/* $Id: SUPHardenedVerifyImage-win.cpp 52204 2014-07-26 11:22:44Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VirtualBox Support Library/Driver - Hardened Image Verification, Windows. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #ifdef IN_RING0 # define IPRT_NT_MAP_TO_ZW # include # include #else # include # include "Wintrust.h" # include "Softpub.h" # include "mscat.h" # ifndef LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_APPLICATION_DIR # define LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32 0x800 # endif #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef IN_RING0 # include "SUPDrvInternal.h" #else # include "SUPLibInternal.h" #endif #include "win/SUPHardenedVerify-win.h" /******************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *******************************************************************************/ /** The size of static hash (output) buffers. * Avoids dynamic allocations and cleanups for of small buffers as well as extra * calls for getting the appropriate buffer size. The largest digest in regular * use by current windows version is SHA-512, we double this and hope it's * enough a good while. */ #define SUPHARDNTVI_MAX_CAT_HASH_SIZE 128 /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ #ifdef IN_RING3 typedef LONG (WINAPI * PFNWINVERIFYTRUST)(HWND hwnd, GUID const *pgActionID, PVOID pWVTData); typedef BOOL (WINAPI * PFNCRYPTCATADMINACQUIRECONTEXT)(HCATADMIN *phCatAdmin, const GUID *pGuidSubsystem, DWORD dwFlags); typedef BOOL (WINAPI * PFNCRYPTCATADMINACQUIRECONTEXT2)(HCATADMIN *phCatAdmin, const GUID *pGuidSubsystem, PCWSTR pwszHashAlgorithm, struct _CERT_STRONG_SIGN_PARA const *pStrongHashPolicy, DWORD dwFlags); typedef BOOL (WINAPI * PFNCRYPTCATADMINCALCHASHFROMFILEHANDLE)(HANDLE hFile, DWORD *pcbHash, BYTE *pbHash, DWORD dwFlags); typedef BOOL (WINAPI * PFNCRYPTCATADMINCALCHASHFROMFILEHANDLE2)(HCATADMIN hCatAdmin, HANDLE hFile, DWORD *pcbHash, BYTE *pbHash, DWORD dwFlags); typedef HCATINFO (WINAPI *PFNCRYPTCATADMINENUMCATALOGFROMHASH)(HCATADMIN hCatAdmin, BYTE *pbHash, DWORD cbHash, DWORD dwFlags, HCATINFO *phPrevCatInfo); typedef BOOL (WINAPI * PFNCRYPTCATADMINRELEASECATALOGCONTEXT)(HCATADMIN hCatAdmin, HCATINFO hCatInfo, DWORD dwFlags); typedef BOOL (WINAPI * PFNCRYPTCATDADMINRELEASECONTEXT)(HCATADMIN hCatAdmin, DWORD dwFlags); typedef BOOL (WINAPI * PFNCRYPTCATCATALOGINFOFROMCONTEXT)(HCATINFO hCatInfo, CATALOG_INFO *psCatInfo, DWORD dwFlags); typedef HCERTSTORE (WINAPI *PFNCERTOPENSTORE)(PCSTR pszStoreProvider, DWORD dwEncodingType, HCRYPTPROV_LEGACY hCryptProv, DWORD dwFlags, const void *pvParam); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNCERTCLOSESTORE)(HCERTSTORE hCertStore, DWORD dwFlags); typedef PCCERT_CONTEXT (WINAPI *PFNCERTENUMCERTIFICATESINSTORE)(HCERTSTORE hCertStore, PCCERT_CONTEXT pPrevCertContext); #endif /******************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *******************************************************************************/ /** The build certificate. */ static RTCRX509CERTIFICATE g_BuildX509Cert; /** Store for root software publisher certificates. */ static RTCRSTORE g_hSpcRootStore = NIL_RTCRSTORE; /** Store for root NT kernel certificates. */ static RTCRSTORE g_hNtKernelRootStore = NIL_RTCRSTORE; /** Store containing SPC, NT kernel signing, and timestamp root certificates. */ static RTCRSTORE g_hSpcAndNtKernelRootStore = NIL_RTCRSTORE; /** Store for supplemental certificates for use with * g_hSpcAndNtKernelRootStore. */ static RTCRSTORE g_hSpcAndNtKernelSuppStore = NIL_RTCRSTORE; /** The full \\SystemRoot\\System32 path. */ SUPSYSROOTDIRBUF g_System32NtPath; /** The full \\SystemRoot\\WinSxS path. */ SUPSYSROOTDIRBUF g_WinSxSNtPath; /** Set after we've retrived other SPC root certificates from the system. */ static bool g_fHaveOtherRoots = false; #if defined(IN_RING3) && !defined(IN_SUP_HARDENED_R3) /** Combined windows NT version number. See SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_COMBINED and * SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE. */ uint32_t g_uNtVerCombined; #endif #ifdef IN_RING3 /** Timestamp hack working around issues with old DLLs that we ship. * See supHardenedWinVerifyImageByHandle() for details. */ static uint64_t g_uBuildTimestampHack = 0; #endif #ifdef IN_RING3 /** Pointer to WinVerifyTrust. */ PFNWINVERIFYTRUST g_pfnWinVerifyTrust; /** Pointer to CryptCATAdminAcquireContext. */ PFNCRYPTCATADMINACQUIRECONTEXT g_pfnCryptCATAdminAcquireContext; /** Pointer to CryptCATAdminAcquireContext2 if available. */ PFNCRYPTCATADMINACQUIRECONTEXT2 g_pfnCryptCATAdminAcquireContext2; /** Pointer to CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle. */ PFNCRYPTCATADMINCALCHASHFROMFILEHANDLE g_pfnCryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle; /** Pointer to CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle2. */ PFNCRYPTCATADMINCALCHASHFROMFILEHANDLE2 g_pfnCryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle2; /** Pointer to CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash. */ PFNCRYPTCATADMINENUMCATALOGFROMHASH g_pfnCryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash; /** Pointer to CryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext. */ PFNCRYPTCATADMINRELEASECATALOGCONTEXT g_pfnCryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext; /** Pointer to CryptCATAdminReleaseContext. */ PFNCRYPTCATDADMINRELEASECONTEXT g_pfnCryptCATAdminReleaseContext; /** Pointer to CryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext. */ PFNCRYPTCATCATALOGINFOFROMCONTEXT g_pfnCryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext; #endif /******************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *******************************************************************************/ #ifdef IN_RING3 static int supR3HardNtViCallWinVerifyTrust(HANDLE hFile, PCRTUTF16 pwszName, uint32_t fFlags, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo, PFNWINVERIFYTRUST pfnWinVerifyTrust); static int supR3HardNtViCallWinVerifyTrustCatFile(HANDLE hFile, PCRTUTF16 pwszName, uint32_t fFlags, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo, PFNWINVERIFYTRUST pfnWinVerifyTrust); #endif /** @copydoc RTLDRREADER::pfnRead */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) supHardNtViRdrRead(PRTLDRREADER pReader, void *pvBuf, size_t cb, RTFOFF off) { PSUPHNTVIRDR pNtViRdr = (PSUPHNTVIRDR)pReader; Assert(pNtViRdr->Core.uMagic == RTLDRREADER_MAGIC); if ((ULONG)cb != cb) return VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE; /* * For some reason I'm getting occational read error in an XP VM with * STATUS_FAILED_DRIVER_ENTRY. Redoing the call again works in the * debugger, so try do that automatically. */ for (uint32_t iTry = 0;; iTry++) { LARGE_INTEGER offNt; offNt.QuadPart = off; IO_STATUS_BLOCK Ios = RTNT_IO_STATUS_BLOCK_INITIALIZER; NTSTATUS rcNt = NtReadFile(pNtViRdr->hFile, NULL /*hEvent*/, NULL /*ApcRoutine*/, NULL /*ApcContext*/, &Ios, pvBuf, (ULONG)cb, &offNt, NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS(rcNt)) rcNt = Ios.Status; if (NT_SUCCESS(rcNt)) { if (Ios.Information == cb) { pNtViRdr->off = off + cb; return VINF_SUCCESS; } #ifdef IN_RING3 supR3HardenedError(VERR_READ_ERROR, false, "supHardNtViRdrRead: Only got %#zx bytes when requesting %#zx bytes at %#llx in '%s'.\n", Ios.Information, off, cb, pNtViRdr->szFilename); #endif pNtViRdr->off = -1; return VERR_READ_ERROR; } /* * Delay a little before we retry? */ #ifdef IN_RING3 if (iTry == 0) NtYieldExecution(); else if (iTry >= 1) { LARGE_INTEGER Time; Time.QuadPart = -1000000 / 100; /* 1ms in 100ns units, relative time. */ NtDelayExecution(TRUE, &Time); } #endif /* * Before we give up, we'll try split up the request in case the * kernel is low on memory or similar. For simplicity reasons, we do * this in a recursion fashion. */ if (iTry >= 2) { if (cb >= _8K) { size_t const cbBlock = RT_ALIGN_Z(cb / 4, 512); while (cb > 0) { size_t cbThisRead = RT_MIN(cb, cbBlock); int rc = supHardNtViRdrRead(&pNtViRdr->Core, pvBuf, cbThisRead, off); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; off += cbThisRead; cb -= cbThisRead; pvBuf = (uint8_t *)pvBuf + cbThisRead; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } #ifdef IN_RING3 supR3HardenedError(VERR_READ_ERROR, false, "supHardNtViRdrRead: Error %#x reading %#zx bytes at %#llx in '%s'.