1 | /* $Id: SUPDrvGip.cpp 64235 2016-10-13 10:32:49Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBoxDrv - The VirtualBox Support Driver - Common code for GIP.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | *
17 | * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
18 | * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
19 | * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
20 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
21 | * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
22 | *
23 | * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
24 | * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
25 | */
26 |
27 |
28 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
29 | * Header Files *
30 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
32 | #define SUPDRV_AGNOSTIC
33 | #include "SUPDrvInternal.h"
34 | #ifndef PAGE_SHIFT
35 | # include <iprt/param.h>
36 | #endif
37 | #include <iprt/asm.h>
38 | #include <iprt/asm-amd64-x86.h>
39 | #include <iprt/asm-math.h>
40 | #include <iprt/cpuset.h>
41 | #include <iprt/handletable.h>
42 | #include <iprt/mem.h>
43 | #include <iprt/mp.h>
44 | #include <iprt/power.h>
45 | #include <iprt/process.h>
46 | #include <iprt/semaphore.h>
47 | #include <iprt/spinlock.h>
48 | #include <iprt/thread.h>
49 | #include <iprt/uuid.h>
50 | #include <iprt/net.h>
51 | #include <iprt/crc.h>
52 | #include <iprt/string.h>
53 | #include <iprt/timer.h>
54 | #if defined(RT_OS_DARWIN) || defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS) || defined(RT_OS_FREEBSD)
55 | # include <iprt/rand.h>
56 | # include <iprt/path.h>
57 | #endif
58 | #include <iprt/uint128.h>
59 | #include <iprt/x86.h>
60 |
61 | #include <VBox/param.h>
62 | #include <VBox/log.h>
63 | #include <VBox/err.h>
64 |
65 | #if defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS) || defined(RT_OS_DARWIN)
66 | # include "dtrace/SUPDrv.h"
67 | #else
68 | /* ... */
69 | #endif
70 |
71 |
72 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
73 | * Defined Constants And Macros *
74 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
75 | /** The frequency by which we recalculate the u32UpdateHz and
76 | * u32UpdateIntervalNS GIP members. The value must be a power of 2.
77 | *
78 | * Warning: Bumping this too high might overflow u32UpdateIntervalNS.
79 | */
80 | #define GIP_UPDATEHZ_RECALC_FREQ 0x800
81 |
82 | /** A reserved TSC value used for synchronization as well as measurement of
83 | * TSC deltas. */
85 | /** The number of TSC delta measurement loops in total (includes primer and
86 | * read-time loops). */
87 | #define GIP_TSC_DELTA_LOOPS 96
88 | /** The number of cache primer loops. */
90 | /** The number of loops until we keep computing the minumum read time. */
92 |
93 | /** The TSC frequency refinement period in seconds.
94 | * The timer fires after 200ms, then every second, this value just says when
95 | * to stop it after that. */
97 | /** The TSC-delta threshold for the SUPGIPUSETSCDELTA_PRACTICALLY_ZERO rating */
99 | /** The TSC-delta threshold for the SUPGIPUSETSCDELTA_ROUGHLY_ZERO rating */
101 | /** The TSC delta value for the initial GIP master - 0 in regular builds.
102 | * To test the delta code this can be set to a non-zero value. */
103 | #if 0
104 | # define GIP_TSC_DELTA_INITIAL_MASTER_VALUE INT64_C(170139095182512) /* 0x00009abd9854acb0 */
105 | #else
107 | #endif
108 |
111 |
112 | /** @def VBOX_SVN_REV
113 | * The makefile should define this if it can. */
114 | #ifndef VBOX_SVN_REV
115 | # define VBOX_SVN_REV 0
116 | #endif
117 |
118 | #if 0 /* Don't start the GIP timers. Useful when debugging the IPRT timer code. */
119 | # define DO_NOT_START_GIP
120 | #endif
121 |
122 |
123 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
124 | * Internal Functions *
125 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
126 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) supdrvGipSyncAndInvariantTimer(PRTTIMER pTimer, void *pvUser, uint64_t iTick);
127 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) supdrvGipAsyncTimer(PRTTIMER pTimer, void *pvUser, uint64_t iTick);
128 | static int supdrvGipSetFlags(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, uint32_t fOrMask, uint32_t fAndMask);
129 | static void supdrvGipInitCpu(PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip, PSUPGIPCPU pCpu, uint64_t u64NanoTS, uint64_t uCpuHz);
130 | static void supdrvTscResetSamples(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, bool fClearDeltas);
132 | static int supdrvTscDeltaThreadInit(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt);
133 | static void supdrvTscDeltaTerm(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt);
134 | static void supdrvTscDeltaThreadStartMeasurement(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, bool fForceAll);
135 | #else
136 | static int supdrvMeasureInitialTscDeltas(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt);
137 | static int supdrvMeasureTscDeltaOne(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, uint32_t idxWorker);
138 | #endif
139 |
140 |
141 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
142 | * Global Variables *
143 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 | /*
149 | *
150 | * Misc Common GIP Code
151 | * Misc Common GIP Code
152 | * Misc Common GIP Code
153 | *
154 | *
155 | */
156 |
157 |
158 | /**
159 | * Finds the GIP CPU index corresponding to @a idCpu.
160 | *
161 | * @returns GIP CPU array index, UINT32_MAX if not found.
162 | * @param pGip The GIP.
163 | * @param idCpu The CPU ID.
164 | */
165 | static uint32_t supdrvGipFindCpuIndexForCpuId(PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip, RTCPUID idCpu)
166 | {
167 | uint32_t i;
168 | for (i = 0; i < pGip->cCpus; i++)
169 | if (pGip->aCPUs[i].idCpu == idCpu)
170 | return i;
171 | return UINT32_MAX;
172 | }
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 | /*
177 | *
178 | * GIP Mapping and Unmapping Related Code.
179 | * GIP Mapping and Unmapping Related Code.
180 | * GIP Mapping and Unmapping Related Code.
181 | *
182 | *
183 | */
184 |
185 |
186 | /**
187 | * (Re-)initializes the per-cpu structure prior to starting or resuming the GIP
188 | * updating.
189 | *
190 | * @param pGipCpu The per CPU structure for this CPU.
191 | * @param u64NanoTS The current time.
192 | */
193 | static void supdrvGipReInitCpu(PSUPGIPCPU pGipCpu, uint64_t u64NanoTS)
194 | {
195 | /*
196 | * Here we don't really care about applying the TSC delta. The re-initialization of this
197 | * value is not relevant especially while (re)starting the GIP as the first few ones will
198 | * be ignored anyway, see supdrvGipDoUpdateCpu().
199 | */
200 | pGipCpu->u64TSC = ASMReadTSC() - pGipCpu->u32UpdateIntervalTSC;
201 | pGipCpu->u64NanoTS = u64NanoTS;
202 | }
203 |
204 |
205 | /**
206 | * Set the current TSC and NanoTS value for the CPU.
207 | *
208 | * @param idCpu The CPU ID. Unused - we have to use the APIC ID.
209 | * @param pvUser1 Pointer to the ring-0 GIP mapping.
210 | * @param pvUser2 Pointer to the variable holding the current time.
211 | */
212 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) supdrvGipReInitCpuCallback(RTCPUID idCpu, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2)
213 | {
215 | unsigned iCpu = pGip->aiCpuFromApicId[ASMGetApicId()];
216 |
217 | if (RT_LIKELY(iCpu < pGip->cCpus && pGip->aCPUs[iCpu].idCpu == idCpu))
218 | supdrvGipReInitCpu(&pGip->aCPUs[iCpu], *(uint64_t *)pvUser2);
219 |
220 | NOREF(pvUser2);
221 | NOREF(idCpu);
222 | }
223 |
224 |
225 | /**
226 | * State structure for supdrvGipDetectGetGipCpuCallback.
227 | */
228 | typedef struct SUPDRVGIPDETECTGETCPU
229 | {
230 | /** Bitmap of APIC IDs that has been seen (initialized to zero).
231 | * Used to detect duplicate APIC IDs (paranoia). */
232 | uint8_t volatile bmApicId[256 / 8];
233 | /** Mask of supported GIP CPU getter methods (SUPGIPGETCPU_XXX) (all bits set
234 | * initially). The callback clears the methods not detected. */
235 | uint32_t volatile fSupported;
236 | /** The first callback detecting any kind of range issues (initialized to
237 | * NIL_RTCPUID). */
238 | RTCPUID volatile idCpuProblem;
240 | /** Pointer to state structure for supdrvGipDetectGetGipCpuCallback. */
242 |
243 |
244 | /**
245 | * Checks for alternative ways of getting the CPU ID.
246 | *
247 | * This also checks the APIC ID, CPU ID and CPU set index values against the
248 | * GIP tables.
249 | *
250 | * @param idCpu The CPU ID. Unused - we have to use the APIC ID.
251 | * @param pvUser1 Pointer to the state structure.
252 | * @param pvUser2 Pointer to the GIP.
253 | */
254 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) supdrvGipDetectGetGipCpuCallback(RTCPUID idCpu, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2)
255 | {
258 | uint32_t fSupported = 0;
259 | uint16_t idApic;
260 | int iCpuSet;
261 | NOREF(pGip);
262 |
263 | AssertMsg(idCpu == RTMpCpuId(), ("idCpu=%#x RTMpCpuId()=%#x\n", idCpu, RTMpCpuId())); /* paranoia^3 */
264 |
265 | /*
266 | * Check that the CPU ID and CPU set index are interchangable.
267 | */
268 | iCpuSet = RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(idCpu);
269 | if ((RTCPUID)iCpuSet == idCpu)
270 | {
272 | if ( iCpuSet >= 0
273 | && iCpuSet < RTCPUSET_MAX_CPUS
275 | {
276 | /*
277 | * Check whether the IDTR.LIMIT contains a CPU number.
278 | */
279 | #ifdef RT_ARCH_X86
280 | uint16_t const cbIdt = sizeof(X86DESC64SYSTEM) * 256;
281 | #else
282 | uint16_t const cbIdt = sizeof(X86DESCGATE) * 256;
283 | #endif
284 | RTIDTR Idtr;
285 | ASMGetIDTR(&Idtr);
286 | if (Idtr.cbIdt >= cbIdt)
287 | {
288 | uint32_t uTmp = Idtr.cbIdt - cbIdt;
289 | uTmp &= RTCPUSET_MAX_CPUS - 1;
290 | if (uTmp == idCpu)
291 | {
292 | RTIDTR Idtr2;
293 | ASMGetIDTR(&Idtr2);
294 | if (Idtr2.cbIdt == Idtr.cbIdt)
296 | }
297 | }
298 |
299 | /*
300 | * Check whether RDTSCP is an option.
301 | */
302 | if (ASMHasCpuId())
303 | {
304 | if ( ASMIsValidExtRange(ASMCpuId_EAX(UINT32_C(0x80000000)))
305 | && (ASMCpuId_EDX(UINT32_C(0x80000001)) & X86_CPUID_EXT_FEATURE_EDX_RDTSCP) )
306 | {
307 | uint32_t uAux;
308 | ASMReadTscWithAux(&uAux);
309 | if ((uAux & (RTCPUSET_MAX_CPUS - 1)) == idCpu)
310 | {
311 | ASMNopPause();
312 | ASMReadTscWithAux(&uAux);
313 | if ((uAux & (RTCPUSET_MAX_CPUS - 1)) == idCpu)
315 | }
316 | }
317 | }
318 | }
319 | }
320 |
321 | /*
322 | * Check that the APIC ID is unique.
323 | */
324 | idApic = ASMGetApicId();
325 | if (RT_LIKELY( idApic < RT_ELEMENTS(pGip->aiCpuFromApicId)
326 | && !ASMAtomicBitTestAndSet(pState->bmApicId, idApic)))
327 | fSupported |= SUPGIPGETCPU_APIC_ID;
328 | else
329 | {
330 | AssertCompile(sizeof(pState->bmApicId) * 8 == RT_ELEMENTS(pGip->aiCpuFromApicId));
331 | ASMAtomicCmpXchgU32(&pState->idCpuProblem, idCpu, NIL_RTCPUID);
332 | LogRel(("supdrvGipDetectGetGipCpuCallback: idCpu=%#x iCpuSet=%d idApic=%#x - duplicate APIC ID.\n",
333 | idCpu, iCpuSet, idApic));
334 | }
335 |
336 | /*
337 | * Check that the iCpuSet is within the expected range.
338 | */
339 | if (RT_UNLIKELY( iCpuSet < 0
340 | || (unsigned)iCpuSet >= RTCPUSET_MAX_CPUS
341 | || (unsigned)iCpuSet >= RT_ELEMENTS(pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx)))
342 | {
343 | ASMAtomicCmpXchgU32(&pState->idCpuProblem, idCpu, NIL_RTCPUID);
344 | LogRel(("supdrvGipDetectGetGipCpuCallback: idCpu=%#x iCpuSet=%d idApic=%#x - CPU set index is out of range.\n",
345 | idCpu, iCpuSet, idApic));
346 | }
347 | else
348 | {
349 | RTCPUID idCpu2 = RTMpCpuIdFromSetIndex(iCpuSet);
350 | if (RT_UNLIKELY(idCpu2 != idCpu))
351 | {
352 | ASMAtomicCmpXchgU32(&pState->idCpuProblem, idCpu, NIL_RTCPUID);
353 | LogRel(("supdrvGipDetectGetGipCpuCallback: idCpu=%#x iCpuSet=%d idApic=%#x - CPU id/index roundtrip problem: %#x\n",
354 | idCpu, iCpuSet, idApic, idCpu2));
355 | }
356 | }
357 |
358 | /*
359 | * Update the supported feature mask before we return.
360 | */
361 | ASMAtomicAndU32(&pState->fSupported, fSupported);
362 |
363 | NOREF(pvUser2);
364 | }
365 |
366 |
367 | /**
368 | * Increase the timer freqency on hosts where this is possible (NT).
369 | *
370 | * The idea is that more interrupts is better for us... Also, it's better than
371 | * we increase the timer frequence, because we might end up getting inaccurate
372 | * callbacks if someone else does it.
373 | *
374 | * @param pDevExt Sets u32SystemTimerGranularityGrant if increased.
375 | */
376 | static void supdrvGipRequestHigherTimerFrequencyFromSystem(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt)
377 | {
378 | if (pDevExt->u32SystemTimerGranularityGrant == 0)
379 | {
380 | uint32_t u32SystemResolution;
381 | if ( RT_SUCCESS_NP(RTTimerRequestSystemGranularity( 976563 /* 1024 HZ */, &u32SystemResolution))
382 | || RT_SUCCESS_NP(RTTimerRequestSystemGranularity( 1000000 /* 1000 HZ */, &u32SystemResolution))
383 | || RT_SUCCESS_NP(RTTimerRequestSystemGranularity( 1953125 /* 512 HZ */, &u32SystemResolution))
384 | || RT_SUCCESS_NP(RTTimerRequestSystemGranularity( 2000000 /* 500 HZ */, &u32SystemResolution))
385 | )
386 | {
387 | #if 0 /* def VBOX_STRICT - this is somehow triggers bogus assertions on windows 10 */
388 | uint32_t u32After = RTTimerGetSystemGranularity();
389 | AssertMsg(u32After <= u32SystemResolution, ("u32After=%u u32SystemResolution=%u\n", u32After, u32SystemResolution));
390 | #endif
391 | pDevExt->u32SystemTimerGranularityGrant = u32SystemResolution;
392 | }
393 | }
394 | }
395 |
396 |
397 | /**
398 | * Undoes supdrvGipRequestHigherTimerFrequencyFromSystem.
399 | *
400 | * @param pDevExt Clears u32SystemTimerGranularityGrant.
401 | */
402 | static void supdrvGipReleaseHigherTimerFrequencyFromSystem(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt)
403 | {
404 | if (pDevExt->u32SystemTimerGranularityGrant)
405 | {
406 | int rc2 = RTTimerReleaseSystemGranularity(pDevExt->u32SystemTimerGranularityGrant);
407 | AssertRC(rc2);
408 | pDevExt->u32SystemTimerGranularityGrant = 0;
409 | }
410 | }
411 |
412 |
413 | /**
414 | * Maps the GIP into userspace and/or get the physical address of the GIP.
415 | *
416 | * @returns IPRT status code.
417 | * @param pSession Session to which the GIP mapping should belong.
418 | * @param ppGipR3 Where to store the address of the ring-3 mapping. (optional)
419 | * @param pHCPhysGip Where to store the physical address. (optional)
420 | *
421 | * @remark There is no reference counting on the mapping, so one call to this function
422 | * count globally as one reference. One call to SUPR0GipUnmap() is will unmap GIP
423 | * and remove the session as a GIP user.
424 | */
426 | {
427 | int rc;
428 | PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt = pSession->pDevExt;
429 | RTR3PTR pGipR3 = NIL_RTR3PTR;
431 | LogFlow(("SUPR0GipMap: pSession=%p ppGipR3=%p pHCPhysGip=%p\n", pSession, ppGipR3, pHCPhysGip));
432 |
433 | /*
434 | * Validate
435 | */
437 | AssertPtrNullReturn(ppGipR3, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
438 | AssertPtrNullReturn(pHCPhysGip, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
439 |
441 | RTSemMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxGip, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT);
442 | #else
443 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxGip);
444 | #endif
445 | if (pDevExt->pGip)
446 | {
447 | /*
448 | * Map it?
449 | */
450 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
451 | if (ppGipR3)
452 | {
453 | if (pSession->GipMapObjR3 == NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ)
454 | rc = RTR0MemObjMapUser(&pSession->GipMapObjR3, pDevExt->GipMemObj, (RTR3PTR)-1, 0,
456 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
457 | pGipR3 = RTR0MemObjAddressR3(pSession->GipMapObjR3);
458 | }
459 |
460 | /*
461 | * Get physical address.
462 | */
463 | if (pHCPhysGip && RT_SUCCESS(rc))
464 | HCPhys = pDevExt->HCPhysGip;
465 |
466 | /*
467 | * Reference globally.
468 | */
469 | if (!pSession->fGipReferenced && RT_SUCCESS(rc))
470 | {
471 | pSession->fGipReferenced = 1;
472 | pDevExt->cGipUsers++;
473 | if (pDevExt->cGipUsers == 1)
474 | {
475 | PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGipR0 = pDevExt->pGip;
476 | uint64_t u64NanoTS;
477 |
478 | /*
479 | * GIP starts/resumes updating again. On windows we bump the
480 | * host timer frequency to make sure we don't get stuck in guest
481 | * mode and to get better timer (and possibly clock) accuracy.
482 | */
483 | LogFlow(("SUPR0GipMap: Resumes GIP updating\n"));
484 |
485 | supdrvGipRequestHigherTimerFrequencyFromSystem(pDevExt);
486 |
487 | /*
488 | * document me
489 | */
490 | if (pGipR0->aCPUs[0].u32TransactionId != 2 /* not the first time */)
491 | {
492 | unsigned i;
493 | for (i = 0; i < pGipR0->cCpus; i++)
494 | ASMAtomicUoWriteU32(&pGipR0->aCPUs[i].u32TransactionId,
495 | (pGipR0->aCPUs[i].u32TransactionId + GIP_UPDATEHZ_RECALC_FREQ * 2)
496 | & ~(GIP_UPDATEHZ_RECALC_FREQ * 2 - 1));
497 | ASMAtomicWriteU64(&pGipR0->u64NanoTSLastUpdateHz, 0);
498 | }
499 |
500 | /*
501 | * document me
502 | */
503 | u64NanoTS = RTTimeSystemNanoTS() - pGipR0->u32UpdateIntervalNS;
504 | if ( pGipR0->u32Mode == SUPGIPMODE_INVARIANT_TSC
505 | || pGipR0->u32Mode == SUPGIPMODE_SYNC_TSC
506 | || RTMpGetOnlineCount() == 1)
507 | supdrvGipReInitCpu(&pGipR0->aCPUs[0], u64NanoTS);
508 | else
509 | RTMpOnAll(supdrvGipReInitCpuCallback, pGipR0, &u64NanoTS);
510 |
511 | /*
512 | * Detect alternative ways to figure the CPU ID in ring-3 and
513 | * raw-mode context. Check the sanity of the APIC IDs, CPU IDs,
514 | * and CPU set indexes while we're at it.
515 | */
516 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
517 | {
519 | RT_BZERO((void *)&DetectState.bmApicId, sizeof(DetectState.bmApicId));
520 | DetectState.fSupported = UINT32_MAX;
521 | DetectState.idCpuProblem = NIL_RTCPUID;
522 | rc = RTMpOnAll(supdrvGipDetectGetGipCpuCallback, &DetectState, pGipR0);
523 | if (DetectState.idCpuProblem == NIL_RTCPUID)
524 | {
525 | if ( DetectState.fSupported != UINT32_MAX
526 | && DetectState.fSupported != 0)
527 | {
528 | if (pGipR0->fGetGipCpu != DetectState.fSupported)
529 | {
530 | pGipR0->fGetGipCpu = DetectState.fSupported;
531 | LogRel(("SUPR0GipMap: fGetGipCpu=%#x\n", DetectState.fSupported));
532 | }
533 | }
534 | else
535 | {
536 | LogRel(("SUPR0GipMap: No supported ways of getting the APIC ID or CPU number in ring-3! (%#x)\n",
537 | DetectState.fSupported));
539 | }
540 | }
541 | else
542 | {
543 | LogRel(("SUPR0GipMap: APIC ID, CPU ID or CPU set index problem detected on CPU #%u (%#x)!\n",
544 | DetectState.idCpuProblem, DetectState.idCpuProblem));
546 | }
547 | }
548 |
549 | /*
550 | * Start the GIP timer if all is well..
551 | */
552 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
553 | {
554 | #ifndef DO_NOT_START_GIP
555 | rc = RTTimerStart(pDevExt->pGipTimer, 0 /* fire ASAP */); AssertRC(rc);
556 | #endif
557 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
558 | }
559 |
560 | /*
561 | * Bail out on error.
562 | */
563 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
564 | {
565 | LogRel(("SUPR0GipMap: failed rc=%Rrc\n", rc));
566 | pDevExt->cGipUsers = 0;
567 | pSession->fGipReferenced = 0;
568 | if (pSession->GipMapObjR3 != NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ)
569 | {
570 | int rc2 = RTR0MemObjFree(pSession->GipMapObjR3, false); AssertRC(rc2);
571 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2))
572 | pSession->GipMapObjR3 = NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ;
573 | }
574 | HCPhys = NIL_RTHCPHYS;
575 | pGipR3 = NIL_RTR3PTR;
576 | }
577 | }
578 | }
579 | }
580 | else
581 | {
583 | Log(("SUPR0GipMap: GIP is not available!\n"));
584 | }
586 | RTSemMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxGip);
587 | #else
588 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxGip);
589 | #endif
590 |
591 | /*
592 | * Write returns.
593 | */
594 | if (pHCPhysGip)
595 | *pHCPhysGip = HCPhys;
596 | if (ppGipR3)
597 | *ppGipR3 = pGipR3;
598 |
599 | #ifdef DEBUG_DARWIN_GIP
600 | OSDBGPRINT(("SUPR0GipMap: returns %d *pHCPhysGip=%lx pGipR3=%p\n", rc, (unsigned long)HCPhys, (void *)pGipR3));
601 | #else
602 | LogFlow(( "SUPR0GipMap: returns %d *pHCPhysGip=%lx pGipR3=%p\n", rc, (unsigned long)HCPhys, (void *)pGipR3));
603 | #endif
604 | return rc;
605 | }
606 |
607 |
608 | /**
609 | * Unmaps any user mapping of the GIP and terminates all GIP access
610 | * from this session.
611 | *
612 | * @returns IPRT status code.
613 | * @param pSession Session to which the GIP mapping should belong.
614 | */
615 | SUPR0DECL(int) SUPR0GipUnmap(PSUPDRVSESSION pSession)
616 | {
617 | int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
618 | PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt = pSession->pDevExt;
619 | #ifdef DEBUG_DARWIN_GIP
620 | OSDBGPRINT(("SUPR0GipUnmap: pSession=%p pGip=%p GipMapObjR3=%p\n",
621 | pSession,
622 | pSession->GipMapObjR3 != NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ ? RTR0MemObjAddress(pSession->GipMapObjR3) : NULL,
623 | pSession->GipMapObjR3));
624 | #else
625 | LogFlow(("SUPR0GipUnmap: pSession=%p\n", pSession));
626 | #endif
628 |
630 | RTSemMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxGip, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT);
631 | #else
632 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxGip);
633 | #endif
634 |
635 | /*
636 | * GIP test-mode session?
637 | */
638 | if ( pSession->fGipTestMode
639 | && pDevExt->pGip)
640 | {
641 | supdrvGipSetFlags(pDevExt, pSession, 0, ~SUPGIP_FLAGS_TESTING_ENABLE);
642 | Assert(!pSession->fGipTestMode);
643 | }
644 |
645 | /*
646 | * Unmap anything?
647 | */
648 | if (pSession->GipMapObjR3 != NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ)
649 | {
650 | rc = RTR0MemObjFree(pSession->GipMapObjR3, false);
651 | AssertRC(rc);
652 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
653 | pSession->GipMapObjR3 = NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ;
654 | }
655 |
656 | /*
657 | * Dereference global GIP.
658 | */
659 | if (pSession->fGipReferenced && !rc)
660 | {
661 | pSession->fGipReferenced = 0;
662 | if ( pDevExt->cGipUsers > 0
663 | && !--pDevExt->cGipUsers)
664 | {
665 | LogFlow(("SUPR0GipUnmap: Suspends GIP updating\n"));
666 | #ifndef DO_NOT_START_GIP
667 | rc = RTTimerStop(pDevExt->pGipTimer); AssertRC(rc); rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
668 | #endif
669 | supdrvGipReleaseHigherTimerFrequencyFromSystem(pDevExt);
670 | }
671 | }
672 |
674 | RTSemMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxGip);
675 | #else
676 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxGip);
677 | #endif
678 |
679 | return rc;
680 | }
681 |
682 |
683 | /**
684 | * Gets the GIP pointer.
685 | *
686 | * @returns Pointer to the GIP or NULL.
687 | */
689 | {
690 | return g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage;
691 | }
692 |
693 |
694 |
695 |
696 |
697 | /*
698 | *
699 | *
700 | * GIP Initialization, Termination and CPU Offline / Online Related Code.
701 | * GIP Initialization, Termination and CPU Offline / Online Related Code.
702 | * GIP Initialization, Termination and CPU Offline / Online Related Code.
703 | *
704 | *
705 | */
706 |
707 | /**
708 | * Used by supdrvGipInitRefineInvariantTscFreqTimer and supdrvGipInitMeasureTscFreq
709 | * to update the TSC frequency related GIP variables.
710 | *
711 | * @param pGip The GIP.
712 | * @param nsElapsed The number of nanoseconds elapsed.
713 | * @param cElapsedTscTicks The corresponding number of TSC ticks.
714 | * @param iTick The tick number for debugging.
715 | */
716 | static void supdrvGipInitSetCpuFreq(PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip, uint64_t nsElapsed, uint64_t cElapsedTscTicks, uint32_t iTick)
717 | {
718 | /*
719 | * Calculate the frequency.
