1 | /* $Id: SUPR3HardenedMain.cpp 58363 2015-10-22 00:23:07Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VirtualBox Support Library - Hardened main().
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | *
17 | * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
18 | * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
19 | * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
20 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
21 | * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
22 | *
23 | * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
24 | * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
25 | */
26 |
27 | /** @page pg_hardening VirtualBox VM Process Hardening
28 | *
29 | * The VM process hardening is to prevent malicious software from using
30 | * VirtualBox as a vehicle to obtain kernel level access.
31 | *
32 | * The VirtualBox VMM requires supervisor (kernel) level access to the CPU. For
33 | * both practical and historical reasons part of the VMM is still implemented in
34 | * ring-3 and has a rich interface to the kernel part. While the device
35 | * emulations can be run all in ring-3, we have performance optimizations that
36 | * loads device emulation code into ring-0 and our special raw-mode execution
37 | * context (non-VT-x/AMD-V mode) for handling frequent operations. These share
38 | * data between all three context (ring-3, ring-0 and raw-mode). All this poses
39 | * a rather broad attack surface, which the hardening protects.
40 | *
41 | * The hardening primarily focuses on restricting access to the support driver,
42 | * VBoxDrv or vboxdrv depending on the OS, as it is ultimately the link and
43 | * instigator of the communication between ring-3 and the ring-0 and raw-mode
44 | * contexts. A secondary focus is to make sure malicious code cannot be loaded
45 | * and executed in the VM process. Exactly how we go about this depends a lot
46 | * on the host OS.
47 | *
48 | *
49 | * @section sec_hardening_unix Hardening on UNIX-like OSes
50 | *
51 | * On UNIX-like systems (Solaris, Linux, darwin, freebsd, ...) only allow root
52 | * to get full unrestricted access to the support driver. The device node
53 | * corresponding to unrestricted access is own by root and has a 0600 access
54 | * mode (i.e. only accessible to the owner, root). In addition to this file
55 | * system level restriction, the support driver also checks that the effective
56 | * user ID (EUID) is root when it is being opened.
57 | *
58 | * The VM processes temporarily assume root privileges using the set-uid-bit on
59 | * the executable with root as owner. In fact, all the executable files, shared
60 | * objects and the other files and directories we install are owned by root and
61 | * the wheel (or equivalent gid = 0) group.
62 | *
63 | * The executable with the set-uid-to-root-bit set is a stub binary that has no
64 | * unnecessary library dependencies (only libc) and simply calls
65 | * #SUPR3HardenedMain. SUPR3HardenedMain does the following:
66 | *
67 | * -# Validate installation (supR3HardenedVerifyAll):
68 | * - Check that the executable file of the process is one of the known
69 | * VirtualBox executables.
70 | * - Check that all mandatory files are present.
71 | * - Check that all installed files and directories (both optional and
72 | * mandatory ones) are owned by root:wheel and are not writable by
73 | * anyone except root.
74 | * - Check that all the parent directories, all the way up to the root
75 | * if possible, only permits root (or system admin) to change them -
76 | * in order to exclude directory renaming races.
77 | * - On systems where it is possible, we may also valiadate signatures.
78 | *
79 | * -# Open a file descriptor for the support device driver
80 | * (supR3HardenedMainOpenDevice).
81 | *
82 | * -# Grab ICMP capabilites, if needed (supR3HardenedMainGrabCapabilites).
83 | *
84 | * -# Correctly drop the root privileges (supR3HardenedMainDropPrivileges).
85 | *
86 | * -# Load the VBoxRT dynamic link library and hand over the file
87 | * descriptor to the SUPLib code in it (supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime).
88 | *
89 | * -# Load a dynamic library containing the VM frontend code and run it
90 | * (tail of SUPR3HardenedMain). The set-uid-to-root stub executable is
91 | * paired with a dynamic link library which export one TrustedMain
92 | * entrypoint (see FNSUPTRUSTEDMAIN) that we call.
93 | *
94 | * In case of error reporting, the library may also export a
95 | * TrustedError function (FNSUPTRUSTEDERROR).
96 | *
97 | * That a process was started with a set-uid-to-root-bit applied is something
98 | * that sticks with the process even if after dropping the root privileges and
99 | * becoming the original user. The dynamic linkers take special care when
100 | * dealing with processes of this kind to not allow the user to load arbitrary
101 | * code into a root process and causing a privilege escalation issue. This is
102 | * of course exactly the kind of behavior we're looking for.
103 | *
104 | * In addition to what the dynamic linker does for us, we will not directly
105 | * call either RTLdrLoad or dlopen to load dynamic link libraries into the
106 | * process. Instead we will call SUPR3HardenedLdrLoad,
107 | * SUPR3HardenedLdrLoadAppPriv or SUPR3HardenedLdrLoadPlugIn to do the loading.
108 | * These functions will perform the validations on the file being loaded as
109 | * SUPR3HardenedMain did in its validation step. So, anything we load must be
110 | * installed owned by root:wheel, the directory we load it from must also be
111 | * owned by root:wheel and now allow for renaming the file. Similar ownership
112 | * restricts applies to all the parent directories (except on darwin).
113 | *
114 | * So, we leave the responsibility of not installing malicious software on the
115 | * root user on UNIX-like systems. Which is fair enough, in our opinion.
116 | *
117 | *
118 | * @section sec_hardening_win Hardening on Windows
119 | *
120 | * On Windows things are a lot more complicated, unforunately. This is mainly
121 | * because on windows you cannot trust the Administrators users. Some or the
122 | * blame for this is that Windows is a decentant/replacement for a set of single
123 | * user systems: DOS, Windows 1.0-3.11 Windows 95-ME, and OS/2. Users of NT
124 | * 3.51 and later was inclied to want to always run it with full
125 | * root/administrator privileges like they had done on the predecessors, while
126 | * Microsoft made doing some very simple and didn't help with the alternative.
127 | * Bad idea, security wise, which is good for the security software industry.
128 | * For this reason using a set-uid-to-root approach is pointless, even if
129 | * windows had one, which is doesn't.
130 | *
131 | * So, in order to protect access to the support driver and protect the
132 | * VM process while it's running we have to do a lot more work. A keystone in
133 | * the defences is code signing. The short version is this:
134 | *
135 | * - Minimal stub executable, signed with the same certificate as the
136 | * kernel driver.
137 | *
138 | * - The stub executable respawns itself twice, hooking the NTDLL init
139 | * routine to perform protection tasks as early as possible. The parent
140 | * stub helps keep in the child clean for verification as does the
141 | * support driver.
142 | *
143 | * - In order to protect against loading unwanted code into the process,
144 | * the stub processes installs DLL load hooks with NTDLL as well as
145 | * directly intercepting the LdrLoadDll and NtCreateSection APIs.
146 | *
147 | * - The support driver will verify all but the initial process very
148 | * thoroughly before allowing them protection and in the final case full
149 | * unrestricted access.
150 | *
151 | * What makes our life REALLY difficult on Windows is this 3rd party "security"
152 | * software which is more or less required to keep a Windows system safe for
153 | * normal users and all corporate IT departments righly insists on installing.
154 | * After the kernel patching clampdown in Vista, AV software have to do a lot
155 | * more mucking about in user mode to get their job (kind of) done. So, it
156 | * common practice to patch a lot of NTDLL, KERNEL32, the executable import
157 | * table, load extra DLLS into the process, allocate executable memory in the
158 | * process and worse. The BIG problem with all this is that it is
159 | * indistiguishable from what malicious software would be doing in order to
160 | * intercept process acctivity (network sniffing, maybe password snooping) or
161 | * gain a level of kernel access via the the support driver.
162 | *
163 | * We share the stub executable approach with the UNIX-like systems, so there's
164 | * the SUPR3HardenedMain and a paried DLL with TrustedMain and TrustedError.
165 | * However, the stub executable is pushed a bit further here.
166 | * - It has no CRT (libc) because we don't need one and we need full
167 | * control over the code in the stub.
168 | * - It does not statically import anything to avoid having a import table
169 | * that can be patched or extended to either intercept our calls or load
170 | * additional DLLs.
171 | * - System calls normally going thru NTDLL are done directly because there
172 | * is so much software out there which wants to patch known NTDLL entry
173 | * points to control our software (either for good or malicious reasons).
174 | *
175 | * The initial stub process is not really to be trusted, though we try our best
176 | * to limit potential harm (user mode debugger checks, disable thread creation).
177 | * So, when it enters SUPR3HardenedMain we only call supR3HardenedVerifyAll to
178 | * verify the installation (known executables and dlls, checking their code
179 | * signing signatures, keeping them all open to deny deletion and replacing) and
180 | * does a respawn via supR3HardenedWinReSpawn.
181 | *
182 | * The second stub process will be created in suspended state (the thread hasn't
183 | * executed a single instruction) and with less generous ACLs associated with it
184 | * (skin deep protection only). In order for SUPR3TrustedMain to figure it's
185 | * the second stub process, the zero'th command line argument has been replaced
186 | * by a known magic string (UUID). Now, before the process starts executing,
187 | * the parent will patch the LdrInitializeThunk entrypoint in NTDLL to call
188 | * supR3HardenedEarlyProcessInit via supR3HardenedEarlyProcessInitThunk. The
189 | * parent will also plant some synchronization stuff via SUPR3WINPROCPARAMS
190 | * (NTDLL location, inherited event handles and associated ping-pong equipment).
191 | *
192 | * The LdrInitializeThunk entrypoint of NTDLL is where the kernel sets up
193 | * process execution to start executing (via a user alert, so not subject to
194 | * SetThreadContext). LdrInitializeThunk performs process, NTDLL and
195 | * sub-system client (kernel32) initialization. A lot of "protection" software
196 | * uses triggers in this initialization sequence (like the KERNEL32.DLL load
197 | * event), so we avoid quite a bit problems by getting our stuff done early on.
198 | *
199 | * However, there is also those that uses events that triggers immediately when
200 | * the process is created or/and starts executing the first instruction, we have
201 | * a well know process state we can restore. The first thing that
202 | * supR3HardenedEarlyProcessInit does is to signal the parent to do perform a
203 | * child purification to exorcise potentially evil influences.
204 | *
205 | * What the parent does during the purification is very similar to what the
206 | * kernel driver will do later on when verifying the second stub and the VM
207 | * processes, except that instead of failing when encountering an issue it will
208 | * take corrective actions:
209 | * - Executable memory regions not belonging to a DLL mapping will be
210 | * attempted freed, and we'll only fail if we cann evict it.
211 | * - All pages in the executable images in the process (should be just the
212 | * stub executable and NTDLL) will be compared to the pristine fixed-up
213 | * copy prepared by the IPRT PE loader code, restoring any bytes which
214 | * appears differently in the child. (g_ProcParams (SUPR3WINPROCPARAMS)
215 | * is exempted, LdrInitializeThunk is set to call NtTerminateThread.)
216 | * - Unwanted DLLs will be unloaded (we have a set of DLLs we like).
217 | *
218 | * Before signalling the second stub process that it has been purified and shoud
219 | * get on with it, the parent will close all handles with unrestricted access to
220 | * the process and thread so that the initial stub process no longer can
221 | * influence the child in any really harmful way. (The caller of CreateProcess
222 | * usually receives handles with unrestricted access to the child process and
223 | * main thread. These could in theory be used with DuplicateHandle or
224 | * WriteProcessMemory to get at the VM process if we're not careful.)
225 | *
226 | * supR3HardenedEarlyProcessInit will continue with opening the log file
227 | * (require command line parsing). It will continue to initialize a bunch of
228 | * globals, syscalls and trustworthy/harmless NTDLL imports.