\n", rcNt, off, cb, pNtViRdr->szFilename); #endif pNtViRdr->off = -1; return VERR_READ_ERROR; } } } /** @copydoc RTLDRREADER::pfnTell */ static DECLCALLBACK(RTFOFF) supHardNtViRdrTell(PRTLDRREADER pReader) { PSUPHNTVIRDR pNtViRdr = (PSUPHNTVIRDR)pReader; Assert(pNtViRdr->Core.uMagic == RTLDRREADER_MAGIC); return pNtViRdr->off; } /** @copydoc RTLDRREADER::pfnSize */ static DECLCALLBACK(RTFOFF) supHardNtViRdrSize(PRTLDRREADER pReader) { PSUPHNTVIRDR pNtViRdr = (PSUPHNTVIRDR)pReader; Assert(pNtViRdr->Core.uMagic == RTLDRREADER_MAGIC); return pNtViRdr->cbFile; } /** @copydoc RTLDRREADER::pfnLogName */ static DECLCALLBACK(const char *) supHardNtViRdrLogName(PRTLDRREADER pReader) { PSUPHNTVIRDR pNtViRdr = (PSUPHNTVIRDR)pReader; return pNtViRdr->szFilename; } /** @copydoc RTLDRREADER::pfnMap */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) supHardNtViRdrMap(PRTLDRREADER pReader, const void **ppvBits) { return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } /** @copydoc RTLDRREADER::pfnUnmap */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) supHardNtViRdrUnmap(PRTLDRREADER pReader, const void *pvBits) { return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } /** @copydoc RTLDRREADER::pfnDestroy */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) supHardNtViRdrDestroy(PRTLDRREADER pReader) { PSUPHNTVIRDR pNtViRdr = (PSUPHNTVIRDR)pReader; Assert(pNtViRdr->Core.uMagic == RTLDRREADER_MAGIC); pNtViRdr->Core.uMagic = ~RTLDRREADER_MAGIC; pNtViRdr->hFile = NULL; RTMemFree(pNtViRdr); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Creates a loader reader instance for the given NT file handle. * * @returns iprt status code. * @param hFile Native NT file handle. * @param pwszName Optional file name. * @param fFlags Flags, SUPHNTVI_F_XXX. * @param ppNtViRdr Where to store the reader instance on success. */ DECLHIDDEN(int) supHardNtViRdrCreate(HANDLE hFile, PCRTUTF16 pwszName, uint32_t fFlags, PSUPHNTVIRDR *ppNtViRdr) { /* * Try determine the size of the file. */ IO_STATUS_BLOCK Ios = RTNT_IO_STATUS_BLOCK_INITIALIZER; FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION StdInfo; NTSTATUS rcNt = NtQueryInformationFile(hFile, &Ios, &StdInfo, sizeof(StdInfo), FileStandardInformation); if (!NT_SUCCESS(rcNt) || !NT_SUCCESS(Ios.Status)) return VERR_LDRVI_FILE_LENGTH_ERROR; /* * Calc the file name length and allocate memory for the reader instance. */ size_t cchFilename = 0; if (pwszName) cchFilename = RTUtf16CalcUtf8Len(pwszName); int rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; PSUPHNTVIRDR pNtViRdr = (PSUPHNTVIRDR)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(*pNtViRdr) + cchFilename); if (!pNtViRdr) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; /* * Initialize the structure. */ if (cchFilename) { char *pszName = &pNtViRdr->szFilename[0]; rc = RTUtf16ToUtf8Ex(pwszName, RTSTR_MAX, &pszName, cchFilename + 1, NULL); AssertStmt(RT_SUCCESS(rc), pNtViRdr->szFilename[0] = '\0'); } else pNtViRdr->szFilename[0] = '\0'; pNtViRdr->Core.uMagic = RTLDRREADER_MAGIC; pNtViRdr->Core.pfnRead = supHardNtViRdrRead; pNtViRdr->Core.pfnTell = supHardNtViRdrTell; pNtViRdr->Core.pfnSize = supHardNtViRdrSize; pNtViRdr->Core.pfnLogName = supHardNtViRdrLogName; pNtViRdr->Core.pfnMap = supHardNtViRdrMap; pNtViRdr->Core.pfnUnmap = supHardNtViRdrUnmap; pNtViRdr->Core.pfnDestroy = supHardNtViRdrDestroy; pNtViRdr->hFile = hFile; pNtViRdr->off = 0; pNtViRdr->cbFile = StdInfo.EndOfFile.QuadPart; pNtViRdr->fFlags = fFlags; *ppNtViRdr = pNtViRdr; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Simple case insensitive UTF-16 / ASCII path compare. * * @returns true if equal, false if not. * @param pwszLeft The UTF-16 path string. * @param pszRight The ascii string. */ static bool supHardViUtf16PathIsEqual(PCRTUTF16 pwszLeft, const char *pszRight) { for (;;) { RTUTF16 wc = *pwszLeft++; uint8_t b = *pszRight++; if (b != wc) { if (wc >= 0x80) return false; wc = RT_C_TO_LOWER(wc); if (wc != b) { b = RT_C_TO_LOWER(b); if (wc != b) { if (wc == '/') wc = '\\'; if (b == '/') b = '\\'; if (wc != b) return false; } } } if (!b) return true; } } /** * Simple case insensitive UTF-16 / ASCII ends-with path predicate. * * @returns true if equal, false if not. * @param pwsz The UTF-16 path string. * @param pszSuffix The ascii suffix string. */ static bool supHardViUtf16PathEndsWith(PCRTUTF16 pwsz, const char *pszSuffix) { size_t cwc = RTUtf16Len(pwsz); size_t cchSuffix = strlen(pszSuffix); if (cwc >= cchSuffix) return supHardViUtf16PathIsEqual(pwsz + cwc - cchSuffix, pszSuffix); return false; } /** * Simple case insensitive UTF-16 / ASCII starts-with path predicate. * * @returns true if starts with given string, false if not. * @param pwsz The UTF-16 path string. * @param pszPrefix The ascii prefix string. */ static bool supHardViUtf16PathStartsWith(PCRTUTF16 pwszLeft, const char *pszRight) { for (;;) { RTUTF16 wc = *pwszLeft++; uint8_t b = *pszRight++; if (b != wc) { if (!b) return true; if (wc >= 0x80 || wc == 0) return false; wc = RT_C_TO_LOWER(wc); if (wc != b) { b = RT_C_TO_LOWER(b); if (wc != b) { if (wc == '/') wc = '\\'; if (b == '/') b = '\\'; if (wc != b) return false; } } } } } /** * Counts slashes in the given UTF-8 path string. * * @returns Number of slashes. * @param pwsz The UTF-16 path string. */ static uint32_t supHardViUtf16PathCountSlashes(PCRTUTF16 pwsz) { uint32_t cSlashes = 0; RTUTF16 wc; while ((wc = *pwsz++) != '\0') if (wc == '/' || wc == '\\') cSlashes++; return cSlashes; } #ifdef VBOX_PERMIT_MORE /** * Checks if the path goes into %windir%\apppatch\. * * @returns true if apppatch, false if not. * @param pwszPath The path to examine. */ DECLHIDDEN(bool) supHardViIsAppPatchDir(PCRTUTF16 pwszPath, uint32_t cwcName) { uint32_t cwcWinDir = (g_System32NtPath.UniStr.Length - sizeof(L"System32")) / sizeof(WCHAR); if (cwcName <= cwcWinDir + sizeof("AppPatch")) return false; if (memcmp(pwszPath, g_System32NtPath.UniStr.Buffer, cwcWinDir * sizeof(WCHAR))) return false; if (!supHardViUtf16PathStartsWith(&pwszPath[cwcWinDir], "\\AppPatch\\")) return false; return g_uNtVerCombined >= SUP_NT_VER_VISTA; } #else # error should not get here.. #endif /** * Checks if the unsigned DLL is fine or not. * * @returns VINF_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED or @a rc. * @param hLdrMod The loader module handle. * @param pwszName The NT name of the DLL/EXE. * @param fFlags Flags. * @param rc The status code.. */ static int supHardNtViCheckIfNotSignedOk(RTLDRMOD hLdrMod, PCRTUTF16 pwszName, uint32_t fFlags, int rc) { if (fFlags & (SUPHNTVI_F_REQUIRE_BUILD_CERT | SUPHNTVI_F_REQUIRE_KERNEL_CODE_SIGNING)) return rc; /* * Version macros. */ uint32_t const uNtVer = g_uNtVerCombined; #define IS_XP() ( uNtVer >= SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE(5, 1) && uNtVer < SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE(5, 2) ) #define IS_W2K3() ( uNtVer >= SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE(5, 2) && uNtVer < SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE(5, 3) ) #define IS_VISTA() ( uNtVer >= SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE(6, 0) && uNtVer < SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE(6, 1) ) #define IS_W70() ( uNtVer >= SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE(6, 1) && uNtVer < SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE(6, 2) ) #define IS_W80() ( uNtVer >= SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE(6, 2) && uNtVer < SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE(6, 3) ) #define IS_W81() ( uNtVer >= SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE(6, 3) && uNtVer < SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE(6, 4) ) /* * The System32 directory. * * System32 is full of unsigned DLLs shipped by microsoft, graphics * hardware vendors, input device/method vendors and whatnot else that * actually needs to be loaded into a process for it to work correctly. * We have to ASSUME that anything our process attempts to load from * System32 is trustworthy and that the Windows system with the help of * anti-virus software make sure there is nothing evil lurking in System32 * or being loaded from it. * * A small measure of protection is to list DLLs we know should be signed * and decline loading unsigned versions of them, assuming they have been * replaced by an adversary with evil intentions. */ PCRTUTF16 pwsz; uint32_t cwcName = (uint32_t)RTUtf16Len(pwszName); uint32_t cwcOther = g_System32NtPath.UniStr.Length / sizeof(WCHAR); if ( cwcName > cwcOther && RTPATH_IS_SLASH(pwszName[cwcOther]) && memcmp(pwszName, g_System32NtPath.UniStr.Buffer, g_System32NtPath.UniStr.Length) == 0) { pwsz = pwszName + cwcOther + 1; /* Core DLLs. */ if (supHardViUtf16PathIsEqual(pwsz, "ntdll.dll")) return uNtVer < SUP_NT_VER_VISTA ? VINF_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED : rc; if (supHardViUtf16PathIsEqual(pwsz, "kernel32.dll")) return uNtVer < SUP_NT_VER_W81 ? VINF_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED : rc; if (supHardViUtf16PathIsEqual(pwsz, "kernelbase.dll")) return IS_W80() || IS_W70() ? VINF_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED : rc; if (supHardViUtf16PathIsEqual(pwsz, "apisetschema.dll")) return IS_W70() ? VINF_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED : rc; if (supHardViUtf16PathIsEqual(pwsz, "apphelp.dll")) return uNtVer < SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE(6, 4) ? VINF_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED : rc; #ifdef VBOX_PERMIT_MORE if (uNtVer >= SUP_NT_VER_W70) /* hard limit: user32.dll is unwanted prior to w7. */ { if (supHardViUtf16PathIsEqual(pwsz, "sfc.dll")) return uNtVer < SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE(6, 