720 | */
721 | uint64_t uCpuHz;
722 | if ( cElapsedTscTicks < UINT64_MAX / RT_NS_1SEC
723 | && nsElapsed < UINT32_MAX)
724 | uCpuHz = ASMMultU64ByU32DivByU32(cElapsedTscTicks, RT_NS_1SEC, (uint32_t)nsElapsed);
725 | else
726 | {
727 | RTUINT128U CpuHz, Tmp, Divisor;
728 | CpuHz.s.Lo = CpuHz.s.Hi = 0;
729 | RTUInt128MulU64ByU64(&Tmp, cElapsedTscTicks, RT_NS_1SEC_64);
730 | RTUInt128Div(&CpuHz, &Tmp, RTUInt128AssignU64(&Divisor, nsElapsed));
731 | uCpuHz = CpuHz.s.Lo;
732 | }
733 |
734 | /*
735 | * Update the GIP.
736 | */
737 | ASMAtomicWriteU64(&pGip->u64CpuHz, uCpuHz);
738 | if (pGip->u32Mode != SUPGIPMODE_ASYNC_TSC)
739 | {
740 | ASMAtomicWriteU64(&pGip->aCPUs[0].u64CpuHz, uCpuHz);
741 |
742 | /* For inspecting the frequency calcs using tstGIP-2, debugger or similar. */
743 | if (iTick + 1 < pGip->cCpus)
744 | ASMAtomicWriteU64(&pGip->aCPUs[iTick + 1].u64CpuHz, uCpuHz);
745 | }
746 | }
747 |
748 |
749 | /**
750 | * Timer callback function for TSC frequency refinement in invariant GIP mode.
751 | *
752 | * This is started during driver init and fires once
753 | * GIP_TSC_REFINE_PERIOD_IN_SECS seconds later.
754 | *
755 | * @param pTimer The timer.
756 | * @param pvUser Opaque pointer to the device instance data.
757 | * @param iTick The timer tick.
758 | */
759 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) supdrvGipInitRefineInvariantTscFreqTimer(PRTTIMER pTimer, void *pvUser, uint64_t iTick)
760 | {
762 | PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip = pDevExt->pGip;
763 | RTCPUID idCpu;
764 | uint64_t cNsElapsed;
765 | uint64_t cTscTicksElapsed;
766 | uint64_t nsNow;
767 | uint64_t uTsc;
768 | RTCCUINTREG fEFlags;
769 |
770 | /* Paranoia. */
771 | AssertReturnVoid(pGip);
772 | AssertReturnVoid(pGip->u32Mode == SUPGIPMODE_INVARIANT_TSC);
773 |
774 | /*
775 | * If we got a power event, stop the refinement process.
776 | */
777 | if (pDevExt->fInvTscRefinePowerEvent)
778 | {
779 | int rc = RTTimerStop(pTimer); AssertRC(rc);
780 | return;
781 | }
782 |
783 | /*
784 | * Read the TSC and time, noting which CPU we are on.
785 | *
786 | * Don't bother spinning until RTTimeSystemNanoTS changes, since on
787 | * systems where it matters we're in a context where we cannot waste that
788 | * much time (DPC watchdog, called from clock interrupt).
789 | */
790 | fEFlags = ASMIntDisableFlags();
791 | uTsc = ASMReadTSC();
792 | nsNow = RTTimeSystemNanoTS();
793 | idCpu = RTMpCpuId();
794 | ASMSetFlags(fEFlags);
795 |
796 | cNsElapsed = nsNow - pDevExt->nsStartInvarTscRefine;
797 | cTscTicksElapsed = uTsc - pDevExt->uTscStartInvarTscRefine;
798 |
799 | /*
800 | * If the above measurement was taken on a different CPU than the one we
801 | * started the process on, cTscTicksElapsed will need to be adjusted with
802 | * the TSC deltas of both the CPUs.
803 | *
804 | * We ASSUME that the delta calculation process takes less time than the
805 | * TSC frequency refinement timer. If it doesn't, we'll complain and
806 | * drop the frequency refinement.
807 | *
808 | * Note! We cannot entirely trust enmUseTscDelta here because it's
809 | * downgraded after each delta calculation.
810 | */
811 | if ( idCpu != pDevExt->idCpuInvarTscRefine
813 | {
814 | uint32_t iStartCpuSet = RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(pDevExt->idCpuInvarTscRefine);
815 | uint32_t iStopCpuSet = RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(idCpu);
816 | uint16_t iStartGipCpu = iStartCpuSet < RT_ELEMENTS(pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx)
817 | ? pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx[iStartCpuSet] : UINT16_MAX;
818 | uint16_t iStopGipCpu = iStopCpuSet < RT_ELEMENTS(pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx)
819 | ? pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx[iStopCpuSet] : UINT16_MAX;
820 | int64_t iStartTscDelta = iStartGipCpu < pGip->cCpus ? pGip->aCPUs[iStartGipCpu].i64TSCDelta : INT64_MAX;
821 | int64_t iStopTscDelta = iStopGipCpu < pGip->cCpus ? pGip->aCPUs[iStopGipCpu].i64TSCDelta : INT64_MAX;
822 | if (RT_LIKELY(iStartTscDelta != INT64_MAX && iStopTscDelta != INT64_MAX))
823 | {
825 | {
826 | /* cTscTicksElapsed = (uTsc - iStopTscDelta) - (pDevExt->uTscStartInvarTscRefine - iStartTscDelta); */
827 | cTscTicksElapsed += iStartTscDelta - iStopTscDelta;
828 | }
829 | }
830 | /*
831 | * Allow 5 times the refinement period to elapse before we give up on the TSC delta
832 | * calculations.
833 | */
834 | else if (cNsElapsed > GIP_TSC_REFINE_PERIOD_IN_SECS * 5 * RT_NS_1SEC_64)
835 | {
836 | SUPR0Printf("vboxdrv: Failed to refine invariant TSC frequency because deltas are unavailable after %u (%u) seconds\n",
837 | (uint32_t)(cNsElapsed / RT_NS_1SEC), GIP_TSC_REFINE_PERIOD_IN_SECS);
838 | SUPR0Printf("vboxdrv: start: %u, %u, %#llx stop: %u, %u, %#llx\n",
839 | iStartCpuSet, iStartGipCpu, iStartTscDelta, iStopCpuSet, iStopGipCpu, iStopTscDelta);
840 | int rc = RTTimerStop(pTimer); AssertRC(rc);
841 | return;
842 | }
843 | }
844 |
845 | /*
846 | * Calculate and update the CPU frequency variables in GIP.
847 | *
848 | * If there is a GIP user already and we've already refined the frequency
849 | * a couple of times, don't update it as we want a stable frequency value
850 | * for all VMs.
851 | */
852 | if ( pDevExt->cGipUsers == 0
853 | || cNsElapsed < RT_NS_1SEC * 2)
854 | {
855 | supdrvGipInitSetCpuFreq(pGip, cNsElapsed, cTscTicksElapsed, (uint32_t)iTick);
856 |
857 | /*
858 | * Stop the timer once we've reached the defined refinement period.
859 | */
860 | if (cNsElapsed > GIP_TSC_REFINE_PERIOD_IN_SECS * RT_NS_1SEC_64)
861 | {
862 | int rc = RTTimerStop(pTimer);
863 | AssertRC(rc);
864 | }
865 | }
866 | else
867 | {
868 | int rc = RTTimerStop(pTimer);
869 | AssertRC(rc);
870 | }
871 | }
872 |
873 |
874 | /**
875 | * @callback_method_impl{FNRTPOWERNOTIFICATION}
876 | */
877 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) supdrvGipPowerNotificationCallback(RTPOWEREVENT enmEvent, void *pvUser)
878 | {
880 | PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip = pDevExt->pGip;
881 |
882 | /*
883 | * If the TSC frequency refinement timer is running, we need to cancel it so it
884 | * doesn't screw up the frequency after a long suspend.
885 | *
886 | * Recalculate all TSC-deltas on host resume as it may have changed, seen
887 | * on Windows 7 running on the Dell Optiplex Intel Core i5-3570.
888 | */
889 | if (enmEvent == RTPOWEREVENT_RESUME)
890 | {
891 | ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pDevExt->fInvTscRefinePowerEvent, true);
892 | if ( RT_LIKELY(pGip)
894 | && !supdrvOSAreCpusOfflinedOnSuspend())
895 | {
897 | supdrvTscDeltaThreadStartMeasurement(pDevExt, true /* fForceAll */);
898 | #else
899 | RTCpuSetCopy(&pDevExt->TscDeltaCpuSet, &pGip->OnlineCpuSet);
900 | supdrvMeasureInitialTscDeltas(pDevExt);
901 | #endif
902 | }
903 | }
904 | else if (enmEvent == RTPOWEREVENT_SUSPEND)
905 | ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pDevExt->fInvTscRefinePowerEvent, true);
906 | }
907 |
908 |
909 | /**
910 | * Start the TSC-frequency refinment timer for the invariant TSC GIP mode.
911 | *
912 | * We cannot use this in the synchronous and asynchronous tsc GIP modes because
913 | * the CPU may change the TSC frequence between now and when the timer fires
914 | * (supdrvInitAsyncRefineTscTimer).
915 | *
916 | * @param pDevExt Pointer to the device instance data.
917 | */
918 | static void supdrvGipInitStartTimerForRefiningInvariantTscFreq(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt)
919 | {
920 | uint64_t u64NanoTS;
921 | RTCCUINTREG fEFlags;
922 | int rc;
923 |
924 | /*
925 | * Register a power management callback.
926 | */
927 | pDevExt->fInvTscRefinePowerEvent = false;
928 | rc = RTPowerNotificationRegister(supdrvGipPowerNotificationCallback, pDevExt);
929 | AssertRC(rc); /* ignore */
930 |
931 | /*
932 | * Record the TSC and NanoTS as the starting anchor point for refinement
933 | * of the TSC. We try get as close to a clock tick as possible on systems
934 | * which does not provide high resolution time.
935 | */
936 | u64NanoTS = RTTimeSystemNanoTS();
937 | while (RTTimeSystemNanoTS() == u64NanoTS)
938 | ASMNopPause();
939 |
940 | fEFlags = ASMIntDisableFlags();
941 | pDevExt->uTscStartInvarTscRefine = ASMReadTSC();
942 | pDevExt->nsStartInvarTscRefine = RTTimeSystemNanoTS();
943 | pDevExt->idCpuInvarTscRefine = RTMpCpuId();
944 | ASMSetFlags(fEFlags);
945 |
946 | /*
947 | * Create a timer that runs on the same CPU so we won't have a depencency
948 | * on the TSC-delta and can run in parallel to it. On systems that does not
949 | * implement CPU specific timers we'll apply deltas in the timer callback,
950 | * just like we do for CPUs going offline.
951 | *
952 | * The longer the refinement interval the better the accuracy, at least in
953 | * theory. If it's too long though, ring-3 may already be starting its
954 | * first VMs before we're done. On most systems we will be loading the
955 | * support driver during boot and VMs won't be started for a while yet,
956 | * it is really only a problem during development (especially with
957 | * on-demand driver starting on windows).
958 | *
959 | * To avoid wasting time doing a long supdrvGipInitMeasureTscFreq() call
960 | * to calculate the frequency during driver loading, the timer is set
961 | * to fire after 200 ms the first time. It will then reschedule itself
962 | * to fire every second until GIP_TSC_REFINE_PERIOD_IN_SECS has been
963 | * reached or it notices that there is a user land client with GIP
964 | * mapped (we want a stable frequency for all VMs).
965 | */
966 | rc = RTTimerCreateEx(&pDevExt->pInvarTscRefineTimer, RT_NS_1SEC,
967 | RTTIMER_FLAGS_CPU(RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(pDevExt->idCpuInvarTscRefine)),
968 | supdrvGipInitRefineInvariantTscFreqTimer, pDevExt);
969 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
970 | {
971 | rc = RTTimerStart(pDevExt->pInvarTscRefineTimer, 2*RT_NS_100MS);
972 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
973 | return;
974 | RTTimerDestroy(pDevExt->pInvarTscRefineTimer);
975 | }
976 |
977 | if (rc == VERR_CPU_OFFLINE || rc == VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)
978 | {
979 | rc = RTTimerCreateEx(&pDevExt->pInvarTscRefineTimer, RT_NS_1SEC, RTTIMER_FLAGS_CPU_ANY,
980 | supdrvGipInitRefineInvariantTscFreqTimer, pDevExt);
981 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
982 | {
983 | rc = RTTimerStart(pDevExt->pInvarTscRefineTimer, 2*RT_NS_100MS);
984 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
985 | return;
986 | RTTimerDestroy(pDevExt->pInvarTscRefineTimer);
987 | }
988 | }
989 |
990 | pDevExt->pInvarTscRefineTimer = NULL;
991 | OSDBGPRINT(("vboxdrv: Failed to create or start TSC frequency refinement timer: rc=%Rrc\n", rc));
992 | }
993 |
994 |
995 | /**
996 | * @callback_method_impl{PFNRTMPWORKER,
997 | * RTMpOnSpecific callback for reading TSC and time on the CPU we started
998 | * the measurements on.}
999 | */
1000 | DECLCALLBACK(void) supdrvGipInitReadTscAndNanoTsOnCpu(RTCPUID idCpu, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2)
1001 | {
1002 | RTCCUINTREG fEFlags = ASMIntDisableFlags();
1003 | uint64_t *puTscStop = (uint64_t *)pvUser1;
1004 | uint64_t *pnsStop = (uint64_t *)pvUser2;
1005 | RT_NOREF1(idCpu);
1006 |
1007 | *puTscStop = ASMReadTSC();
1008 | *pnsStop = RTTimeSystemNanoTS();
1009 |
1010 | ASMSetFlags(fEFlags);
1011 | }
1012 |
1013 |
1014 | /**
1015 | * Measures the TSC frequency of the system.
1016 | *
1017 | * The TSC frequency can vary on systems which are not reported as invariant.
1018 | * On such systems the object of this function is to find out what the nominal,
1019 | * maximum TSC frequency under 'normal' CPU operation.
1020 | *
1021 | * @returns VBox status code.
1022 | * @param pGip Pointer to the GIP.
1023 | * @param fRough Set if we're doing the rough calculation that the
1024 | * TSC measuring code needs, where accuracy isn't all
1025 | * that important (too high is better than too low).
1026 | * When clear we try for best accuracy that we can
1027 | * achieve in reasonably short time.
1028 | */
1029 | static int supdrvGipInitMeasureTscFreq(PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip, bool fRough)
1030 | {
1031 | uint32_t nsTimerIncr = RTTimerGetSystemGranularity();
1032 | int cTriesLeft = fRough ? 4 : 2;
1033 | while (cTriesLeft-- > 0)
1034 | {
1035 | RTCCUINTREG fEFlags;
1036 | uint64_t nsStart;
1037 | uint64_t nsStop;
1038 | uint64_t uTscStart;
1039 | uint64_t uTscStop;
1040 | RTCPUID idCpuStart;
1041 | RTCPUID idCpuStop;
1042 |
1043 | /*
1044 | * Synchronize with the host OS clock tick on systems without high
1045 | * resolution time API (older Windows version for example).
1046 | */
1047 | nsStart = RTTimeSystemNanoTS();
1048 | while (RTTimeSystemNanoTS() == nsStart)
1049 | ASMNopPause();
1050 |
1051 | /*
1052 | * Read the TSC and current time, noting which CPU we're on.
1053 | */
1054 | fEFlags = ASMIntDisableFlags();
1055 | uTscStart = ASMReadTSC();
1056 | nsStart = RTTimeSystemNanoTS();
1057 | idCpuStart = RTMpCpuId();
1058 | ASMSetFlags(fEFlags);
1059 |
1060 | /*
1061 | * Delay for a while.
1062 | */
1063 | if (pGip->u32Mode == SUPGIPMODE_INVARIANT_TSC)
1064 | {
1065 | /*
1066 | * Sleep-wait since the TSC frequency is constant, it eases host load.
1067 | * Shorter interval produces more variance in the frequency (esp. Windows).
1068 | */
1069 | uint64_t msElapsed = 0;
1070 | uint64_t msDelay = ( ((fRough ? 16 : 200) * RT_NS_1MS + nsTimerIncr - 1) / nsTimerIncr * nsTimerIncr - RT_NS_100US )
1071 | / RT_NS_1MS;
1072 | do
1073 | {
1074 | RTThreadSleep((RTMSINTERVAL)(msDelay - msElapsed));
1075 | nsStop = RTTimeSystemNanoTS();
1076 | msElapsed = (nsStop - nsStart) / RT_NS_1MS;
1077 | } while (msElapsed < msDelay);
1078 |
1079 | while (RTTimeSystemNanoTS() == nsStop)
1080 | ASMNopPause();
1081 | }
1082 | else
1083 | {
1084 | /*
1085 | * Busy-wait keeping the frequency up.
1086 | */
1087 | do
1088 | {
1089 | ASMNopPause();
1090 | nsStop = RTTimeSystemNanoTS();
1091 | } while (nsStop - nsStart < RT_NS_100MS);
1092 | }
1093 |
1094 | /*
1095 | * Read the TSC and time again.
1096 | */
1097 | fEFlags = ASMIntDisableFlags();
1098 | uTscStop = ASMReadTSC();
1099 | nsStop = RTTimeSystemNanoTS();
1100 | idCpuStop = RTMpCpuId();
1101 | ASMSetFlags(fEFlags);
1102 |
1103 | /*
1104 | * If the CPU changes, things get a bit complicated and what we
1105 | * can get away with depends on the GIP mode / TSC reliability.
1106 | */
1107 | if (idCpuStop != idCpuStart)
1108 | {
1109 | bool fDoXCall = false;
1110 |
1111 | /*
1112 | * Synchronous TSC mode: we're probably fine as it's unlikely
1113 | * that we were rescheduled because of TSC throttling or power
1114 | * management reasons, so just go ahead.
1115 | */
1116 | if (pGip->u32Mode == SUPGIPMODE_SYNC_TSC)
1117 | {
1118 | /* Probably ok, maybe we should retry once?. */
1119 | Assert(pGip->enmUseTscDelta == SUPGIPUSETSCDELTA_NOT_APPLICABLE);
1120 | }
1121 | /*
1122 | * If we're just doing the rough measurement, do the cross call and
1123 | * get on with things (we don't have deltas!).
1124 | */
1125 | else if (fRough)
1126 | fDoXCall = true;
1127 | /*
1128 | * Invariant TSC mode: It doesn't matter if we have delta available
1129 | * for both CPUs. That is not something we can assume at this point.
1130 | *
1131 | * Note! We cannot necessarily trust enmUseTscDelta here because it's
1132 | * downgraded after each delta calculation and the delta
1133 | * calculations may not be complete yet.
1134 | */
1135 | else if (pGip->u32Mode == SUPGIPMODE_INVARIANT_TSC)
1136 | {
1137 | /** @todo This section of code is never reached atm, consider dropping it later on... */
1138 | if (pGip->enmUseTscDelta > SUPGIPUSETSCDELTA_ZERO_CLAIMED)
1139 | {
1140 | uint32_t iStartCpuSet = RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(idCpuStart);
1141 | uint32_t iStopCpuSet = RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(idCpuStop);
1142 | uint16_t iStartGipCpu = iStartCpuSet < RT_ELEMENTS(pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx)
1143 | ? pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx[iStartCpuSet] : UINT16_MAX;
1144 | uint16_t iStopGipCpu = iStopCpuSet < RT_ELEMENTS(pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx)
1145 | ? pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx[iStopCpuSet] : UINT16_MAX;
1146 | int64_t iStartTscDelta = iStartGipCpu < pGip->cCpus ? pGip->aCPUs[iStartGipCpu].i64TSCDelta : INT64_MAX;
1147 | int64_t iStopTscDelta = iStopGipCpu < pGip->cCpus ? pGip->aCPUs[iStopGipCpu].i64TSCDelta : INT64_MAX;
1148 | if (RT_LIKELY(iStartTscDelta != INT64_MAX && iStopTscDelta != INT64_MAX))
1149 | {
1151 | {
1152 | uTscStart -= iStartTscDelta;
1153 | uTscStop -= iStopTscDelta;
1154 | }
1155 | }
1156 | /*
1157 | * Invalid CPU indexes are not caused by online/offline races, so
1158 | * we have to trigger driver load failure if that happens as GIP
1159 | * and IPRT assumptions are busted on this system.
1160 | */
1161 | else if (iStopGipCpu >= pGip->cCpus || iStartGipCpu >= pGip->cCpus)
1162 | {
1163 | SUPR0Printf("vboxdrv: Unexpected CPU index in supdrvGipInitMeasureTscFreq.\n");
1164 | SUPR0Printf("vboxdrv: start: %u, %u, %#llx stop: %u, %u, %#llx\n",
1165 | iStartCpuSet, iStartGipCpu, iStartTscDelta, iStopCpuSet, iStopGipCpu, iStopTscDelta);
1167 | }
1168 | /*
1169 | * No valid deltas. We retry, if we're on our last retry
1170 | * we do the cross call instead just to get a result. The
1171 | * frequency will be refined in a few seconds anyway.
1172 | */
1173 | else if (cTriesLeft > 0)
1174 | continue;
1175 | else
1176 | fDoXCall = true;
1177 | }
1178 | }
1179 | /*
1180 | * Asynchronous TSC mode: This is bad, as the reason we usually
1181 | * use this mode is to deal with variable TSC frequencies and
1182 | * deltas. So, we need to get the TSC from the same CPU as
1183 | * started it, we also need to keep that CPU busy. So, retry
1184 | * and fall back to the cross call on the last attempt.
1185 | */
1186 | else
1187 | {
1188 | Assert(pGip->u32Mode == SUPGIPMODE_ASYNC_TSC);
1189 | if (cTriesLeft > 0)
1190 | continue;
1191 | fDoXCall = true;
1192 | }
1193 |
1194 | if (fDoXCall)
1195 | {
1196 | /*
1197 | * Try read the TSC and timestamp on the start CPU.
1198 | */
1199 | int rc = RTMpOnSpecific(idCpuStart, supdrvGipInitReadTscAndNanoTsOnCpu, &uTscStop, &nsStop);
1200 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc) && (!fRough || cTriesLeft > 0))
1201 | continue;
1202 | }
1203 | }
1204 |
1205 | /*
1206 | * Calculate the TSC frequency and update it (shared with the refinement timer).
1207 | */
1208 | supdrvGipInitSetCpuFreq(pGip, nsStop - nsStart, uTscStop - uTscStart, 0);
1209 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1210 | }
1211 |
1212 | Assert(!fRough);
1214 | }
1215 |
1216 |
1217 | /**
1218 | * Finds our (@a idCpu) entry, or allocates a new one if not found.
1219 | *
1220 | * @returns Index of the CPU in the cache set.
1221 | * @param pGip The GIP.
1222 | * @param idCpu The CPU ID.
1223 | */
1224 | static uint32_t supdrvGipFindOrAllocCpuIndexForCpuId(PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip, RTCPUID idCpu)
1225 | {
1226 | uint32_t i, cTries;
1227 |
1228 | /*
1229 | * ASSUMES that CPU IDs are constant.
1230 | */
1231 | for (i = 0; i < pGip->cCpus; i++)
1232 | if (pGip->aCPUs[i].idCpu == idCpu)
1233 | return i;
1234 |
1235 | cTries = 0;
1236 | do
1237 | {
1238 | for (i = 0; i < pGip->cCpus; i++)
1239 | {
1240 | bool fRc;
1241 | ASMAtomicCmpXchgSize(&pGip->aCPUs[i].idCpu, idCpu, NIL_RTCPUID, fRc);
1242 | if (fRc)
1243 | return i;
1244 | }
1245 | } while (cTries++ < 32);
1246 | AssertReleaseFailed();
1247 | return i - 1;
1248 | }
1249 |
1250 |
1251 | /**
1252 | * The calling CPU should be accounted as online, update GIP accordingly.
1253 | *
1254 | * This is used by supdrvGipCreate() as well as supdrvGipMpEvent().
1255 | *
1256 | * @param pDevExt The device extension.
1257 | * @param idCpu The CPU ID.
1258 | */
1259 | static void supdrvGipMpEventOnlineOrInitOnCpu(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, RTCPUID idCpu)
1260 | {
1261 | int iCpuSet = 0;
1262 | uint16_t idApic = UINT16_MAX;
1263 | uint32_t i = 0;
1264 | uint64_t u64NanoTS = 0;
1265 | PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip = pDevExt->pGip;
1266 |
1267 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pGip);
1268 | Assert(!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD));
1269 | AssertRelease(idCpu == RTMpCpuId());
1270 | Assert(pGip->cPossibleCpus == RTMpGetCount());
1271 |
1272 | /*
1273 | * Do this behind a spinlock with interrupts disabled as this can fire
1274 | * on all CPUs simultaneously, see @bugref{6110}.
1275 | */
1276 | RTSpinlockAcquire(pDevExt->hGipSpinlock);
1277 |
1278 | /*
1279 | * Update the globals.
1280 | */
1281 | ASMAtomicWriteU16(&pGip->cPresentCpus, RTMpGetPresentCount());
1282 | ASMAtomicWriteU16(&pGip->cOnlineCpus, RTMpGetOnlineCount());
1283 | iCpuSet = RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(idCpu);
1284 | if (iCpuSet >= 0)
1285 | {
1286 | Assert(RTCpuSetIsMemberByIndex(&pGip->PossibleCpuSet, iCpuSet));
1287 | RTCpuSetAddByIndex(&pGip->OnlineCpuSet, iCpuSet);
1288 | RTCpuSetAddByIndex(&pGip->PresentCpuSet, iCpuSet);
1289 | }
1290 |
1291 | /*
1292 | * Update the entry.
1293 | */
1294 | u64NanoTS = RTTimeSystemNanoTS() - pGip->u32UpdateIntervalNS;
1295 | i = supdrvGipFindOrAllocCpuIndexForCpuId(pGip, idCpu);
1296 |
1297 | supdrvGipInitCpu(pGip, &pGip->aCPUs[i], u64NanoTS, pGip->u64CpuHz);
1298 |
1299 | idApic = ASMGetApicId();
1300 | ASMAtomicWriteU16(&pGip->aCPUs[i].idApic, idApic);
1301 | ASMAtomicWriteS16(&pGip->aCPUs[i].iCpuSet, (int16_t)iCpuSet);
1302 | ASMAtomicWriteSize(&pGip->aCPUs[i].idCpu, idCpu);
1303 |
1304 | /*
1305 | * Update the APIC ID and CPU set index mappings.
1306 | */
1307 | ASMAtomicWriteU16(&pGip->aiCpuFromApicId[idApic], i);
1308 | ASMAtomicWriteU16(&pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx[iCpuSet], i);
1309 |
1310 | /* Add this CPU to this set of CPUs we need to calculate the TSC-delta for. */
1311 | RTCpuSetAddByIndex(&pDevExt->TscDeltaCpuSet, RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(idCpu));
1312 |
1313 | /* Update the Mp online/offline counter. */
1314 | ASMAtomicIncU32(&pDevExt->cMpOnOffEvents);
1315 |
1316 | /* Commit it. */
1317 | ASMAtomicWriteSize(&pGip->aCPUs[i].enmState, SUPGIPCPUSTATE_ONLINE);
1318 |
1319 | RTSpinlockRelease(pDevExt->hGipSpinlock);
1320 | }
1321 |
1322 |
1323 | /**
1324 | * RTMpOnSpecific callback wrapper for supdrvGipMpEventOnlineOrInitOnCpu().