229 | * supR3HardenedWinInit is then called to setup image verification, that is:
230 | * - Hook (insert jump instruction) the NtCreateSection entrypoint in NTDLL
231 | * so we can check all executable mappings before they're created and can
232 | * be mapped.
233 | * - Hook (ditto) the LdrLoadDll entrypoint in NTDLL so we can prevalidate
234 | * all images that gets loaded the normal way (partly because the
235 | * NtCreateSection context is restrictive because the NTDLL loader lock
236 | * is usally held, which prevents us from safely calling WinVerityTrust).
237 | * The image/dll verification hooks are at this point able to verify DLLs
238 | * containing code signing signatures, and will restrict the locations from
239 | * which DLLs will be loaded. When SUPR3HardenedMain gets going later one, they
240 | * will start insiting on everything having valid signatures in the DLL or in an
241 | * installer catalog file.
242 | *
243 | * The function also irrevocably disables debug notifications related to teh
244 | * current thread, just to make attaching a debugging that much more difficult.
245 | *
246 | * Now, the second stub process will open the so called stub device, that is a
247 | * special support driver device node that tells the support driver to:
248 | * - Protect the process against the OpenProcess and OpenThread attack
249 | * vectors by stripping risky access rights.
250 | * - Check that the process isn't being debugged.
251 | * - Check that the process contains exactly one thread.
252 | * - Check that the process doesn't have any unknown DLLs loaded into it.
253 | * - Check that the process doesn't have any executable memory (other that
254 | * DLL sections) in it.
255 | * - Check that the process executable is a known VBox executable which may
256 | * access the support driver.
257 | * - Check that the process executable is signed with the same code signing
258 | * certificate as the driver and that the on disk image is valid
259 | * according to its embedded signature.
260 | * - Check all the signature of all DLLs in the process (NTDLL) if they are
261 | * signed, and only accept unsigned ones in versions where they are known
262 | * not to be signed.
263 | *
264 | *
265 | *
266 | */
267 |
268 |
269 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
270 | * Header Files *
271 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
272 | #if defined(RT_OS_OS2)
273 | # define INCL_BASE
274 | # define INCL_ERRORS
275 | # include <os2.h>
276 | # include <stdio.h>
277 | # include <stdlib.h>
278 | # include <dlfcn.h>
279 | # include <unistd.h>
280 |
281 | #elif RT_OS_WINDOWS
282 | # include <iprt/nt/nt-and-windows.h>
283 |
284 | #else /* UNIXes */
285 | # include <iprt/types.h> /* stdint fun on darwin. */
286 |
287 | # include <stdio.h>
288 | # include <stdlib.h>
289 | # include <dlfcn.h>
290 | # include <limits.h>
291 | # include <errno.h>
292 | # include <unistd.h>
293 | # include <sys/stat.h>
294 | # include <sys/time.h>
295 | # include <sys/types.h>
296 | # if defined(RT_OS_LINUX)
297 | # undef USE_LIB_PCAP /* don't depend on libcap as we had to depend on either
298 | libcap1 or libcap2 */
299 |
300 | # undef _POSIX_SOURCE
301 | # include <linux/types.h> /* sys/capabilities from uek-headers require this */
302 | # include <sys/capability.h>
303 | # include <sys/prctl.h>
304 | # ifndef CAP_TO_MASK
305 | # define CAP_TO_MASK(cap) RT_BIT(cap)
306 | # endif
307 | # elif defined(RT_OS_FREEBSD)
308 | # include <sys/param.h>
309 | # include <sys/sysctl.h>
310 | # elif defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS)
311 | # include <priv.h>
312 | # endif
313 | # include <pwd.h>
314 | # ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN
315 | # include <mach-o/dyld.h>
316 | # endif
317 |
318 | #endif
319 |
320 | #include <VBox/sup.h>
321 | #include <VBox/err.h>
322 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
323 | # include <VBox/version.h>
324 | #endif
325 | #include <iprt/ctype.h>
326 | #include <iprt/string.h>
327 | #include <iprt/initterm.h>
328 | #include <iprt/param.h>
329 |
330 | #include "SUPLibInternal.h"
331 |
332 |
333 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
334 | * Defined Constants And Macros *
335 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
336 | /** @def SUP_HARDENED_SUID
337 | * Whether we're employing set-user-ID-on-execute in the hardening.
338 | */
339 | #if !defined(RT_OS_OS2) && !defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) && !defined(RT_OS_L4)
340 | # define SUP_HARDENED_SUID
341 | #else
342 | # undef SUP_HARDENED_SUID
343 | #endif
344 |
345 | /** @def SUP_HARDENED_SYM
346 | * Decorate a symbol that's resolved dynamically.
347 | */
348 | #ifdef RT_OS_OS2
349 | # define SUP_HARDENED_SYM(sym) "_" sym
350 | #else
351 | # define SUP_HARDENED_SYM(sym) sym
352 | #endif
353 |
354 |
355 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
356 | * Structures and Typedefs *
357 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
358 | /** @see RTR3InitEx */
359 | typedef DECLCALLBACK(int) FNRTR3INITEX(uint32_t iVersion, uint32_t fFlags, int cArgs,
360 | char **papszArgs, const char *pszProgramPath);
362 |
363 | /** @see RTLogRelPrintf */
364 | typedef DECLCALLBACK(void) FNRTLOGRELPRINTF(const char *pszFormat, ...);
366 |
367 |
368 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
369 | * Global Variables *
370 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
371 | /** The pre-init data we pass on to SUPR3 (residing in VBoxRT). */
372 | static SUPPREINITDATA g_SupPreInitData;
373 | /** The program executable path. */
374 | #ifndef RT_OS_WINDOWS
375 | static
376 | #endif
377 | char g_szSupLibHardenedExePath[RTPATH_MAX];
378 | /** The application bin directory path. */
379 | static char g_szSupLibHardenedAppBinPath[RTPATH_MAX];
380 |
381 | /** The program name. */
382 | static const char *g_pszSupLibHardenedProgName;
383 | /** The flags passed to SUPR3HardenedMain. */
384 | static uint32_t g_fSupHardenedMain;
385 |
386 | #ifdef SUP_HARDENED_SUID
387 | /** The real UID at startup. */
388 | static uid_t g_uid;
389 | /** The real GID at startup. */
390 | static gid_t g_gid;
391 | # ifdef RT_OS_LINUX
392 | static uint32_t g_uCaps;
393 | # endif
394 | #endif
395 |
396 | /** The startup log file. */
397 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
398 | static HANDLE g_hStartupLog = NULL;
399 | #else
400 | static int g_hStartupLog = -1;
401 | #endif
402 | /** The number of bytes we've written to the startup log. */
403 | static uint32_t volatile g_cbStartupLog = 0;
404 |
405 | /** The current SUPR3HardenedMain state / location. */
407 | AssertCompileSize(g_enmSupR3HardenedMainState, sizeof(uint32_t));
408 |
409 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
410 | /** Pointer to VBoxRT's RTLogRelPrintf function so we can write errors to the
411 | * release log at runtime. */
412 | static PFNRTLOGRELPRINTF g_pfnRTLogRelPrintf = NULL;
413 | /** Log volume name (for attempting volume flush). */
414 | static RTUTF16 g_wszStartupLogVol[16];
415 | #endif
416 |
417 |
418 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
419 | * Internal Functions *
420 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
421 | #ifdef SUP_HARDENED_SUID
422 | static void supR3HardenedMainDropPrivileges(void);
423 | #endif
424 | static PFNSUPTRUSTEDERROR supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedError(const char *pszProgName);
425 |
426 |
427 | /**
428 | * Safely copy one or more strings into the given buffer.
429 | *
431 | * @param pszDst The destionation buffer.
432 | * @param cbDst The size of the destination buffer.
433 | * @param ... One or more zero terminated strings, ending with
434 | * a NULL.
435 | */
436 | static int suplibHardenedStrCopyEx(char *pszDst, size_t cbDst, ...)
437 | {
438 | int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
439 |
440 | if (cbDst == 0)
442 |
443 | va_list va;
444 | va_start(va, cbDst);
445 | for (;;)
446 | {
447 | const char *pszSrc = va_arg(va, const char *);
448 | if (!pszSrc)
449 | break;
450 |
451 | size_t cchSrc = suplibHardenedStrLen(pszSrc);
452 | if (cchSrc < cbDst)
453 | {
454 | suplibHardenedMemCopy(pszDst, pszSrc, cchSrc);
455 | pszDst += cchSrc;
456 | cbDst -= cchSrc;
457 | }
458 | else
459 | {
461 | if (cbDst > 1)
462 | {
463 | suplibHardenedMemCopy(pszDst, pszSrc, cbDst - 1);
464 | pszDst += cbDst - 1;
465 | cbDst = 1;
466 | }
467 | }
468 | *pszDst = '\0';
469 | }
470 | va_end(va);
471 |
472 | return rc;
473 | }
474 |
475 |
476 | /**
477 | * Exit current process in the quickest possible fashion.
478 | *
479 | * @param rcExit The exit code.
480 | */
481 | DECLNORETURN(void) suplibHardenedExit(RTEXITCODE rcExit)
482 | {
483 | for (;;)
484 | {
485 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
487 | ExitProcess(rcExit);
488 | if (RtlExitUserProcess != NULL)
489 | RtlExitUserProcess(rcExit);
490 | NtTerminateProcess(NtCurrentProcess(), rcExit);
491 | #else
492 | _Exit(rcExit);
493 | #endif
494 | }
495 | }
496 |
497 |
498 | /**
499 | * Writes a substring to standard error.
500 | *
501 | * @param pch The start of the substring.
502 | * @param cch The length of the substring.
503 | */
504 | static void suplibHardenedPrintStrN(const char *pch, size_t cch)
505 | {
506 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
507 | HANDLE hStdOut = NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->StandardOutput;
508 | if (hStdOut != NULL)
509 | {
511 | {
512 | DWORD cbWritten;
513 | WriteFile(hStdOut, pch, (DWORD)cch, &cbWritten, NULL);
514 | }
515 | /* Windows 7 and earlier uses fake handles, with the last two bits set ((hStdOut & 3) == 3). */
516 | else if (NtWriteFile != NULL && ((uintptr_t)hStdOut & 3) == 0)
517 | {
519 | NtWriteFile(hStdOut, NULL /*Event*/, NULL /*ApcRoutine*/, NULL /*ApcContext*/,
520 | &Ios, (PVOID)pch, (ULONG)cch, NULL /*ByteOffset*/, NULL /*Key*/);
521 | }
522 | }
523 | #else
524 | (void)write(2, pch, cch);
525 | #endif
526 | }
527 |
528 |
529 | /**
530 | * Writes a string to standard error.
531 | *
532 | * @param psz The string.
533 | */
534 | static void suplibHardenedPrintStr(const char *psz)
535 | {
536 | suplibHardenedPrintStrN(psz, suplibHardenedStrLen(psz));
537 | }
538 |
539 |
540 | /**
541 | * Writes a char to standard error.
542 | *
543 | * @param ch The character value to write.
544 | */
545 | static void suplibHardenedPrintChr(char ch)
546 | {
547 | suplibHardenedPrintStrN(&ch, 1);
548 | }
549 |
550 |
551 | /**
552 | * Writes a decimal number to stdard error.
553 | *
554 | * @param uValue The value.
555 | */
556 | static void suplibHardenedPrintDecimal(uint64_t uValue)
557 | {
558 | char szBuf[64];
559 | char *pszEnd = &szBuf[sizeof(szBuf) - 1];
560 | char *psz = pszEnd;
561 |
562 | *psz-- = '\0';
563 |
564 | do
565 | {
566 | *psz-- = '0' + (uValue % 10);
567 | uValue /= 10;
568 | } while (uValue > 0);
569 |
570 | psz++;
571 | suplibHardenedPrintStrN(psz, pszEnd - psz);
572 | }
573 |
574 |
575 | /**
576 | * Writes a hexadecimal or octal number to standard error.