4) ? VINF_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED : rc; if (supHardViUtf16PathIsEqual(pwsz, "sfc_os.dll")) return uNtVer < SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE(6, 4) ? VINF_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED : rc; if (supHardViUtf16PathIsEqual(pwsz, "user32.dll")) return uNtVer < SUP_NT_VER_W81 ? VINF_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED : rc; } #endif #ifndef IN_RING0 # if 0 /* Allow anything below System32 that WinVerifyTrust thinks is fine. */ /* The ATI drivers load system drivers into the process, allow this, but reject anything else from a subdirectory. */ uint32_t cSlashes = supHardViUtf16PathCountSlashes(pwsz); if (cSlashes > 0) { if ( cSlashes == 1 && supHardViUtf16PathStartsWith(pwsz, "drivers\\ati") && ( supHardViUtf16PathEndsWith(pwsz, ".sys") || supHardViUtf16PathEndsWith(pwsz, ".dll") ) ) return VINF_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED; return rc; } # endif /* Check that this DLL isn't supposed to be signed on this windows version. If it should, it's likely to be a fake. */ /** @todo list of signed dlls for various windows versions. */ /** @todo check file permissions? TrustedInstaller is supposed to be involved * with all of them. */ return VINF_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED; #else return rc; #endif } #ifndef IN_RING0 /* * The WinSxS white list. * * Just like with System32 there are potentially a number of DLLs that * could be required from WinSxS. However, so far only comctl32.dll * variations have been required. So, we limit ourselves to explicit * whitelisting of unsigned families of DLLs. */ cwcOther = g_WinSxSNtPath.UniStr.Length / sizeof(WCHAR); if ( cwcName > cwcOther && RTPATH_IS_SLASH(pwszName[cwcOther]) && memcmp(pwszName, g_WinSxSNtPath.UniStr.Buffer, g_WinSxSNtPath.UniStr.Length) == 0) { pwsz = pwszName + cwcOther + 1; cwcName -= cwcOther + 1; /* The WinSxS layout means everything worth loading is exactly one level down. */ uint32_t cSlashes = supHardViUtf16PathCountSlashes(pwsz); if (cSlashes != 1) return rc; # if 0 /* See below */ /* The common controls mess. */ # ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 if (supHardViUtf16PathStartsWith(pwsz, "amd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_")) # elif defined(RT_ARCH_X86) if (supHardViUtf16PathStartsWith(pwsz, "x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_")) # else # error "Unsupported architecture" # endif { if (supHardViUtf16PathEndsWith(pwsz, "\\comctl32.dll")) return VINF_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED; } # endif /* Allow anything slightly microsoftish from WinSxS. W2K3 wanted winhttp.dll early on... */ # ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 if (supHardViUtf16PathStartsWith(pwsz, "amd64_microsoft.")) # elif defined(RT_ARCH_X86) if (supHardViUtf16PathStartsWith(pwsz, "x86_microsoft.")) # else # error "Unsupported architecture" # endif { return VINF_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED; } return rc; } #endif #ifdef VBOX_PERMIT_MORE /* * AppPatch whitelist. */ if (supHardViIsAppPatchDir(pwszName, cwcName)) { cwcOther = g_System32NtPath.UniStr.Length / sizeof(WCHAR); /* ASSUMES System32 is called System32. */ pwsz = pwszName + cwcOther + 1; if (supHardViUtf16PathIsEqual(pwsz, "acres.dll")) return VINF_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED; # ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 if (supHardViUtf16PathIsEqual(pwsz, "AppPatch64\\AcGenral.dll")) return VINF_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED; # elif defined(RT_ARCH_X86) if (supHardViUtf16PathIsEqual(pwsz, "AcGenral.dll")) return VINF_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED; # endif return rc; } #else # error should not be here... #endif return rc; } /** * @callback_method_impl{RTCRPKCS7VERIFYCERTCALLBACK, * Standard code signing. Use this for Microsoft SPC.} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) supHardNtViCertVerifyCallback(PCRTCRX509CERTIFICATE pCert, RTCRX509CERTPATHS hCertPaths, void *pvUser, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { PSUPHNTVIRDR pNtViRdr = (PSUPHNTVIRDR)pvUser; Assert(pNtViRdr->Core.uMagic == RTLDRREADER_MAGIC); /* * If there is no certificate path build & validator associated with this * callback, it must be because of the build certificate. We trust the * build certificate without any second thoughts. */ if (hCertPaths == NIL_RTCRX509CERTPATHS) { if (RTCrX509Certificate_Compare(pCert, &g_BuildX509Cert) == 0) /* healthy paranoia */ return VINF_SUCCESS; return RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_SUP_VP_NOT_BUILD_CERT_IPE, "Not valid kernel code signature."); } /* * Standard code signing capabilites required. */ int rc = RTCrPkcs7VerifyCertCallbackCodeSigning(pCert, hCertPaths, NULL, pErrInfo); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * If kernel signing, a valid certificate path must be anchored by the * microsoft kernel signing root certificate. */ if (pNtViRdr->fFlags & SUPHNTVI_F_REQUIRE_KERNEL_CODE_SIGNING) { uint32_t cPaths = RTCrX509CertPathsGetPathCount(hCertPaths); uint32_t cFound = 0; uint32_t cValid = 0; for (uint32_t iPath = 0; iPath < cPaths; iPath++) { bool fTrusted; PCRTCRX509NAME pSubject; PCRTCRX509SUBJECTPUBLICKEYINFO pPublicKeyInfo; int rcVerify; rc = RTCrX509CertPathsQueryPathInfo(hCertPaths, iPath, &fTrusted, NULL /*pcNodes*/, &pSubject, &pPublicKeyInfo, NULL, NULL /*pCertCtx*/, &rcVerify); AssertRCBreak(rc); if (RT_SUCCESS(rcVerify)) { Assert(fTrusted); cValid++; /* * Search the kernel signing root store for a matching anchor. */ RTCRSTORECERTSEARCH Search; rc = RTCrStoreCertFindBySubjectOrAltSubjectByRfc5280(g_hNtKernelRootStore, pSubject, &Search); AssertRCBreak(rc); PCRTCRCERTCTX pCertCtx; while ((pCertCtx = RTCrStoreCertSearchNext(g_hNtKernelRootStore, &Search)) != NULL) { PCRTCRX509SUBJECTPUBLICKEYINFO pCertPubKeyInfo = NULL; if (pCertCtx->pCert) pCertPubKeyInfo = &pCertCtx->pCert->TbsCertificate.SubjectPublicKeyInfo; else if (pCertCtx->pTaInfo) pCertPubKeyInfo = &pCertCtx->pTaInfo->PubKey; else pCertPubKeyInfo = NULL; if ( pCertPubKeyInfo && RTCrX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo_Compare(pCertPubKeyInfo, pPublicKeyInfo) == 0) cFound++; RTCrCertCtxRelease(pCertCtx); } int rc2 = RTCrStoreCertSearchDestroy(g_hNtKernelRootStore, &Search); AssertRC(rc2); } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && cFound == 0) rc = RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_SUP_VP_NOT_VALID_KERNEL_CODE_SIGNATURE, "Not valid kernel code signature."); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && cValid < 2 && g_fHaveOtherRoots) rc = RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_SUP_VP_UNEXPECTED_VALID_PATH_COUNT, "Expected at least %u valid paths, not %u.", 2, cValid); } } /* * More requirements? NT5 build lab? */ return rc; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) supHardNtViCallback(RTLDRMOD hLdrMod, RTLDRSIGNATURETYPE enmSignature, void const *pvSignature, size_t cbSignature, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo, void *pvUser) { /* * Check out the input. */ PSUPHNTVIRDR pNtViRdr = (PSUPHNTVIRDR)pvUser; Assert(pNtViRdr->Core.uMagic == RTLDRREADER_MAGIC); AssertReturn(cbSignature == sizeof(RTCRPKCS7CONTENTINFO), VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_5); PCRTCRPKCS7CONTENTINFO pContentInfo = (PCRTCRPKCS7CONTENTINFO)pvSignature; AssertReturn(RTCrPkcs7ContentInfo_IsSignedData(pContentInfo), VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_5); AssertReturn(pContentInfo->u.pSignedData->SignerInfos.cItems == 1, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_5); PCRTCRPKCS7SIGNERINFO pSignerInfo = &pContentInfo->u.pSignedData->SignerInfos.paItems[0]; /* * If special certificate requirements, check them out before validating * the signature. */ if (pNtViRdr->fFlags & SUPHNTVI_F_REQUIRE_BUILD_CERT) { if (!RTCrX509Certificate_MatchIssuerAndSerialNumber(&g_BuildX509Cert, &pSignerInfo->IssuerAndSerialNumber.Name, &pSignerInfo->IssuerAndSerialNumber.SerialNumber)) return RTErrInfoSet(pErrInfo, VERR_SUP_VP_NOT_SIGNED_WITH_BUILD_CERT, "Not signed with the build certificate."); } /* * Verify the signature. */ RTTIMESPEC ValidationTime; RTTimeSpecSetSeconds(&ValidationTime, pNtViRdr->uTimestamp); return RTCrPkcs7VerifySignedData(pContentInfo, 0, g_hSpcAndNtKernelSuppStore, g_hSpcAndNtKernelRootStore, &ValidationTime, supHardNtViCertVerifyCallback, pNtViRdr, pErrInfo); } /** * Checks if it's safe to call WinVerifyTrust or whether we might end up in an * infinite recursion. * * @returns true if ok, false if not. * @param hFile The file name. * @param pwszName The executable name. */ static bool supR3HardNtViCanCallWinVerifyTrust(HANDLE hFile, PCRTUTF16 pwszName) { /* * Recursion preventions hacks: * - Don't try call WinVerifyTrust on Wintrust.dll when called from the * create section hook. CRYPT32.DLL tries to load WinTrust.DLL in some cases. */ size_t cwcName = RTUtf16Len(pwszName); if ( hFile != NULL && cwcName > g_System32NtPath.UniStr.Length / sizeof(WCHAR) && !memcmp(pwszName, g_System32NtPath.UniStr.Buffer, g_System32NtPath.UniStr.Length) && supHardViUtf16PathIsEqual(&pwszName[g_System32NtPath.UniStr.Length / sizeof(WCHAR)], "\\wintrust.dll")) return false; return true; } /** * Verifies the given loader image. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param hLdrMod File handle to the executable file. * @param pwszName Full NT path to the DLL in question, used for dealing * with unsigned system dlls as well as for error/logging. * @param pNtViRdr The reader instance /w flags. * @param pfCacheable Where to return whether the result can be cached. A * valid value is always returned. Optional. * @param pErrInfo Pointer to error info structure. Optional. */ DECLHIDDEN(int) supHardenedWinVerifyImageByLdrMod(RTLDRMOD hLdrMod, PCRTUTF16 pwszName, PSUPHNTVIRDR pNtViRdr, bool *pfCacheable, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { #ifdef IN_RING3 /* Check that the caller has performed the necessary library initialization. */ if (!RTCrX509Certificate_IsPresent(&g_BuildX509Cert)) return RTErrInfoSet(pErrInfo, VERR_WRONG_ORDER, "supHardenedWinVerifyImageByHandle: supHardenedWinInitImageVerifier was not called."); #endif /* * Verify it. * * The PKCS #7 SignedData signature is checked in the callback. Any * signing certificate restrictions are also enforced there. * * For the time being, we use the executable timestamp as the * certificate validation date. We must query that first to avoid * potential issues re-entering the loader code from the callback. * * Update: Save the first timestamp we validate with build cert and * use this as a minimum timestamp for further build cert * validations. This works around issues with old DLLs that * we sign against with our certificate (crt, sdl, qt). */ int rc = RTLdrQueryProp(hLdrMod, RTLDRPROP_TIMESTAMP_SECONDS, &pNtViRdr->uTimestamp, sizeof(pNtViRdr->uTimestamp)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { #ifdef IN_RING3 /* Hack alert! (see above) */ if ( (pNtViRdr->fFlags & SUPHNTVI_F_REQUIRE_KERNEL_CODE_SIGNING) && (pNtViRdr->fFlags & SUPHNTVI_F_REQUIRE_SIGNATURE_ENFORCEMENT) && pNtViRdr->uTimestamp < g_uBuildTimestampHack) pNtViRdr->uTimestamp = g_uBuildTimestampHack; #endif rc = RTLdrVerifySignature(hLdrMod, supHardNtViCallback, pNtViRdr, pErrInfo); #ifdef IN_RING3 /* Hack alert! (see above) */ if ((pNtViRdr->fFlags & SUPHNTVI_F_REQUIRE_BUILD_CERT) && g_uBuildTimestampHack == 0 && RT_SUCCESS(rc)) g_uBuildTimestampHack = pNtViRdr->uTimestamp; #endif /* * Microsoft doesn't sign a whole bunch of DLLs, so we have to * ASSUME that a bunch of system DLLs are fine. */ if (rc == VERR_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED) rc = supHardNtViCheckIfNotSignedOk(hLdrMod, pwszName, pNtViRdr->fFlags, rc); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) RTErrInfoAddF(pErrInfo, rc, ": %ls", pwszName); /* * Check for the signature checking enforcement, if requested to do so. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && (pNtViRdr->fFlags & SUPHNTVI_F_REQUIRE_SIGNATURE_ENFORCEMENT)) { bool fEnforced = false; int rc2 = RTLdrQueryProp(hLdrMod, RTLDRPROP_SIGNATURE_CHECKS_ENFORCED, &fEnforced, sizeof(fEnforced)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) rc = RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, rc2, "Querying RTLDRPROP_SIGNATURE_CHECKS_ENFORCED failed on %ls: %Rrc.", pwszName, rc2); else if (!fEnforced) rc = RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_SUP_VP_SIGNATURE_CHECKS_NOT_ENFORCED, "The image '%ls' was not linked with /IntegrityCheck.", pwszName); } } else RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, rc, "RTLdrQueryProp/RTLDRPROP_TIMESTAMP_SECONDS failed on %ls: %Rrc", pwszName, rc); #ifdef IN_RING3 /* * Call the windows verify trust API if we've resolved it. */ if ( g_pfnWinVerifyTrust && supR3HardNtViCanCallWinVerifyTrust(pNtViRdr->hFile, pwszName)) { if (pfCacheable) *pfCacheable = g_pfnWinVerifyTrust != NULL; if (rc != VERR_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED) { if (rc == VINF_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED) { if (pNtViRdr->fFlags & SUPHNTVI_F_ALLOW_CAT_FILE_VERIFICATION) { int rc2 = supR3HardNtViCallWinVerifyTrustCatFile(pNtViRdr->hFile, pwszName, pNtViRdr->fFlags, pErrInfo, g_pfnWinVerifyTrust); SUP_DPRINTF(("supR3HardNtViCallWinVerifyTrustCatFile -> %d (org %d)\n", rc2, rc)); rc = rc2; } else { AssertFailed(); rc = VERR_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED; } } else if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = supR3HardNtViCallWinVerifyTrust(pNtViRdr->hFile, pwszName, pNtViRdr->fFlags, pErrInfo, g_pfnWinVerifyTrust); else { int rc2 = supR3HardNtViCallWinVerifyTrust(pNtViRdr->hFile, pwszName, pNtViRdr->fFlags, pErrInfo, g_pfnWinVerifyTrust); AssertMsg(RT_FAILURE_NP(rc2), ("rc=%Rrc, rc2=%Rrc %s", rc, rc2, pErrInfo ? pErrInfo->pszMsg : "")); } } } #else /* !IN_RING3 */ if (pfCacheable) *pfCacheable = true; #endif /* !IN_RING3 */ return rc; } /** * Verifies the given executable image. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param hFile File handle to the executable file. * @param pwszName Full NT path to the DLL in question, used for dealing * with unsigned system dlls as well as for error/logging. * @param fFlags Flags, SUPHNTVI_F_XXX. * @param pfCacheable Where to return whether the result can be cached. A * valid value is always returned. Optional. * @param pErrInfo Pointer to error info structure. Optional. */ DECLHIDDEN(int) supHardenedWinVerifyImageByHandle(HANDLE hFile, PCRTUTF16 pwszName, uint32_t fFlags, bool *pfCacheable, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { /* Clear the cacheable indicator as it needs to be valid in all return paths. */ if (pfCacheable) *pfCacheable = false; /* * Create a reader instance. */ PSUPHNTVIRDR pNtViRdr; int rc = supHardNtViRdrCreate(hFile, pwszName, fFlags, &pNtViRdr); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Open the image. */ RTLDRMOD hLdrMod; RTLDRARCH enmArch = fFlags & SUPHNTVI_F_RC_IMAGE ? RTLDRARCH_X86_32 : RTLDRARCH_HOST; if (fFlags & SUPHNTVI_F_RESOURCE_IMAGE) enmArch = RTLDRARCH_WHATEVER; rc = RTLdrOpenWithReader(&pNtViRdr->Core, RTLDR_O_FOR_VALIDATION, enmArch, &hLdrMod, pErrInfo); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Verify it. */ rc = supHardenedWinVerifyImageByLdrMod(hLdrMod, pwszName, pNtViRdr, pfCacheable, pErrInfo); int rc2 = RTLdrClose(hLdrMod); AssertRC(rc2); } else supHardNtViRdrDestroy(&pNtViRdr->Core); } SUP_DPRINTF(("supHardenedWinVerifyImageByHandle: -> %d (%ls)\n", rc, pwszName)); return rc; } #ifdef IN_RING3 /** * supHardenedWinVerifyImageByHandle version without the name. * * The name is derived from the handle. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param hFile File handle to the executable file. * @param fFlags Flags, SUPHNTVI_F_XXX. * @param pErrInfo Pointer to error info structure. Optional. */ DECLHIDDEN(int) supHardenedWinVerifyImageByHandleNoName(HANDLE hFile, uint32_t fFlags, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { /* * Determine the NT name and call the verification function. */ union { UNICODE_STRING UniStr; uint8_t abBuffer[(MAX_PATH + 8 + 1) * 2]; } uBuf; ULONG cbIgn; NTSTATUS rcNt = NtQueryObject(hFile, ObjectNameInformation, &uBuf, sizeof(uBuf) - sizeof(WCHAR), &cbIgn); if (NT_SUCCESS(rcNt)) uBuf.UniStr.Buffer[uBuf.UniStr.Length / sizeof(WCHAR)] = '\0'; else uBuf.UniStr.Buffer = (WCHAR *)L"TODO3"; return supHardenedWinVerifyImageByHandle(hFile, uBuf.UniStr.Buffer, fFlags, NULL /*pfCacheable*/, pErrInfo); } #endif /* IN_RING3 */ /** * Retrieves the full official path to the system root or one of it's sub * directories. * * This code is also used by the support driver. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pvBuf The output buffer. This will contain a * UNICODE_STRING followed (at the kernel's * discretion) the string buffer. * @param cbBuf The size of the buffer @a pvBuf points to. * @param enmDir Which directory under the system root we're * interested in. * @param pErrInfo Pointer to error info structure. Optional. */ DECLHIDDEN(int) supHardNtGetSystemRootDir(void *pvBuf, uint32_t cbBuf, SUPHARDNTSYSROOTDIR enmDir, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { HANDLE hFile = RTNT_INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; IO_STATUS_BLOCK Ios = RTNT_IO_STATUS_BLOCK_INITIALIZER; UNICODE_STRING NtName; switch (enmDir) { case kSupHardNtSysRootDir_System32: { static const WCHAR s_wszNameSystem32[] = L"\\SystemRoot\\System32\\"; NtName.Buffer = (PWSTR)s_wszNameSystem32; NtName.Length = sizeof(s_wszNameSystem32) - sizeof(WCHAR); NtName.MaximumLength = sizeof(s_wszNameSystem32); break; } case kSupHardNtSysRootDir_WinSxS: { static const WCHAR s_wszNameWinSxS[] = L"\\SystemRoot\\WinSxS\\"; NtName.Buffer = (PWSTR)s_wszNameWinSxS; NtName.Length = sizeof(s_wszNameWinSxS) - sizeof(WCHAR); NtName.MaximumLength = sizeof(s_wszNameWinSxS); break; } default: AssertFailed(); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjAttr; InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjAttr, &NtName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL /*hRootDir*/, NULL /*pSecDesc*/); NTSTATUS rcNt = NtCreateFile(&hFile, FILE_READ_DATA | SYNCHRONIZE, &ObjAttr, &Ios, NULL /* Allocation Size*/, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_OPEN, FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE | FILE_OPEN_FOR_BACKUP_INTENT | FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT, NULL /*EaBuffer*/, 0 /*EaLength*/); if (NT_SUCCESS(rcNt)) rcNt = Ios.Status; if (NT_SUCCESS(rcNt)) { ULONG cbIgn; rcNt = NtQueryObject(hFile, ObjectNameInformation, pvBuf, cbBuf - sizeof(WCHAR), &cbIgn); NtClose(hFile); if (NT_SUCCESS(rcNt)) { PUNICODE_STRING pUniStr = (PUNICODE_STRING)pvBuf; if (pUniStr->Length > 0) { /* Make sure it's terminated so it can safely be printed.