1325 | *
1326 | * @param idCpu The CPU ID we are running on.
1327 | * @param pvUser1 Opaque pointer to the device instance data.
1328 | * @param pvUser2 Not used.
1329 | */
1330 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) supdrvGipMpEventOnlineCallback(RTCPUID idCpu, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2)
1331 | {
1333 | NOREF(pvUser2);
1334 | supdrvGipMpEventOnlineOrInitOnCpu(pDevExt, idCpu);
1335 | }
1336 |
1337 |
1338 | /**
1339 | * The CPU should be accounted as offline, update the GIP accordingly.
1340 | *
1341 | * This is used by supdrvGipMpEvent.
1342 | *
1343 | * @param pDevExt The device extension.
1344 | * @param idCpu The CPU ID.
1345 | */
1346 | static void supdrvGipMpEventOffline(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, RTCPUID idCpu)
1347 | {
1348 | PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip = pDevExt->pGip;
1349 | int iCpuSet;
1350 | unsigned i;
1351 |
1352 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pGip);
1353 | RTSpinlockAcquire(pDevExt->hGipSpinlock);
1354 |
1355 | iCpuSet = RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(idCpu);
1356 | AssertReturnVoid(iCpuSet >= 0);
1357 |
1358 | i = pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx[iCpuSet];
1359 | AssertReturnVoid(i < pGip->cCpus);
1360 | AssertReturnVoid(pGip->aCPUs[i].idCpu == idCpu);
1361 |
1362 | Assert(RTCpuSetIsMemberByIndex(&pGip->PossibleCpuSet, iCpuSet));
1363 | RTCpuSetDelByIndex(&pGip->OnlineCpuSet, iCpuSet);
1364 |
1365 | /* Update the Mp online/offline counter. */
1366 | ASMAtomicIncU32(&pDevExt->cMpOnOffEvents);
1367 |
1368 | if (pGip->enmUseTscDelta > SUPGIPUSETSCDELTA_ZERO_CLAIMED)
1369 | {
1370 | /* Reset the TSC delta, we will recalculate it lazily. */
1371 | ASMAtomicWriteS64(&pGip->aCPUs[i].i64TSCDelta, INT64_MAX);
1372 | /* Remove this CPU from the set of CPUs that we have obtained the TSC deltas. */
1373 | RTCpuSetDelByIndex(&pDevExt->TscDeltaObtainedCpuSet, iCpuSet);
1374 | }
1375 |
1376 | /* Commit it. */
1377 | ASMAtomicWriteSize(&pGip->aCPUs[i].enmState, SUPGIPCPUSTATE_OFFLINE);
1378 |
1379 | RTSpinlockRelease(pDevExt->hGipSpinlock);
1380 | }
1381 |
1382 |
1383 | /**
1384 | * Multiprocessor event notification callback.
1385 | *
1386 | * This is used to make sure that the GIP master gets passed on to
1387 | * another CPU. It also updates the associated CPU data.
1388 | *
1389 | * @param enmEvent The event.
1390 | * @param idCpu The cpu it applies to.
1391 | * @param pvUser Pointer to the device extension.
1392 | */
1393 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) supdrvGipMpEvent(RTMPEVENT enmEvent, RTCPUID idCpu, void *pvUser)
1394 | {
1396 | PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip = pDevExt->pGip;
1397 |
1398 | if (pGip)
1399 | {
1401 | switch (enmEvent)
1402 | {
1404 | {
1405 | RTThreadPreemptDisable(&PreemptState);
1406 | if (idCpu == RTMpCpuId())
1407 | {
1408 | supdrvGipMpEventOnlineOrInitOnCpu(pDevExt, idCpu);
1409 | RTThreadPreemptRestore(&PreemptState);
1410 | }
1411 | else
1412 | {
1413 | RTThreadPreemptRestore(&PreemptState);
1414 | RTMpOnSpecific(idCpu, supdrvGipMpEventOnlineCallback, pDevExt, NULL /* pvUser2 */);
1415 | }
1416 |
1417 | /*
1418 | * Recompute TSC-delta for the newly online'd CPU.
1419 | */
1420 | if (pGip->enmUseTscDelta > SUPGIPUSETSCDELTA_ZERO_CLAIMED)
1421 | {
1423 | supdrvTscDeltaThreadStartMeasurement(pDevExt, false /* fForceAll */);
1424 | #else
1425 | uint32_t iCpu = supdrvGipFindOrAllocCpuIndexForCpuId(pGip, idCpu);
1426 | supdrvMeasureTscDeltaOne(pDevExt, iCpu);
1427 | #endif
1428 | }
1429 | break;
1430 | }
1431 |
1433 | supdrvGipMpEventOffline(pDevExt, idCpu);
1434 | break;
1435 | }
1436 | }
1437 |
1438 | /*
1439 | * Make sure there is a master GIP.
1440 | */
1441 | if (enmEvent == RTMPEVENT_OFFLINE)
1442 | {
1443 | RTCPUID idGipMaster = ASMAtomicReadU32(&pDevExt->idGipMaster);
1444 | if (idGipMaster == idCpu)
1445 | {
1446 | /*
1447 | * The GIP master is going offline, find a new one.
1448 | */
1449 | bool fIgnored;
1450 | unsigned i;
1451 | RTCPUID idNewGipMaster = NIL_RTCPUID;
1452 | RTCPUSET OnlineCpus;
1453 | RTMpGetOnlineSet(&OnlineCpus);
1454 |
1455 | for (i = 0; i < RTCPUSET_MAX_CPUS; i++)
1456 | if (RTCpuSetIsMemberByIndex(&OnlineCpus, i))
1457 | {
1458 | RTCPUID idCurCpu = RTMpCpuIdFromSetIndex(i);
1459 | if (idCurCpu != idGipMaster)
1460 | {
1461 | idNewGipMaster = idCurCpu;
1462 | break;
1463 | }
1464 | }
1465 |
1466 | Log(("supdrvGipMpEvent: Gip master %#lx -> %#lx\n", (long)idGipMaster, (long)idNewGipMaster));
1467 | ASMAtomicCmpXchgSize(&pDevExt->idGipMaster, idNewGipMaster, idGipMaster, fIgnored);
1468 | NOREF(fIgnored);
1469 | }
1470 | }
1471 | }
1472 |
1473 |
1474 | /**
1475 | * On CPU initialization callback for RTMpOnAll.
1476 | *
1477 | * @param idCpu The CPU ID.
1478 | * @param pvUser1 The device extension.
1479 | * @param pvUser2 The GIP.
1480 | */
1481 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) supdrvGipInitOnCpu(RTCPUID idCpu, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2)
1482 | {
1483 | /* This is good enough, even though it will update some of the globals a
1484 | bit to much. */
1485 | supdrvGipMpEventOnlineOrInitOnCpu((PSUPDRVDEVEXT)pvUser1, idCpu);
1486 | NOREF(pvUser2);
1487 | }
1488 |
1489 |
1490 | /**
1491 | * Callback used by supdrvDetermineAsyncTSC to read the TSC on a CPU.
1492 | *
1493 | * @param idCpu Ignored.
1494 | * @param pvUser1 Where to put the TSC.
1495 | * @param pvUser2 Ignored.
1496 | */
1497 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) supdrvGipInitDetermineAsyncTscWorker(RTCPUID idCpu, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2)
1498 | {
1499 | Assert(RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(idCpu) == (intptr_t)pvUser2);
1500 | ASMAtomicWriteU64((uint64_t volatile *)pvUser1, ASMReadTSC());
1501 | RT_NOREF2(idCpu, pvUser2);
1502 | }
1503 |
1504 |
1505 | /**
1506 | * Determine if Async GIP mode is required because of TSC drift.
1507 | *
1508 | * When using the default/normal timer code it is essential that the time stamp counter
1509 | * (TSC) runs never backwards, that is, a read operation to the counter should return
1510 | * a bigger value than any previous read operation. This is guaranteed by the latest
1511 | * AMD CPUs and by newer Intel CPUs which never enter the C2 state (P4). In any other
1512 | * case we have to choose the asynchronous timer mode.
1513 | *
1514 | * @param poffMin Pointer to the determined difference between different
1515 | * cores (optional, can be NULL).
1516 | * @return false if the time stamp counters appear to be synchronized, true otherwise.
1517 | */
1518 | static bool supdrvGipInitDetermineAsyncTsc(uint64_t *poffMin)
1519 | {
1520 | /*
1521 | * Just iterate all the cpus 8 times and make sure that the TSC is
1522 | * ever increasing. We don't bother taking TSC rollover into account.
1523 | */
1524 | int iEndCpu = RTMpGetArraySize();
1525 | int iCpu;
1526 | int cLoops = 8;
1527 | bool fAsync = false;
1528 | int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
1529 | uint64_t offMax = 0;
1530 | uint64_t offMin = ~(uint64_t)0;
1531 | uint64_t PrevTsc = ASMReadTSC();
1532 |
1533 | while (cLoops-- > 0)
1534 | {
1535 | for (iCpu = 0; iCpu < iEndCpu; iCpu++)
1536 | {
1537 | uint64_t CurTsc;
1538 | rc = RTMpOnSpecific(RTMpCpuIdFromSetIndex(iCpu), supdrvGipInitDetermineAsyncTscWorker,
1539 | &CurTsc, (void *)(uintptr_t)iCpu);
1540 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1541 | {
1542 | if (CurTsc <= PrevTsc)
1543 | {
1544 | fAsync = true;
1545 | offMin = offMax = PrevTsc - CurTsc;
1546 | Log(("supdrvGipInitDetermineAsyncTsc: iCpu=%d cLoops=%d CurTsc=%llx PrevTsc=%llx\n",
1547 | iCpu, cLoops, CurTsc, PrevTsc));
1548 | break;
1549 | }
1550 |
1551 | /* Gather statistics (except the first time). */
1552 | if (iCpu != 0 || cLoops != 7)
1553 | {
1554 | uint64_t off = CurTsc - PrevTsc;
1555 | if (off < offMin)
1556 | offMin = off;
1557 | if (off > offMax)
1558 | offMax = off;
1559 | Log2(("%d/%d: off=%llx\n", cLoops, iCpu, off));
1560 | }
1561 |
1562 | /* Next */
1563 | PrevTsc = CurTsc;
1564 | }
1565 | else if (rc == VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)
1566 | break;
1567 | else
1568 | AssertMsg(rc == VERR_CPU_NOT_FOUND || rc == VERR_CPU_OFFLINE, ("%d\n", rc));
1569 | }
1570 |
1571 | /* broke out of the loop. */
1572 | if (iCpu < iEndCpu)
1573 | break;
1574 | }
1575 |
1576 | if (poffMin)
1577 | *poffMin = offMin; /* Almost RTMpOnSpecific profiling. */
1578 | Log(("supdrvGipInitDetermineAsyncTsc: returns %d; iEndCpu=%d rc=%d offMin=%llx offMax=%llx\n",
1579 | fAsync, iEndCpu, rc, offMin, offMax));
1580 | #if !defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS) && !defined(RT_OS_OS2) && !defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
1581 | OSDBGPRINT(("vboxdrv: fAsync=%d offMin=%#lx offMax=%#lx\n", fAsync, (long)offMin, (long)offMax));
1582 | #endif
1583 | return fAsync;
1584 | }
1585 |
1586 |
1587 | /**
1588 | * supdrvGipInit() worker that determines the GIP TSC mode.
1589 | *
1590 | * @returns The most suitable TSC mode.
1591 | * @param pDevExt Pointer to the device instance data.
1592 | */
1593 | static SUPGIPMODE supdrvGipInitDetermineTscMode(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt)
1594 | {
1595 | uint64_t u64DiffCoresIgnored;
1596 | uint32_t uEAX, uEBX, uECX, uEDX;
1597 |
1598 | /*
1599 | * Establish whether the CPU advertises TSC as invariant, we need that in
1600 | * a couple of places below.
1601 | */
1602 | bool fInvariantTsc = false;
1603 | if (ASMHasCpuId())
1604 | {
1605 | uEAX = ASMCpuId_EAX(0x80000000);
1606 | if (ASMIsValidExtRange(uEAX) && uEAX >= 0x80000007)
1607 | {
1608 | uEDX = ASMCpuId_EDX(0x80000007);
1610 | fInvariantTsc = true;
1611 | }
1612 | }
1613 |
1614 | /*
1615 | * On single CPU systems, we don't need to consider ASYNC mode.
1616 | */
1617 | if (RTMpGetCount() <= 1)
1619 |
1620 | /*
1621 | * Allow the user and/or OS specific bits to force async mode.
1622 | */
1623 | if (supdrvOSGetForcedAsyncTscMode(pDevExt))
1625 |
1626 | /*
1627 | * Use invariant mode if the CPU says TSC is invariant.
1628 | */
1629 | if (fInvariantTsc)
1631 |
1632 | /*
1633 | * TSC is not invariant and we're on SMP, this presents two problems:
1634 | *
1635 | * (1) There might be a skew between the CPU, so that cpu0
1636 | * returns a TSC that is slightly different from cpu1.
1637 | * This screw may be due to (2), bad TSC initialization
1638 | * or slightly different TSC rates.
1639 | *
1640 | * (2) Power management (and other things) may cause the TSC
1641 | * to run at a non-constant speed, and cause the speed
1642 | * to be different on the cpus. This will result in (1).
1643 | *
1644 | * If any of the above is detected, we will have to use ASYNC mode.
1645 | */
1646 | /* (1). Try check for current differences between the cpus. */
1647 | if (supdrvGipInitDetermineAsyncTsc(&u64DiffCoresIgnored))
1649 |
1650 | /* (2) If it's an AMD CPU with power management, we won't trust its TSC. */
1651 | ASMCpuId(0, &uEAX, &uEBX, &uECX, &uEDX);
1652 | if ( ASMIsValidStdRange(uEAX)
1653 | && ASMIsAmdCpuEx(uEBX, uECX, uEDX))
1654 | {
1655 | /* Check for APM support. */
1656 | uEAX = ASMCpuId_EAX(0x80000000);
1657 | if (ASMIsValidExtRange(uEAX) && uEAX >= 0x80000007)
1658 | {
1659 | uEDX = ASMCpuId_EDX(0x80000007);
1660 | if (uEDX & 0x3e) /* STC|TM|THERMTRIP|VID|FID. Ignore TS. */
1662 | }
1663 | }
1664 |
1665 | return SUPGIPMODE_SYNC_TSC;
1666 | }
1667 |
1668 |
1669 | /**
1670 | * Initializes per-CPU GIP information.
1671 | *
1672 | * @param pGip Pointer to the GIP.
1673 | * @param pCpu Pointer to which GIP CPU to initialize.
1674 | * @param u64NanoTS The current nanosecond timestamp.
1675 | * @param uCpuHz The CPU frequency to set, 0 if the caller doesn't know.
1676 | */
1677 | static void supdrvGipInitCpu(PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip, PSUPGIPCPU pCpu, uint64_t u64NanoTS, uint64_t uCpuHz)
1678 | {
1679 | pCpu->u32TransactionId = 2;
1680 | pCpu->u64NanoTS = u64NanoTS;
1681 | pCpu->u64TSC = ASMReadTSC();
1682 | pCpu->u64TSCSample = GIP_TSC_DELTA_RSVD;
1683 | pCpu->i64TSCDelta = pGip->enmUseTscDelta > SUPGIPUSETSCDELTA_ZERO_CLAIMED ? INT64_MAX : 0;
1684 |
1685 | ASMAtomicWriteSize(&pCpu->enmState, SUPGIPCPUSTATE_INVALID);
1686 | ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pCpu->idCpu, NIL_RTCPUID);
1687 | ASMAtomicWriteS16(&pCpu->iCpuSet, -1);
1688 | ASMAtomicWriteU16(&pCpu->idApic, UINT16_MAX);
1689 |
1690 | /*
1691 | * The first time we're called, we don't have a CPU frequency handy,
1692 | * so pretend it's a 4 GHz CPU. On CPUs that are online, we'll get
1693 | * called again and at that point we have a more plausible CPU frequency
1694 | * value handy. The frequency history will also be adjusted again on
1695 | * the 2nd timer callout (maybe we can skip that now?).
1696 | */
1697 | if (!uCpuHz)
1698 | {
1699 | pCpu->u64CpuHz = _4G - 1;
1700 | pCpu->u32UpdateIntervalTSC = (uint32_t)((_4G - 1) / pGip->u32UpdateHz);
1701 | }
1702 | else
1703 | {
1704 | pCpu->u64CpuHz = uCpuHz;
1705 | pCpu->u32UpdateIntervalTSC = (uint32_t)(uCpuHz / pGip->u32UpdateHz);
1706 | }
1707 | pCpu->au32TSCHistory[0]
1708 | = pCpu->au32TSCHistory[1]
1709 | = pCpu->au32TSCHistory[2]
1710 | = pCpu->au32TSCHistory[3]
1711 | = pCpu->au32TSCHistory[4]
1712 | = pCpu->au32TSCHistory[5]
1713 | = pCpu->au32TSCHistory[6]
1714 | = pCpu->au32TSCHistory[7]
1715 | = pCpu->u32UpdateIntervalTSC;
1716 | }
1717 |
1718 |
1719 | /**
1720 | * Initializes the GIP data.
1721 | *
1722 | * @param pDevExt Pointer to the device instance data.
1723 | * @param pGip Pointer to the read-write kernel mapping of the GIP.
1724 | * @param HCPhys The physical address of the GIP.
1725 | * @param u64NanoTS The current nanosecond timestamp.
1726 | * @param uUpdateHz The update frequency.
1727 | * @param uUpdateIntervalNS The update interval in nanoseconds.
1728 | * @param cCpus The CPU count.
1729 | */
1730 | static void supdrvGipInit(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip, RTHCPHYS HCPhys,
1731 | uint64_t u64NanoTS, unsigned uUpdateHz, unsigned uUpdateIntervalNS, unsigned cCpus)
1732 | {
1733 | size_t const cbGip = RT_ALIGN_Z(RT_OFFSETOF(SUPGLOBALINFOPAGE, aCPUs[cCpus]), PAGE_SIZE);
1734 | unsigned i;
1735 | #ifdef DEBUG_DARWIN_GIP
1736 | OSDBGPRINT(("supdrvGipInit: pGip=%p HCPhys=%lx u64NanoTS=%llu uUpdateHz=%d cCpus=%u\n", pGip, (long)HCPhys, u64NanoTS, uUpdateHz, cCpus));
1737 | #else
1738 | LogFlow(("supdrvGipInit: pGip=%p HCPhys=%lx u64NanoTS=%llu uUpdateHz=%d cCpus=%u\n", pGip, (long)HCPhys, u64NanoTS, uUpdateHz, cCpus));
1739 | #endif
1740 |
1741 | /*
1742 | * Initialize the structure.
1743 | */
1744 | memset(pGip, 0, cbGip);
1745 |
1746 | pGip->u32Magic = SUPGLOBALINFOPAGE_MAGIC;
1747 | pGip->u32Version = SUPGLOBALINFOPAGE_VERSION;
1748 | pGip->u32Mode = supdrvGipInitDetermineTscMode(pDevExt);
1749 | if ( pGip->u32Mode == SUPGIPMODE_INVARIANT_TSC
1750 | /*|| pGip->u32Mode == SUPGIPMODE_SYNC_TSC */)
1751 | pGip->enmUseTscDelta = supdrvOSAreTscDeltasInSync() /* Allow OS override (windows). */
1753 | else
1755 | pGip->cCpus = (uint16_t)cCpus;
1756 | pGip->cPages = (uint16_t)(cbGip / PAGE_SIZE);
1757 | pGip->u32UpdateHz = uUpdateHz;
1758 | pGip->u32UpdateIntervalNS = uUpdateIntervalNS;
1759 | pGip->fGetGipCpu = SUPGIPGETCPU_APIC_ID;
1760 | RTCpuSetEmpty(&pGip->OnlineCpuSet);
1761 | RTCpuSetEmpty(&pGip->PresentCpuSet);
1762 | RTMpGetSet(&pGip->PossibleCpuSet);
1763 | pGip->cOnlineCpus = RTMpGetOnlineCount();
1764 | pGip->cPresentCpus = RTMpGetPresentCount();
1765 | pGip->cPossibleCpus = RTMpGetCount();
1766 | pGip->idCpuMax = RTMpGetMaxCpuId();
1767 | for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pGip->aiCpuFromApicId); i++)
1768 | pGip->aiCpuFromApicId[i] = UINT16_MAX;
1769 | for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx); i++)
1770 | pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx[i] = UINT16_MAX;
1771 | for (i = 0; i < cCpus; i++)
1772 | supdrvGipInitCpu(pGip, &pGip->aCPUs[i], u64NanoTS, 0 /*uCpuHz*/);
1773 |
1774 | /*
1775 | * Link it to the device extension.
1776 | */
1777 | pDevExt->pGip = pGip;
1778 | pDevExt->HCPhysGip = HCPhys;
1779 | pDevExt->cGipUsers = 0;
1780 | }
1781 |
1782 |
1783 | /**
1784 | * Creates the GIP.
1785 | *
1786 | * @returns VBox status code.
1787 | * @param pDevExt Instance data. GIP stuff may be updated.
1788 | */
1789 | int VBOXCALL supdrvGipCreate(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt)
1790 | {
1792 | RTHCPHYS HCPhysGip;
1793 | uint32_t u32SystemResolution;
1794 | uint32_t u32Interval;
1795 | uint32_t u32MinInterval;
1796 | uint32_t uMod;
1797 | unsigned cCpus;
1798 | int rc;
1799 |
1800 | LogFlow(("supdrvGipCreate:\n"));
1801 |
1802 | /*
1803 | * Assert order.
1804 | */
1805 | Assert(pDevExt->u32SystemTimerGranularityGrant == 0);
1806 | Assert(pDevExt->GipMemObj == NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ);
1807 | Assert(!pDevExt->pGipTimer);
1809 | Assert(pDevExt->mtxGip != NIL_RTSEMMUTEX);
1810 | Assert(pDevExt->mtxTscDelta != NIL_RTSEMMUTEX);
1811 | #else
1812 | Assert(pDevExt->mtxGip != NIL_RTSEMFASTMUTEX);
1813 | Assert(pDevExt->mtxTscDelta != NIL_RTSEMFASTMUTEX);
1814 | #endif
1815 |
1816 | /*
1817 | * Check the CPU count.
1818 | */
1819 | cCpus = RTMpGetArraySize();
1820 | if ( cCpus > RTCPUSET_MAX_CPUS
1821 | #if RTCPUSET_MAX_CPUS != 256
1822 | || cCpus > 256 /* ApicId is used for the mappings */
1823 | #endif
1824 | )
1825 | {
1826 | SUPR0Printf("VBoxDrv: Too many CPUs (%u) for the GIP (max %u)\n", cCpus, RT_MIN(RTCPUSET_MAX_CPUS, 256));
1827 | return VERR_TOO_MANY_CPUS;
1828 | }
1829 |
1830 | /*
1831 | * Allocate a contiguous set of pages with a default kernel mapping.
1832 | */
1833 | rc = RTR0MemObjAllocCont(&pDevExt->GipMemObj, RT_UOFFSETOF(SUPGLOBALINFOPAGE, aCPUs[cCpus]), false /*fExecutable*/);
1834 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1835 | {
1836 | OSDBGPRINT(("supdrvGipCreate: failed to allocate the GIP page. rc=%d\n", rc));
1837 | return rc;
1838 | }
1839 | pGip = (PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE)RTR0MemObjAddress(pDevExt->GipMemObj); AssertPtr(pGip);
1840 | HCPhysGip = RTR0MemObjGetPagePhysAddr(pDevExt->GipMemObj, 0); Assert(HCPhysGip != NIL_RTHCPHYS);
1841 |
1842 | /*
1843 | * Find a reasonable update interval and initialize the structure.
1844 | */
1845 | supdrvGipRequestHigherTimerFrequencyFromSystem(pDevExt);
1846 | /** @todo figure out why using a 100Ms interval upsets timekeeping in VMs.
1847 | * See @bugref{6710}. */
1848 | u32MinInterval = RT_NS_10MS;
1849 | u32SystemResolution = RTTimerGetSystemGranularity();
1850 | u32Interval = u32MinInterval;
1851 | uMod = u32MinInterval % u32SystemResolution;
1852 | if (uMod)
1853 | u32Interval += u32SystemResolution - uMod;
1854 |
1855 | supdrvGipInit(pDevExt, pGip, HCPhysGip, RTTimeSystemNanoTS(), RT_NS_1SEC / u32Interval /*=Hz*/, u32Interval, cCpus);
1856 |
1857 | /*
1858 | * Important sanity check...
1859 | */
1861 | && pGip->u32Mode == SUPGIPMODE_ASYNC_TSC
1862 | && !supdrvOSGetForcedAsyncTscMode(pDevExt)))
1863 | {
1864 | OSDBGPRINT(("supdrvGipCreate: Host-OS/user claims the TSC-deltas are zero but we detected async. TSC! Bad.\n"));
1865 | return VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_2;
1866 | }
1867 |
1868 | /* It doesn't make sense to do TSC-delta detection on systems we detect as async. */
1869 | AssertReturn( pGip->u32Mode != SUPGIPMODE_ASYNC_TSC
1871 |
1872 | /*
1873 | * Do the TSC frequency measurements.
1874 | *
1875 | * If we're in invariant TSC mode, just to a quick preliminary measurement
1876 | * that the TSC-delta measurement code can use to yield cross calls.
1877 | *
1878 | * If we're in any of the other two modes, neither which require MP init,
1879 | * notifications or deltas for the job, do the full measurement now so
1880 | * that supdrvGipInitOnCpu() can populate the TSC interval and history
1881 | * array with more reasonable values.
1882 | */
1883 | if (pGip->u32Mode == SUPGIPMODE_INVARIANT_TSC)
1884 | {
1885 | rc = supdrvGipInitMeasureTscFreq(pGip, true /*fRough*/); /* cannot fail */
1886 | supdrvGipInitStartTimerForRefiningInvariantTscFreq(pDevExt);
1887 | }
1888 | else
1889 | rc = supdrvGipInitMeasureTscFreq(pGip, false /*fRough*/);
1890 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1891 | {
1892 | /*
1893 | * Start TSC-delta measurement thread before we start getting MP
1894 | * events that will try kick it into action (includes the
1895 | * RTMpOnAll/supdrvGipInitOnCpu call below).
1896 | */
1897 | RTCpuSetEmpty(&pDevExt->TscDeltaCpuSet);
1898 | RTCpuSetEmpty(&pDevExt->TscDeltaObtainedCpuSet);
1900 | if (pGip->enmUseTscDelta > SUPGIPUSETSCDELTA_ZERO_CLAIMED)
1901 | rc = supdrvTscDeltaThreadInit(pDevExt);
1902 | #endif
1903 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1904 | {
1905 | rc = RTMpNotificationRegister(supdrvGipMpEvent, pDevExt);
1906 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1907 | {
1908 | /*
1909 | * Do GIP initialization on all online CPUs. Wake up the
1910 | * TSC-delta thread afterwards.
