1 | /* $Id: SUPR3HardenedMain-posix.cpp 86224 2020-09-22 14:23:25Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VirtualBox Support Library - Hardened main(), posix bits.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | *
17 | * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
18 | * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
19 | * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
20 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
21 | * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
22 | *
23 | * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
24 | * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
25 | */
26 |
27 |
28 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
29 | * Header Files *
30 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
31 | #include <VBox/err.h>
32 | #include <VBox/dis.h>
33 | #include <VBox/sup.h>
34 |
35 | #include <iprt/path.h>
36 | #include <iprt/string.h>
37 | #include <iprt/x86.h>
38 |
39 | #include <dlfcn.h>
40 | #include <sys/mman.h>
41 | #ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN
42 | # include <errno.h>
43 | # include <fcntl.h>
44 | # include <sys/stat.h> /* fstat() */
45 | # include <unistd.h> /* readlink() */
46 | # include <stdlib.h>
47 | # include <sys/sysctl.h> /* sysctlbyname() */
48 | #elif defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS)
49 | # include <link.h>
50 | #endif
51 | #include <stdio.h>
52 | #include <stdint.h>
53 |
54 | #include "SUPLibInternal.h"
55 |
56 |
57 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
58 | * Defined Constants And Macros *
59 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
60 |
61 | /** For OS X. */
62 | #ifndef MAP_ANONYMOUS
64 | #endif
65 |
66 | /**
67 | * Memory for code patching.
68 | */
70 |
71 |
72 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
73 | * Structures and Typedefs *
74 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
75 | /**
76 | * Callback (SUPHARDENEDPOSIXHOOK::pfnResolv) for triggering lazy GOT resolver.
77 | *
78 | * This generally just calls the API in a harmless manner and triggers the lazy
79 | * resolving of the symbol, ensuring a proper address in the GOT/PLT entry.
80 | *
81 | * On Solaris dlsym() will return the value in the GOT/PLT entry. We don't wish
82 | * to patch the lazy loader trampoline function, but rather the real function!
83 | */
87 |
88 | /**
89 | * A hook descriptor.
90 | */
91 | typedef struct SUPHARDENEDPOSIXHOOK
92 | {
93 | /** The symbol to hook. */
94 | const char *pszSymbol;
95 | /** The intercepting wrapper doing additional checks. */
96 | PFNRT pfnHook;
97 | /** Where to store the pointer to the code into patch memory
98 | * which resumes the original call.
99 | * @note uintptr_t instead of PFNRT is for Clang 11. */
100 | uintptr_t *ppfnRealResume;
101 | /** Pointer to the resolver method used on Solaris. */
104 | /** Pointer to a hook descriptor. */
106 | /** Pointer to a const hook descriptor. */
108 |
109 | /** dlopen() declaration. */
110 | typedef void *FNDLOPEN(const char *pszFilename, int fFlags);
111 | /** Pointer to dlopen. */
112 | typedef FNDLOPEN *PFNDLOPEN;
113 |
115 | /** dlmopen() declaration */
116 | typedef void *FNDLMOPEN(Lmid_t idLm, const char *pszFilename, int fFlags);
117 | /** Pointer to dlmopen. */
119 | #endif
120 |
121 |
122 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
123 | * Internal Functions *
124 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
125 | static FNSUPHARDENEDSYMRESOLVE supR3HardenedPosixMonitorDlopenResolve;
127 | static FNSUPHARDENEDSYMRESOLVE supR3HardenedPosixMonitorDlmopenResolve;
128 | #endif
129 |
130 | /* SUPR3HardenedMainA-posix.asm: */
131 | DECLASM(void) supR3HardenedPosixMonitor_Dlopen(const char *pszFilename, int fFlags);
133 | DECLASM(void) supR3HardenedPosixMonitor_Dlmopen(Lmid_t idLm, const char *pszFilename, int fFlags);
134 | #endif
135 |
136 |
137 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
138 | * Global Variables *
139 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
141 | /** Resume patch for dlopen(), jumped to form assembly stub. */
144 | /** Resume patch for dlmopen(), jumped to form assembly stub. */
146 | #endif
148 |
149 | /** Memory allocated for the patches. */
150 | static uint8_t *g_pbExecMemory = NULL;
151 | /** Offset into the patch memory which is not used. */
152 | static uint32_t g_offExecMemory = 0;
153 |
154 | /**
155 | * Array of hooks to install.