577 | *
578 | * @param uValue The value.
579 | * @param uBase The base (16 or 8).
580 | * @param fFlags Format flags.
581 | */
582 | static void suplibHardenedPrintHexOctal(uint64_t uValue, unsigned uBase, uint32_t fFlags)
583 | {
584 | static char const s_achDigitsLower[17] = "0123456789abcdef";
585 | static char const s_achDigitsUpper[17] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
586 | const char *pchDigits = !(fFlags & RTSTR_F_CAPITAL) ? s_achDigitsLower : s_achDigitsUpper;
587 | unsigned cShift = uBase == 16 ? 4 : 3;
588 | unsigned fDigitMask = uBase == 16 ? 0xf : 7;
589 | char szBuf[64];
590 | char *pszEnd = &szBuf[sizeof(szBuf) - 1];
591 | char *psz = pszEnd;
592 |
593 | *psz-- = '\0';
594 |
595 | do
596 | {
597 | *psz-- = pchDigits[uValue & fDigitMask];
598 | uValue >>= cShift;
599 | } while (uValue > 0);
600 |
601 | if ((fFlags & RTSTR_F_SPECIAL) && uBase == 16)
602 | {
603 | *psz-- = !(fFlags & RTSTR_F_CAPITAL) ? 'x' : 'X';
604 | *psz-- = '0';
605 | }
606 |
607 | psz++;
608 | suplibHardenedPrintStrN(psz, pszEnd - psz);
609 | }
610 |
611 |
612 | /**
613 | * Writes a wide character string to standard error.
614 | *
615 | * @param pwsz The string.
616 | */
617 | static void suplibHardenedPrintWideStr(PCRTUTF16 pwsz)
618 | {
619 | for (;;)
620 | {
621 | RTUTF16 wc = *pwsz++;
622 | if (!wc)
623 | return;
624 | if ( (wc < 0x7f && wc >= 0x20)
625 | || wc == '\n'
626 | || wc == '\r')
627 | suplibHardenedPrintChr((char)wc);
628 | else
629 | {
630 | suplibHardenedPrintStrN(RT_STR_TUPLE("\\x"));
631 | suplibHardenedPrintHexOctal(wc, 16, 0);
632 | }
633 | }
634 | }
635 |
636 | #ifdef IPRT_NO_CRT
637 |
638 | /** Buffer structure used by suplibHardenedOutput. */
640 | {
641 | size_t off;
642 | char szBuf[2048];
643 | };
644 |
645 | /** Callback for RTStrFormatV, see FNRTSTROUTPUT. */
646 | static DECLCALLBACK(size_t) suplibHardenedOutput(void *pvArg, const char *pachChars, size_t cbChars)
647 | {
649 | size_t cbTodo = cbChars;
650 | for (;;)
651 | {
652 | size_t cbSpace = sizeof(pBuf->szBuf) - pBuf->off - 1;
653 |
654 | /* Flush the buffer? */
655 | if ( cbSpace == 0
656 | || (cbTodo == 0 && pBuf->off))
657 | {
658 | suplibHardenedPrintStrN(pBuf->szBuf, pBuf->off);
659 | # ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
661 | OutputDebugString(pBuf->szBuf);
662 | # endif
663 | pBuf->off = 0;
664 | cbSpace = sizeof(pBuf->szBuf) - 1;
665 | }
666 |
667 | /* Copy the string into the buffer. */
668 | if (cbTodo == 1)
669 | {
670 | pBuf->szBuf[pBuf->off++] = *pachChars;
671 | break;
672 | }
673 | if (cbSpace >= cbTodo)
674 | {
675 | memcpy(&pBuf->szBuf[pBuf->off], pachChars, cbTodo);
676 | pBuf->off += cbTodo;
677 | break;
678 | }
679 | memcpy(&pBuf->szBuf[pBuf->off], pachChars, cbSpace);
680 | pBuf->off += cbSpace;
681 | cbTodo -= cbSpace;
682 | }
683 | pBuf->szBuf[pBuf->off] = '\0';
684 |
685 | return cbChars;
686 | }
687 |
688 | #endif /* IPRT_NO_CRT */
689 |
690 | /**
691 | * Simple printf to standard error.
692 | *
693 | * @param pszFormat The format string.
694 | * @param va Arguments to format.
695 | */
696 | DECLHIDDEN(void) suplibHardenedPrintFV(const char *pszFormat, va_list va)
697 | {
698 | #ifdef IPRT_NO_CRT
699 | /*
700 | * Use buffered output here to avoid character mixing on the windows
701 | * console and to enable us to use OutputDebugString.
702 | */
704 | Buf.off = 0;
705 | Buf.szBuf[0] = '\0';
706 | RTStrFormatV(suplibHardenedOutput, &Buf, NULL, NULL, pszFormat, va);
707 |
708 | #else /* !IPRT_NO_CRT */
709 | /*
710 | * Format loop.
711 | */
712 | char ch;
713 | const char *pszLast = pszFormat;
714 | for (;;)
715 | {
716 | ch = *pszFormat;
717 | if (!ch)
718 | break;
719 | pszFormat++;
720 |
721 | if (ch == '%')
722 | {
723 | /*
724 | * Format argument.
725 | */
726 |
727 | /* Flush unwritten bits. */
728 | if (pszLast != pszFormat - 1)
729 | suplibHardenedPrintStrN(pszLast, pszFormat - pszLast - 1);
730 | pszLast = pszFormat;
731 | ch = *pszFormat++;
732 |
733 | /* flags. */
734 | uint32_t fFlags = 0;
735 | for (;;)
736 | {
737 | if (ch == '#') fFlags |= RTSTR_F_SPECIAL;
738 | else if (ch == '-') fFlags |= RTSTR_F_LEFT;
739 | else if (ch == '+') fFlags |= RTSTR_F_PLUS;
740 | else if (ch == ' ') fFlags |= RTSTR_F_BLANK;
741 | else if (ch == '0') fFlags |= RTSTR_F_ZEROPAD;
742 | else if (ch == '\'') fFlags |= RTSTR_F_THOUSAND_SEP;
743 | else break;
744 | ch = *pszFormat++;
745 | }
746 |
747 | /* Width and precision - ignored. */
748 | while (RT_C_IS_DIGIT(ch))
749 | ch = *pszFormat++;
750 | if (ch == '*')
751 | va_arg(va, int);
752 | if (ch == '.')
753 | {
754 | do ch = *pszFormat++;
755 | while (RT_C_IS_DIGIT(ch));
756 | if (ch == '*')
757 | va_arg(va, int);
758 | }
759 |
760 | /* Size. */
761 | char chArgSize = 0;
762 | switch (ch)
763 | {
764 | case 'z':
765 | case 'L':
766 | case 'j':
767 | case 't':
768 | chArgSize = ch;
769 | ch = *pszFormat++;
770 | break;
771 |
772 | case 'l':
773 | chArgSize = ch;
774 | ch = *pszFormat++;
775 | if (ch == 'l')
776 | {
777 | chArgSize = 'L';
778 | ch = *pszFormat++;
779 | }
780 | break;
781 |
782 | case 'h':
783 | chArgSize = ch;
784 | ch = *pszFormat++;
785 | if (ch == 'h')
786 | {
787 | chArgSize = 'H';
788 | ch = *pszFormat++;
789 | }
790 | break;
791 | }
792 |
793 | /*
794 | * Do type specific formatting.
795 | */
796 | switch (ch)
797 | {
798 | case 'c':
799 | ch = (char)va_arg(va, int);
800 | suplibHardenedPrintChr(ch);
801 | break;
802 |
803 | case 's':
804 | if (chArgSize == 'l')
805 | {
806 | PCRTUTF16 pwszStr = va_arg(va, PCRTUTF16 );
807 | if (RT_VALID_PTR(pwszStr))
808 | suplibHardenedPrintWideStr(pwszStr);
809 | else
810 | suplibHardenedPrintStr("<NULL>");
811 | }
812 | else
813 | {
814 | const char *pszStr = va_arg(va, const char *);
815 | if (!RT_VALID_PTR(pszStr))
816 | pszStr = "<NULL>";
817 | suplibHardenedPrintStr(pszStr);
818 | }
819 | break;
820 |
821 | case 'd':
822 | case 'i':
823 | {
824 | int64_t iValue;
825 | if (chArgSize == 'L' || chArgSize == 'j')
826 | iValue = va_arg(va, int64_t);
827 | else if (chArgSize == 'l')
828 | iValue = va_arg(va, signed long);
829 | else if (chArgSize == 'z' || chArgSize == 't')
830 | iValue = va_arg(va, intptr_t);
831 | else
832 | iValue = va_arg(va, signed int);
833 | if (iValue < 0)
834 | {
835 | suplibHardenedPrintChr('-');
836 | iValue = -iValue;
837 | }
838 | suplibHardenedPrintDecimal(iValue);
839 | break;
840 | }
841 |
842 | case 'p':
843 | case 'x':
844 | case 'X':
845 | case 'u':
846 | case 'o':
847 | {
848 | unsigned uBase = 10;
849 | uint64_t uValue;
850 |
851 | switch (ch)
852 | {
853 | case 'p':
854 | fFlags |= RTSTR_F_ZEROPAD; /* Note not standard behaviour (but I like it this way!) */
855 | uBase = 16;
856 | break;
857 | case 'X':
858 | fFlags |= RTSTR_F_CAPITAL;
859 | case 'x':
860 | uBase = 16;
861 | break;
862 | case 'u':
863 | uBase = 10;
864 | break;
865 | case 'o':
866 | uBase = 8;
867 | break;
868 | }
869 |
870 | if (ch == 'p' || chArgSize == 'z' || chArgSize == 't')
871 | uValue = va_arg(va, uintptr_t);
872 | else if (chArgSize == 'L' || chArgSize == 'j')
873 | uValue = va_arg(va, uint64_t);
874 | else if (chArgSize == 'l')
875 | uValue = va_arg(va, unsigned long);
876 | else
877 | uValue = va_arg(va, unsigned int);
878 |
879 | if (uBase == 10)
880 | suplibHardenedPrintDecimal(uValue);
881 | else
882 | suplibHardenedPrintHexOctal(uValue, uBase, fFlags);
883 | break;
884 | }
885 |
886 | case 'R':
887 | if (pszFormat[0] == 'r' && pszFormat[1] == 'c')
888 | {
889 | int iValue = va_arg(va, int);
890 | if (iValue < 0)
891 | {
892 | suplibHardenedPrintChr('-');
893 | iValue = -iValue;
894 | }
895 | suplibHardenedPrintDecimal(iValue);
896 | pszFormat += 2;
897 | break;
898 | }
899 | /* fall thru */
900 |
901 | /*
902 | * Custom format.
903 | */
904 | default:
905 | suplibHardenedPrintStr("[bad format: ");
906 | suplibHardenedPrintStrN(pszLast, pszFormat - pszLast);
907 | suplibHardenedPrintChr(']');
908 | break;
909 | }
910 |
911 | /* continue */
912 | pszLast = pszFormat;
913 | }
914 | }
915 |
916 | /* Flush the last bits of the string. */
917 | if (pszLast != pszFormat)
918 | suplibHardenedPrintStrN(pszLast, pszFormat - pszLast);
919 | #endif /* !IPRT_NO_CRT */
920 | }
921 |
922 |
923 | /**
924 | * Prints to standard error.
925 | *
926 | * @param pszFormat The format string.
927 | * @param ... Arguments to format.