1911 | */
1912 | rc = RTMpOnAll(supdrvGipInitOnCpu, pDevExt, pGip);
1913 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1914 | {
1916 | supdrvTscDeltaThreadStartMeasurement(pDevExt, true /* fForceAll */);
1917 | #else
1918 | uint16_t iCpu;
1919 | if (pGip->enmUseTscDelta > SUPGIPUSETSCDELTA_ZERO_CLAIMED)
1920 | {
1921 | /*
1922 | * Measure the TSC deltas now that we have MP notifications.
1923 | */
1924 | int cTries = 5;
1925 | do
1926 | {
1927 | rc = supdrvMeasureInitialTscDeltas(pDevExt);
1928 | if ( rc != VERR_TRY_AGAIN
1929 | && rc != VERR_CPU_OFFLINE)
1930 | break;
1931 | } while (--cTries > 0);
1932 | for (iCpu = 0; iCpu < pGip->cCpus; iCpu++)
1933 | Log(("supdrvTscDeltaInit: cpu[%u] delta %lld\n", iCpu, pGip->aCPUs[iCpu].i64TSCDelta));
1934 | }
1935 | else
1936 | {
1937 | for (iCpu = 0; iCpu < pGip->cCpus; iCpu++)
1938 | AssertMsg(!pGip->aCPUs[iCpu].i64TSCDelta, ("iCpu=%u %lld mode=%d\n", iCpu, pGip->aCPUs[iCpu].i64TSCDelta, pGip->u32Mode));
1939 | }
1940 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1941 | #endif
1942 | {
1943 | /*
1944 | * Create the timer.
1945 | * If CPU_ALL isn't supported we'll have to fall back to synchronous mode.
1946 | */
1947 | if (pGip->u32Mode == SUPGIPMODE_ASYNC_TSC)
1948 | {
1949 | rc = RTTimerCreateEx(&pDevExt->pGipTimer, u32Interval, RTTIMER_FLAGS_CPU_ALL,
1950 | supdrvGipAsyncTimer, pDevExt);
1951 | if (rc == VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)
1952 | {
1953 | OSDBGPRINT(("supdrvGipCreate: omni timer not supported, falling back to synchronous mode\n"));
1954 | pGip->u32Mode = SUPGIPMODE_SYNC_TSC;
1955 | }
1956 | }
1957 | if (pGip->u32Mode != SUPGIPMODE_ASYNC_TSC)
1958 | rc = RTTimerCreateEx(&pDevExt->pGipTimer, u32Interval, 0 /* fFlags */,
1959 | supdrvGipSyncAndInvariantTimer, pDevExt);
1960 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1961 | {
1962 | /*
1963 | * We're good.
1964 | */
1965 | Log(("supdrvGipCreate: %u ns interval.\n", u32Interval));
1966 | supdrvGipReleaseHigherTimerFrequencyFromSystem(pDevExt);
1967 |
1968 | g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage = pGip;
1969 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1970 | }
1971 |
1972 | OSDBGPRINT(("supdrvGipCreate: failed create GIP timer at %u ns interval. rc=%Rrc\n", u32Interval, rc));
1973 | Assert(!pDevExt->pGipTimer);
1974 | }
1975 | }
1976 | else
1977 | OSDBGPRINT(("supdrvGipCreate: RTMpOnAll failed. rc=%Rrc\n", rc));
1978 | }
1979 | else
1980 | OSDBGPRINT(("supdrvGipCreate: failed to register MP event notfication. rc=%Rrc\n", rc));
1981 | }
1982 | else
1983 | OSDBGPRINT(("supdrvGipCreate: supdrvTscDeltaInit failed. rc=%Rrc\n", rc));
1984 | }
1985 | else
1986 | OSDBGPRINT(("supdrvGipCreate: supdrvMeasureInitialTscDeltas failed. rc=%Rrc\n", rc));
1987 |
1988 | /* Releases timer frequency increase too. */
1989 | supdrvGipDestroy(pDevExt);
1990 | return rc;
1991 | }
1992 |
1993 |
1994 | /**
1995 | * Invalidates the GIP data upon termination.
1996 | *
1997 | * @param pGip Pointer to the read-write kernel mapping of the GIP.
1998 | */
1999 | static void supdrvGipTerm(PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip)
2000 | {
2001 | unsigned i;
2002 | pGip->u32Magic = 0;
2003 | for (i = 0; i < pGip->cCpus; i++)
2004 | {
2005 | pGip->aCPUs[i].u64NanoTS = 0;
2006 | pGip->aCPUs[i].u64TSC = 0;
2007 | pGip->aCPUs[i].iTSCHistoryHead = 0;
2008 | pGip->aCPUs[i].u64TSCSample = 0;
2009 | pGip->aCPUs[i].i64TSCDelta = INT64_MAX;
2010 | }
2011 | }
2012 |
2013 |
2014 | /**
2015 | * Terminates the GIP.
2016 | *
2017 | * @param pDevExt Instance data. GIP stuff may be updated.
2018 | */
2019 | void VBOXCALL supdrvGipDestroy(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt)
2020 | {
2021 | int rc;
2022 | #ifdef DEBUG_DARWIN_GIP
2023 | OSDBGPRINT(("supdrvGipDestroy: pDevExt=%p pGip=%p pGipTimer=%p GipMemObj=%p\n", pDevExt,
2024 | pDevExt->GipMemObj != NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ ? RTR0MemObjAddress(pDevExt->GipMemObj) : NULL,
2025 | pDevExt->pGipTimer, pDevExt->GipMemObj));
2026 | #endif
2027 |
2028 | /*
2029 | * Stop receiving MP notifications before tearing anything else down.
2030 | */
2031 | RTMpNotificationDeregister(supdrvGipMpEvent, pDevExt);
2032 |
2034 | /*
2035 | * Terminate the TSC-delta measurement thread and resources.
2036 | */
2037 | supdrvTscDeltaTerm(pDevExt);
2038 | #endif
2039 |
2040 | /*
2041 | * Destroy the TSC-refinement timer.
2042 | */
2043 | if (pDevExt->pInvarTscRefineTimer)
2044 | {
2045 | RTTimerDestroy(pDevExt->pInvarTscRefineTimer);
2046 | pDevExt->pInvarTscRefineTimer = NULL;
2047 | }
2048 |
2049 | /*
2050 | * Invalid the GIP data.
2051 | */
2052 | if (pDevExt->pGip)
2053 | {
2054 | supdrvGipTerm(pDevExt->pGip);
2055 | pDevExt->pGip = NULL;
2056 | }
2057 | g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage = NULL;
2058 |
2059 | /*
2060 | * Destroy the timer and free the GIP memory object.
2061 | */
2062 | if (pDevExt->pGipTimer)
2063 | {
2064 | rc = RTTimerDestroy(pDevExt->pGipTimer); AssertRC(rc);
2065 | pDevExt->pGipTimer = NULL;
2066 | }
2067 |
2068 | if (pDevExt->GipMemObj != NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ)
2069 | {
2070 | rc = RTR0MemObjFree(pDevExt->GipMemObj, true /* free mappings */); AssertRC(rc);
2071 | pDevExt->GipMemObj = NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ;
2072 | }
2073 |
2074 | /*
2075 | * Finally, make sure we've release the system timer resolution request
2076 | * if one actually succeeded and is still pending.
2077 | */
2078 | supdrvGipReleaseHigherTimerFrequencyFromSystem(pDevExt);
2079 | }
2080 |
2081 |
2082 |
2083 |
2084 | /*
2085 | *
2086 | *
2087 | * GIP Update Timer Related Code
2088 | * GIP Update Timer Related Code
2089 | * GIP Update Timer Related Code
2090 | *
2091 | *
2092 | */
2093 |
2094 |
2095 | /**
2096 | * Worker routine for supdrvGipUpdate() and supdrvGipUpdatePerCpu() that
2097 | * updates all the per cpu data except the transaction id.
2098 | *
2099 | * @param pDevExt The device extension.
2100 | * @param pGipCpu Pointer to the per cpu data.
2101 | * @param u64NanoTS The current time stamp.
2102 | * @param u64TSC The current TSC.
2103 | * @param iTick The current timer tick.
2104 | *
2105 | * @remarks Can be called with interrupts disabled!
2106 | */
2107 | static void supdrvGipDoUpdateCpu(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PSUPGIPCPU pGipCpu, uint64_t u64NanoTS, uint64_t u64TSC, uint64_t iTick)
2108 | {
2109 | uint64_t u64TSCDelta;
2110 | bool fUpdateCpuHz;
2111 | PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip = pDevExt->pGip;
2112 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pGip);
2113 |
2114 | /* Delta between this and the previous update. */
2115 | ASMAtomicUoWriteU32(&pGipCpu->u32PrevUpdateIntervalNS, (uint32_t)(u64NanoTS - pGipCpu->u64NanoTS));
2116 |
2117 | /*
2118 | * Update the NanoTS.
2119 | */
2120 | ASMAtomicWriteU64(&pGipCpu->u64NanoTS, u64NanoTS);
2121 |
2122 | /*
2123 | * Calc TSC delta.
2124 | */
2125 | u64TSCDelta = u64TSC - pGipCpu->u64TSC;
2126 | ASMAtomicWriteU64(&pGipCpu->u64TSC, u64TSC);
2127 |
2128 | /*
2129 | * Determine if we need to update the CPU (TSC) frequency calculation.
2130 | *
2131 | * We don't need to keep recalculating the frequency when it's invariant,
2132 | * unless the special tstGIP-2 testing mode is enabled.
2133 | */
2134 | fUpdateCpuHz = pGip->u32Mode != SUPGIPMODE_INVARIANT_TSC;
2135 | if (!(pGip->fFlags & SUPGIP_FLAGS_TESTING))
2136 | { /* likely*/ }
2137 | else
2138 | {
2139 | uint32_t fGipFlags = pGip->fFlags;
2141 | {
2142 | if (fGipFlags & SUPGIP_FLAGS_TESTING_START)
2143 | {
2144 | /* Cache the TSC frequency before forcing updates due to test mode. */
2145 | if (!fUpdateCpuHz)
2146 | pDevExt->uGipTestModeInvariantCpuHz = pGip->aCPUs[0].u64CpuHz;
2147 | ASMAtomicAndU32(&pGip->fFlags, ~SUPGIP_FLAGS_TESTING_START);
2148 | }
2149 | fUpdateCpuHz = true;
2150 | }
2151 | else if (fGipFlags & SUPGIP_FLAGS_TESTING_STOP)
2152 | {
2153 | /* Restore the cached TSC frequency if any. */
2154 | if (!fUpdateCpuHz)
2155 | {
2156 | Assert(pDevExt->uGipTestModeInvariantCpuHz);
2157 | ASMAtomicWriteU64(&pGip->aCPUs[0].u64CpuHz, pDevExt->uGipTestModeInvariantCpuHz);
2158 | }
2160 | }
2161 | }
2162 |
2163 | /*
2164 | * Calculate the CPU (TSC) frequency if necessary.
2165 | */
2166 | if (fUpdateCpuHz)
2167 | {
2168 | uint64_t u64CpuHz;
2169 | uint32_t u32UpdateIntervalTSC;
2170 | uint32_t u32UpdateIntervalTSCSlack;
2171 | uint32_t u32TransactionId;
2172 | unsigned iTSCHistoryHead;
2173 |
2174 | if (u64TSCDelta >> 32)
2175 | {
2176 | u64TSCDelta = pGipCpu->u32UpdateIntervalTSC;
2177 | pGipCpu->cErrors++;
2178 | }
2179 |
2180 | /*
2181 | * On the 2nd and 3rd callout, reset the history with the current TSC
2182 | * interval since the values entered by supdrvGipInit are totally off.
2183 | * The interval on the 1st callout completely unreliable, the 2nd is a bit
2184 | * better, while the 3rd should be most reliable.
2185 | */
2186 | /** @todo Could we drop this now that we initializes the history
2187 | * with nominal TSC frequency values? */
2188 | u32TransactionId = pGipCpu->u32TransactionId;
2189 | if (RT_UNLIKELY( ( u32TransactionId == 5
2190 | || u32TransactionId == 7)
2191 | && ( iTick == 2
2192 | || iTick == 3) ))
2193 | {
2194 | unsigned i;
2195 | for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory); i++)
2196 | ASMAtomicUoWriteU32(&pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory[i], (uint32_t)u64TSCDelta);
2197 | }
2198 |
2199 | /*
2200 | * Validate the NanoTS deltas between timer fires with an arbitrary threshold of 0.5%.
2201 | * Wait until we have at least one full history since the above history reset. The
2202 | * assumption is that the majority of the previous history values will be tolerable.
2203 | * See @bugref{6710#c67}.
2204 | */
2205 | /** @todo Could we drop the fudging there now that we initializes the history
2206 | * with nominal TSC frequency values? */
2207 | if ( u32TransactionId > 23 /* 7 + (8 * 2) */
2208 | && pGip->u32Mode != SUPGIPMODE_ASYNC_TSC)
2209 | {
2210 | uint32_t uNanoTsThreshold = pGip->u32UpdateIntervalNS / 200;
2211 | if ( pGipCpu->u32PrevUpdateIntervalNS > pGip->u32UpdateIntervalNS + uNanoTsThreshold
2212 | || pGipCpu->u32PrevUpdateIntervalNS < pGip->u32UpdateIntervalNS - uNanoTsThreshold)
2213 | {
2214 | uint32_t u32;
2215 | u32 = pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory[0];
2216 | u32 += pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory[1];
2217 | u32 += pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory[2];
2218 | u32 += pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory[3];
2219 | u32 >>= 2;
2220 | u64TSCDelta = pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory[4];
2221 | u64TSCDelta += pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory[5];
2222 | u64TSCDelta += pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory[6];
2223 | u64TSCDelta += pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory[7];
2224 | u64TSCDelta >>= 2;
2225 | u64TSCDelta += u32;
2226 | u64TSCDelta >>= 1;
2227 | }
2228 | }
2229 |
2230 | /*
2231 | * TSC History.
2232 | */
2233 | Assert(RT_ELEMENTS(pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory) == 8);
2234 | iTSCHistoryHead = (pGipCpu->iTSCHistoryHead + 1) & 7;
2235 | ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pGipCpu->iTSCHistoryHead, iTSCHistoryHead);
2236 | ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory[iTSCHistoryHead], (uint32_t)u64TSCDelta);
2237 |
2238 | /*
2239 | * UpdateIntervalTSC = average of last 8,2,1 intervals depending on update HZ.
2240 | *
2241 | * On Windows, we have an occasional (but recurring) sour value that messed up
2242 | * the history but taking only 1 interval reduces the precision overall.
2243 | */
2244 | if ( pGip->u32Mode == SUPGIPMODE_INVARIANT_TSC
2245 | || pGip->u32UpdateHz >= 1000)
2246 | {
2247 | uint32_t u32;
2248 | u32 = pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory[0];
2249 | u32 += pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory[1];
2250 | u32 += pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory[2];
2251 | u32 += pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory[3];
2252 | u32 >>= 2;
2253 | u32UpdateIntervalTSC = pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory[4];
2254 | u32UpdateIntervalTSC += pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory[5];
2255 | u32UpdateIntervalTSC += pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory[6];
2256 | u32UpdateIntervalTSC += pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory[7];
2257 | u32UpdateIntervalTSC >>= 2;
2258 | u32UpdateIntervalTSC += u32;
2259 | u32UpdateIntervalTSC >>= 1;
2260 |
2261 | /* Value chosen for a 2GHz Athlon64 running linux 2.6.10/11. */
2262 | u32UpdateIntervalTSCSlack = u32UpdateIntervalTSC >> 14;
2263 | }
2264 | else if (pGip->u32UpdateHz >= 90)
2265 | {
2266 | u32UpdateIntervalTSC = (uint32_t)u64TSCDelta;
2267 | u32UpdateIntervalTSC += pGipCpu->au32TSCHistory[(iTSCHistoryHead - 1) & 7];
2268 | u32UpdateIntervalTSC >>= 1;
2269 |
2270 | /* value chosen on a 2GHz thinkpad running windows */
2271 | u32UpdateIntervalTSCSlack = u32UpdateIntervalTSC >> 7;
2272 | }
2273 | else
2274 | {
2275 | u32UpdateIntervalTSC = (uint32_t)u64TSCDelta;
2276 |
2277 | /* This value hasn't be checked yet.. waiting for OS/2 and 33Hz timers.. :-) */
2278 | u32UpdateIntervalTSCSlack = u32UpdateIntervalTSC >> 6;
2279 | }
2280 | ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pGipCpu->u32UpdateIntervalTSC, u32UpdateIntervalTSC + u32UpdateIntervalTSCSlack);
2281 |
2282 | /*
2283 | * CpuHz.
2284 | */
2285 | u64CpuHz = ASMMult2xU32RetU64(u32UpdateIntervalTSC, RT_NS_1SEC);
2286 | u64CpuHz /= pGip->u32UpdateIntervalNS;
2287 | ASMAtomicWriteU64(&pGipCpu->u64CpuHz, u64CpuHz);
2288 | }
2289 | }
2290 |
2291 |
2292 | /**
2293 | * Updates the GIP.
2294 | *
2295 | * @param pDevExt The device extension.
2296 | * @param u64NanoTS The current nanosecond timestamp.
2297 | * @param u64TSC The current TSC timestamp.
2298 | * @param idCpu The CPU ID.
2299 | * @param iTick The current timer tick.
2300 | *
2301 | * @remarks Can be called with interrupts disabled!
2302 | */
2303 | static void supdrvGipUpdate(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, uint64_t u64NanoTS, uint64_t u64TSC, RTCPUID idCpu, uint64_t iTick)
2304 | {
2305 | /*
2306 | * Determine the relevant CPU data.
2307 | */
2308 | PSUPGIPCPU pGipCpu;
2309 | PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip = pDevExt->pGip;
2310 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pGip);
2311 |
2312 | if (pGip->u32Mode != SUPGIPMODE_ASYNC_TSC)
2313 | pGipCpu = &pGip->aCPUs[0];
2314 | else
2315 | {
2316 | unsigned iCpu = pGip->aiCpuFromApicId[ASMGetApicId()];
2317 | if (RT_UNLIKELY(iCpu >= pGip->cCpus))
2318 | return;
2319 | pGipCpu = &pGip->aCPUs[iCpu];
2320 | if (RT_UNLIKELY(pGipCpu->idCpu != idCpu))
2321 | return;
2322 | }
2323 |
2324 | /*
2325 | * Start update transaction.
2326 | */
2327 | if (!(ASMAtomicIncU32(&pGipCpu->u32TransactionId) & 1))
2328 | {
2329 | /* this can happen on win32 if we're taking to long and there are more CPUs around. shouldn't happen though. */
2330 | AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid transaction id, %#x, not odd!\n", pGipCpu->u32TransactionId));
2331 | ASMAtomicIncU32(&pGipCpu->u32TransactionId);
2332 | pGipCpu->cErrors++;
2333 | return;
2334 | }
2335 |
2336 | /*
2337 | * Recalc the update frequency every 0x800th time.
2338 | */
2339 | if ( pGip->u32Mode != SUPGIPMODE_INVARIANT_TSC /* cuz we're not recalculating the frequency on invariant hosts. */
2340 | && !(pGipCpu->u32TransactionId & (GIP_UPDATEHZ_RECALC_FREQ * 2 - 2)))
2341 | {
2342 | if (pGip->u64NanoTSLastUpdateHz)
2343 | {
2344 | #ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 /** @todo fix 64-bit div here to work on x86 linux. */
2345 | uint64_t u64Delta = u64NanoTS - pGip->u64NanoTSLastUpdateHz;
2346 | uint32_t u32UpdateHz = (uint32_t)((RT_NS_1SEC_64 * GIP_UPDATEHZ_RECALC_FREQ) / u64Delta);
2347 | if (u32UpdateHz <= 2000 && u32UpdateHz >= 30)
2348 | {
2349 | /** @todo r=ramshankar: Changing u32UpdateHz might screw up TSC frequency
2350 | * calculation on non-invariant hosts if it changes the history decision
2351 | * taken in supdrvGipDoUpdateCpu(). */
2352 | uint64_t u64Interval = u64Delta / GIP_UPDATEHZ_RECALC_FREQ;
2353 | ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pGip->u32UpdateHz, u32UpdateHz);
2354 | ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pGip->u32UpdateIntervalNS, (uint32_t)u64Interval);
2355 | }
2356 | #endif
2357 | }
2358 | ASMAtomicWriteU64(&pGip->u64NanoTSLastUpdateHz, u64NanoTS | 1);
2359 | }
2360 |
2361 | /*
2362 | * Update the data.
2363 | */
2364 | supdrvGipDoUpdateCpu(pDevExt, pGipCpu, u64NanoTS, u64TSC, iTick);
2365 |
2366 | /*
2367 | * Complete transaction.
2368 | */
2369 | ASMAtomicIncU32(&pGipCpu->u32TransactionId);
2370 | }
2371 |
2372 |
2373 | /**
2374 | * Updates the per cpu GIP data for the calling cpu.
2375 | *
2376 | * @param pDevExt The device extension.
2377 | * @param u64NanoTS The current nanosecond timestamp.
2378 | * @param u64TSC The current TSC timesaver.
2379 | * @param idCpu The CPU ID.
2380 | * @param idApic The APIC id for the CPU index.
2381 | * @param iTick The current timer tick.
2382 | *
2383 | * @remarks Can be called with interrupts disabled!
2384 | */
2385 | static void supdrvGipUpdatePerCpu(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, uint64_t u64NanoTS, uint64_t u64TSC,
2386 | RTCPUID idCpu, uint8_t idApic, uint64_t iTick)
2387 | {
2388 | uint32_t iCpu;
2389 | PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip = pDevExt->pGip;
2390 |
2391 | /*
2392 | * Avoid a potential race when a CPU online notification doesn't fire on
2393 | * the onlined CPU but the tick creeps in before the event notification is
2394 | * run.
2395 | */
2396 | if (RT_UNLIKELY(iTick == 1))
2397 | {
2398 | iCpu = supdrvGipFindOrAllocCpuIndexForCpuId(pGip, idCpu);
2399 | if (pGip->aCPUs[iCpu].enmState == SUPGIPCPUSTATE_OFFLINE)
2400 | supdrvGipMpEventOnlineOrInitOnCpu(pDevExt, idCpu);
2401 | }
2402 |
2403 | iCpu = pGip->aiCpuFromApicId[idApic];
2404 | if (RT_LIKELY(iCpu < pGip->cCpus))
2405 | {
2406 | PSUPGIPCPU pGipCpu = &pGip->aCPUs[iCpu];
2407 | if (pGipCpu->idCpu == idCpu)
2408 | {
2409 | /*
2410 | * Start update transaction.
2411 | */
2412 | if (!(ASMAtomicIncU32(&pGipCpu->u32TransactionId) & 1))
2413 | {
2414 | AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid transaction id, %#x, not odd!\n", pGipCpu->u32TransactionId));
2415 | ASMAtomicIncU32(&pGipCpu->u32TransactionId);
2416 | pGipCpu->cErrors++;
2417 | return;
2418 | }
2419 |
2420 | /*
2421 | * Update the data.
2422 | */
2423 | supdrvGipDoUpdateCpu(pDevExt, pGipCpu, u64NanoTS, u64TSC, iTick);
2424 |
2425 | /*
2426 | * Complete transaction.
2427 | */
2428 | ASMAtomicIncU32(&pGipCpu->u32TransactionId);
2429 | }
2430 | }
2431 | }
2432 |
2433 |
2434 | /**
2435 | * Timer callback function for the sync and invariant GIP modes.
2436 | *
2437 | * @param pTimer The timer.
2438 | * @param pvUser Opaque pointer to the device extension.
2439 | * @param iTick The timer tick.
2440 | */
2441 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) supdrvGipSyncAndInvariantTimer(PRTTIMER pTimer, void *pvUser, uint64_t iTick)
2442 | {
2444 | PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip = pDevExt->pGip;
2445 | RTCCUINTREG fEFlags = ASMIntDisableFlags(); /* No interruptions please (real problem on S10). */
2446 | uint64_t u64TSC = ASMReadTSC();
2447 | uint64_t u64NanoTS = RTTimeSystemNanoTS();
2448 | RT_NOREF1(pTimer);
2449 |
2451 | {
2452 | /*
2453 | * The calculations in supdrvGipUpdate() is somewhat timing sensitive,
2454 | * missing timer ticks is not an option for GIP because the GIP users
2455 | * will end up incrementing the time in 1ns per time getter call until
2456 | * there is a complete timer update. So, if the delta has yet to be
2457 | * calculated, we just pretend it is zero for now (the GIP users
2458 | * probably won't have it for a wee while either and will do the same).
2459 | *
2460 | * We could maybe on some platforms try cross calling a CPU with a
2461 | * working delta here, but it's not worth the hassle since the
2462 | * likelihood of this happening is really low. On Windows, Linux, and
2463 | * Solaris timers fire on the CPU they were registered/started on.
2464 | * Darwin timers doesn't necessarily (they are high priority threads).
2465 | */
2466 | uint32_t iCpuSet = RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(RTMpCpuId());
2467 | uint16_t iGipCpu = RT_LIKELY(iCpuSet < RT_ELEMENTS(pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx))
2468 | ? pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx[iCpuSet] : UINT16_MAX;
2469 | Assert(!ASMIntAreEnabled());
2470 | if (RT_LIKELY(iGipCpu < pGip->cCpus))
2471 | {
2472 | int64_t iTscDelta = pGip->aCPUs[iGipCpu].i64TSCDelta;
2473 | if (iTscDelta != INT64_MAX)
2474 | u64TSC -= iTscDelta;
2475 | }
2476 | }
2477 |
2478 | supdrvGipUpdate(pDevExt, u64NanoTS, u64TSC, NIL_RTCPUID, iTick);
2479 |
2480 | ASMSetFlags(fEFlags);
2481 | }
2482 |
2483 |
2484 | /**
2485 | * Timer callback function for async GIP mode.
2486 | * @param pTimer The timer.
2487 | * @param pvUser Opaque pointer to the device extension.
2488 | * @param iTick The timer tick.
2489 | */
2490 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) supdrvGipAsyncTimer(PRTTIMER pTimer, void *pvUser, uint64_t iTick)
2491 | {
2493 | RTCCUINTREG fEFlags = ASMIntDisableFlags(); /* No interruptions please (real problem on S10). */
2494 | RTCPUID idCpu = RTMpCpuId();
2495 | uint64_t u64TSC = ASMReadTSC();
2496 | uint64_t NanoTS = RTTimeSystemNanoTS();
2497 | RT_NOREF1(pTimer);
2498 |
2499 | /** @todo reset the transaction number and whatnot when iTick == 1. */
2500 | if (pDevExt->idGipMaster == idCpu)
2501 | supdrvGipUpdate(pDevExt, NanoTS, u64TSC, idCpu, iTick);
2502 | else
2503 | supdrvGipUpdatePerCpu(pDevExt, NanoTS, u64TSC, idCpu, ASMGetApicId(), iTick);
2504 |
2505 | ASMSetFlags(fEFlags);
2506 | }
2507 |
2508 |
2509 |
2510 |
2511 | /*
2512 | *
2513 | *
2514 | * TSC Delta Measurements And Related Code
2515 | * TSC Delta Measurements And Related Code
2516 | * TSC Delta Measurements And Related Code
2517 | *
2518 | *
2519 | */
2520 |
2521 |
2522 | /*
2523 | * Select TSC delta measurement algorithm.
