiffList)); vboxVrListRegAdd(&DiffList, pReg, &DiffList.ListHead, false); } if (cAllocatedRects < cListRects) { cAllocatedRects = cListRects + cRects; Assert(fNeedRectreate); if (pListRects) RTMemFree(pListRects); pListRects = (RTRECT *)RTMemAlloc(sizeof (RTRECT) * cAllocatedRects); if (!pListRects) { WARN(("RTMemAlloc failed!")); rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; break; } } if (fNeedRectreate) { rc = VBoxVrListRectsGet(pList, cListRects, pListRects); Assert(rc == VINF_SUCCESS); fNeedRectreate = false; } bool fDummyChanged = false; rc = vboxVrListSubstNoJoin(&DiffList, cListRects, pListRects, &fDummyChanged); if (!RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { WARN(("vboxVrListSubstNoJoin failed!")); rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; break; } if (!VBoxVrListIsEmpty(&DiffList)) { vboxVrListAddNonintersected(pList, &DiffList); fNeedRectreate = true; fChanged = true; } Assert(VBoxVrListIsEmpty(&DiffList)); } if (pListRects) RTMemFree(pListRects); Assert(VBoxVrListIsEmpty(&DiffList) || rc != VINF_SUCCESS); VBoxVrListClear(&DiffList); if (fChanged) vboxVrListJoinRects(pList); *pfChanged = fChanged; return VINF_SUCCESS; } VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrListRectsGet(PVBOXVR_LIST pList, uint32_t cRects, RTRECT * aRects) { if (cRects < VBoxVrListRectsCount(pList)) return VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; uint32_t i = 0; for (PRTLISTNODE pEntry1 = pList->ListHead.pNext; pEntry1 != &pList->ListHead; pEntry1 = pEntry1->pNext, ++i) { PVBOXVR_REG pReg1 = PVBOXVR_REG_FROM_ENTRY(pEntry1); aRects[i] = pReg1->Rect; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrListCmp(PVBOXVR_LIST pList1, PVBOXVR_LIST pList2) { int cTmp = pList1->cEntries - pList2->cEntries; if (cTmp) return cTmp; PVBOXVR_REG pReg1, pReg2; for (pReg1 = RTListNodeGetNext(&pList1->ListHead, VBOXVR_REG, ListEntry), pReg2 = RTListNodeGetNext(&pList2->ListHead, VBOXVR_REG, ListEntry); !RTListNodeIsDummy(&pList1->ListHead, pReg1, VBOXVR_REG, ListEntry); pReg1 = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pReg1->ListEntry.pNext, VBOXVR_REG, ListEntry), pReg2 = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pReg2->ListEntry.pNext, VBOXVR_REG, ListEntry)) { Assert(!RTListNodeIsDummy(&pList2->ListHead, pReg2, VBOXVR_REG, ListEntry)); cTmp = VBoxRectCmp(&pReg1->Rect, &pReg2->Rect); if (cTmp) return cTmp; } Assert(RTListNodeIsDummy(&pList2->ListHead, pReg2, VBOXVR_REG, ListEntry)); return 0; } VBOXVREGDECL(void) VBoxVrCompositorInit(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PFNVBOXVRCOMPOSITOR_ENTRY_REMOVED pfnEntryRemoved) { RTListInit(&pCompositor->List); pCompositor->pfnEntryRemoved = pfnEntryRemoved; } VBOXVREGDECL(void) VBoxVrCompositorTerm(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor) { PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry, pEntryNext; RTListForEachSafe(&pCompositor->List, pEntry, pEntryNext, VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY, Node); { VBoxVrCompositorEntryRemove(pCompositor, pEntry); } } static DECLINLINE(void) vboxVrCompositorEntryAdd(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry) { RTListPrepend(&pCompositor->List, &pEntry->Node); } static DECLINLINE(void) vboxVrCompositorEntryRemove(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pReplacingEntry) { RTListNodeRemove(&pEntry->Node); if (pCompositor->pfnEntryRemoved) pCompositor->pfnEntryRemoved(pCompositor, pEntry, pReplacingEntry); } VBOXVREGDECL(void) VBoxVrCompositorEntryInit(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry) { VBoxVrListInit(&pEntry->Vr); } VBOXVREGDECL(bool) VBoxVrCompositorEntryRemove(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry) { if (!VBoxVrCompositorEntryIsInList(pEntry)) return false; VBoxVrListClear(&pEntry->Vr); vboxVrCompositorEntryRemove(pCompositor, pEntry, NULL); return true; } static int vboxVrCompositorEntryRegionsSubst(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry, uint32_t cRects, const RTRECT * paRects, bool *pfChanged) { bool fChanged; int rc = VBoxVrListRectsSubst(&pEntry->Vr, cRects, paRects, &fChanged); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (VBoxVrListIsEmpty(&pEntry->Vr)) { Assert(fChanged); vboxVrCompositorEntryRemove(pCompositor, pEntry, NULL); } if (pfChanged) *pfChanged = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; } WARN(("VBoxVrListRectsSubst failed, rc %d", rc)); return rc; } VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrCompositorEntryRegionsAdd(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry, uint32_t cRects, const RTRECT *paRects, uint32_t *pfChangeFlags) { bool fOthersChanged = false, fCurChanged = false, fEntryChanged = false, fEntryInList = false, fEntryReplaces = false; PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pCur; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (!cRects) { if (pfChangeFlags) *pfChangeFlags = 0; return VINF_SUCCESS; } if (pEntry) { fEntryInList = VBoxVrCompositorEntryIsInList(pEntry); rc = VBoxVrListRectsAdd(&pEntry->Vr, cRects, paRects, &fEntryChanged); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (VBoxVrListIsEmpty(&pEntry->Vr)) { WARN(("Empty rectangles passed