/* $Id: SUPLib.cpp 20866 2009-06-23 19:33:23Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VirtualBox Support Library - Common code. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ /** @page pg_sup SUP - The Support Library * * The support library is responsible for providing facilities to load * VMM Host Ring-0 code, to call Host VMM Ring-0 code from Ring-3 Host * code, to pin down physical memory, and more. * * The VMM Host Ring-0 code can be combined in the support driver if * permitted by kernel module license policies. If it is not combined * it will be externalized in a .r0 module that will be loaded using * the IPRT loader. * * The Ring-0 calling is done thru a generic SUP interface which will * tranfer an argument set and call a predefined entry point in the Host * VMM Ring-0 code. * * See @ref grp_sup "SUP - Support APIs" for API details. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_SUP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "SUPLibInternal.h" #include "SUPDrvIOC.h" /******************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *******************************************************************************/ /** R0 VMM module name. */ #define VMMR0_NAME "VMMR0" /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ typedef DECLCALLBACK(int) FNCALLVMMR0(PVMR0 pVMR0, unsigned uOperation, void *pvArg); typedef FNCALLVMMR0 *PFNCALLVMMR0; /******************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *******************************************************************************/ /** Init counter. */ static uint32_t g_cInits = 0; /** Whether we've been preinitied. */ static bool g_fPreInited = false; /** The SUPLib instance data. * Well, at least parts of it, specificly the parts that are being handed over * via the pre-init mechanism from the hardened executable stub. */ SUPLIBDATA g_supLibData = { NIL_RTFILE #if defined(RT_OS_DARWIN) , NULL #elif defined(RT_OS_LINUX) , false #endif }; /** Pointer to the Global Information Page. * * This pointer is valid as long as SUPLib has a open session. Anyone using * the page must treat this pointer as higly volatile and not trust it beyond * one transaction. * * @todo This will probably deserve it's own session or some other good solution... */ DECLEXPORT(PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE) g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage; /** Address of the ring-0 mapping of the GIP. */ static PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE g_pSUPGlobalInfoPageR0; /** The physical address of the GIP. */ static RTHCPHYS g_HCPhysSUPGlobalInfoPage = NIL_RTHCPHYS; /** The negotiated cookie. */ uint32_t g_u32Cookie = 0; /** The negotiated session cookie. */ uint32_t g_u32SessionCookie; /** Session handle. */ PSUPDRVSESSION g_pSession; /** R0 SUP Functions used for resolving referenced to the SUPR0 module. */ static PSUPQUERYFUNCS g_pFunctions; /** VMMR0 Load Address. */ static RTR0PTR g_pvVMMR0 = NIL_RTR0PTR; /** PAGE_ALLOC_EX sans kernel mapping support indicator. */ static bool g_fSupportsPageAllocNoKernel = true; /** Fake mode indicator. (~0 at first, 0 or 1 after first test) */ static uint32_t g_u32FakeMode = ~0; /******************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *******************************************************************************/ static int supInitFake(PSUPDRVSESSION *ppSession); static int supLoadModule(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszModule, const char *pszSrvReqHandler, void **ppvImageBase); static DECLCALLBACK(int) supLoadModuleResolveImport(RTLDRMOD hLdrMod, const char *pszModule, const char *pszSymbol, unsigned uSymbol, RTUINTPTR *pValue, void *pvUser); SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3Install(void) { return suplibOsInstall(); } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3Uninstall(void) { return suplibOsUninstall(); } DECLEXPORT(int) supR3PreInit(PSUPPREINITDATA pPreInitData, uint32_t fFlags) { /* * The caller is kind of trustworthy, just perform some basic checks. * * Note! Do not do any fancy stuff here because IPRT has NOT been * initialized at this point. */ if (!VALID_PTR(pPreInitData)) return VERR_INVALID_POINTER; if (g_fPreInited || g_cInits > 0) return VERR_WRONG_ORDER; if ( pPreInitData->u32Magic != SUPPREINITDATA_MAGIC || pPreInitData->u32EndMagic != SUPPREINITDATA_MAGIC) return VERR_INVALID_MAGIC; if ( !(fFlags & SUPSECMAIN_FLAGS_DONT_OPEN_DEV) && pPreInitData->Data.hDevice == NIL_RTFILE) return VERR_INVALID_HANDLE; if ( (fFlags & SUPSECMAIN_FLAGS_DONT_OPEN_DEV) && pPreInitData->Data.hDevice != NIL_RTFILE) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* * Hand out the data. */ int rc = supR3HardenedRecvPreInitData(pPreInitData); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; /** @todo This may need some small restructuring later, it doesn't quite work with a root service flag... */ if (!(fFlags & SUPSECMAIN_FLAGS_DONT_OPEN_DEV)) { g_supLibData = pPreInitData->Data; g_fPreInited = true; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3Init(PSUPDRVSESSION *ppSession) { /* * Perform some sanity checks. * (Got some trouble with compile time member alignment assertions.) */ Assert(!(RT_OFFSETOF(SUPGLOBALINFOPAGE, u64NanoTSLastUpdateHz) & 0x7)); Assert(!(RT_OFFSETOF(SUPGLOBALINFOPAGE, aCPUs) & 0x1f)); Assert(!(RT_OFFSETOF(SUPGLOBALINFOPAGE, aCPUs[1]) & 0x1f)); Assert(!(RT_OFFSETOF(SUPGLOBALINFOPAGE, aCPUs[0].u64NanoTS) & 0x7)); Assert(!(RT_OFFSETOF(SUPGLOBALINFOPAGE, aCPUs[0].u64TSC) & 0x7)); Assert(!(RT_OFFSETOF(SUPGLOBALINFOPAGE, aCPUs[0].u64CpuHz) & 0x7)); /* * Check if already initialized. */ if (ppSession) *ppSession = g_pSession; if (g_cInits++ > 0) return VINF_SUCCESS; /* * Check for fake mode. * * Fake mode is used when we're doing smoke testing and debugging. * It's also useful on platforms where we haven't root access or which * we haven't ported the support driver to. */ if (g_u32FakeMode == ~0U) { const char *psz = RTEnvGet("VBOX_SUPLIB_FAKE"); if (psz && !strcmp(psz, "fake")) ASMAtomicCmpXchgU32(&g_u32FakeMode, 1, ~0U); else ASMAtomicCmpXchgU32(&g_u32FakeMode, 0, ~0U); } if (RT_UNLIKELY(g_u32FakeMode)) return supInitFake(ppSession); /* * Open the support driver. */ int rc = suplibOsInit(&g_supLibData, g_fPreInited); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Negotiate the cookie. */ SUPCOOKIE CookieReq; memset(&CookieReq, 0xff, sizeof(CookieReq)); CookieReq.Hdr.u32Cookie = SUPCOOKIE_INITIAL_COOKIE; CookieReq.Hdr.u32SessionCookie = RTRandU32(); CookieReq.Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_COOKIE_SIZE_IN; CookieReq.Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_COOKIE_SIZE_OUT; CookieReq.Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_DEFAULT; CookieReq.Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; strcpy(CookieReq.u.In.szMagic, SUPCOOKIE_MAGIC); CookieReq.u.In.u32ReqVersion = SUPDRV_IOC_VERSION; const uint32_t MinVersion = (SUPDRV_IOC_VERSION & 0xffff0000) == 0x000d0000 ? 0x000d0001 : SUPDRV_IOC_VERSION & 0xffff0000; CookieReq.u.In.u32MinVersion = MinVersion; rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_COOKIE, &CookieReq, SUP_IOCTL_COOKIE_SIZE); if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && RT_SUCCESS(CookieReq.Hdr.rc)) { if ( (CookieReq.u.Out.u32SessionVersion & 0xffff0000) == (SUPDRV_IOC_VERSION & 0xffff0000) && CookieReq.u.Out.u32SessionVersion >= MinVersion) { /* * Query the functions. */ PSUPQUERYFUNCS pFuncsReq = (PSUPQUERYFUNCS)RTMemAllocZ(SUP_IOCTL_QUERY_FUNCS_SIZE(CookieReq.u.Out.cFunctions)); if (pFuncsReq) { pFuncsReq->Hdr.u32Cookie = CookieReq.u.Out.u32Cookie; pFuncsReq->Hdr.u32SessionCookie = CookieReq.u.Out.u32SessionCookie; pFuncsReq->Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_QUERY_FUNCS_SIZE_IN; pFuncsReq->Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_QUERY_FUNCS_SIZE_OUT(CookieReq.u.Out.cFunctions); pFuncsReq->Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_DEFAULT; pFuncsReq->Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_QUERY_FUNCS(CookieReq.u.Out.cFunctions), pFuncsReq, SUP_IOCTL_QUERY_FUNCS_SIZE(CookieReq.u.Out.cFunctions)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = pFuncsReq->Hdr.rc; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Map the GIP into userspace. */ Assert(!g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage); SUPGIPMAP GipMapReq; GipMapReq.Hdr.u32Cookie = CookieReq.u.Out.u32Cookie; GipMapReq.Hdr.u32SessionCookie = CookieReq.u.Out.u32SessionCookie; GipMapReq.Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_GIP_MAP_SIZE_IN; GipMapReq.Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_GIP_MAP_SIZE_OUT; GipMapReq.Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_DEFAULT; GipMapReq.Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; GipMapReq.u.Out.HCPhysGip = NIL_RTHCPHYS; GipMapReq.u.Out.pGipR0 = NIL_RTR0PTR; GipMapReq.u.Out.pGipR3 = NULL; rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_GIP_MAP, &GipMapReq, SUP_IOCTL_GIP_MAP_SIZE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = GipMapReq.Hdr.rc; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { AssertRelease(GipMapReq.u.Out.pGipR3->u32Magic == SUPGLOBALINFOPAGE_MAGIC); AssertRelease(GipMapReq.u.Out.pGipR3->u32Version >= SUPGLOBALINFOPAGE_VERSION); /* * Set the globals and return success. */ ASMAtomicXchgSize(&g_HCPhysSUPGlobalInfoPage, GipMapReq.u.Out.HCPhysGip); ASMAtomicCmpXchgPtr((void * volatile *)&g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage, GipMapReq.u.Out.pGipR3, NULL); ASMAtomicCmpXchgPtr((void * volatile *)&g_pSUPGlobalInfoPageR0, (void *)GipMapReq.u.Out.pGipR0, NULL); g_u32Cookie = CookieReq.u.Out.u32Cookie; g_u32SessionCookie = CookieReq.u.Out.u32SessionCookie; g_pSession = CookieReq.u.Out.pSession; g_pFunctions = pFuncsReq; if (ppSession) *ppSession = CookieReq.u.Out.pSession; return VINF_SUCCESS; } } /* bailout */ RTMemFree(pFuncsReq); } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } else { LogRel(("Support driver version mismatch: SessionVersion=%#x DriverVersion=%#x ClientVersion=%#x MinVersion=%#x\n", CookieReq.u.Out.u32SessionVersion, CookieReq.u.Out.u32DriverVersion, SUPDRV_IOC_VERSION, MinVersion)); rc = VERR_VM_DRIVER_VERSION_MISMATCH; } } else { if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = CookieReq.Hdr.rc; LogRel(("Support driver version mismatch: DriverVersion=%#x ClientVersion=%#x rc=%Rrc\n", CookieReq.u.Out.u32DriverVersion, SUPDRV_IOC_VERSION, rc)); if (rc != VERR_VM_DRIVER_VERSION_MISMATCH) rc = VERR_VM_DRIVER_VERSION_MISMATCH; } else { /* for pre 0x00060000 drivers */ LogRel(("Support driver version mismatch: DriverVersion=too-old ClientVersion=%#x\n", SUPDRV_IOC_VERSION)); rc = VERR_VM_DRIVER_VERSION_MISMATCH; } } suplibOsTerm(&g_supLibData); } g_cInits--; return rc; } /** * Fake mode init. */ static int supInitFake(PSUPDRVSESSION *ppSession) { Log(("SUP: Fake mode!\n")); static const SUPFUNC s_aFakeFunctions[] = { /* name function */ { "SUPR0AbsIs64bit", 0 }, { "SUPR0Abs64bitKernelCS", 0 }, { "SUPR0Abs64bitKernelSS", 0 }, { "SUPR0Abs64bitKernelDS", 0 }, { "SUPR0AbsKernelCS", 8 }, { "SUPR0AbsKernelSS", 16 }, { "SUPR0AbsKernelDS", 16 }, { "SUPR0AbsKernelES", 16 }, { "SUPR0AbsKernelFS", 24 }, { "SUPR0AbsKernelGS", 32 }, { "SUPR0ComponentRegisterFactory", 0xefeefffd }, { "SUPR0ComponentDeregisterFactory", 0xefeefffe }, { "SUPR0ComponentQueryFactory", 0xefeeffff }, { "SUPR0ObjRegister", 0xefef0000 }, { "SUPR0ObjAddRef", 0xefef0001 }, { "SUPR0ObjAddRefEx", 0xefef0001 }, { "SUPR0ObjRelease", 0xefef0002 }, { "SUPR0ObjVerifyAccess", 0xefef0003 }, { "SUPR0LockMem", 0xefef0004 }, { "SUPR0UnlockMem", 0xefef0005 }, { "SUPR0ContAlloc", 0xefef0006 }, { "SUPR0ContFree", 0xefef0007 }, { "SUPR0MemAlloc", 0xefef0008 }, { "SUPR0MemGetPhys", 0xefef0009 }, { "SUPR0MemFree", 0xefef000a }, { "SUPR0Printf", 0xefef000b }, { "SUPR0GetPagingMode", 0xefef000c }, { "SUPR0EnableVTx", 0xefef000c }, { "RTMemAlloc", 0xefef000d }, { "RTMemAllocZ", 0xefef000e }, { "RTMemFree", 0xefef000f }, { "RTR0MemObjAddress", 0xefef0010 }, { "RTR0MemObjAddressR3", 0xefef0011 }, { "RTR0MemObjAllocPage", 0xefef0012 }, { "RTR0MemObjAllocPhysNC", 0xefef0013 }, { "RTR0MemObjAllocLow", 0xefef0014 }, { "RTR0MemObjEnterPhys", 0xefef0014 }, { "RTR0MemObjFree", 0xefef0015 }, { "RTR0MemObjGetPagePhysAddr", 0xefef0016 }, { "RTR0MemObjMapUser", 0xefef0017 }, { "RTR0MemObjMapKernel", 0xefef0017 }, { "RTR0MemObjMapKernelEx", 0xefef0017 }, { "RTProcSelf", 0xefef0038 }, { "RTR0ProcHandleSelf", 0xefef0039 }, { "RTSemEventCreate", 0xefef0018 }, { "RTSemEventSignal", 0xefef0019 }, { "RTSemEventWait", 0xefef001a }, { "RTSemEventWaitNoResume", 0xefef001b }, { "RTSemEventDestroy", 0xefef001c }, { "RTSemEventMultiCreate", 0xefef001d }, { "RTSemEventMultiSignal", 0xefef001e }, { "RTSemEventMultiReset", 0xefef001f }, { "RTSemEventMultiWait", 0xefef0020 }, { "RTSemEventMultiWaitNoResume", 0xefef0021 }, { "RTSemEventMultiDestroy", 0xefef0022 }, { "RTSemFastMutexCreate", 0xefef0023 }, { "RTSemFastMutexDestroy", 0xefef0024 }, { "RTSemFastMutexRequest", 0xefef0025 }, { "RTSemFastMutexRelease", 0xefef0026 }, { "RTSpinlockCreate", 0xefef0027 }, { "RTSpinlockDestroy", 0xefef0028 }, { "RTSpinlockAcquire", 0xefef0029 }, { "RTSpinlockRelease", 0xefef002a }, { "RTSpinlockAcquireNoInts", 0xefef002b }, { "RTSpinlockReleaseNoInts", 0xefef002c }, { "RTTimeNanoTS", 0xefef002d }, { "RTTimeMillieTS", 0xefef002e }, { "RTTimeSystemNanoTS", 0xefef002f }, { "RTTimeSystemMillieTS", 0xefef0030 }, { "RTThreadNativeSelf", 0xefef0031 }, { "RTThreadSleep", 0xefef0032 }, { "RTThreadYield", 0xefef0033 }, { "RTLogDefaultInstance", 0xefef0034 }, { "RTLogRelDefaultInstance", 0xefef0035 }, { "RTLogSetDefaultInstanceThread", 0xefef0036 }, { "RTLogLogger", 0xefef0037 }, { "RTLogLoggerEx", 0xefef0038 }, { "RTLogLoggerExV", 0xefef0039 }, { "AssertMsg1", 0xefef003a }, { "AssertMsg2", 0xefef003b }, { "RTAssertMsg1", 0xefef003c }, { "RTAssertMsg2", 0xefef003d }, { "RTAssertMsg2V", 0xefef003e }, }; /* fake r0 functions. */ g_pFunctions = (PSUPQUERYFUNCS)RTMemAllocZ(SUP_IOCTL_QUERY_FUNCS_SIZE(RT_ELEMENTS(s_aFakeFunctions))); if (g_pFunctions) { g_pFunctions->u.Out.cFunctions = RT_ELEMENTS(s_aFakeFunctions); memcpy(&g_pFunctions->u.Out.aFunctions[0], &s_aFakeFunctions[0], sizeof(s_aFakeFunctions)); g_pSession = (PSUPDRVSESSION)(void *)g_pFunctions; if (ppSession) *ppSession = g_pSession; /* fake the GIP. */ g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage = (PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE)RTMemPageAllocZ(PAGE_SIZE); if (g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage) { g_pSUPGlobalInfoPageR0 = g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage; g_HCPhysSUPGlobalInfoPage = NIL_RTHCPHYS & ~(RTHCPHYS)PAGE_OFFSET_MASK; /* the page is supposed to be invalid, so don't set the magic. */ return VINF_SUCCESS; } RTMemFree(g_pFunctions); g_pFunctions = NULL; } return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3Term(bool fForced) { /* * Verify state. */ AssertMsg(g_cInits > 0, ("SUPR3Term() is called before SUPR3Init()!\n")); if (g_cInits == 0) return VERR_WRONG_ORDER; if (g_cInits == 1 || fForced) { /* * NULL the GIP pointer. */ if (g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage) { ASMAtomicXchgPtr((void * volatile *)&g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage, NULL); ASMAtomicXchgPtr((void * volatile *)&g_pSUPGlobalInfoPageR0, NULL); ASMAtomicXchgSize(&g_HCPhysSUPGlobalInfoPage, NIL_RTHCPHYS); /* just a little safe guard against threads using the page. */ RTThreadSleep(50); } /* * Close the support driver. */ int rc = suplibOsTerm(&g_supLibData); if (rc) return rc; g_u32Cookie = 0; g_u32SessionCookie = 0; g_cInits = 0; } else g_cInits--; return 0; } SUPR3DECL(SUPPAGINGMODE) SUPR3GetPagingMode(void) { /* fake */ if (RT_UNLIKELY(g_u32FakeMode)) #ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 return SUPPAGINGMODE_AMD64_GLOBAL_NX; #else return SUPPAGINGMODE_32_BIT_GLOBAL; #endif /* * Issue IOCtl to the SUPDRV kernel module. */ SUPGETPAGINGMODE Req; Req.Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; Req.Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; Req.Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_GET_PAGING_MODE_SIZE_IN; Req.Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_GET_PAGING_MODE_SIZE_OUT; Req.Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_DEFAULT; Req.Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; int rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_GET_PAGING_MODE, &Req, SUP_IOCTL_GET_PAGING_MODE_SIZE); if ( RT_FAILURE(rc) || RT_FAILURE(Req.Hdr.rc)) { LogRel(("SUPR3GetPagingMode: %Rrc %Rrc\n", rc, Req.Hdr.rc)); Req.u.Out.enmMode = SUPPAGINGMODE_INVALID; } return Req.u.Out.enmMode; } /** * For later. */ static int supCallVMMR0ExFake(PVMR0 pVMR0, unsigned uOperation, uint64_t u64Arg, PSUPVMMR0REQHDR pReqHdr) { AssertMsgFailed(("%d\n", uOperation)); return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3CallVMMR0Fast(PVMR0 pVMR0, unsigned uOperation, VMCPUID idCpu) { if (RT_LIKELY(uOperation == SUP_VMMR0_DO_RAW_RUN)) return suplibOsIOCtlFast(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_FAST_DO_RAW_RUN, idCpu); if (RT_LIKELY(uOperation == SUP_VMMR0_DO_HWACC_RUN)) return suplibOsIOCtlFast(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_FAST_DO_HWACC_RUN, idCpu); if (RT_LIKELY(uOperation == SUP_VMMR0_DO_NOP)) return suplibOsIOCtlFast(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_FAST_DO_NOP, idCpu); AssertMsgFailed(("%#x\n", uOperation)); return VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(PVMR0 pVMR0, VMCPUID idCpu, unsigned uOperation, uint64_t u64Arg, PSUPVMMR0REQHDR pReqHdr) { /* * The following operations don't belong here. */ AssertMsgReturn( uOperation != SUP_VMMR0_DO_RAW_RUN && uOperation != SUP_VMMR0_DO_HWACC_RUN && uOperation != SUP_VMMR0_DO_NOP, ("%#x\n", uOperation), VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR); /* fake */ if (RT_UNLIKELY(g_u32FakeMode)) return supCallVMMR0ExFake(pVMR0, uOperation, u64Arg, pReqHdr); int rc; if (!pReqHdr) { /* no data. */ SUPCALLVMMR0 Req; Req.Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; Req.Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; Req.Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_CALL_VMMR0_SIZE_IN(0); Req.Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_CALL_VMMR0_SIZE_OUT(0); Req.Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_DEFAULT; Req.Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; Req.u.In.pVMR0 = pVMR0; Req.u.In.idCpu = idCpu; Req.u.In.uOperation = uOperation; Req.u.In.u64Arg = u64Arg; rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_CALL_VMMR0(0), &Req, SUP_IOCTL_CALL_VMMR0_SIZE(0)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = Req.Hdr.rc; } else if (SUP_IOCTL_CALL_VMMR0_SIZE(pReqHdr->cbReq) < _4K) /* FreeBSD won't copy more than 4K. */ { AssertPtrReturn(pReqHdr, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(pReqHdr->u32Magic == SUPVMMR0REQHDR_MAGIC, VERR_INVALID_MAGIC); const size_t cbReq = pReqHdr->cbReq; PSUPCALLVMMR0 pReq = (PSUPCALLVMMR0)alloca(SUP_IOCTL_CALL_VMMR0_SIZE(cbReq)); pReq->Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; pReq->Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; pReq->Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_CALL_VMMR0_SIZE_IN(cbReq); pReq->Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_CALL_VMMR0_SIZE_OUT(cbReq); pReq->Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_DEFAULT; pReq->Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; pReq->u.In.pVMR0 = pVMR0; pReq->u.In.idCpu = idCpu; pReq->u.In.uOperation = uOperation; pReq->u.In.u64Arg = u64Arg; memcpy(&pReq->abReqPkt[0], pReqHdr, cbReq); rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_CALL_VMMR0(cbReq), pReq, SUP_IOCTL_CALL_VMMR0_SIZE(cbReq)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = pReq->Hdr.rc; memcpy(pReqHdr, &pReq->abReqPkt[0], cbReq); } else /** @todo may have to remove the size limits one this request... */ AssertMsgFailedReturn(("cbReq=%#x\n", pReqHdr->cbReq), VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR); return rc; } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3CallVMMR0(PVMR0 pVMR0, VMCPUID idCpu, unsigned uOperation, void *pvArg) { /* * The following operations don't belong here. */ AssertMsgReturn( uOperation != SUP_VMMR0_DO_RAW_RUN && uOperation != SUP_VMMR0_DO_HWACC_RUN && uOperation != SUP_VMMR0_DO_NOP, ("%#x\n", uOperation), VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR); return SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(pVMR0, idCpu, uOperation, (uintptr_t)pvArg, NULL); } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3SetVMForFastIOCtl(PVMR0 pVMR0) { if (RT_UNLIKELY(g_u32FakeMode)) return VINF_SUCCESS; SUPSETVMFORFAST Req; Req.Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; Req.Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; Req.Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_SET_VM_FOR_FAST_SIZE_IN; Req.Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_SET_VM_FOR_FAST_SIZE_OUT; Req.Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_DEFAULT; Req.Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; Req.u.In.pVMR0 = pVMR0; int rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_SET_VM_FOR_FAST, &Req, SUP_IOCTL_SET_VM_FOR_FAST_SIZE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = Req.Hdr.rc; return rc; } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3CallR0Service(const char *pszService, size_t cchService, uint32_t uOperation, uint64_t u64Arg, PSUPR0SERVICEREQHDR pReqHdr) { AssertReturn(cchService < RT_SIZEOFMEMB(SUPCALLSERVICE, u.In.szName), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); Assert(strlen(pszService) == cchService); /* fake */ if (RT_UNLIKELY(g_u32FakeMode)) return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; int rc; if (!pReqHdr) { /* no data. */ SUPCALLSERVICE Req; Req.Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; Req.Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; Req.Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_CALL_SERVICE_SIZE_IN(0); Req.Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_CALL_SERVICE_SIZE_OUT(0); Req.Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_DEFAULT; Req.Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; memcpy(Req.u.In.szName, pszService, cchService); Req.u.In.szName[cchService] = '\0'; Req.u.In.uOperation = uOperation; Req.u.In.u64Arg = u64Arg; rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_CALL_SERVICE(0), &Req, SUP_IOCTL_CALL_SERVICE_SIZE(0)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = Req.Hdr.rc; } else if (SUP_IOCTL_CALL_SERVICE_SIZE(pReqHdr->cbReq) < _4K) /* FreeBSD won't copy more than 4K. */ { AssertPtrReturn(pReqHdr, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(pReqHdr->u32Magic == SUPR0SERVICEREQHDR_MAGIC, VERR_INVALID_MAGIC); const size_t cbReq = pReqHdr->cbReq; PSUPCALLSERVICE pReq = (PSUPCALLSERVICE)alloca(SUP_IOCTL_CALL_SERVICE_SIZE(cbReq)); pReq->Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; pReq->Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; pReq->Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_CALL_SERVICE_SIZE_IN(cbReq); pReq->Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_CALL_SERVICE_SIZE_OUT(cbReq); pReq->Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_DEFAULT; pReq->Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; memcpy(pReq->u.In.szName, pszService, cchService); pReq->u.In.szName[cchService] = '\0'; pReq->u.In.uOperation = uOperation; pReq->u.In.u64Arg = u64Arg; memcpy(&pReq->abReqPkt[0], pReqHdr, cbReq); rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_CALL_SERVICE(cbReq), pReq, SUP_IOCTL_CALL_SERVICE_SIZE(cbReq)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = pReq->Hdr.rc; memcpy(pReqHdr, &pReq->abReqPkt[0], cbReq); } else /** @todo may have to remove the size limits one this request... */ AssertMsgFailedReturn(("cbReq=%#x\n", pReqHdr->cbReq), VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR); return rc; } /** * Worker for the SUPR3Logger* APIs. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param enmWhich Which logger. * @param fWhat What to do with the logger. * @param pszFlags The flags settings. * @param pszGroups The groups settings. * @param pszDest The destionation specificier. */ static int supR3LoggerSettings(SUPLOGGER enmWhich, uint32_t fWhat, const char *pszFlags, const char *pszGroups, const char *pszDest) { uint32_t const cchFlags = pszFlags ? (uint32_t)strlen(pszFlags) : 0; uint32_t const cchGroups = pszGroups ? (uint32_t)strlen(pszGroups) : 0; uint32_t const cchDest = pszDest ? (uint32_t)strlen(pszDest) : 0; uint32_t const cbStrTab = cchFlags + !!cchFlags + cchGroups + !!cchGroups + cchDest + !!cchDest + (!cchFlags && !cchGroups && !cchDest); PSUPLOGGERSETTINGS pReq = (PSUPLOGGERSETTINGS)alloca(SUP_IOCTL_LOGGER_SETTINGS_SIZE(cbStrTab)); pReq->Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; pReq->Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; pReq->Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_LOGGER_SETTINGS_SIZE_IN(cbStrTab); pReq->Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_LOGGER_SETTINGS_SIZE_OUT; pReq->Hdr.fFlags= SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_DEFAULT; pReq->Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; switch (enmWhich) { case SUPLOGGER_DEBUG: pReq->u.In.fWhich = SUPLOGGERSETTINGS_WHICH_DEBUG; break; case SUPLOGGER_RELEASE: pReq->u.In.fWhich = SUPLOGGERSETTINGS_WHICH_RELEASE; break; default: return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } pReq->u.In.fWhat = fWhat; uint32_t off = 0; if (cchFlags) { pReq->u.In.offFlags = off; memcpy(&pReq->u.In.szStrings[off], pszFlags, cchFlags + 1); off += cchFlags + 1; } else pReq->u.In.offFlags = cbStrTab - 1; if (cchGroups) { pReq->u.In.offGroups = off; memcpy(&pReq->u.In.szStrings[off], pszGroups, cchGroups + 1); off += cchGroups + 1; } else pReq->u.In.offGroups = cbStrTab - 1; if (cchDest) { pReq->u.In.offDestination = off; memcpy(&pReq->u.In.szStrings[off], pszDest, cchDest + 1); off += cchDest + 1; } else pReq->u.In.offDestination = cbStrTab - 1; if (!off) { pReq->u.In.szStrings[0] = '\0'; off++; } Assert(off == cbStrTab); Assert(pReq->u.In.szStrings[cbStrTab - 1] == '\0'); int rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_LOGGER_SETTINGS(cbStrTab), pReq, SUP_IOCTL_LOGGER_SETTINGS_SIZE(cbStrTab)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = pReq->Hdr.rc; return rc; } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3LoggerSettings(SUPLOGGER enmWhich, const char *pszFlags, const char *pszGroups, const char *pszDest) { return supR3LoggerSettings(enmWhich, SUPLOGGERSETTINGS_WHAT_SETTINGS, pszFlags, pszGroups, pszDest); } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3LoggerCreate(SUPLOGGER enmWhich, const char *pszFlags, const char *pszGroups, const char *pszDest) { return supR3LoggerSettings(enmWhich, SUPLOGGERSETTINGS_WHAT_CREATE, pszFlags, pszGroups, pszDest); } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3LoggerDestroy(SUPLOGGER enmWhich) { return supR3LoggerSettings(enmWhich, SUPLOGGERSETTINGS_WHAT_DESTROY, NULL, NULL, NULL); } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3PageAlloc(size_t cPages, void **ppvPages) { /* * Validate. */ AssertPtrReturn(ppvPages, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); *ppvPages = NULL; AssertReturn(cPages > 0, VERR_PAGE_COUNT_OUT_OF_RANGE); /* * Call OS specific worker. */ return suplibOsPageAlloc(&g_supLibData, cPages, ppvPages); } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3PageFree(void *pvPages, size_t cPages) { /* * Validate. */ AssertPtrReturn(pvPages, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(cPages > 0, VERR_PAGE_COUNT_OUT_OF_RANGE); /* * Call OS specific worker. */ return suplibOsPageFree(&g_supLibData, pvPages, cPages); } /** * Locks down the physical memory backing a virtual memory * range in the current process. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pvStart Start of virtual memory range. * Must be page aligned. * @param cPages Number of pages. * @param paPages Where to store the physical page addresses returned. * On entry this will point to an array of with cbMemory >> PAGE_SHIFT entries. */ SUPR3DECL(int) supR3PageLock(void *pvStart, size_t cPages, PSUPPAGE paPages) { /* * Validate. */ AssertPtr(pvStart); AssertMsg(RT_ALIGN_P(pvStart, PAGE_SIZE) == pvStart, ("pvStart (%p) must be page aligned\n", pvStart)); AssertPtr(paPages); /* fake */ if (RT_UNLIKELY(g_u32FakeMode)) { RTHCPHYS Phys = (uintptr_t)pvStart + PAGE_SIZE * 1024; size_t iPage = cPages; while (iPage-- > 0) paPages[iPage].Phys = Phys + (iPage << PAGE_SHIFT); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* * Issue IOCtl to the SUPDRV kernel module. */ int rc; PSUPPAGELOCK pReq = (PSUPPAGELOCK)RTMemTmpAllocZ(SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_LOCK_SIZE(cPages)); if (RT_LIKELY(pReq)) { pReq->Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; pReq->Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; pReq->Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_LOCK_SIZE_IN; pReq->Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_LOCK_SIZE_OUT(cPages); pReq->Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_MAGIC | SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_EXTRA_OUT; pReq->Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; pReq->u.In.pvR3 = pvStart; pReq->u.In.cPages = (uint32_t)cPages; AssertRelease(pReq->u.In.cPages == cPages); rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_LOCK, pReq, SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_LOCK_SIZE(cPages)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = pReq->Hdr.rc; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { for (uint32_t iPage = 0; iPage < cPages; iPage++) { paPages[iPage].uReserved = 0; paPages[iPage].Phys = pReq->u.Out.aPages[iPage]; Assert(!(paPages[iPage].Phys & ~X86_PTE_PAE_PG_MASK)); } } RTMemTmpFree(pReq); } else rc = VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY; return rc; } /** * Releases locked down pages. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pvStart Start of virtual memory range previously locked * down by SUPPageLock(). */ SUPR3DECL(int) supR3PageUnlock(void *pvStart) { /* * Validate. */ AssertPtr(pvStart); AssertMsg(RT_ALIGN_P(pvStart, PAGE_SIZE) == pvStart, ("pvStart (%p) must be page aligned\n", pvStart)); /* fake */ if (RT_UNLIKELY(g_u32FakeMode)) return VINF_SUCCESS; /* * Issue IOCtl to the SUPDRV kernel module. */ SUPPAGEUNLOCK Req; Req.Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; Req.Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; Req.Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_UNLOCK_SIZE_IN; Req.Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_UNLOCK_SIZE_OUT; Req.Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_DEFAULT; Req.Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; Req.u.In.pvR3 = pvStart; int rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_UNLOCK, &Req, SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_UNLOCK_SIZE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = Req.Hdr.rc; return rc; } /** * Fallback for SUPR3PageAllocEx on systems where RTR0MemObjPhysAllocNC isn't * supported. */ static int supPagePageAllocNoKernelFallback(size_t cPages, void **ppvPages, PSUPPAGE paPages) { int rc = suplibOsPageAlloc(&g_supLibData, cPages, ppvPages); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (!paPages) paPages = (PSUPPAGE)alloca(sizeof(paPages[0]) * cPages); rc = supR3PageLock(*ppvPages, cPages, paPages); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) suplibOsPageFree(&g_supLibData, *ppvPages, cPages); } return rc; } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3PageAllocEx(size_t cPages, uint32_t fFlags, void **ppvPages, PRTR0PTR pR0Ptr, PSUPPAGE paPages) { /* * Validate. */ AssertPtrReturn(ppvPages, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); *ppvPages = NULL; AssertPtrNullReturn(pR0Ptr, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); if (pR0Ptr) *pR0Ptr = NIL_RTR0PTR; AssertPtrNullReturn(paPages, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertMsgReturn(cPages > 0 && cPages <= VBOX_MAX_ALLOC_PAGE_COUNT, ("cPages=%zu\n", cPages), VERR_PAGE_COUNT_OUT_OF_RANGE); /* fake */ if (RT_UNLIKELY(g_u32FakeMode)) { void *pv = RTMemPageAllocZ(cPages * PAGE_SIZE); if (!pv) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; *ppvPages = pv; if (pR0Ptr) *pR0Ptr = (RTR0PTR)pv; if (paPages) for (size_t iPage = 0; iPage < cPages; iPage++) { paPages[iPage].uReserved = 0; paPages[iPage].Phys = (iPage + 4321) << PAGE_SHIFT; Assert(!