2524 | */
2525 | #if 0
2526 | # define GIP_TSC_DELTA_METHOD_1
2527 | #else
2528 | # define GIP_TSC_DELTA_METHOD_2
2529 | #endif
2530 |
2531 | /** For padding variables to keep them away from other cache lines. Better too
2532 | * large than too small!
2533 | * @remarks Current AMD64 and x86 CPUs seems to use 64 bytes. There are claims
2534 | * that NetBurst had 128 byte cache lines while the 486 thru Pentium
2535 | * III had 32 bytes cache lines. */
2536 | #define GIP_TSC_DELTA_CACHE_LINE_SIZE 128
2537 |
2538 |
2539 | /**
2540 | * TSC delta measurement algorithm \#2 result entry.
2541 | */
2543 | {
2544 | uint32_t iSeqMine;
2545 | uint32_t iSeqOther;
2546 | uint64_t uTsc;
2548 |
2549 | /**
2550 | * TSC delta measurement algorithm \#2 Data.
2551 | */
2552 | typedef struct SUPDRVTSCDELTAMETHOD2
2553 | {
2554 | /** Padding to make sure the iCurSeqNo is in its own cache line. */
2555 | uint64_t au64CacheLinePaddingBefore[GIP_TSC_DELTA_CACHE_LINE_SIZE / sizeof(uint64_t)];
2556 | /** The current sequence number of this worker. */
2557 | uint32_t volatile iCurSeqNo;
2558 | /** Padding to make sure the iCurSeqNo is in its own cache line. */
2559 | uint32_t au64CacheLinePaddingAfter[GIP_TSC_DELTA_CACHE_LINE_SIZE / sizeof(uint32_t) - 1];
2560 | /** Result table. */
2563 | /** Pointer to the data for TSC delta measurement algorithm \#2 .*/
2565 |
2566 |
2567 | /**
2568 | * The TSC delta synchronization struct, version 2.
2569 | *
2570 | * The synchronization variable is completely isolated in its own cache line
2571 | * (provided our max cache line size estimate is correct).
2572 | */
2573 | typedef struct SUPTSCDELTASYNC2
2574 | {
2575 | /** Padding to make sure the uVar1 is in its own cache line. */
2576 | uint64_t au64CacheLinePaddingBefore[GIP_TSC_DELTA_CACHE_LINE_SIZE / sizeof(uint64_t)];
2577 |
2578 | /** The synchronization variable, holds values GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC_*. */
2579 | volatile uint32_t uSyncVar;
2580 | /** Sequence synchronizing variable used for post 'GO' synchronization. */
2581 | volatile uint32_t uSyncSeq;
2582 |
2583 | /** Padding to make sure the uVar1 is in its own cache line. */
2584 | uint64_t au64CacheLinePaddingAfter[GIP_TSC_DELTA_CACHE_LINE_SIZE / sizeof(uint64_t) - 2];
2585 |
2586 | /** Start RDTSC value. Put here mainly to save stack space. */
2587 | uint64_t uTscStart;
2588 | /** Copy of SUPDRVGIPTSCDELTARGS::cMaxTscTicks. */
2589 | uint64_t cMaxTscTicks;
2591 | AssertCompileSize(SUPTSCDELTASYNC2, GIP_TSC_DELTA_CACHE_LINE_SIZE * 2 + sizeof(uint64_t));
2593 |
2594 | /** Prestart wait. */
2595 | #define GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_PRESTART_WAIT UINT32_C(0x0ffe)
2596 | /** Prestart aborted. */
2597 | #define GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_PRESTART_ABORT UINT32_C(0x0fff)
2598 | /** Ready (on your mark). */
2599 | #define GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_READY UINT32_C(0x1000)
2600 | /** Steady (get set). */
2601 | #define GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_STEADY UINT32_C(0x1001)
2602 | /** Go! */
2603 | #define GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_GO UINT32_C(0x1002)
2604 | /** Used by the verification test. */
2605 | #define GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_GO_GO UINT32_C(0x1003)
2606 |
2607 | /** We reached the time limit. */
2608 | #define GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_TIMEOUT UINT32_C(0x1ffe)
2609 | /** The other party won't touch the sync struct ever again. */
2610 | #define GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_FINAL UINT32_C(0x1fff)
2611 |
2612 |
2613 | /**
2614 | * Argument package/state passed by supdrvMeasureTscDeltaOne() to the RTMpOn
2615 | * callback worker.
2616 | * @todo add
2617 | */
2618 | typedef struct SUPDRVGIPTSCDELTARGS
2619 | {
2620 | /** The device extension. */
2622 | /** Pointer to the GIP CPU array entry for the worker. */
2623 | PSUPGIPCPU pWorker;
2624 | /** Pointer to the GIP CPU array entry for the master. */
2625 | PSUPGIPCPU pMaster;
2626 | /** The maximum number of ticks to spend in supdrvMeasureTscDeltaCallback.
2627 | * (This is what we need a rough TSC frequency for.) */
2628 | uint64_t cMaxTscTicks;
2629 | /** Used to abort synchronization setup. */
2630 | bool volatile fAbortSetup;
2631 |
2632 | /** Padding to make sure the master variables live in its own cache lines. */
2633 | uint64_t au64CacheLinePaddingBefore[GIP_TSC_DELTA_CACHE_LINE_SIZE / sizeof(uint64_t)];
2634 |
2635 | /** @name Master
2636 | * @{ */
2637 | /** The time the master spent in the MP worker. */
2638 | uint64_t cElapsedMasterTscTicks;
2639 | /** The iTry value when stopped at. */
2640 | uint32_t iTry;
2641 | /** Set if the run timed out. */
2642 | bool volatile fTimedOut;
2643 | /** Pointer to the master's synchronization struct (on stack). */
2644 | PSUPTSCDELTASYNC2 volatile pSyncMaster;
2645 | /** Master data union. */
2646 | union
2647 | {
2648 | /** Data (master) for delta verification. */
2649 | struct
2650 | {
2651 | /** Verification test TSC values for the master. */
2652 | uint64_t volatile auTscs[32];
2653 | } Verify;
2654 | /** Data (master) for measurement method \#2. */
2655 | struct
2656 | {
2657 | /** Data and sequence number. */
2659 | /** The lag setting for the next run. */
2660 | bool fLag;
2661 | /** Number of hits. */
2662 | uint32_t cHits;
2663 | } M2;
2664 | } uMaster;
2665 | /** The verifier verdict, VINF_SUCCESS if ok, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE if not,
2666 | * VERR_TRY_AGAIN on timeout. */
2667 | int32_t rcVerify;
2669 | /** The maximum difference between TSC read during delta verification. */
2670 | int64_t cMaxVerifyTscTicks;
2671 | /** The minimum difference between two TSC reads during verification. */
2672 | int64_t cMinVerifyTscTicks;
2673 | /** The bad TSC diff, worker relative to master (= worker - master).
2674 | * Negative value means the worker is behind the master. */
2675 | int64_t iVerifyBadTscDiff;
2676 | #endif
2677 | /** @} */
2678 |
2679 | /** Padding to make sure the worker variables live is in its own cache line. */
2680 | uint64_t au64CacheLinePaddingBetween[GIP_TSC_DELTA_CACHE_LINE_SIZE / sizeof(uint64_t)];
2681 |
2682 | /** @name Proletarian
2683 | * @{ */
2684 | /** Pointer to the worker's synchronization struct (on stack). */
2685 | PSUPTSCDELTASYNC2 volatile pSyncWorker;
2686 | /** The time the worker spent in the MP worker. */
2687 | uint64_t cElapsedWorkerTscTicks;
2688 | /** Worker data union. */
2689 | union
2690 | {
2691 | /** Data (worker) for delta verification. */
2692 | struct
2693 | {
2694 | /** Verification test TSC values for the worker. */
2695 | uint64_t volatile auTscs[32];
2696 | } Verify;
2697 | /** Data (worker) for measurement method \#2. */
2698 | struct
2699 | {
2700 | /** Data and sequence number. */
2702 | /** The lag setting for the next run (set by master). */
2703 | bool fLag;
2704 | } M2;
2705 | } uWorker;
2706 | /** @} */
2707 |
2708 | /** Padding to make sure the above is in its own cache line. */
2709 | uint64_t au64CacheLinePaddingAfter[GIP_TSC_DELTA_CACHE_LINE_SIZE / sizeof(uint64_t)];
2712 |
2713 |
2714 | /** @name Macros that implements the basic synchronization steps common to
2715 | * the algorithms.
2716 | *
2717 | * Must be used from loop as the timeouts are implemented via 'break' statements
2718 | * at the moment.
2719 | *
2720 | * @{
2721 | */
2722 | #if defined(DEBUG_bird) /* || defined(VBOX_STRICT) */
2723 | # define TSCDELTA_DBG_VARS() uint32_t iDbgCounter
2724 | # define TSCDELTA_DBG_START_LOOP() do { iDbgCounter = 0; } while (0)
2725 | # define TSCDELTA_DBG_CHECK_LOOP() \
2726 | do { iDbgCounter++; if ((iDbgCounter & UINT32_C(0x01ffffff)) == 0) RT_BREAKPOINT(); } while (0)
2727 | #else
2728 | # define TSCDELTA_DBG_VARS() ((void)0)
2729 | # define TSCDELTA_DBG_START_LOOP() ((void)0)
2730 | # define TSCDELTA_DBG_CHECK_LOOP() ((void)0)
2731 | #endif
2732 | #if 0
2733 | # define TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG(a_Args) SUPR0Printf a_Args
2734 | #else
2735 | # define TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG(a_Args) ((void)0)
2736 | #endif
2737 | #if 0
2738 | # define TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG2(a_Args) SUPR0Printf a_Args
2739 | #else
2740 | # define TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG2(a_Args) ((void)0)
2741 | #endif
2742 | #if 0
2743 | # define TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG9(a_Args) SUPR0Printf a_Args
2744 | #else
2745 | # define TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG9(a_Args) ((void)0)
2746 | #endif
2747 |
2748 |
2749 | static bool supdrvTscDeltaSync2_Before(PSUPTSCDELTASYNC2 pMySync, PSUPTSCDELTASYNC2 pOtherSync,
2751 | {
2752 | uint32_t iMySeq = fIsMaster ? 0 : 256;
2753 | uint32_t const iMaxSeq = iMySeq + 16; /* For the last loop, darn linux/freebsd C-ishness. */
2754 | uint32_t u32Tmp;
2755 | uint32_t iSync2Loops = 0;
2756 | RTCCUINTREG fEFlags;
2758 |
2759 | *pfEFlags = X86_EFL_IF | X86_EFL_1; /* should shut up most nagging compilers. */
2760 |
2761 | /*
2762 | * The master tells the worker to get on it's mark.
2763 | */
2764 | if (fIsMaster)
2765 | {
2766 | if (RT_LIKELY(ASMAtomicCmpXchgU32(&pOtherSync->uSyncVar, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_STEADY, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_READY)))
2767 | { /* likely*/ }
2768 | else
2769 | {
2770 | TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG(("sync/before/%s: #1 uSyncVar=%#x\n", fIsMaster ? "master" : "worker", pOtherSync->uSyncVar));
2771 | return false;
2772 | }
2773 | }
2774 |
2775 | /*
2776 | * Wait for the on your mark signal (ack in the master case). We process timeouts here.
2777 | */
2778 | ASMAtomicWriteU32(&(pMySync)->uSyncSeq, 0);
2779 | for (;;)
2780 | {
2781 | fEFlags = ASMIntDisableFlags();
2782 | u32Tmp = ASMAtomicReadU32(&pMySync->uSyncVar);
2783 | if (u32Tmp == GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_STEADY)
2784 | break;
2785 | ASMSetFlags(fEFlags);
2786 | ASMNopPause();
2787 |
2788 | /* Abort? */
2789 | if (u32Tmp != GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_READY)
2790 | {
2791 | TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG(("sync/before/%s: #2 u32Tmp=%#x\n", fIsMaster ? "master" : "worker", u32Tmp));
2792 | return false;
2793 | }
2794 |
2795 | /* Check for timeouts every so often (not every loop in case RDTSC is
2796 | trapping or something). Must check the first time around. */
2797 | #if 0 /* For debugging the timeout paths. */
2798 | static uint32_t volatile xxx;
2799 | #endif
2800 | if ( ( (iSync2Loops & 0x3ff) == 0
2801 | && ASMReadTSC() - pMySync->uTscStart > pMySync->cMaxTscTicks)
2802 | #if 0 /* This is crazy, I know, but enable this code and the results are markedly better when enabled on the 1.4GHz AMD (debug). */
2803 | || (!fIsMaster && (++xxx & 0xf) == 0)
2804 | #endif
2805 | )
2806 | {
2807 | /* Try switch our own state into timeout mode so the master cannot tell us to 'GO',
2808 | ignore the timeout if we've got the go ahead already (simpler). */
2809 | if (ASMAtomicCmpXchgU32(&pMySync->uSyncVar, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_TIMEOUT, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_READY))
2810 | {
2811 | TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG(("sync/before/%s: timeout\n", fIsMaster ? "master" : "worker"));
2813 | ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pArgs->fTimedOut, true);
2814 | return false;
2815 | }
2816 | }
2817 | iSync2Loops++;
2818 | }
2819 |
2820 | /*
2821 | * Interrupts are now disabled and will remain disabled until we do
2823 | */
2824 | *pfEFlags = fEFlags;
2825 |
2826 | /*
2827 | * The worker tells the master that it is on its mark and that the master
2828 | * need to get into position as well.
2829 | */
2830 | if (!fIsMaster)
2831 | {
2832 | if (RT_LIKELY(ASMAtomicCmpXchgU32(&pOtherSync->uSyncVar, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_STEADY, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_READY)))
2833 | { /* likely */ }
2834 | else
2835 | {
2836 | ASMSetFlags(fEFlags);
2837 | TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG(("sync/before/%s: #3 uSyncVar=%#x\n", fIsMaster ? "master" : "worker", pOtherSync->uSyncVar));
2838 | return false;
2839 | }
2840 | }
2841 |
2842 | /*
2843 | * The master sends the 'go' to the worker and wait for ACK.
2844 | */
2845 | if (fIsMaster)
2846 | {
2847 | if (RT_LIKELY(ASMAtomicCmpXchgU32(&pOtherSync->uSyncVar, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_GO, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_STEADY)))
2848 | { /* likely */ }
2849 | else
2850 | {
2851 | ASMSetFlags(fEFlags);
2852 | TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG(("sync/before/%s: #4 uSyncVar=%#x\n", fIsMaster ? "master" : "worker", pOtherSync->uSyncVar));
2853 | return false;
2854 | }
2855 | }
2856 |
2857 | /*
2858 | * Wait for the 'go' signal (ack in the master case).
2859 | */
2861 | for (;;)
2862 | {
2863 | u32Tmp = ASMAtomicReadU32(&pMySync->uSyncVar);
2864 | if (u32Tmp == GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_GO)
2865 | break;
2867 | { /* likely */ }
2868 | else
2869 | {
2870 | ASMSetFlags(fEFlags);
2871 | TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG(("sync/before/%s: #5 u32Tmp=%#x\n", fIsMaster ? "master" : "worker", u32Tmp));
2872 | return false;
2873 | }
2874 |
2876 | ASMNopPause();
2877 | }
2878 |
2879 | /*
2880 | * The worker acks the 'go' (shouldn't fail).
2881 | */
2882 | if (!fIsMaster)
2883 | {
2884 | if (RT_LIKELY(ASMAtomicCmpXchgU32(&pOtherSync->uSyncVar, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_GO, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_STEADY)))
2885 | { /* likely */ }
2886 | else
2887 | {
2888 | ASMSetFlags(fEFlags);
2889 | TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG(("sync/before/%s: #6 uSyncVar=%#x\n", fIsMaster ? "master" : "worker", pOtherSync->uSyncVar));
2890 | return false;
2891 | }
2892 | }
2893 |
2894 | /*
2895 | * Try enter mostly lockstep execution with it.
2896 | */
2897 | for (;;)
2898 | {
2899 | uint32_t iOtherSeq1, iOtherSeq2;
2900 | ASMCompilerBarrier();
2901 | ASMSerializeInstruction();
2902 |
2903 | ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pMySync->uSyncSeq, iMySeq);
2904 | ASMNopPause();
2905 | iOtherSeq1 = ASMAtomicXchgU32(&pOtherSync->uSyncSeq, iMySeq);
2906 | ASMNopPause();
2907 | iOtherSeq2 = ASMAtomicReadU32(&pMySync->uSyncSeq);
2908 |
2909 | ASMCompilerBarrier();
2910 | if (iOtherSeq1 == iOtherSeq2)
2911 | return true;
2912 |
2913 | /* Did the other guy give up? Should we give up? */
2914 | if ( iOtherSeq1 == UINT32_MAX
2915 | || iOtherSeq2 == UINT32_MAX)
2916 | return true;
2917 | if (++iMySeq >= iMaxSeq)
2918 | {
2919 | ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pMySync->uSyncSeq, UINT32_MAX);
2920 | return true;
2921 | }
2922 | ASMNopPause();
2923 | }
2924 | }
2925 |
2926 | #define TSCDELTA_MASTER_SYNC_BEFORE(a_pMySync, a_pOtherSync, a_pfEFlags, a_pArgs) \
2927 | if (RT_LIKELY(supdrvTscDeltaSync2_Before(a_pMySync, a_pOtherSync, true /*fIsMaster*/, a_pfEFlags, a_pArgs))) \
2928 | { /*likely*/ } \
2929 | else if (true) \
2930 | { \
2931 | TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG9(("sync/before/master: #89\n")); \
2932 | break; \
2933 | } else do {} while (0)
2934 | #define TSCDELTA_OTHER_SYNC_BEFORE(a_pMySync, a_pOtherSync, a_pfEFlags, a_pArgs) \
2935 | if (RT_LIKELY(supdrvTscDeltaSync2_Before(a_pMySync, a_pOtherSync, false /*fIsMaster*/, a_pfEFlags, a_pArgs))) \
2936 | { /*likely*/ } \
2937 | else if (true) \
2938 | { \
2939 | TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG9(("sync/before/other: #89\n")); \
2940 | break; \
2941 | } else do {} while (0)
2942 |
2943 |
2944 | static bool supdrvTscDeltaSync2_After(PSUPTSCDELTASYNC2 pMySync, PSUPTSCDELTASYNC2 pOtherSync,
2945 | bool fIsMaster, RTCCUINTREG fEFlags)
2946 | {
2948 | RT_NOREF1(pOtherSync);
2949 |
2950 | /*
2951 | * Wait for the 'ready' signal. In the master's case, this means the
2952 | * worker has completed its data collection, while in the worker's case it
2953 | * means the master is done processing the data and it's time for the next
2954 | * loop iteration (or whatever).
2955 | */
2956 | ASMSetFlags(fEFlags);
2958 | for (;;)
2959 | {
2960 | uint32_t u32Tmp = ASMAtomicReadU32(&pMySync->uSyncVar);
2961 | if ( u32Tmp == GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_READY
2962 | || (u32Tmp == GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_STEADY && !fIsMaster) /* kicked twice => race */ )
2963 | return true;
2964 | ASMNopPause();
2965 | if (RT_LIKELY(u32Tmp == GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_GO))
2966 | { /* likely */}
2967 | else
2968 | {
2969 | TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG(("sync/after/other: #1 u32Tmp=%#x\n", u32Tmp));
2970 | return false; /* shouldn't ever happen! */
2971 | }
2973 | ASMNopPause();
2974 | }
2975 | }
2976 |
2977 | #define TSCDELTA_MASTER_SYNC_AFTER(a_pMySync, a_pOtherSync, a_fEFlags) \
2978 | if (RT_LIKELY(supdrvTscDeltaSync2_After(a_pMySync, a_pOtherSync, true /*fIsMaster*/, a_fEFlags))) \
2979 | { /* likely */ } \
2980 | else if (true) \
2981 | { \
2982 | TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG9(("sync/after/master: #97\n")); \
2983 | break; \
2984 | } else do {} while (0)
2985 |
2986 | #define TSCDELTA_MASTER_KICK_OTHER_OUT_OF_AFTER(a_pMySync, a_pOtherSync) \
2987 | /* \
2988 | * Tell the worker that we're done processing the data and ready for the next round. \
2989 | */ \
2990 | if (RT_LIKELY(ASMAtomicCmpXchgU32(&(a_pOtherSync)->uSyncVar, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_READY, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_GO))) \
2991 | { /* likely */ } \
2992 | else if (true)\
2993 | { \
2994 | TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG(("sync/after/master: #99 uSyncVar=%#x\n", (a_pOtherSync)->uSyncVar)); \
2995 | break; \
2996 | } else do {} while (0)
2997 |
2998 | #define TSCDELTA_OTHER_SYNC_AFTER(a_pMySync, a_pOtherSync, a_fEFlags) \
2999 | if (true) { \
3000 | /* \
3001 | * Tell the master that we're done collecting data and wait for the next round to start. \
3002 | */ \
3003 | if (RT_LIKELY(ASMAtomicCmpXchgU32(&(a_pOtherSync)->uSyncVar, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_READY, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_GO))) \
3004 | { /* likely */ } \
3005 | else \
3006 | { \
3007 | ASMSetFlags(a_fEFlags); \
3008 | TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG(("sync/after/other: #0 uSyncVar=%#x\n", (a_pOtherSync)->uSyncVar)); \
3009 | break; \
3010 | } \
3011 | if (RT_LIKELY(supdrvTscDeltaSync2_After(a_pMySync, a_pOtherSync, false /*fIsMaster*/, a_fEFlags))) \
3012 | { /* likely */ } \
3013 | else \
3014 | { \
3015 | TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG9(("sync/after/other: #98\n")); \
3016 | break; \
3017 | } \
3018 | } else do {} while (0)
3019 | /** @} */
3020 |
3021 |
3022 | #ifdef GIP_TSC_DELTA_METHOD_1
3023 | /**
3024 | * TSC delta measurement algorithm \#1 (GIP_TSC_DELTA_METHOD_1).
3025 | *
3026 | *
3027 | * We ignore the first few runs of the loop in order to prime the
3028 | * cache. Also, we need to be careful about using 'pause' instruction
3029 | * in critical busy-wait loops in this code - it can cause undesired
3030 | * behaviour with hyperthreading.
3031 | *
3032 | * We try to minimize the measurement error by computing the minimum
3033 | * read time of the compare statement in the worker by taking TSC
3034 | * measurements across it.
3035 | *
3036 | * It must be noted that the computed minimum read time is mostly to
3037 | * eliminate huge deltas when the worker is too early and doesn't by
3038 | * itself help produce more accurate deltas. We allow two times the
3039 | * computed minimum as an arbitrary acceptable threshold. Therefore,
3040 | * it is still possible to get negative deltas where there are none
3041 | * when the worker is earlier. As long as these occasional negative
3042 | * deltas are lower than the time it takes to exit guest-context and
3043 | * the OS to reschedule EMT on a different CPU, we won't expose a TSC
3044 | * that jumped backwards. It is due to the existence of the negative
3045 | * deltas that we don't recompute the delta with the master and
3046 | * worker interchanged to eliminate the remaining measurement error.
3047 | *
3048 | *
3049 | * @param pArgs The argument/state data.
3050 | * @param pMySync My synchronization structure.
3051 | * @param pOtherSync My partner's synchronization structure.
3052 | * @param fIsMaster Set if master, clear if worker.
3053 | * @param iTry The attempt number.
3054 | */
3055 | static void supdrvTscDeltaMethod1Loop(PSUPDRVGIPTSCDELTARGS pArgs, PSUPTSCDELTASYNC2 pMySync, PSUPTSCDELTASYNC2 pOtherSync,
3056 | bool fIsMaster, uint32_t iTry)
3057 | {
3058 | PSUPGIPCPU pGipCpuWorker = pArgs->pWorker;
3059 | PSUPGIPCPU pGipCpuMaster = pArgs->pMaster;
3060 | uint64_t uMinCmpReadTime = UINT64_MAX;
3061 | unsigned iLoop;
3062 | NOREF(iTry);
3063 |
3064 | for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < GIP_TSC_DELTA_LOOPS; iLoop++)
3065 | {
3066 | RTCCUINTREG fEFlags;
3067 | if (fIsMaster)
3068 | {
3069 | /*
3070 | * The master.
3071 | */
3072 | AssertMsg(pGipCpuMaster->u64TSCSample == GIP_TSC_DELTA_RSVD,
3073 | ("%#llx idMaster=%#x idWorker=%#x (idGipMaster=%#x)\n",
3074 | pGipCpuMaster->u64TSCSample, pGipCpuMaster->idCpu, pGipCpuWorker->idCpu, pArgs->pDevExt->idGipMaster));
3075 | TSCDELTA_MASTER_SYNC_BEFORE(pMySync, pOtherSync, &fEFlags, pArgs);
3076 |
3077 | do
3078 | {
3079 | ASMSerializeInstruction();
3080 | ASMAtomicWriteU64(&pGipCpuMaster->u64TSCSample, ASMReadTSC());
3081 | } while (pGipCpuMaster->u64TSCSample == GIP_TSC_DELTA_RSVD);
3082 |
3083 | TSCDELTA_MASTER_SYNC_AFTER(pMySync, pOtherSync, fEFlags);
3084 |
3085 | /* Process the data. */
3087 | {
3088 | if (pGipCpuWorker->u64TSCSample != GIP_TSC_DELTA_RSVD)
3089 | {
3090 | int64_t iDelta = pGipCpuWorker->u64TSCSample
3091 | - (pGipCpuMaster->u64TSCSample - pGipCpuMaster->i64TSCDelta);
3093 | ? iDelta < pGipCpuWorker->i64TSCDelta
3094 | : iDelta > pGipCpuWorker->i64TSCDelta || pGipCpuWorker->i64TSCDelta == INT64_MAX)
3095 | pGipCpuWorker->i64TSCDelta = iDelta;
3096 | }
3097 | }
3098 |
3099 | /* Reset our TSC sample and tell the worker to move on. */
3100 | ASMAtomicWriteU64(&pGipCpuMaster->u64TSCSample, GIP_TSC_DELTA_RSVD);
3102 | }
3103 | else
3104 | {
3105 | /*
3106 | * The worker.