156 | */
157 | static SUPHARDENEDPOSIXHOOK const g_aHooks[] =
158 | {
159 | /* pszSymbol, pfnHook, ppfnRealResume, pfnResolve */
160 | { "dlopen", (PFNRT)supR3HardenedPosixMonitor_Dlopen, (uintptr_t *)&g_pfnDlopenReal, supR3HardenedPosixMonitorDlopenResolve },
162 | { "dlmopen", (PFNRT)supR3HardenedPosixMonitor_Dlmopen, (uintptr_t *)&g_pfnDlmopenReal, supR3HardenedPosixMonitorDlmopenResolve }
163 | #endif
164 | };
165 |
166 |
167 |
168 | /**
169 | * Verifies the given library for proper access rights for further loading
170 | * into the process.
171 | *
172 | * @returns Flag whether the access rights of the library look sane and loading
173 | * it is not considered a security risk. Returns true if the library
174 | * looks sane, false otherwise.
175 | * @param pszFilename The library to load, this can be an absolute or relative path
176 | * or just the filename of the library when the default paths should
177 | * be searched. NULL is allowed too to indicate opening the main
178 | * binary.
179 | */
180 | DECLASM(bool) supR3HardenedPosixMonitor_VerifyLibrary(const char *pszFilename)
181 | {
182 | /*
183 | * Giving NULL as the filename indicates opening the main program which is fine
184 | * We are already loaded and executing after all.
185 | *
186 | * Filenames without any path component (whether absolute or relative) are allowed
187 | * unconditionally too as the loader will only search the default paths configured by root.
188 | */
189 | bool fAllow = true;
190 |
191 | if ( pszFilename
192 | && strchr(pszFilename, '/') != NULL)
193 | {
194 | #if defined(RT_OS_DARWIN) || defined(RT_OS_LINUX)
195 | int rc = supR3HardenedVerifyFileFollowSymlinks(pszFilename, RTHCUINTPTR_MAX, true /* fMaybe3rdParty */,
196 | NULL /* pErrInfo */);
197 | #else
198 | int rc = supR3HardenedVerifyFile(pszFilename, RTHCUINTPTR_MAX, true /* fMaybe3rdParty */,
199 | NULL /* pErrInfo */);
200 | #endif
201 |
202 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
203 | fAllow = false;
204 | }
205 |
206 | return fAllow;
207 | }
208 |
209 |
210 | /**
211 | * Returns the start address of the given symbol if found or NULL otherwise.
212 | *
213 | * @returns Start address of the symbol or NULL if not found.
214 | * @param pszSymbol The symbol name.
215 | * @param pfnResolve The resolver to call before trying to query the start address.
216 | */
217 | static void *supR3HardenedMainPosixGetStartBySymbol(const char *pszSymbol, PFNSUPHARDENEDSYMRESOLVE pfnResolve)
218 | {
219 | #ifndef RT_OS_SOLARIS
220 | RT_NOREF(pfnResolve);
221 | return dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, pszSymbol);
222 |
223 | #else /* RT_OS_SOLARIS */
224 | /*
225 | * Solaris is tricky as dlsym doesn't return the actual start address of
226 | * the symbol but the start of the trampoline in the PLT of the caller.
227 | *
228 | * Disassemble the first jmp instruction to get at the entry in the global
229 | * offset table where the actual address is stored.
230 | *
231 | * To counter lazy symbol resolving, we first have to call the API before
232 | * trying to resolve and disassemble it.