(paPages[iPage].Phys & ~X86_PTE_PAE_PG_MASK)); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* * Use fallback for non-R0 mapping? */ if ( !pR0Ptr && !g_fSupportsPageAllocNoKernel) return supPagePageAllocNoKernelFallback(cPages, ppvPages, paPages); /* * Issue IOCtl to the SUPDRV kernel module. */ int rc; PSUPPAGEALLOCEX pReq = (PSUPPAGEALLOCEX)RTMemTmpAllocZ(SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_ALLOC_EX_SIZE(cPages)); if (pReq) { pReq->Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; pReq->Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; pReq->Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_ALLOC_EX_SIZE_IN; pReq->Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_ALLOC_EX_SIZE_OUT(cPages); pReq->Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_MAGIC | SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_EXTRA_OUT; pReq->Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; pReq->u.In.cPages = (uint32_t)cPages; AssertRelease(pReq->u.In.cPages == cPages); pReq->u.In.fKernelMapping = pR0Ptr != NULL; pReq->u.In.fUserMapping = true; pReq->u.In.fReserved0 = false; pReq->u.In.fReserved1 = false; rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_ALLOC_EX, pReq, SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_ALLOC_EX_SIZE(cPages)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = pReq->Hdr.rc; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { *ppvPages = pReq->u.Out.pvR3; if (pR0Ptr) *pR0Ptr = pReq->u.Out.pvR0; if (paPages) for (size_t iPage = 0; iPage < cPages; iPage++) { paPages[iPage].uReserved = 0; paPages[iPage].Phys = pReq->u.Out.aPages[iPage]; Assert(!(paPages[iPage].Phys & ~X86_PTE_PAE_PG_MASK)); } } else if ( rc == VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED && !pR0Ptr) { g_fSupportsPageAllocNoKernel = false; rc = supPagePageAllocNoKernelFallback(cPages, ppvPages, paPages); } } RTMemTmpFree(pReq); } else rc = VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY; return rc; } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3PageMapKernel(void *pvR3, uint32_t off, uint32_t cb, uint32_t fFlags, PRTR0PTR pR0Ptr) { /* * Validate. */ AssertPtrReturn(pvR3, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pR0Ptr, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); Assert(!(off & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)); Assert(!(cb & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK) && cb); Assert(!fFlags); *pR0Ptr = NIL_RTR0PTR; /* fake */ if (RT_UNLIKELY(g_u32FakeMode)) return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; /* * Issue IOCtl to the SUPDRV kernel module. */ SUPPAGEMAPKERNEL Req; Req.Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; Req.Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; Req.Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_MAP_KERNEL_SIZE_IN; Req.Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_MAP_KERNEL_SIZE_OUT; Req.Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_DEFAULT; Req.Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; Req.u.In.pvR3 = pvR3; Req.u.In.offSub = off; Req.u.In.cbSub = cb; Req.u.In.fFlags = fFlags; int rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_MAP_KERNEL, &Req, SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_MAP_KERNEL_SIZE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = Req.Hdr.rc; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) *pR0Ptr = Req.u.Out.pvR0; return rc; } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3PageProtect(void *pvR3, RTR0PTR R0Ptr, uint32_t off, uint32_t cb, uint32_t fProt) { /* * Validate. */ AssertPtrReturn(pvR3, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); Assert(!(off & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)); Assert(!(cb & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK) && cb); AssertReturn(!(fProt & ~(RTMEM_PROT_NONE | RTMEM_PROT_READ | RTMEM_PROT_WRITE | RTMEM_PROT_EXEC)), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* fake */ if (RT_UNLIKELY(g_u32FakeMode)) return RTMemProtect((uint8_t *)pvR3 + off, cb, fProt); /* * Some OSes can do this from ring-3, so try that before we * issue the IOCtl to the SUPDRV kernel module. * (Yea, this isn't very nice, but just try get the job done for now.) */ #if !defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS) RTMemProtect((uint8_t *)pvR3 + off, cb, fProt); #endif SUPPAGEPROTECT Req; Req.Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; Req.Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; Req.Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_PROTECT_SIZE_IN; Req.Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_PROTECT_SIZE_OUT; Req.Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_DEFAULT; Req.Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; Req.u.In.pvR3 = pvR3; Req.u.In.pvR0 = R0Ptr; Req.u.In.offSub = off; Req.u.In.cbSub = cb; Req.u.In.fProt = fProt; int rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_PROTECT, &Req, SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_PROTECT_SIZE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = Req.Hdr.rc; return rc; } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3PageFreeEx(void *pvPages, size_t cPages) { /* * Validate. */ AssertPtrReturn(pvPages, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(cPages > 0, VERR_PAGE_COUNT_OUT_OF_RANGE); /* fake */ if (RT_UNLIKELY(g_u32FakeMode)) { RTMemPageFree(pvPages); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* * Try normal free first, then if it fails check if we're using the fallback . * for the allocations without kernel mappings and attempt unlocking it. */ NOREF(cPages); SUPPAGEFREE Req; Req.Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; Req.Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; Req.Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_FREE_SIZE_IN; Req.Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_FREE_SIZE_OUT; Req.Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_DEFAULT; Req.Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; Req.u.In.pvR3 = pvPages; int rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_FREE, &Req, SUP_IOCTL_PAGE_FREE_SIZE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = Req.Hdr.rc; if ( rc == VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER && !g_fSupportsPageAllocNoKernel) { int rc2 = supR3PageUnlock(pvPages); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) rc = suplibOsPageFree(&g_supLibData, pvPages, cPages); } } return rc; } SUPR3DECL(void *) SUPR3ContAlloc(size_t cPages, PRTR0PTR pR0Ptr, PRTHCPHYS pHCPhys) { /* * Validate. */ AssertPtrReturn(pHCPhys, NULL); *pHCPhys = NIL_RTHCPHYS; AssertPtrNullReturn(pR0Ptr, NULL); if (pR0Ptr) *pR0Ptr = NIL_RTR0PTR; AssertPtrNullReturn(pHCPhys, NULL); AssertMsgReturn(cPages > 0 && cPages < 256, ("cPages=%d must be > 0 and < 256\n", cPages), NULL); /* fake */ if (RT_UNLIKELY(g_u32FakeMode)) { void *pv = RTMemPageAllocZ(cPages * PAGE_SIZE); if (pR0Ptr) *pR0Ptr = (RTR0PTR)pv; if (pHCPhys) *pHCPhys = (uintptr_t)pv + (PAGE_SHIFT * 1024); return pv; } /* * Issue IOCtl to the SUPDRV kernel module. */ SUPCONTALLOC Req; Req.Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; Req.Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; Req.Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_CONT_ALLOC_SIZE_IN; Req.Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_CONT_ALLOC_SIZE_OUT; Req.Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_DEFAULT; Req.Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; Req.u.In.cPages = (uint32_t)cPages; int rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_CONT_ALLOC, &Req, SUP_IOCTL_CONT_ALLOC_SIZE); if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && RT_SUCCESS(Req.Hdr.rc)) { *pHCPhys = Req.u.Out.HCPhys; if (pR0Ptr) *pR0Ptr = Req.u.Out.pvR0; return Req.u.Out.pvR3; } return NULL; } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3ContFree(void *pv, size_t cPages) { /* * Validate. */ if (!pv) return VINF_SUCCESS; AssertPtrReturn(pv, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(cPages > 0, VERR_PAGE_COUNT_OUT_OF_RANGE); /* fake */ if (RT_UNLIKELY(g_u32FakeMode)) { RTMemPageFree(pv); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* * Issue IOCtl to the SUPDRV kernel module. */ SUPCONTFREE Req; Req.Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; Req.Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; Req.Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_CONT_FREE_SIZE_IN; Req.Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_CONT_FREE_SIZE_OUT; Req.Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_DEFAULT; Req.Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; Req.u.In.pvR3 = pv; int rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_CONT_FREE, &Req, SUP_IOCTL_CONT_FREE_SIZE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = Req.Hdr.rc; return rc; } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3LowAlloc(size_t cPages, void **ppvPages, PRTR0PTR ppvPagesR0, PSUPPAGE paPages) { /* * Validate. */ AssertPtrReturn(ppvPages, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); *ppvPages = NULL; AssertPtrReturn(paPages, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertMsgReturn(cPages > 0 && cPages < 256, ("cPages=%d must be > 0 and < 256\n", cPages), VERR_PAGE_COUNT_OUT_OF_RANGE); /* fake */ if (RT_UNLIKELY(g_u32FakeMode)) { *ppvPages = RTMemPageAllocZ((size_t)cPages * PAGE_SIZE); if (!*ppvPages) return VERR_NO_LOW_MEMORY; /* fake physical addresses. */ RTHCPHYS Phys = (uintptr_t)*ppvPages + PAGE_SIZE * 1024; size_t iPage = cPages; while (iPage-- > 0) paPages[iPage].Phys = Phys + (iPage << PAGE_SHIFT); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* * Issue IOCtl to the SUPDRV kernel module. */ int rc; PSUPLOWALLOC pReq = (PSUPLOWALLOC)RTMemTmpAllocZ(SUP_IOCTL_LOW_ALLOC_SIZE(cPages)); if (pReq) { pReq->Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; pReq->Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; pReq->Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_LOW_ALLOC_SIZE_IN; pReq->Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_LOW_ALLOC_SIZE_OUT(cPages); pReq->Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_MAGIC | SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_EXTRA_OUT; pReq->Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; pReq->u.In.cPages = (uint32_t)cPages; AssertRelease(pReq->u.In.cPages == cPages); rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_LOW_ALLOC, pReq, SUP_IOCTL_LOW_ALLOC_SIZE(cPages)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = pReq->Hdr.rc; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { *ppvPages = pReq->u.Out.pvR3; if (ppvPagesR0) *ppvPagesR0 = pReq->u.Out.pvR0; if (paPages) for (size_t iPage = 0; iPage < cPages; iPage++) { paPages[iPage].uReserved = 0; paPages[iPage].Phys = pReq->u.Out.aPages[iPage]; Assert(!(paPages[iPage].Phys & ~X86_PTE_PAE_PG_MASK)); Assert(paPages[iPage].Phys <= UINT32_C(0xfffff000)); } } RTMemTmpFree(pReq); } else rc = VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY; return rc; } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3LowFree(void *pv, size_t cPages) { /* * Validate. */ if (!pv) return VINF_SUCCESS; AssertPtrReturn(pv, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(cPages > 0, VERR_PAGE_COUNT_OUT_OF_RANGE); /* fake */ if (RT_UNLIKELY(g_u32FakeMode)) { RTMemPageFree(pv); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* * Issue IOCtl to the SUPDRV kernel module. */ SUPCONTFREE Req; Req.Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; Req.Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; Req.Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_LOW_FREE_SIZE_IN; Req.Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_LOW_FREE_SIZE_OUT; Req.Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_DEFAULT; Req.Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; Req.u.In.pvR3 = pv; int rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_LOW_FREE, &Req, SUP_IOCTL_LOW_FREE_SIZE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = Req.Hdr.rc; return rc; } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3HardenedVerifyFile(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszMsg, PRTFILE phFile) { /* * Quick input validation. */ AssertPtr(pszFilename); AssertPtr(pszMsg); AssertReturn(!phFile, VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); /** @todo Implement this. The deal is that we make sure the file is the same we verified after opening it. */ /* * Only do the actual check in hardened builds. */ #ifdef VBOX_WITH_HARDENING int rc = supR3HardenedVerifyFile(pszFilename, false /* fFatal */); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) LogRel(("SUPR3HardenedVerifyFile: %s: Verification of \"%s\" failed, rc=%Rrc\n", pszMsg, pszFilename, rc)); return rc; #else return VINF_SUCCESS; #endif } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3LoadModule(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszModule, void **ppvImageBase) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_HARDENING /* * Check that the module can be trusted. */ rc = supR3HardenedVerifyFile(pszFilename, false /* fFatal */); #endif if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = supLoadModule(pszFilename, pszModule, NULL, ppvImageBase); else LogRel(("SUPR3LoadModule: Verification of \"%s\" failed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3LoadServiceModule(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszModule, const char *pszSrvReqHandler, void **ppvImageBase) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; AssertPtrReturn(pszSrvReqHandler, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_HARDENING /* * Check that the module can be trusted. */ rc = supR3HardenedVerifyFile(pszFilename, false /* fFatal */); #endif if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = supLoadModule(pszFilename, pszModule, pszSrvReqHandler, ppvImageBase); else LogRel(("SUPR3LoadServiceModule: Verification of \"%s\" failed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** * Resolve an external symbol during RTLdrGetBits(). * * @returns VBox status code. * @param hLdrMod The loader module handle. * @param pszModule Module name. * @param pszSymbol Symbol name, NULL if uSymbol should be used. * @param uSymbol Symbol ordinal, ~0 if pszSymbol should be used. * @param pValue Where to store the symbol value (address). * @param pvUser User argument. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) supLoadModuleResolveImport(RTLDRMOD hLdrMod, const char *pszModule, const char *pszSymbol, unsigned uSymbol, RTUINTPTR *pValue, void *pvUser) { AssertPtr(pValue); AssertPtr(pvUser); /* * Only SUPR0 and VMMR0.r0 */ if ( pszModule && *pszModule && strcmp(pszModule, "SUPR0.dll") && strcmp(pszModule, "VMMR0.r0")) { AssertMsgFailed(("%s is importing from %s! (expected 'SUPR0.dll' or 'VMMR0.r0', case-sensitiv)\n", pvUser, pszModule)); return VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND; } /* * No ordinals. */ if (pszSymbol < (const char*)0x10000) { AssertMsgFailed(("%s is importing by ordinal (ord=%d)\n", pvUser, (int)(uintptr_t)pszSymbol)); return VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND; } /* * Lookup symbol. */ /* skip the 64-bit ELF import prefix first. */ if (!strncmp(pszSymbol, "SUPR0$", sizeof("SUPR0$") - 1)) pszSymbol += sizeof("SUPR0$") - 1; /* * Check the VMMR0.r0 module if loaded. */ /** @todo call the SUPR3LoadModule caller.... */ /** @todo proper reference counting and such. */ if (g_pvVMMR0 != NIL_RTR0PTR) { void *pvValue; if (!SUPR3GetSymbolR0((void *)g_pvVMMR0, pszSymbol, &pvValue)) { *pValue = (uintptr_t)pvValue; return VINF_SUCCESS; } } /* iterate the function table. */ int c = g_pFunctions->u.Out.cFunctions; PSUPFUNC pFunc = &g_pFunctions->u.Out.aFunctions[0]; while (c-- > 0) { if (!strcmp(pFunc->szName, pszSymbol)) { *pValue = (uintptr_t)pFunc->pfn; return VINF_SUCCESS; } pFunc++; } /* * The GIP. */ /** @todo R0 mapping? */ if ( pszSymbol && g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage && g_pSUPGlobalInfoPageR0 && !strcmp(pszSymbol, "g_SUPGlobalInfoPage")) { *pValue = (uintptr_t)g_pSUPGlobalInfoPageR0; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* * Despair. */ c = g_pFunctions->u.Out.cFunctions; pFunc = &g_pFunctions->u.Out.aFunctions[0]; while (c-- > 0) { AssertMsg2("%d: %s\n", g_pFunctions->u.Out.cFunctions - c, pFunc->szName); pFunc++; } AssertMsg2("%s is importing %s which we couldn't find\n", pvUser, pszSymbol); AssertMsgFailed(("%s is importing %s which we couldn't find\n", pvUser, pszSymbol)); if (g_u32FakeMode) { *pValue = 0xdeadbeef; return VINF_SUCCESS; } return VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND; } /** Argument package for supLoadModuleCalcSizeCB. */ typedef struct SUPLDRCALCSIZEARGS { size_t cbStrings; uint32_t cSymbols; size_t cbImage; } SUPLDRCALCSIZEARGS, *PSUPLDRCALCSIZEARGS; /** * Callback used to calculate the image size. * @return VINF_SUCCESS */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) supLoadModuleCalcSizeCB(RTLDRMOD hLdrMod, const char *pszSymbol, unsigned uSymbol, RTUINTPTR Value, void *pvUser) { PSUPLDRCALCSIZEARGS pArgs = (PSUPLDRCALCSIZEARGS)pvUser; if ( pszSymbol != NULL && *pszSymbol && Value <= pArgs->cbImage) { pArgs->cSymbols++; pArgs->cbStrings += strlen(pszSymbol) + 1; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** Argument package for supLoadModuleCreateTabsCB. */ typedef struct SUPLDRCREATETABSARGS { size_t cbImage; PSUPLDRSYM pSym; char *pszBase; char *psz; } SUPLDRCREATETABSARGS, *PSUPLDRCREATETABSARGS; /** * Callback used to calculate the image size. * @return VINF_SUCCESS */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) supLoadModuleCreateTabsCB(RTLDRMOD hLdrMod, const char *pszSymbol, unsigned uSymbol, RTUINTPTR Value, void *pvUser) { PSUPLDRCREATETABSARGS pArgs = (PSUPLDRCREATETABSARGS)pvUser; if ( pszSymbol != NULL && *pszSymbol && Value <= pArgs->cbImage) { pArgs->pSym->offSymbol = (uint32_t)Value; pArgs->pSym->offName = pArgs->psz - pArgs->pszBase; pArgs->pSym++; size_t cbCopy = strlen(pszSymbol) + 1; memcpy(pArgs->psz, pszSymbol, cbCopy); pArgs->psz += cbCopy; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Worker for SUPR3LoadModule(). * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pszFilename Name of the VMMR0 image file */ static int supLoadModule(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszModule, const char *pszSrvReqHandler, void **ppvImageBase) { /* * Validate input. */ AssertPtrReturn(pszFilename, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pszModule, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(ppvImageBase, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertReturn(strlen(pszModule) < RT_SIZEOFMEMB(SUPLDROPEN, u.In.szName), VERR_FILENAME_TOO_LONG); const bool fIsVMMR0 = !strcmp(pszModule, "VMMR0.r0"); AssertReturn(!pszSrvReqHandler || !fIsVMMR0, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR); *ppvImageBase = NULL; /* * Open image file and figure its size. */ RTLDRMOD hLdrMod; int rc = RTLdrOpen(pszFilename, 0, RTLDRARCH_HOST, &hLdrMod); if (!RT_SUCCESS(rc)) return rc; SUPLDRCALCSIZEARGS CalcArgs; CalcArgs.cbStrings = 0; CalcArgs.cSymbols = 0; CalcArgs.cbImage = RTLdrSize(hLdrMod); rc = RTLdrEnumSymbols(hLdrMod, 0, NULL, 0, supLoadModuleCalcSizeCB, &CalcArgs); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { const uint32_t offSymTab = RT_ALIGN_32(CalcArgs.cbImage, 8); const uint32_t offStrTab = offSymTab + CalcArgs.cSymbols * sizeof(SUPLDRSYM); const uint32_t cbImage = RT_ALIGN_32(offStrTab + CalcArgs.cbStrings, 8); /* * Open the R0 image. */ SUPLDROPEN OpenReq; OpenReq.Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; OpenReq.Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; OpenReq.Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_LDR_OPEN_SIZE_IN; OpenReq.Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_LDR_OPEN_SIZE_OUT; OpenReq.Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_DEFAULT; OpenReq.Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; OpenReq.u.In.cbImage = cbImage; strcpy(OpenReq.u.In.szName, pszModule); if (!g_u32FakeMode) { rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_LDR_OPEN, &OpenReq, SUP_IOCTL_LDR_OPEN_SIZE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = OpenReq.Hdr.rc; } else { OpenReq.u.Out.fNeedsLoading = true; OpenReq.u.Out.pvImageBase = 0xef423420; } *ppvImageBase = (void *)OpenReq.u.Out.pvImageBase; if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && OpenReq.u.Out.fNeedsLoading) { /* * We need to load it. * Allocate memory for the image bits. */ PSUPLDRLOAD pLoadReq = (PSUPLDRLOAD)RTMemTmpAlloc(SUP_IOCTL_LDR_LOAD_SIZE(cbImage)); if (pLoadReq) { /* * Get the image bits. */ rc = RTLdrGetBits(hLdrMod, &pLoadReq->u.In.achImage[0], (uintptr_t)OpenReq.u.Out.pvImageBase, supLoadModuleResolveImport, (void *)pszModule); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Get the entry points. */ RTUINTPTR VMMR0EntryInt = 0; RTUINTPTR VMMR0EntryFast = 0; RTUINTPTR VMMR0EntryEx = 0; RTUINTPTR SrvReqHandler = 0; RTUINTPTR ModuleInit = 0; RTUINTPTR ModuleTerm = 0; if (fIsVMMR0) { rc = RTLdrGetSymbolEx(hLdrMod, &pLoadReq->u.In.achImage[0], (uintptr_t)OpenReq.u.Out.pvImageBase, "VMMR0EntryInt", &VMMR0EntryInt); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTLdrGetSymbolEx(hLdrMod, &pLoadReq->u.In.achImage[0], (uintptr_t)OpenReq.u.Out.pvImageBase, "VMMR0EntryFast", &VMMR0EntryFast); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTLdrGetSymbolEx(hLdrMod, &pLoadReq->u.In.achImage[0], (uintptr_t)OpenReq.u.Out.pvImageBase, "VMMR0EntryEx", &VMMR0EntryEx); } else if (pszSrvReqHandler) rc = RTLdrGetSymbolEx(hLdrMod, &pLoadReq->u.In.achImage[0], (uintptr_t)OpenReq.u.Out.pvImageBase, pszSrvReqHandler, &SrvReqHandler); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { int rc2 = RTLdrGetSymbolEx(hLdrMod, &pLoadReq->u.In.achImage[0], (uintptr_t)OpenReq.u.Out.pvImageBase, "ModuleInit", &ModuleInit); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) ModuleInit = 0; rc2 = RTLdrGetSymbolEx(hLdrMod, &pLoadReq->u.In.achImage[0], (uintptr_t)OpenReq.u.Out.pvImageBase, "ModuleTerm", &ModuleTerm); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) ModuleTerm = 0; } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Create the symbol and string tables. */ SUPLDRCREATETABSARGS CreateArgs; CreateArgs.cbImage = CalcArgs.cbImage; CreateArgs.pSym = (PSUPLDRSYM)&pLoadReq->u.In.achImage[offSymTab]; CreateArgs.pszBase = (char *)&pLoadReq->u.In.achImage[offStrTab]; CreateArgs.psz = CreateArgs.pszBase; rc = RTLdrEnumSymbols(hLdrMod, 0, NULL, 0, supLoadModuleCreateTabsCB, &CreateArgs); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { AssertRelease((size_t)(CreateArgs.psz - CreateArgs.pszBase) <= CalcArgs.cbStrings); AssertRelease((size_t)(CreateArgs.pSym - (PSUPLDRSYM)&pLoadReq->u.In.achImage[offSymTab]) <= CalcArgs.cSymbols); /* * Upload the image. */ pLoadReq->Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; pLoadReq->Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; pLoadReq->Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_LDR_LOAD_SIZE_IN(cbImage); pLoadReq->Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_LDR_LOAD_SIZE_OUT; pLoadReq->Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_MAGIC | SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_EXTRA_IN; pLoadReq->Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; pLoadReq->u.In.pfnModuleInit = (RTR0PTR)ModuleInit; pLoadReq->u.In.pfnModuleTerm = (RTR0PTR)ModuleTerm; if (fIsVMMR0) { pLoadReq->u.In.eEPType = SUPLDRLOADEP_VMMR0; pLoadReq->u.In.EP.VMMR0.pvVMMR0 = OpenReq.u.Out.pvImageBase; pLoadReq->u.In.EP.VMMR0.pvVMMR0EntryInt = (RTR0PTR)VMMR0EntryInt; pLoadReq->u.In.EP.VMMR0.pvVMMR0EntryFast= (RTR0PTR)VMMR0EntryFast; pLoadReq->u.In.EP.VMMR0.pvVMMR0EntryEx = (RTR0PTR)VMMR0EntryEx; } else