in, is it expected?")); if (pfChangeFlags) *pfChangeFlags = 0; return VINF_SUCCESS; } } else { WARN(("VBoxVrListRectsAdd failed, rc %d", rc)); return rc; } Assert(!VBoxVrListIsEmpty(&pEntry->Vr)); } RTListForEach(&pCompositor->List, pCur, VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY, Node) { Assert(!VBoxVrListIsEmpty(&pCur->Vr)); if (pCur == pEntry) { Assert(fEntryInList); } else { if (pEntry && !VBoxVrListCmp(&pCur->Vr, &pEntry->Vr)) { VBoxVrListClear(&pCur->Vr); vboxVrCompositorEntryRemove(pCompositor, pCur, pEntry); fEntryReplaces = true; } else { rc = vboxVrCompositorEntryRegionsSubst(pCompositor, pCur, cRects, paRects, &fCurChanged); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) fOthersChanged |= fCurChanged; else { WARN(("vboxVrCompositorEntryRegionsSubst failed, rc %d", rc)); return rc; } } } } AssertRC(rc); if (pEntry && !fEntryInList) { Assert(!VBoxVrListIsEmpty(&pEntry->Vr)); vboxVrCompositorEntryAdd(pCompositor, pEntry); } if (pfChangeFlags) { uint32_t fFlags = 0; if (fOthersChanged) fFlags = VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_CF_ENTRIES_REGIONS_CHANGED | VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_CF_COMPOSITED_REGIONS_CHANGED; else if (fEntryReplaces) { Assert(fEntryChanged); fFlags = VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_CF_ENTRIES_REGIONS_CHANGED; } else if (fEntryChanged) fFlags = VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_CF_ENTRIES_REGIONS_CHANGED | VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_CF_COMPOSITED_REGIONS_CHANGED; *pfChangeFlags = fFlags; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrCompositorEntryRegionsSubst(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry, uint32_t cRects, const RTRECT * paRects, bool *pfChanged) { if (!pEntry) { WARN(("VBoxVrCompositorEntryRegionsSubst called with zero entry, unsupported!")); if (pfChanged) *pfChanged = false; return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (VBoxVrListIsEmpty(&pEntry->Vr)) { if (pfChanged) *pfChanged = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; } int rc = vboxVrCompositorEntryRegionsSubst(pCompositor, pEntry, cRects, paRects, pfChanged); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) return VINF_SUCCESS; WARN(("pfChanged failed, rc %d", rc)); return rc; } VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrCompositorEntryRegionsSet(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry, uint32_t cRects, const RTRECT *paRects, bool *pfChanged) { if (!pEntry) { WARN(("VBoxVrCompositorEntryRegionsSet called with zero entry, unsupported!")); if (pfChanged) *pfChanged = false; return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } bool fChanged = false, fCurChanged = false; uint32_t fChangeFlags = 0; int rc; fCurChanged = VBoxVrCompositorEntryRemove(pCompositor, pEntry); fChanged |= fCurChanged; rc = VBoxVrCompositorEntryRegionsAdd(pCompositor, pEntry, cRects, paRects, &fChangeFlags); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) fChanged |= !!fChangeFlags; else { WARN(("VBoxVrCompositorEntryRegionsAdd failed, rc %d", rc)); return rc; } AssertRC(rc); if (pfChanged) *pfChanged = fChanged; return VINF_SUCCESS; } VBOXVREGDECL(int) VBoxVrCompositorEntryRegionsTranslate(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry, int32_t x, int32_t y, bool *pfChanged) { if (!pEntry) { WARN(("VBoxVrCompositorEntryRegionsTranslate called with zero entry, unsupported!")); if (pfChanged) *pfChanged = false; return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ((!x && !y) || !VBoxVrCompositorEntryIsInList(pEntry)) { if (pfChanged) *pfChanged = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; } VBoxVrListTranslate(&pEntry->Vr, x, y); Assert(!VBoxVrListIsEmpty(&pEntry->Vr)); PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pCur; uint32_t cRects; RTRECT *paRects = NULL; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; RTListForEach(&pCompositor->List, pCur, VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY, Node) { Assert(!VBoxVrListIsEmpty(&pCur->Vr)); if (pCur == pEntry) continue; if (!paRects) { cRects = VBoxVrListRectsCount(&pEntry->Vr); Assert(cRects); paRects = (RTRECT*)RTMemAlloc(cRects * sizeof (RTRECT)); if (!paRects) { WARN(("RTMemAlloc failed!")); rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; break; } rc = VBoxVrListRectsGet(&pEntry->Vr, cRects, paRects); if (!RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { WARN(("VBoxVrListRectsGet failed! rc %d", rc)); break; } } rc = vboxVrCompositorEntryRegionsSubst(pCompositor, pCur, cRects, paRects, NULL); if (!RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { WARN(("vboxVrCompositorEntryRegionsSubst failed! rc %d", rc)); break; } } if (pfChanged) *pfChanged = true; if (paRects) RTMemFree(paRects); return rc; } VBOXVREGDECL(void) VBoxVrCompositorVisit(PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR pCompositor, PFNVBOXVRCOMPOSITOR_VISITOR pfnVisitor, void *pvVisitor) { PVBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY pEntry, pEntryNext; RTListForEachSafe(&pCompositor->List, pEntry, pEntryNext, VBOXVR_COMPOSITOR_ENTRY, Node); { if (!pfnVisitor(pCompositor, pEntry, pvVisitor)) return; } }