233 | */
234 | pfnResolve();
235 |
236 | uint8_t *pbSym = (uint8_t *)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, pszSymbol);
237 |
238 | # ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
239 | DISSTATE Dis;
240 | uint32_t cbInstr = 1;
241 | int rc = DISInstr(pbSym, DISCPUMODE_64BIT, &Dis, &cbInstr);
242 | if ( RT_FAILURE(rc)
243 | || Dis.pCurInstr->uOpcode != OP_JMP
244 | || !(Dis.ModRM.Bits.Mod == 0 && Dis.ModRM.Bits.Rm == 5 /* wrt RIP */))
245 | return NULL;
246 |
247 | /* Extract start address. */
248 | pbSym = (pbSym + cbInstr + Dis.Param1.uDisp.i32);
249 | pbSym = (uint8_t *)*((uintptr_t *)pbSym);
250 | # else
251 | # error "Unsupported architecture"
252 | # endif
253 |
254 | return pbSym;
255 | #endif /* RT_OS_SOLARIS */
256 | }
257 |
258 |
259 | /**
260 | * Allocates executable patch memory with the given constraints.
261 | *
262 | * @returns VBox status code.
263 | * @param cb Size of the patch memory in bytes.
264 | * @param pvHint Where to try allocating nearby.
265 | * @param fRipRelAddr Flag whether the executable memory must be within
266 | * 2GB before or after the hint as it will contain
267 | * instructions using RIP relative addressing
268 | */
269 | static uint8_t *supR3HardenedMainPosixExecMemAlloc(size_t cb, void *pvHint, bool fRipRelAddr)
270 | {
271 | AssertReturn(cb < _1K, NULL);
272 |
273 | /* Lazy allocation of exectuable memory. */
274 | if (!g_pbExecMemory)
275 | {
276 | g_pbExecMemory = (uint8_t *)mmap(pvHint, DLOPEN_PATCH_MEMORY_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC,
278 | g_offExecMemory = 0;
279 | if (g_pbExecMemory == MAP_FAILED)
280 | return NULL;
281 |
282 | memset(g_pbExecMemory, 0xcc, DLOPEN_PATCH_MEMORY_SIZE);
283 | }
284 |
285 | if (g_offExecMemory + cb >= DLOPEN_PATCH_MEMORY_SIZE)
286 | return NULL;
287 |
288 | uint8_t *pb = &g_pbExecMemory[g_offExecMemory];
289 |
290 | if (fRipRelAddr)
291 | {
292 | /* Check that we allocated within 2GB of the hint. */
293 | uintptr_t uPtrHint = (uintptr_t)pvHint;
294 | uintptr_t uPtrPatchMem = (uintptr_t)pb;
295 | uintptr_t cbDistance = uPtrHint < uPtrPatchMem
296 | ? uPtrPatchMem - uPtrHint
297 | : uPtrHint - uPtrPatchMem;
298 |
299 | if (cbDistance >= _2G - _4K)
300 | return NULL;
301 | }
302 |
303 | g_offExecMemory = RT_ALIGN_32(g_offExecMemory + cb, 16);
304 | return pb;
305 | }
306 |
307 |
308 | /**
309 | * Hooks the given method to execute the given one first.
310 | *
311 | * @returns VBox status code.
312 | * @param pszSymbol The symbol to hook.
313 | * @param pfnHook The hook to install.
314 | * @param ppfnReal Where to store the pointer to entry point of the real method
315 | * (somewhere in patch memory).
316 | * @param pfnResolve The resolver to call before trying to query the start address.
317 | */
318 | static int supR3HardenedMainPosixHookOne(const char *pszSymbol, PFNRT pfnHook, uintptr_t /*PFNRT*/ *ppfnReal,
320 | {
321 | void *pfnTarget = supR3HardenedMainPosixGetStartBySymbol(pszSymbol, pfnResolve);
322 | if (!pfnTarget)
323 | return VERR_NOT_FOUND;
324 |
325 | /*
326 | * Make the target memory writeable to be able to insert the patch.
327 | * Unprotect two pages in case the code crosses a page boundary.