3107 | */
3108 | uint64_t uTscWorker;
3109 | uint64_t uTscWorkerFlushed;
3110 | uint64_t uCmpReadTime;
3111 |
3112 | ASMAtomicReadU64(&pGipCpuMaster->u64TSCSample); /* Warm the cache line. */
3113 | TSCDELTA_OTHER_SYNC_BEFORE(pMySync, pOtherSync, &fEFlags, pArgs);
3114 |
3115 | /*
3116 | * Keep reading the TSC until we notice that the master has read his. Reading
3117 | * the TSC -after- the master has updated the memory is way too late. We thus
3118 | * compensate by trying to measure how long it took for the worker to notice
3119 | * the memory flushed from the master.
3120 | */
3121 | do
3122 | {
3123 | ASMSerializeInstruction();
3124 | uTscWorker = ASMReadTSC();
3125 | } while (pGipCpuMaster->u64TSCSample == GIP_TSC_DELTA_RSVD);
3126 | ASMSerializeInstruction();
3127 | uTscWorkerFlushed = ASMReadTSC();
3128 |
3129 | uCmpReadTime = uTscWorkerFlushed - uTscWorker;
3131 | {
3132 | /* This is totally arbitrary a.k.a I don't like it but I have no better ideas for now. */
3133 | if (uCmpReadTime < (uMinCmpReadTime << 1))
3134 | {
3135 | ASMAtomicWriteU64(&pGipCpuWorker->u64TSCSample, uTscWorker);
3136 | if (uCmpReadTime < uMinCmpReadTime)
3137 | uMinCmpReadTime = uCmpReadTime;
3138 | }
3139 | else
3140 | ASMAtomicWriteU64(&pGipCpuWorker->u64TSCSample, GIP_TSC_DELTA_RSVD);
3141 | }
3142 | else if (iLoop > GIP_TSC_DELTA_PRIMER_LOOPS)
3143 | {
3144 | if (uCmpReadTime < uMinCmpReadTime)
3145 | uMinCmpReadTime = uCmpReadTime;
3146 | }
3147 |
3148 | TSCDELTA_OTHER_SYNC_AFTER(pMySync, pOtherSync, fEFlags);
3149 | }
3150 | }
3151 |
3152 | TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG9(("sync/method1loop/%s: #92 iLoop=%u MyState=%#x\n", fIsMaster ? "master" : "worker", iLoop,
3153 | pMySync->uSyncVar));
3154 |
3155 | /*
3156 | * We must reset the worker TSC sample value in case it gets picked as a
3157 | * GIP master later on (it's trashed above, naturally).
3158 | */
3159 | if (!fIsMaster)
3160 | ASMAtomicWriteU64(&pGipCpuWorker->u64TSCSample, GIP_TSC_DELTA_RSVD);
3161 | }
3162 | #endif /* GIP_TSC_DELTA_METHOD_1 */
3163 |
3164 |
3165 | #ifdef GIP_TSC_DELTA_METHOD_2
3166 | /*
3167 | * TSC delta measurement algorithm \#2 configuration and code - Experimental!!
3168 | */
3169 |
3171 | # define GIP_TSC_DELTA_M2_PRIMER_LOOPS 0
3172 |
3173 |
3174 | static void supdrvTscDeltaMethod2ProcessDataOnMaster(PSUPDRVGIPTSCDELTARGS pArgs)
3175 | {
3176 | int64_t iMasterTscDelta = pArgs->pMaster->i64TSCDelta;
3177 | int64_t iBestDelta = pArgs->pWorker->i64TSCDelta;
3178 | uint32_t idxResult;
3179 | uint32_t cHits = 0;
3180 |
3181 | /*
3182 | * Look for matching entries in the master and worker tables.
3183 | */
3184 | for (idxResult = 0; idxResult < RT_ELEMENTS(pArgs->uMaster.M2.Data.aResults); idxResult++)
3185 | {
3186 | uint32_t idxOther = pArgs->uMaster.M2.Data.aResults[idxResult].iSeqOther;
3187 | if (idxOther & 1)
3188 | {
3189 | idxOther >>= 1;
3190 | if (idxOther < RT_ELEMENTS(pArgs->uWorker.M2.Data.aResults))
3191 | {
3192 | if (pArgs->uWorker.M2.Data.aResults[idxOther].iSeqOther == pArgs->uMaster.M2.Data.aResults[idxResult].iSeqMine)
3193 | {
3194 | int64_t iDelta;
3195 | iDelta = pArgs->uWorker.M2.Data.aResults[idxOther].uTsc
3196 | - (pArgs->uMaster.M2.Data.aResults[idxResult].uTsc - iMasterTscDelta);
3198 | ? iDelta < iBestDelta
3199 | : iDelta > iBestDelta || iBestDelta == INT64_MAX)
3200 | iBestDelta = iDelta;
3201 | cHits++;
3202 | }
3203 | }
3204 | }
3205 | }
3206 |
3207 | /*
3208 | * Save the results.
3209 | */
3210 | if (cHits > 2)
3211 | pArgs->pWorker->i64TSCDelta = iBestDelta;
3212 | pArgs->uMaster.M2.cHits += cHits;
3213 | }
3214 |
3215 |
3216 | /**
3217 | * The core function of the 2nd TSC delta measurement algorithm.
3218 | *
3219 | * The idea here is that we have the two CPUs execute the exact same code
3220 | * collecting a largish set of TSC samples. The code has one data dependency on
3221 | * the other CPU which intention it is to synchronize the execution as well as
3222 | * help cross references the two sets of TSC samples (the sequence numbers).
3223 | *
3224 | * The @a fLag parameter is used to modify the execution a tiny bit on one or
3225 | * both of the CPUs. When @a fLag differs between the CPUs, it is thought that
3226 | * it will help with making the CPUs enter lock step execution occasionally.
3227 | *
3228 | */
3229 | static void supdrvTscDeltaMethod2CollectData(PSUPDRVTSCDELTAMETHOD2 pMyData, uint32_t volatile *piOtherSeqNo, bool fLag)
3230 | {
3231 | SUPDRVTSCDELTAMETHOD2ENTRY *pEntry = &pMyData->aResults[0];
3232 | uint32_t cLeft = RT_ELEMENTS(pMyData->aResults);
3233 |
3234 | ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pMyData->iCurSeqNo, 0);
3235 | ASMSerializeInstruction();
3236 | while (cLeft-- > 0)
3237 | {
3238 | uint64_t uTsc;
3239 | uint32_t iSeqMine = ASMAtomicIncU32(&pMyData->iCurSeqNo);
3240 | uint32_t iSeqOther = ASMAtomicReadU32(piOtherSeqNo);
3241 | ASMCompilerBarrier();
3242 | ASMSerializeInstruction(); /* Way better result than with ASMMemoryFenceSSE2() in this position! */
3243 | uTsc = ASMReadTSC();
3244 | ASMAtomicIncU32(&pMyData->iCurSeqNo);
3245 | ASMCompilerBarrier();
3246 | ASMSerializeInstruction();
3247 | pEntry->iSeqMine = iSeqMine;
3248 | pEntry->iSeqOther = iSeqOther;
3249 | pEntry->uTsc = uTsc;
3250 | pEntry++;
3251 | ASMSerializeInstruction();
3252 | if (fLag)
3253 | ASMNopPause();
3254 | }
3255 | }
3256 |
3257 |
3258 | /**
3259 | * TSC delta measurement algorithm \#2 (GIP_TSC_DELTA_METHOD_2).
3260 | *
3261 | * See supdrvTscDeltaMethod2CollectData for algorithm details.
3262 | *
3263 | * @param pArgs The argument/state data.
3264 | * @param pMySync My synchronization structure.
3265 | * @param pOtherSync My partner's synchronization structure.
3266 | * @param fIsMaster Set if master, clear if worker.
3267 | * @param iTry The attempt number.
3268 | */
3269 | static void supdrvTscDeltaMethod2Loop(PSUPDRVGIPTSCDELTARGS pArgs, PSUPTSCDELTASYNC2 pMySync, PSUPTSCDELTASYNC2 pOtherSync,
3270 | bool fIsMaster, uint32_t iTry)
3271 | {
3272 | unsigned iLoop;
3273 | RT_NOREF1(iTry);
3274 |
3275 | for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < GIP_TSC_DELTA_M2_LOOPS; iLoop++)
3276 | {
3277 | RTCCUINTREG fEFlags;
3278 | if (fIsMaster)
3279 | {
3280 | /*
3281 | * Adjust the loop lag fudge.
3282 | */
3284 | if (iLoop < GIP_TSC_DELTA_M2_PRIMER_LOOPS)
3285 | {
3286 | /* Lag during the priming to be nice to everyone.. */
3287 | pArgs->uMaster.M2.fLag = true;
3288 | pArgs->uWorker.M2.fLag = true;
3289 | }
3290 | else
3291 | # endif
3293 | {
3294 | /* 25 % of the body without lagging. */
3295 | pArgs->uMaster.M2.fLag = false;
3296 | pArgs->uWorker.M2.fLag = false;
3297 | }
3298 | else if (iLoop < (GIP_TSC_DELTA_M2_LOOPS - GIP_TSC_DELTA_M2_PRIMER_LOOPS) / 4 * 2)
3299 | {
3300 | /* 25 % of the body with both lagging. */
3301 | pArgs->uMaster.M2.fLag = true;
3302 | pArgs->uWorker.M2.fLag = true;
3303 | }
3304 | else
3305 | {
3306 | /* 50% of the body with alternating lag. */
3307 | pArgs->uMaster.M2.fLag = (iLoop & 1) == 0;
3308 | pArgs->uWorker.M2.fLag= (iLoop & 1) == 1;
3309 | }
3310 |
3311 | /*
3312 | * Sync up with the worker and collect data.
3313 | */
3314 | TSCDELTA_MASTER_SYNC_BEFORE(pMySync, pOtherSync, &fEFlags, pArgs);
3315 | supdrvTscDeltaMethod2CollectData(&pArgs->uMaster.M2.Data, &pArgs->uWorker.M2.Data.iCurSeqNo, pArgs->uMaster.M2.fLag);
3316 | TSCDELTA_MASTER_SYNC_AFTER(pMySync, pOtherSync, fEFlags);
3317 |
3318 | /*
3319 | * Process the data.
3320 | */
3322 | if (iLoop >= GIP_TSC_DELTA_M2_PRIMER_LOOPS)
3323 | # endif
3324 | supdrvTscDeltaMethod2ProcessDataOnMaster(pArgs);
3325 |
3327 | }
3328 | else
3329 | {
3330 | /*
3331 | * The worker.
3332 | */
3333 | TSCDELTA_OTHER_SYNC_BEFORE(pMySync, pOtherSync, &fEFlags, pArgs);
3334 | supdrvTscDeltaMethod2CollectData(&pArgs->uWorker.M2.Data, &pArgs->uMaster.M2.Data.iCurSeqNo, pArgs->uWorker.M2.fLag);
3335 | TSCDELTA_OTHER_SYNC_AFTER(pMySync, pOtherSync, fEFlags);
3336 | }
3337 | }
3338 | }
3339 |
3340 | #endif /* GIP_TSC_DELTA_METHOD_2 */
3341 |
3342 |
3343 |
3344 | static int supdrvTscDeltaVerify(PSUPDRVGIPTSCDELTARGS pArgs, PSUPTSCDELTASYNC2 pMySync,
3345 | PSUPTSCDELTASYNC2 pOtherSync, bool fIsMaster, int64_t iWorkerTscDelta)
3346 | {
3347 | /*PSUPGIPCPU pGipCpuWorker = pArgs->pWorker; - unused */
3348 | PSUPGIPCPU pGipCpuMaster = pArgs->pMaster;
3349 | uint32_t i;
3351 |
3352 | for (;;)
3353 | {
3354 | RTCCUINTREG fEFlags;
3355 | AssertCompile((RT_ELEMENTS(pArgs->uMaster.Verify.auTscs) & 1) == 0);
3356 | AssertCompile(RT_ELEMENTS(pArgs->uMaster.Verify.auTscs) == RT_ELEMENTS(pArgs->uWorker.Verify.auTscs));
3357 |
3358 | if (fIsMaster)
3359 | {
3360 | uint64_t uTscWorker;
3361 | TSCDELTA_MASTER_SYNC_BEFORE(pMySync, pOtherSync, &fEFlags, pArgs);
3362 |
3363 | /*
3364 | * Collect TSC, master goes first.
3365 | */
3366 | for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pArgs->uMaster.Verify.auTscs); i += 2)
3367 | {
3368 | /* Read, kick & wait #1. */
3369 | uint64_t register uTsc = ASMReadTSC();
3370 | ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pOtherSync->uSyncVar, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_GO_GO);
3371 | ASMSerializeInstruction();
3372 | pArgs->uMaster.Verify.auTscs[i] = uTsc;
3374 | while (ASMAtomicReadU32(&pMySync->uSyncVar) == GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_GO)
3375 | {
3377 | ASMNopPause();
3378 | }
3379 |
3380 | /* Read, kick & wait #2. */
3381 | uTsc = ASMReadTSC();
3382 | ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pOtherSync->uSyncVar, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_GO);
3383 | ASMSerializeInstruction();
3384 | pArgs->uMaster.Verify.auTscs[i + 1] = uTsc;
3386 | while (ASMAtomicReadU32(&pMySync->uSyncVar) == GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_GO_GO)
3387 | {
3389 | ASMNopPause();
3390 | }
3391 | }
3392 |
3393 | TSCDELTA_MASTER_SYNC_AFTER(pMySync, pOtherSync, fEFlags);
3394 |
3395 | /*
3396 | * Process the data.
3397 | */
3399 | pArgs->cMaxVerifyTscTicks = INT64_MIN;
3400 | pArgs->cMinVerifyTscTicks = INT64_MAX;
3401 | pArgs->iVerifyBadTscDiff = 0;
3402 | #endif
3403 | ASMAtomicWriteS32(&pArgs->rcVerify, VINF_SUCCESS);
3404 | uTscWorker = 0;
3405 | for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pArgs->uMaster.Verify.auTscs); i++)
3406 | {
3407 | /* Master vs previous worker entry. */
3408 | uint64_t uTscMaster = pArgs->uMaster.Verify.auTscs[i] - pGipCpuMaster->i64TSCDelta;
3409 | int64_t iDiff;
3410 | if (i > 0)
3411 | {
3412 | iDiff = uTscMaster - uTscWorker;
3414 | if (iDiff > pArgs->cMaxVerifyTscTicks)
3415 | pArgs->cMaxVerifyTscTicks = iDiff;
3416 | if (iDiff < pArgs->cMinVerifyTscTicks)
3417 | pArgs->cMinVerifyTscTicks = iDiff;
3418 | #endif
3419 | if (iDiff < 0)
3420 | {
3422 | pArgs->iVerifyBadTscDiff = -iDiff;
3423 | #endif
3424 | ASMAtomicWriteS32(&pArgs->rcVerify, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
3425 | break;
3426 | }
3427 | }
3428 |
3429 | /* Worker vs master. */
3430 | uTscWorker = pArgs->uWorker.Verify.auTscs[i] - iWorkerTscDelta;
3431 | iDiff = uTscWorker - uTscMaster;
3433 | if (iDiff > pArgs->cMaxVerifyTscTicks)
3434 | pArgs->cMaxVerifyTscTicks = iDiff;
3435 | if (iDiff < pArgs->cMinVerifyTscTicks)
3436 | pArgs->cMinVerifyTscTicks = iDiff;
3437 | #endif
3438 | if (iDiff < 0)
3439 | {
3441 | pArgs->iVerifyBadTscDiff = iDiff;
3442 | #endif
3443 | ASMAtomicWriteS32(&pArgs->rcVerify, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
3444 | break;
3445 | }
3446 | }
3447 |
3448 | /* Done. */
3450 | }
3451 | else
3452 | {
3453 | /*
3454 | * The worker, master leads.
3455 | */
3456 | TSCDELTA_OTHER_SYNC_BEFORE(pMySync, pOtherSync, &fEFlags, pArgs);
3457 |
3458 | for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pArgs->uWorker.Verify.auTscs); i += 2)
3459 | {
3460 | uint64_t register uTsc;
3461 |
3462 | /* Wait, Read and Kick #1. */
3464 | while (ASMAtomicReadU32(&pMySync->uSyncVar) == GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_GO)
3465 | {
3467 | ASMNopPause();
3468 | }
3469 | uTsc = ASMReadTSC();
3470 | ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pOtherSync->uSyncVar, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_GO_GO);
3471 | ASMSerializeInstruction();
3472 | pArgs->uWorker.Verify.auTscs[i] = uTsc;
3473 |
3474 | /* Wait, Read and Kick #2. */
3476 | while (ASMAtomicReadU32(&pMySync->uSyncVar) == GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_GO_GO)
3477 | {
3479 | ASMNopPause();
3480 | }
3481 | uTsc = ASMReadTSC();
3482 | ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pOtherSync->uSyncVar, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_GO);
3483 | ASMSerializeInstruction();
3484 | pArgs->uWorker.Verify.auTscs[i + 1] = uTsc;
3485 | }
3486 |
3487 | TSCDELTA_OTHER_SYNC_AFTER(pMySync, pOtherSync, fEFlags);
3488 | }
3489 | return pArgs->rcVerify;
3490 | }
3491 |
3492 | /*
3493 | * Timed out, please retry.
3494 | */
3495 | ASMAtomicWriteS32(&pArgs->rcVerify, VERR_TRY_AGAIN);
3496 | return VERR_TIMEOUT;
3497 | }
3498 |
3499 |
3500 |
3501 | /**
3502 | * Handles the special abort procedure during synchronization setup in
3503 | * supdrvMeasureTscDeltaCallbackUnwrapped().
3504 | *
3505 | * @returns 0 (dummy, ignored)
3506 | * @param pArgs Pointer to argument/state data.
3507 | * @param pMySync Pointer to my sync structure.
3508 | * @param fIsMaster Set if we're the master, clear if worker.
3509 | * @param fTimeout Set if it's a timeout.
3510 | */
3511 | DECL_NO_INLINE(static, int)
3512 | supdrvMeasureTscDeltaCallbackAbortSyncSetup(PSUPDRVGIPTSCDELTARGS pArgs, PSUPTSCDELTASYNC2 pMySync, bool fIsMaster, bool fTimeout)
3513 | {
3514 | PSUPTSCDELTASYNC2 volatile *ppMySync = fIsMaster ? &pArgs->pSyncMaster : &pArgs->pSyncWorker;
3515 | PSUPTSCDELTASYNC2 volatile *ppOtherSync = fIsMaster ? &pArgs->pSyncWorker : &pArgs->pSyncMaster;
3517 | RT_NOREF1(pMySync);
3518 |
3519 | /*
3520 | * Clear our sync pointer and make sure the abort flag is set.
3521 | */
3522 | ASMAtomicWriteNullPtr(ppMySync);
3523 | ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pArgs->fAbortSetup, true);
3524 | if (fTimeout)
3525 | ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pArgs->fTimedOut, true);
3526 |
3527 | /*
3528 | * Make sure the other party is out of there and won't be touching our
3529 | * sync state again (would cause stack corruption).
3530 | */
3532 | while (ASMAtomicReadPtrT(ppOtherSync, PSUPTSCDELTASYNC2) != NULL)
3533 | {
3534 | ASMNopPause();
3535 | ASMNopPause();
3536 | ASMNopPause();
3538 | }
3539 |
3540 | return 0;
3541 | }
3542 |
3543 |
3544 | /**
3545 | * This is used by supdrvMeasureInitialTscDeltas() to read the TSC on two CPUs
3546 | * and compute the delta between them.
3547 | *
3548 | * To reduce code size a good when timeout handling was added, a dummy return
3549 | * value had to be added (saves 1-3 lines per timeout case), thus this
3550 | * 'Unwrapped' function and the dummy 0 return value.
3551 | *
3552 | * @returns 0 (dummy, ignored)
3553 | * @param idCpu The CPU we are current scheduled on.
3554 | * @param pArgs Pointer to a parameter package.
3555 | *
3556 | * @remarks Measuring TSC deltas between the CPUs is tricky because we need to
3557 | * read the TSC at exactly the same time on both the master and the
3558 | * worker CPUs. Due to DMA, bus arbitration, cache locality,
3559 | * contention, SMI, pipelining etc. there is no guaranteed way of
3560 | * doing this on x86 CPUs.
3561 | */
3562 | static int supdrvMeasureTscDeltaCallbackUnwrapped(RTCPUID idCpu, PSUPDRVGIPTSCDELTARGS pArgs)
3563 | {
3564 | PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt = pArgs->pDevExt;
3565 | PSUPGIPCPU pGipCpuWorker = pArgs->pWorker;
3566 | PSUPGIPCPU pGipCpuMaster = pArgs->pMaster;
3567 | bool const fIsMaster = idCpu == pGipCpuMaster->idCpu;
3568 | uint32_t iTry;
3569 | PSUPTSCDELTASYNC2 volatile *ppMySync = fIsMaster ? &pArgs->pSyncMaster : &pArgs->pSyncWorker;
3570 | PSUPTSCDELTASYNC2 volatile *ppOtherSync = fIsMaster ? &pArgs->pSyncWorker : &pArgs->pSyncMaster;
3572 | PSUPTSCDELTASYNC2 pOtherSync;
3573 | int rc;
3575 |
3576 | /* A bit of paranoia first. */
3577 | if (!pGipCpuMaster || !pGipCpuWorker)
3578 | return 0;
3579 |
3580 | /*
3581 | * If the CPU isn't part of the measurement, return immediately.
3582 | */
3583 | if ( !fIsMaster
3584 | && idCpu != pGipCpuWorker->idCpu)
3585 | return 0;
3586 |
3587 | /*
3588 | * Set up my synchronization stuff and wait for the other party to show up.
3589 | *
3590 | * We don't wait forever since the other party may be off fishing (offline,
3591 | * spinning with ints disables, whatever), we must play nice to the rest of
3592 | * the system as this context generally isn't one in which we will get
3593 | * preempted and we may hold up a number of lower priority interrupts.
3594 | */
3595 | ASMAtomicWriteU32(&MySync.uSyncVar, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_PRESTART_WAIT);
3596 | ASMAtomicWritePtr(ppMySync, &MySync);
3597 | MySync.uTscStart = ASMReadTSC();
3598 | MySync.cMaxTscTicks = pArgs->cMaxTscTicks;
3599 |
3600 | /* Look for the partner, might not be here yet... Special abort considerations. */
3601 | iTry = 0;
3603 | while ((pOtherSync = ASMAtomicReadPtrT(ppOtherSync, PSUPTSCDELTASYNC2)) == NULL)
3604 | {
3605 | ASMNopPause();
3606 | if ( ASMAtomicReadBool(&pArgs->fAbortSetup)
3607 | || !RTMpIsCpuOnline(fIsMaster ? pGipCpuWorker->idCpu : pGipCpuMaster->idCpu) )
3608 | return supdrvMeasureTscDeltaCallbackAbortSyncSetup(pArgs, &MySync, fIsMaster, false /*fTimeout*/);
3609 | if ( (iTry++ & 0xff) == 0
3610 | && ASMReadTSC() - MySync.uTscStart > pArgs->cMaxTscTicks)
3611 | return supdrvMeasureTscDeltaCallbackAbortSyncSetup(pArgs, &MySync, fIsMaster, true /*fTimeout*/);
3613 | ASMNopPause();
3614 | }
3615 |
3616 | /* I found my partner, waiting to be found... Special abort considerations. */
3617 | if (fIsMaster)
3618 | if (!ASMAtomicCmpXchgU32(&pOtherSync->uSyncVar, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_READY, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_PRESTART_WAIT)) /* parnaoia */
3619 | return supdrvMeasureTscDeltaCallbackAbortSyncSetup(pArgs, &MySync, fIsMaster, false /*fTimeout*/);
3620 |
3621 | iTry = 0;
3623 | while (ASMAtomicReadU32(&MySync.uSyncVar) == GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_PRESTART_WAIT)
3624 | {
3625 | ASMNopPause();
3626 | if (ASMAtomicReadBool(&pArgs->fAbortSetup))
3627 | return supdrvMeasureTscDeltaCallbackAbortSyncSetup(pArgs, &MySync, fIsMaster, false /*fTimeout*/);
3628 | if ( (iTry++ & 0xff) == 0
3629 | && ASMReadTSC() - MySync.uTscStart > pArgs->cMaxTscTicks)
3630 | {
3631 | if ( fIsMaster
3633 | break; /* race #1: slave has moved on, handle timeout in loop instead. */
3634 | return supdrvMeasureTscDeltaCallbackAbortSyncSetup(pArgs, &MySync, fIsMaster, true /*fTimeout*/);
3635 | }
3637 | }
3638 |
3639 | if (!fIsMaster)
3640 | if (!ASMAtomicCmpXchgU32(&pOtherSync->uSyncVar, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_READY, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_PRESTART_WAIT)) /* race #1 */
3641 | return supdrvMeasureTscDeltaCallbackAbortSyncSetup(pArgs, &MySync, fIsMaster, false /*fTimeout*/);
3642 |
3643 | /** @todo Add a resumable state to pArgs so we don't waste time if we time
3644 | * out or something. Timeouts are legit, any of the two CPUs may get
3645 | * interrupted. */
3646 |
3647 | /*
3648 | * Start by seeing if we have a zero delta between the two CPUs.
3649 | * This should normally be the case.
3650 | */
3651 | rc = supdrvTscDeltaVerify(pArgs, &MySync, pOtherSync, fIsMaster, GIP_TSC_DELTA_INITIAL_MASTER_VALUE);
3652 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3653 | {
3654 | if (fIsMaster)
3655 | {
3656 | ASMAtomicWriteS64(&pGipCpuWorker->i64TSCDelta, GIP_TSC_DELTA_INITIAL_MASTER_VALUE);
3657 | RTCpuSetDelByIndex(&pDevExt->TscDeltaCpuSet, pGipCpuWorker->iCpuSet);
3658 | RTCpuSetAddByIndex(&pDevExt->TscDeltaObtainedCpuSet, pGipCpuWorker->iCpuSet);
3659 | }
3660 | }
3661 | /*
3662 | * If the verification didn't time out, do regular delta measurements.
3663 | * We retry this until we get a reasonable value.
3664 | */
3665 | else if (rc != VERR_TIMEOUT)
3666 | {
3667 | Assert(pGipCpuWorker->i64TSCDelta == INT64_MAX);
3668 | for (iTry = 0; iTry < 12; iTry++)
3669 | {
3670 | /*
3671 | * Check the state before we start.
3672 | */
3673 | uint32_t u32Tmp = ASMAtomicReadU32(&MySync.uSyncVar);
3674 | if ( u32Tmp != GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_READY
3675 | && (fIsMaster || u32Tmp != GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_STEADY) /* worker may be late prepping for the next round */ )
3676 | {
3677 | TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG(("sync/loop/%s: #0 iTry=%u MyState=%#x\n", fIsMaster ? "master" : "worker", iTry, u32Tmp));
3678 | break;
3679 | }
3680 |
3681 | /*
3682 | * Do the measurements.
3683 | */
3684 | #ifdef GIP_TSC_DELTA_METHOD_1
3685 | supdrvTscDeltaMethod1Loop(pArgs, &MySync, pOtherSync, fIsMaster, iTry);
3686 | #elif defined(GIP_TSC_DELTA_METHOD_2)
3687 | supdrvTscDeltaMethod2Loop(pArgs, &MySync, pOtherSync, fIsMaster, iTry);
3688 | #else
3689 | # error "huh??"