928 | */
929 | DECLHIDDEN(void) suplibHardenedPrintF(const char *pszFormat, ...)
930 | {
931 | va_list va;
932 | va_start(va, pszFormat);
933 | suplibHardenedPrintFV(pszFormat, va);
934 | va_end(va);
935 | }
936 |
937 |
938 | /**
939 | * @copydoc RTPathStripFilename
940 | */
941 | static void suplibHardenedPathStripFilename(char *pszPath)
942 | {
943 | char *psz = pszPath;
944 | char *pszLastSep = pszPath;
945 |
946 | for (;; psz++)
947 | {
948 | switch (*psz)
949 | {
950 | /* handle separators. */
951 | #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) || defined(RT_OS_OS2)
952 | case ':':
953 | pszLastSep = psz + 1;
954 | break;
955 |
956 | case '\\':
957 | #endif
958 | case '/':
959 | pszLastSep = psz;
960 | break;
961 |
962 | /* the end */
963 | case '\0':
964 | if (pszLastSep == pszPath)
965 | *pszLastSep++ = '.';
966 | *pszLastSep = '\0';
967 | return;
968 | }
969 | }
970 | /* will never get here */
971 | }
972 |
973 |
974 | /**
975 | * @copydoc RTPathFilename
976 | */
977 | DECLHIDDEN(char *) supR3HardenedPathFilename(const char *pszPath)
978 | {
979 | const char *psz = pszPath;
980 | const char *pszLastComp = pszPath;
981 |
982 | for (;; psz++)
983 | {
984 | switch (*psz)
985 | {
986 | /* handle separators. */
987 | #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) || defined(RT_OS_OS2)
988 | case ':':
989 | pszLastComp = psz + 1;
990 | break;
991 |
992 | case '\\':
993 | #endif
994 | case '/':
995 | pszLastComp = psz + 1;
996 | break;
997 |
998 | /* the end */
999 | case '\0':
1000 | if (*pszLastComp)
1001 | return (char *)(void *)pszLastComp;
1002 | return NULL;
1003 | }
1004 | }
1005 |
1006 | /* will never get here */
1007 | return NULL;
1008 | }
1009 |
1010 |
1011 | /**
1012 | * @copydoc RTPathAppPrivateNoArch
1013 | */
1014 | DECLHIDDEN(int) supR3HardenedPathAppPrivateNoArch(char *pszPath, size_t cchPath)
1015 | {
1016 | #if !defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) && defined(RTPATH_APP_PRIVATE)
1017 | const char *pszSrcPath = RTPATH_APP_PRIVATE;
1018 | size_t cchPathPrivateNoArch = suplibHardenedStrLen(pszSrcPath);
1019 | if (cchPathPrivateNoArch >= cchPath)
1020 | supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedPathAppPrivateNoArch: Buffer overflow, %zu >= %zu\n", cchPathPrivateNoArch, cchPath);
1021 | suplibHardenedMemCopy(pszPath, pszSrcPath, cchPathPrivateNoArch + 1);
1022 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1023 |
1024 | #else
1025 | return supR3HardenedPathAppBin(pszPath, cchPath);
1026 | #endif
1027 | }
1028 |
1029 |
1030 | /**
1031 | * @copydoc RTPathAppPrivateArch
1032 | */
1033 | DECLHIDDEN(int) supR3HardenedPathAppPrivateArch(char *pszPath, size_t cchPath)
1034 | {
1035 | #if !defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) && defined(RTPATH_APP_PRIVATE_ARCH)
1036 | const char *pszSrcPath = RTPATH_APP_PRIVATE_ARCH;
1037 | size_t cchPathPrivateArch = suplibHardenedStrLen(pszSrcPath);
1038 | if (cchPathPrivateArch >= cchPath)
1039 | supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedPathAppPrivateArch: Buffer overflow, %zu >= %zu\n", cchPathPrivateArch, cchPath);
1040 | suplibHardenedMemCopy(pszPath, pszSrcPath, cchPathPrivateArch + 1);
1041 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1042 |
1043 | #else
1044 | return supR3HardenedPathAppBin(pszPath, cchPath);
1045 | #endif
1046 | }
1047 |
1048 |
1049 | /**
1050 | * @copydoc RTPathSharedLibs
1051 | */
1052 | DECLHIDDEN(int) supR3HardenedPathAppSharedLibs(char *pszPath, size_t cchPath)
1053 | {
1054 | #if !defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) && defined(RTPATH_SHARED_LIBS)
1055 | const char *pszSrcPath = RTPATH_SHARED_LIBS;
1056 | size_t cchPathSharedLibs = suplibHardenedStrLen(pszSrcPath);
1057 | if (cchPathSharedLibs >= cchPath)
1058 | supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedPathAppSharedLibs: Buffer overflow, %zu >= %zu\n", cchPathSharedLibs, cchPath);
1059 | suplibHardenedMemCopy(pszPath, pszSrcPath, cchPathSharedLibs + 1);
1060 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1061 |
1062 | #else
1063 | return supR3HardenedPathAppBin(pszPath, cchPath);
1064 | #endif
1065 | }
1066 |
1067 |
1068 | /**
1069 | * @copydoc RTPathAppDocs
1070 | */
1071 | DECLHIDDEN(int) supR3HardenedPathAppDocs(char *pszPath, size_t cchPath)
1072 | {
1073 | #if !defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) && defined(RTPATH_APP_DOCS)
1074 | const char *pszSrcPath = RTPATH_APP_DOCS;
1075 | size_t cchPathAppDocs = suplibHardenedStrLen(pszSrcPath);
1076 | if (cchPathAppDocs >= cchPath)
1077 | supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedPathAppDocs: Buffer overflow, %zu >= %zu\n", cchPathAppDocs, cchPath);
1078 | suplibHardenedMemCopy(pszPath, pszSrcPath, cchPathAppDocs + 1);
1079 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1080 |
1081 | #else
1082 | return supR3HardenedPathAppBin(pszPath, cchPath);
1083 | #endif
1084 | }
1085 |
1086 |
1087 | /**
1088 | * Returns the full path to the executable in g_szSupLibHardenedExePath.
1089 | *
1090 | * @returns IPRT status code.
1091 | */
1092 | static void supR3HardenedGetFullExePath(void)
1093 | {
1094 | /*
1095 | * Get the program filename.
1096 | *
1097 | * Most UNIXes have no API for obtaining the executable path, but provides a symbolic
1098 | * link in the proc file system that tells who was exec'ed. The bad thing about this
1099 | * is that we have to use readlink, one of the weirder UNIX APIs.
1100 | *
1101 | * Darwin, OS/2 and Windows all have proper APIs for getting the program file name.
1102 | */
1103 | #if defined(RT_OS_LINUX) || defined(RT_OS_FREEBSD) || defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS)
1104 | # ifdef RT_OS_LINUX
1105 | int cchLink = readlink("/proc/self/exe", &g_szSupLibHardenedExePath[0], sizeof(g_szSupLibHardenedExePath) - 1);
1106 |
1107 | # elif defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS)
1108 | char szFileBuf[PATH_MAX + 1];
1109 | sprintf(szFileBuf, "/proc/%ld/path/a.out", (long)getpid());
1110 | int cchLink = readlink(szFileBuf, &g_szSupLibHardenedExePath[0], sizeof(g_szSupLibHardenedExePath) - 1);
1111 |
1112 | # else /* RT_OS_FREEBSD */
1113 | int aiName[4];
1114 | aiName[0] = CTL_KERN;
1115 | aiName[1] = KERN_PROC;
1116 | aiName[2] = KERN_PROC_PATHNAME;
1117 | aiName[3] = getpid();
1118 |
1119 | size_t cbPath = sizeof(g_szSupLibHardenedExePath);
1120 | if (sysctl(aiName, RT_ELEMENTS(aiName), g_szSupLibHardenedExePath, &cbPath, NULL, 0) < 0)
1121 | supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedExecDir: sysctl failed\n");
1122 | g_szSupLibHardenedExePath[sizeof(g_szSupLibHardenedExePath) - 1] = '\0';
1123 | int cchLink = suplibHardenedStrLen(g_szSupLibHardenedExePath); /* paranoid? can't we use cbPath? */
1124 |
1125 | # endif
1126 | if (cchLink < 0 || cchLink == sizeof(g_szSupLibHardenedExePath) - 1)
1127 | supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedExecDir: couldn't read \"%s\", errno=%d cchLink=%d\n",
1128 | g_szSupLibHardenedExePath, errno, cchLink);
1129 | g_szSupLibHardenedExePath[cchLink] = '\0';
1130 |
1131 | #elif defined(RT_OS_OS2) || defined(RT_OS_L4)
1132 | _execname(g_szSupLibHardenedExePath, sizeof(g_szSupLibHardenedExePath));
1133 |
1134 | #elif defined(RT_OS_DARWIN)
1135 | const char *pszImageName = _dyld_get_image_name(0);
1136 | if (!pszImageName)
1137 | supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedExecDir: _dyld_get_image_name(0) failed\n");
1138 | size_t cchImageName = suplibHardenedStrLen(pszImageName);
1139 | if (!cchImageName || cchImageName >= sizeof(g_szSupLibHardenedExePath))
1140 | supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedExecDir: _dyld_get_image_name(0) failed, cchImageName=%d\n", cchImageName);
1141 | suplibHardenedMemCopy(g_szSupLibHardenedExePath, pszImageName, cchImageName + 1);
1142 |
1143 | #elif defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
1144 | char *pszDst = g_szSupLibHardenedExePath;
1145 | int rc = RTUtf16ToUtf8Ex(g_wszSupLibHardenedExePath, RTSTR_MAX, &pszDst, sizeof(g_szSupLibHardenedExePath), NULL);
1146 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1147 | supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedExecDir: RTUtf16ToUtf8Ex failed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
1148 | #else
1149 | # error needs porting.
1150 | #endif
1151 |
1152 | /*
1153 | * Determine the application binary directory location.
1154 | */
1155 | suplibHardenedStrCopy(g_szSupLibHardenedAppBinPath, g_szSupLibHardenedExePath);
1156 | suplibHardenedPathStripFilename(g_szSupLibHardenedAppBinPath);
1157 |
1159 | supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedExecDir: Called before SUPR3HardenedMain! (%d)\n", g_enmSupR3HardenedMainState);
1160 | switch (g_fSupHardenedMain & SUPSECMAIN_FLAGS_LOC_MASK)
1161 | {
1163 | break;
1165 | suplibHardenedPathStripFilename(g_szSupLibHardenedAppBinPath);
1166 | break;
1167 | default:
1168 | supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedExecDir: Unknown program binary location: %#x\n", g_fSupHardenedMain);
1169 | }
1170 | }
1171 |
1172 |
1173 | #ifdef RT_OS_LINUX
1174 | /**
1175 | * Checks if we can read /proc/self/exe.
1176 | *
1177 | * This is used on linux to see if we have to call init
1178 | * with program path or not.
1179 | *
1180 | * @returns true / false.
1181 | */
1182 | static bool supR3HardenedMainIsProcSelfExeAccssible(void)
1183 | {
1184 | char szPath[RTPATH_MAX];
1185 | int cchLink = readlink("/proc/self/exe", szPath, sizeof(szPath));
1186 | return cchLink != -1;
1187 | }
1188 | #endif /* RT_OS_LINUX */
1189 |
1190 |
1191 |
1192 | /**
1193 | * @copydoc RTPathExecDir
1194 | * @remarks not quite like RTPathExecDir actually...
1195 | */
1196 | DECLHIDDEN(int) supR3HardenedPathAppBin(char *pszPath, size_t cchPath)
1197 | {
1198 | /*
1199 | * Lazy init (probably not required).