328 | */
329 | void *pvTargetBase = (void *)(((uintptr_t)pfnTarget) & ~(uintptr_t)(_4K - 1));
330 | int rcPsx = mprotect(pvTargetBase, 2 * _4K, PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC);
331 | if (rcPsx == -1)
333 |
334 | uint8_t * const pbTarget = (uint8_t *)(uintptr_t)pfnTarget;
335 |
336 | DISSTATE Dis;
337 | uint32_t cbInstr;
338 | uint32_t offJmpBack = 0;
339 | uint32_t cbPatchMem = 0;
340 |
341 | #ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
342 | /*
343 | * Patch 64-bit hosts.
344 | */
345 | uint32_t cRipRelMovs = 0;
346 | uint32_t cRelCalls = 0;
347 |
348 | /* Just use the disassembler to skip 12 bytes or more, we might need to
349 | rewrite mov instructions using RIP relative addressing. */
350 | while (offJmpBack < 12)
351 | {
352 | cbInstr = 1;
353 | int rc = DISInstr(pbTarget + offJmpBack, DISCPUMODE_64BIT, &Dis, &cbInstr);
354 | if ( RT_FAILURE(rc)
355 | || ( Dis.pCurInstr->fOpType & DISOPTYPE_CONTROLFLOW
356 | && Dis.pCurInstr->uOpcode != OP_CALL)
357 | || ( Dis.ModRM.Bits.Mod == 0
358 | && Dis.ModRM.Bits.Rm == 5 /* wrt RIP */
359 | && Dis.pCurInstr->uOpcode != OP_MOV))
361 |
362 | if (Dis.ModRM.Bits.Mod == 0 && Dis.ModRM.Bits.Rm == 5 /* wrt RIP */)
363 | cRipRelMovs++;
364 | if ( Dis.pCurInstr->uOpcode == OP_CALL
365 | && (Dis.pCurInstr->fOpType & DISOPTYPE_RELATIVE_CONTROLFLOW))
366 | cRelCalls++;
367 |
368 | offJmpBack += cbInstr;
369 | cbPatchMem += cbInstr;
370 | }
371 |
372 | /*
373 | * Each relative call requires extra bytes as it is converted to a pushq imm32
374 | * + mov [RSP+4], imm32 + a jmp qword [$+8 wrt RIP] to avoid clobbering registers.
375 | */
376 | cbPatchMem += cRelCalls * RT_ALIGN_32(13 + 6 + 8, 8);
377 | cbPatchMem += 14; /* jmp qword [$+8 wrt RIP] + 8 byte address to jump to. */
378 | cbPatchMem = RT_ALIGN_32(cbPatchMem, 8);
379 |
380 | /* Allocate suitable executable memory available. */
381 | bool fConvRipRelMovs = false;
382 | uint8_t *pbPatchMem = supR3HardenedMainPosixExecMemAlloc(cbPatchMem, pbTarget, cRipRelMovs > 0);
383 | if (!pbPatchMem)
384 | {
385 | /*
386 | * Try to allocate memory again without the RIP relative mov addressing constraint
387 | * Makes it a bit more difficult for us later on but there is no way around it.
388 | * We need to increase the patch memory because we create two instructions for one
389 | * (7 bytes for the RIP relative mov vs. 13 bytes for the two instructions replacing it ->
390 | * need to allocate 6 bytes more per RIP relative mov).