3690 | #endif
3691 |
3692 | /*
3693 | * Check the state.
3694 | */
3695 | u32Tmp = ASMAtomicReadU32(&MySync.uSyncVar);
3696 | if ( u32Tmp != GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_READY
3697 | && (fIsMaster || u32Tmp != GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_STEADY) /* worker may be late prepping for the next round */ )
3698 | {
3699 | if (fIsMaster)
3700 | TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG(("sync/loop/master: #1 iTry=%u MyState=%#x\n", iTry, u32Tmp));
3701 | else
3702 | TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG2(("sync/loop/worker: #1 iTry=%u MyState=%#x\n", iTry, u32Tmp));
3703 | break;
3704 | }
3705 |
3706 | /*
3707 | * Success? If so, stop trying. Master decides.
3708 | */
3709 | if (fIsMaster)
3710 | {
3711 | if (pGipCpuWorker->i64TSCDelta != INT64_MAX)
3712 | {
3713 | RTCpuSetDelByIndex(&pDevExt->TscDeltaCpuSet, pGipCpuWorker->iCpuSet);
3714 | RTCpuSetAddByIndex(&pDevExt->TscDeltaObtainedCpuSet, pGipCpuWorker->iCpuSet);
3715 | TSCDELTA_DBG_SYNC_MSG2(("sync/loop/master: #9 iTry=%u MyState=%#x\n", iTry, MySync.uSyncVar));
3716 | break;
3717 | }
3718 | }
3719 | }
3720 | if (fIsMaster)
3721 | pArgs->iTry = iTry;
3722 | }
3723 |
3724 | /*
3725 | * End the synchronization dance. We tell the other that we're done,
3726 | * then wait for the same kind of reply.
3727 | */
3728 | ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pOtherSync->uSyncVar, GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_FINAL);
3729 | ASMAtomicWriteNullPtr(ppMySync);
3730 | iTry = 0;
3732 | while (ASMAtomicReadU32(&MySync.uSyncVar) != GIP_TSC_DELTA_SYNC2_FINAL)
3733 | {
3734 | iTry++;
3735 | if ( iTry == 0
3736 | && !RTMpIsCpuOnline(fIsMaster ? pGipCpuWorker->idCpu : pGipCpuMaster->idCpu))
3737 | break; /* this really shouldn't happen. */
3739 | ASMNopPause();
3740 | }
3741 |
3742 | /*
3743 | * Collect some runtime stats.
3744 | */
3745 | if (fIsMaster)
3746 | pArgs->cElapsedMasterTscTicks = ASMReadTSC() - MySync.uTscStart;
3747 | else
3748 | pArgs->cElapsedWorkerTscTicks = ASMReadTSC() - MySync.uTscStart;
3749 | return 0;
3750 | }
3751 |
3752 | /**
3753 | * Callback used by supdrvMeasureInitialTscDeltas() to read the TSC on two CPUs
3754 | * and compute the delta between them.
3755 | *
3756 | * @param idCpu The CPU we are current scheduled on.
3757 | * @param pvUser1 Pointer to a parameter package (SUPDRVGIPTSCDELTARGS).
3758 | * @param pvUser2 Unused.
3759 | */
3760 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) supdrvMeasureTscDeltaCallback(RTCPUID idCpu, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2)
3761 | {
3762 | supdrvMeasureTscDeltaCallbackUnwrapped(idCpu, (PSUPDRVGIPTSCDELTARGS)pvUser1);
3763 | RT_NOREF1(pvUser2);
3764 | }
3765 |
3766 |
3767 | /**
3768 | * Measures the TSC delta between the master GIP CPU and one specified worker
3769 | * CPU.
3770 | *
3771 | * @returns VBox status code.
3772 | * @retval VERR_SUPDRV_TSC_DELTA_MEASUREMENT_FAILED on pure measurement
3773 | * failure.
3774 | * @param pDevExt Pointer to the device instance data.
3775 | * @param idxWorker The index of the worker CPU from the GIP's array of
3776 | * CPUs.
3777 | *
3778 | * @remarks This must be called with preemption enabled!
3779 | */
3780 | static int supdrvMeasureTscDeltaOne(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, uint32_t idxWorker)
3781 | {
3782 | int rc;
3783 | int rc2;
3784 | PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip = pDevExt->pGip;
3785 | RTCPUID idMaster = pDevExt->idGipMaster;
3786 | PSUPGIPCPU pGipCpuWorker = &pGip->aCPUs[idxWorker];
3787 | PSUPGIPCPU pGipCpuMaster;
3788 | uint32_t iGipCpuMaster;
3789 | uint32_t u32Tmp;
3790 |
3791 | /* Validate input a bit. */
3792 | AssertReturn(pGip, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
3793 | Assert(pGip->enmUseTscDelta > SUPGIPUSETSCDELTA_ZERO_CLAIMED);
3794 | Assert(RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD));
3795 |
3796 | /*
3797 | * Don't attempt measuring the delta for the GIP master.
3798 | */
3799 | if (pGipCpuWorker->idCpu == idMaster)
3800 | {
3801 | if (pGipCpuWorker->i64TSCDelta == INT64_MAX) /* This shouldn't happen, but just in case. */
3802 | ASMAtomicWriteS64(&pGipCpuWorker->i64TSCDelta, GIP_TSC_DELTA_INITIAL_MASTER_VALUE);
3803 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
3804 | }
3805 |
3806 | /*
3807 | * One measurement at a time, at least for now. We might be using
3808 | * broadcast IPIs so, so be nice to the rest of the system.
3809 | */
3811 | rc = RTSemMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTscDelta, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT);
3812 | #else
3813 | rc = RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxTscDelta);
3814 | #endif
3815 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
3816 | return rc;
3817 |
3818 | /*
3819 | * If the CPU has hyper-threading and the APIC IDs of the master and worker are adjacent,
3820 | * try pick a different master. (This fudge only works with multi core systems.)
3821 | * ASSUMES related threads have adjacent APIC IDs. ASSUMES two threads per core.
3822 | *
3823 | * We skip this on AMDs for now as their HTT is different from Intel's and
3824 | * it doesn't seem to have any favorable effect on the results.
3825 | *
3826 | * If the master is offline, we need a new master too, so share the code.
3827 | */
3828 | iGipCpuMaster = supdrvGipFindCpuIndexForCpuId(pGip, idMaster);
3829 | AssertReturn(iGipCpuMaster < pGip->cCpus, VERR_INVALID_CPU_ID);
3830 | pGipCpuMaster = &pGip->aCPUs[iGipCpuMaster];
3831 | if ( ( (pGipCpuMaster->idApic & ~1) == (pGipCpuWorker->idApic & ~1)
3832 | && pGip->cOnlineCpus > 2
3833 | && ASMHasCpuId()
3834 | && ASMIsValidStdRange(ASMCpuId_EAX(0))
3835 | && (ASMCpuId_EDX(1) & X86_CPUID_FEATURE_EDX_HTT)
3836 | && ( !ASMIsAmdCpu()
3837 | || ASMGetCpuFamily(u32Tmp = ASMCpuId_EAX(1)) > 0x15
3838 | || ( ASMGetCpuFamily(u32Tmp) == 0x15 /* Piledriver+, not bulldozer (FX-4150 didn't like it). */
3839 | && ASMGetCpuModelAMD(u32Tmp) >= 0x02) ) )
3840 | || !RTMpIsCpuOnline(idMaster) )
3841 | {
3842 | uint32_t i;
3843 | for (i = 0; i < pGip->cCpus; i++)
3844 | if ( i != iGipCpuMaster
3845 | && i != idxWorker
3846 | && pGip->aCPUs[i].enmState == SUPGIPCPUSTATE_ONLINE
3847 | && pGip->aCPUs[i].i64TSCDelta != INT64_MAX
3848 | && pGip->aCPUs[i].idCpu != NIL_RTCPUID
3849 | && pGip->aCPUs[i].idCpu != idMaster /* paranoia starts here... */
3850 | && pGip->aCPUs[i].idCpu != pGipCpuWorker->idCpu
3851 | && pGip->aCPUs[i].idApic != pGipCpuWorker->idApic
3852 | && pGip->aCPUs[i].idApic != pGipCpuMaster->idApic
3853 | && RTMpIsCpuOnline(pGip->aCPUs[i].idCpu))
3854 | {
3855 | iGipCpuMaster = i;
3856 | pGipCpuMaster = &pGip->aCPUs[i];
3857 | idMaster = pGipCpuMaster->idCpu;
3858 | break;
3859 | }
3860 | }
3861 |
3862 | if (RTCpuSetIsMemberByIndex(&pGip->OnlineCpuSet, pGipCpuWorker->iCpuSet))
3863 | {
3864 | /*
3865 | * Initialize data package for the RTMpOnPair callback.
3866 | */
3868 | if (pArgs)
3869 | {
3870 | pArgs->pWorker = pGipCpuWorker;
3871 | pArgs->pMaster = pGipCpuMaster;
3872 | pArgs->pDevExt = pDevExt;
3873 | pArgs->pSyncMaster = NULL;
3874 | pArgs->pSyncWorker = NULL;
3875 | pArgs->cMaxTscTicks = ASMAtomicReadU64(&pGip->u64CpuHz) / 512; /* 1953 us */
3876 |
3877 | /*
3878 | * Do the RTMpOnPair call. We reset i64TSCDelta first so we
3879 | * and supdrvMeasureTscDeltaCallback can use it as a success check.
3880 | */
3881 | /** @todo Store the i64TSCDelta result in pArgs first? Perhaps deals with
3882 | * that when doing the restart loop reorg. */
3883 | ASMAtomicWriteS64(&pGipCpuWorker->i64TSCDelta, INT64_MAX);
3884 | rc = RTMpOnPair(pGipCpuMaster->idCpu, pGipCpuWorker->idCpu, RTMPON_F_CONCURRENT_EXEC,
3885 | supdrvMeasureTscDeltaCallback, pArgs, NULL);
3886 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3887 | {
3888 | #if 0
3889 | SUPR0Printf("mponpair ticks: %9llu %9llu max: %9llu iTry: %u%s\n", pArgs->cElapsedMasterTscTicks,
3890 | pArgs->cElapsedWorkerTscTicks, pArgs->cMaxTscTicks, pArgs->iTry,
3891 | pArgs->fTimedOut ? " timed out" :"");
3892 | #endif
3893 | #if 0
3894 | SUPR0Printf("rcVerify=%d iVerifyBadTscDiff=%lld cMinVerifyTscTicks=%lld cMaxVerifyTscTicks=%lld\n",
3895 | pArgs->rcVerify, pArgs->iVerifyBadTscDiff, pArgs->cMinVerifyTscTicks, pArgs->cMaxVerifyTscTicks);
3896 | #endif
3897 | if (RT_LIKELY(pGipCpuWorker->i64TSCDelta != INT64_MAX))
3898 | {
3899 | /*
3900 | * Work the TSC delta applicability rating. It starts
3901 | * optimistic in supdrvGipInit, we downgrade it here.
3902 | */
3904 | if ( pGipCpuWorker->i64TSCDelta > GIP_TSC_DELTA_THRESHOLD_ROUGHLY_ZERO
3905 | || pGipCpuWorker->i64TSCDelta < -GIP_TSC_DELTA_THRESHOLD_ROUGHLY_ZERO)
3907 | else if ( pGipCpuWorker->i64TSCDelta > GIP_TSC_DELTA_THRESHOLD_PRACTICALLY_ZERO
3910 | else
3912 | if (pGip->enmUseTscDelta < enmRating)
3913 | {
3914 | AssertCompile(sizeof(pGip->enmUseTscDelta) == sizeof(uint32_t));
3915 | ASMAtomicWriteU32((uint32_t volatile *)&pGip->enmUseTscDelta, enmRating);
3916 | }
3917 | }
3918 | else
3920 | }
3921 | /** @todo return try-again if we get an offline CPU error. */
3922 |
3923 | RTMemFree(pArgs);
3924 | }
3925 | else
3926 | rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY;
3927 | }
3928 | else
3929 | rc = VERR_CPU_OFFLINE;
3930 |
3931 | /*
3932 | * We're done now.
3933 | */
3935 | rc2 = RTSemMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTscDelta); AssertRC(rc2);
3936 | #else
3937 | rc2 = RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxTscDelta); AssertRC(rc2);
3938 | #endif
3939 | return rc;
3940 | }
3941 |
3942 |
3943 | /**
3944 | * Resets the TSC-delta related TSC samples and optionally the deltas
3945 | * themselves.
3946 | *
3947 | * @param pDevExt Pointer to the device instance data.
3948 | * @param fResetTscDeltas Whether the TSC-deltas are also to be reset.
3949 | *
3950 | * @remarks This might be called while holding a spinlock!
3951 | */
3952 | static void supdrvTscResetSamples(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, bool fResetTscDeltas)
3953 | {
3954 | unsigned iCpu;
3955 | PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip = pDevExt->pGip;
3956 | for (iCpu = 0; iCpu < pGip->cCpus; iCpu++)
3957 | {
3958 | PSUPGIPCPU pGipCpu = &pGip->aCPUs[iCpu];
3959 | ASMAtomicWriteU64(&pGipCpu->u64TSCSample, GIP_TSC_DELTA_RSVD);
3960 | if (fResetTscDeltas)
3961 | {
3962 | RTCpuSetDelByIndex(&pDevExt->TscDeltaObtainedCpuSet, pGipCpu->iCpuSet);
3963 | ASMAtomicWriteS64(&pGipCpu->i64TSCDelta, INT64_MAX);
3964 | }
3965 | }
3966 | }
3967 |
3968 |
3969 | /**
3970 | * Picks an online CPU as the master TSC for TSC-delta computations.
3971 | *
3972 | * @returns VBox status code.
3973 | * @param pDevExt Pointer to the device instance data.
3974 | * @param pidxMaster Where to store the CPU array index of the chosen
3975 | * master. Optional, can be NULL.
3976 | */
3977 | static int supdrvTscPickMaster(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, uint32_t *pidxMaster)
3978 | {
3979 | /*
3980 | * Pick the first CPU online as the master TSC and make it the new GIP master based
3981 | * on the APIC ID.
3982 | *
3983 | * Technically we can simply use "idGipMaster" but doing this gives us master as CPU 0
3984 | * in most cases making it nicer/easier for comparisons. It is safe to update the GIP
3985 | * master as this point since the sync/async timer isn't created yet.
3986 | */
3987 | unsigned iCpu;
3988 | uint32_t idxMaster = UINT32_MAX;
3989 | PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip = pDevExt->pGip;
3990 | for (iCpu = 0; iCpu < RT_ELEMENTS(pGip->aiCpuFromApicId); iCpu++)
3991 | {
3992 | uint16_t idxCpu = pGip->aiCpuFromApicId[iCpu];
3993 | if (idxCpu != UINT16_MAX)
3994 | {
3995 | PSUPGIPCPU pGipCpu = &pGip->aCPUs[idxCpu];
3996 | if (RTCpuSetIsMemberByIndex(&pGip->OnlineCpuSet, pGipCpu->iCpuSet))
3997 | {
3998 | idxMaster = idxCpu;
4000 | ASMAtomicWriteSize(&pDevExt->idGipMaster, pGipCpu->idCpu);
4001 | if (pidxMaster)
4002 | *pidxMaster = idxMaster;
4003 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
4004 | }
4005 | }
4006 | }
4007 | return VERR_CPU_OFFLINE;
4008 | }
4009 |
4010 |
4011 | /**
4012 | * Performs the initial measurements of the TSC deltas between CPUs.
4013 | *
4014 | * This is called by supdrvGipCreate(), supdrvGipPowerNotificationCallback() or
4015 | * triggered by it if threaded.
4016 | *
4017 | * @returns VBox status code.
4018 | * @param pDevExt Pointer to the device instance data.
4019 | *
4020 | * @remarks Must be called only after supdrvGipInitOnCpu() as this function uses
4021 | * idCpu, GIP's online CPU set which are populated in
4022 | * supdrvGipInitOnCpu().
4023 | */
4024 | static int supdrvMeasureInitialTscDeltas(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt)
4025 | {
4026 | PSUPGIPCPU pGipCpuMaster;
4027 | unsigned iCpu;
4028 | unsigned iOddEven;
4029 | PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip = pDevExt->pGip;
4030 | uint32_t idxMaster = UINT32_MAX;
4031 | uint32_t cMpOnOffEvents = ASMAtomicReadU32(&pDevExt->cMpOnOffEvents);
4032 |
4033 | Assert(pGip->enmUseTscDelta > SUPGIPUSETSCDELTA_ZERO_CLAIMED);
4034 | supdrvTscResetSamples(pDevExt, true /* fClearDeltas */);
4035 | int rc = supdrvTscPickMaster(pDevExt, &idxMaster);
4036 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
4037 | {
4038 | SUPR0Printf("Failed to pick a CPU master for TSC-delta measurements rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
4039 | return rc;
4040 | }
4041 | AssertReturn(idxMaster < pGip->cCpus, VERR_INVALID_CPU_INDEX);
4042 | pGipCpuMaster = &pGip->aCPUs[idxMaster];
4043 | Assert(pDevExt->idGipMaster == pGipCpuMaster->idCpu);
4044 |
4045 | /*
4046 | * If there is only a single CPU online we have nothing to do.
4047 | */
4048 | if (pGip->cOnlineCpus <= 1)
4049 | {
4050 | AssertReturn(pGip->cOnlineCpus > 0, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_5);
4051 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
4052 | }
4053 |
4054 | /*
4055 | * Loop thru the GIP CPU array and get deltas for each CPU (except the
4056 | * master). We do the CPUs with the even numbered APIC IDs first so that
4057 | * we've got alternative master CPUs to pick from on hyper-threaded systems.
4058 | */
4059 | for (iOddEven = 0; iOddEven < 2; iOddEven++)
4060 | {
4061 | for (iCpu = 0; iCpu < pGip->cCpus; iCpu++)
4062 | {
4063 | PSUPGIPCPU pGipCpuWorker = &pGip->aCPUs[iCpu];
4064 | if ( iCpu != idxMaster
4065 | && (iOddEven > 0 || (pGipCpuWorker->idApic & 1) == 0)
4066 | && RTCpuSetIsMemberByIndex(&pDevExt->TscDeltaCpuSet, pGipCpuWorker->iCpuSet))
4067 | {
4068 | rc = supdrvMeasureTscDeltaOne(pDevExt, iCpu);
4069 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
4070 | {
4071 | SUPR0Printf("supdrvMeasureTscDeltaOne failed. rc=%d CPU[%u].idCpu=%u Master[%u].idCpu=%u\n", rc, iCpu,
4072 | pGipCpuWorker->idCpu, idxMaster, pDevExt->idGipMaster, pGipCpuMaster->idCpu);
4073 | break;
4074 | }
4075 |
4076 | if (ASMAtomicReadU32(&pDevExt->cMpOnOffEvents) != cMpOnOffEvents)
4077 | {
4078 | SUPR0Printf("One or more CPUs transitioned between online & offline states. I'm confused, retry...\n");
4079 | rc = VERR_TRY_AGAIN;
4080 | break;
4081 | }
4082 | }
4083 | }
4084 | }
4085 |
4086 | return rc;
4087 | }
4088 |
4089 |
4091 |
4092 | /**
4093 | * Switches the TSC-delta measurement thread into the butchered state.
4094 | *
4095 | * @returns VBox status code.
4096 | * @param pDevExt Pointer to the device instance data.
4097 | * @param fSpinlockHeld Whether the TSC-delta spinlock is held or not.
4098 | * @param pszFailed An error message to log.
4099 | * @param rcFailed The error code to exit the thread with.
4100 | */
4101 | static int supdrvTscDeltaThreadButchered(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, bool fSpinlockHeld, const char *pszFailed, int rcFailed)
4102 | {
4103 | if (!fSpinlockHeld)
4104 | RTSpinlockAcquire(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4105 |
4106 | pDevExt->enmTscDeltaThreadState = kTscDeltaThreadState_Butchered;
4107 | RTSpinlockRelease(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4108 | OSDBGPRINT(("supdrvTscDeltaThreadButchered: %s. rc=%Rrc\n", pszFailed, rcFailed));
4109 | return rcFailed;
4110 | }
4111 |
4112 |
4113 | /**
4114 | * The TSC-delta measurement thread.
4115 | *
4116 | * @returns VBox status code.
4117 | * @param hThread The thread handle.
4118 | * @param pvUser Opaque pointer to the device instance data.
4119 | */
4120 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) supdrvTscDeltaThread(RTTHREAD hThread, void *pvUser)
4121 | {
4123 | uint32_t cConsecutiveTimeouts = 0;
4124 | int rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_2;
4125 | for (;;)
4126 | {
4127 | /*
4128 | * Switch on the current state.
4129 | */
4131 | RTSpinlockAcquire(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4132 | enmState = pDevExt->enmTscDeltaThreadState;
4133 | switch (enmState)
4134 | {
4135 | case kTscDeltaThreadState_Creating:
4136 | {
4137 | pDevExt->enmTscDeltaThreadState = kTscDeltaThreadState_Listening;
4138 | rc = RTSemEventSignal(pDevExt->hTscDeltaEvent);
4139 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
4140 | return supdrvTscDeltaThreadButchered(pDevExt, true /* fSpinlockHeld */, "RTSemEventSignal", rc);
4141 | /* fall thru */
4142 | }
4143 |
4144 | case kTscDeltaThreadState_Listening:
4145 | {
4146 | RTSpinlockRelease(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4147 |
4148 | /*
4149 | * Linux counts uninterruptible sleeps as load, hence we shall do a
4150 | * regular, interruptible sleep here and ignore wake ups due to signals.
4151 | * See task_contributes_to_load() in include/linux/sched.h in the Linux sources.
4152 | */
4153 | rc = RTThreadUserWaitNoResume(hThread, pDevExt->cMsTscDeltaTimeout);
4154 | if ( RT_FAILURE(rc)
4155 | && rc != VERR_TIMEOUT
4156 | && rc != VERR_INTERRUPTED)
4157 | return supdrvTscDeltaThreadButchered(pDevExt, false /* fSpinlockHeld */, "RTThreadUserWait", rc);
4158 | RTThreadUserReset(hThread);
4159 | break;
4160 | }
4161 |
4162 | case kTscDeltaThreadState_WaitAndMeasure:
4163 | {
4164 | pDevExt->enmTscDeltaThreadState = kTscDeltaThreadState_Measuring;
4165 | rc = RTSemEventSignal(pDevExt->hTscDeltaEvent); /* (Safe on windows as long as spinlock isn't IRQ safe.) */
4166 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
4167 | return supdrvTscDeltaThreadButchered(pDevExt, true /* fSpinlockHeld */, "RTSemEventSignal", rc);
4168 | RTSpinlockRelease(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4169 | RTThreadSleep(1);
4170 | /* fall thru */
4171 | }
4172 |
4173 | case kTscDeltaThreadState_Measuring:
4174 | {
4175 | cConsecutiveTimeouts = 0;
4176 | if (pDevExt->fTscThreadRecomputeAllDeltas)
4177 | {
4178 | int cTries = 8;
4179 | int cMsWaitPerTry = 10;
4180 | PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip = pDevExt->pGip;
4181 | Assert(pGip);
4182 | do
4183 | {
4184 | RTCpuSetCopy(&pDevExt->TscDeltaCpuSet, &pGip->OnlineCpuSet);
4185 | rc = supdrvMeasureInitialTscDeltas(pDevExt);
4186 | if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc)
4187 | || ( RT_FAILURE(rc)
4188 | && rc != VERR_TRY_AGAIN
4189 | && rc != VERR_CPU_OFFLINE))
4190 | {
4191 | break;
4192 | }
4193 | RTThreadSleep(cMsWaitPerTry);
4194 | } while (cTries-- > 0);
4195 | pDevExt->fTscThreadRecomputeAllDeltas = false;
4196 | }
4197 | else
4198 | {
4199 | PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip = pDevExt->pGip;
4200 | unsigned iCpu;
4201 |
4202 | /* Measure TSC-deltas only for the CPUs that are in the set. */
4203 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
4204 | for (iCpu = 0; iCpu < pGip->cCpus; iCpu++)
4205 | {
4206 | PSUPGIPCPU pGipCpuWorker = &pGip->aCPUs[iCpu];
4207 | if (RTCpuSetIsMemberByIndex(&pDevExt->TscDeltaCpuSet, pGipCpuWorker->iCpuSet))
4208 | {
4209 | if (pGipCpuWorker->i64TSCDelta == INT64_MAX)
4210 | {
4211 | int rc2 = supdrvMeasureTscDeltaOne(pDevExt, iCpu);
4212 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc2) && RT_SUCCESS(rc))
4213 | rc = rc2;
4214 | }
4215 | else
4216 | {
4217 | /*
4218 | * The thread/someone must've called SUPR0TscDeltaMeasureBySetIndex(),
4219 | * mark the delta as fine to get the timer thread off our back.
4220 | */
4221 | RTCpuSetDelByIndex(&pDevExt->TscDeltaCpuSet, pGipCpuWorker->iCpuSet);
4222 | RTCpuSetAddByIndex(&pDevExt->TscDeltaObtainedCpuSet, pGipCpuWorker->iCpuSet);
4223 | }
4224 | }
4225 | }
4226 | }
4227 | RTSpinlockAcquire(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4228 | if (pDevExt->enmTscDeltaThreadState == kTscDeltaThreadState_Measuring)
4229 | pDevExt->enmTscDeltaThreadState = kTscDeltaThreadState_Listening;
4230 | RTSpinlockRelease(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4231 | Assert(rc != VERR_NOT_AVAILABLE); /* VERR_NOT_AVAILABLE is used as init value, see supdrvTscDeltaThreadInit(). */
4232 | ASMAtomicWriteS32(&pDevExt->rcTscDelta, rc);
4233 | break;
4234 | }
4235 |
4236 | case kTscDeltaThreadState_Terminating:
4237 | pDevExt->enmTscDeltaThreadState = kTscDeltaThreadState_Destroyed;
4238 | RTSpinlockRelease(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4239 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
4240 |
4241 | case kTscDeltaThreadState_Butchered:
4242 | default:
4243 | return supdrvTscDeltaThreadButchered(pDevExt, true /* fSpinlockHeld */, "Invalid state", VERR_INVALID_STATE);
4244 | }
4245 | }
4246 | /* not reached */
4247 | }
4248 |
4249 |
4250 | /**
4251 | * Waits for the TSC-delta measurement thread to respond to a state change.
4252 | *
4253 | * @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success, VERR_TIMEOUT if it doesn't respond in time,
4254 | * other error code on internal error.
4255 | *
4256 | * @param pDevExt The device instance data.
4257 | * @param enmCurState The current state.
4258 | * @param enmNewState The new state we're waiting for it to enter.
4259 | */
4260 | static int supdrvTscDeltaThreadWait(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, SUPDRVTSCDELTATHREADSTATE enmCurState,
4262 | {
4264 | int rc;
4265 |
4266 | /*
4267 | * Wait a short while for the expected state transition.