*/ pUniStr->Buffer[pUniStr->Length / sizeof(WCHAR)] = '\0'; return VINF_SUCCESS; } return RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_SUP_VP_SYSTEM32_PATH, "NtQueryObject returned an empty path for '%ls'", NtName.Buffer); } return RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_SUP_VP_SYSTEM32_PATH, "NtQueryObject failed on '%ls' dir: %#x", NtName.Buffer, rcNt); } return RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_SUP_VP_SYSTEM32_PATH, "Failure to open '%ls': %#x", NtName.Buffer, rcNt); } /** * Initialize one certificate entry. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pCert The X.509 certificate representation to init. * @param pabCert The raw DER encoded certificate. * @param cbCert The size of the raw certificate. * @param pErrInfo Where to return extended error info. Optional. * @param pszErrorTag Error tag. */ static int supHardNtViCertInit(PRTCRX509CERTIFICATE pCert, unsigned char const *pabCert, unsigned cbCert, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo, const char *pszErrorTag) { AssertReturn(cbCert > 16 && cbCert < _128K, RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_3, "%s: cbCert=%#x out of range", pszErrorTag, cbCert)); AssertReturn(!RTCrX509Certificate_IsPresent(pCert), RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_WRONG_ORDER, "%s: Certificate already decoded?", pszErrorTag)); RTASN1CURSORPRIMARY PrimaryCursor; RTAsn1CursorInitPrimary(&PrimaryCursor, pabCert, cbCert, pErrInfo, &g_RTAsn1DefaultAllocator, RTASN1CURSOR_FLAGS_DER, NULL); int rc = RTCrX509Certificate_DecodeAsn1(&PrimaryCursor.Cursor, 0, pCert, pszErrorTag); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTCrX509Certificate_CheckSanity(pCert, 0, pErrInfo, pszErrorTag); return rc; } static int supHardNtViCertStoreAddArray(RTCRSTORE hStore, PCSUPTAENTRY paCerts, unsigned cCerts, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cCerts; i++) { int rc = RTCrStoreCertAddEncoded(hStore, RTCRCERTCTX_F_ENC_TAF_DER, paCerts[i].pch, paCerts[i].cb, pErrInfo); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Initialize a certificate table. * * @param phStore Where to return the store pointer. * @param paCerts1 Pointer to the first certificate table. * @param cCerts1 Entries in the first certificate table. * @param paCerts2 Pointer to the second certificate table. * @param cCerts2 Entries in the second certificate table. * @param paCerts3 Pointer to the third certificate table. * @param cCerts3 Entries in the third certificate table. * @param pErrInfo Where to return extended error info. Optional. * @param pszErrorTag Error tag. */ static int supHardNtViCertStoreInit(PRTCRSTORE phStore, PCSUPTAENTRY paCerts1, unsigned cCerts1, PCSUPTAENTRY paCerts2, unsigned cCerts2, PCSUPTAENTRY paCerts3, unsigned cCerts3, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo, const char *pszErrorTag) { AssertReturn(*phStore == NIL_RTCRSTORE, VERR_WRONG_ORDER); int rc = RTCrStoreCreateInMem(phStore, cCerts1 + cCerts2); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, rc, "RTCrStoreCreateMemoryStore failed: %Rrc", rc); rc = supHardNtViCertStoreAddArray(*phStore, paCerts1, cCerts1, pErrInfo); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = supHardNtViCertStoreAddArray(*phStore, paCerts2, cCerts2, pErrInfo); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = supHardNtViCertStoreAddArray(*phStore, paCerts3, cCerts3, pErrInfo); return rc; } /** * This initializes the certificates globals so we don't have to reparse them * every time we need to verify an image. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pErrInfo Where to return extended error info. Optional. */ DECLHIDDEN(int) supHardenedWinInitImageVerifier(PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { AssertReturn(!RTCrX509Certificate_IsPresent(&g_BuildX509Cert), VERR_WRONG_ORDER); /* * Get the system root paths. */ int rc = supHardNtGetSystemRootDir(&g_System32NtPath, sizeof(g_System32NtPath), kSupHardNtSysRootDir_System32, pErrInfo); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = supHardNtGetSystemRootDir(&g_WinSxSNtPath, sizeof(g_WinSxSNtPath), kSupHardNtSysRootDir_WinSxS, pErrInfo); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Initialize it, leaving the cleanup to the termination call. */ rc = supHardNtViCertInit(&g_BuildX509Cert, g_abSUPBuildCert, g_cbSUPBuildCert, pErrInfo, "BuildCertificate"); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = supHardNtViCertStoreInit(&g_hSpcRootStore, g_aSUPSpcRootTAs, g_cSUPSpcRootTAs, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, pErrInfo, "SpcRoot"); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = supHardNtViCertStoreInit(&g_hNtKernelRootStore, g_aSUPNtKernelRootTAs, g_cSUPNtKernelRootTAs, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, pErrInfo, "NtKernelRoot"); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = supHardNtViCertStoreInit(&g_hSpcAndNtKernelRootStore, g_aSUPSpcRootTAs, g_cSUPSpcRootTAs, g_aSUPNtKernelRootTAs, g_cSUPNtKernelRootTAs, g_aSUPTimestampTAs, g_cSUPTimestampTAs, pErrInfo, "SpcAndNtKernelRoot"); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = supHardNtViCertStoreInit(&g_hSpcAndNtKernelSuppStore, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, pErrInfo, "SpcAndNtKernelSupplemental"); #if 0 /* For the time being, always trust the build certificate. It bypasses the timestamp issues of CRT and SDL. */ /* If the build certificate is a test singing certificate, it must be a trusted root or we'll fail to validate anything. */ if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && RTCrX509Name_Compare(&g_BuildX509Cert.TbsCertificate.Subject, &g_BuildX509Cert.TbsCertificate.Issuer) == 0) #else if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) #endif rc = RTCrStoreCertAddEncoded(g_hSpcAndNtKernelRootStore, RTCRCERTCTX_F_ENC_X509_DER, g_abSUPBuildCert, g_cbSUPBuildCert, pErrInfo); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) return VINF_SUCCESS; supHardenedWinTermImageVerifier(); } return rc; } /** * Releases resources allocated by supHardenedWinInitImageVerifier. */ DECLHIDDEN(void) supHardenedWinTermImageVerifier(void) { if (RTCrX509Certificate_IsPresent(&g_BuildX509Cert)) RTAsn1VtDelete(&g_BuildX509Cert.SeqCore.Asn1Core); RTCrStoreRelease(g_hSpcAndNtKernelSuppStore); g_hSpcAndNtKernelSuppStore = NIL_RTCRSTORE; RTCrStoreRelease(g_hSpcAndNtKernelRootStore); g_hSpcAndNtKernelRootStore = NIL_RTCRSTORE; RTCrStoreRelease(g_hNtKernelRootStore); g_hNtKernelRootStore = NIL_RTCRSTORE; RTCrStoreRelease(g_hSpcRootStore); g_hSpcRootStore = NIL_RTCRSTORE; } #ifdef IN_RING3 /** * This is a hardcoded list of certificates we thing we might need. * * @returns true if wanted, false if not. * @param pCert The certificate. */ static bool supR3HardenedWinIsDesiredRootCA(PCRTCRX509CERTIFICATE pCert) { /* * Check that it's a plausible root certificate. */ if (!RTCrX509Certificate_IsSelfSigned(pCert)) return false; if (RTAsn1Integer_UnsignedCompareWithU32(&pCert->TbsCertificate.T0.Version, 3) > 0) { if ( !