391 | */
392 | fConvRipRelMovs = true;
393 | if (cRipRelMovs > 0)
394 | pbPatchMem = supR3HardenedMainPosixExecMemAlloc(cbPatchMem + cRipRelMovs * 6,
395 | pbTarget, false /*fRipRelAddr*/);
396 |
397 | if (!pbPatchMem)
398 | return VERR_NO_MEMORY;
399 | }
400 |
401 | /* Assemble the code for resuming the call.*/
402 | *ppfnReal = (uintptr_t)pbPatchMem;
403 |
404 | /* Go through the instructions to patch and fixup any rip relative mov instructions. */
405 | uint32_t offInsn = 0;
406 | while (offInsn < offJmpBack)
407 | {
408 | cbInstr = 1;
409 | int rc = DISInstr(pbTarget + offInsn, DISCPUMODE_64BIT, &Dis, &cbInstr);
410 | if ( RT_FAILURE(rc)
411 | || ( Dis.pCurInstr->fOpType & DISOPTYPE_CONTROLFLOW
412 | && Dis.pCurInstr->uOpcode != OP_CALL))
414 |
415 | if ( Dis.ModRM.Bits.Mod == 0
416 | && Dis.ModRM.Bits.Rm == 5 /* wrt RIP */
417 | && Dis.pCurInstr->uOpcode == OP_MOV)
418 | {
419 | /* Deduce destination register and write out new instruction. */
420 | if (RT_UNLIKELY(!( (Dis.Param1.fUse & (DISUSE_BASE | DISUSE_REG_GEN64))
421 | && (Dis.Param2.fUse & DISUSE_RIPDISPLACEMENT32))))
423 |
424 | uintptr_t uAddr = (uintptr_t)&pbTarget[offInsn + cbInstr] + (intptr_t)Dis.Param2.uDisp.i32;
425 |
426 | if (fConvRipRelMovs)
427 | {
428 | /*
429 | * Create two instructions, first one moves the address as a constant to the destination register
430 | * and the second one loads the data from the memory into the destination register.
431 | */
432 |
433 | *pbPatchMem++ = 0x48;
434 | *pbPatchMem++ = 0xb8 + Dis.Param1.Base.idxGenReg;
435 | *(uintptr_t *)pbPatchMem = uAddr;
436 | pbPatchMem += sizeof(uintptr_t);
437 |
438 | *pbPatchMem++ = 0x48;
439 | *pbPatchMem++ = 0x8b;
440 | *pbPatchMem++ = (Dis.Param1.Base.idxGenReg << X86_MODRM_REG_SHIFT) | Dis.Param1.Base.idxGenReg;
441 | }
442 | else
443 | {
444 | intptr_t iDispNew = uAddr - (uintptr_t)&pbPatchMem[3 + sizeof(int32_t)];
445 | Assert(iDispNew == (int32_t)iDispNew);
446 |
447 | /* Assemble the mov to register instruction with the updated rip relative displacement. */
448 | *pbPatchMem++ = 0x48;
449 | *pbPatchMem++ = 0x8b;
450 | *pbPatchMem++ = (Dis.Param1.Base.idxGenReg << X86_MODRM_REG_SHIFT) | 5;
451 | *(int32_t *)pbPatchMem = (int32_t)iDispNew;
452 | pbPatchMem += sizeof(int32_t);
453 | }
454 | }
455 | else if ( Dis.pCurInstr->uOpcode == OP_CALL
456 | && (Dis.pCurInstr->fOpType & DISOPTYPE_RELATIVE_CONTROLFLOW))
457 | {
458 | /* Convert to absolute jump. */
459 | uintptr_t uAddr = (uintptr_t)&pbTarget[offInsn + cbInstr] + (intptr_t)Dis.Param1.uValue;
460 |
461 | /* Skip the push instructions till the return address is known. */
462 | uint8_t *pbPatchMemPush = pbPatchMem;
463 | pbPatchMem += 13;
464 |
465 | *pbPatchMem++ = 0xff; /* jmp qword [$+8 wrt RIP] */
466 | *pbPatchMem++ = 0x25;
467 | *(uint32_t *)pbPatchMem = (uint32_t)(RT_ALIGN_PT(pbPatchMem + 4, 8, uint8_t *) - (pbPatchMem + 4));
468 | pbPatchMem = RT_ALIGN_PT(pbPatchMem + 4, 8, uint8_t *);
469 | *(uint64_t *)pbPatchMem = uAddr;