if (pszSrvReqHandler) { pLoadReq->u.In.eEPType = SUPLDRLOADEP_SERVICE; pLoadReq->u.In.EP.Service.pfnServiceReq = (RTR0PTR)SrvReqHandler; pLoadReq->u.In.EP.Service.apvReserved[0] = NIL_RTR0PTR; pLoadReq->u.In.EP.Service.apvReserved[1] = NIL_RTR0PTR; pLoadReq->u.In.EP.Service.apvReserved[2] = NIL_RTR0PTR; } else pLoadReq->u.In.eEPType = SUPLDRLOADEP_NOTHING; pLoadReq->u.In.offStrTab = offStrTab; pLoadReq->u.In.cbStrTab = (uint32_t)CalcArgs.cbStrings; AssertRelease(pLoadReq->u.In.cbStrTab == CalcArgs.cbStrings); pLoadReq->u.In.offSymbols = offSymTab; pLoadReq->u.In.cSymbols = CalcArgs.cSymbols; pLoadReq->u.In.cbImage = cbImage; pLoadReq->u.In.pvImageBase = OpenReq.u.Out.pvImageBase; if (!g_u32FakeMode) { rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_LDR_LOAD, pLoadReq, SUP_IOCTL_LDR_LOAD_SIZE(cbImage)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = pLoadReq->Hdr.rc; } else rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) || rc == VERR_ALREADY_LOADED /* A competing process. */ ) { LogRel(("SUP: Loaded %s (%s) at %#p - ModuleInit at %RTptr and ModuleTerm at %RTptr\n", pszModule, pszFilename, OpenReq.u.Out.pvImageBase, ModuleInit, ModuleTerm)); if (fIsVMMR0) { g_pvVMMR0 = OpenReq.u.Out.pvImageBase; LogRel(("SUP: VMMR0EntryEx located at %RTptr, VMMR0EntryFast at %RTptr and VMMR0EntryInt at %RTptr\n", VMMR0EntryEx, VMMR0EntryFast, VMMR0EntryInt)); } #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS LogRel(("SUP: windbg> .reload /f %s=%#p\n", pszFilename, OpenReq.u.Out.pvImageBase)); #endif RTMemTmpFree(pLoadReq); RTLdrClose(hLdrMod); return VINF_SUCCESS; } } } } RTMemTmpFree(pLoadReq); } else { AssertMsgFailed(("failed to allocated %d bytes for SUPLDRLOAD_IN structure!\n", SUP_IOCTL_LDR_LOAD_SIZE(cbImage))); rc = VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY; } } else if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (fIsVMMR0) g_pvVMMR0 = OpenReq.u.Out.pvImageBase; LogRel(("SUP: Opened %s (%s) at %#p.\n", pszModule, pszFilename, OpenReq.u.Out.pvImageBase)); #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS LogRel(("SUP: windbg> .reload /f %s=%#p\n", pszFilename, OpenReq.u.Out.pvImageBase)); #endif } } RTLdrClose(hLdrMod); return rc; } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3FreeModule(void *pvImageBase) { /* fake */ if (RT_UNLIKELY(g_u32FakeMode)) { g_pvVMMR0 = NIL_RTR0PTR; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* * Free the requested module. */ SUPLDRFREE Req; Req.Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; Req.Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; Req.Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_LDR_FREE_SIZE_IN; Req.Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_LDR_FREE_SIZE_OUT; Req.Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_DEFAULT; Req.Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; Req.u.In.pvImageBase = (RTR0PTR)pvImageBase; int rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_LDR_FREE, &Req, SUP_IOCTL_LDR_FREE_SIZE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = Req.Hdr.rc; if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && (RTR0PTR)pvImageBase == g_pvVMMR0) g_pvVMMR0 = NIL_RTR0PTR; return rc; } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3GetSymbolR0(void *pvImageBase, const char *pszSymbol, void **ppvValue) { *ppvValue = NULL; /* fake */ if (RT_UNLIKELY(g_u32FakeMode)) { *ppvValue = (void *)(uintptr_t)0xdeadf00d; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* * Do ioctl. */ SUPLDRGETSYMBOL Req; Req.Hdr.u32Cookie = g_u32Cookie; Req.Hdr.u32SessionCookie = g_u32SessionCookie; Req.Hdr.cbIn = SUP_IOCTL_LDR_GET_SYMBOL_SIZE_IN; Req.Hdr.cbOut = SUP_IOCTL_LDR_GET_SYMBOL_SIZE_OUT; Req.Hdr.fFlags = SUPREQHDR_FLAGS_DEFAULT; Req.Hdr.rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; Req.u.In.pvImageBase = (RTR0PTR)pvImageBase; size_t cchSymbol = strlen(pszSymbol); if (cchSymbol >= sizeof(Req.u.In.szSymbol)) return VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND; memcpy(Req.u.In.szSymbol, pszSymbol, cchSymbol + 1); int rc = suplibOsIOCtl(&g_supLibData, SUP_IOCTL_LDR_GET_SYMBOL, &Req, SUP_IOCTL_LDR_GET_SYMBOL_SIZE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = Req.Hdr.rc; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) *ppvValue = (void *)Req.u.Out.pvSymbol; return rc; } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3LoadVMM(const char *pszFilename) { void *pvImageBase; return SUPR3LoadModule(pszFilename, "VMMR0.r0", &pvImageBase); } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3UnloadVMM(void) { return SUPR3FreeModule((void*)g_pvVMMR0); } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3GipGetPhys(PRTHCPHYS pHCPhys) { if (g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage) { *pHCPhys = g_HCPhysSUPGlobalInfoPage; return VINF_SUCCESS; } *pHCPhys = NIL_RTHCPHYS; return VERR_WRONG_ORDER; } /** * Worker for SUPR3HardenedLdrLoad and SUPR3HardenedLdrLoadAppPriv. * * @returns iprt status code. * @param pszFilename The full file name. * @param phLdrMod Where to store the handle to the loaded module. */ static int supR3HardenedLdrLoadIt(const char *pszFilename, PRTLDRMOD phLdrMod) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_HARDENING /* * Verify the image file. */ int rc = supR3HardenedVerifyFile(pszFilename, false /* fFatal */); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogRel(("supR3HardenedLdrLoadIt: Verification of \"%s\" failed, rc=%Rrc\n", pszFilename, rc)); return rc; } #endif /* * Try load it. */ return RTLdrLoad(pszFilename, phLdrMod); } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3HardenedLdrLoad(const char *pszFilename, PRTLDRMOD phLdrMod) { /* * Validate input. */ AssertPtrReturn(pszFilename, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(phLdrMod, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); *phLdrMod = NIL_RTLDRMOD; AssertReturn(RTPathHavePath(pszFilename), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* * Add the default extension if it's missing. */ if (!RTPathHaveExt(pszFilename)) { const char *pszSuff = RTLdrGetSuff(); size_t cchSuff = strlen(pszSuff); size_t cchFilename = strlen(pszFilename); char *psz = (char *)alloca(cchFilename + cchSuff + 1); AssertReturn(psz, VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY); memcpy(psz, pszFilename, cchFilename); memcpy(psz + cchFilename, pszSuff, cchSuff + 1); pszFilename = psz; } /* * Pass it on to the common library loader. */ return supR3HardenedLdrLoadIt(pszFilename, phLdrMod); } SUPR3DECL(int) SUPR3HardenedLdrLoadAppPriv(const char *pszFilename, PRTLDRMOD phLdrMod) { LogFlow(("SUPR3HardenedLdrLoadAppPriv: pszFilename=%p:{%s} phLdrMod=%p\n", pszFilename, pszFilename, phLdrMod)); /* * Validate input. */ AssertPtrReturn(phLdrMod, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); *phLdrMod = NIL_RTLDRMOD; AssertPtrReturn(pszFilename, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertMsgReturn(!RTPathHavePath(pszFilename), ("%s\n", pszFilename), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* * Check the filename. */ size_t cchFilename = strlen(pszFilename); AssertMsgReturn(cchFilename < (RTPATH_MAX / 4) * 3, ("%zu\n", cchFilename), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); const char *pszExt = ""; size_t cchExt = 0; if (!RTPathHaveExt(pszFilename)) { pszExt = RTLdrGetSuff(); cchExt = strlen(pszExt); } /* * Construct the private arch path and check if the file exists. */ char szPath[RTPATH_MAX]; int rc = RTPathAppPrivateArch(szPath, sizeof(szPath) - 1 - cchExt - cchFilename); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); char *psz = strchr(szPath, '\0'); *psz++ = RTPATH_SLASH; memcpy(psz, pszFilename, cchFilename); psz += cchFilename; memcpy(psz, pszExt, cchExt + 1); if (!RTPathExists(szPath)) { LogRel(("SUPR3HardenedLdrLoadAppPriv: \"%s\" not found\n", szPath)); return VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } /* * Pass it on to SUPR3HardenedLdrLoad. */ rc = SUPR3HardenedLdrLoad(szPath, phLdrMod); LogFlow(("SUPR3HardenedLdrLoadAppPriv: returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; }