1200 | */
1201 | if (!g_szSupLibHardenedAppBinPath[0])
1202 | supR3HardenedGetFullExePath();
1203 |
1204 | /*
1205 | * Calc the length and check if there is space before copying.
1206 | */
1207 | size_t cch = suplibHardenedStrLen(g_szSupLibHardenedAppBinPath) + 1;
1208 | if (cch <= cchPath)
1209 | {
1210 | suplibHardenedMemCopy(pszPath, g_szSupLibHardenedAppBinPath, cch + 1);
1211 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1212 | }
1213 |
1214 | supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedPathAppBin: Buffer too small (%u < %u)\n", cchPath, cch);
1216 | }
1217 |
1218 |
1219 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
1220 | extern "C" uint32_t g_uNtVerCombined;
1221 | #endif
1222 |
1223 | DECLHIDDEN(void) supR3HardenedOpenLog(int *pcArgs, char **papszArgs)
1224 | {
1225 | static const char s_szLogOption[] = "--sup-hardening-log=";
1226 |
1227 | /*
1228 | * Scan the argument vector.
1229 | */
1230 | int cArgs = *pcArgs;
1231 | for (int iArg = 1; iArg < cArgs; iArg++)
1232 | if (strncmp(papszArgs[iArg], s_szLogOption, sizeof(s_szLogOption) - 1) == 0)
1233 | {
1234 | const char *pszLogFile = &papszArgs[iArg][sizeof(s_szLogOption) - 1];
1235 |
1236 | /*
1237 | * Drop the argument from the vector (has trailing NULL entry).
1238 | */
1239 | memmove(&papszArgs[iArg], &papszArgs[iArg + 1], (cArgs - iArg) * sizeof(papszArgs[0]));
1240 | *pcArgs -= 1;
1241 | cArgs -= 1;
1242 |
1243 | /*
1244 | * Open the log file, unless we've already opened one.
1245 | * First argument takes precedence
1246 | */
1247 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
1248 | if (g_hStartupLog == NULL)
1249 | {
1250 | int rc = RTNtPathOpen(pszLogFile,
1254 | FILE_OPEN_IF,
1257 | &g_hStartupLog,
1258 | NULL);
1259 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1260 | {
1261 | SUP_DPRINTF(("Log file opened: " VBOX_VERSION_STRING "r%u g_hStartupLog=%p g_uNtVerCombined=%#x\n",
1262 | VBOX_SVN_REV, g_hStartupLog, g_uNtVerCombined));
1263 |
1264 | /*
1265 | * If the path contains a drive volume, save it so we can
1266 | * use it to flush the volume containing the log file.
1267 | */
1268 | if (RT_C_IS_ALPHA(pszLogFile[0]) && pszLogFile[1] == ':')
1269 | {
1270 | RTUtf16CopyAscii(g_wszStartupLogVol, RT_ELEMENTS(g_wszStartupLogVol), "\\??\\");
1271 | g_wszStartupLogVol[sizeof("\\??\\") - 1] = RT_C_TO_UPPER(pszLogFile[0]);
1272 | g_wszStartupLogVol[sizeof("\\??\\") + 0] = ':';
1273 | g_wszStartupLogVol[sizeof("\\??\\") + 1] = '\0';
1274 | }
1275 | }
1276 | else
1277 | g_hStartupLog = NULL;
1278 | }
1279 | #else
1280 | //g_hStartupLog = open()
1281 | #endif
1282 | }
1283 | }
1284 |
1285 |
1286 | DECLHIDDEN(void) supR3HardenedLogV(const char *pszFormat, va_list va)
1287 | {
1288 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
1289 | if ( g_hStartupLog != NULL
1290 | && g_cbStartupLog < 16*_1M)
1291 | {
1292 | char szBuf[5120];
1293 | PCLIENT_ID pSelfId = &((PTEB)NtCurrentTeb())->ClientId;
1294 | size_t cchPrefix = RTStrPrintf(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), "%x.%x: ", pSelfId->UniqueProcess, pSelfId->UniqueThread);
1295 | size_t cch = RTStrPrintfV(&szBuf[cchPrefix], sizeof(szBuf) - cchPrefix, pszFormat, va) + cchPrefix;
1296 |
1297 | if ((size_t)cch >= sizeof(szBuf))
1298 | cch = sizeof(szBuf) - 1;
1299 |
1300 | if (!cch || szBuf[cch - 1] != '\n')
1301 | szBuf[cch++] = '\n';
1302 |
1303 | ASMAtomicAddU32(&g_cbStartupLog, (uint32_t)cch);
1304 |
1306 | LARGE_INTEGER Offset;
1307 | Offset.QuadPart = -1; /* Write to end of file. */
1308 | NtWriteFile(g_hStartupLog, NULL /*Event*/, NULL /*ApcRoutine*/, NULL /*ApcContext*/,
1309 | &Ios, szBuf, (ULONG)cch, &Offset, NULL /*Key*/);
1310 | }
1311 | #else
1312 | /* later */
1313 | #endif
1314 | }
1315 |
1316 |
1317 | DECLHIDDEN(void) supR3HardenedLog(const char *pszFormat, ...)
1318 | {
1319 | va_list va;
1320 | va_start(va, pszFormat);
1321 | supR3HardenedLogV(pszFormat, va);
1322 | va_end(va);
1323 | }
1324 |
1325 |
1326 | DECLHIDDEN(void) supR3HardenedLogFlush(void)
1327 | {
1328 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
1329 | if ( g_hStartupLog != NULL
1330 | && g_cbStartupLog < 16*_1M)
1331 | {
1333 | NTSTATUS rcNt = NtFlushBuffersFile(g_hStartupLog, &Ios);
1334 |
1335 | /*
1336 | * Try flush the volume containing the log file too.
1337 | */
1338 | if (g_wszStartupLogVol[0])
1339 | {
1342 | NtName.Buffer = g_wszStartupLogVol;
1343 | NtName.Length = (USHORT)(RTUtf16Len(g_wszStartupLogVol) * sizeof(RTUTF16));
1344 | NtName.MaximumLength = NtName.Length + 1;
1346 | InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjAttr, &NtName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL /*hRootDir*/, NULL /*pSecDesc*/);
1348 | rcNt = NtCreateFile(&hLogVol,
1350 | &ObjAttr,
1351 | &Ios,
1352 | NULL /* Allocation Size*/,
1353 | 0 /*FileAttributes*/,
1355 | FILE_OPEN,
1357 | NULL /*EaBuffer*/,
1358 | 0 /*EaLength*/);
1359 | if (NT_SUCCESS(rcNt))
1360 | rcNt = Ios.Status;
1361 | if (NT_SUCCESS(rcNt))
1362 | {
1364 | rcNt = NtFlushBuffersFile(hLogVol, &Ios);
1365 | NtClose(hLogVol);
1366 | }
1367 | else
1368 | {
1369 | /* This may have sideeffects similar to what we want... */
1372 | rcNt = NtCreateFile(&hLogVol,
1374 | &ObjAttr,
1375 | &Ios,
1376 | NULL /* Allocation Size*/,
1377 | 0 /*FileAttributes*/,
1379 | FILE_OPEN,
1381 | NULL /*EaBuffer*/,
1382 | 0 /*EaLength*/);
1383 | if (NT_SUCCESS(rcNt) && NT_SUCCESS(Ios.Status))
1384 | NtClose(hLogVol);
1385 | }
1386 | }
1387 | }
1388 | #else
1389 | /* later */
1390 | #endif
1391 | }
1392 |
1393 |
1394 | /**
1395 | * Prints the message prefix.
1396 | */
1397 | static void suplibHardenedPrintPrefix(void)
1398 | {
1399 | if (g_pszSupLibHardenedProgName)
1400 | suplibHardenedPrintStr(g_pszSupLibHardenedProgName);
1401 | suplibHardenedPrintStr(": ");
1402 | }
1403 |
1404 |
1405 | DECLHIDDEN(void) supR3HardenedFatalMsgV(const char *pszWhere, SUPINITOP enmWhat, int rc, const char *pszMsgFmt, va_list va)
1406 | {
1407 | /*
1408 | * First to the log.
1409 | */
1410 | supR3HardenedLog("Error %d in %s! (enmWhat=%d)\n", rc, pszWhere, enmWhat);
1411 | va_list vaCopy;
1412 | va_copy(vaCopy, va);
1413 | supR3HardenedLogV(pszMsgFmt, vaCopy);
1414 | va_end(vaCopy);
1415 |
1416 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
1417 | /*
1418 | * The release log.
1419 | */
1420 | if (g_pfnRTLogRelPrintf)
1421 | {
1422 | va_copy(vaCopy, va);
1423 | g_pfnRTLogRelPrintf("supR3HardenedFatalMsgV: %s enmWhat=%d rc=%Rrc (%#x)\n", pszWhere, enmWhat, rc);
1424 | g_pfnRTLogRelPrintf("supR3HardenedFatalMsgV: %N\n", pszMsgFmt, &vaCopy);
1425 | va_end(vaCopy);
1426 | }
1427 | #endif
1428 |
1429 | /*
1430 | * Then to the console.
1431 | */
1432 | suplibHardenedPrintPrefix();
1433 | suplibHardenedPrintF("Error %d in %s!\n", rc, pszWhere);
1434 |
1435 | suplibHardenedPrintPrefix();
1436 | va_copy(vaCopy, va);
1437 | suplibHardenedPrintFV(pszMsgFmt, vaCopy);
1438 | va_end(vaCopy);
1439 | suplibHardenedPrintChr('\n');
1440 |
1441 | switch (enmWhat)
1442 | {
1443 | case kSupInitOp_Driver:
1444 | suplibHardenedPrintChr('\n');
1445 | suplibHardenedPrintPrefix();
1446 | suplibHardenedPrintStr("Tip! Make sure the kernel module is loaded. It may also help to reinstall VirtualBox.\n");
1447 | break;
1448 |
1449 | case kSupInitOp_Misc:
1450 | case kSupInitOp_IPRT:
1451 | case kSupInitOp_Integrity:
1452 | case kSupInitOp_RootCheck:
1453 | suplibHardenedPrintChr('\n');
1454 | suplibHardenedPrintPrefix();
1455 | suplibHardenedPrintStr("Tip! It may help to reinstall VirtualBox.\n");
1456 | break;
1457 |
1458 | default:
1459 | /* no hints here */
1460 | break;
1461 | }
1462 |
1463 | /*
1464 | * Finally, TrustedError if appropriate.
1465 | */
1467 | {
1468 | #ifdef SUP_HARDENED_SUID
1469 | /*
1470 | * Drop any root privileges we might be holding, this won't return
1471 | * if it fails but end up calling supR3HardenedFatal[V].
1472 | */
1473 | supR3HardenedMainDropPrivileges();
1474 | #endif
1475 |
1476 | /*
1477 | * Now try resolve and call the TrustedError entry point if we can
1478 | * find it. We'll fork before we attempt this because that way the
1479 | * session management in main will see us exiting immediately (if
1480 | * it's involved with us).
1481 | */
1482 | #if !defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) && !defined(RT_OS_OS2)
1483 | int pid = fork();
1484 | if (pid <= 0)
1485 | #endif
1486 | {
1487 | static volatile bool s_fRecursive = false; /* Loader hooks may cause recursion. */
1488 | if (!s_fRecursive)
1489 | {
1490 | s_fRecursive = true;
1491 |
1492 | PFNSUPTRUSTEDERROR pfnTrustedError = supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedError(g_pszSupLibHardenedProgName);
1493 | if (pfnTrustedError)
1494 | pfnTrustedError(pszWhere, enmWhat, rc, pszMsgFmt, va);
1495 |
1496 | s_fRecursive = false;
1497 | }
1498 | }
1499 | }
1500 | #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
1501 | /*
1502 | * Report the error to the parent if this happens during early VM init.