470 | pbPatchMem += sizeof(uint64_t);
471 |
472 | /* Push the return address onto stack. Difficult on amd64 without clobbering registers... */
473 | uintptr_t uAddrReturn = (uintptr_t)pbPatchMem;
474 | *pbPatchMemPush++ = 0x68; /* push imm32 sign-extended as 64-bit*/
475 | *(uint32_t *)pbPatchMemPush = RT_LO_U32(uAddrReturn);
476 | pbPatchMemPush += sizeof(uint32_t);
477 | *pbPatchMemPush++ = 0xc7;
478 | *pbPatchMemPush++ = 0x44;
479 | *pbPatchMemPush++ = 0x24;
480 | *pbPatchMemPush++ = 0x04; /* movl [RSP+4], imm32 */
481 | *(uint32_t *)pbPatchMemPush = RT_HI_U32(uAddrReturn);
482 | }
483 | else
484 | {
485 | memcpy(pbPatchMem, pbTarget + offInsn, cbInstr);
486 | pbPatchMem += cbInstr;
487 | }
488 |
489 | offInsn += cbInstr;
490 | }
491 |
492 | *pbPatchMem++ = 0xff; /* jmp qword [$+8 wrt RIP] */
493 | *pbPatchMem++ = 0x25;
494 | *(uint32_t *)pbPatchMem = (uint32_t)(RT_ALIGN_PT(pbPatchMem + 4, 8, uint8_t *) - (pbPatchMem + 4));
495 | pbPatchMem = RT_ALIGN_PT(pbPatchMem + 4, 8, uint8_t *);
496 | *(uint64_t *)pbPatchMem = (uintptr_t)&pbTarget[offJmpBack];
497 |
498 | /* Assemble the patch. */
499 | Assert(offJmpBack >= 12);
500 | pbTarget[0] = 0x48; /* mov rax, qword */
501 | pbTarget[1] = 0xb8;
502 | *(uintptr_t *)&pbTarget[2] = (uintptr_t)pfnHook;
503 | pbTarget[10] = 0xff; /* jmp rax */
504 | pbTarget[11] = 0xe0;
505 |
506 | #else /* !RT_ARCH_AMD64 */
507 | /*
508 | * Patch 32-bit hosts.
509 | */
510 | /* Just use the disassembler to skip 5 bytes or more. */
511 | while (offJmpBack < 5)
512 | {
513 | cbInstr = 1;
514 | int rc = DISInstr(pbTarget + offJmpBack, DISCPUMODE_32BIT, &Dis, &cbInstr);
515 | if ( RT_FAILURE(rc)
516 | || ( (Dis.pCurInstr->fOpType & DISOPTYPE_CONTROLFLOW)
517 | && Dis.pCurInstr->uOpcode != OP_CALL))
519 |
520 | if ( Dis.pCurInstr->uOpcode == OP_CALL
521 | && (Dis.pCurInstr->fOpType & DISOPTYPE_RELATIVE_CONTROLFLOW))
522 | cbPatchMem += 10; /* push imm32 + jmp rel32 */
523 | else
524 | cbPatchMem += cbInstr;
525 |
526 | offJmpBack += cbInstr;
527 | }
528 |
529 | /* Allocate suitable exectuable memory available. */
530 | uint8_t *pbPatchMem = supR3HardenedMainPosixExecMemAlloc(cbPatchMem, pbTarget, false /* fRipRelAddr */);
531 | if (!pbPatchMem)
532 | return VERR_NO_MEMORY;
533 |
534 | /* Assemble the code for resuming the call.*/
535 | *ppfnReal = (uintptr_t)pbPatchMem;
536 |
537 | /* Go through the instructions to patch and fixup any relative call instructions. */
538 | uint32_t offInsn = 0;
539 | while (offInsn < offJmpBack)
540 | {
541 | cbInstr = 1;
542 | int rc = DISInstr(pbTarget + offInsn, DISCPUMODE_32BIT, &Dis, &cbInstr);
543 | if ( RT_FAILURE(rc)
544 | || ( (Dis.pCurInstr->fOpType & DISOPTYPE_CONTROLFLOW)
545 | && Dis.pCurInstr->uOpcode != OP_CALL))
547 |
548 | if ( Dis.pCurInstr->uOpcode == OP_CALL
549 | && (Dis.pCurInstr->fOpType & DISOPTYPE_RELATIVE_CONTROLFLOW))
550 | {
551 | /*
552 | * Don't use a call instruction directly but push the original return address
553 | * onto the stack and use a relative jump to the call target.