4268 | */
4269 | RTSemEventWait(pDevExt->hTscDeltaEvent, RT_MS_1SEC);
4270 | RTSpinlockAcquire(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4271 | enmActualState = pDevExt->enmTscDeltaThreadState;
4272 | if (enmActualState == enmNewState)
4273 | {
4274 | RTSpinlockRelease(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4275 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
4276 | }
4277 | else if (enmActualState == enmCurState)
4278 | {
4279 | /*
4280 | * Wait longer if the state has not yet transitioned to the one we want.
4281 | */
4282 | RTSpinlockRelease(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4283 | rc = RTSemEventWait(pDevExt->hTscDeltaEvent, 50 * RT_MS_1SEC);
4284 | if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc)
4285 | || rc == VERR_TIMEOUT)
4286 | {
4287 | /*
4288 | * Check the state whether we've succeeded.
4289 | */
4290 | RTSpinlockAcquire(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4291 | enmActualState = pDevExt->enmTscDeltaThreadState;
4292 | RTSpinlockRelease(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4293 | if (enmActualState == enmNewState)
4294 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
4295 | else if (enmActualState == enmCurState)
4296 | {
4297 | rc = VERR_TIMEOUT;
4298 | OSDBGPRINT(("supdrvTscDeltaThreadWait: timed out state transition. enmActualState=%d enmNewState=%d\n",
4299 | enmActualState, enmNewState));
4300 | }
4301 | else
4302 | {
4304 | OSDBGPRINT(("supdrvTscDeltaThreadWait: invalid state transition from %d to %d, expected %d\n", enmCurState,
4305 | enmActualState, enmNewState));
4306 | }
4307 | }
4308 | else
4309 | OSDBGPRINT(("supdrvTscDeltaThreadWait: RTSemEventWait failed. rc=%Rrc\n", rc));
4310 | }
4311 | else
4312 | {
4313 | RTSpinlockRelease(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4314 | OSDBGPRINT(("supdrvTscDeltaThreadWait: invalid state %d when transitioning from %d to %d\n",
4315 | enmActualState, enmCurState, enmNewState));
4317 | }
4318 |
4319 | return rc;
4320 | }
4321 |
4322 |
4323 | /**
4324 | * Signals the TSC-delta thread to start measuring TSC-deltas.
4325 | *
4326 | * @param pDevExt Pointer to the device instance data.
4327 | * @param fForceAll Force re-calculating TSC-deltas on all CPUs.
4328 | */
4329 | static void supdrvTscDeltaThreadStartMeasurement(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, bool fForceAll)
4330 | {
4331 | if (pDevExt->hTscDeltaThread != NIL_RTTHREAD)
4332 | {
4333 | RTSpinlockAcquire(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4334 | if ( pDevExt->enmTscDeltaThreadState == kTscDeltaThreadState_Listening
4335 | || pDevExt->enmTscDeltaThreadState == kTscDeltaThreadState_Measuring)
4336 | {
4337 | pDevExt->enmTscDeltaThreadState = kTscDeltaThreadState_WaitAndMeasure;
4338 | if (fForceAll)
4339 | pDevExt->fTscThreadRecomputeAllDeltas = true;
4340 | }
4341 | else if ( pDevExt->enmTscDeltaThreadState == kTscDeltaThreadState_WaitAndMeasure
4342 | && fForceAll)
4343 | pDevExt->fTscThreadRecomputeAllDeltas = true;
4344 | RTSpinlockRelease(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4345 | RTThreadUserSignal(pDevExt->hTscDeltaThread);
4346 | }
4347 | }
4348 |
4349 |
4350 | /**
4351 | * Terminates the actual thread running supdrvTscDeltaThread().
4352 | *
4353 | * This is an internal worker function for supdrvTscDeltaThreadInit() and
4354 | * supdrvTscDeltaTerm().
4355 | *
4356 | * @param pDevExt Pointer to the device instance data.
4357 | */
4358 | static void supdrvTscDeltaThreadTerminate(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt)
4359 | {
4360 | int rc;
4361 | RTSpinlockAcquire(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4362 | pDevExt->enmTscDeltaThreadState = kTscDeltaThreadState_Terminating;
4363 | RTSpinlockRelease(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4364 | RTThreadUserSignal(pDevExt->hTscDeltaThread);
4365 | rc = RTThreadWait(pDevExt->hTscDeltaThread, 50 * RT_MS_1SEC, NULL /* prc */);
4366 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
4367 | {
4368 | /* Signal a few more times before giving up. */
4369 | int cTriesLeft = 5;
4370 | while (--cTriesLeft > 0)
4371 | {
4372 | RTThreadUserSignal(pDevExt->hTscDeltaThread);
4373 | rc = RTThreadWait(pDevExt->hTscDeltaThread, 2 * RT_MS_1SEC, NULL /* prc */);
4374 | if (rc != VERR_TIMEOUT)
4375 | break;
4376 | }
4377 | }
4378 | }
4379 |
4380 |
4381 | /**
4382 | * Initializes and spawns the TSC-delta measurement thread.
4383 | *
4384 | * A thread is required for servicing re-measurement requests from events like
4385 | * CPUs coming online, suspend/resume etc. as it cannot be done synchronously
4386 | * under all contexts on all OSs.
4387 | *
4388 | * @returns VBox status code.
4389 | * @param pDevExt Pointer to the device instance data.
4390 | *
4391 | * @remarks Must only be called -after- initializing GIP and setting up MP
4392 | * notifications!
4393 | */
4394 | static int supdrvTscDeltaThreadInit(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt)
4395 | {
4396 | int rc;
4397 | Assert(pDevExt->pGip->enmUseTscDelta > SUPGIPUSETSCDELTA_ZERO_CLAIMED);
4398 | rc = RTSpinlockCreate(&pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock, RTSPINLOCK_FLAGS_INTERRUPT_UNSAFE, "VBoxTscSpnLck");
4399 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
4400 | {
4401 | rc = RTSemEventCreate(&pDevExt->hTscDeltaEvent);
4402 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
4403 | {
4404 | pDevExt->enmTscDeltaThreadState = kTscDeltaThreadState_Creating;
4405 | pDevExt->cMsTscDeltaTimeout = 60000;
4406 | rc = RTThreadCreate(&pDevExt->hTscDeltaThread, supdrvTscDeltaThread, pDevExt, 0 /* cbStack */,
4408 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
4409 | {
4410 | rc = supdrvTscDeltaThreadWait(pDevExt, kTscDeltaThreadState_Creating, kTscDeltaThreadState_Listening);
4411 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
4412 | {
4413 | ASMAtomicWriteS32(&pDevExt->rcTscDelta, VERR_NOT_AVAILABLE);
4414 | return rc;
4415 | }
4416 |
4417 | OSDBGPRINT(("supdrvTscDeltaInit: supdrvTscDeltaThreadWait failed. rc=%Rrc\n", rc));
4418 | supdrvTscDeltaThreadTerminate(pDevExt);
4419 | }
4420 | else
4421 | OSDBGPRINT(("supdrvTscDeltaInit: RTThreadCreate failed. rc=%Rrc\n", rc));
4422 | RTSemEventDestroy(pDevExt->hTscDeltaEvent);
4423 | pDevExt->hTscDeltaEvent = NIL_RTSEMEVENT;
4424 | }
4425 | else
4426 | OSDBGPRINT(("supdrvTscDeltaInit: RTSemEventCreate failed. rc=%Rrc\n", rc));
4427 | RTSpinlockDestroy(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4428 | pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock = NIL_RTSPINLOCK;
4429 | }
4430 | else
4431 | OSDBGPRINT(("supdrvTscDeltaInit: RTSpinlockCreate failed. rc=%Rrc\n", rc));
4432 |
4433 | return rc;
4434 | }
4435 |
4436 |
4437 | /**
4438 | * Terminates the TSC-delta measurement thread and cleanup.
4439 | *
4440 | * @param pDevExt Pointer to the device instance data.
4441 | */
4442 | static void supdrvTscDeltaTerm(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt)
4443 | {
4444 | if ( pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock != NIL_RTSPINLOCK
4445 | && pDevExt->hTscDeltaEvent != NIL_RTSEMEVENT)
4446 | {
4447 | supdrvTscDeltaThreadTerminate(pDevExt);
4448 | }
4449 |
4450 | if (pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock != NIL_RTSPINLOCK)
4451 | {
4452 | RTSpinlockDestroy(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4453 | pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock = NIL_RTSPINLOCK;
4454 | }
4455 |
4456 | if (pDevExt->hTscDeltaEvent != NIL_RTSEMEVENT)
4457 | {
4458 | RTSemEventDestroy(pDevExt->hTscDeltaEvent);
4459 | pDevExt->hTscDeltaEvent = NIL_RTSEMEVENT;
4460 | }
4461 |
4462 | ASMAtomicWriteS32(&pDevExt->rcTscDelta, VERR_NOT_AVAILABLE);
4463 | }
4464 |
4465 | #endif /* SUPDRV_USE_TSC_DELTA_THREAD */
4466 |
4467 | /**
4468 | * Measure the TSC delta for the CPU given by its CPU set index.
4469 | *
4470 | * @returns VBox status code.
4471 | * @retval VERR_INTERRUPTED if interrupted while waiting.
4472 | * @retval VERR_SUPDRV_TSC_DELTA_MEASUREMENT_FAILED if we were unable to get a
4473 | * measurement.
4474 | * @retval VERR_CPU_OFFLINE if the specified CPU is offline.
4475 | *
4476 | * @param pSession The caller's session. GIP must've been mapped.
4477 | * @param iCpuSet The CPU set index of the CPU to measure.
4478 | * @param fFlags Flags, SUP_TSCDELTA_MEASURE_F_XXX.
4479 | * @param cMsWaitRetry Number of milliseconds to wait between each retry.
4480 | * @param cMsWaitThread Number of milliseconds to wait for the thread to get
4481 | * ready.
4482 | * @param cTries Number of times to try, pass 0 for the default.
4483 | */
4484 | SUPR0DECL(int) SUPR0TscDeltaMeasureBySetIndex(PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, uint32_t iCpuSet, uint32_t fFlags,
4485 | RTMSINTERVAL cMsWaitRetry, RTMSINTERVAL cMsWaitThread, uint32_t cTries)
4486 | {
4489 | uint16_t iGipCpu;
4490 | int rc;
4492 | uint64_t msTsStartWait;
4493 | uint32_t iWaitLoop;
4494 | #endif
4495 |
4496 | /*
4497 | * Validate and adjust the input.
4498 | */
4500 | if (!pSession->fGipReferenced)
4501 | return VERR_WRONG_ORDER;
4502 |
4503 | pDevExt = pSession->pDevExt;
4505 |
4506 | pGip = pDevExt->pGip;
4507 | AssertPtrReturn(pGip, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_2);
4508 |
4510 | AssertReturn(iCpuSet < RT_ELEMENTS(pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx), VERR_INVALID_CPU_INDEX);
4511 | iGipCpu = pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx[iCpuSet];
4512 | AssertReturn(iGipCpu < pGip->cCpus, VERR_INVALID_CPU_INDEX);
4513 |
4515 | return VERR_INVALID_FLAGS;
4516 |
4517 | /*
4518 | * The request is a noop if the TSC delta isn't being used.
4519 | */
4520 | if (pGip->enmUseTscDelta <= SUPGIPUSETSCDELTA_ZERO_CLAIMED)
4521 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
4522 |
4523 | if (cTries == 0)
4524 | cTries = 12;
4525 | else if (cTries > 256)
4526 | cTries = 256;
4527 |
4528 | if (cMsWaitRetry == 0)
4529 | cMsWaitRetry = 2;
4530 | else if (cMsWaitRetry > 1000)
4531 | cMsWaitRetry = 1000;
4532 |
4534 | /*
4535 | * Has the TSC already been measured and we're not forced to redo it?
4536 | */
4537 | if ( pGip->aCPUs[iGipCpu].i64TSCDelta != INT64_MAX
4538 | && !(fFlags & SUP_TSCDELTA_MEASURE_F_FORCE))
4539 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
4540 |
4541 | /*
4542 | * Asynchronous request? Forward it to the thread, no waiting.
4543 | */
4545 | {
4546 | /** @todo Async. doesn't implement options like retries, waiting. We'll need
4547 | * to pass those options to the thread somehow and implement it in the
4548 | * thread. Check if anyone uses/needs fAsync before implementing this. */
4549 | RTSpinlockAcquire(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4550 | RTCpuSetAddByIndex(&pDevExt->TscDeltaCpuSet, iCpuSet);
4551 | if ( pDevExt->enmTscDeltaThreadState == kTscDeltaThreadState_Listening
4552 | || pDevExt->enmTscDeltaThreadState == kTscDeltaThreadState_Measuring)
4553 | {
4554 | pDevExt->enmTscDeltaThreadState = kTscDeltaThreadState_WaitAndMeasure;
4555 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
4556 | }
4557 | else if (pDevExt->enmTscDeltaThreadState != kTscDeltaThreadState_WaitAndMeasure)
4558 | rc = VERR_THREAD_IS_DEAD;
4559 | RTSpinlockRelease(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4560 | RTThreadUserSignal(pDevExt->hTscDeltaThread);
4561 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
4562 | }
4563 |
4564 | /*
4565 | * If a TSC-delta measurement request is already being serviced by the thread,
4566 | * wait 'cTries' times if a retry-timeout is provided, otherwise bail as busy.
4567 | */
4568 | msTsStartWait = RTTimeSystemMilliTS();
4569 | for (iWaitLoop = 0;; iWaitLoop++)
4570 | {
4571 | uint64_t cMsElapsed;
4573 | RTSpinlockAcquire(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4574 | enmState = pDevExt->enmTscDeltaThreadState;
4575 | RTSpinlockRelease(pDevExt->hTscDeltaSpinlock);
4576 |
4577 | if (enmState == kTscDeltaThreadState_Measuring)
4578 | { /* Must wait, the thread is busy. */ }
4579 | else if (enmState == kTscDeltaThreadState_WaitAndMeasure)
4580 | { /* Must wait, this state only says what will happen next. */ }
4581 | else if (enmState == kTscDeltaThreadState_Terminating)
4582 | { /* Must wait, this state only says what should happen next. */ }
4583 | else
4584 | break; /* All other states, the thread is either idly listening or dead. */
4585 |
4586 | /* Wait or fail. */
4587 | if (cMsWaitThread == 0)
4589 | cMsElapsed = RTTimeSystemMilliTS() - msTsStartWait;
4590 | if (cMsElapsed >= cMsWaitThread)
4592 |
4593 | rc = RTThreadSleep(RT_MIN((RTMSINTERVAL)(cMsWaitThread - cMsElapsed), RT_MIN(iWaitLoop + 1, 10)));
4594 | if (rc == VERR_INTERRUPTED)
4595 | return rc;
4596 | }
4597 | #endif /* SUPDRV_USE_TSC_DELTA_THREAD */
4598 |
4599 | /*
4600 | * Try measure the TSC delta the given number of times.
4601 | */
4602 | for (;;)
4603 | {
4604 | /* Unless we're forced to measure the delta, check whether it's done already. */
4605 | if ( !(fFlags & SUP_TSCDELTA_MEASURE_F_FORCE)
4606 | && pGip->aCPUs[iGipCpu].i64TSCDelta != INT64_MAX)
4607 | {
4608 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
4609 | break;
4610 | }
4611 |
4612 | /* Measure it. */
4613 | rc = supdrvMeasureTscDeltaOne(pDevExt, iGipCpu);
4615 | {
4616 | Assert(pGip->aCPUs[iGipCpu].i64TSCDelta != INT64_MAX || RT_FAILURE_NP(rc));
4617 | break;
4618 | }
4619 |
4620 | /* Retry? */
4621 | if (cTries <= 1)
4622 | break;
4623 | cTries--;
4624 |
4625 | /* Always delay between retries (be nice to the rest of the system
4626 | and avoid the BSOD hounds). */
4627 | rc = RTThreadSleep(cMsWaitRetry);
4628 | if (rc == VERR_INTERRUPTED)
4629 | break;
4630 | }
4631 |
4632 | return rc;
4633 | }
4634 |
4635 |
4636 | /**
4637 | * Service a TSC-delta measurement request.
4638 | *
4639 | * @returns VBox status code.
4640 | * @param pDevExt Pointer to the device instance data.
4641 | * @param pSession The support driver session.
4642 | * @param pReq Pointer to the TSC-delta measurement request.
4643 | */
4645 | {
4646 | uint32_t cTries;
4647 | uint32_t iCpuSet;
4648 | uint32_t fFlags;
4649 | RTMSINTERVAL cMsWaitRetry;
4650 | RT_NOREF1(pDevExt);
4651 |
4652 | /*
4653 | * Validate and adjust/resolve the input so they can be passed onto SUPR0TscDeltaMeasureBySetIndex.
4654 | */
4655 | AssertPtr(pDevExt); AssertPtr(pSession); AssertPtr(pReq); /* paranoia^2 */
4656 |
4657 | if (pReq->u.In.idCpu == NIL_RTCPUID)
4658 | return VERR_INVALID_CPU_ID;
4659 | iCpuSet = RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(pReq->u.In.idCpu);
4660 | if (iCpuSet >= RTCPUSET_MAX_CPUS)
4661 | return VERR_INVALID_CPU_ID;
4662 |
4663 | cTries = pReq->u.In.cRetries == 0 ? 0 : (uint32_t)pReq->u.In.cRetries + 1;
4664 |
4665 | cMsWaitRetry = RT_MAX(pReq->u.In.cMsWaitRetry, 5);
4666 |
4667 | fFlags = 0;
4668 | if (pReq->u.In.fAsync)
4670 | if (pReq->u.In.fForce)
4672 |
4673 | return SUPR0TscDeltaMeasureBySetIndex(pSession, iCpuSet, fFlags, cMsWaitRetry,
4674 | cTries == 0 ? 5 * RT_MS_1SEC : cMsWaitRetry * cTries /*cMsWaitThread*/,
4675 | cTries);
4676 | }
4677 |
4678 |
4679 | /**
4680 | * Reads TSC with delta applied.
4681 | *
4682 | * Will try to resolve delta value INT64_MAX before applying it. This is the
4683 | * main purpose of this function, to handle the case where the delta needs to be
4684 | * determined.
4685 | *
4686 | * @returns VBox status code.
4687 | * @param pDevExt Pointer to the device instance data.
4688 | * @param pSession The support driver session.
4689 | * @param pReq Pointer to the TSC-read request.
4690 | */
4692 | {
4694 | int rc;
4695 |
4696 | /*
4697 | * Validate. We require the client to have mapped GIP (no asserting on
4698 | * ring-3 preconditions).
4699 | */
4700 | AssertPtr(pDevExt); AssertPtr(pReq); AssertPtr(pSession); /* paranoia^2 */
4701 | if (pSession->GipMapObjR3 == NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ)
4702 | return VERR_WRONG_ORDER;
4703 | pGip = pDevExt->pGip;
4704 | AssertReturn(pGip, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_2);
4705 |
4706 | /*
4707 | * We're usually here because we need to apply delta, but we shouldn't be
4708 | * upset if the GIP is some different mode.
4709 | */
4710 | if (pGip->enmUseTscDelta > SUPGIPUSETSCDELTA_ZERO_CLAIMED)
4711 | {
4712 | uint32_t cTries = 0;
4713 | for (;;)
4714 | {
4715 | /*
4716 | * Start by gathering the data, using CLI for disabling preemption
4717 | * while we do that.
4718 | */
4719 | RTCCUINTREG fEFlags = ASMIntDisableFlags();
4720 | int iCpuSet = RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(RTMpCpuId());
4721 | int iGipCpu;
4722 | if (RT_LIKELY( (unsigned)iCpuSet < RT_ELEMENTS(pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx)
4723 | && (iGipCpu = pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx[iCpuSet]) < pGip->cCpus ))
4724 | {
4725 | int64_t i64Delta = pGip->aCPUs[iGipCpu].i64TSCDelta;
4726 | pReq->u.Out.idApic = pGip->aCPUs[iGipCpu].idApic;
4727 | pReq->u.Out.u64AdjustedTsc = ASMReadTSC();
4728 | ASMSetFlags(fEFlags);
4729 |
4730 | /*
4731 | * If we're lucky we've got a delta, but no predictions here
4732 | * as this I/O control is normally only used when the TSC delta
4733 | * is set to INT64_MAX.
4734 | */
4735 | if (i64Delta != INT64_MAX)
4736 | {
4737 | pReq->u.Out.u64AdjustedTsc -= i64Delta;
4738 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
4739 | break;
4740 | }
4741 |
4742 | /* Give up after a few times. */
4743 | if (cTries >= 4)
4744 | {
4746 | break;
4747 | }
4748 |
4749 | /* Need to measure the delta an try again. */
4750 | rc = supdrvMeasureTscDeltaOne(pDevExt, iGipCpu);
4751 | Assert(pGip->aCPUs[iGipCpu].i64TSCDelta != INT64_MAX || RT_FAILURE_NP(rc));
4752 | /** @todo should probably delay on failure... dpc watchdogs */
4753 | }
4754 | else
4755 | {
4756 | /* This really shouldn't happen. */
4757 | AssertMsgFailed(("idCpu=%#x iCpuSet=%#x (%d)\n", RTMpCpuId(), iCpuSet, iCpuSet));
4758 | pReq->u.Out.idApic = ASMGetApicId();
4759 | pReq->u.Out.u64AdjustedTsc = ASMReadTSC();
4760 | ASMSetFlags(fEFlags);
4761 | rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_5; /** @todo change to warning. */
4762 | break;
4763 | }
4764 | }
4765 | }
4766 | else
4767 | {
4768 | /*
4769 | * No delta to apply. Easy. Deal with preemption the lazy way.
4770 | */
4771 | RTCCUINTREG fEFlags = ASMIntDisableFlags();
4772 | int iCpuSet = RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(RTMpCpuId());
4773 | int iGipCpu;
4774 | if (RT_LIKELY( (unsigned)iCpuSet < RT_ELEMENTS(pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx)
4775 | && (iGipCpu = pGip->aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx[iCpuSet]) < pGip->cCpus ))
4776 | pReq->u.Out.idApic = pGip->aCPUs[iGipCpu].idApic;
4777 | else
4778 | pReq->u.Out.idApic = ASMGetApicId();
4779 | pReq->u.Out.u64AdjustedTsc = ASMReadTSC();
4780 | ASMSetFlags(fEFlags);
4781 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
4782 | }
4783 |
4784 | return rc;
4785 | }
4786 |
4787 |
4788 | /**
4789 | * Worker for supdrvIOCtl_GipSetFlags.
4790 | *
4791 | * @returns VBox status code.
4792 | * @retval VERR_WRONG_ORDER if an enable-once-per-session flag is set again for
4793 | * a session.
4794 | *
4795 | * @param pDevExt Pointer to the device instance data.
4796 | * @param pSession The support driver session.
4797 | * @param fOrMask The OR mask of the GIP flags, see SUPGIP_FLAGS_XXX.
4798 | * @param fAndMask The AND mask of the GIP flags, see SUPGIP_FLAGS_XXX.
4799 | *
4800 | * @remarks Caller must own the GIP mutex.
4801 | *
4802 | * @remarks This function doesn't validate any of the flags.
4803 | */
4804 | static int supdrvGipSetFlags(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, uint32_t fOrMask, uint32_t fAndMask)
4805 | {
4806 | uint32_t cRefs;
4807 | PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE pGip = pDevExt->pGip;
4808 | AssertMsg((fOrMask & fAndMask) == fOrMask, ("%#x & %#x\n", fOrMask, fAndMask)); /* ASSUMED by code below */
4809 |
4810 | /*
4811 | * Compute GIP test-mode flags.
4812 | */
4814 | {
4815 | if (!pSession->fGipTestMode)
4816 | {
4817 | Assert(pDevExt->cGipTestModeRefs < _64K);
4818 | pSession->fGipTestMode = true;
4819 | cRefs = ++pDevExt->cGipTestModeRefs;
4820 | if (cRefs == 1)
4821 | {
4824 | }
4825 | }
4826 | else
4827 | {
4828 | LogRelMax(10, ("supdrvGipSetFlags: SUPGIP_FLAGS_TESTING_ENABLE already set for this session\n"));
4829 | return VERR_WRONG_ORDER;
4830 | }
4831 | }
4832 | else if ( !(fAndMask & SUPGIP_FLAGS_TESTING_ENABLE)
4833 | && pSession->fGipTestMode)
4834 | {
4835 | Assert(pDevExt->cGipTestModeRefs > 0);
4836 | Assert(pDevExt->cGipTestModeRefs < _64K);
4837 | pSession->fGipTestMode = false;
4838 | cRefs = --pDevExt->cGipTestModeRefs;
4839 | if (!cRefs)
4841 | else
4843 | }
4844 |
4845 | /*
4846 | * Commit the flags. This should be done as atomically as possible
4847 | * since the flag consumers won't be holding the GIP mutex.
4848 | */
4849 | ASMAtomicOrU32(&pGip->fFlags, fOrMask);
4850 | ASMAtomicAndU32(&pGip->fFlags, fAndMask);
4851 |
4852 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
4853 | }
4854 |
4855 |
4856 | /**
4857 | * Sets GIP test mode parameters.
4858 | *
4859 | * @returns VBox status code.
4860 | * @param pDevExt Pointer to the device instance data.
4861 | * @param pSession The support driver session.
4862 | * @param fOrMask The OR mask of the GIP flags, see SUPGIP_FLAGS_XXX.
4863 | * @param fAndMask The AND mask of the GIP flags, see SUPGIP_FLAGS_XXX.
4864 | */
4865 | int VBOXCALL supdrvIOCtl_GipSetFlags(PSUPDRVDEVEXT pDevExt, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, uint32_t fOrMask, uint32_t fAndMask)
4866 | {
4868 | int rc;
4869 |
4870 | /*
4871 | * Validate. We require the client to have mapped GIP (no asserting on
4872 | * ring-3 preconditions).
4873 | */
4874 | AssertPtr(pDevExt); AssertPtr(pSession); /* paranoia^2 */
4875 | if (pSession->GipMapObjR3 == NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ)
4876 | return VERR_WRONG_ORDER;
4877 | pGip = pDevExt->pGip;
4878 | AssertReturn(pGip, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_3);
4879 |
4880 | if (fOrMask & ~SUPGIP_FLAGS_VALID_MASK)
4884 |
4885 | /*
4886 | * Don't confuse supdrvGipSetFlags or anyone else by both setting
4887 | * and clearing the same flags. AND takes precedence.
4888 | */
4889 | fOrMask &= fAndMask;
4890 |
4891 | /*
4892 | * Take the loader lock to avoid having to think about races between two
4893 | * clients changing the flags at the same time (state is not simple).
4894 | */
4896 | RTSemMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxGip, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT);
4897 | #else
4898 | RTSemFastMutexRequest(pDevExt->mtxGip);
4899 | #endif
4900 |
4901 | rc = supdrvGipSetFlags(pDevExt, pSession, fOrMask, fAndMask);
4902 |
4904 | RTSemMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxGip);
4905 | #else
4906 | RTSemFastMutexRelease(pDevExt->mtxGip);
4907 | #endif
4908 | return rc;
4909 | }
4910 |