1503 | */
1504 | else if ( g_enmSupR3HardenedMainState < SUPR3HARDENEDMAINSTATE_WIN_IMPORTS_RESOLVED
1505 | && g_enmSupR3HardenedMainState != SUPR3HARDENEDMAINSTATE_NOT_YET_CALLED)
1506 | supR3HardenedWinReportErrorToParent(pszWhere, enmWhat, rc, pszMsgFmt, va);
1507 | #endif
1508 |
1509 | /*
1510 | * Quit
1511 | */
1512 | suplibHardenedExit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE);
1513 | }
1514 |
1515 |
1516 | DECLHIDDEN(void) supR3HardenedFatalMsg(const char *pszWhere, SUPINITOP enmWhat, int rc, const char *pszMsgFmt, ...)
1517 | {
1518 | va_list va;
1519 | va_start(va, pszMsgFmt);
1520 | supR3HardenedFatalMsgV(pszWhere, enmWhat, rc, pszMsgFmt, va);
1521 | va_end(va);
1522 | }
1523 |
1524 |
1525 | DECLHIDDEN(void) supR3HardenedFatalV(const char *pszFormat, va_list va)
1526 | {
1527 | supR3HardenedLog("Fatal error:\n");
1528 | va_list vaCopy;
1529 | va_copy(vaCopy, va);
1530 | supR3HardenedLogV(pszFormat, vaCopy);
1531 | va_end(vaCopy);
1532 |
1533 | #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
1534 | /*
1535 | * Report the error to the parent if this happens during early VM init.
1536 | */
1538 | && g_enmSupR3HardenedMainState != SUPR3HARDENEDMAINSTATE_NOT_YET_CALLED)
1539 | supR3HardenedWinReportErrorToParent(NULL, kSupInitOp_Invalid, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, pszFormat, va);
1540 | else
1541 | #endif
1542 | {
1543 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
1544 | if (g_pfnRTLogRelPrintf)
1545 | {
1546 | va_copy(vaCopy, va);
1547 | g_pfnRTLogRelPrintf("supR3HardenedFatalV: %N", pszFormat, &vaCopy);
1548 | va_end(vaCopy);
1549 | }
1550 | #endif
1551 |
1552 | suplibHardenedPrintPrefix();
1553 | suplibHardenedPrintFV(pszFormat, va);
1554 | }
1555 |
1556 | suplibHardenedExit(RTEXITCODE_FAILURE);
1557 | }
1558 |
1559 |
1560 | DECLHIDDEN(void) supR3HardenedFatal(const char *pszFormat, ...)
1561 | {
1562 | va_list va;
1563 | va_start(va, pszFormat);
1564 | supR3HardenedFatalV(pszFormat, va);
1565 | va_end(va);
1566 | }
1567 |
1568 |
1569 | DECLHIDDEN(int) supR3HardenedErrorV(int rc, bool fFatal, const char *pszFormat, va_list va)
1570 | {
1571 | if (fFatal)
1572 | supR3HardenedFatalV(pszFormat, va);
1573 |
1574 | supR3HardenedLog("Error (rc=%d):\n", rc);
1575 | va_list vaCopy;
1576 | va_copy(vaCopy, va);
1577 | supR3HardenedLogV(pszFormat, vaCopy);
1578 | va_end(vaCopy);
1579 |
1580 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
1581 | if (g_pfnRTLogRelPrintf)
1582 | {
1583 | va_copy(vaCopy, va);
1584 | g_pfnRTLogRelPrintf("supR3HardenedErrorV: %N", pszFormat, &vaCopy);
1585 | va_end(vaCopy);
1586 | }
1587 | #endif
1588 |
1589 | suplibHardenedPrintPrefix();
1590 | suplibHardenedPrintFV(pszFormat, va);
1591 |
1592 | return rc;
1593 | }
1594 |
1595 |
1596 | DECLHIDDEN(int) supR3HardenedError(int rc, bool fFatal, const char *pszFormat, ...)
1597 | {
1598 | va_list va;
1599 | va_start(va, pszFormat);
1600 | supR3HardenedErrorV(rc, fFatal, pszFormat, va);
1601 | va_end(va);
1602 | return rc;
1603 | }
1604 |
1605 |
1606 |
1607 | /**
1608 | * Attempts to open /dev/vboxdrv (or equvivalent).
1609 | *
1610 | * @remarks This function will not return on failure.
1611 | */
1612 | DECLHIDDEN(void) supR3HardenedMainOpenDevice(void)
1613 | {
1615 | SUPINITOP enmWhat = kSupInitOp_Driver;
1616 | int rc = suplibOsInit(&g_SupPreInitData.Data, false /*fPreInit*/, true /*fUnrestricted*/,
1617 | &enmWhat, RTErrInfoInitStatic(&ErrInfo));
1618 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1619 | return;
1620 |
1621 | if (RTErrInfoIsSet(&ErrInfo.Core))
1622 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibOsInit", enmWhat, rc, "%s", ErrInfo.szMsg);
1623 |
1624 | switch (rc)
1625 | {
1626 | /** @todo better messages! */
1628 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibOsInit", kSupInitOp_Driver, rc, "Kernel driver not installed");
1630 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibOsInit", kSupInitOp_Driver, rc, "Kernel driver not accessible");
1632 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibOsInit", kSupInitOp_Driver, rc, "VERR_VM_DRIVER_LOAD_ERROR");
1634 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibOsInit", kSupInitOp_Driver, rc, "VERR_VM_DRIVER_OPEN_ERROR");
1636 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibOsInit", kSupInitOp_Driver, rc, "Kernel driver version mismatch");
1638 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibOsInit", kSupInitOp_Driver, rc, "VERR_ACCESS_DENIED");
1639 | case VERR_NO_MEMORY:
1640 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibOsInit", kSupInitOp_Driver, rc, "Kernel memory allocation/mapping failed");
1642 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibOsInit", kSupInitOp_Integrity, rc, "VERR_SUPDRV_HARDENING_EVIL_HANDLE");
1644 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibOsInit", kSupInitOp_Integrity, rc, "VERR_SUPLIB_NT_PROCESS_UNTRUSTED_0");
1646 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibOsInit", kSupInitOp_Integrity, rc, "VERR_SUPLIB_NT_PROCESS_UNTRUSTED_1");
1648 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibOsInit", kSupInitOp_Integrity, rc, "VERR_SUPLIB_NT_PROCESS_UNTRUSTED_2");
1649 | default:
1650 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibOsInit", kSupInitOp_Driver, rc, "Unknown rc=%d (%Rrc)", rc, rc);
1651 | }
1652 | }
1653 |
1654 |
1655 | #ifdef SUP_HARDENED_SUID
1656 |
1657 | /**
1658 | * Grabs extra non-root capabilities / privileges that we might require.
1659 | *
1660 | * This is currently only used for being able to do ICMP from the NAT engine.
1661 | *
1662 | * @note We still have root privileges at the time of this call.
1663 | */
1664 | static void supR3HardenedMainGrabCapabilites(void)
1665 | {
1666 | # if defined(RT_OS_LINUX)
1667 | /*
1668 | * We are about to drop all our privileges. Remove all capabilities but
1669 | * keep the cap_net_raw capability for ICMP sockets for the NAT stack.
1670 | */
1671 | if (g_uCaps != 0)
1672 | {
1673 | # ifdef USE_LIB_PCAP
1674 | /* XXX cap_net_bind_service */
1675 | if (!cap_set_proc(cap_from_text("all-eip cap_net_raw+ep")))
1676 | prctl(PR_SET_KEEPCAPS, 1 /*keep=*/, 0, 0, 0);
1677 | prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 1 /*dump*/, 0, 0, 0);
1678 | # else
1679 | cap_user_header_t hdr = (cap_user_header_t)alloca(sizeof(*hdr));
1680 | cap_user_data_t cap = (cap_user_data_t)alloca(sizeof(*cap));
1681 | memset(hdr, 0, sizeof(*hdr));
1682 | hdr->version = _LINUX_CAPABILITY_VERSION;
1683 | memset(cap, 0, sizeof(*cap));
1684 | cap->effective = g_uCaps;
1685 | cap->permitted = g_uCaps;
1686 | if (!capset(hdr, cap))
1687 | prctl(PR_SET_KEEPCAPS, 1 /*keep*/, 0, 0, 0);
1688 | prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 1 /*dump*/, 0, 0, 0);
1689 | # endif /* !USE_LIB_PCAP */
1690 | }
1691 |
1692 | # elif defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS)
1693 | /*
1694 | * Add net_icmpaccess privilege to effective privileges and limit
1695 | * permitted privileges before completely dropping root privileges.
1696 | * This requires dropping root privileges temporarily to get the normal
1697 | * user's privileges.
1698 | */
1699 | seteuid(g_uid);
1700 | priv_set_t *pPrivEffective = priv_allocset();
1701 | priv_set_t *pPrivNew = priv_allocset();
1702 | if (pPrivEffective && pPrivNew)
1703 | {
1704 | int rc = getppriv(PRIV_EFFECTIVE, pPrivEffective);
1705 | seteuid(0);
1706 | if (!rc)
1707 | {
1708 | priv_copyset(pPrivEffective, pPrivNew);
1709 | rc = priv_addset(pPrivNew, PRIV_NET_ICMPACCESS);
1710 | if (!rc)
1711 | {
1712 | /* Order is important, as one can't set a privilege which is
1713 | * not in the permitted privilege set. */
1714 | rc = setppriv(PRIV_SET, PRIV_EFFECTIVE, pPrivNew);
1715 | if (rc)
1716 | supR3HardenedError(rc, false, "SUPR3HardenedMain: failed to set effective privilege set.\n");
1717 | rc = setppriv(PRIV_SET, PRIV_PERMITTED, pPrivNew);
1718 | if (rc)
1719 | supR3HardenedError(rc, false, "SUPR3HardenedMain: failed to set permitted privilege set.\n");
1720 | }
1721 | else
1722 | supR3HardenedError(rc, false, "SUPR3HardenedMain: failed to add NET_ICMPACCESS privilege.\n");
1723 | }
1724 | }
1725 | else
1726 | {
1727 | /* for memory allocation failures just continue */
1728 | seteuid(0);
1729 | }
1730 |
1731 | if (pPrivEffective)
1732 | priv_freeset(pPrivEffective);
1733 | if (pPrivNew)
1734 | priv_freeset(pPrivNew);
1735 | # endif
1736 | }
1737 |
1738 | /*
1739 | * Look at the environment for some special options.
1740 | */
1741 | static void supR3GrabOptions(void)
1742 | {
1743 | const char *pszOpt;
1744 |
1745 | # ifdef RT_OS_LINUX
1746 | g_uCaps = 0;
1747 |
1748 | /*
1749 | * Do _not_ perform any capability-related system calls for root processes
1750 | * (leaving g_uCaps at 0).
1751 | * (Hint: getuid gets the real user id, not the effective.)
1752 | */
1753 | if (getuid() != 0)
1754 | {
1755 | /*
1756 | * CAP_NET_RAW.
1757 | * Default: enabled.
1758 | * Can be disabled with 'export VBOX_HARD_CAP_NET_RAW=0'.
1759 | */
1760 | pszOpt = getenv("VBOX_HARD_CAP_NET_RAW");
1761 | if ( !pszOpt
1762 | || memcmp(pszOpt, "0", sizeof("0")) != 0)
1763 | g_uCaps = CAP_TO_MASK(CAP_NET_RAW);
1764 |
1765 | /*
1767 | * Default: disabled.