554 | * The reason here is that on Linux the called method saves the return
555 | * address from the stack which will be different from the original because
556 | * the code is executed from our patch memory.
557 | *
558 | * Luckily the call instruction is 5 bytes long which means it is always the
559 | * last instruction to patch and we don't need to return from the call
560 | * to patch memory anyway but can use this method to resume the original call.
561 | */
562 | AssertReturn(offInsn + cbInstr >= offJmpBack, VERR_SUPLIB_UNEXPECTED_INSTRUCTION); /* Must be last instruction! */
563 |
564 | /* push return address */
565 | uint32_t const uAddrReturn = (uintptr_t)&pbTarget[offInsn + cbInstr]; /* The return address to push to the stack. */
566 |
567 | *pbPatchMem++ = 0x68; /* push dword */
568 | *(uint32_t *)pbPatchMem = uAddrReturn;
569 | pbPatchMem += sizeof(uint32_t);
570 |
571 | /* jmp rel32 to the call target */
572 | uintptr_t const uAddr = uAddrReturn + (int32_t)Dis.Param1.uValue;
573 | int32_t const i32DispNew = uAddr - (uintptr_t)&pbPatchMem[5];
574 |
575 | *pbPatchMem++ = 0xe9; /* jmp rel32 */
576 | *(int32_t *)pbPatchMem = i32DispNew;
577 | pbPatchMem += sizeof(int32_t);
578 | }
579 | else
580 | {
581 | memcpy(pbPatchMem, pbTarget + offInsn, cbInstr);
582 | pbPatchMem += cbInstr;
583 | }
584 |
585 | offInsn += cbInstr;
586 | }
587 |
588 | *pbPatchMem++ = 0xe9; /* jmp rel32 */
589 | *(uint32_t *)pbPatchMem = (uintptr_t)&pbTarget[offJmpBack] - ((uintptr_t)pbPatchMem + 4);
590 |
591 | /* Assemble the patch. */
592 | Assert(offJmpBack >= 5);
593 | pbTarget[0] = 0xe9;
594 | *(uint32_t *)&pbTarget[1] = (uintptr_t)pfnHook - (uintptr_t)&pbTarget[1+4];
595 | #endif /* !RT_ARCH_AMD64 */
596 |
597 | /*
598 | * Re-seal target (ASSUMING that the shared object either has page aligned
599 | * section or that the patch target is far enough from the writable parts).
600 | */
601 | rcPsx = mprotect(pvTargetBase, 2 * _4K, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC);
602 | if (rcPsx == -1)
604 |
605 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
606 | }
607 |
608 |
609 | /**
610 | * @callback_method_impl{FNSUPHARDENEDSYMRESOLVE, dlopen}
611 | */
612 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) supR3HardenedPosixMonitorDlopenResolve(void)
613 | {
614 | /* Make harmless dlopen call. */
615 | void *pv = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_LAZY);
616 | if (pv)
617 | dlclose(pv);
618 | }
619 |
620 |
622 | /**
623 | * @callback_method_impl{FNSUPHARDENEDSYMRESOLVE, dlmopen}
624 | */
625 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) supR3HardenedPosixMonitorDlmopenResolve(void)
626 | {
627 | /* Make harmless dlmopen call. */
628 | void *pv = dlmopen(LM_ID_BASE, NULL, RTLD_LAZY);
629 | if (pv)
630 | dlclose(pv);
631 | }
632 | #endif
633 |
634 |
635 | /**
636 | * Hardening initialization for POSIX compatible hosts.
637 | *
638 | * @returns nothing.
639 | *
640 | * @note Doesn't return on error.