(pCert->TbsCertificate.T3.fExtKeyUsage & RTCRX509CERT_KEY_USAGE_F_KEY_CERT_SIGN) && (pCert->TbsCertificate.T3.fFlags & RTCRX509TBSCERTIFICATE_F_PRESENT_KEY_USAGE) ) return false; if ( pCert->TbsCertificate.T3.pBasicConstraints && !pCert->TbsCertificate.T3.pBasicConstraints->CA.fValue) return false; } if (pCert->TbsCertificate.SubjectPublicKeyInfo.SubjectPublicKey.cBits < 256) /* mostly for u64KeyId reading. */ return false; /* * Array of names and key clues of the certificates we want. */ static struct { uint64_t u64KeyId; const char *pszName; } const s_aWanted[] = { /* SPC */ { UINT64_C(0xffffffffffffffff), "C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority" }, { UINT64_C(0xffffffffffffffff), "L=Internet, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Commercial Software Publishers CA" }, { UINT64_C(0x491857ead79dde00), "C=US, O=The Go Daddy Group, Inc., OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority" }, /* TS */ { UINT64_C(0xffffffffffffffff), "O=Microsoft Trust Network, OU=Microsoft Corporation, OU=Microsoft Time Stamping Service Root, OU=Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corp." }, { UINT64_C(0xffffffffffffffff), "O=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Time Stamping Service Root, OU=NO LIABILITY ACCEPTED, (c)97 VeriSign, Inc." }, { UINT64_C(0xffffffffffffffff), "C=ZA, ST=Western Cape, L=Durbanville, O=Thawte, OU=Thawte Certification, CN=Thawte Timestamping CA" }, /* Additional Windows 8.1 list: */ { UINT64_C(0x5ad46780fa5df300), "DC=com, DC=microsoft, CN=Microsoft Root Certificate Authority" }, { UINT64_C(0x3be670c1bd02a900), "OU=Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corp., OU=Microsoft Corporation, CN=Microsoft Root Authority" }, { UINT64_C(0x4d3835aa4180b200), "C=US, ST=Washington, L=Redmond, O=Microsoft Corporation, CN=Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 2011" }, { UINT64_C(0x646e3fe3ba08df00), "C=US, O=MSFT, CN=Microsoft Authenticode(tm) Root Authority" }, { UINT64_C(0xece4e4289e08b900), "C=US, ST=Washington, L=Redmond, O=Microsoft Corporation, CN=Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 2010" }, { UINT64_C(0x59faf1086271bf00), "C=US, ST=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O=GoDaddy.com, Inc., CN=Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2" }, { UINT64_C(0x3d98ab22bb04a300), "C=IE, O=Baltimore, OU=CyberTrust, CN=Baltimore CyberTrust Root" }, { UINT64_C(0x91e3728b8b40d000), "C=GB, ST=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=COMODO CA Limited, CN=COMODO Certification Authority" }, { UINT64_C(0x61a3a33f81aace00), "C=US, ST=UT, L=Salt Lake City, O=The USERTRUST Network, OU=http://www.usertrust.com, CN=UTN-USERFirst-Object" }, { UINT64_C(0x9e5bc2d78b6a3636), "C=ZA, ST=Western Cape, L=Cape Town, O=Thawte Consulting cc, OU=Certification Services Division, CN=Thawte Premium Server CA, Email=premium-server@thawte.com" }, { UINT64_C(0xf4fd306318ccda00), "C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust Global CA" }, { UINT64_C(0xa0ee62086758b15d), "C=US, O=Equifax, OU=Equifax Secure Certificate Authority" }, { UINT64_C(0x8ff6fc03c1edbd00), "C=US, ST=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O=Starfield Technologies, Inc., CN=Starfield Root Certificate Authority - G2" }, { UINT64_C(0xa3ce8d99e60eda00), "C=BE, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, OU=Root CA, CN=GlobalSign Root CA" }, { UINT64_C(0xa671e9fec832b700), "C=US, O=Starfield Technologies, Inc., OU=Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority" }, { UINT64_C(0xa8de7211e13be200), "C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Global Root CA" }, { UINT64_C(0x0ff3891b54348328), "C=US, O=Entrust.net, OU=www.entrust.net/CPS incorp. by ref. (limits liab.), OU=(c) 1999 Entrust.net Limited, CN=Entrust.netSecure Server Certification Authority" }, { UINT64_C(0x7ae89c50f0b6a00f), "C=US, O=GTE Corporation, OU=GTE CyberTrust Solutions, Inc., CN=GTE CyberTrust Global Root" }, { UINT64_C(0xd45980fbf0a0ac00), "C=US, O=thawte, Inc., OU=Certification Services Division, OU=(c) 2006 thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=thawte Primary Root CA" }, { UINT64_C(0x9e5bc2d78b6a3636), "C=ZA, ST=Western Cape, L=Cape Town, O=Thawte Consulting cc, OU=Certification Services Division, CN=Thawte Premium Server CA, Email=premium-server@thawte.com" }, { UINT64_C(0x7c4fd32ec1b1ce00), "C=PL, O=Unizeto Sp. z o.o., CN=Certum CA" }, { UINT64_C(0xd4fbe673e5ccc600), "C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA" }, { UINT64_C(0x16e64d2a56ccf200), "C=US, ST=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O=Starfield Technologies, Inc., OU=http://certificates.starfieldtech.com/repository/, CN=Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority" }, { UINT64_C(0x6e2ba21058eedf00), "C=US, ST=UT, L=Salt Lake City, O=The USERTRUST Network, OU=http://www.usertrust.com, CN=UTN - DATACorp SGC" }, { UINT64_C(0xb28612a94b4dad00), "O=Entrust.net, OU=www.entrust.net/CPS_2048 incorp. by ref. (limits liab.), OU=(c) 1999 Entrust.net Limited, CN=Entrust.netCertification Authority (2048)" }, { UINT64_C(0x357a29080824af00), "C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Class3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5" }, { UINT64_C(0x466cbc09db88c100), "C=IL, O=StartCom Ltd., OU=Secure Digital Certificate Signing, CN=StartCom Certification Authority" }, { UINT64_C(0x9259c8abe5ca713a), "L=ValiCert Validation Network, O=ValiCert, Inc., OU=ValiCert Class 2 Policy Validation Authority, CN=http://www.valicert.com/, Email=info@valicert.com" }, { UINT64_C(0x1f78fc529cbacb00), "C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 1999 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Class3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3" }, { UINT64_C(0x8043e4ce150ead00), "C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root CA" }, { UINT64_C(0x00f2e6331af7b700), "C=SE, O=AddTrust AB, OU=AddTrust External TTP Network, CN=AddTrust External CA Root" }, }; uint64_t const u64KeyId = pCert->TbsCertificate.SubjectPublicKeyInfo.SubjectPublicKey.uBits.pu64[1]; uint32_t i = RT_ELEMENTS(s_aWanted); while (i-- > 0) if ( s_aWanted[i].u64KeyId == u64KeyId || s_aWanted[i].u64KeyId == UINT64_MAX) if (RTCrX509Name_MatchWithString(&pCert->TbsCertificate.Subject, s_aWanted[i].pszName)) return true; #ifdef DEBUG_bird char szTmp[512]; szTmp[sizeof(szTmp) - 1] = '\0'; RTCrX509Name_FormatAsString(&pCert->TbsCertificate.Issuer, szTmp, sizeof(szTmp) - 1, NULL); SUP_DPRINTF(("supR3HardenedWinIsDesiredRootCA: %#llx %s\n", u64KeyId, szTmp)); #endif return false; } /** * Called by supR3HardenedWinResolveVerifyTrustApiAndHookThreadCreation to * import selected root CAs from the system certificate store. * * These certificates permits us to correctly validate third party DLLs. * * @param fLoadLibraryFlags The LoadLibraryExW flags that the caller * found to work. Avoids us having to retry on * ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER. */ static void supR3HardenedWinRetrieveTrustedRootCAs(DWORD fLoadLibraryFlags) { uint32_t cAdded = 0; /* * Load crypt32.dll and resolve the APIs we need. */ HMODULE hCrypt32 = LoadLibraryExW(L"\\\\.\\GLOBALROOT\\SystemRoot\\System32\\crypt32.dll", NULL, fLoadLibraryFlags); if (!hCrypt32) supR3HardenedFatal("Error loading 'crypt32.dll': %u", GetLastError()); #define RESOLVE_CRYPT32_API(a_Name, a_pfnType) \ a_pfnType pfn##a_Name = (a_pfnType)GetProcAddress(hCrypt32, #a_Name); \ if (pfn##a_Name == NULL) supR3HardenedFatal("Error locating '" #a_Name "' in 'crypt32.dll': %u", GetLastError()) RESOLVE_CRYPT32_API(CertOpenStore, PFNCERTOPENSTORE); RESOLVE_CRYPT32_API(CertCloseStore, PFNCERTCLOSESTORE); RESOLVE_CRYPT32_API(CertEnumCertificatesInStore, PFNCERTENUMCERTIFICATESINSTORE); #undef RESOLVE_CRYPT32_API /* * Open the root store and look for the certificates we wish to use. */ DWORD fOpenStore = CERT_STORE_OPEN_EXISTING_FLAG | CERT_STORE_READONLY_FLAG; HCERTSTORE hStore = pfnCertOpenStore(CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_W, PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING | X509_ASN_ENCODING, NULL /* hCryptProv = default */, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE | fOpenStore, L"Root"); if (!hStore) hStore = pfnCertOpenStore(CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_W, PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING | X509_ASN_ENCODING, NULL /* hCryptProv = default */, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER | fOpenStore, L"Root"); if (hStore) { PCCERT_CONTEXT pCurCtx = NULL; while ((pCurCtx = pfnCertEnumCertificatesInStore(hStore, pCurCtx)) != NULL) { if (pCurCtx->dwCertEncodingType & X509_ASN_ENCODING) { RTASN1CURSORPRIMARY PrimaryCursor; RTAsn1CursorInitPrimary(&PrimaryCursor, pCurCtx->pbCertEncoded, pCurCtx->cbCertEncoded, NULL /*pErrInfo*/, &g_RTAsn1DefaultAllocator, RTASN1CURSOR_FLAGS_DER, "CurCtx"); RTCRX509CERTIFICATE MyCert; int rc = RTCrX509Certificate_DecodeAsn1(&PrimaryCursor.Cursor, 0, &MyCert, "Cert"); AssertRC(rc); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (supR3HardenedWinIsDesiredRootCA(&MyCert)) { rc = RTCrStoreCertAddEncoded(g_hSpcRootStore, RTCRCERTCTX_F_ENC_X509_DER, pCurCtx->pbCertEncoded, pCurCtx->cbCertEncoded, NULL /*pErrInfo*/); AssertRC(rc); rc = RTCrStoreCertAddEncoded(g_hSpcAndNtKernelRootStore, RTCRCERTCTX_F_ENC_X509_DER, pCurCtx->pbCertEncoded, pCurCtx->cbCertEncoded, NULL /*pErrInfo*/); AssertRC(rc); cAdded++; } RTCrX509Certificate_Delete(&MyCert); } } } pfnCertCloseStore(hStore, CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG); g_fHaveOtherRoots = true; } SUP_DPRINTF(("supR3HardenedWinRetrieveTrustedRootCAs: cAdded=%u\n", cAdded)); } /** * Resolves the WinVerifyTrust API after the process has been verified and * installs a thread creation hook. * * The WinVerifyTrust API is used in addition our own Authenticode verification * code. If the image has the IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_FORCE_INTEGRITY flag * set, it will be checked again by the kernel. All our image has this flag set * and we require all VBox extensions to have it set as well. In effect, the * authenticode signature will be checked two or three times. */ DECLHIDDEN(void) supR3HardenedWinResolveVerifyTrustApiAndHookThreadCreation(void) { # ifdef IN_SUP_HARDENED_R3 /* * Load our the support library DLL that does the thread hooking as the * security API may trigger the creation of COM worker threads (or * whatever they are). * * The thread creation hook makes the threads very slippery to debuggers by * irreversably disabling most (if not all) debug events for them. */ char szPath[RTPATH_MAX]; supR3HardenedPathSharedLibs(szPath, sizeof(szPath) - sizeof("/VBoxSupLib.DLL")); suplibHardenedStrCat(szPath, "/VBoxSupLib.DLL"); HMODULE hSupLibMod = (HMODULE)supR3HardenedWinLoadLibrary(szPath, true /*fSystem32Only*/); if (hSupLibMod == NULL) supR3HardenedFatal("Error loading '%s': %u", szPath, GetLastError()); # endif /* * Resolve it. */ DWORD fFlags = 0; if (g_uNtVerCombined >= SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE(6, 0)) fFlags = LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32; HMODULE hWintrust = LoadLibraryExW(L"\\\\.