1768 | * Can be enabled with 'export VBOX_HARD_CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=1'.
1769 | */
1770 | pszOpt = getenv("VBOX_HARD_CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE");
1771 | if ( pszOpt
1772 | && memcmp(pszOpt, "0", sizeof("0")) != 0)
1774 | }
1775 | # endif
1776 | }
1777 |
1778 | /**
1779 | * Drop any root privileges we might be holding.
1780 | */
1781 | static void supR3HardenedMainDropPrivileges(void)
1782 | {
1783 | /*
1784 | * Try use setre[ug]id since this will clear the save uid/gid and thus
1785 | * leave fewer traces behind that libs like GTK+ may pick up.
1786 | */
1787 | uid_t euid, ruid, suid;
1788 | gid_t egid, rgid, sgid;
1789 | # if defined(RT_OS_DARWIN)
1790 | /* The really great thing here is that setreuid isn't available on
1791 | OS X 10.4, libc emulates it. While 10.4 have a slightly different and
1792 | non-standard setuid implementation compared to 10.5, the following
1793 | works the same way with both version since we're super user (10.5 req).
1794 | The following will set all three variants of the group and user IDs. */
1795 | setgid(g_gid);
1796 | setuid(g_uid);
1797 | euid = geteuid();
1798 | ruid = suid = getuid();
1799 | egid = getegid();
1800 | rgid = sgid = getgid();
1801 |
1802 | # elif defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS)
1803 | /* Solaris doesn't have setresuid, but the setreuid interface is BSD
1804 | compatible and will set the saved uid to euid when we pass it a ruid
1805 | that isn't -1 (which we do). */
1806 | setregid(g_gid, g_gid);
1807 | setreuid(g_uid, g_uid);
1808 | euid = geteuid();
1809 | ruid = suid = getuid();
1810 | egid = getegid();
1811 | rgid = sgid = getgid();
1812 |
1813 | # else
1814 | /* This is the preferred one, full control no questions about semantics.
1815 | PORTME: If this isn't work, try join one of two other gangs above. */
1816 | setresgid(g_gid, g_gid, g_gid);
1817 | setresuid(g_uid, g_uid, g_uid);
1818 | if (getresuid(&ruid, &euid, &suid) != 0)
1819 | {
1820 | euid = geteuid();
1821 | ruid = suid = getuid();
1822 | }
1823 | if (getresgid(&rgid, &egid, &sgid) != 0)
1824 | {
1825 | egid = getegid();
1826 | rgid = sgid = getgid();
1827 | }
1828 | # endif
1829 |
1830 |
1831 | /* Check that it worked out all right. */
1832 | if ( euid != g_uid
1833 | || ruid != g_uid
1834 | || suid != g_uid
1835 | || egid != g_gid
1836 | || rgid != g_gid
1837 | || sgid != g_gid)
1838 | supR3HardenedFatal("SUPR3HardenedMain: failed to drop root privileges!"
1839 | " (euid=%d ruid=%d suid=%d egid=%d rgid=%d sgid=%d; wanted uid=%d and gid=%d)\n",
1840 | euid, ruid, suid, egid, rgid, sgid, g_uid, g_gid);
1841 |
1842 | # if RT_OS_LINUX
1843 | /*
1844 | * Re-enable the cap_net_raw capability which was disabled during setresuid.
1845 | */
1846 | if (g_uCaps != 0)
1847 | {
1848 | # ifdef USE_LIB_PCAP
1849 | /** @todo Warn if that does not work? */
1850 | /* XXX cap_net_bind_service */
1851 | cap_set_proc(cap_from_text("cap_net_raw+ep"));
1852 | # else
1853 | cap_user_header_t hdr = (cap_user_header_t)alloca(sizeof(*hdr));
1854 | cap_user_data_t cap = (cap_user_data_t)alloca(sizeof(*cap));
1855 | memset(hdr, 0, sizeof(*hdr));
1856 | hdr->version = _LINUX_CAPABILITY_VERSION;
1857 | memset(cap, 0, sizeof(*cap));
1858 | cap->effective = g_uCaps;
1859 | cap->permitted = g_uCaps;
1860 | /** @todo Warn if that does not work? */
1861 | capset(hdr, cap);
1862 | # endif /* !USE_LIB_PCAP */
1863 | }
1864 | # endif
1865 | }
1866 |
1867 | #endif /* SUP_HARDENED_SUID */
1868 |
1869 | /**
1870 | * Loads the VBoxRT DLL/SO/DYLIB, hands it the open driver,
1871 | * and calls RTR3InitEx.
1872 | *
1873 | * @param fFlags The SUPR3HardenedMain fFlags argument, passed to supR3PreInit.
1874 | *
1875 | * @remarks VBoxRT contains both IPRT and SUPR3.
1876 | * @remarks This function will not return on failure.
1877 | */
1878 | static void supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime(uint32_t fFlags)
1879 | {
1880 | /*
1881 | * Construct the name.
1882 | */
1883 | char szPath[RTPATH_MAX];
1884 | supR3HardenedPathAppSharedLibs(szPath, sizeof(szPath) - sizeof("/VBoxRT" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF));
1885 | suplibHardenedStrCat(szPath, "/VBoxRT" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF);
1886 |
1887 | /*
1888 | * Open it and resolve the symbols.
1889 | */
1890 | #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
1891 | HMODULE hMod = (HMODULE)supR3HardenedWinLoadLibrary(szPath, false /*fSystem32Only*/, g_fSupHardenedMain);
1892 | if (!hMod)
1893 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime", kSupInitOp_IPRT, VERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND,
1894 | "LoadLibrary \"%s\" failed (rc=%d)",
1895 | szPath, RtlGetLastWin32Error());
1896 | PFNRTR3INITEX pfnRTInitEx = (PFNRTR3INITEX)GetProcAddress(hMod, SUP_HARDENED_SYM("RTR3InitEx"));
1897 | if (!pfnRTInitEx)
1898 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime", kSupInitOp_IPRT, VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND,
1899 | "Entrypoint \"RTR3InitEx\" not found in \"%s\" (rc=%d)",
1900 | szPath, RtlGetLastWin32Error());
1901 |
1902 | PFNSUPR3PREINIT pfnSUPPreInit = (PFNSUPR3PREINIT)GetProcAddress(hMod, SUP_HARDENED_SYM("supR3PreInit"));
1903 | if (!pfnSUPPreInit)
1904 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime", kSupInitOp_IPRT, VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND,
1905 | "Entrypoint \"supR3PreInit\" not found in \"%s\" (rc=%d)",
1906 | szPath, RtlGetLastWin32Error());
1907 |
1908 | g_pfnRTLogRelPrintf = (PFNRTLOGRELPRINTF)GetProcAddress(hMod, SUP_HARDENED_SYM("RTLogRelPrintf"));
1909 | Assert(g_pfnRTLogRelPrintf); /* Not fatal in non-strict builds. */
1910 |
1911 | #else
1912 | /* the dlopen crowd */
1913 | void *pvMod = dlopen(szPath, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
1914 | if (!pvMod)
1915 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime", kSupInitOp_IPRT, VERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND,
1916 | "dlopen(\"%s\",) failed: %s",
1917 | szPath, dlerror());
1918 | PFNRTR3INITEX pfnRTInitEx = (PFNRTR3INITEX)(uintptr_t)dlsym(pvMod, SUP_HARDENED_SYM("RTR3InitEx"));
1919 | if (!pfnRTInitEx)
1920 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime", kSupInitOp_IPRT, VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND,
1921 | "Entrypoint \"RTR3InitEx\" not found in \"%s\"!\ndlerror: %s",
1922 | szPath, dlerror());
1923 | PFNSUPR3PREINIT pfnSUPPreInit = (PFNSUPR3PREINIT)(uintptr_t)dlsym(pvMod, SUP_HARDENED_SYM("supR3PreInit"));
1924 | if (!pfnSUPPreInit)
1925 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime", kSupInitOp_IPRT, VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND,
1926 | "Entrypoint \"supR3PreInit\" not found in \"%s\"!\ndlerror: %s",
1927 | szPath, dlerror());
1928 | #endif
1929 |
1930 | /*
1931 | * Make the calls.
1932 | */
1933 | supR3HardenedGetPreInitData(&g_SupPreInitData);
1934 | int rc = pfnSUPPreInit(&g_SupPreInitData, fFlags);
1935 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1936 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime", kSupInitOp_IPRT, rc,
1937 | "supR3PreInit failed with rc=%d", rc);
1938 | const char *pszExePath = NULL;
1939 | #ifdef RT_OS_LINUX
1940 | if (!supR3HardenedMainIsProcSelfExeAccssible())
1941 | pszExePath = g_szSupLibHardenedExePath;
1942 | #endif
1943 | rc = pfnRTInitEx(RTR3INIT_VER_1,
1945 | 0 /*cArgs*/, NULL /*papszArgs*/, pszExePath);
1946 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1947 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime", kSupInitOp_IPRT, rc,
1948 | "RTR3InitEx failed with rc=%d", rc);
1949 |
1950 | #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
1951 | /*
1952 | * Windows: Create thread that terminates the process when the parent stub
1953 | * process terminates (VBoxNetDHCP, Ctrl-C, etc).
1954 | */
1955 | if (!(fFlags & SUPSECMAIN_FLAGS_DONT_OPEN_DEV))
1956 | supR3HardenedWinCreateParentWatcherThread(hMod);
1957 | #endif
1958 | }
1959 |
1960 |
1961 | /**
1962 | * Construct the path to the DLL/SO/DYLIB containing the actual program.
1963 | *
1964 | * @returns VBox status code.
1965 | * @param pszProgName The program name.
1966 | * @param fMainFlags The flags passed to SUPR3HardenedMain.
1967 | * @param pszPath The output buffer.
1968 | * @param cbPath The size of the output buffer, in bytes. Must be at
1969 | * least 128 bytes!
1970 | */
1971 | static int supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedLib(const char *pszProgName, uint32_t fMainFlags, char *pszPath, size_t cbPath)
1972 | {
1973 | supR3HardenedPathAppPrivateArch(pszPath, sizeof(cbPath) - 10);
1974 | const char *pszSubDirSlash;
1975 | switch (g_fSupHardenedMain & SUPSECMAIN_FLAGS_LOC_MASK)
1976 | {
1978 | pszSubDirSlash = "/";
1979 | break;
1981 | pszSubDirSlash = "/testcase/";
1982 | break;
1983 | default:
1984 | pszSubDirSlash = "/";
1985 | supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain: Unknown program binary location: %#x\n", g_fSupHardenedMain);
1986 | }
1987 | #ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN
1988 | if (fMainFlags & SUPSECMAIN_FLAGS_OSX_VM_APP)
1989 | pszProgName = "VirtualBox";
1990 | #endif
1991 | size_t cch = suplibHardenedStrLen(pszPath);
1992 | return suplibHardenedStrCopyEx(&pszPath[cch], cbPath - cch, pszSubDirSlash, pszProgName, SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF, NULL);
1993 | }
1994 |
1995 |
1996 | /**
1997 | * Loads the DLL/SO/DYLIB containing the actual program and
1998 | * resolves the TrustedError symbol.
1999 | *
2000 | * This is very similar to supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain().
2001 | *
2002 | * @returns Pointer to the trusted error symbol if it is exported, NULL
2003 | * and no error messages otherwise.
2004 | * @param pszProgName The program name.
2005 | */
2006 | static PFNSUPTRUSTEDERROR supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedError(const char *pszProgName)
2007 | {
2008 | /*
2009 | * Don't bother if the main() function didn't advertise any TrustedError
2010 | * export. It's both a waste of time and may trigger additional problems,
2011 | * confusing or obscuring the original issue.