641 | */
642 | DECLHIDDEN(void) supR3HardenedPosixInit(void)
643 | {
644 | int rc;
645 | bool fIgnoreFailure = false;
646 |
647 | #ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN
648 | /*
649 | * Try figure out / guess if we've got hardened runtime here. For now we'll
650 | * just ignore patching errors if when hardened runtime is active.
651 | */
652 | int (*pfnCsOps)(pid_t, unsigned int, void *, size_t);
653 | *(void **)&pfnCsOps = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "csops");
654 | if (!pfnCsOps)
655 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("supR3HardenedPosixInit", kSupInitOp_Integrity, VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND,
656 | "Failed locate the 'csops' function");
657 |
658 | uint32_t fFlags = 0;
659 | rc = pfnCsOps(getpid(), 0 /*CS_OPS_STATUS*/, &fFlags, sizeof(fFlags));
660 | # if 0
661 | char szMsg[128];
662 | write(2, szMsg, sprintf(szMsg,"DEBUG: p_csflags=%#x rc=%d\n", fFlags, rc));
663 | # endif
664 | if (rc != 0)
665 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("supR3HardenedPosixInit", kSupInitOp_Integrity, VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE,
666 | "csops/CS_OPS_STATUS failed (%d)", rc);
667 | fIgnoreFailure = RT_BOOL(fFlags & 0x00010000 /*CS_RUNTIME*/);
668 | #endif
669 |
670 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aHooks); i++)
671 | {
672 | PCSUPHARDENEDPOSIXHOOK pHook = &g_aHooks[i];
673 | rc = supR3HardenedMainPosixHookOne(pHook->pszSymbol, pHook->pfnHook, pHook->ppfnRealResume, pHook->pfnResolve);
674 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc) && !fIgnoreFailure)
675 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg("supR3HardenedPosixInit", kSupInitOp_Integrity, rc,
676 | "Failed to hook the %s interface", pHook->pszSymbol);
677 | }
678 | }
679 |
680 |
681 |
682 | /*
683 | * assert.cpp
684 | *
685 | * ASSUMES working DECLHIDDEN or there will be symbol confusion!
686 | */
687 |
688 | RTDATADECL(char) g_szRTAssertMsg1[1024];
689 | RTDATADECL(char) g_szRTAssertMsg2[4096];
690 | RTDATADECL(const char * volatile) g_pszRTAssertExpr;
691 | RTDATADECL(const char * volatile) g_pszRTAssertFile;
692 | RTDATADECL(uint32_t volatile) g_u32RTAssertLine;
693 | RTDATADECL(const char * volatile) g_pszRTAssertFunction;
694 |
695 | RTDECL(bool) RTAssertMayPanic(void)
696 | {
697 | return true;
698 | }
699 |
700 |
701 | RTDECL(void) RTAssertMsg1(const char *pszExpr, unsigned uLine, const char *pszFile, const char *pszFunction)
702 | {
703 | /*
704 | * Fill in the globals.
705 | */
706 | g_pszRTAssertExpr = pszExpr;
707 | g_pszRTAssertFile = pszFile;
708 | g_pszRTAssertFunction = pszFunction;
709 | g_u32RTAssertLine = uLine;
710 | snprintf(g_szRTAssertMsg1, sizeof(g_szRTAssertMsg1),
711 | "\n!!Assertion Failed!!\n"
712 | "Expression: %s\n"
713 | "Location : %s(%u) %s\n",
714 | pszExpr, pszFile, uLine, pszFunction);
715 | }
716 |
717 |
718 | RTDECL(void) RTAssertMsg2V(const char *pszFormat, va_list va)
719 | {
720 | vsnprintf(g_szRTAssertMsg2, sizeof(g_szRTAssertMsg2), pszFormat, va);
722 | supR3HardenedFatalMsg(g_pszRTAssertExpr, kSupInitOp_Misc, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
723 | "%s%s", g_szRTAssertMsg1, g_szRTAssertMsg2);
724 | else
725 | supR3HardenedError(VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, false/*fFatal*/, "%s%s", g_szRTAssertMsg1, g_szRTAssertMsg2);
726 | }
727 |