\\GLOBALROOT\\SystemRoot\\System32\\Wintrust.dll", NULL, fFlags); if ( hWintrust == NULL && fFlags && g_uNtVerCombined < SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE(6, 2) && GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) { fFlags = 0; hWintrust = LoadLibraryExW(L"\\\\.\\GLOBALROOT\\SystemRoot\\System32\\Wintrust.dll", NULL, fFlags); } if (hWintrust == NULL) supR3HardenedFatal("Error loading 'Wintrust.dll': %u", GetLastError()); #define RESOLVE_CRYPT_API(a_Name, a_pfnType, a_uMinWinVer) \ do { \ g_pfn##a_Name = (a_pfnType)GetProcAddress(hWintrust, #a_Name); \ if (g_pfn##a_Name == NULL && (a_uMinWinVer) < g_uNtVerCombined) \ supR3HardenedFatal("Error locating '" #a_Name "' in 'Wintrust.dll': %u", GetLastError()); \ } while (0) PFNWINVERIFYTRUST pfnWinVerifyTrust = (PFNWINVERIFYTRUST)GetProcAddress(hWintrust, "WinVerifyTrust"); if (!pfnWinVerifyTrust) supR3HardenedFatal("Error locating 'WinVerifyTrust' in 'Wintrust.dll': %u", GetLastError()); RESOLVE_CRYPT_API(CryptCATAdminAcquireContext, PFNCRYPTCATADMINACQUIRECONTEXT, 0); RESOLVE_CRYPT_API(CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle, PFNCRYPTCATADMINCALCHASHFROMFILEHANDLE, 0); RESOLVE_CRYPT_API(CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash, PFNCRYPTCATADMINENUMCATALOGFROMHASH, 0); RESOLVE_CRYPT_API(CryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext, PFNCRYPTCATADMINRELEASECATALOGCONTEXT, 0); RESOLVE_CRYPT_API(CryptCATAdminReleaseContext, PFNCRYPTCATDADMINRELEASECONTEXT, 0); RESOLVE_CRYPT_API(CryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext, PFNCRYPTCATCATALOGINFOFROMCONTEXT, 0); RESOLVE_CRYPT_API(CryptCATAdminAcquireContext2, PFNCRYPTCATADMINACQUIRECONTEXT2, SUP_NT_VER_W80); RESOLVE_CRYPT_API(CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle2, PFNCRYPTCATADMINCALCHASHFROMFILEHANDLE2, SUP_NT_VER_W80); /* * Call it on ourselves and ntdll to make sure it loads all the providers * now, we would otherwise geting into recursive trouble in the * NtCreateSection hook. */ # ifdef IN_SUP_HARDENED_R3 RTERRINFOSTATIC ErrInfoStatic; RTErrInfoInitStatic(&ErrInfoStatic); int rc = supR3HardNtViCallWinVerifyTrust(NULL, g_SupLibHardenedExeNtPath.UniStr.Buffer, 0, &ErrInfoStatic.Core, pfnWinVerifyTrust); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) supR3HardenedFatal("WinVerifyTrust failed on stub executable: %s", ErrInfoStatic.szMsg); # endif if (g_uNtVerCombined >= SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE(6, 0)) /* ntdll isn't signed on XP, assuming this is the case on W2K3 for now. */ supR3HardNtViCallWinVerifyTrust(NULL, L"\\SystemRoot\\System32\\ntdll.dll", 0, NULL, pfnWinVerifyTrust); supR3HardNtViCallWinVerifyTrustCatFile(NULL, L"\\SystemRoot\\System32\\ntdll.dll", 0, NULL, pfnWinVerifyTrust); g_pfnWinVerifyTrust = pfnWinVerifyTrust; /* * Now, get trusted root CAs so we can verify a broader scope of signatures. */ supR3HardenedWinRetrieveTrustedRootCAs(fFlags); } static int supR3HardNtViNtToWinPath(PCRTUTF16 pwszNtName, PCRTUTF16 *ppwszWinPath, PRTUTF16 pwszWinPathBuf, size_t cwcWinPathBuf) { static const RTUTF16 s_wszPrefix[] = L"\\\\.\\GLOBALROOT"; if (*pwszNtName != '\\' && *pwszNtName != '/') return VERR_PATH_DOES_NOT_START_WITH_ROOT; size_t cwcNtName = RTUtf16Len(pwszNtName); if (RT_ELEMENTS(s_wszPrefix) + cwcNtName > cwcWinPathBuf) return VERR_FILENAME_TOO_LONG; memcpy(pwszWinPathBuf, s_wszPrefix, sizeof(s_wszPrefix)); memcpy(&pwszWinPathBuf[sizeof(s_wszPrefix) / sizeof(RTUTF16) - 1], pwszNtName, (cwcNtName + 1) * sizeof(RTUTF16)); *ppwszWinPath = pwszWinPathBuf; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Calls WinVerifyTrust to verify an PE image. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param hFile File handle to the executable file. * @param pwszName Full NT path to the DLL in question, used for * dealing with unsigned system dlls as well as for * error/logging. * @param fFlags Flags, SUPHNTVI_F_XXX. * @param pErrInfo Pointer to error info structure. Optional. * @param pfnWinVerifyTrust Pointer to the API. */ static int supR3HardNtViCallWinVerifyTrust(HANDLE hFile, PCRTUTF16 pwszName, uint32_t fFlags, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo, PFNWINVERIFYTRUST pfnWinVerifyTrust) { /* * Convert the name into a Windows name. */ RTUTF16 wszWinPathBuf[MAX_PATH]; PCRTUTF16 pwszWinPath; int rc = supR3HardNtViNtToWinPath(pwszName, &pwszWinPath, wszWinPathBuf, RT_ELEMENTS(wszWinPathBuf)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, rc, "Bad path passed to supR3HardNtViCallWinVerifyTrust: rc=%Rrc '%ls'", rc, pwszName); /* * Construct input parameters and call the API. */ WINTRUST_FILE_INFO FileInfo; RT_ZERO(FileInfo); FileInfo.cbStruct = sizeof(FileInfo); FileInfo.pcwszFilePath = pwszWinPath; FileInfo.hFile = hFile; GUID PolicyActionGuid = WINTRUST_ACTION_GENERIC_VERIFY_V2; WINTRUST_DATA TrustData; RT_ZERO(TrustData); TrustData.cbStruct = sizeof(TrustData); TrustData.fdwRevocationChecks = WTD_REVOKE_NONE; /* Keep simple for now. */ TrustData.dwStateAction = WTD_STATEACTION_VERIFY; TrustData.dwUIChoice = WTD_UI_NONE; TrustData.dwProvFlags = 0; if (g_uNtVerCombined >= SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE(6, 0)) TrustData.dwProvFlags = WTD_CACHE_ONLY_URL_RETRIEVAL; else TrustData.dwProvFlags = WTD_REVOCATION_CHECK_NONE; TrustData.dwUnionChoice = WTD_CHOICE_FILE; TrustData.pFile = &FileInfo; HRESULT hrc = pfnWinVerifyTrust(NULL /*hwnd*/, &PolicyActionGuid, &TrustData); if (hrc == S_OK) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; else { /* * Failed. Format a nice error message. */ # ifdef DEBUG_bird __debugbreak(); # endif const char *pszErrConst = NULL; switch (hrc) { case TRUST_E_SYSTEM_ERROR: pszErrConst = "TRUST_E_SYSTEM_ERROR"; break; case TRUST_E_NO_SIGNER_CERT: pszErrConst = "TRUST_E_NO_SIGNER_CERT"; break; case TRUST_E_COUNTER_SIGNER: pszErrConst = "TRUST_E_COUNTER_SIGNER"; break; case TRUST_E_CERT_SIGNATURE: pszErrConst = "TRUST_E_CERT_SIGNATURE"; break; case TRUST_E_TIME_STAMP: pszErrConst = "TRUST_E_TIME_STAMP"; break; case TRUST_E_BAD_DIGEST: pszErrConst = "TRUST_E_BAD_DIGEST"; break; case TRUST_E_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS: pszErrConst = "TRUST_E_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS"; break; case TRUST_E_FINANCIAL_CRITERIA: pszErrConst = "TRUST_E_FINANCIAL_CRITERIA"; break; case TRUST_E_PROVIDER_UNKNOWN: pszErrConst = "TRUST_E_PROVIDER_UNKNOWN"; break; case TRUST_E_ACTION_UNKNOWN: pszErrConst = "TRUST_E_ACTION_UNKNOWN"; break; case TRUST_E_SUBJECT_FORM_UNKNOWN: pszErrConst = "TRUST_E_SUBJECT_FORM_UNKNOWN"; break; case TRUST_E_SUBJECT_NOT_TRUSTED: pszErrConst = "TRUST_E_SUBJECT_NOT_TRUSTED"; break; case TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE: pszErrConst = "TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE"; break; case TRUST_E_FAIL: pszErrConst = "TRUST_E_FAIL"; break; case TRUST_E_EXPLICIT_DISTRUST: pszErrConst = "TRUST_E_EXPLICIT_DISTRUST"; break; } if (pszErrConst) rc = RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_LDRVI_UNSUPPORTED_ARCH, "WinVerifyTrust failed with hrc=%s on '%ls'", pszErrConst, pwszName); else rc = RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_LDRVI_UNSUPPORTED_ARCH, "WinVerifyTrust failed with hrc=%Rhrc on '%ls'", hrc, pwszName); } /* clean up state data. */ TrustData.dwStateAction = WTD_STATEACTION_CLOSE; FileInfo.hFile = NULL; hrc = pfnWinVerifyTrust(NULL /*hwnd*/, &PolicyActionGuid, &TrustData); return rc; } /** * Calls WinVerifyTrust to verify an PE image via catalog files. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param hFile File handle to the executable file. * @param pwszName Full NT path to the DLL in question, used for * dealing with unsigned system dlls as well as for * error/logging. * @param fFlags Flags, SUPHNTVI_F_XXX. * @param pErrInfo Pointer to error info structure. Optional. * @param pfnWinVerifyTrust Pointer to the API. */ static int supR3HardNtViCallWinVerifyTrustCatFile(HANDLE hFile, PCRTUTF16 pwszName, uint32_t fFlags, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo, PFNWINVERIFYTRUST pfnWinVerifyTrust) { SUP_DPRINTF(("supR3HardNtViCallWinVerifyTrustCatFile: hFile=%p pwszName=%ls\n", hFile, pwszName)); /* * Convert the name into a Windows name. */ RTUTF16 wszWinPathBuf[MAX_PATH]; PCRTUTF16 pwszWinPath; int rc = supR3HardNtViNtToWinPath(pwszName, &pwszWinPath, wszWinPathBuf, RT_ELEMENTS(wszWinPathBuf)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, rc, "Bad path passed to supR3HardNtViCallWinVerifyTrustCatFile: rc=%Rrc '%ls'", rc, pwszName); /* * Open the file if we didn't get a handle. */ HANDLE hFileClose = NULL; if (hFile == RTNT_INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || hFile == NULL) { hFile = RTNT_INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; IO_STATUS_BLOCK Ios = RTNT_IO_STATUS_BLOCK_INITIALIZER; UNICODE_STRING NtName; NtName.Buffer = (PWSTR)pwszName; NtName.Length = (USHORT)(RTUtf16Len(pwszName) * sizeof(WCHAR)); NtName.MaximumLength = NtName.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjAttr; InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjAttr, &NtName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL /*hRootDir*/, NULL /*pSecDesc*/); NTSTATUS rcNt = NtCreateFile(&hFile, FILE_READ_DATA | SYNCHRONIZE, &ObjAttr, &Ios, NULL /* Allocation Size*/, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_OPEN, FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE | FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT, NULL /*EaBuffer*/, 0 /*EaLength*/); if (NT_SUCCESS(rcNt)) rcNt = Ios.Status; if (!NT_SUCCESS(rcNt)) return RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, RTErrConvertFromNtStatus(rcNt), "NtCreateFile returned %#x opening '%ls'.", rcNt, pwszName); hFileClose = hFile; } /* * On Windows 8.0 and later there are more than one digest choice. */ rc = VERR_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED; static struct { /** The digest algorithm name. */ const WCHAR *pszAlgorithm; /** Cached catalog admin handle. */ HCATADMIN volatile hCachedCatAdmin; } s_aHashes[] = { { NULL, NULL }, { L"SHA256", NULL }, }; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(s_aHashes); i++) { /* * Another loop for dealing with different trust provider policies * required for successfully validating different catalog signatures. */ bool fTryNextPolicy; uint32_t iPolicy = 0; static const GUID s_aPolicies[] = { DRIVER_ACTION_VERIFY, /* Works with microsoft bits. Most frequently used, thus first. */ WINTRUST_ACTION_GENERIC_VERIFY_V2, /* Works with ATI and other SPC kernel-code signed stuff. */ }; do { /* * Create a context. */ fTryNextPolicy = false; BOOL fRc; HCATADMIN hCatAdmin = ASMAtomicXchgPtr(&s_aHashes[i].hCachedCatAdmin, NULL); if (hCatAdmin) fRc = TRUE; else if (g_pfnCryptCATAdminAcquireContext2) fRc = g_pfnCryptCATAdminAcquireContext2(&hCatAdmin, &s_aPolicies[iPolicy], s_aHashes[i].pszAlgorithm, NULL /*pStrongHashPolicy*/, 0 /*dwFlags*/); else fRc = g_pfnCryptCATAdminAcquireContext(&hCatAdmin, &s_aPolicies[iPolicy], 0 /*dwFlags*/); if (fRc) { SUP_DPRINTF(("supR3HardNtViCallWinVerifyTrustCatFile: hCatAdmin=%p\n", hCatAdmin)); /* * Hash the file. */ BYTE abHash[SUPHARDNTVI_MAX_CAT_HASH_SIZE]; DWORD cbHash = sizeof(abHash); if (g_pfnCryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle2) fRc = g_pfnCryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle2(hCatAdmin, hFile, &cbHash, abHash, 0 /*dwFlags*/); else fRc = g_pfnCryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle(hFile, &cbHash, abHash, 0 /*dwFlags*/); if (fRc) { /* Produce a string version of it that we can pass to WinVerifyTrust. */ RTUTF16 wszDigest[SUPHARDNTVI_MAX_CAT_HASH_SIZE * 2 + 1]; int rc2 = RTUtf16PrintHexBytes(wszDigest, RT_ELEMENTS(wszDigest), abHash, cbHash, RTSTRPRINTHEXBYTES_F_UPPER); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) { SUP_DPRINTF(("supR3HardNtViCallWinVerifyTrustCatFile: cbHash=%u wszDigest=%ls\n", cbHash, wszDigest)); /* * Enumerate catalog information that matches the hash. */ uint32_t iCat = 0; HCATINFO hCatInfoPrev = NULL; do { /* Get the next match. */ HCATINFO hCatInfo = g_pfnCryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash(hCatAdmin, abHash, cbHash, 0, &hCatInfoPrev); if (!hCatInfo) { if (iCat == 0) SUP_DPRINTF(("supR3HardNtViCallWinVerifyTrustCatFile: CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash failed %u\n", GetLastError())); break; } Assert(hCatInfoPrev == NULL); hCatInfoPrev = hCatInfo; /* * Call WinVerifyTrust. */ CATALOG_INFO CatInfo; CatInfo.cbStruct = sizeof(CatInfo); CatInfo.wszCatalogFile[0] = '\0'; if (g_pfnCryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext(hCatInfo, &CatInfo, 0 /*dwFlags*/)) { WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO WtCatInfo; RT_ZERO(WtCatInfo); WtCatInfo.cbStruct = sizeof(WtCatInfo); WtCatInfo.dwCatalogVersion = 0; WtCatInfo.pcwszCatalogFilePath = CatInfo.wszCatalogFile; WtCatInfo.pcwszMemberTag = wszDigest; WtCatInfo.pcwszMemberFilePath = pwszWinPath; WtCatInfo.pbCalculatedFileHash = abHash; WtCatInfo.cbCalculatedFileHash = cbHash; WtCatInfo.pcCatalogContext = NULL; WINTRUST_DATA TrustData; RT_ZERO(TrustData); TrustData.cbStruct = sizeof(TrustData); TrustData.fdwRevocationChecks = WTD_REVOKE_NONE; /* Keep simple for now. */ TrustData.dwStateAction = WTD_STATEACTION_VERIFY; TrustData.dwUIChoice = WTD_UI_NONE; TrustData.dwProvFlags = 0; if (g_uNtVerCombined >= SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_SIMPLE(6, 0)) TrustData.dwProvFlags = WTD_CACHE_ONLY_URL_RETRIEVAL; else TrustData.dwProvFlags = WTD_REVOCATION_CHECK_NONE; TrustData.dwUnionChoice = WTD_CHOICE_CATALOG; TrustData.pCatalog = &WtCatInfo; HRESULT hrc = pfnWinVerifyTrust(NULL /*hwnd*/, &s_aPolicies[iPolicy], &TrustData); SUP_DPRINTF(("supR3HardNtViCallWinVerifyTrustCatFile: WinVerifyTrust => %#x; cat=%ls\n", hrc, CatInfo.wszCatalogFile)); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; else if (hrc == TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE) { /* ignore because it's useless. */ } else if (hrc == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) { /* This is returned if the given file isn't found in the catalog, it seems. */ } else { rc = RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_SUP_VP_WINTRUST_CAT_FAILURE, "WinVerifyTrust failed with hrc=%#x on '%ls' and .cat-file='%ls'.", hrc, pwszWinPath, CatInfo.wszCatalogFile); fTryNextPolicy = (hrc == CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDROOT); } /* clean up state data. */ TrustData.dwStateAction = WTD_STATEACTION_CLOSE; hrc = pfnWinVerifyTrust(NULL /*hwnd*/, &s_aPolicies[iPolicy], &TrustData); Assert(SUCCEEDED(hrc)); } else { rc = RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError()), "CryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext failed: %d [file=%s]", GetLastError(), pwszName); SUP_DPRINTF(("supR3HardNtViCallWinVerifyTrustCatFile: CryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext failed\n")); } iCat++; } while (rc == VERR_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED && iCat < 128); if (hCatInfoPrev != NULL) if (!g_pfnCryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext(hCatAdmin, hCatInfoPrev, 0 /*dwFlags*/)) AssertFailed(); } else rc = RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, rc2, "RTUtf16PrintHexBytes failed: %Rrc", rc); } else rc = RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError()), "CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle[2] failed: %d [file=%s]", GetLastError(), pwszName); if (!ASMAtomicCmpXchgPtr(&s_aHashes[i].hCachedCatAdmin, hCatAdmin, NULL)) if (!g_pfnCryptCATAdminReleaseContext(hCatAdmin, 0 /*dwFlags*/)) AssertFailed(); } else rc = RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError()), "CryptCATAdminAcquireContext[2] failed: %d [file=%s]", GetLastError(), pwszName); iPolicy++; } while ( fTryNextPolicy && iPolicy < RT_ELEMENTS(s_aPolicies)); /* * Only repeat if we've got g_pfnCryptCATAdminAcquireContext2 and can specify the hash algorithm. */ if (!g_pfnCryptCATAdminAcquireContext2) break; if (rc != VERR_LDRVI_NOT_SIGNED) break; } if (hFileClose != NULL) NtClose(hFileClose); return rc; } /** * Initializes g_uNtVerCombined and g_NtVerInfo. * Called from suplibHardenedWindowsMain and suplibOsInit. */ DECLHIDDEN(void) supR3HardenedWinInitVersion(void) { /* * Get the windows version. Use RtlGetVersion as GetVersionExW and * GetVersion might not be telling the whole truth (8.0 on 8.1 depending on * the application manifest). */ OSVERSIONINFOEXW NtVerInfo; RT_ZERO(NtVerInfo); NtVerInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(RTL_OSVERSIONINFOEXW); if (!NT_SUCCESS(RtlGetVersion((PRTL_OSVERSIONINFOW)&NtVerInfo))) { RT_ZERO(NtVerInfo); PPEB pPeb = NtCurrentPeb(); NtVerInfo.dwMajorVersion = pPeb->OSMajorVersion; NtVerInfo.dwMinorVersion = pPeb->OSMinorVersion; NtVerInfo.dwBuildNumber = pPeb->OSPlatformId; } g_uNtVerCombined = SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_COMBINED(NtVerInfo.dwMajorVersion, NtVerInfo.dwMinorVersion, NtVerInfo.dwBuildNumber, NtVerInfo.wServicePackMajor, NtVerInfo.wServicePackMinor); } #endif /* IN_RING3 */