2012 | */
2013 | if (!(g_fSupHardenedMain & SUPSECMAIN_FLAGS_TRUSTED_ERROR))
2014 | return NULL;
2015 |
2016 | /*
2017 | * Construct the name.
2018 | */
2019 | char szPath[RTPATH_MAX];
2020 | supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedLib(pszProgName, g_fSupHardenedMain, szPath, sizeof(szPath));
2021 |
2022 | /*
2023 | * Open it and resolve the symbol.
2024 | */
2025 | #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
2026 | supR3HardenedWinEnableThreadCreation();
2027 | HMODULE hMod = (HMODULE)supR3HardenedWinLoadLibrary(szPath, false /*fSystem32Only*/, 0 /*fMainFlags*/);
2028 | if (!hMod)
2029 | return NULL;
2030 | FARPROC pfn = GetProcAddress(hMod, SUP_HARDENED_SYM("TrustedError"));
2031 | if (!pfn)
2032 | return NULL;
2033 | return (PFNSUPTRUSTEDERROR)pfn;
2034 |
2035 | #else
2036 | /* the dlopen crowd */
2037 | void *pvMod = dlopen(szPath, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
2038 | if (!pvMod)
2039 | return NULL;
2040 | void *pvSym = dlsym(pvMod, SUP_HARDENED_SYM("TrustedError"));
2041 | if (!pvSym)
2042 | return NULL;
2043 | return (PFNSUPTRUSTEDERROR)(uintptr_t)pvSym;
2044 | #endif
2045 | }
2046 |
2047 |
2048 | /**
2049 | * Loads the DLL/SO/DYLIB containing the actual program and
2050 | * resolves the TrustedMain symbol.
2051 | *
2052 | * @returns Pointer to the trusted main of the actual program.
2053 | * @param pszProgName The program name.
2054 | * @param fMainFlags The flags passed to SUPR3HardenedMain.
2055 | * @remarks This function will not return on failure.
2056 | */
2057 | static PFNSUPTRUSTEDMAIN supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain(const char *pszProgName, uint32_t fMainFlags)
2058 | {
2059 | /*
2060 | * Construct the name.
2061 | */
2062 | char szPath[RTPATH_MAX];
2063 | supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedLib(pszProgName, fMainFlags, szPath, sizeof(szPath));
2064 |
2065 | /*
2066 | * Open it and resolve the symbol.
2067 | */
2068 | #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
2069 | HMODULE hMod = (HMODULE)supR3HardenedWinLoadLibrary(szPath, false /*fSystem32Only*/, 0 /*fMainFlags*/);
2070 | if (!hMod)
2071 | supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain: LoadLibrary \"%s\" failed, rc=%d\n",
2072 | szPath, RtlGetLastWin32Error());
2073 | FARPROC pfn = GetProcAddress(hMod, SUP_HARDENED_SYM("TrustedMain"));
2074 | if (!pfn)
2075 | supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain: Entrypoint \"TrustedMain\" not found in \"%s\" (rc=%d)\n",
2076 | szPath, RtlGetLastWin32Error());
2077 | return (PFNSUPTRUSTEDMAIN)pfn;
2078 |
2079 | #else
2080 | /* the dlopen crowd */
2081 | void *pvMod = dlopen(szPath, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
2082 | if (!pvMod)
2083 | supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain: dlopen(\"%s\",) failed: %s\n",
2084 | szPath, dlerror());
2085 | void *pvSym = dlsym(pvMod, SUP_HARDENED_SYM("TrustedMain"));
2086 | if (!pvSym)
2087 | supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain: Entrypoint \"TrustedMain\" not found in \"%s\"!\ndlerror: %s\n",
2088 | szPath, dlerror());
2089 | return (PFNSUPTRUSTEDMAIN)(uintptr_t)pvSym;
2090 | #endif
2091 | }
2092 |
2093 |
2094 | /**
2095 | * Secure main.
2096 | *
2097 | * This is used for the set-user-ID-on-execute binaries on unixy systems
2098 | * and when using the open-vboxdrv-via-root-service setup on Windows.
2099 | *
2100 | * This function will perform the integrity checks of the VirtualBox
2101 | * installation, open the support driver, open the root service (later),
2102 | * and load the DLL corresponding to \a pszProgName and execute its main
2103 | * function.
2104 | *
2105 | * @returns Return code appropriate for main().
2106 | *
2107 | * @param pszProgName The program name. This will be used to figure out which
2108 | * DLL/SO/DYLIB to load and execute.
2109 | * @param fFlags Flags.
2110 | * @param argc The argument count.
2111 | * @param argv The argument vector.
2112 | * @param envp The environment vector.
2113 | */
2114 | DECLHIDDEN(int) SUPR3HardenedMain(const char *pszProgName, uint32_t fFlags, int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
2115 | {
2116 | SUP_DPRINTF(("SUPR3HardenedMain: pszProgName=%s fFlags=%#x\n", pszProgName, fFlags));
2118 |
2119 | /*
2120 | * Note! At this point there is no IPRT, so we will have to stick
2121 | * to basic CRT functions that everyone agree upon.
2122 | */
2123 | g_pszSupLibHardenedProgName = pszProgName;
2124 | g_fSupHardenedMain = fFlags;
2125 | g_SupPreInitData.u32Magic = SUPPREINITDATA_MAGIC;
2126 | g_SupPreInitData.u32EndMagic = SUPPREINITDATA_MAGIC;
2127 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
2128 | if (!g_fSupEarlyProcessInit)
2129 | #endif
2130 | g_SupPreInitData.Data.hDevice = SUP_HDEVICE_NIL;
2131 |
2132 | /*
2133 | * Determine the full exe path as we'll be needing it for the verify all
2134 | * call(s) below. (We have to do this early on Linux because we * *might*
2135 | * not be able to access /proc/self/exe after the seteuid call.)
2136 | */
2137 | supR3HardenedGetFullExePath();
2138 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
2139 | supR3HardenedWinInitAppBin(fFlags);
2140 | #endif
2141 |
2142 | #ifdef SUP_HARDENED_SUID
2143 | /*
2144 | * Grab any options from the environment.
2145 | */
2146 | supR3GrabOptions();
2147 |
2148 | /*
2149 | * Check that we're root, if we aren't then the installation is butchered.
2150 | */
2151 | g_uid = getuid();
2152 | g_gid = getgid();
2153 | if (geteuid() != 0 /* root */)
2154 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("SUPR3HardenedMain", kSupInitOp_RootCheck, VERR_PERMISSION_DENIED,
2155 | "Effective UID is not root (euid=%d egid=%d uid=%d gid=%d)",
2156 | geteuid(), getegid(), g_uid, g_gid);
2157 | #endif /* SUP_HARDENED_SUID */
2158 |
2159 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
2160 | /*
2161 | * Windows: First respawn. On Windows we will respawn the process twice to establish
2162 | * something we can put some kind of reliable trust in. The first respawning aims
2163 | * at dropping compatibility layers and process "security" solutions.
2164 | */
2165 | if ( !g_fSupEarlyProcessInit
2167 | && supR3HardenedWinIsReSpawnNeeded(1 /*iWhich*/, argc, argv))
2168 | {
2169 | SUP_DPRINTF(("SUPR3HardenedMain: Respawn #1\n"));
2170 | supR3HardenedWinInit(SUPSECMAIN_FLAGS_DONT_OPEN_DEV, false /*fAvastKludge*/);
2171 | supR3HardenedVerifyAll(true /* fFatal */, pszProgName, g_szSupLibHardenedExePath, fFlags);
2172 | return supR3HardenedWinReSpawn(1 /*iWhich*/);
2173 | }
2174 |
2175 | /*
2176 | * Windows: Initialize the image verification global data so we can verify the
2177 | * signature of the process image and hook the core of the DLL loader API so we
2178 | * can check the signature of all DLLs mapped into the process. (Already done
2179 | * by early VM process init.)
2180 | */
2181 | if (!g_fSupEarlyProcessInit)
2182 | supR3HardenedWinInit(fFlags, true /*fAvastKludge*/);
2183 | #endif /* RT_OS_WINDOWS */
2184 |
2185 | /*
2186 | * Validate the installation.
2187 | */
2188 | supR3HardenedVerifyAll(true /* fFatal */, pszProgName, g_szSupLibHardenedExePath, fFlags);
2189 |
2190 | /*
2191 | * The next steps are only taken if we actually need to access the support
2192 | * driver. (Already done by early process init.)
2193 | */
2194 | if (!(fFlags & SUPSECMAIN_FLAGS_DONT_OPEN_DEV))
2195 | {
2196 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
2197 | /*
2198 | * Windows: Must have done early process init if we get here.
2199 | */
2200 | if (!g_fSupEarlyProcessInit)
2201 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("SUPR3HardenedMain", kSupInitOp_Integrity, VERR_WRONG_ORDER,
2202 | "Early process init was somehow skipped.");
2203 |
2204 | /*
2205 | * Windows: The second respawn. This time we make a special arrangement
2206 | * with vboxdrv to monitor access to the new process from its inception.
2207 | */
2208 | if (supR3HardenedWinIsReSpawnNeeded(2 /* iWhich*/, argc, argv))
2209 | {
2210 | SUP_DPRINTF(("SUPR3HardenedMain: Respawn #2\n"));
2211 | return supR3HardenedWinReSpawn(2 /* iWhich*/);
2212 | }
2213 | SUP_DPRINTF(("SUPR3HardenedMain: Final process, opening VBoxDrv...\n"));
2214 | supR3HardenedWinFlushLoaderCache();
2215 |
2216 | #else
2217 | /*
2218 | * Open the vboxdrv device.
2219 | */
2220 | supR3HardenedMainOpenDevice();
2221 | #endif /* !RT_OS_WINDOWS */
2222 | }
2223 |
2224 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
2225 | /*
2226 | * Windows: Enable the use of windows APIs to verify images at load time.
2227 | */
2228 | supR3HardenedWinEnableThreadCreation();
2229 | supR3HardenedWinFlushLoaderCache();
2230 | supR3HardenedWinResolveVerifyTrustApiAndHookThreadCreation(g_pszSupLibHardenedProgName);
2232 | #endif
2233 |
2234 | #ifdef SUP_HARDENED_SUID
2235 | /*
2236 | * Grab additional capabilities / privileges.
2237 | */
2238 | supR3HardenedMainGrabCapabilites();
2239 |
2240 | /*
2241 | * Drop any root privileges we might be holding (won't return on failure)
2242 | */
2243 | supR3HardenedMainDropPrivileges();
2244 | #endif
2245 |
2246 | /*
2247 | * Load the IPRT, hand the SUPLib part the open driver and
2248 | * call RTR3InitEx.
2249 | */
2250 | SUP_DPRINTF(("SUPR3HardenedMain: Load Runtime...\n"));
2252 | supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime(fFlags);
2253 | #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
2254 | supR3HardenedWinModifyDllSearchPath(fFlags, g_szSupLibHardenedAppBinPath);
2255 | #endif
2256 |
2257 | /*
2258 | * Load the DLL/SO/DYLIB containing the actual program
2259 | * and pass control to it.
2260 | */
2261 | SUP_DPRINTF(("SUPR3HardenedMain: Load TrustedMain...\n"));
2263 | PFNSUPTRUSTEDMAIN pfnTrustedMain = supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain(pszProgName, fFlags);
2264 |
2265 | SUP_DPRINTF(("SUPR3HardenedMain: Calling TrustedMain (%p)...\n", pfnTrustedMain));
2267 | return pfnTrustedMain(argc, argv, envp);
2268 | }
2269 |